Nine Hours to Rama (1963) Poster

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Exotic locations for assassination tale of Ghandi's death...
Doylenf14 September 2006
So little is heard of this film these days, that it has almost slipped into obscurity. And that's a shame. It has a fascinating story at the core--but the drawback seems to be a series of flashbacks that could have been edited to omit too much emphasis on the love interest between the assassin (HORST BUCHHOLZ) and VALERIE GEARON.

The flashbacks explaining the youth of the future assassin are interesting enough and there's a lot of local color in the splendid Indian backgrounds to give the story an authentic feel. But the romance takes up too much time that cuts into the suspenseful angle of a tale that lacks the taut excitement generated by that other famous assassination attempt depicted in THE DAY OF THE JACKAL.

Jose Ferrer and Robert Morley are the only other notables in the cast, with the exception of DIANE BAKER (whom I almost didn't recognize as the dark-skinned Indian girl that shares an intense scene with Buchholz in which she gets slapped around pretty badly).

Two hours of running time is a bit of a stretch for this tale, which is still absorbing enough to watch under Mark Robson's forceful direction. HORST BUCHHOLZ carries the film with a very intense performance that gives the film almost all of its edge.

For an even more exemplary example of this type of film, I highly recommend THE DAY OF THE JACKAL for tighter suspense.
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Well done fictional account of events surrounding Gandhi's assassination
AlsExGal2 December 2016
This is a somewhat fictional account of the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi. The film starts off really well, and has a good climax (unless, of course, you're Gandhi), but it drags a bit in the middle as we learn about the assassin and his motivation. Horst Buchholz plays the killer; oddly, he seems less repulsive than usual, so that's a plus. Jose Ferrer is the policeman trying to track him down. A few British actors show up in small roles. The big revelation to me was the British actress Valerie Gearon, as the upper-class Indian whom Buchholz loves. I hadn't seen her in anything before; she is quite striking. Diane Baker has a small part as an Indian, and is semi-believable. Gandhi is played by J. S. Casshyap, and he certainly looks the part.

It would be great if this existed on DVD with commentary since there are holes in the plot that require explanation. It's probably worth a look, if you can tolerate the flashback sequences.
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Worth seeing despite some unconvincing performances.
hedgehog-1018 May 2000
A film which builds up to a climax is spoilt by some unconvincing performances, especially Harry Andrews' Indian Officer and Robert Morley. Despite this, the direction is reasonable and the film worth seeing as there seem so few films about this subject.
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Interesting take on Godse but few aspects are missed out
samabc-3195226 August 2021
Narayan: "What would happen to us in the next life if Gandhi calls out to Rama, and we have killed him? We will be vile things in the next life." Nathu: "He will not call out to Rama, I swear! He will not." With a look of doubt on his face.

He was Gandhi's admirer in his early years but then under the influence of VD Savarkar he came to disapprove of Gandhiji's 'non-violence' ideology and became a devotee of hindutva.(which is currently in vogue, gradually preponderating). He had an affair with a married woman who was Gandhiji's follower and one of the what-if conjecture is that if she had agreed to run away with him just before he was to reach Birla house, Gandhiji would have lived 135 years !!!!

This movie is based on a book by Stanley Wolpert's that was published in 1962 but soon after was banned in India. The Nehruvian india also banned the movie. The possible reasons could be because Gandhi appears only in few pages of the book and the movie shows some alcohol and sex-driven account of Godse. But the government's failure could also be one of the reasons as they did have an intel of a possible assassin but still they failed to enforce additional security measures. Why were the fence around the Birla House and the compound not secured and monitored ????

The movie was made in 1963... Horst Bucholtz's (The Magnificent Seven fame) performance is well-fitting. However, the most cast including protagonist and principal characters are being played by white people with faces painted brown!!!! Why??? No English speaking actor was available back then? How about Sanjeev Kumar??? Tongue-in-cheek ... J S Kashyap is a perfect choice for the Gandhi role.. and he shines even his screen presence is limited to only few brief moments .. Many prominent Gandhians including my grandfather who was very close to Sardar Patel requested clemency for the Godse. As Gandhiji too was in favor of abolishing the death penalty. However, since death penalty still existed at the time, it was just fair to sentence him as justice must prevail!

Do you know that Nathuram Godse's niece was married to Veer Savarkar's nephew?

"It is because I have failed that you both (police superintendent and killer (Godse ) carry a gun. The weakest possess the most strength! Humility is power and non-violence will conquer over the violence though it will take thousand years. Woukd you like me to linger around fir another thousand years? " - Gandhiji Watch Nine Hours to Rama, available on YouTube.
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Historical thoughts
jclark912 June 2009
I watched this film completely at random from my library of "old VHS" I thought it to be a very good production, but probably of marginal interest to today's public.

