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Battle of Britain pilots as extras
fkba159897 July 2006
This film could be unique in that the aircrew "extras" in the film who "Scrambled" during the Battle of Britain scenes were all pilots who had actually flown in the Battle of Britain.

I know this because at the end of 1941 I was stationed at 61 (Spitfire) Operational Training Unit at Heston (now part of Heathrow airport) and was billeted in Meadow Way Heston. My roommate was a Flight Sergeant I Hutchinson who was on "rest" from operational flying as the Maintenance Wing test pilot and was one of the "extras" in the film.

My recollection is that he had to be up at crack of dawn and was seldom free before about 2200 hours. On the other hand, his base was the Savoy Hotel!

To be a Flight Sergeant in 1941 meant you had been an airman pilot for quite some time and consequently had a lot of experience. I see from the Battle of Britain Roll of Honour that, thankfully, F Sgt Hutchinson survived the war.

He gave me my one and only flight in a single engined monoplane - a Miles Master - and I still recall that experience with great pleasure.

FAG KAY 33 Marchmont Rd Richmond Surrey TW10 6HQ
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A Bird That Spits out Fire and Destruction
bkoganbing10 November 2005
The development of the Spitfire fighter plane by the Royal Air Force is considered a crucial factor in winning the Battle of Britain in that crisis year of 1941. It could fly faster and higher than the best German fighters and of course being right at home base it had the advantage of being able to instantly refuel. Unless a German pilot could shoot one down, a tie was always to the defenders because the German eventually had to return home for fuel.

Though he didn't live to see it, credit for the design of the Spitfire and a share of winning the Battle of Britain goes to Reginald J. Mitchell who had been dead four years before the Battle of Britain. This film is a tribute to him as realized by Producer/Director/Star Leslie Howard.

The problem one encounters in biographical films of this sort occurs when the subject lead colorless lives. We don't get that much of Mitchell here I suspect because outside of designing aircraft he probably was a pretty dull fellow. But Howard and David Niven who played his friend and test pilot are capable players and there's enough aerial footage to satisfy any buff.

Howard's seminal moment in the film occurs when he goes to Germany to view their nascent airplane industry and realizes just who is the target of all these new warplanes. He comes back and through sheer persistence and conviction persuades the Air Ministry and the Baldwin government to start the development of a better fighter plane.

Curiously enough the American aviator hero Charles Lindbergh got the same treatment from the Germans and came back to America with a message of defeatism. Interesting the different reactions when aviation people start talking shop.

Had Leslie Howard not died ironically enough a battlefield casualty as the airliner he was on shot down in 1943 in the Bay of Biscay, The First of the Few might have been the beginning of a great career behind the camera. Probably would have extended into British television as well as the cinema.

Still this film is a fine farewell and a tribute to two British patriots, Leslie Howard and Reginald J. Mitchell.
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Propaganda, but wonderful propaganda
barrowa27 May 2006
'The First of the Few' relates the story of the development of the Supermarine Spitfire by R.J.Mitchell, although as almost anyone who knows anything about the 'Battle of Britain' will tell you, around 70% of the Royal Air Force's front line fighters were Hawker Hurricanes. Slower, but a more stable and resilient gun platform than the Spitfire. In the Battle of Britain (fought in the summer of 1940) the Royal Air Force deployed the Hurricanes against bombers, while the more agile Spitfires engaged their fighter escorts. The Hurricane was designed by Sydney Camm (1893-1966) who designed many post-war jet aircraft including the Hawker Hunter - maybe someone should make a film of his life. An uncle of mine was an ace with 6 kills to his credit, flying a Hurricane from Malta. His aircraft was short down by British anti-aircraft fire on 29-12-1941. No, there's nothing new about friendly fire. William Walton's music also makes a great contribution to the film, and is now rightly (popular as the 'Spitfire Prelude and Fugue')in the concert hall.
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fine swansong for Leslie Howard
didi-521 July 2004
This movie, a biopic of R.J. Mitchell, inventor of the Spitfire plane, saw the final appearance of that great British actor, Leslie Howard, who died in 1943 when his plane was shot down by the Germans. It was a fitting finale that one of his best roles, as the idealistic dreamer Mitchell, was his last.

Equally good (but perhaps a little young for the role) is David Niven as Mitchell's close pal Crisp. Niven was always good value and was convincing in uniform or official roles. Rosamund John has the remaining plum part as Mrs Mitchell, and plays the part very well.

