It's a Great Feeling (1949) Poster

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Gurkey's Corners Is the Place for Me
bkoganbing19 March 2005
Poor Doris Day, working in the Warner Brothers studio commissary hoping for her big break in films. It might be coming due to the fact that no director wants to work with Jack Carson any more. So Carson gets the idea he's going to direct the next film he does with Dennis Morgan. And since no leading lady wants to work with him, the team needs a fresh face.

Morgan and Carson did a series of films at Warner Brothers who were trying to create a Crosby-Hope tandem of their own. They were good,but not as good. It really helped Bing and Bob to have two of the top rated radio shows in the country where every week you could guarantee that the two of them would have a jab or two at the other's expense. And they guested on each other's show innumerable times. This provided a built in publicity machine that Morgan and Carson couldn't possibly compete with.

This was the last of their films as a team and Warners did something here that Paramount couldn't do for Bing and Bob. That was have the boys play themselves and try to get a leading lady. At Paramount that job was sewed up by Dorothy Lamour.

Dennis Morgan had a pleasing Irish tenor voice. Unfortunately Warners also didn't do as well by him as Paramount did by Crosby in the way of songs. If you can remember any of the songs from any of the Morgan- Carson films, God Bless You. The ones that Bing sang made it to the top of the charts.

That being said, Morgan and Carson were fine performers in their own right and the film is a nice piece of nostalgia seeing all the cameo appearances by various stars working at Warner Brothers at the time. All the Crosby-Hope monkeyshines are done well by them.

Try as they may, Doris Day gets fed up and just wants to go back to Gurkey's Corners, Wisconsin and marry fiancée Jeffrey Bushdinkel.

But you got to watch the movie to learn about Jeffrey Bushdinkel.
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Two buddies, one wannabe-starlet-waitress.
misterbee-13 April 2008
This is a terrific little film. Light entertainment, nothing to think about, just sit back watch the stars of Hollywood's Golden Age and enjoy. Any movie with Dennis Morgan AND Jack Carson has to be good, and Doris Day pretties up the whole thing. Lots of cameos by Hollywood's best and lots of talent. I recommend this movie when you're tired and stressed and just want a good movie to relax to. The other great thing about this movie is you never know who will show up. Gary Cooper and Dennis Morgan sitting at a drug store counter, Coop sipping Coke, Dennis prattling on and Coop just saying "Yup." Just goes to show you don't need to say a lot, especially a lot of "F" words to show your talent. Nobody in Hollywood today comes up to these stars in terms of talent and class.
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Very cute backstage view of old Hollywood
HotToastyRag3 February 2018
Doris Day was already a singing sensation by the time she made her first film alongside her at-the-time sweetie-pie Jack Carson. She shared the screen with Jack in her second and third films, and their chemistry was so fantastic, those early films are always a pleasure to watch. In her third film, It's a Great Feeling, Doris plays a waitress with dreams of stardom. She has a character name, but virtually everyone else in the film plays themselves, which is pretty cute. Jack Carson and Dennis Morgan-playing themselves-have ulterior motives when they offer to help Doris start her acting career, and along the way, we're treated to cameos by Gary Cooper, Joan Crawford, Michael Curtiz, Danny Kaye, Eleanor Parker, Patricia Neal, Ronald Reagan, Edward G. Robinson, King Vidor, Raoul Walsh, Jane Wyman, and Errol Flynn.

Chalk full of well-known songs like "Blame My Absent-Minded Heart" and "That Was a Big Fat Lie", you'll be entertained from start to finish. It shows a funny, delightful side to the golden age of Hollywood, and it's adorable to see big stars making fun of themselves. For example, Joan Crawford, fresh from her Oscar for Mildred Pierce, slaps Jack Carson across the face, mimicking her famous slap from her earlier film. Rent this one when you're in the mood for something light and fun, and I guarantee Doris and Jack will give you a great feeling.
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Minor Gem
dougdoepke26 June 2010
How revealing when Joan Crawford goes into her "drama queen" act and then admits she does that in all her movies. Or when Edward G. Robinson does his tough guy routine after persuading the studio guard to please let him act tough or they'll all be out of work. Good for a laugh. But it's also a little unsettling to see these super-stars as just ordinary folks, after all.

