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Karloff Deserved Better!
bsmith555219 October 2006
"Voodoo Island" was Boris Karloff's first American film in four years. Nearing his 70th birthday, good parts must have been hard to come by, given that the old Gothic style horror for which he became famous, was now not in vogue.

Hotel entrepreneur Howard Carlton (Owen Cunningham) is planning a new hotel/resort on a distant Pacific Island. A survey team that had been sent out earlier disappeared except for Mitchell (Glenn Dixon) who returned in a zombie like state. Carlton hires Philip Knight (Karloff) an investigative reporter to investigate the remote island where the disappearances occurred.

The expedition includes Knight, his assistant Sara Adams, Carlton's front man Barney Finch (Murvyn Vye), Claire Winter (Jean Engstrom), local resort manager Martin Schuler (Elisha Cook) and his assistant Matthew Gunn (Rhodes Reason). Knight also insists that Mitchell be brought along. Before they leave for the island, Mitchell mysteriously dies and a voodoo death warning is left.

When the expedition arrives at the "voodoo" island, strange things start to happen. First their boat breaks down and later they discover their food supply spoiled trapping them on the island all the while under the watchful eyes of mysterious natives. Then, while enjoying a swim Claire is killed by a flesh eating plant. The rest are captured by the natives. Schuler refuses to leave and later becomes a zombie as does Finch while watching two children play. Will the others escape?

Karloff is totally miscast as the fast talking "Gerardo" type investigative reporter. Although he does his best, he certainly deserved better. He would make two more films in 1958 and then disappear from the screen until 1963 when Roger Corman "rediscovered" him for "The Raven".

The cast spends most of the film trudging across the jungle island. We never see any so-called black magic and are left to wonder how the zombies are created. We do get to see some cheap looking dolls with pins in them though. This was obviously a film on a low budget. Most of it was shot outdoors and the special effects are cheaply done.

Strictly for the lower half of a double bill.
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That voodoo that you do so well
evilskip11 October 2000
I'd been searching for this movie for more than a year now.Hadn't seen it since the early 70's.Was just going to give in and buy a bootleg when lo and behold it aired on TCM.Taped it and settled in to give it a watch.

Critics tore this one up.Karloff was accused of "phoning in" his performance.Have to wonder what movie they were watching.The movie is low budget and the script admittedly is very weak but Boris is the saving grace for the film.He makes it worth watching.

What little plot there is involves a hotel magnate hiring Mr Knight(Karloff).Knight is a renowned hoax buster and he is to ferret out the secrets of an island that the hotel magnate wishes to build on.

The intrepid group runs into voodoo, man eating plants and nasty natives.Are they all doomed or will somebody survive to tell the tale?

Again this film was shot on the cheap (probably under $100000 with probably 25% of that going to Boris).There is a lot of talk and a little action.Just watch it for Boris, still capable at the age of 70 of carrying a film on his shoulders.
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Voodoo Island (1957) **
Bunuel19768 July 2005
Given the fair warning so generously given me by others, I was prepared for the very worst but surprise, surprise...it wasn't all that bad, after all.

I can't say it was very compelling, true, but it wasn't "dreadfully boring" either, as it's been called. There were some cringe-inducing moments to be sure, particularly when Elisha Cook 'freaked out' towards the end - and I'm still not sure what function the older of the two ladies was supposed to be occupying within the group, but I did find the lesbian undertones (with good reason since I did find Karloff's secretary rather attractive myself) surprising for a schlocky B-movie of its era! So, no great shakes definitely but an adequate time-waster nonetheless...though the voodoo promised by the title had nothing to do with the man-eating plants we eventually ended up with!