'The First of the Few' works as propaganda, as an involving war actioner, and as a character study of an eccentric inventive mind. Howard's skill as a director ensures all angles are adequately covered and that the viewer is rarely bored. Dated it may be (and obviously so given the date of production) but should still appeal to a wide and discerning audience.
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Biopic of Spitfire Designer
rmax30482321 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Leslie Howard is R. J. Mitchell, the man who. with the help of his friend (David Niven) and the support of his wife (Rosamund John), designed the speedy monoplanes that won the Schneider Trophy in the 1920s and who later designed the superb British fighter, the Spitfire.

In a modern biography, Mitchell would have to be beset by inner demons, which he would then have to conquer in order to succeed -- maybe booze, mental illness, satyriasis, or the heartbreak of eczema. But in 1942, the story couldn't be fitted into the usual Procrustean bed.

Mitchell's only problem is that he discovers Germany's desire to conquer the known world and works himself to death inventing the airplane that will contribute to the failure of their plans.

At one point, his doctor informs him with brutal candor that he either must give up his work and take a long vacation -- at least a year -- or he has only a few months left to live. (Oh, how I wish some doctor had told ME that. Or given me some other set of Aesculapian orders that would be easy to follow -- "Stay in bed for a year and drink plenty of fluids.") But the doctor is barking up the wrong tree. Mitchell's problem is that he has a Calvinist "calling." In designed the Spitfire he is fulfilling God's plan. The first mate of the Pequod, Starbuck, tried to tell Captain Ahab about all this in "Moby Dick." It was one thing to be a zealous whaler. By providing society with whale oil and ambergris they were doing a service to mankind and carrying out God's will, but Ahab's obsession with the White Whale was personal, and therefore blasphemous. No such problem with Mitchell and the Spitfire.

And what an airplane Mitchell came up with! Oh, it had its weaknesses, couldn't dive abruptly, but when it came to appearances the Spitfire was more than a match for its adversary, the Bf 109. The thin wings were long, wide, and elliptical, like a bird's soaring. And its sleek nose ended in a bullet-shaped spinner. And it was a beauty to fly, quick and nimble, reluctant to stall out. Unlike many fighters of World War II its design suggested not so much power as elegance and grace.

You don't actually get to learn much about the airplane though. You get to learn a lot about R. J. Mitchell, his friends, and his devotion to a cause. It's more of a flag waver than a broad topical study. How could it be otherwise in a 1942 British war movie? Leslie Howard, who looked and acted so English, was of Hungarian ancestry. He had a hand in every department of this film. He directed it himself, and it was his last film effort. His plane was lost over the sea a short time later.

The movie must have meant a lot to wartime audiences. It could profitably be shown today in many high school and college classes because today's students tend to be so ahistorical that they get everything mixed up. When Barbara Tuchman ("The Guns of August") gave a guest lecture at a large Midwestern university on the causes of World War I, a student congratulated her for enlightening him. He'd always wondered why the other was called World War II.
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Poor history
Qanqor28 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this movie reasonably well while watching it. It was afterward that my disappointment rose.

In some sense, I suppose the movie was a victim of its own success: by successfully sparking in me an interest in its protagonist, R. J. Mitchell, it drove me to do a little reading up on the real-life story of Mr. Mitchell, and unfortunately, the gap between the movie Mitchell and the real Mitchell is rather too wide for my taste. In particular, some of the most compelling parts of the movie story just never happened.

So, in actuality, Mitchell never went to Germany, never met Messerschmitt, never encountered strutting Nazi bluster that galvanized him to devote his life to developing a superior fighter plane for the British with which they could meet the Nazi threat. Actually, he was working on fighter aircraft design back in 1931, two years before the Nazi's assumed power in Germany.

What's more, the real Mitchell did *not* work himself to death on the Spitfire. The unspoken affliction which ultimately consumed him was actually cancer-- which no amount of rest was going to cure. So he did *not* deliberately choose to sacrifice his life for the cause. Yes, he did keep working during his illness, which is certainly heroic and praiseworthy. But it's a *far* cry from what the movie depicts.

