From Soup to Nuts (1928) Poster

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Miss Anita Garvin, courtesy of E. Livingston Kennedy
wmorrow597 March 2002
From Soup to Nuts is an amusing two-reel comedy that many Laurel & Hardy fans regard with special fondness, thanks largely to the performance of Anita Garvin, a gifted comedienne who never received the recognition she deserved. Barely in her 20s when this film was made, Miss Garvin was given the plum assignment of playing the socially ambitious Mrs. Culpepper, "idol to the snobs," a classic New Money hostess -- in a tiara, no less -- who throws the sort of dinner party designed to show the world that the Culpeppers Have Arrived. The source of the recently-acquired Culpepper fortune is never revealed, but one look at Mr. Culpepper (6 ft. 5 in. "Tiny" Sandford) suggests that bootleg gin or perhaps concrete might be involved.

But where any number of other actresses might phone in a pompous Society Lady role such as this one, Anita Garvin shows us the insecurity under the pose, flashing quick nervous looks at her guests as if to say, "Am I doing this right? Or do they suspect I'm a fraud?" In a highly appropriate running gag, the lady's tiara keeps slipping down her forehead and falling over her eyes. Garvin is seen to best advantage during the extended, genuinely funny sequence in which she attempts to retrieve a stray cherry that rolls off her fruit cocktail and becomes stubbornly lodged under the rim of the sundae glass. At first, she tries to maintain proper decorum, but eventually becomes so involved in pursuing the wayward cherry that all pretense of refinement slips away. But any hope of dignity is a lost cause anyhow, since by that time hired butlers Laurel & Hardy have turned the party into a fiasco.

Stan and Ollie have an ideal comic premise to work with here: we know from the start that they're going to ruin this party, but, considering the host and hostess, what better party to ruin? A highlight comes when Stan misunderstands an order to serve the salad "undressed," and, reluctantly, strips down to his skivvies before bringing it in. (Today, this gag would be played without the skivvies, perhaps by Adam Sandler in a G-string; does that mean we're more sophisticated, or less?) Dishes are broken, soup is spilled, cakes are ruined, seams are split, and ultimately Mrs. Culpepper, "idol of the snobs," hauls off and belts Ollie, decorum be damned. In the end, I believe, her roots are showing.

An interesting footnote to this film: it was one of only two Laurel & Hardy comedies to be directed by "E. Livingston Kennedy," better known as Edgar, the boys' frequent nemesis in such films as Bacon Grabbers and Perfect Day. His venture into directing was brief, but the results are so felicitous (this was followed by You're Darn Tootin', a genuine L&H classic) that one wishes he could have worked behind the camera more often.
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Likable early Laurel and Hardy short.
Prichards123453 May 2006
"Endearing" is what springs to mind on viewing this early Stan and Ollie entry. Sure the jokes are as hoary as hell these days, but they're funny anyway. 78 years old at the time of writing this may be, but the sight of Ollie buried in a giant cake for the umpteenth time is simply irresistible. Edgar Kennedy directed it, and threw a few unusual shots into the mixture. Stan does his "Salad Undressed" routine. And as for Anita Garvin? All I can say is that it was love at first sight! Delectable and funny, she almost steals the film from the boys. Upon viewing the chaos surrounding the dinner party it is certainly apparent why the keeping of servants was no longer so fashionable!

