G.I. Blues (1960) Poster


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Elvis' career changing movie
funkyfry11 October 2002
Elvis was photographed in uniform while still in service (in Germany) for this amusing, light service comedy. He must make good on a bet made for another serviceman who's been sent to Alaska -- to bed dancer Prowse within a week. She's legendarily cold, but warms up to E's garrulous charms and his chivalry. She takes him out to the country, where he sings to her on a ski-lift and (unfortunately) at a children's puppet show. This is really the beginning of the new Elvis, the family Elvis, which is now despised by many fans of his grittier 50s act, but also really helped him sustain his career through the weird 60s pop music atmosphere. A lot of people that are into Elvis are down on his movie recordings, but the fact is that this is what kept his stuff going when others who came up in rock and roll (Chuck Berry, Gene Vincent, Bill Haley, etc.) were faltering or beginning exclusively European and Mexican tours and films.

The film, as it is, should serve as nostalgia for some, and as a bright spot of silliness on the now much bleaker cinema screens.
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Jump Starting The Career of The King Again
bkoganbing21 December 2007
GI Blues was Elvis Presley's fifth picture and first one since his return from the Army as America's most celebrated draftee of the Fifties. It also marked his first film with director Norman Taurog who did nine films with the King.

Taurog like so many in Hollywood in front of and behind the camera was getting less and less employment and taking what he could get. These were the kind of people that Elvis's manager Colonel Tom Parker made sure helped his meal ticket in any way possible. Norman Taurog won an Oscar in 1931 for Skippy and was nominated for his direction of Boys Town in 1938 which won Spencer Tracy an Oscar. Over the years Taurog directed such musical performers as Bing Crosby, Dean Martin, Mario Lanza, Eddie Fisher, and Debbie Reynolds. This man was most assuredly a help to the King's career and I've no doubt Parker was behind getting him.

Parker is a controversial figure, especially among Elvis's legion of fans as to whether he helped or hindered Elvis's career. He might have done a little of both, but one thing the man was always sure of is that in Presley's movies, he made sure that he got the best support in front and behind the camera. Norman Taurog extended his own career via the King. Everybody made out here.

The Colonel also was a master at keeping the publicity going while Elvis was a $78.00 a month GI serving in Germany. So much so there was a tremendous about of advance publicity about this film which was about a young rock and rolling soldier who finds love in Frankfurt.

Elvis gets hooked into a Guys and Dolls type bet that he can't spend the night in Juliet Prowse's apartment. Prowse is a local entertainer at one of the clubs in Frankfurt and she's got a reputation as one cold lady. But you know she ain't got a chance with the king.

Part of the publicity surrounding this film was Juliet Prowse's relationship with another guy she did a film with that year, Frank Sinatra. She and Sinatra were quite the item and they announced their engagement and then broke it off just as quickly. Juliet was quite the dancer both in GI Blues and in Can-Can. I remember all of this quite well as a lad. And it was always a special treat in Elvis films when he got a female co-star who was also musical like Ann-Margret, Nancy Sinatra, or Juliet Prowse.

Elvis had a bunch of songs in the film including his own Blue Suede Shoes playing on a jukebox during a bar brawl. One song I really liked was Pocketful of Rainbows which he sings to Juliet while riding in a cable car. It should have been a bigger hit for him.

GI Blues was a fine jump start for Elvis's return to the big screen and to his loyal legion of fans.
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Elvis Is Fresh
wes-connors19 August 2009
Back in Hollywood, after a two-year stint in the US army, Elvis Presley (as Tulsa McLean) is a stationed-in-Germany singing soldier out to bed sexy dancer Juliet Prowse (as Lili). This tailor-made film set the standard for the successful "ELVIS" movie. Presley spent the 1960s swinging and singing through "Top Ten" box office and record charts. "G.I Blues" propelled Elvis back into Quigley Publications "Box Office" ten most profitable movie stars, where he stayed through 1966. The RCA soundtrack went platinum, and was #1 for ten of its amazing 111 weeks on the LP chart. RCA planned no 45 RPM singles (which helped album sales), but "Wooden Heart" and "G.I. Blues" became hits anyway.

