Munster, Go Home! (1966) Poster

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"Herman, I must ask Freddie where he gets his slime. It looks imported".
lost-in-limbo28 April 2020
As a kid I loved the TV series "The Munsters", but don't ask me to choose between either "The Munsters" or "The Adam's Family". Both were staples of my childhood - watching reruns on the TV with my parents and sister. Now the films were a different story, as my memory of them were hazy at best. So it was like going in fresh.

Herman and his kooky family made their big-screen debut in a spin-off from the television series, "Munster, Go Home!". This sees the loveable family heading to England (studio back lot stand-ins) for an inheritance. However they face stiff opposition from their English cousins who will do anything to stop them from gaining the title of Lord Munster. As expected there are whacky hi-jinks, smarting one-liners and running gags around the stranger-than-life characters. From Herman's clueless actions to Lily trying to keep the family out of mischief and grandpa always finding himself in trouble with his clumsy experiments. In what feels like an extended episode with a change of scenery (well, sort of) and a budget matching its TV origins, but with that in mind it stays true to what made the TV series enjoyable by steering close to the familiarity of its madcap writing making the Munsters feel right at home. There are neat little in-jokes involving superstitious townsfolk, old dark house vibes and the DRAG-U-LA! Having the original cast (with the exception of the "ugly duckling" Marilyn Nunster played by Debbie Watson) made sure the authentic twitches, costume quirks and chemistry carried over with wonderful performances by Fred Gwynne, Yvonne De Carlo, Al Lewis and Butch Patrick. Working across from them with perfect comic interplay are British character actors Terry-Thomas and Hermione Gingold.
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En-Ga-Land Swings Like The Pit And the Pendulum Do
DeanNYC29 July 2018
I'm sure someone will correct this if it's wrong, but I think the title of this motion picture is a parody of the film title "Lassie Come Home," a picture also set in England, which introduced another, eventual, TV star to the world, that most intelligent of all collies, and one that was currently on television at that time.

Fred Gwynne, Yvonne de Carlo, Al Lewis and Butch Patrick are all on hand to reprise their roles from the black and white series, but here in full Paramount color. Plus we have Debbie Watson, perhaps best known for taking the movie series role of "Tammy" and bringing it to the small screen, here takes the role of niece Marilyn, played by Beverly Owen and Pat Priest on the show, to the big screen.

The plot is a stretch, even for this 1960s comedy - Herman inherits a piece of property in Great Britain and tows the family from Mockingbird Lane across the pond to claim it. Of course, the stiff upper lips that occupy said property are unamused and attempt to scare off the newcomers. But how does one scare a family of monsters?

To me, the most interesting thing about this film is seeing some long time actors and TV stars almost randomly turning up in this plot. Bernard Fox, Samantha's Warlock physician Dr. Bombay from "Bewitched" is here. Richard Dawson, who at the time was a star of "Hogan's Heroes" and eventually "Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In," long before his "Match Game" and "Family Feud" days is in the mix. And Robert Pine, who is best remembered as commanding officer to Ponch and Jon from "CHiPs" is a love interest for Marilyn!

The film really feels like two films are going on: our sitcom characters doing what they usually do (and there is a cross country auto race, with Herman driving the famed "Drag-u-la" vehicle - while the Munster Koach also makes a cameo), and then we have the locals just plotting how to rid themselves of these unwanted outsiders. Hermione Gingold, Terry-Thomas and a completely unrecognizable John Carradine as a manservant populate that group.

Tons of sight gags, typical sitcom dialog and all the slapstick you could want from what is basically an extended and full color episode of the series.

If you are a fan of the series this film is based on and most especially if you enjoyed that program more than the similarly themed series "The Addams Family," you should get a kick out of this film.
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Lord Herman Munster, what a concept
bkoganbing18 February 2012
I have to admit this one kind of had me reaching. Munster Go Home has our friendly Gothic cast from the television series going to the United Kingdom to claim the title of Lord Munster. Needless to say the guy who hoped he would inherit the title Terry-Thomas is not pleased. Neither of course is Lady Munster wannabe Hermione Gingold and their faithful retainer butler John Carradine. In fact Carradine's working an agenda all his own.

I'm still puzzling over how someone who was put together with old body parts can possibly claim any lineage for a title. But I think I'm being picky there.