After I realized what the movie really portrayed, I was fascinated to pursue some of the other comments, a piece of history that has been "missed." Really some of this is very relevant to what is happening today. I very much appreciate the sentiments pro or con in the above reviews.

Good movie overall, I'll not comment on the production, but would make the following observations: Bucholz - great performance, but where did he go from here? (I did see the obit); Ferrer - very impressed with his handling of his role; Morley - miscast and not in character

Lastly. this was an AngloHollywood production of an IndoPakistani historic event. A Bollywood reproduction might prove interesting!
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interesting, if westernized
blanche-229 December 2014
Nine Hours To Rama is the story of the Mahatma Gandhi's assassination in 1948. When I saw the film Gandhi with Ben Kingsley, I looked on the IMDb message board and someone asked if Gandhi was a fictional character. So in case you're not aware, he was the founder of the independence movement that led to the creation of India and Pakistan. He believed in nonviolent resistance, which got rid of the British, but the Muslims broke away and created Pakistan. War and conflict followed.

A Hindu, Nathuram Gotse, blamed Gandhi for conceding too much to the Muslim separatist leader, Mohammed Ali Jinnah. He wasn't alone.

The strongest performance in the film is that of J.S. Casshyap, who plays Gandhi - I actually felt like I was watching the great man himself. He did a fantastic job. Horst Buchholz, an incredibly handsome man who enjoyed a good career in America for a time, plays Gotse very well. As the police inspector, Jose Ferrer handled his role beautifully - he knows Gandhi is in danger, but Gandhi won't let him take any precautions or change his schedule.

This film was released less than a year after the Kennedy assassination. The film states it is a work of fiction, as it focuses on Gotse and his various involvements.
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Feels like...Nine Hours of Torture
Poseidon-315 February 2002
Though the work behind this film may have been admirable at the time and may have had good intentions, the result now is at best unspectacular and at worst insulting. Some intriguing titles by Saul Bass give way to a pretty pedestrian film. The story is torturously told...featuring the dreaded flashback approach and a gallery of clichéd characters and situations. The cast is a befuddling mixture of British, German, Puerto Rican, American and who knows what all else all shuffling around in dark contact lenses and "brownface" as they attempt to portray Indian people. They all adapt that hokey sing-song method of speaking which is an exaggerated and stereotypical version of how Indians relay the English language. It's worst sin is it's DULLNESS! From the man who would direct "Valley of the Dolls" and "Earthquake", one might have expected a touch more pizazz! The climactic assassination attempt is pretty tense and well handled, but getting there is no picnic.
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The film is probably worth a look, if you can tolerate the flashback sequences.
scsu197519 November 2022
Somewhat fictional account of the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi. The film starts off really well, and has a good climax (unless, of course, you're Gandhi), but it drags a bit in the middle as we learn about the assassin and his motivation. Horst Buchholz plays the killer; oddly, he seems less repulsive than usual, so that's a plus. Jose Ferrer is the policeman trying to track him down. A few British actors show up in small roles. The big revelation to me was the British actress Valerie Gearon, as the upper-class Indian whom Buchholz loves. I hadn't seen her in anything before; she is quite striking. Diane Baker has a small part as an Indian, and is semi-believable. Gandhi is played by J. S. Casshyap, and he certainly looks the part.
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Fascinating film, dramatizing the murder of Mahatma Gandhi.
tmchacko23 January 2003
NINE HOURS TO RAMA distinguishes itself in the category of "historical fiction." While remaining faithful to Stanley Wolpert's novel, it perfectly captures the political tension of post-independence India which led to the murder of Mahatma Gandhi on 30 January 1948.

Nelson Gidding's screenplay eliminates some of the clutter of the novel, limits the flashbacks to the background of the assassin, Nathuram Godse, and maintains a good pace through the painful climax. Director Mark Robson (THE HARDER THEY FALL, VON RYAN'S EXPRESS), with the help of cinematographer Arthur Ibbetson, makes good use of the diverse landscape and people of India. Robson's international leads portray Indians with intelligence and sensitivity, blending expertly with many Indian supporting actors.

In making the transition from an exuberant 18-year old to an embittered fanatic of 30-plus, Horst Buchholz delivers an intense, focused performance as Godse, the real-life killer. Don Borisenko is his partner Apte, plagued by doubt and fear, and straining to reconcile his fateful mission with the tenets of his Hindu faith. The biggest liberty taken with history is the addition of a sophisticated, married woman with whom Godse falls in love, played by the lovely, elegant Valerie Gearon.