I gather (from TMC) the production was rushed through to meet certain obligations. If so, they did a cracker-jack job. Sure, the plot is about as shopworn as they come—provincial girl (Day) breaking into show business, helped (or hindered) by two fast-talking smoothies (Morgan & Carson). But it's done up with great bounce and energy. The youthful Day sparkles with the kind of winning luster that made her a movie star perennial. Carson mugs it up in amusing Carson fashion, while his buddy Morgan sings and looks handsome.

Then, of course, there are the star cameos from the Warners 1940's stable, including a "yup- ified" Gary Cooper sipping a malted through a straw, of all things. (Note how the famously boozy Hollywood suddenly prefers malts and ice cream to scotch and water—perhaps the movie's most amusing fiction.) Personally, though, I like Bill Goodwin's discombobulated producer best. His shtick with Day is a good running gag and I kept hoping he wouldn't get his glasses fixed.

Anyway, the movie's full of amusing bits cleverly woven together, including a behind-the- scenes look at the studio (to save time instead of building sets—TMC). In my book, it's the kind of pleasure that comes as a reward to old movie buffs and should not be missed.
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Had a good feeling watching this film
TheLittleSongbird20 July 2017
For anybody who loves Golden Age Hollywood, Doris Day (very early on in her film career) and musicals, all of those apply to me, are very likely to find a lot to enjoy about 'It's a Great Feeling'. 'It's a Great Feeling' is not quite "great", but it is "good".

Admittedly the story is best forgotten. It is paper thin and cobbled together, with a shopworn concept (even in 1949) and parts being on the improbable side. The songs are very pleasant and beautifully performed by mainly Doris Day and Dennis Morgan, but, aside from the title song and the lovely duet "Blame My Absent-Minded Heart", they're of the inoffensive but not particularly memorable kind. Some of the pacing could perhaps have been tightened in places.

However, 'It's a Great Feeling' looks beautiful in colour and evokes a real sense of nostalgia in how it's all produced. As said, the songs are performed beautifully, while David Butler's direction is some of his more competent and engaged.

'It's a Great Feeling' excels in the script, which is funny and witty as well as fairly gentle in places. It particularly shines in the scenes between Doris Day and Bill Goodwin, which certainly showed that even early on in her film career Day had a gift for comedy.

While Dennis Morgan and Jack Carson are amusing and likable enough as themselves, it's Day in every way who shines the most, so graceful and charming as well as being a natural comedienne and an amazing singer. Along with Day, the biggest joy is the cameos. Most are very short and there are perhaps a little too many but they certainly hit more than they miss, don't think any of them missed actually, though it does help to have knowledge of who the cameos are.

Some great scenes, especially "Blame My Absent-Minded Heart", Irving Bacon, the Maurice Chevalier impression and a corker of a twist ending that nobody expects in a million years. The best of the cameos are Gary Cooper, Edward G. Robinson and particularly the pricelessly crazy one from Joan Crawford.

Overall, good fun. 7/10 Bethany Cox
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A Fun Film with a Cavalcade of Cameos!
srkoho13 February 2020
Nice twist with this film as Morgan and Carson play themselves and Day plays it well as usual. "It's a Great Feeling" is a fun film which provides a good story and a few laughs. The cameos peppered throughout the film are worth the price of admission. If your a classic movie buff, you'll recognize many. I recognized about 10 but likely missed or didn't recognize a few others. A light delightful film with the added layer of cameos to spot.
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Early Doris Comedy
hennystruijk14 November 2019
Wonderful to see Doris at the beginning of her career. What a natural !! She really can do no wrong.... Lots of fun, good music, and more cameos by stars then I've ever seen in one film!
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Lots of fun for fans
utgard1427 January 2014
Funny musical comedy about the behind-the-scenes making of a movie. Jack Carson and Dennis Morgan play themselves. As the story starts, Warner Bros. is forced to let Jack Carson direct himself in his next picture because nobody else will direct him. Dennis Morgan is set to star but tries to get out of it for fear that the inevitable stinker Carson will turn out would ruin his career. So Carson enlists the help of a waitress in the Warner Bros. commissary, played by Doris Day, to trick Morgan into signing a contract. I won't spoil anything but the rest of the movie is basically about Carson and Morgan trying to convince the movie's producer to let Day play the female lead.