Maybe when I get more acquainted with Karloff's other programmers, my opinion of this film will take a nose-dive but so far, it was a watchable diversion and nothing more; besides it was nice to see Karloff in a straight, i.e. non-menacing, role - though it was somewhat uncomfortable to watch him stumble about on many occasions (due to his illness and old age).
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Not as bad as its reputation suggests.
youroldpaljim14 April 2001
I first saw this film on T.V. when I was about six years old back in the 1960s. Years later I heard this film was pretty bad. I happened to recently find a badly transfered video copy at my local video. I took it home and watched it. I did not find it as bad as I expected. The parts I liked as a kid I still found effective. Critics slammed Boris Karloff here, but he is smooth and professional. However I don't think anyone would say this was one of his best performances. The best performance in the film is Elisha Cook. The ending sequence is quite creepy and Cook pulls it off well. The rest of the cast just goes through the motions. The script however, leaves a lot to be desired. As far as I know, nothing remotely like Voodoo is practised in Polynesia where this film takes place. I also was annoyed with the mish mash of supernatural and science fiction elements. The giant carnivorous plants are explained as relics from a prehistoric age; hence science fiction. The Voodoo stuff is purely supernatural fantasy. The giant plants are effective. In frightening scene, they swallow a little girl. However they have nothing to do with the plot. They are thrown in just to use up running time and seem almost to have dropped in from some other film. None the less, this film does have a few good shocks.
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Not sure how MST3K missed this one!
JoeB13130 April 2007
This movie was kind of sad to watch, because Karloff is a much better actor than this kind of tripe. It is always a sad commentary when the actors care more about the quality of a movie than the writers, directors and producers, who just were happy to tack Karloff's name on this turkey and run with it...

Okay, apparently, the writers didn't know anything about Voodoo, other than Voodoo dolls and Zombies. They didn't know enough to know that Voodoo happens in the Caribbean, not in the South Pacific. I think this might have been an excuse for everyone to go to Hawaii...

So the characters land on this island and encounter these man-eating plants that resemble... well, I won't tell you what they look like other than to say I am amazed they got past the censors in 1959. Apparently these plants feed by people being so dumb as to walk right into them, not only the explorers, but apparently, natives on this island as well...
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whpratt127 December 2002
Carnivorous plants and zombies supply the chief menace for the principals in Voodoo Island... There's no attempt at explaining how various mysterious things happen in the script, but the thriller gimmicks come off with Reginald LeBorg's direction. Aubrey Schenck-Howard W. Koch production was lensed on Kauai Island, Hawaii, so backgrounds have a helpful freshness as the characters are put through plot perils. Karloff doesn't have to exert himself much to handle his standard character...Elisha Cook and Beverly Tyler hold up the supporting roles. None of the performances is more than stock.
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Karloff--a touch of class in a sea of mediocrity
nellybly-318 June 2007
I've seen worse programmers. Boris Karloff brings class to anything he works in. It's fun just to watch him. His ill-health hadn't yet slowed him down and he was a real presence. Elisha Cook also gives an excellent performance.

I think I know how the lesbian undertones between the two women got by (though the tones weren't that "under"). If it had been a big budget picture, the censors would have been on it like white on rice. As a low-budget picture it came in under the radar.

Several of the actors do rise above the material. Actually it reminds me of some of the TV shows being churned out about the same time. They, too, didn't have much of a budget. What adds to the TV feeling are some of the actors, such as Rhodes Reason and Mervyn Vye, who were mainstays of '50s television.
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Voodoo Island
Scarecrow-8818 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Scientist Phillip Knight(the always marvelous Boris Karloff, even in this) who debunks myths and superstitions as folly for the weak-minded, is sent by a major hotel industrialist to a specific island to see what has turned a man(Glenn Dixon)into a living zombie who appears healthy, but shows nothing on his face. Knight's secretary, Sarah(the simply stunning Beverly Tyler, who just looks fantastic from the moment she appears on screen to the close)and "designer" Claire Winter(Jean Engstrom)come along with Knight along with the industrialist's right hand man Barney(Murvyn Vye). Matthew Gunn(Rhodes Reason)is the skipper who will boat them to the mysterious island and Martin(Elisha Cook, Jr..who might..gasp..just die again in yet another movie)who stands to benefit financially from the success of a resort area if one is created on the supposed voodoo island. Upon once getting to the island, they encounter carnivorous plants(!), a voodoo cult who are shown often poking their heads slightly out of the forest leaves, and, gulp, possible death.