Jose Ferrer is superb as the Delhi police inspector desperately trying to prevent the inevitable, but hamstrung by the target himself. His frustration is shared by Harry Andrews, unrecognizable as a Sikh general. Robert Morley is fabulous as the parliamentarian whose hard-headed politics clashes with Gandhi's idealism. The gorgeous Diane Baker plays a prostitute who provides Godse with some much-needed refuge.

By far, the most inspired piece of casting is that of a former teacher, J. S. Casshyap, as Mahatma Gandhi. (Yes, HE is Indian!) His scenes, however brief, are the most startling. His resemblance to the great leader -- face, body, and voice -- is nothing short of remarkable, even more so than Ben Kingsley in the second half of GANDHI. It is one of the many injustices of the film world, that Casshyap was never even nominated for an Oscar for "Best Supporting Actor."

Robson and his crew deserve high praise for their fidelity to the subject matter and the professionalism of its execution, from Saul Bass's chilling opening credits (showing the inner workings of a stopwatch) and Malcolm Arnold's magnificent score, through the costume and production design, all the way to the brilliantly staged and edited assassination sequence. The result is one of the most underrated films of the 1960's.

I am furious that this is not available on VHS or DVD; in fact it should be in the widescreen format! One can only hope that 20th Century Fox will someday rectify the situation.
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Both suspenseful, yet stodgy!
JohnHowardReid17 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A Mark Robson (Red Lion) Production, filmed on location in Delhi, Bombay, Poona, Nasik. Copyright 31 December 1962 by Red Lion Productions. Released through 20th Century-Fox. New York opening at the Astor: 3 April 1963. U.S. release: April 1963. U.K. release: 24 March 1963. Sydney opening at the Century. 11,240 feet. 125 minutes.

SYNOPSIS: At 8 a.m. on the morning of 30 January 1948, Naturam Godse (Horst Buchholz) and Narayam Apte (Don Borisenko) awaken in a retiring room of the second floor of the railway station in Delhi, India. The two are hoping to hide out until 5 p.m. when they plan to assassinate Mahatma Gandhi as he arrives at a prayer meeting in the garden back of the home of Indian industrialist G. D. Birla. They are awaiting the arrival of a conspirator, who does not know who they are or when they will do the deed.

But the confederate does not show up. He is arrested by Gopal Das (José Ferrer), superintendent of police, who is sure an attempt will be made on Gandhi's life. But he is not certain of time or place or who intends to commit the murder. He is determined to save Gandhi whom he believes to be India's greatest man.

COMMENT: You can malign most historical figures as much as you like. Of course the further removed they are in time, the better. A hundred years, for instance, and you're safe. You can be mischievously malicious, and most people won't give a damn. The cardinal exception of course is for religious icons. A lot of people are going to get mighty upset if you portray Confucius, Buddha, Mohammed, the Christ, or Moses in anything but the most adulatory way. In fact, some folk aren't going to like it period.

Mark Robson has broken both rules in "Nine Hours to Rama". His subject matter is too recent and has too much religious significance. The Indian government which co-operated in the making of the film, banned it. Not that our fellow colonists were missing out on a treat. For although it starts off most promisingly, "Nine Hours to Rama" is a stodgy affair, lumbered with flashbacks of its unsympathetic hero (glumly but nonetheless camera-hoggishly played by Horst Buchholz). These were better left on the cutting-room floor. (The only loss would be of Miss Valerie Gearon whose film roles would thus be reduced from this one to nil).

The "present" story is highly suspenseful, even though we already know the terrifying outcome. We don't need to have the past of the ant- hero filled in. We hate him, we loath him, he bores us and disgusts us. Away with him! Give us more India, more Gandhi!
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Why make this movie at all?
HotToastyRag22 April 2023
Nine Hours to Rama is the countdown before the tragic assassination of Gandhi. First of all, why would anyone want to make a movie about that? Secondly, if someone is going to make a movie about that, why would the assassin himself be the protagonist? Isn't it strange to try and "root for" the bad guy when he's this bad?

If you do watch this movie, you should know it's not as advertised. It's not a tense thriller with a nail-biting clock counting down the time of the assassination. It's not about Gandhi. It's not a cat-and-mouse relationship between the detective and the assassin. It's a series of flashbacks about why Horst Buchholz's character is so incredibly angry, and how mean and callous he treats the women in his life. He happens to be planning an assassination of Gandhi before sundown that day, but that almost feels incidental.