Social comment? No, merely the boys having fun.
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"Please serve the salad without dressing"
weezeralfalfa2 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
My review title for this silent comedy short consists of a directive given by Mrs. Culpepper(Anita Garvin) to Oliver Hardy, who transmitted it to Stan Laurel to carry out. You can bet Laurel is going to misinterpret this to mean that he's supposed to serve in his underwear, which he attempts to do, to the shock of everyone, and especially Mrs. Culpepper, who socks Hardy, who destroys his 3rd cake by falling on it. Besides the cake destruction, there are several other running gags. Periodically, the Mrs.'s loose-fitting tiara(I don't know what else to call it)falls down off her forehead to cover her face, as if she's at a masquerade party. Also, she is repeatedly shown having difficulty scooping up or stabbing her cherries in her fruit dish. Unlike her husband, she's intent on appearing to be a member of the sophisticated upper crust, and these quirks don't help. Neither does the clumsy actions of L&H.......In 2 of Hardy's mishaps with cakes, he supposedly slips on a banana peel: a common excuse for people falling in comedies of this period. Some question whether this reflects any reality in danger. According to a 2001 UK report, there were at least 300 banana-related injuries that year in the UK. However, I don't have the stats on how many were caused by slipping on the peels. Other information suggests that the peels are most likely to be a hazard if they have been around for several days, and have gotten slimy. Also, massed peels are more dangerous than single ones. Finally, slip-resistant soles are much more common today, at least for men, than 100 years ago, and throwing the peels on the sidewalk or floor is now much more a no no than back in those days.. In the kitchen, Hardy reminds Laurel to remove his hat, which he does, but then chastises the cook for wearing a hat. Laurel takes it off for him, this being repeated several times, until the war escalates to breaking dishes over the other fellow's head. Incidentally, the kitchen maid was played by knockout blond Edna Marion. Anita Garvin, who played Mrs. Culpepper, was also a striking beauty. Hardy confides in a man, who's actually her husband, that she's "quite a wiggler". ........I don't agree with the claim by one reviewer that Laurel and Hardy were not yet a functioning team.........A decade later, near the beginning of "Chumps at Oxford", a rather similar scene is enacted, with Laurel playing a maid. However, it's much shorter than the present rendition, and not nearly as funny, to me........See it at YouTube.
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CuriosityKilledShawn9 January 2005
Well, obviously a silent film from 1928 is going to be old-fashioned but I mean the humor isn't all that funny anymore. Slipping on banana skins? (Has anyone really ever done that?) Falling into cream cakes? Who eats these cream cakes?

In this one L & H are waiters employed for a swanky dinner party. Would you trust them to not cause chaos? And that is exactly what happens. There are some laughs and some moments of good physical comedy but it's not a classic.

It was later remade (better and funnier) as an extended opening to their 1940 movie A Chump at Oxford.
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Pretty Good Laurel & Hardy Short
Snow Leopard17 May 2004
This is a pretty good Laurel and Hardy short comedy - it's not as creative as their very best features, but it's definitely enjoyable, and it contains some good gags. The main thing that keeps it from being better is that in "From Soup To Nuts" you not only see most of the gags coming, but there are few surprises in how they play out. In their best comedies, you often don't know what's going to happen next.

The setup has Stanley and Oliver as waiters hired for a lavish dinner party in the home of a rich couple. There is plenty of good material in the setting, and most of the comedy ideas are funny enough in themselves. Anita Garvin also helps out quite a bit as the hostess, and she has a couple of running gags of her own. As with most Laurel and Hardy features, you can watch this more than once and still be amused at their antics.
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Most of the things just don't work anymore
rbverhoef28 April 2003
I always enjoy to watch the classic comedy movies from Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton and Laurel & Hardy. With most of those movies it is too bad that the jokes don't work anymore. That is also the case with 'From Soup to Nuts'. I enjoyed it, but I laughed only once. That laugh was near the end where they must serve a salad without the dressing (in this short Laurel & Hardy are waiters). I think you will know what the laugh was. There are some other funny moments, but not funny enough to really laugh. If you like the classic shorts you will like this one as well but don't expect too much.
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And from nuts to nuttier!
Boba_Fett113821 November 2006
Definitely not the best silent Laurel & Hardy comedy short but like all Laurel & Hardy movies; it's all very enjoyable to watch.

The premise of the movie is simple (like it should be in a Laurel & Hardy movie) and relies on the mishaps of the two boys as inexperienced and of course very clumsy waiters, at a fancy dinner party and of course things go from nuts to nuttier, as the movie progresses.

The movie does has its tiresome, usual stretched out comical moments but some original well placed and timed humor as well, that was later also 'reused' in multiple other Laurel & Hardy movies. It doesn't make this movie one of the most hilarious ones but definitely one of the most defining and typical Laurel & Hardy comedy shorts. The movie is directed by Edgar Kennedy, who as an actor also starred along side with Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy together in multiple of their comedy films, before and after this movie.

In this case the movie definitely would had been a better one had it been a 'talkie' but alas, it doesn't mean that the overall end result is disappointing. This movie has plenty of entertaining slapstick humor to offer, that will surely shall please the fans.

