Small town revenge like no other
10 May 2024
Love Lies Bleeding is a bigger, bolder, and more violent follow-up feature for Rose Glass. It literally puts the premise of Thelma & Louise on steroids with a very muscular approach that goes for broke in its ending which, love it or hate it, is to be commended for its audacity. Body horror, romance, and dark comedy are all blended into one distinctive vision.

Kristen Stewart is amazing, awkward and off hand with one of the best dramatic pauses of recent memory. Katy O'Brian has been massively under served by her roles in the big franchises which makes this much more layered performance all the more satisfying. Together, their chemistry is instant and they communicate how badly they want each other so well.

Ed Harris has played a lot of villains so its a real testament to his performance and the writing of the character that this one still stands out. His long haired, bug eating gangster makes for a consistently creepy highlight. Also, Dave Franco does a great job as a spineless abusive husband who's fate is obvious and all the more satisfying because of how he plays it.

Saint Maud definitely wasn't lacking in vision but Rose Glass has really upped her craft here. From its reality manipulating opening scene to the extreme close ups of muscles in action, it's clear that the film will move between extremes as it deftly balances the violence and body horror against an affecting romance that refuses to go for the most obvious outcomes.

The sound design and editing here is so visceral. Gunshots feel scary as they often come out of nowhere and the way scenes can abruptly switch between very different soundscapes keeps you on edge. Clint Mansell's score really matches the song choices for a seamless soundtrack whilst being completely distinct.
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