It's corny, there's just no way around it, but fans of cheesy B-movie chillers might bask in it's lameness. The killer plants look like rubber inter-tubes, the hokey romance development between Sarah and Gunn is filled with horribly limp dialogue that might make you snicker, and could very well have the worst performance of Elisha Cook, Jr's career. His death scene towards the end is hilarious instead of frightening..the supposed impact of that scene elicits guffaws instead of fear. Karloff shows why he was such a wonderful actor and presence on screen when he can even make the flimsiest dialogue leap somewhat. He's damn good even when facing a dead body wrapped in killer leaves and stiff "Native Chief" Friedrich von Ledebur who looks bored out of his skull. The stench from this stinker can be smelled a mile away, but somehow Karloff still comes out of this unscathed. Known by many to feature an open lesbian seeking a relationship as Winters tries every way to convey her lust for Sarah.
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For Uncle Boris Completists Only
ferbs546 December 2012
The 1957 Boris Karloff film "Voodoo Island" seems to have a widespread reputation as being one of the actor's all-time worst, so it was with a feeling of resignation and borderline cinematic masochism that I popped this DVD into the player the other night. "Voodoo Island" was Karloff's first horror picture in four years, his only release for 1957; he would rebound a bit the following year, with the releases of the fun shlockfest "Frankenstein 1970" and the even better (British) film "Grip of the Strangler." Filmed on the Hawaiian island of Kauai on the cheap, the picture turns out to be a modest little B film that, despite its many flaws, still retains a certain strange charm.

In it, Boris plays a character named Phillip Knight, who seems to be a professional debunker of popular myths. Knight, when we first encounter him, has already disproved the legends of the Loch Ness monster and a Nantucket sea creature, and now, the owner of an international hotel chain wants him to hightail it to the Pacific island that the company hopes to build on. It seems that a party of men has already been lost there, the only survivor being in an unqualified zombie state. So off Knight goes, accompanied by his beautiful but prim research assistant (played by Scranton-born Beverly Tyler), a tough blonde architect/designer (Jean Engstrom), the zombie and his doctor, and a hotel chain rep (Murvyn Vye). En route, they stop over at a nearby island, where they charter a boat from its greedy owner (the great character actor Elisha Cook, Jr., always a welcome presence in any film) and his hunky-dude right-hand man (played by Rhodes Reason, who my fellow Trekkers may recall as Flavius from the episode "Bread and Circuses"). And then...it is on to the eponymous Voodoo Island....

So, you might be asking yourself at this point, just how bad IS "Voodoo Island"? Well, I'm not gonna lie to you: Objectively speaking, the film really IS pretty lame. Not the slightest bit scary and only occasionally suspenseful, the picture also suffers from a weak script and an ending that even the most forgiving viewer would categorize as a letdown...and an overly abrupt letdown, at that. Seemingly inevitable is the halfhearted romantic subplot that we must bear with, as Knight's lovely but repressed assistant and the Reason character (who I suppose suffers with what today is termed PTSD) squabble, make up and discover love. None of the characters are all that likable, and even Karloff's is something of a stuck-up know-it-all (or so he thinks). The direction by Reginald LeBorg (whose previous "psychotronic" credits include "Weird Woman," "The Mummy's Ghost" and "Dead Man's Eyes," all from 1944) is uninspired, the FX are weak, and the beautiful Hawaiian scenery...well, let's just say that it's a shame that this thing was not shot in color!

Fortunately, though, there IS some good news, especially for Karloff's fans. For that special breed (of which I count myself a member), any opportunity to watch this fascinating actor, and to hear that wonderfully mellifluous voice, is a pleasurable one. Simply stated: Boris saves this movie from being a total loss just by his mere presence. Plus, once on Voodoo Island, the picture becomes very much a "safari film," a subgenre for which I have been a sucker ever since I was a little kid. And then there are those cobra-headed, carnivorous plants, easily the most horrific aspect of the film, and they DO make for some cheezy fun. The acting by one and all is better than this material would seem to demand, and...well, that's about it. I really cannot come up with any more pluses, no matter how hard I try. Truth to tell, this film really is for Uncle Boris completists only. I'm not sure if it's his worst, as I still have never experienced such supposed late-career stinkers as "Snake People" and "Cauldron of Blood," but of the 40 Karloff films that I have seen, this one is certainly right near the bottom. On the flip side of this MGM DVD can be found the 1959 chiller "The Four Skulls of Jonathan Drake," another film dealing with the subject of voodoo, and this is where the real horrors reside on this disc. "The public loves to be scared," Phillip Knight tells us at one point; too bad his picture just isn't up to the task!
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A World Of Their Own
telegonus2 July 2002
Odd little movie, one of several in the cheapjack voodoo cycle of the late fifties. Boris Karloff is on hand as a professional debunker, Murvyn Vye is the Barton MacLane guy, all bluster and macho, Elisha Cook, Jr. is furtive and nervous. The jungle sets are unbelievable even by B movie standards; the plot is almost impossible to follow, as it moves from the semi-serious, early on, to the surreal, as the story progresses; and the production values are suggestive of a late entry in the Bomba series. Yet it has its charms, and I wouldn't call it unwatchable, just dumb. Everyone in the movie seems to be an inhabitant of his own special mental world, regardless of what is in fact going on in the story, and indeed the movie is a bit of a mix and match job, with voodoo set in the Pacific, rather than the Caribbean, killer plants, sinister natives, who yet have a compassionate streak, and an air of magnanimous confusion that can draw in the most critical viewer if he's in the right mood, and too lazy to change the channel.
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Some Good Things, Some Very Bad Things
Scott_Mercer24 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I hate to mirror the ambivalent musings of the other commentators here, but I have to go along with the CW. Karloff is quite good and it is a treat to see him star as the "good guy" instead a creep of some variety. There is some location shooting here (some sound stage as well) and the footage, shot in Hawaii I guess, is well-lensed, though I wish it were in color for this particular reason. Elisha Cook Jr. is also good, you believe he is quite nervous and afraid. He's been excellent in everything I've ever seen him in.