It's a pity, because I think the real Mitchell's story was interesting enough all by itself to make a good movie out of, without manufacturing lies. Still, it was an entertaining movie, and most of the broad outlines of the history seem to be reasonably accurate. The print I saw was creaky and antique, with poor picture quality and sound (I *still* don't know what the offensive sign on the yacht said, since I could neither read it nor make out the dialog around it), but I won't take off points for that. I could've given the film seven or eight stars had it been accurate, but all the lies take it down to a six.
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Niven plays Flynn, Howard rules OK
Igenlode Wordsmith8 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
David Niven is definitely channelling old friend Errol Flynn here, in the role of the irrepressible Geoffrey Crisp! One assumes the part was created to afford a little feminine light relief, since the central character is -- inconveniently for the standard narrative curve -- already happily married as a young man when we first meet him, and omits to look elsewhere... At any rate, Niven-as-narrator is a charming scamp, and refreshingly the plot refrains from taking the obvious path of marrying him off to his 'snapdragon', R.J.Mitchell's formidable secretary Miss Harper. The relationship between the two eventually softens in their mutual affection for Mitchell, but never becomes romantic.

But it is Leslie Howard in the central role who undoubtedly owns the film; perhaps unsurprisingly, given that he is credited as both director and producer, but it is a typical 'quiet' performance that effortlessly overshadows Niven's endearing antics. As one bemused company director remarks after an encounter with the character's unassuming forcefulness, "But I thought you said he was *shy*..?"

The decision to open the film with extended sequences of anti-British propaganda sourced from Britain's enemies -- from Goebbels to Lord Haw-Haw -- is a striking one, and more effective than any tendentious rhetoric on "The last Bastion of Liberty" in establishing the concept of an existential threat. The riposte is made chiefly by a montage of quintessentially English images; 'this is what we are fighting for'. And the context is set in the Battle of Britain, with an overworked handful of pilots and Spitfires flying again and again against vastly outnumbering waves of attackers.

It is not, however, really a 'war' picture. If anything it is a biography of the Spitfire as much as of its designer, and the story effectively ends pre-war in 1938, with the commissioning of the first planes. If it has a fault, it is that I felt the film was perhaps a little didactic, an instructional piece of history rather than an emotionally engaging human drama; we witness Mitchell's career frustrations and achievements (oddly, it is never made clear just why Crisp blacked out with almost fatal results in that early seaplane competition; one would assume it was from the hitherto unexpected g-forces produced by banking at such record speeds, but the issue, subsequently a well-known fighter pilot phenomenon, is simply dropped unexplained)... but it is only at the end of the story, where Mitchell in effect deliberately sacrifices his own chances of survival in order to get the Spitfire design finished, that we are actually drawn into the tensions of the tale rather than merely observing. The enclosing narrative device is clever in that Mitchell's fate is left carefully ambiguous at the start; since neither the contemporary audience nor modern viewers are likely to be familiar with the history of this 'back-room' figure, the ultimate outcome remains 'up for grabs', as it were, and the hero's choice an active one until the end.

Rosamund John provides effective support as loyal wife Diana, despite the absence of conflict between them to provide a cheap motor for their scenes together (particularly memorable is a scene in the kitchen where Diana has to reinforce her husband's faltering resolution to maintain his integrity at the cost of his employment... while trying to get him to chop the parsley!) Scenes in pre-war Germany are handled with a light touch that distinguishes the German pilots and designers from the politicians responsible for their deployment, and with an ironic comedy that recalls "Pimpernel Smith", Leslie Howard's earlier potent propaganda vehicle. Script writer and ubiquitous character actor Miles Malleson can be glimpsed in a typical cameo role, and David Niven, while always entertaining, shades his character towards maturity while representing a whole generation of ex-WWI flyers who found themselves cast adrift at the end of hostilities. It was the ending, with his now-middleaged RAF officer taking to the air in person and then pursuing the German pilot who had shot down one of his squadron-mates. that I found a little trite.

But the final imagery, as the Spitfires fly away from the camera into an opening canyon of gilded cloud, is magical, aided by William Walton's soaring music.