The musical numbers are OK but nothing special. The comedy and immense likability of the stars is what carries the picture. Carson's screen test for Day is a riot. Smart, fun script with a terrifically self-deprecating performance from Jack Carson. Dennis Morgan and Doris Day are wonderful, as well. Love the cameos from directors and movie stars like Gary Cooper, Errol Flynn, Edward G. Robinson, Sydney Greenstreet, Ronald Reagan, Jane Wyman, Michael Curtiz, Danny Kaye, and more. The best of the bunch was Joan Crawford's memorable scene. Great fun for fans of classic Hollywood.
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So it ain't Hope and Crosby!
MCL11509 February 2006
So much is made of how Jack Carson and Dennis Morgan were supposed to be Warner Bros. answer to Hope and Crosby that people miss the point that they actually made a rather enjoyable team in their own right. In fact, just keep your eyes on Jack Carson and you'll end up wondering if he stole from Hope or if Hope stole from Carson! Yeah, they weren't as big as their contemporaries, but so what? I really like them together. They teamed in several 1940s comedies at Warners and "It's a Great Feeling" is probably their best film and definitely my personal favorite. Not only are Carson and Morgan in top form here, but there's several cameos of WB stars that really make this a lot of fun. It's nicely directed by David Butler who interestingly enough directed Hope & Crosby in "The Road Morocco" seven years earlier. Butler also has a small cameo along with a few other Warner's directors which is just a nice little addition to the fabric of the film while a young and beautiful Doris Day makes for a great icing on the cake! So when all's said and done this is a really enjoyable little comedy. And at 85 minutes it certainly doesn't overstay its welcome. IMHO, "It's a Great Feeling" is a must for any fan of forties comedy fare. Just because Carson & Morgan won't make you forget Hope & Crosby doesn't mean they can't be memorable. I've always been a big fan of the so called "light musical comedies" of the 40s and this is one of the best. Highly recommended!
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Clever and witty self-referential spoof about Hollywood
RJBurke194220 August 2007
Without a doubt, classic Hollywood made some great musicals. This film is not one of them. And, there have been much better comedies from Tinsel Town also.

The distinguishing and saving features of this bit of frippery are two fold: first, you'll go a long way before finding another film with so many uncredited cameo appearances by major studio stars of the time (only Mike Todd's Around the World in 80 days, made in 1956, comes even close); and second, this is a snappy and self-referential send-up of the perils and pleasures of working in Hollywood.

The downside is this: if you were born after 1960, you probably won't appreciate the cameos by the actors and directors mainly because they'd gone from the scene – duh – by the time you started going to movies. But, on the upside…well, if you liked Robert Altman's The Player (1992), then this movie may appeal also.

The story, of course, is hackneyed: girl, working as a waitress (Doris Day), wants to get into movies, meets struggling director (Jack Carson) whom nobody likes, but who just happens to have a big-time singing star (Dennis Morgan) ready to help...

Good grief – David Lynch turned that short plot synopsis into a horror movie called Mulholland Drive (2001), minus the cameos – but not the singing. How about that?

Anyhow, back to the dilemmas of Doris...

Okay, the story sucks but the dialog is great and Jack Carson was always the guy to deliver perfect one-liners perfectly. I lost count of the number of times the dialog poked fun at every aspect of Hollywood life. And, the sight gags with the many and varied cameos are spot on, the standout performances coming from Gary Cooper, Edward G. Robinson and – how could anybody miss her? – Joan Crawford. And, look, if like me you don't like Dennis Morgan's singing, just turn off the sound for a minute or two and grab your next beer from the cooler.

And, for the record, the cameos I recognized are: Gary Cooper, Joan Crawford, Micheal Curtiz, Errol Flynn, Sydney Greenstreet, Danny Kaye, Patricia Neal, Eleanor Parker, Ronald Reagan, Edward G. Robinson, King Vidor, Raoul Walsh and Jane Wyman.