Unfortunately, the musical's trend-setting success overshadowed Presley's superior studio recordings from the time (listen to "Elvis Is Back!"). Also note, the re-recording of "Blue Suede Shoes" is a pale imitation of the 1956 original. So, a creative cancer was being forged. But, it's not fair to fault "G.I. Blues" for the sight and sound of Elvis Presley singing "Old MacDonald Had a Farm" in "Double Trouble" (1967). And, although everyone (including Presley) longed for him to be a great dramatic actor, he shows up in "G.I. Blues" as a charming and natural light performer. Herein, Presley introduces many of the playful mannerisms used throughout the remainder of his career, in musicals and on stage.

****** G.I. Blues (8/18/60) Norman Taurog ~ Elvis Presley, Juliet Prowse, Robert Ivers, James Douglas
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More subdued, classy, Elvis.
movibuf19626 March 2003
I loved this film. It's not typical Elvis in the sense that for once he doesn't play the irreverent gigolo with a woman waiting for him in every bar; his one big dream is to do music in his own nightclub. He's quite likable and ends up even being noble when he turns the plot (of a soldier engulfed in an bet with his army buddies to 'defrost' a gorgeous nightclub dancer) on its side when he falls in love with the stunning Juliet Prowse. This one is similar in tone to VIVA LAS VEGAS because female lead Prowse is an independent woman, and not a typical Elvis groupie. That's why I like it all the more. She is never, in my opinion, actually 'refrigerated;' even when she turns down a pass from Elvis she's not so much rude as she is firm in her convictions. But what a dancer- with a pair of gams that stretch into next week!! Her introduction in the film (which shows a spinning cardboard cutout in a marquee window turn into the actual Prowse- in a strapless white, shredded dress) is breathtaking!!
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"With me, romancing a girl is a hobby, not a business."
classicsoncall15 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Funny, but when Elvis and The Beatles were hot I didn't care very much for them. Today I can appreciate their music on a whole different level. Now with Presley, the films are another thing. No one's going to claim this is Oscar caliber stuff, so that's not the reason anyone is going to tune in.

When I counted them off, there were ten tunes performed by Elvis in the story, not counting the one in the shower. That one actually didn't sound very good, but then he got rolling with the title song along with his band members Ricky (James Douglas) and Cookie (Robert Ivers). The story line is loosely built around the idea that Presley's character Tulsa wants to buy a night club back in the States once they muster out.

I can't remember the last time I saw Juliet Prowse, but it has to be on one of those ubiquitous variety shows back in the day. She can really wow 'em when it comes to her dance routines, and it helps that her legs go all the way to there. Prowse joins Presley in a duet on a ski lift doing 'Pocket Full of Rainbows', but it sounded to me like her voice went through a synthesizer.

As for The King himself, he sounded great (except for the shower), and I thought 'Wooden Heart' was done pretty creatively with the puppet routine. But the best was his last number 'Do You Ever Get One of Them Days, Boys?", flexing those Elvis knees that made all the girls go gaga way before there was anyone going by that name. This is a fun flick and should appeal to Elvis fans, with an actual nod to 'Blue Suede Shoes' when a fellow G.I. makes a selection on the juke box.
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One of Elvis' better efforts
jjnxn-112 October 2013
Elvis's first film back after his military service is not as good as his best film King Creole nor as flashy and fun as Viva Las Vegas but still falls into the plus category as far as his films go. He has a talented co-star in Juliet Prowse, her exotic brand of sex appeal adds a nice component that adds a different spice to the movie. While the script is innocuous it certainly is far better than the slug he would be making just a few years later like Speedway and Harum Scarum. He looks very fetching in his uniform, the songs, including Blue Suede Shoes, by and large are pretty good and the film has many attractive locations. A pleasant diversion.
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Blues is Pretty Upbeat
treadwaywrites8 January 2009
When you have Elvis Presley in a movie is there a need to have a plot or do you just stick him on screen and say GO! That's not really fair. Though there is most certainly a formula to making an Elvis picture there is also a lot of talent that went into each movie. Not the least of that talent was Elvis himself. All the Elvis movies have both a timeless quality to them while also presenting an innocence of a film-making age. Hal Wallis, who directs many of the Elvis films also directs Blue Hawaii which is a better followup to GI Blues.