Overall I enjoyed and would recommend the film, but felt it not to be entirely the dramatic equal of the other test-pilot picture with which I always confuse it, David Lean's 1952 "The Sound Barrier", nor of Howard's previous wartime excursion "Pimpernel Smith". It is undoubtedly a pity, however, that Leslie Howard's directorial career was cut short by enemy action; in his choice to serve his country in wartime cinema rather than pursue a Hollywood career, he proved himself to be a weapon of considerable effectiveness, and it is ironic in the context of this film that, as in the case of R.J.Mitchell, it proved to be a choice that may well have cost him his own life. As a swansong, the role is poignant but also appropriate.
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unsung heroes
info4inglis29 August 2005
The film was shot at Ibsley (now no longer in existence either as a base or a beacon, though you can see the remnants) which was in Hampshire, and in 1942 an active fighter station. The group of airmen listening to David Niven recounting the story of Mitchell were real RAF airmen. The filming did not stop for the war. If the bell went to scramble, filming would temporarily be halted while those airmen would run to their spitfires, go off and fight the war, before returning and carry on filming as though nothing had happened. At the end, Niven was so impressed with those heroes that he sent them off to The Savoy in London for the weekend, ringing the manager with instructions to give them whatever they wanted: women, drink, food, making sure the bill was sent direct to him. Difficult to imagine our pampered "stars" doing likewise these days! How do I know so much? One of those unsung heroes was my adored uncle Peter Howard-Williams, who had been in 19 Squadron flying out of Duxford during the Battle of Britain, but happened to be at Ibsley when the station was chosen for the film.
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Poised For Flight
writers_reign12 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Propaganda, yes, but what else would one expect in wartime. On the other hand if we must have propaganda let it be as sincere and well meant as this. Though it's largely irrelevant I confess to being a little bemused by the large number of posters who think that Leslie Howard was English when he was in fact Hungarian. Having said that there is no question of his genuine feeling for his adopted country especially as manifested here in a film he directed as well as playing the leading role. David Niven offers strong support albeit more or less playing himself and Rosamund John is effective in the somewhat thankless role of Mitchell's wife. Given both the limitations of the time and the fact that it was shot on a genuine aerodrome whilst the war was in full swing the aeriel sequences are as well as can be expected. As a time-capsule it's well worth a look.
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Howard at his charismatic best.
music-room21 November 2006
'The First of the Few' shows Leslie Howard at his most reflective, almost to the point of diffidence. His only show of assertiveness is when he informs the haughty bigwigs of 'Supermarine'that he will design aeroplanes HIS way, despite David Horne's salutary warning that he will 'come an almighty cropper'. Howard plays R.J. Mitchell, legendary designer of the Spitfire, the revolutionary fighter plane that was to take centre stage in the Battle of Britain.

Throughout the film it is Howard himself who takes centre stage and never really leaves it, his star quality and charisma embracing all manner of scenes, from cheeky one - liners, 'you're not a bird, but you can fly', as a retort to Tonie Edgar - Bruce's mercurial Lady Houston, or modestly basking in the reflected glory of yet another Schneider Trophy triumph (the annual seaplane contest between Great Britain, USA and Italy which has now passed into folklore). Perhaps he is even more compelling in the touching solo scenes, with little or no dialogue, where, to William Walton's evocative music, he is found by his colleagues overworking himself deep into the night, trying to design the Spitfire before the imminent spread of Germanic imperialism, or, later on, close to death, scanning the skies for a sign of David Niven leading the way on the famous fighter plane.

An impressive cast of character actors give him great support, including Roland Culver as the supportive and insightful head of Supermarine, Anne Firth as a petite but highly efficient secretary, and future film maker Filippo Del Giudice as a foppish, hilarious Bertorelli, the high ranking Italian official who relays the message from 'Il duce' Mussolini, to the effect that the winning British Schneider Trophy entry could only have achieved such a feat 'in our glorious Italian sky'.

Howard's introverted Mitchell is in contrast to David Niven's jaunty, red blooded senior pilot, who demonstrates in this film just why he will go on to be the top British star in Hollywood, his easy acting style and unbridled optimism making Crisp a lovable character without ever seeming arrogant. Perhaps his inexplicable crash in one of the Schneider Trophy contests has the effect of 'bringing him down to earth', both literally and in character.

The only downside of the film is an oddly mechanical performance from Rosamund John, as Mitchell's wife. Obviously she could not come over as a dominant figure to Howard's subtle Mitchell, but the attempt to make her appear even more introverted than the star produces an uncharacteristically robotic outcome from this fine actress.

Both Mitchell and Howard were soon to pass beyond earthly constraints into immortality, the latter disappearing in mysterious circumstances, ironically, in a plane, over Portugal, in June, 1943. There is no finer epitaph to both of them, than 'The First of the Few', Mitchell as the genius aeroplane designer, and Howard as the first English actor (albeit of Hungarian parents) to make it big in Hollywood. In this respect, Niven may be regarded as 'the second of the few'. A gem of a film, whose great star never shone more brightly than here.
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Spitfire defense
TheLittleSongbird4 May 2019
A large part of me knew before seeing 'The First of the Few' that it would be a good film. With such an interesting subject, William Walton as composer and Leslie Howard in his sadly final film role starring and directing along with David Niven and Rosamund John in the cast, it would have been very hard to mess up. Was a little worried though admittedly as there have been films with just as big potential that do make a mess of it.