But now, on to the bad. The plot makes very little sense. I didn't view the trailer beforehand, so I didn't know that man-eating plants were involved. When they did show up, I was disappointed to say the least. That's the scary thing about the island? Giant man-eating PLANTS???? Carnivorous FLORA scared the WITS out of a guy and turned him into a living zombie??? PUH. LEEZE.

Also, the plot moves so slowly, we're more than halfway into the movie before the body count starts, and only 4 people die in the whole movie! Not very impressive for a horror flick. I guess the slow pacing was to "build a sense of dread" and make the island seem really scary. It didn't work. And of course, there's the usual nonsense: after bodies start showing up, everybody splits up so they can be stalked one-by-one in the jungle and killed off. But Karloff, the "rational one" convinces them to continue on in spite of the increasing body count, to find out what happened to the first victims. Plus, as I like some others were thinking throughout the movie, THERE'S NO VOODOO IN THE PACIFIC!!! Voodoo originated in Africa and migrated to the Caribbean!

I just managed to wrangle a copy of this DVD in the Midnight Movies line. It has been released in Canada, but a US release is still not assured. It may never come out now that Sony bought out MGM, so this MIGHT be one rare little item. The DVD has awesome picture quality but I did notice some weird sound problems with the music score (by Les Baxter, BTW, and it is GREAT!) being too loud. Anyway, it's a goofy horror film, so I give it some credit for its entertainment value, which is notable. But you should know what you're getting into. A cute little time waster.
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Cuckoo Island
carolynpaetow29 June 2009
This odd little film is--oddly enough--good because it is so badly done. For starters, it concerns some sort of South Seas witchcraft instead of voodoo. And many viewers probably feel bewitched while trying to figure out all the confusing plot devices and glaring gaps in the storyline. One can easily get the impression that minimal direction has allowed the players to conjure their own magic in regard to their individual roles. Some ring as hollow as a dried-out gourd, like those of Boris Karloff and Elisha Cook, Jr., actors who certainly knew how to move the spirit in melodramas. Rhodes Reason, on the other hand, puts yeoman effort into his boat-captain portrayal, struggling at times to make schmaltzy lines sound serious. Beverly Tyler, as Karloff's all-business assistant, lays it on thick as a prissy prig, high-mindedly brushing off the attentions of Reason and Jean Engstrom, who, as elegant decorator Miss Winters, delivers a subtle but nonetheless obvious portrayal of a lesbian. In such a lightweight, run-of-the-mill script, Engstrom's character probably could have emerged as merely a sophisticate trying to glamorize Tyler's dowdy Sarah Adams and rebuff Reason's rough-hewn Matthew Gunn. But Engstrom intricately weaves a fascinating, on-the-QT characterization that steals every scene she is in. Both women have to contend with predatory phallic-looking plants as well as the macho ministrations of Reason. And there are threats posed by hexing island natives and their oddly Anglo chief. All in all, a fun flick to be marooned in for an hour or so!
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Better than its reputation, this is a good little thriller thats creepy at the start
dbborroughs24 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Boris Karloff stars as a TV host who is very much into debunking the supernatural. A hotel magnet shows him a man who appears to have been turned into a zombie. the man had been part of a lost party that was sent off to survey an island in the pacific for the location for a new hotel. Karloff insists that there is a rational explanation for what happened to the man and the party. he then heads off to investigate what happened. Plagued by weird happenings and equipment failures they eventually make it to the island where weird plants and weird creatures begin to widdle down the party.