Now, after you've seen this very syrupy and mild expose of Hollywood life – but it's a lot of fun – take the time to see what it's really like with Lynch's little plot of horrors, mentioned above.
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A confection of the first rank
ryancm6 May 2009
As part of another DORIS DAY collection, IT'S A GREAT FEELING is a "feel good" movie of its era. An improbable confection that's easy to take. Lot's of cameo's from the Warner contract players of the time, and it's fun to see them, some of them making fun of their images. Luckily Doris Day was born during this era of film musicals as she shines as no other comedian/actress/singer has ever done. If she were born 30 or so years later she wouldn't have had her phenomenal career. Wonder what kind of films she would be doing if her heyday were in the 70's-90's. GREAT FEELING is no great shakes plot wise, but lots of fun. Jack Carson and Dennis Morgan are a fine pair in the order of Hope and Crosby. Wish they would have teamed up more often.
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A funny story boosted by a GREAT cast!
steveareno1 April 2000
Dennis Morgan and Jack Carson are again buddies in this one.They are trying to get the lovely Doris Day in movies.There are many cameos by Warner Brothers stars including Joan Crawford,Danny Kaye and Errol Flynn..(He plays Jeffery Bushfinkle!).The best part of this movie in my opinion is when Dennis and Doris sing BLAME MY ABSENT-MINDED HEART together.They both had such beautiful voices it's a joy to hear them sing!! People who love star-filled movies or just like to see Dennis and Jack being funny together should see this film!
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Enjoyable fluff..
planktonrules6 August 2013
If you can ignore a few stupid musical numbers (especially the one that occurs in Doris' dream) and if you can ignore that the film isn't especially deep, you will enjoy watching "It's a Great Feeling". It also is wonderful because there are many wonderful cameos--such as Ronald Reagan, Jane Wyman, Gary Cooper, Joan Crawford and, the best, Errol Flynn (along with many more). It's a film historians dream!

The film begins with a funny little story about Jack Carson being given a chance to direct a film. It seems that EVERYONE at the studio hates him and would rather work with Satan than Carson! However, when Carson and his friend, Dennis Morgan (both playing themselves) discover an unknown, Judy Adams (Day), they realize she's got tons of talent and set out to make her a star. However, along the way, they end up driving the producer INSANE and they come to realize that being a star might not be the best thing for sweet Judy.