Luckily 'The First of the Few' did not mess up. It is the sort of film that will move, and has moved, a great many, while there will be, has been, others that may note the budget limitations and time constraints, feel that there is not enough about the spitfire and may find what it tries to say handled on the didactic side. My opinion lies with the former while actually understanding any issues some may have. Found 'The First of the Few' to be a good film with great emotional impact and good intentions.

'The First of the Few' has more good than not so good and the good things will be started first. Howard, as director and lead actor, is a major asset as to why the film works. He provides sympathetic but also appropriately forceful direction, while also giving a performance that is assertive and moving. Regarding calling his performance moving, much of it is to do with the performance itself but some of it is also to do with remembering that this was his final film role before his tragic death too young. Niven also gives an authoritative account of himself and Rosamund John brings charm and pathos to a role that could have been more fleshed out.

William Walton's score is another strong component, it is very rousing yet stirs the emotions in distinctive Walton style (one of those compositional styles that can be recognisable from anywhere). The Spitfire Prelude and Fugue is a justifiably popular concert piece, an example of an individual piece from a film that is more famous than the film itself. The script made me think and cry, also being literate while flowing well and not waffling. The story is compelling on the most part, and really admired its sincerity and good intentions, especially when the advances in aviation are documented which was fascinating. Didn't think it was too exaggerated. By the end of the film, found myself genuinely moved and admiring the courage shown during the war. The involvement of the RAF pilots as extras in hard-hitting and lump in the throat-inducing scenes was a genius touch and everything with the development of the spitfire intrigued (would have liked more though) and inspired.

However, watching 'The First of the Few's' production values there was a rushed look to it and it is one of those films that is serious need of a restoration. Appreciated and admired the more educational/instructional aspects of the film, but some of it could have been handled more subtly.

Do think too that some of the more biographical parts could have gone into more depth.

In conclusion though, very well done. 7/10
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The Spitfire takes flight
Scaramouche200428 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
One of my biggest loves in this world is the Spitfire fighter aeroplane. A wonder of aviation and an engineering masterpiece, its speed and versatility, (not to mention the brave boys who flew them) were the sole reason why Britain remained in the fight and fought of the foul invasion force throughout the dark days of 1940.

Although now old and obsolete, no other aeroplane has as much right or privilege to fly over our green and pleasant land.

Here the Spitfire is given top billing in a biopic of it's creator R.J. Mitchell.

The great Leslie Howard plays the genius designer, in what was to be his last 'appearance' before the camera. Mitchell was an aircraft designer of noted repute having invented several of the Supermarine seaplanes which secured the Schneider Trophy for Britain throughout the 1920's and 1930's.

He was one of the few people in Britain to have heard the snarls and threats of Nazi Germany and was an open campaigner for rearmament, a policy not at all popular with the British Government of the time. Yet despite opposition he fought against not only the bureaucrats but a serious and life-threatening illness to design and build, what has been regarded since as the greatest fighter aircraft of all time, in preparation for a war he knew was coming and a crisis the rest of Britain chose to ignore.

David Niven plays Geoffrey Crisp, Mitchells friend and test pilot, who's affable and likable performance is hampered slightly from the fact that his character is completely fictional. Geoffrey Crisp, whoever he was, was never a Schneider trophy winner for Britain.

The true facts for anyone interested are that H.C.Biard won the title for us in 1922, followed by S.N.Webster, H.R.D.Waghorn and J.N.Boothman in 1927, 1929 and 1931 respectively, the last three flying Mitchell's Spitfire forerunners the Supermarine S5, S6 and S6B.

Also Geoffrey Crisp was not the test pilot of the very first Spitfire. That high honour goes to Joseph 'Mutt' Summers, who took off from Eastliegh airport on 5th March 1936. Summers became the chief test pilot for Vickers and was also the man who dropped the very first life size prototype of the bouncing bomb over Chesil Beach, Weymouth in 1943.

This is a great movie, and one which makes all Englishmen grateful and proud, but with all historic based movie stories, there is always something that has been changed, omitted or hushed up, especially in a film made during the war at the height of it's 'keep mum' propaganda battle.