The reason to watch G.I. Blues is not the story, the cinematography nor the direction even though all three are done with precision and no overkill. The reason to watch is Elvis. This movie was made in 1960 when The King was at his prime and starting to feel comfortable on screen. His performances are excellent, musical numbers that is, and we're all lucky to have them captured. The movie and Elvis are full of charm and you wonder at times how much Elvis' real life was mirrored with all that charm-like atmosphere around him. ***/**** (for an Elvis flick).

On a side note if you find an original poster of this movie, call me.
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The interest lies more in the music than in the characters or storyline
JamesHitchcock12 September 2013
"G.I. Blues" was the first film Elvis Presley made after his release from the army in 1960, and, appropriately, has an army theme. Elvis here plays Specialist Tulsa McLean, a tank crewman serving with the U.S. Army in West Germany. In some ways this film looks forward to the sort of musical comedies which Elvis was to make later in the sixties. Many of these had an exotic setting and seemed to function as travelogues as well as musicals. What Elvis was later to do for Hawaii in "Blue Hawaii", for Mexico in "Fun in Acapulco" and for Nevada in "Viva Las Vegas!" he does here for Germany. In 1960 Americans were no doubt used to films about Nazi Germany, but the country we see here is not the defeated enemy of fifteen years earlier but America's new democratic ally, shown as an idealised land of old timbered houses, romantic vistas of the Rhine, foaming mugs of lager and pretty Frauleins in dirndl skirts. No doubt the German Tourist Board was suitably grateful.

Like most characters played by Elvis, Tulsa is a keen singer, and his great ambition is to run his own nightclub when he leaves the army. In order to obtain some of the money needed for this venture, he accepts a bet that he can spend the night with a local nightclub dancer named Lili. Lili has a reputation for being "hard to get", but Tulsa, like most characters played by Elvis, turns out to be irresistible to women, and it is not long before romance starts to blossom. There are also subplots about romances involving two of Tulsa's buddies, one (Cookie) with Lili's Italian flatmate Tina and another (Rick) with a local girl named Marla. Rather unusually for a light-hearted musical comedy from this period, Marla is an unmarried mother; when Production Code Hollywood dealt with the subject of unmarried motherhood it generally did so in the context of some deeply serious, moralising movie.

"G.I. Blues"  was a success at the box office, but Presley' s film career seemed to be going in a different direction when he followed it up with two more serious films, "Flaming Star" and "Wild in the Country", in both of which he concentrated more on acting and less on music. Neither, however, was as successful at the box office as "G.I. Blues", which in many ways serves as a template for the "pretty girls and pretty scenery" type of musical comedies which were to provide Elvis with his comfort zone during the rest of his cinema career from "Blue Hawaii" onwards. The main difference is that "G.I. Blues", musically speaking, relies rather more on rock music and rather less on than the easy-listening style than do the likes of "Blue Hawaii" and "Frankie and Johnny". (The film's best-known number, however, is "Wooden Heart", derived from a German folksong). Elvis's leading lady here, the glamorous, leggy Juliet Prowse, makes more of an impact than do some of her rather anonymous successors, and her role as a nightclub dancer gives her a chance to show off her own dancing skills.

Interestingly this is one of the few films to play games with the normal convention that, except when making cameo appearances as "themselves", film stars are not referred to in the films in which they appear. While performing in a bar Tulsa discovers a record called "Blue Suede Shoes", sung by one Elvis Presley, on the jukebox. I wonder who he was. Other examples of this sort of game include "His Girl Friday", in which Cary Grant makes a quip about his co-star Ralph Bellamy, and "Ocean's Twelve" in which one character's physical resemblance to Julia Roberts is an important plot point. Roberts, of course, plays the character herself.

The banal plot, underdeveloped characterisation and lack of any great acting performances mean that "G.I. Blues" is unlikely ever to be regarded as a classic of the cinema. As with most Elvis films, the interest lies more in the music than in the characters or storyline. At least the film has more heart and spirit than a number of later Presley movies, such as "Frankie and Johnny" and "Paradise Hawaiian Style", and the star himself is more animated and less wooden than he was to be in some of those offerings. And Prowse is always worth watching, especially while dancing. 5/10

A goof. The German for "Fritz loves Emma" is not, as the scriptwriter obviously believed, "Fritz liebe Emma" but "Fritz liebt Emma". After me, class- Ich liebe, du liebst, er liebt.....
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Very enjoyable Presley flick
ODDBear12 August 2010
Though this movie sealed Elvis's fate as to what kind of films he'd be churning out by the dozen; it's hard not to like it.

