Review of Space Babies

Doctor Who: Space Babies (2024)
Season 1, Episode 1
I freaking loved this episode
15 May 2024
Doctor Who is a silly show. It's always been a silly show. Yes, it can get dark, and it can get scary, and it can get into elaborate mythology, but even when it's doing all that, it is still silly and cheesy and weird.

So I'm not sure why so many people seem to really dislike Space Babies, which is exactly the kind of silly one-off episode that we've seen over and over again. Is it ridiculous? Yes, it is goofy and comical and cute and people run around and there are jokes and babies, and it's clearly not going to be part of whatever elaborate story arc will be introduced this year, but how is any of that a bad thing?

This episode has a lower rating than the very worst episodes of the Capaldi era (like The Zygon Invasion) and I find that just so weird.

Anyway, great episode.
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