Enjoy it like I did, but if there are any R.A.F or aviation buffs out there and would like to know more about the Spitfire and it's history, the glory of the air racing days of the 20's and 30's or just more factual information about the great man himself, then I suggest you visit www.rjmitchell-spitfire.co.uk
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Rousting tribute to Spitfire designer RJ Mitchell
mklmjdrake31 August 2011
One of the good ones! Very simple biopic that inspires and entertains. Great cast with David Niven and Leslie Howard (who also produced and directed). It will probably never end up on a 100-best list of films of all time. But it does not fail to deliver heart, spirit and all around good feelings. It is a reminder of nationalism which seems to have disappeared in this country. It was made in the days when it was not offensive to be proud of your country and the men and women who helped make it great. It is a reminder of the evil men in our world history and those who fought against them.

The studio sets are almost comical... you can hear the echo in the sound recording! The special effects are not special at all. The dialogue is even corny in some scenes. But none of that matters because the story is more important. It's a story of a man and his love of country and his disdain for tyranny. His perseverance is inspirational. His example is uncommon. And the support of his wife is just as stirring. RJ Mitchell is the spit and fire!
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Lots of technical aspects of the airforce
HotToastyRag22 February 2018
Leslie Howard produced, directed, and starred in Spitfire, the last film before his death in 1943. In the film, he plays real-life plane architect R.J. Mitchell, famous for designing airplanes in the 1920s. His buddy, played by David Niven, flies the airplanes to show off Leslie Howard's talent as well as his own piloting skills. Together, the friends take a vacation in Germany, and once they see the writing on the wall for WW2, they start to design a "spitfire" fighter plane for the British air force.

Most of the actors in the film, besides the leads and their love interests, are extras, actual fighter pilots from WWII. Most of the flight scenes is actual footage from the war, too. The characters aren't particularly three-dimensional, with the focus of the screenplay on the technical details, so Leslie basically comes across as an unflawed workaholic, and Niven basically comes across as a womanizing jokester. If you're interested in the backstage preparation before the war, or if your favorite facet of the armed forces is the air force, you'll probably find this film very interesting.
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Excellent and Very Moving
drednm8 January 2011
This film was released in the USA within two weeks of Leslie Howard's death in June 1943. The plane Howard was flying in was shot down over the Bay of Biscay.

Leslie Howard produced and directed this biography of R.J. Mitchell as well as starring in the film. This biography is also part propaganda and part documentary as Howard shows us Britain's advances in aviation going into World War II.

The cast is quite good, with David Niven as Crisp especially solid. Rosamund John plays the ever-patient wife. Also good are Roland Culver as Commander Bride, Toni Edgar-Bruce as Lady Houston, Anne Firth as Harper, Derrick De Marney as Jefferson, and Howard's daughter, Leslie Ruth Howard, in her only film appearance as Nurse Kennedy.

This film is hugely important because it is Leslie Howard's final film appearance but also because it documents the development of the famous Spitfire, without which Britain might have fallen to Germany.

This is a wonderful film.
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Like most bios of the day, not exactly accurate...but quite rousing.
planktonrules10 March 2020
"The First of the Few" (also called "Spitfire") was a film intended as propaganda in order to rouse the audiences of Britain and the United States in favor of the war effort. As such, it really isn't entirely accurate and takes historical license in order to further its purpose as a crowd-pleaser. There are many historical inaccuracies...and only the biggest one is mentioned below.

The film follows the career of R.J. Mitchell, the designer of various Supermarine experimental aircraft and the legendary Supermarine Spitfire of WWII fame. The film really isn't exactly a biography, as it focuses little on the man's life or pre-aircraft design period and when the film ends, you know a lot about his work but not much about him as a man. In particular, while the film shows him literally working himself to death to produce the super fighter which helped win the Battle of Britain in 1940....but he actually died of rectal cancer--something he suffered from for several years.

So is it any good? As propaganda, it's wonderful--well made, effective and well acted. As a bio...it leaves a bit to be desired. Overall, it's worth seeing...especially since it's the last film Leslie Howard appeared in before his death when the airliner he was in was shot down by Luftwaffe pilots the year after the film debuted.
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A romanticised account from WW2
redbaron-48 February 1999
Produced during WW2, I guess this film can be excused for its romanticised account of the story of the development of the Spitfire. The basic details are current: development from the Supermarine seaplanes, Mitchell dying of cancer, etc - but the development was nowhere near as smooth as depicted!