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From Soup to Nuts
JoeytheBrit4 June 2009
As others have commented, this isn't one of the boys best, but it is probably on a par (if not better) than anything they had done individually up to that point in their careers. The set-up is simple: Stan and Ollie are a pair of hapless (what else?) waiters employed to serve food at a swank dinner party. Of course chaos ensues as Ollie repeatedly falls head first into a gigantic cake after slipping on a banana skin, and Stan takes the instruction to serve the salad without dressing literally. Some of the gags are a little repetitive, but there's enough quality here to see why Hal Roach decided to keep the boys together. The film was pretty much remade (together with elements from Another Fine Mess) to provide an extended prologue to the European version of 1939's A Chump at Oxford.
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"Phone the bakery, and order another cake!"
mark.waltz12 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
So said Mrs. Stan Laurel in the 1933 comedy short "Twice Two". Of course, Mrs. Laurel in that classic was actually Oliver Hardy in drag. Had Anita Garvin played the role she plays here in a talkie, she would have had to have say it it three times as each time Oliver brings out a cake, he slips on a banana peel, landing head first each time. it is with apologies from an employment agency that Laurel and Hardy are assigned as waiters for a high-society party where nervous hostess Ms. Garvin has enough of an issue trying to figure out what spoon to use for her fruit salad let alone the sloppy service she will get from these two clods. It's obvious between her and her husband that they are nouveau-riche and have no idea how to throw a high society function, and that is made worse by the presence of the help.

There's really no plot, just a series of visual gags that gets funnier and funnier, starting off with Garvin's tiara continuously slipping down her head and covering her eyes. She deserves credit for making that character stand out, and having read her biography in a series of interviews with veteran character actors, it's apparent that she had a ball working with Laurel and Hardy as well as the dozens of shorts she made each year.

While you almost expect the classic Mack Sennett pie fight here, that never happens, and it really doesnt matter because everything here is choreographed so perfectly that it's like a ballet where everything that can go wrong does, even if the dancers know how to step around each potential disaster. It's all topped off with Stan's undressed salad, a classic gag that still creates giant guffaws over 90 years later.
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From Soup to Nuts marks Laurel & Hardy's first encounter with High Society
tavm30 March 2023
This seems to be the earliest time that Stan Laurel & Ollver Hardy have had to encounter High Society as they are employed as waiters in a mansion in From Soup to Nuts. Because they hadn't been in this particular environment before, it's expected they wouldn't know how to behave in front of certain people. So, of course, disaster happens! There's also a young society lady played by Anita Garvin who keeps having trouble with a grape and her tiara, sometimes at the same time! Besides some of the food gags (as well as hat and plate ones), there's also Stan's taking some things literally which you'll get when you watch this as I just did on YouTube. So on that note, From Soup to Nuts is a fine L & H short directed by Edgar Kennedy, who's usually cast as their antagonist though not here. Next, I'll review Stan & Ollie's next encounter with the rich in Another Fine Mess.
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From Soup to Nuts
jboothmillard7 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy are the most famous comedy duo in history, and deservedly so, so I am happy to see any of their films. Basically newly rich Mrs. Culpepper (A Chump at Oxford's Anita Garvin) has planned a big dinner party, eager to make a good impression in high society, but her husband (Tiny Sandford) is less enthusiastic, as she has learn more society ways. Worse is to come as they have hired short notice waiters, Stan and Ollie of course, and they turn out to be clumsy and pretty inexperienced. Ollie gets his face into a big cream cake not once, but three times, and Stan serves the salad undressed, no, literally, this joke also appeared in A Chump at Oxford. Filled with good slapstick and all classic comedy you want from a black and white film, it is an enjoyable silent film. Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy were number 7 on The Comedians' Comedian. Worth watching!
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A fine show
Leofwine_draca9 December 2022
FROM SOUP TO NUTS is one of the classic silent shorts featuring the boys playing waiters at a swanky dinner party with high class guests. Of course, everything that could go wrong does end up going wrong, from obvious slapstick (the classic cream pie to the face sketch is repeated constantly) to classic misunderstandings and bizarro situations. While the boys are on top form as ever here, what I really liked was the characterisation of the other players. The scene with the lady trying to get the cherry on her spoon is utterly delightful and on par with the established players. Altogether a fine show.
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Guess who's coming to dinner
TheLittleSongbird13 August 2018
Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy were comedic geniuses, individually and together, and their partnership was deservedly iconic and one of the best there was. They left behind a large body of work, a vast majority of it being entertaining to classic comedy, at their best they were hilarious and their best efforts were great examples of how to do comedy without being juvenile or distasteful.

While not classic Laurel and Hardy, later films, short and feature, had stronger chemistry when fully formed and used their considerable talents better, 'From Soup to Nuts' is a lot of fun. Before, Laurel was much funnier and more interesting while Hardy in most of the previous outings had too little to do. 'From Soup to Nuts', along with 'Leave Em Laughing' and 'The Finishing Touch', is one of their first very good efforts, to me it's easily one of their best at this point of their careers and one of the first, along with the two mentioned above, to feel like a Laurel and Hardy short rather than a short featuring them.

'From Soup to Nuts' is slight and it affects the pace slightly of the early stages.

A few gags are a bit repetitive and old-fashioned, like slipping on bananas.