This is a creepy little drive in movie that is probably better than its reputation suggests.Up until you get to the island you really don't know whats going on and the film nicely exploits our fear of the unseen. Only when we get to the island and we see the inflatable plants and stiff crab creatures does the film begin to falter since the build up is better than the revelations. The film is clearly a 1950's B film with many of the island scenes stereotypical of similar movies. Making things so much better is Karloff playing a know it all man of science is very good in a role that is not his typical monster or mad doctor. its a strong role that avoids the histrionics of many of his later roles. The rest of the cast, including Rhodes Reason and Elisha Cook Jr is also good.

Tim Lucas at Video Watchdog and others have mentioned this film a couple of times on their blogs with recent airing on Turner Classic Movies. The film gets noticed partly because Karloff is in it but also because one of the characters is very clearly a lesbian. The speculation is that this is possibly the first overt lesbian role in a horror film (or at least an American horror film). I might go farther and say I don't remember ever seeing a lesbian that openly portrayed in any film released prior to this. Sure we have say the tension in Johnny Guitar or other films where strong women are suppose to be equated with being a lesbian, but this is the first time where I remember one woman actively pursuing another while fending off her male pursuers by all but saying she wasn't interested because she liked girls. I think for my money this is probably the most open any "mainstream" movie was to dealing with a lesbian character prior to its release. (of course I could be wrong).

Worth a look for those who like B-horror films
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Voodoo Island is a nice, if uneven, showcase for Boris Karloff
tavm20 October 2009
Having previously just watched director Reginald Le Borg's The Black Sleep which featured Basil Rathbone, Akim Tamiroff, John Carradine, Lon Chaney, Jr., Tor Johnson, and in his last active film role, Bela Lugosi, I decided to watch his next movie which starred another horror movie icon: Boris Karloff. He plays Philip Knight, a television personality who regularly debunks certain myths on his show. He now is on assignment to do the same for a hotel magnate after one of four explorers of the title island-a Mitchell (Glenn Dixon)-comes back with a fixed stunned look. Coming along are Knight's secretary-Sarah Adams (Beverly Tyler), Barney Finch (Murvyn Vye), Matthew Gunn (Rhodes Reason), Claire Winter (Jean Engstrom), and Martin Schuyler (Elisha Cook, Jr.). I'll stop there and just say not much happens until the last 15 minutes. In fact, the most shocking thing that occurs involves a native pre-teen girl and one of the big plants. Of the performers, Karloff and somewhat Cook come off best though many of the others do well with the less-than-stellar material they're given. Still, like I said, the movie has its moments like this Karloff line that pretty sums up the near-universal appeal of horror films: "The public loves to be scared. Excites the imagination. Makes them believe in the existence of things unreal."
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Boris Karloff is the only reason for watching...
Doylenf26 October 2007
"Zombies and chomping plants greet an expedition led by a debunker of the occult." That's the description of VOODOO ISLAND given by TCM and it hits the mark. But the only real reason for watching is the presence of BORIS KARLOFF as the debunker. Others in the cast do little to help the project, but include BEVERLY TYLER as a frigid assistant to Karloff and RHODES REASON as the stalwart leader of the group. His romance with Tyler gets off to a bad start but heats up before the final reel.

The special effects are unintentionally funny, especially a scene where one of the young ladies is attacked by a carnivorous plant. Les Baxter's score is a major asset though, accenting whatever danger is indicated by the script.

But overall, the film is a distinct letdown for anyone expecting a good zombie movie. Most of the action takes place in bright sunlight amid sets that look like leftovers from Fantasy Island.

Summing up: Karloff admirers won't mind watching him here, but no one is likely to be impressed by the lame storyline.
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This Voo Doo is Deep Doo Doo
bkoganbing18 June 2007
This one must have been done for the nice Hawaiian vacation the cast got on Kauai. There couldn't be any other possible reason.