The William Walton score (now known as the "Spitfire Prelude and Fugue") works particularly well.
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The man who made the Spitfire
Tweekums21 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I got this DVD free with the newspaper and it was part of a 'Classic War Films' collection so I was a little bit surprised to discover that very little of the action takes place during the war; that doesn't mean I was disappointed though as this was a fascinating biopic about R.J. Mitchell, the creator of the Supermarine Spitfire. The story begins during the war when a group of pilots start speculating about what happened to Mitchell and how he came to design the plane; their senior officer then tells them the story beginning with the British victory in the 1922 Schneider Trophy race. The race was won in a biplane but Mitchell is convinced that the future of flying is monoplanes. At first nobody thinks his designs are viable but eventually it gets built and is proved to be a winner. After a third successive victory the trophy is won outright and Mitchell is left with little to do. A trip to Germany, where he learns of their plans to rearm he is determined that Britain must not be left behind in the race for air superiority; unfortunately the government has other priorities so it looks as his new plane won't be built; that is until his company decides to make it anyway... the rest, as they say, is history.

Even though the film wasn't quite what I was expecting I really enjoyed it Leslie Howard did a fine job both directing and starring as Mitchell and he was ably supported by David Niven who played his friend and test pilot Geoffrey Crisp. The other stars of the film are the planes of course; it was fascinating to see footage of old seaplanes and the scenes with the Spitfires were impressive. Being made in 1942 there is inevitable an element of propaganda in the film although it doesn't feel too heavy handed. There are also some instances of poetic licence; the Crisp character is an amalgam of several people and Mitchell did not go to Germany; knowing these facts doesn't dull the film though; after all the makers wanted to make it as stirring as possible. If you are a fan of aviation this film is a must see.
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The first of the few
johnsimon-robson25 October 2005
My father was one of the fighter pilots featured in this film (speaking part and "action " shots ) This film was part of his "war" ,if you like. To me ,this film represents the very best of British cinematography of its day and genre.I have some "stills " of the film and also quite a few w action shots (no pun intended !)on the open air set at RAF Ibsley in 1942. The soundtrack on most broadcast copies is rather poor,but the quality of the music score is beyond question.The composer ,william Walton was commissioned at the time but his music was not thought particularly noteworthy .It was not until the 1960's his music was accredited rightly in my view as a work of sheer brilliance. I agree with everything anthony Inglis has said in his commentary
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Development of Spitfire
ebiros226 November 2012
This is a gem of war time epic that ranks close to the classics like the "Sink the Bisbark", and the "Dam Busters".

The story is about the history of development of one of the greatest war time fighter plane, the Supermarine Spitfire, told as a story of Reginald Joseph Mitchell - the designer of the Spitfire from his formulative days of designing race planes to the eventual design of the plane while fighting his own ailment of cancer. Mitchell barely survived to see his plane fly and incorporated into the Royal Air Force. It's a stroke of luck for England that Mitchell came up with the design, because it was the only type air craft that can match the technology of the German Luftwaffe.

Some artistic license has been taken to make the story to be fit for a movie. Probably half of the stories in the movie is fiction, but it still conveys the visionary genius of the man who was years ahead of his time.

First of the few points to Mitchell in that he was the first of the men Churchill mentioned in his famous speech "... never have so many owed so much to so few." regarding the Battle of Britain.

The format is somewhat dated, but this is a great movie to watch if you're an aviation buff or war time epic fan, and is recommended for viewing.
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Leslie Howard, produced, directed and starred!
Ron-18122 May 2000
A fine movie biography about the designer of the World War II Spitfire. Strong performances are given by Mr. Howard and David Niven. Although it seems dated particularly with the black and white film, it is none the less worth your time to preview this movie. Leslie Howard was killed in an airplane crash shortly after finishing this film.
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Fate or Luck
DKosty1238 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
It is ironic that Leslie Howards last film would be about the fate he would suffer soon after. Howard shot this film before flying into the war and his death mere months later.

This biography of RJ Mitchell who created the famous British fighter is documented in this movie. In support is David Niven in one of his better more serious film roles. The film made in 1942 is definitely war propaganda. Still it tells an important story.

Mitchell knew he was ill, but was a man on a mission to get the Spit Fighter complete before he died. While the movie is not real clear on Mitchell's illness, the fact is that he did die within a year of his getting the first Spitfires built.