Elvis is thoroughly charming as Tulsa, an American GI stationed in Germany. He takes part in a rather despicable bet as he claims he can "defrost" a sultry dancer (Juliet Prowse). He succeeds in charming her but, to his own surprise, also falls for her.

Well, the story's simple - but it sets the stage for some truly entertaining Presley songs and some knockout dancing by the charming Juliet Prowse who also gives a good performance. The film is energetically made and the usual Presley "possé" is fairly likable here.

There's no denying the fact that the "defrost" bet is very tasteless but Elvis's character sidesteps it quite nicely. Here Elvis plays basically the same character as in his subsequent films; a mischievous lad, wholly independent, with a surprisingly strong moral sense and prone to landing in at least one bar fight. But this is the first light-hearted Presley flick and he looks like he's enjoying himself and the songs really are top notch. "Tonight is so right for love" and "Shopping Around" are among many highlights here and it's very funny to see a guy in a bar pick "Blue Suede Shoes" on the jukebox by some rocker named Elvis Presley (and that lands him in a fight with...well, Elvis).

Although "G.I. Blues" laid the groundwork for some inferior films to come it's a very pleasant film and comes recommended to more than just hardcore Presley fans.
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Stupid, leering script and characters bolstered by excellent Elvis numbers...
moonspinner5517 August 2009
Elvis Presley's real-life Army uniform wasn't even cold yet before Paramount got him back on screen with "G.I. Blues", one of those musicals in which the flimsy script can nearly be forgotten in the wake of several wonderfully produced numbers. Group of wolfish U.S. Army soldiers, finishing up their tour in Germany, bet fellow G.I. Elvis he can't get inside cabaret performer Juliet Prowse's apartment and stay all night (she's the flashy European-type who is steam-heat on the outside, iceberg on the inside). Forget the contrived plot and the manic, eyeball-rolling performances and just enjoy Presley's music, with each song staged for a thrilling impact (whether they take place in a train-car, a nightclub, a skyway cabin, or a puppeteer's stage). Filmed in gorgeous color, the picture looks good enough to eat--plus, there's a cute baby, some self-effacing humor, and romance to boot. A bit long at 104 minutes, and the girls-as-targets theme is dated now and tacky, but otherwise this "G.I." is a lot of fun. **1/2 from ****
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A million miles away from the great King Creole.
HarryLags3 November 2016
GI Blues was Elvis' first post-army flick, and is a million miles away from the great King Creole film. That is not to say that this is a bad film but it's not great either.

Although not one of his best in my opinion and kind of slow moving, it's still an easy going musical romp that features some nice tunes, good acting and the beautiful Juliet Prowse. The production settings are okay as well as the cast and music, including songs like GI Blues, Shopping Around and the delightful 'WOODEN HEART' as the world famous standout hit, But apart from that, not one of my favorites.