After one man comes back from an expedition to a Pacific island in a cataleptic state, a whole expedition is sent to prove there ain't no voodoo being practiced on that island where some developer wants to put up a big resort.

Boris Karloff heads our intrepid expedition that consists of Rex Reason, Beverly Tyler, Jean Engstrom, Murvyn Vye and Elisha Cook, Jr. Our men and women encounter zombies, carnivorous plants, and voodoo practicing natives. All of which is supposed to scare the audience.

Since it was Hawaii, the least they could have done was spring for color. The special effects were riotously funny.

The film was selected for the gay cinema salute of TCM this month and I will say that the lascivious looks that Jean Engstrom gives Beverly Tyler plus the way she put down Rex Reason when he tried to make a pass at her was pretty good. I agree with the TCM guest programmer who said that the juveniles who saw this in the drive-ins in 1957 got their first exposure to lesbianism.

But it sure could have been in a better film. Voodoo Island has the distinct aroma of tax write-off.
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Another mysterious island
Josep Parareda18 August 2001
Boris Karloff is the support that stands this film that was made as Ed Wood junior used to do, with low budget but with dignity. I like the easy way the plot goes by, and the funny talks of the characters. There are some sequences that change the calmness of the events as for instance when after some wise words about the nature that surrounds them pronounced by Boris, an incautious woman decides to go for a swim in a pond she find during their trip to inspect the island. Later a member of the expedition will be the witness of a dramatic fact that will happen to an inhabitant of the island that was there playing. The film ends quietly with another wise words said by the head of the inhabitants of the island that put as a condition to let go the invaders that they never reveal to anyone what they had been seen there. The music, typical sound of the fifties science fiction movies, is very funny and warn you about an imminent danger.
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Where's the voodoo?
bensonmum24 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
There is a reason for the 4.2 IMDb rating. This film isn't very good. The cast is fine. Boris Karloff stars along with a decent supporting cast including Elisha Cook Jr. (Wilmer from The Maltese Falcon). The story concerns a group of people that go to investigate the strange happenings on an island in the Pacific. Other than a few man-eating plants (that could have easily been avoided) nothing much happens. There is very little voodoo to speak of. And when the group meets the voodoo chief on this PACIFIC island, he's a white guy. But my main problem with the film is the script. The actors are given some of the stupidest things to say I've ever heard. Any given character is likely to say or do anything at any given moment regardless of the situation. I would only recommend this to a Karloff completist.
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Even Karloff can't save this
preppy-323 February 2013
Writer, TV host and debunker Phillip Knight (Boris Karloff) is hired to investigate a South Pacific island where people have mysteriously disappeared. He takes along a bunch of obnoxious stereotypical characters. When he gets there he discovers zombies, man-eating trees and hostile natives.

Slow and VERY boring movie. The movie is more than half over before they even GET to the island! There's endless talking and tramping about a jungle, stupid looking "man-eating" trees and a totally unnecessary love story shoehorned in. The dialogue is terrible and the story goes nowhere. The only good parts of the movie are good acting by Karloff and Elisha Cook, hunky Rhodes Reason is good to look at, there's a good music score by Les Baxter and, in a surprise subplot, Claire (Jean Engstrom) is clearly a lesbian and hits on the one other woman in the expedition (Beverly Tyler)! Still it doesn't make this worth sitting through.
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I like Gunn better
sol121820 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS***Not really getting off the ground and scaring the audience "Voodoo Island" just goes from one scene to another until it finally ends, without really explaining all the weird things in it.

With three out of four men of a survey team lost on this uncharted island in the Pacific another team is sent to find out what exactly happened to them. The only survivor of the group Mitchell,Glen Dixon, is more dead then alive with a wild look in his eyes, that he never closes, that has everyone on the set calling him "Winky".

Lead by TV personality Phillip Knight, Boris Karloff, the group lands on a nearby island to rent a boat and equipment to check out the mysterious atoll. Martin Schuyler, Elisha Cook, who owns the island is a bit taken that anyone will want anything to do with it. The group of people looking for the missing surveyors work for this big hotel magnate Howard Carlton, Owen Cunningham, who's interested in building a five star hotel there.