Laurel however is very funny, and sometimes hilarious. It is wonderful seeing Hardy having more to do and he is on Laurel's level and actually even funnier. The chemistry is certainly much more here than in previous outings of theirs, namely because there's more of them together and it was starting to feel like a partnership. Support is nice, particularly from Anita Garvin who actually steals the show.

Both Laurel and Hardy have great moments, Laurel's salad routine is classic and Hardy with the cake is fun too.

A good deal of the humour is well timed, hugely energetic and very funny if not always hilarious, with everything going at a lively pace and there is a lot of charm and good nature to keep one going. 'From Soup to Nuts' looks quite good still with some interesting shots.

In summary, a lot of fun. 8/10 Bethany Cox
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NOT really a Laurel and Hardy film
planktonrules8 February 2007
While this technically IS a Laurel and Hardy film, to me it is more of a film that just happens to have both the actors in the same film. Many of their earlier films just didn't have much chemistry between them and the familiar relationship between the boys just isn't right! Normally, Stan and Ollie were friends and despite their problems, you knew they really cared about each other. However, here they both come to a fancy party as fill-in help but just because they come in together, they really don't seem like pals and there is little character development. Plus, the behaviors of Stanley in particular just seem bizarre and he takes too many pratfalls. So the bottom line is that the chemistry just isn't right between them and the film is very unfamiliar in mood or humor.

Despite these weaknesses, this is an interesting film from a historical point of view. The problem is, it just isn't funny. A great example of this is the repeated scene where a female party guest is trying to eat a grape. As she tries to scoop it up with a spoon, it keeps eluding her. Again and again and again they cut back to this as if it was somehow funny or clever. It wasn't.
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Not one of their most known and rightfully so
Horst_In_Translation10 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
"From Soup to Nuts" is an American black-and-white short film from 1928, so this one is already way over 90 years old and the director is Edgar Kennedy who worked on several occasions with Laurel and Hardy and the writer is Leo McCarey and there needs not much to be said about this 3-time Academy Award winner. So yeah this one here runs for a bit under 20 minutes and it is from the comedy duo's earlier days, still a silent movie regardless of how many sound effects and music you may hear. And also don't be fooled by the poster in color. The cast here do not really strike me as Stan and Ollie regulars, but if they are not, then the action still is the usual from them, sadly it is really all about the slapstick and the duo cannot truly use their acting talent this time. This may be a reason why it is nowhere near the most known Laurel and Hardy films, not even nowhere nearf their most known short films. And with the "usual" I mean breaking dishes, food dights and people constantly falling to the ground. It may have been fun to watch as a stage show live somewhere, but here on the screen it wasn't a memorable movie by any means and among the most forgettable I have seen from the two. It is not a failure I mean, but yeah I guess you really need to be a hardcore fan to see the value in this one. I would say it has aged considerably weaker than a lot of the other stuff Laurel and Hardy made during their really long careers. So yeah I give it a thumbs-down and also in terms of the plot, it is mostly a disappointment, if you could even say there was a plot.
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From Soup to Nuts
Prismark1012 March 2022
This Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy silent short suffers from too many repeated sight gags in its 20 minutes running time.

They are hired at the last minutes as waiters for a swanky dinner party.

Only for Stan and Ollie are not good enough waiters. Ollie manages to repeatedly slip up with a giant cream cake.

Stan has no idea what a salad without dressing is.

It is notable to see Laurel and Hardy in their silent days. Gauge how their slapstick developed in later years when the talkies arrived.
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Laurel and Hardy
Michael_Elliott10 March 2008
From Soup to Nuts (1928)

*** (out of 4)

Laurel and Hardy are waiters to a rich party but havoc begins as they start to serve the food. This is a delightful short that doesn't have too much going for it other than the boys falling into the food but this here is quite funny especially Hardy and the cake.

Another Fine Mess (1930)

*** (out of 4)

Laurel and Hardy, being chased by the police, enter a mansion and assume the identity of the owner and maid. This is a very funny short with highlights including Laurel going from the butler to the maid in a matter of minute to the best moment at the end of the film in a horse outfit.
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Some Wiggler
Sycotron19 August 2004
"Some wiggler huh?" Oliver Hardy says while both he and Stan Laurel ogle Anita Garvin's swaying backside (and quite an ogle inducing backside it is).

Quite refreshing to see a pre-code comedy that shows that men were not indifferent to female charms despite what most films from 1935 to 1950-something would have us believe. Nothing smutty like you would see today. Just an appreciation of the female form in all it's glory.

And besides, it's Laurel & Hardy.

d:) d:)
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