A good cast puts together a good film which elevates Mitchell (Howard) into a key historic position. The real Mitchell died of Cancer within a year of the plane design completion and the first major orders by the British Government.
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An inspirational film, then and now.
elcoat8 January 2015
My older son has loved airplanes since earliest childhood. Back in Auke Bay/Juneau Alaska, he led his 2nd grade classmates in a paper airplanes arms race and wars, until his otherwise very restrained and patient Japanese-American teacher took the classroom trash can and dramatically swept all the air forces into the dustbin of history. :-)

I got this film for us - him - to watch, and it did its magic. Robert is now a highly creative aerospace (and nautical) engineer.

As others have noted, it is indeed moving: a man dedicating and indeed sacrificing his life to a beautiful airplane/design and to help stop evil.

(I only hope we haven't become that evil now, ourselves.)

Some have wisecracked that this is the only film that David Niven ever really acted in, but Niven was always quite genuine and dramatic, in his understated and self-deprecating way.

This is an idealistic and motivating film everyone should see, especially when they are young.
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Adequate Biopic
screenman15 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This movie depicts a period in the life of RJ Mitchell and his Schneider Trophy-winning aircraft designs that later realised the Spitfire fighter-plane. I have no idea how accurate the details may be.

Leslie Howard gives a decent performance as the aircraft designer, with a just-about-adequate co-role for David Niven as womaniser Geoffrey Crisp, his would-be test pilot. Niven tends to feature more prominently in the publicity photographs, which is strange considering that Howard was still a big star (though soon to fade), he has a more important role in this movie as well as being more convincing, but also directed it too.

Frankly, it's far too long at 118 minutes. There's a lengthy, introductory preamble with Spitfires returning to base during the Battle Of Britain, which sets the scene for Niven's Crisp to explain the history of the aircraft and its creator to a group of apparently genuine fighter pilots. We could have done without it. After that, the movie just suffers from what I might call directorial elephantiasis. Far too many scenes are much longer than they need to be. These allow the story to drag and the action becomes diluted. It's a classic example of an excellent actor with so much self-belief that he thinks he can be a director too. Which of course, he can be; but not necessarily a good one.

The movie likewise suffers from all of the other constraints of a wartime work. Limited resources and even more limited special-effects. They're not necessarily Howard's fault. But the over-long production under such circumstances is evidence of a man who doesn't know his task well enough. Half an hour could be pared away from this tale, and that would have sharpened it up and lent it a genuine sense of urgency.

My DVD copy came free with the 'Daily Mail'. Unfortunately it also included a warts-and-all soundtrack that hisses and crackles badly enough to detract from one's pleasure. If all recordings are like this it must be a bit of a disaster for anyone actually making a purchase. It definitely needs a 'Dolby' treatment. Though frankly the movie hardly merits repair.

When you look at the wonderful improvement in quality that was realised even a decade later, it seems a pity that such a good story was compromised for want of resources. Still; there was a war on.

An adequate tub-thumper from the dismal days of 1942; today is is strictly for collectors and fans.

Not recommended.
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Last Flight for Leslie Howard
wes-connors29 July 2012
The menace of Nazi Germany blackens Europe, with Great Britain preparing for Third Reich leader Adolf Hitler's onslaught. Then, we flashback to tell the story of aviator R.J. Mitchell (portrayed by Leslie Howard), as told by his close friend and favorite pilot Geoffrey Crisp (portrayed by David Niven)… Our hero is inspired by flying birds (and Divinity, when you factor in the opening) to design a sleeker airplane. But, more than the birds he watches with wife Rosamund John (as Diana) on the beach, R.J. Mitchell wants, "A bird that breaths fire and spits out death and destruction, a spitfire bird."

The resulting "Spitfire" model finally gets off the ground, and will hopefully help defeat the Nazis in the present. But there are some challenges along the way...

It's not smooth sailing (or flying) for this choppy propaganda film, either. The presence of Leslie Howard does make it seem classy, though, even if the star doesn't really deviate much from his established persona. Howard produced and directed, also. A World War I veteran, Howard probably would have soldiered up again if he were five or so years younger. Ironically, the popular actor was in a plane shot down by the Nazis in June 1943, making this his last characterization. Howard would direct one more film, "The Gentle Sex" (1943). A casualty of war, Leslie Howard left the film world far too soon.

***** The First of the Few/ Spitfire (9/14/42) Leslie Howard ~ Leslie Howard, David Niven, Rosamund John, Roland Culver
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