So far so good as far as "Voodoo Island" goes but when Knight and his team including boat captain Gunn, Rhodes Reason, get on shore the movie just seems to go nowhere. Mitchell who was brought along suddenly came to life and made a brake for it. Dropping dead, this time for real, Mitchell is found by the pier with a voodoo doll that was made to look like him. Right there and then the rescue team should have realized what their in for especially when there was also found a Mawanga Bag, some kind of Voodoo artifact, indicating that their all targeted for death if they ever reach the island.

Even though we have a number of flesh eating plants and some sinister Polynesian-looking natives who's chief, Fredrich Von Ledebur, looks strangely European there's nothing in the movie that really scares you. Even when the plants go into action attacking and killing Cliar (Jean Engstrom), one of the rescue team member, the scene is about as funny or believable as the scene with Bela Lugosi and the rubber octopus in "Bride of the Monster"!

We do have a strange love triangle, which is about the most interesting thing in the film, between the macho boat captain Gunn and photographer Sarah Adams, Beverly Tyler, and the soon to be departed Clair. Clair an out of the closet lesbian really gets to hit it on with Sarah and at the same time sticks it to Gunn, being the macho man that he thinks he is, who also wants to get into her pants. I have a feeling that the movie makers had Clair killed off so early in the film to avoid anyone watching from figuring out, this in the innocent USA of 1957, what exactly Clair was not only up to but who, a lesbian, she really was. Getting Clair out of the picture also made it possible for Gunn to finally get romantic with the, what seemed to me, stuck-up on men Sarah Adams. Sarah actually was getting real hot and heavy with Clair and was anything but defensive to Macho Man Gunns advances until Clair was finally dispatched from the scene.

The movie plods along with the team finally reaching, after being captured by the locals, this native village and getting the lowdown from the natives chief and witch doctor Friedich Von Ledebur to what's going on. Von Ledebur has been running the place for the last fifty years and wants no one from the outside world to interfere with his operation. Being sick and tired of the excesses and corruption of the civilized world Von Ledebur just wants to live in peace, with his natives, which is why he has anyone, like Mitchell and the missing survivors, who enter his kingdom either turned into zombies or eaten by his plants.

There's still the greedy and materialistic Schuyler and Finch (Marvyn Vye), who's hotel magnate Cunninghmans advance man, to be taken care of with Fnch getting by far the worst of it. Schuyler is at least put to his eternal rest by jumping into the river and being eaten by the flesh-devouring plants. Finch's fate is far more saver; he's turned into, by chief Von Ledebur, a card-carrying member of the walking dead!
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Creepy Karloff.
michaelRokeefe18 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Phillip Knight(Boris Karloff)makes a living writing books that debunk superstitions, curses and the such. He is hired by a mega-rich industrialist to prove that an island in the Pacific is safe enough to build a future resort in spite of mysterious disappearances. You can bet that real estate prices plummet after the discovery of carnivorous plants and roaming zombies.

Really nothing to see that is horribly frightening. Your imagination is suppose to do that for you; although the score by Les Baxter is superb in the category of creepiness. Actually not a bad movie; Karloff himself stoic and bit mysterious...and he's the good guy. Familiar B-movie stalwarts fill the rest of the cast: Elisha Cook Jr., Rhodes Reason, Beverly Tyler, Joan Engstrom and Herbert Patterson.
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Oh That's what happened to some of those folks on Pitcairn Island
marbleann26 October 2007
I woke up early this morning with a cold and fell back to sleep with the TV on I was awoken by sound of a theremin. Oh goody Boris Karloff and a hostile looking blond. Turns out someone want wants make a resort on this South Sea type Island and Karloff is some type of debunker of all things debunkable.

This movie turned out to be a pleasant surprise because it lived up to my so bad it is good expectations, because it has a little bit of everything in it. Unrequited Lesbian attraction, romance, man or should I say women eating plants, and even voodoo, not much but a few of dolls made in the likeness of the of people in Karloffs group that are checking out this Island to make a resort area. Seeing things, being scared to death to name a few.

I will not spoil the reason behind all of this and if it is real or if Karloff debunks the existence of Voodoo. I will say amongst all of the mayhem we get a history mystery solved. Where did some of those folks who got sick of Pitcairn Island go. Toward the end of the movie the chief who is a white man dressed up in native garb explains we have been searching from island to island looking for a place that we can be happy. Well they found it and it is called Voodoo Island.