Conclusion - Although i'm a big Elvis fan, i never did like this movie much, but maybe you might, so it's still worth checking out if you like Elvis though. Rated this 6/10
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Good one
SanteeFats24 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This was Elvis' first movie after his Army release; the 1st Medium Tank Battalion, 32nd Armored was Presley's regiment when he was in the Army with the 3rd Armored Division in Germany, so it was used for the film; the soundtrack album went to No. 1 on Billboard and spent over two years (111 weeks) on the Billboard charts. This a very good Elvis movie in my opinion. It has a lot of music, hence the trio excuse, good humor, good acting and excellent scenery of sections of Germany. He shows some funny little moves when he is singing. Little mannerisms like stopping his leg shake or funny facial expressions. His character starts reluctantly trying to romance a cabaret dancer (Lili) played by Juliet Prowse to win a bet so that his trio can open a night club when they get out. It starts to turn serious and Elvis does what most GI's wouldn't, he backs out of the bet. Robert Ivers plays Cookie, the second member of the trio, a stereotypical American serviceman out for seemingly one thing (take a guess what). James Douglas is Rick, the third member of the trio, he is looking for his lost love Marla. He finds where she lives with their baby that he doesn't know about, he is told she has moved. They don't show how but Rick ends up with Marla, delirious about the fact he is a father. He gets Elvis's to baby sit while the pair run out to get married, after telling him the baby will sleep like a baby. If you have ever had a kid(s) you know how that works out!! Using the crying baby to get a panicked Elvis and Juliet back together again is a cute way to accomplish what any one watching the movie would realize was going to happen. Scheming Cookie trying to win the bet takes the roommate Tina, a girl he is trying to ????, out on the town so they other two are left alone as per the bet. Of course Lili finds out about the bet and things get tense for awhile between the two of them. Then things get cleared up, the trio gets it break by going on the Armed Forces Network. As usual in this type of film everything turns out well for every one. Tulsa (Elvis) and Lili get married, Rick and Marla too. Cookie can't scheme his way out of love. So all's well that ends happily.
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G.I. Blues
jcolyer122922 July 2007
Elvis Presley's first movie following his discharge from the Army. He was accepted now, mainstream. Elvis was stationed in Germany, and G.I. Blues is set there. Germany is part of the "Elvis Presley trail" I envisioned myself going down. Juliet Prowse is the showgirl, famous for her legs. She is Elvis' equal and makes the film worthwhile. Speaking of Juliet, Elvis said, "She has a body that would make a bishop stamp his foot through a stained glass window." Elvis served in the the Army, 1958-60. He was drafted in peace time. He was too young for Korea and too old for Vietnam. This bit of luck made his fabulous career possible. His service was in contrast to Cassius Clay's resistance a few years later.
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g.i. blues
mossgrymk3 December 2021
The story and dialogue are of the usual Elvis variety...picked up from the corner of boring and stupid...but there are more songs than usual for an Elvis flic and if only a few of them are good (the rousing finale and "Frankfort Special" being my faves) at least you're distracted from that lame ass screenplay. And, of course, you have the added pleasure of looking at Juliet Prowse's luscious, late Eisenhower era bod in those two sexy dance numbers. Give it a solid C. PS...The face of the baby Elvis serenades bears an eerie resemblance to Col Tom Parker.
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Gee, I don't know...
tigerman20017 September 2002
Those of us who're into Elvis' music and other parts of his considerable musical and cultural legacy should probably hate this movie. After all, it was the first symptom that something fundamental had changed in Elvis' career after his two years in the US Army. This film, obviously inspired by recent events in Elvis' life, gives us a sanitized King who's family-friendly and anything but the threat to society's moral fabric that he was perceived as being a few short years before. At 25, Elvis was now vetted as suitable for family consumption. Not that that's a bad thing. The March, 1960 recordings that produced some of Elvis' biggest hits ("Are You Lonesome Tonight" and the phenomenally-successful "It's Now Or Never" among them) featured some of the best material that he'd ever recorded, but generally confirmed a shift -- or perhaps really a broadening -- in focus. Maybe the two years in the Army and his first real exposure to the world beyond his own country had matured him, especially given that he'd suffered through the loss of his mother during that time.

Still, the version of Elvis that "GI Blues" presented went a step further than just maturity. If it'd been a one-off deal there'd have been no problem -- the problem was that they kept trying to remake the film, as Elvis himself complained. And the problem with THAT, when you come down to it, is that the man was capable of much, much more. Certainly, he was able to act more effectively than we'd see in later properties like "Clambake" and "Double Trouble." The two films that followed this one, the great "Flaming Star" and "Wild In The Country," ably proved that. Then along came the box-office smash "Blue Hawaii," giving Elvis his biggest film receipts since "GI Blues" and cementing to a great extent his Hollywood future. As if the loss of a potentially great and certainly charismatic acting talent weren't enough, the focus on the bottom line led inexorably to weaker and weaker soundtracks. It didn't take long before Elvis was, with a few exceptions, turning out substandard recordings that would eclipse in volume and sales the still-great studio work that he too seldom did during the '60s. As catchy as I find some of these movie songs, and despite the redeeming qualities to be found in many, the sad fact is that most of what he recorded for the movies was far, far below what he was capable of even on a bad day. Take the movies, but leave the man his music. That is the real tragedy of Elvis' movie career, I think, and the reason why we should cringe at the thought of "GI Blues," the movie that started it all.