The film is a lot of fun, though it is funny that Carson and Morgan played themselves and Day played an unknown--as she'd already starred in two films AND was a huge name singing for the Les Brown Orchestra. Ignore this--just enjoy. Silly, but enjoyable throughout. Plus, the ending was terrific.
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In-jokey Warner Bros. musical overdoses on perky cuteness...
moonspinner5527 November 2005
Jack Carson and Dennis Morgan play themselves as two egotistical movie stars arguing over the direction of their latest film-project, later attempting to make an actress out of bumpkin-waitress Doris Day. This was Doris' third film, and it forces her to overdo her freckle-faced, tomboyish sweetness (she has energy to spare, but the role itself is unctuous). Many famous faces from the Warner Bros. stable appear in cameos, some of which are awkward (Ronald Reagan, Errol Flynn), others very amusing (Joan Crawford once remarked this was one of her favorite film appearances!). Overall, pretty flimsy, interesting to movie-buffs only as a curio. Title song was Oscar-nominated, though "Blame My Absent-Minded Heart" (beautifully essayed by Day) is the music standout. ** from ****
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Bright and breezy Hollywood musical
Cajun-44 June 2000
This one of good natured spoofs on Hollywood that is set in a real studio and has a number of stars appearing as themselves, usually satirizing their screen personalities. Unlike many films of this type the stars don't out stay their welcome, and are sometimes genuinely funny. The movie is no classic (certainly it's no SINGING IN THE RAIN) but it passes the time agreeably enough and leaves the impression , whether true or not, that the cast and crew had a good time making it. The stars; Dennis Morgan, Jack Carson and Doris Day; work well together. Highlights are Dennis Morgan and Doris Day singing a very pleasant duet, Jack Carson doing an impression on Maurice Chevalier and Irving Bacon in a funny sketch as railway station information clerk.
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A musical comedy? or a comedic tragedy?
weezeralfalfa5 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is the story about the ambition of a small town girl(Doris Day, as Judy Adams),from Wisconsin, to become a Hollywood actress and singer. It is semi-biographical for Doris, who did initially have trouble being taken seriously as an actress, and Jack Carson, who was in her first 3 films, and did help her with her acting technique. Thus, it chronicles the opportunities and frustrations of Judy in trying to get her foot in the door. After some promising developments, she was rejected by producer Trent(Bill Goodwin), and decided to throw in the towel and return to Wisconsin. Serendipitously, Trent was on the same train. and overheard her singing in the empty smoker car, at night. He was impressed and offered to audition her again as actress/singer, but she had made up her mind to forget Hollywood and marry her hometown boyfriend, who looked remarkably like a famous Hollywood star(I won't say who). So, as far as Judy is concerned, is this story a comedy or a comedic tragedy? If the girl were actually Doris, it would be a tragedy for her as well as her many future fans. But, if she where to have more trouble getting started or didn't feel comfortable with the Hollywood 'system' once started, or if she couldn't get her boyfriend to move to California, she might regret a decision to stick it out. ......Doris shares the spotlight with Irish tenor/actor Dennis Morgan and with light comedian/actor Jack Carson, who were often teamed together in other films. Jack and Dennis mostly dominated the slower first half, alternatively discouraging and encouraging waitress Judy. Producer Trent, whom director Jack is working with, wants Judy to disappear. He sometimes contributes to the comedy. All 3 get to sing a song or so, with Jack imitating Maurice Chevalier in one number. Most of the singing is in the 2nd half. Judy is also then involved in a pantomime production. Besides the title song, heard at the beginning, I liked Judy's act as brunette Frenchie Yvonne Amour, in which she sings "Café Rendezvous", in a very throaty manner. But, the song I liked best is "Blame my Absent-Minded Heart", which Judy and Dennis initially sang together, then an encore by Judy on the train to Wisconsin. She looked especially beautiful in that scene..... There is a funny sketch at the train station involving the information clerk, who has much trouble finding all the desired information about the trip to Judy's small town, first for Judy, then for Dennis, then for Jack, who arrive independently. But, it's a man who wants to find the men's room, to gets the brunt of the clerk's exasperation......There are cameo appearances by a variety of stars, including Gary Cooper, Ronald Reagan, Jane Wyman, Danny Kaye, Eddie Robinson, Joan Crawford, and Errol Flynn.... In short, the film is a reasonably entertaining combination of drama , comedy and music, and, especially , is for those who are in love with Doris when still in her 20s. See it at YouTube.
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Just for the fun of it!
vincentlynch-moonoi3 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
All is not rosy here. A couple of the gags go on way too long. And the songs are hardly top notch. Nevertheless, this is a movie all film-lovers should watch, if for no other reason than some genuinely funny cameos by bit stars: Gary Cooper, Joan Crawford (making fun of herself), Michael Curtiz (a leading director), Sydney Greenstreet, Danny Kaye, Patricia Neal, Eleanor Parker, Ronald Reagan, Jane Wyman, Edward G. Robinson (very funny), King Vidor (director/producer), Raoul Walsh (a director), and Errol Flynn (although this one was predictable).

As to the story...well, good basic premise -- a waitress from the sticks (Doris Day) wants to become a Hollywood star, and stumbles on to Dennis Morgan and Jack Carson who at first ignore her, but later try to help her, those both have their eye on her for romantic purposes, as well. And, Carson and Morgan (playing themselves) are also the kind of pals that Hope and Crosby were in the "Road" pictures, although I don't agree that they constantly need to be compared to them. It mostly works pretty well and there are some good laughs...just no really good songs. It's also sort of fun because you get a fairly good look at the Warner Brothers lot circa 1949.

What I really like about this film (besides the cameos) is that I can almost imagine some Warner Brothers studio execs and producers sitting around and saying, "Hey, we ought-ta make a film just for the fun of it." And this is what might turn out. It doesn't take itself too seriously. Just good fun.

Dennis Morgan is past his prime here, but he's enjoyable on screen. For Doris Day, this was only her third film; still learning, but enjoyable. Jack Carson shows through (at least to me) as a B actor here.

Highly recommended just for the fun of it.
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Wonderful screwball musical about a fictional place called Hollywood.
mark.waltz3 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, there is a real Hollywood, and it is located west of downtown Los Angeles just east of the strip where the stars party and south of where most of the movies are made. One of those studios then and now is Warner Brothers who in promoting its many stars (less than MGM, but still impressive) created this comedy with a few songs to give movie fans of the late 40's an insiders view of what may or may not have been going on inside their lot.

