Review of Horizon Line

Horizon Line (2020)
Fun premise, but too brainless to be watchable
13 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Was there *anyone* connected with this movie who had even the tiniest speck of knowledge about aircraft, piloting, aerodynamics, radio procedures, meteorology or related topics?

The question is purely rhetorical. The obvious answer is "no." Emphatically no.

* Pulling an aircraft out of a steep dive does *not* need increasingly strong pull on the yoke. (In fairness, a great many movies include this same silly Hollywood trope.) The real danger is pulling out too quickly and over-stressing the wings.

* Flying through a storm means going on instruments. There's no mention of this, nor of the *extreme* improbability of someone with "a few flying lessons" being able to do this... even very briefly.

* Trying radio frequencies at random is incredibly unlikely to connect to anyone, especially when you're a long way from land. Aircraft radios are relatively short-range, and there are *many" frequencies.

* The lady is told to sit in the left (pilot's) seat - because this aircraft apparently has dual yokes, but no primary instruments (e.g. Airspeed) on the right (copilot) side. Seriously?

* Apparently, Mauritius has no requirement for commercial pilots to have frequent physical exams. Cancel my charter flight now, please.

* The amateur pilot is told by the expert to climb but "keep it below 20,000 feet" because after that you get "high-altitude sickness." Anyone who's spent any time above, say, 15,000 feet (as I have) knows that things get very wobbly long before you get to 20,000. Cruising at that altitude without oxygen would be absurd.

* And yet, later on the lady pilot manages to climb above the thunderstorm. Clearly, no one connected with the script bothered to check, but thunderstorms tend to top out at 35,000 feet or even higher, far above the service ceiling of this type of aircraft.

* At one point, the lady is flying North by the compass, and decides she needs to go West. So she makes a turn to the *right.* You don't need a pilot's license to see the problem here.

Apart from all these issues, the movie takes an agonizing fifteen minutes to establish the two lead characters - who are both equally shallow (she's a "brand manager") and equally unlikable.

I could go on - listing flaws, that is - but I couldn't go on watching this piece of junk. Take my advice, and don't start.
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