But I can't do that. I really can't hate such a good-natured film. Even this early in his '60s formula-movie days the music is watered-down to a great extent but most of the songs are still of high quality and some are exceedingly catchy or well done (e.g., the title song, the beautiful "Doin' The Best I Can," "Shoppin' Around," and even the sometimes-maligned "Wooden Heart"). The soundtrack sold like hotcakes -- over two years on the US charts! -- and the movie did huge business. Yes, indeed, Elvis was back! It's not the movie's fault that it became a turning point and one with, ultimately, dire consequences. Elvis' performances is, as befits the material, not as gritty or edgy as that of his previous role (in 1958's classic "King Creole") and this is more a straight musical-comedy of the kind that'd sustained Hollywood for decades. There are a few twists, though, such as the acceptance of one of Elvis' bandmates having fathered a child out of wedlock, and Elvis gets to show off his comic skills to great advantage in several scenes, including those that center upon that baby, 'Tiger.' Actually, it's the scenes with 'Tiger' that I always remembered above all else from when I first saw this movie back in the '70s. I like some of the things that indicate a self-awareness in the movie: Elvis' line at the movie's end, delivered to the camera, is most obvious, but the whole "Blue Suede Shoes" jukebox scenario's pretty funny and Elvis makes two references to "All Shook Up" during the narrative. Elvis does get to flash a couple of looks of anger and even arrogant confidence across his face a couple of times -- he was utterly convincing, just with a look, at portraying such emotions -- but for the most part he's a fairly happy-go-lucky sort in this film. He radiates charm throughout, echoing the sentiments of his "Love Me Tender" costar, Richard Egan: "That boy can charm the birds right out of the trees." Elvis' male and female co-stars all do a competent job throughout, and someone evidently thought enough of Juliet Prowse's long-legged dancing routines to include two of them in the film.

The producers shot scenes while Elvis was still in Germany but used a double for his long-shots. All of the German scenes that we see are either projected behind the principals or are scenes shot on location with other people, while Elvis was still over there finishing his tour of duty. They obviously put a lot of thought into storyboarding the film and getting costumes and everything else sorted out so that location shots would match soundstage scenes. This was not a quick and nasty 'quickie' film -- that would come later, beginning with the filming of "Kissin' Cousins" in 1963.

"GI Blues": it's a nice, entertaining movie, so it does its job. No heavy themes or messages, just the kind of thing that lets you spend a little time in the land of escapist, lightweight, boy-meets-girl stories. It has its place. It's just a pity that its place turned out to be right at the pivot point in the career of the most exceptional vocal and stage performer of the century.
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Celebrating 60 years of "G.I. Blues" with wafer-thin plot for Elvis (sans the Pelvis)
paul-allaer12 August 2020
"G.I. Blues" (1960 release; 105 min.) brings the story of Tulsa and his Army buddies. As the movie opens, Tulsa is stationed in Frankfurt, West Germany, dreaming of his post-Army days to hopefully become a successful singer and to that effect, Tulsa and his buddies perform at various local bars and venues. In the meantime, there are more immediate things to worry about, such as... girls! One evening, Tulsa catches a bar dancer named Lili by chance, and he is quite smitten with her. Tulsa and his buddies make a wager that he can spend the night one-on-one with Lili... At this point we are less than 15 min. into the movie.

Couple of comments: this is the "Army movie" that was being planned for Elvis while he was actually still stationed in West Germany in real life. The Army lent its support to the project, and some scenes were filmed on location (although most of the film was shot upon Elvis' release from the Army). Elvis plays Tulsa, who is basically just being Elvis. The movie's plot is wafer-thin, basically a string of excuses to let Elvis sing and perform while he is pursuing his love interest. Keep an eye out for the production set, as truly this movie is a time capsule of a different era--check out the "Köln-Düsseldorfer" river cruise (still operating now 60 years later) and the impossibly small Frankfurt airport, not to mention those wonderful late 50s car models. Then there is the (in)famous babysitting scene late in the film, both funny and cringe-worthy all at the same time. All in all, this is quite innocent fun, and also very chastite. No "Elvis the Pelvis" here, as he pretty much restrains moving his body while performing. It's hard to believe that this movie is now 60 years old, but you could do a lot worse as an introduction to Elvis' movie career.

