Kira Kosarin Saves The Day!
17 May 2024
The Thundermans Return is probably a nostalgia trip for most viewers, but for me it's just a movie as I've never seen any other Thundermans media. That being said I have seen other tv Disney/Nickelodeon movies like Z. O. M. B. I. E. S 1, 2 and 3 as well as Descendants 1 and 2 etc. All of which I really enjoyed.

The Thundermans Return doesn't seem to have the most interesting story, though I guess it is serviceable at least. It instead tries to relay on canned laughter and applause which is just really annoying to be honest. So for me personally the movie doesn't have any of the charm that Descendants or ZOMBIES does. Both of which have more interesting storylines to me at least and are not running a laugh track every 2 seconds.

The casting is by far the best part with the absolutely stunning Kira Kosarin playing Phoebe Thunderman. Jack Griffo plays her twin brother Max. The rest of the cast are not actors I'm familiar with and their characters are unfortunately rather lackluster though this could be due to having their character development in the tv show instead of any of it here in the movie.

The effects are just disappointing with worse Visual and Sound effects then you would find in Descendants 1 or ZOMBIES 1 both of which are much older movies. In fact you could definitely find better VFX done on youtube, to see this on an actual movie is just sad.

Overall I give the movie a 6/10. The storyline is boring and honestly is not worth mentioning. The casting is okay overall though none of the acting is any good, this could just be due to the poor story and lack of material for the actors though. I did enjoy Max and Phoebe's performances however. The VFX and SFX was just all around disappointing. I would have given the movie a 4/10 but Kira Kosarin is absolutely gorgeous and gets +2 stars just for being in the film.

I wouldn't recommend this film generally, unless you are a Thundermans fan and/or are coming from the TV Show. My review is rather critical but I am judging it purely on itself as I have not seen the TV Show or any other Thundermans media.
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