Here, it is revealed, studio contractee Jack Carson has gotten the reputation of being such a ham that no director wants to work with him, and just the thought of being directed by him has sent recent Academy Award Winner Jane Wyman into a possible nervous breakdown. (Funny since in one of their films together, "The Doughgirls", it is Wyman who practically steals every scene from him, at least until Eve Arden comes on screen.) Dennis Morgan, sick of co-starring with Carson, has decided not to co-star with Carson in the film Carson himself will be directing. Morgan is visited by a commissary waitress (Doris Day, in one of her first films), who pretends to be Carson's secret wife in order to get Morgan to sign the contract. But once Morgan is on to the scheme, he has already signed, and it is too late to back out. Carson and Morgan decide that they need a new leading lady and set out to convince the film's producer (Bill Goodwin), that Day is the right one. Each scene with Day rolling her eyes at Goodwin (as an elevator girl, dental hygienist, and taxi driver) with a goofy smile (and silly sound effects) just gets funnier and funnier. Throughout all of this, a dozen Warners contractees pop in and out quickly as themselves, most notably Joan Crawford, repeating a scene from "Mildred Pierce" after which she slaps both Morgan and Carson, as well as Edward G. Robinson (being tough with a studio guard so he won't loose his Little Caesar reputation and destroy his box-office appeal), Jane Wyman (fainting after being told she will be Carson's next leading lady), and Eleanor Parker and Patricia Neal, who offer Day some advice, believing her to be a French actress imported to star as Mademoiselle Fifi. Gary Cooper is there with an overabundance of "Yeps", as are a slew of real Warners directors (Michael Curtiz, King Vidor, David Butler) and musical conductor Ray Heindorf.

As far as the real glamour days of Hollywood are concerned, this offers a fantasy look into what the studios wanted the fans to believe. Don't take it at all serious. It's more fun to just enjoy the goofy humour (although a sequence with Danny Kaye at Union Station is pretty unfunny---he's topped in that sequence by Mike Lally as the ticket information agent who has to pull out 15-year unused information books to find out how to get to Day's Wisconsin home town. The songs are not important enough really to mention, although the big dream sequence production number, "There's Nothing Tougher Than Love", is a homage to "Slaughter on 10th Avenue", just filmed a year ago in MGM's "Words and Music". That makes this more a comedy with songs rather than a musical.

Overall, this is an extremely enjoyable piece of fluff that promotes good cheer between a major Hollywood studio and their fans while giving build-up to Doris Day, their newest star who would soon replace long time studio queen Bette Davis, as the top actress on the lot.
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"Nobody's happy in Hollywood . . . You couldn't teach Lassie . . . "
oscaralbert17 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
" . . . to act like a dog," Dennis Morgan (as a version of himself) needles first-time director Jack Carson (as another self-portrayer). Most near all the cast of IT'S A GREAT FEELING are playing themselves, except "Julie Adams" (a would-be starlet embodied by Doris Day) and Judy's long-suffering fiancé back in her hometown of Gurky's Corners, WI, "Jeffrey Bushdinkle" (played by Hollywood's brightest star, who would be assassinated in Real Life by the American CIA ten years later after leading Castro's troops to victory in Cuba). Ronald Reagan plays himself on break from the Oval Office, trying to stir up trouble between Carson and Morgan. Warner Bros. legendary directors Raoul Walsh, King Vidor, and Michael Curtiz play themselves, as meanies denying Jane Wyman (as herself) the chance to become First Lady and daughter Maureen Reagan (as herself) a shot at First Kid. Gary Cooper says "Yup . . . Yup . . . Yup . . . Yup . . . Yup . . . Yup" with a straight face, Edward G. Robinson saves his day job, Joan Crawford rues the casting couch, and Danny Kaye misses a train - - all as themselves. Though the Union Station information man steals the show, Ms. Day illustrates why Alfred Hitchcock would later cast her in THE MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH (the remake).
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The Time, The Place and the Movie Studio
lugonian19 September 2015
IT'S A GREAT FEELING (Warner Brothers, 1949), directed by David Butler, is not exactly a first love romance story but a title tune for one of several songs used in this amusingly produced Technicolor musical set mostly inside a movie studio best described by an off-screen narrator during its opening commentary: "Just a few miles from Hollywood is the largest studio in the world, the home of Warner Brothers Pictures." After an aerial view of the legendary studio, the story gets underway as Raoul Walsh, King Vidor, Michael Curtiz and David Butler turning down offers to direct the upcoming motion picture production of "Mademoiselle Fifi" because actor Jack Carson is set to appear. With no director available, and against his better judgment, producer Arthur Trent (Bill Goodwin) assigns Jack Carson himself to direct, with his best pal, Dennis Morgan as the leading man. With no actress cast in the title role, Morgan and Carson soon encounter Julie Adams (Doris Day), a blonde commissary waitress from Gerky's Corners, Wisconsin, hoping for a chance in the movies. Already in Hollywood for three months with no prospects, through some encouragement and a chance to appear in "Mademoiselle Fifi," Morgan and Carson do their best giving Julie the build-up, only to have everything go wrong. Discouraged, Julie plans on returning home to marry her boyfriend, Jeffrey Bushdunkel, but Morgan and Carson have other plans in store.