I had never seen this film until a few days ago when I was channel surfing and stumbled on this on HDNet, a TV channel I had never heard about. On pure intuition, I tuned in and found myself sorta mesmerized how good this film turned out to be. HDNet showed this as part of an Elvis movie marathon in August (I recently also saw "Blue Hawaii"). I plan on checking out a few more Elvis films in the days to come. Meanwhile, if you, like myself, have ever been curious about actually seeing an entire Elvis movie, I'd readily suggest you check out "G.I. Blues", and draw your own conclusion.
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Elvis in an Army Tank
zardoz-1313 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
You can always tell a good Elvis movie from a bad one, and "G.I. Blues" ranks as one of his better efforts. The story boils down basically to Elvis gets the girl no matter how reluctant she may be. This time he pursues the gorgeous Juliet Prowse. Prowse plays an eligible, single, white, female named Lili who puts on quite a floor show in the German nightclub where she dances. Elvis is in the military—as he was briefly in real life—but this time he is Tulsa MacLean, a member of a U.S. Army tank battalion. The G.I.s challenge him to a bet that he cannot spend a night alone with Lili, and Tulsa embarks on the arduous task of romancing this iceberg. Predictably, the Pelvis wins the wager, but he doesn't do it in an obnoxious fashion. Indeed, his behavior is that of a gentleman, and he impresses Lili with his good manners while his drooling buddies watch from afar. "G.I. Blues" was his fifth cinematic outing, coming between Michael Curtiz's above-average "King Creole" and one of his finest westerns Don Siegel's "Flaming Star." This was his sixth outing with director Norman Taurog, the most prolific of Elvis's directors with nine films films to his credit. The Germany scenery is nice. "Donovan's Reef" writer Edmund Beloin and "A Visit to a Small Planet" scribe Henry Garson drum up some good dialogue in this lightweight but entertaining romantic comedy.
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Silly and Naive, But Elvis, His Songs and Juliet Prowse Make It Worth
claudio_carvalho12 June 2006
In Frankfurt, the G.I. Tulsa McLean (Elvis Presley) bets all the money his friends Cookie (Robert Ivers) and Rick (James Douglas) and he are saving to buy a night-club of their own in USA that his mate Dynamite will seduce and spend a night with the untouchable cabaret dancer Lili (Juliet Prowse). When Dynamite is transferred to Alaska, Tulsa has to replace him in the bet, but he falls for Lili and tries to call off the game.

"G.I. Blues" is a silly and naive story, being a pretext to see and hear Elvis Presley only. But I believe every fan of this great singer will appreciate his songs and his chemistry with the charming and sexy Juliet Prowse. This movie certainly is not a masterpiece, but is very enjoyable and a worthwhile entertainment. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): "Saudades de um Pracinha" ("Missing a G.I.")
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Welcome Back, Elvis!
Shelly_Servo300016 August 2002
G.I. Blues was filmed after our boy Elvis came back from the Army, and the savvy, slick succubus known as Col. Tom Parker wanted to milk that experience as much as he could, thus this movie.

I must say that it's not a horrible film ("Clambake" anyone?) but it's not his best (and there are so many that are better than this one).

