Review of Vice Versa

Vice Versa (1988)
An Entertaining "Soul Transference" Comedy
17 May 2024
This film begins in Thailand with a department store executive by the name of "Marshall" (Judge Reinhold) and a female colleague named "Sam" (Corinne Bohrer) looking for exotic items that they can possibly sell for a profit back in the United States. To that effect, Marshall finds a porcelain vase and proceeds to buy over a hundred of them in the expectation that their markup price will yield a huge profit. Meanwhile, some smugglers have managed to illegally acquire a rare and extremely valuable skull-shaped religious object which, on the black market, would be worth a fortune. It's during this time that one of the smugglers named "Turk" (David Proval) learns that Marshall has been preapproved to have his vase sent through customs and, being the crafty person that he is, Turk substitutes the valuable religious device for the vase so that they both objects make it into the United States without any problem. Then, once in the United States, Turk's boss "Tina" (Swoosie Kurtz) calls Marshall and arranges to give him the vase for the religious object. As expected, Marshall readily agrees as he needs the vase to show to his supervisor "Avery" (William Prince) at the next board meeting. Unfortunately, not long after talking to Tina, Marshall and his preteen son "Charlie" (Fred Savage) get into a heated argument and accidentally energize the exotic object which transfers their identities from one to another--and this is just the beginning of their problems. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that I found this to be one of the better comedies involving soul transference with both Judge Reinhold and Fred Savage putting in rather solid performances. Slightly better, in my opinion, than the film "Like Father, Like Son" which was produced a year before. In any case, while I don't consider this to be an outstanding comedy by any means, it was a pleasant way to spend 90 minutes or so, and I have rated it accordingly. Slightly above average.
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