Dennis Morgan and Jack Carson, using their actual names as part of their characters, are quite amusing spoofing themselves. Playing rival pals in the best Bing Crosby/Bob Hope tradition from those popular "Road to" comedies for Paramount, the idea certainly echoes what might have developed into "The Road to Hollywood" had Paramount thought of such a story first. Aside from the antics from both Morgan and Carson playing tricks on one another, and Doris Day caught in the middle, there's also popular guest stars popping in and out of the story doing their cameo bids as Gary Cooper("Yup"), Ronald Reagan, Sydney Greenstreet, Jane Wyman (and her daughter, Maureen), Danny Kaye (looking like Harpo Marx), Joan Crawford, Edward G. Robinson, Patricia Neal, Eleanor Parker and Errol Flynn. Unlike Warner Brothers' earlier of its all-star musical formats of THANK YOUR LUCKY STARS (1943) and Hollywood CANTEEN (1944), the song interludes/production numbers do not go to its guest stars, but to its acting trio. In fact, the cameos are done for laughs, especially Crawford (doing her "Mildred Pierce" interpretation); Robinson (retaining his tough guy image), and the swashbuckling Flynn coming off best in hilarious fashion. Also worth mentioning is a very amusing sequence involving character actor Irving Bacon playing the information booth clerk at the Union Station.

As with the Hope/Crosby "Road" comedies, IT'S A GREAT FEELING has its share of "in-jokes" along with song interludes (by Jule Styne and Sammy Cahn)including: "It's a Great Feeling" (sung by chorus/Doris Day, during opening credits); "Give Me a Song With a Beautiful Melody" (sung by Dennis Morgan); "Blame My Absent-Minded Heart" (sung by Dennis Morgan and Doris Day); "That Was a Big Fat Lie" (sung by Doris Day, with the "T" unheard from her vocalization of "FaT"); "That Was a Big Fat Lie" (With Jack Carson impersonating Maurice Chevalier); "That Was a Big Fat Lie" (audio mix vocals by Morgan and Day); "Fiddle Dee Dee" (sung by the Mezonne-Abbott Dancers); "At the Café Rendezvous" (sung by Doris Day impersonating French actress, Yvonne Amour); "There's Nothing Rougher Than Love," "Blame My Absent-Minded Heart" (both Doris Day vocals); and "It's a Great Feeling" (reprise during "The End" title close).

IT'S A GREAT FEELING, sometimes funny, often silly but always entertaining 85 minutes, once available on video cassette and later in the DVD format, can be seen occasionally on Turner Classic Movies for viewing enjoyment (understanding the "in-jokes" and familiarity of the actors helps). And be sure not to miss the surprise finish, that's certainly leaves a great feeling and laughs besides. And that's not a big fat lie. (**1/2)
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Doris Day on successive winks scare off until the guest stars!!
elo-equipamentos5 March 2024
I'm waiting an usual musical, when out of nowhere comes up an unexpected funny premise about all jockey happenings behind the scenes over an upcoming picture to be made by a nasty actor Jack Carson that everybody refuse working for, even his long-standing buddy Dennis Morgan avoid somehow, so enter a Warner's waitress Judy Adams (Doris Day) that despairingly expecting for an audition, thus the scheming Jack Carson promising her a role in the production if she poses as his wife aiming for to get Dennis Morgan for the leading role, otherwise the movie will be revoked.