Fun, light programming fare, with cool songs.
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tcchelsey11 November 2021
It's an old story, the guy trying to win over the girl who won't even crack a smile... Remember Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers? Ordinarily, it would be a long, cold winter courtship of sorts, but you can't turn down Elvis. Then again, it won't be easy either as beautiful Juliet Prowse is actually the subject of a great debate as to whether anyone could win her over; she's as cold as ice! Goodness gracious! A lot has been written about Presley's films, and there's plenty of criticism to go around, however, this is a pretty good story and well handled by the KING who does his darnedest to win over an extremely cold shoulder, suddenly realizing that she's the ONE! Also credit veteran director Norman Taurog who mastered these stories going back to the silent era, and, for that matter, went on to direct Elvis several more times, his best effort being BLUE HAWAII, hands down. Very early film credit for Prowse, who is always worth watching. A tv fave generally around Veterans Day and Memorial Day, ya think!
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Decent Elvis fare with some standout songs...
macleod_lebeau1 October 2003
Decent Elvis fare with some standout songs {Tonight Is So Right For Love,Shoppin'Around,G.I.Blues},a fairly funny script and good production values.Elvis and Juliet Prowse have excellent chemistry and easily carry the film through it's weaker moments.
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Left me flat.
pmtelefon26 October 2019
I'm a fan of Elvis Presley and his music but I have a lot of catching up to do when it comes to his movies. I've seen a few of them but I've only scratched the surface. The ones that I've seen I have mostly enjoyed. "G.I. Blues" I didn't enjoy that much. The cast is fine but the story is not the interesting. There are a few good songs but mostly they are pretty forgettable. After a while "G.I. Blues" began to feel like homework.
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An energetic musical you can't help but like.
michaelRokeefe20 October 1999
Elvis' first post army movie is about what? A G.I. in West Germany wants to buy a nightclub in Oklahoma. Tulsa McLain (Elvis) takes on a wager that he hopes will solve his money problems. He is to stay the night with ice cold, leggy dancer, Lili(Juliet Prowes). Girl dances for boy; boy sings for girl. But baby sitting becomes the problematic solution to the plot. A more grown up look for Elvis and a great soundtrack that is more pop than rock.
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G.I. Blues (1960) ***
JoeKarlosi27 January 2007
Sometimes when rating movies I can feel a little embarrassed in giving certain films a three out of four star rating. Well, to hell with that -- I flat-out enjoyed G.I. BLUES, which was Elvis Presley's fifth movie and marked a significant shift in his public image and how he would be perceived throughout the 1960s while The Beatles and other groups were taking over. After coming back from his stint in the U.S. Army, Elvis made this picture which capitalized on that event. He plays a G.I. who takes a bet with some of his army pals in Germany that he will be able to score with leggy fraulein dancer Juliet Prowse. Along the way there are laughs, songs (naturally), and some romance.

Gone here is the young rockin' rebel we'd previously seen in films like LOVING YOU, JAILHOUSE ROCK, and KING CREOLE. Now we have Elvis as the more matured family man, Elvis as the comedian. And you know what? Elvis could be funny! Some of his comedic facial expressions in this are priceless, and the scene where he nervously bumbles about while trying to babysit a screaming child is truly humorous. Regardless of how Elvis himself felt about doing such a film, it doesn't show in his performance at this stage as it would many years later when it would appear he was just going through the motions in these types of formulaic situations; here he seems to be having a good time. The songs aren't superb, but they're fun and entertaining. I personally like the title tune of "G.I. Blues", as well as "Shoppin' Around," "Didja Ever," "Doing the Best That I Can," and - my personal favorite singalong, "Frankfurt Special" (whoa, whoa, whoaaa!). *** out of ****
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Inoffensive and cheerful.
adamjohns-4257521 June 2023
G. I. Blues (1960) -

There were a lot of handsome fellas in uniform featured in this film, but although Elvis Presley had a certain charisma in his role of Tulsa, he didn't really do much for me. His voice was brilliant of course, but he just wasn't my type, especially with so many others around him that didn't look like they were fighting off sleep all the time and weren't quite so skinny in the shower scene. He also came across as a bit full of himself too, as an actor and as Tulsa.

Yes I am superficial, but I find that it helps when watching a film if the lead guy is someone that appeals to me.

I refused to believe that Rick (James Douglas) had such an ugly baby too, because he was very nice to look at and so was Dynamite, Jeeter (Mickey Knox) and Mac (Kenneth Becker).

And even Captain Hobart (John Hudson) was easy on the eye.

Juliet Prowse was not exactly a goddess though. Her role of Lili was quite a caustic one and she wasn't even as pretty as Cookie's (Robert Ivers) waitress friend, Tina (Leticia Román) - Cookie was a cute little fella actually.

And as for Lili's dancing, while obviously proficient, it was amazing what passed for entertainment in the clubs of the 1960's.

But appearances aside, nobody did a bad job and the story was typical of its kind and enjoyable enough for that. There wasn't too much heartache in connection to them being soldiers or actual fighting. It was a romance set in the time of war and not a film about any known battles or skirmishes.

I struggled to find the actual comedy in the film though, because for me it was just a bit silly.

I did like the fact that the songs fit in with the story however, rather than just being randomly placed tunes of any old lyrics. They actually helped to tell the tale.

I would watch it again, because it was simple and easy, but I certainly couldn't put it anywhere near my top 100 films. It just didn't have anything that stood out about it, except Elvis and his popularity at the time of its release. Watching it for the first time all these years later his fame didn't carry as much weight as it surely would have done in 1960 and the height of his celebrity.

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