I say if you are a collector of so bad it is good type movies, collect this. If just to see a giant plant eat a little girl. You don't get to see that happening too much in movies.
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I love this movie.
marioriospinot17 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I could have seen this when I was about twelve years old and was mesmerized. I was not aware that Boris was in it. If I were to see it now for the first time I think I would vomit. Well, maybe not. I kinda remember paying $00.25 and seeing three movies, those were the days. I was scared s***less and for months would not walk the dog in the park (which he could not understand). I'd like to see it again. There is a scene where she is swimming and the water plants start inching towards her and finally she realizes that she in trouble but its too late and they bring her down. I made my mother sit outside the bathroom while I took a bath. There is another scene when a little girls walks over a man(person)eating plant and it closes around her and she tries to get out and you see her efforts until finally it all ends. That was a tough one. Thank you.
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Okay 50's fright flick
Woodyanders19 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Shrewd and jolly hoax buster Phillip Knight (a marvelously spry performance by the great Boris Karloff) is hired by wealthy industrialist Howard Carlton (solid Owen Cunningham) to prove that an island that Carlton plans to build a resort on isn't cursed with voodoo. Knight and his expedition team go to said island and naturally run afoul of hostile native and carnivorous plants. Director Reginald Le Berg, working from a talky and hokey script by Richard Landau, unfortunately allows the pace to plod along at a draggy clip and doesn't offer much in the way of creepy atmosphere. The competent cast do their best with the mediocre material: Beverly Tyler as Knight's charming assistant Sarah Adams, Murvyn Vye as the hearty Barney Finch, Elisha Cook, Jr. as worrywart hotelier Martin Schuyler, Rhodes Reason as rugged, bitter he-man Matthew Gunn, Jean Engstrom as the snooty Claire Winter, and Glenn Dixon as the zombified Mitchell. Karloff's classy and charismatic presence helps a lot; he brings a good deal of sorely needed energy to the otherwise pretty dreary proceedings. The scenes with the man-eating plants attacking people are a hoot, but overall there's way too much tedious filler and not nearly enough action. Both Les Baxter's shivery'n'spirited ooga-booga score and William Marguiles' sharp black and white cinematography are up to par. A pre-"Batman" Adam West pops up in a neat uncredited bit part as a radio operator. Decent schlocky fun.
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Not that much voodoo or excitement on this island
TheLittleSongbird6 May 2013
If it wasn't for Boris Karloff, I probably would not have seen Voodoo Island. After seeing it, I do think that Karloff is the best thing about Voodoo Island, he has given far better performances but he brings a lot of class and command to his role. Elisha Cook is also good, the music is haunting and adds successfully to the sense of danger and dread and the ending is kind of creepy. Very little else works however. The cinematography is not so bad, it is sharp and looks decent enough, it's just that there isn't much that is particularly memorable and little special is done with it. The plants to put it kindly do look stupid and have absolutely nothing to do with the story or title(which was quite misleading). They don't serve much of a purpose either, they don't have much personality and the deaths(quite a low body count here) are utterly forgettable. The script and story were the biggest flaws. There is far too much talk in the script and in quality it is flimsy and has little flow. I'd forgive the slow pacing if the story and atmosphere were compelling enough. Sadly though they are not, the lack of thrills, suspense or genuine horror as well as the fact that little of it makes sense made Voodoo Island a chore to sit through in all honesty. The lesbian subplot was surprising but I am not sure whether it merged with the rest of the story or whether it was out of place and stuck out like a sore thumb, by all means it holds interest value but it leans towards the latter for me. The characters are severely underdeveloped, playing second fiddle to everything else, so we have no time to care for or even like them. Apart from Karloff and Cook, the rest of the cast don't register. And I do agree about the voodoo issue, there is little of it so you do feel that the title and story bear no relevance to one another, and the fact that the film seems to think that it occurred in the Pacific rather than the Caribbean(not nit-picking at all, this is common knowledge) is rather disturbing. I've seen MST3K mentioned here and I also agree, there are worse films that have been torn to shreds on that show but I think MST3K would think of some good material talking about Voodoo Island. Overall, not as bad as its rep but despite two good performances, a good score and the ending Voodoo Island is pretty bad. 4/10 Bethany Cox
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