Shortly afterwards the pony wife is disclosed by Dennis, either way Dennis decides sign the contract as long as Carson be willing to give an audition with lovely Judy, he granted at once, nonetheless the naïve Judy spoils the whole thing with successive winks displeasing the stern producer, also the Judy's voice is switch by a male singer, so they figures out that no longer Judy has no future at Warner, in order to fix all mismatches they reintroduces her as French singer.

Exceedingly droll than any songs sang in the movie, also the cameo appearance of countless actors-actress-Directors boost the offering to higher path, they are Gary Cooper, King Vidor, Michael Curtiz, Joan Crawford, Ronald Reagan, Nita Talbot, Edward G. Robinson, Patricia Neal, Raoul Walsh, Eleanor Parker, Jane Wyman and the Famous....... Well it can be check in the movie by yourself, this production should be awarded by an Academy Awards as Original Story!!

Thanks for reading.


First watch: 2024 / How many: 1 / Source: DVD / Rating: 7.5.
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One of the weakest of Doris' films
rdfarnham11 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
"It's a Great Feeling" is, unfortunately, not a great film. First the good--it stars three of my favorite actors, Doris Day, Jack Carson and Dennis Morgan. Now the bad--pretty much everything else. It seems as though somebody decided it was time to make another Doris Day/Jack Carson movie but they didn't have a script so they cobbled this together. The basic plot of the kid from a small town who wants to break into pictures meets the Hollywood actor who says he can make her a star has been around since forever and has been done better elsewhere. The twist that the actor has such a bad reputation that no one will work with him just makes it less believable. With no memorable songs, no real laughs and no real plot it just sort of limps along. There is a twist ending but even that can't save this turkey.
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Absurdly Funny, with Doris Day at Her Comic Best
LeonardKniffel11 April 2020
Doris Day stars as a movie star wannabe who falls into the clutches of Hollywood goofballs Jack Carson and Dennis Morgan (playing themselves for some odd reason). This comedy is cute and silly and a showcase of nonmusical cameos by Warner Bros. studio's major movie stars, including Joan Crawford, Edward G. Robinson, Gary Cooper, Patricia Neal, Eleanor Parker, Danny Kaye, Jane Wyman, Errol Flynn, and future president Ronald Reagan. The musical high spot is Day's rendition of "Blame My Absent-MInded Heart," solo and in a duet with Morgan. Favorite line: Unexpectedly surrounded by a gaggle of babbling Frenchmen while she is pretending she speaks French, Doris Day blurts out, "Parlez-vous Francais?" Day has such a flare for comedy that I never fail to laugh every time she makes goo-goo eyes at the big-shot director she is trying to impress under Carson and Morgan's hare-brained tutelage.
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Just A Day At The Studio
atlasmb28 April 2024
What a fun film! Warner Brothers opens its lot to provide a glimpse of what goes on behind the gates with this story of a Hollywood newbie named Judy Adams (Doris Day) who desperately wants a break. She finds a way to meet Jack Carson, who plays himself as a pariah no one wants to work with, and gets caught up in the machinations of getting a film project off the ground. In fact, she helps Carson lasso Dennis Morgan (also playing himself) for the project.

The two men alternately work together then battle for the attentions of the freckle-faced Judy. Along the way, there is a smattering of studio cameos, and some breaking of the fourth wall. Nothing is very serious, except maybe for some of the musical numbers by Doris and Dennis, which is fine.

This is Day's third film and it feels like it. Her charm infuses the entire production.
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Only mildly diverting
Varlaam11 March 1999
The cast is amiable enough. The film has a large number of cameos by big Warners stars. These pass by harmlessly while leaving no lasting impression. With one exception.

As a point of interest, stars Jack Carson and Dennis Morgan watch a professional wrestling match on television. Wrestling was just as phoney 50 years ago!

The film's highlight for me was Jack Carson's uninhibited musical impression of Maurice Chevalier. It's quite ripe.
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