Horst really is a wonderful actor, though. He has an incredible magnetism and intense energy that makes it impossible to look away when he's on the screen. It's a shame he got typecast as a bad boy, and an even greater shame that he got roped into this movie. How can you bounce back from playing the guy who killed Gandhi? But perhaps the greatest shame of all is seeing the once magnificent José Ferrer beaten down and tired, depressed and without his energy and pizazz. To see him in this movie, you'd never guess he had a Rag Award and four additional nominations under his belt.
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From The Assassin's Point Of View
bkoganbing18 June 2008
Nine Hours To Rama tells the story of the assassination of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi the founder of the independence movement that led to the creation of India and Pakistan. Many Hindus feel that the latter is more like an unwanted step child that was a byproduct of the birth and thereby hangs a tale of confrontation that has lasted to this day.

Horst Bucholtz plays Nathuram Gotse who actually managed to get up close and personal in 1948 to slay a man many regard as a 20th century saint. Though Gandhi's creed of non-violent resistance worked in getting the British out it wasn't so successful in keeping the Moslem population from creating its own separate state of Pakistan. Those years marked one of the bloodiest conflicts of the last century as Moslems and Hindus both migrated under the guns of war to the boundaries of the new states. Gotse blamed Gandhi for conceding too much to the leader of the Moslem separatists Mohammed Ali Jinnah as did many.

Bucholtz does a good job in playing the fanatic, but personally I think the film is dominated by J.S. Casshyap who gives a remarkable portrayal of the Mahatma. You really do think you're seeing some old newsreel footage of Gandhi in his last years. The Mahatma was not going to compromise, not a bit. Note the frustration of Jose Ferrer as the dedicated police inspector who knows there's a real plot out there, but is helpless as Gandhi will not let him take the slightest kinds of precautions nor will Gandhi alter his schedule. And the scene where Congress Party politician Robert Morley is trying to wangle an endorsement from the Mahatma and Gandhi ever so gently turns him down is very amusing.

Ironic that Nine Hours to Rama came out the year of the assassination of our president in America. Like The Manchurian Candidate, Nine Hours to Rama was deep sixed for a while. If you get a chance to view it, don't pass it up. And definitely see it conjunction with Bhowani Junction and Ben Kingsley's remarkable Gandhi.
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A Brilliant Retelling of a Tragic Event, Unfortunately Lost to Obscurity
kayaker3621 March 2009
Despite periodic attempts by his family to rehabilitate him, Natu Ram Ghodse remains **unperson** in India. It is illegal to publish his name or likeness, with the intention of wiping out all memory of the assassin of Mahatma Gandhi.

The astonishing portrayal of the magnicide Ghodse by young Horst Buchholz shows that it is possible on an emotional level to empathize with an unsympathetic character.

The casting probably is the best thing about this picture--that and the exceptional local color of the cinematography. Buchholtz was German born and bred, yet there always was something, well...Asiatic about his looks. Darken his complexion a bit and he makes a convincing Hindu. The most inspired casting of all however was J. S. Casshyap as Gandhi. Casshyap was a university professor, Indian but entirely at home in English, and this was his first film role. His last, too so far as is known. Seeing him bent over a simple spinning wheel really is like seeing the Great Soul himself on the last day of his life.

Many commenters have remarked the effective opening titles but none seem to get the significance of showing the steady unwinding of a watch's mainspring, with driving, rhythmic Indian music in the background. Time...time is passing...time is running out--for Mohandas Gandhi, for India, for the world.
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Is this movie available on DVD or VHS
flolebus16 July 2006
I remember seeing this movie broadcast on television as young boy and being fascinated by the beautiful and exotic photography. I didn't even know who Ghandi was at that young age but was intrigued enough to watch the entire movie without really planning to. At that age I was watching sports on television mostly. I don't know much about the assassin, his motives and what happened after Ghandi's death. I would like to see if the movie is as good as I seem to remember it being today. With the increasing violence between India and Pakistan and terrorism in general, I would like to revisit this movie if possible. I am rather surprised that this movie made United States television considering how provincial and narrow-minded Americans tend to be about the rest of the world etc...
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Beautiful Spectacle
John L.14 February 2002
This film is fascinating because much of it was filmed on location in India during the early 1960s. The film is worth watching just for the exterior background scenes. If one thinks of this film as a dramatic travelogue it may be more palatable. The acting is mediocre all around. Horst is almost convincing as the tormented alcoholic assassin. How much better this film could have been with an Indian cast, one can only wonder. Since the Indians produce more movies than any other country it is a shame that no Indian actors were involved in this production. Dianne Baker looks very lovely in her dark makeup and braided hair.
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