Anyway Fred Gwynne, Yvonne DeCarlo, Al Lewis, and Butch Patrick from the television series all return for the feature film and Debbie Watson becomes the third actress to play Marilyn who thinks she's an ugly duckling because of the beautiful family she's from. The cruise to the other side of the pond should have made her rethink those notions as she sees everyone else on the ship and gets romanced by Robert Pine.

Nothing great here, but if you're a fan of the show you should like it.
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Munster Go Home Retains the Charm
NavinParker16 January 2005
After appearing in 57 of 70 television episodes as Marilyn Munster one would think Pat Priest would have been included in The Munster's FIRST feature length film. There was some lame excuse that she was too old, even though the film was released a year after the series' last episode. Debbie Watson gave a good performance in MGH, but I had a difficult time excepting her as part of the Munster clan.

This, however, did not detract from the film that Munster Charm that came to us for two wonderful seasons on The Munsters. I still loved the film in all its brilliant color. I've just purchased the First Season episodes on DVD and am very saddened and surprised to learn Munster Go Home, the DVD version, is currently out out of print. Munster Go Home is as enjoyable as the series and should be offered to all Munster fans of all ages to enjoy.
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Good movie version of the series
mrlanceb28 January 2006
Only the laugh track is missing from this movie version of the classic TV series. The absence of the canned laughter makes some of the sight gags seem like they go on a little too long, but other than that, I give the writer and director credit for doing the series justice. It's too bad that writers and directors of more recent times can't learn a few things from their predecessors about making movies out of TV shows.

This movie was filmed around the time the series was still in production, using writers and a director from the original. No doubt, that is a major advantage when trying to capture the original flavor. Some might argue that the movie should have been done in black and white, but the color is not overdone and actually adds a nice touch. With the exception of Marilyn, the original cast is there. Marilyn's role changed hands in the series anyway. Debbie Watson does fine, so it's not a significant distraction.

This is good light fare for the family looking for some classic innocent fun. Fans of the series should like it as well. It is nothing more than it tries to be - a movie version of the series with a few extras (color, location, and length.) The movie delivers on that, and I give it high marks.

Fans of this movie should also try "The Ghost and Mr. Chicken." It has nothing to do with the Munsters (other than the house facade happens to be located next door to the Munster house on the Universal Studios back-lot), but it is more classic comedy with a spooky twist. It stars Don Knotts during his heyday.
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cute enough
SnoopyStyle26 January 2021
The Munsters read a will from their late English relative. Herman is named the new Lord of Munster Hall and inherits a vast estate. The family is off to England but their distant relatives have dire plans for them.

I've never seen the TV show but it's not that complicated. They're a lovely bunch. It's a little silly. It's light. It's nothing outrageously funny but it's cute enough. It's cute enough.
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For Munster Fans Only: Their Best Film?
mike4812815 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Made in England with Terry-Thomas playing his usual crooked self. The special effects are incredibly bad and the film was made on a shoestring budget. (Example: Grandpa changes into a wolf with a puff of smoke behind a tree.) "Lord" Herman inherits run down Munster Hall, an English Manor replete with the usual British crooks and scoundrels. Really cheap sets. As usual, Marilyn falls in love with an innocent dupe who thinks that The Munsters are really scary. No funeral home subplot, it's a low budget remake of "The Great Race". The custom "Dragula" race car is really "cool". It is the only Munster movie with most of the original cast. Buy it because you loved Fred Gwynne as the lovable Herman. (Edward Hermann and John Shuck just aren't as good as "Herman".) Co-stars Hermione Gingold, John Carradine, Bernard Fox, and Richard Dawson in supporting roles. Sure, it's a silly movie, but it's also a lot of silly fun. A Halloween favorite that won't give the kiddies nightmares, and it's a Technicolor movie!
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A Green Monster in Swinging London
directoroffantasies30 October 2004
This film appeared at the height of the Swinging London movement of the mid-Sixties, when even Batman made a televised visit to Britain. A cross section of British funnymen came aboard to welcome America's improbably sweet family of ghouls to the old country. (And never mind that the name "Munster" is Irish and not English).

Fred Gwynne never looked back after making this final appearance as Frankenstein's monster, so bitter was he at the lingering pain performing the role caused him. It's a shame, because he was never better than in this lightweight role of goofy old Herman.

As he was in "Car 54", Al Lewis is Gwynne's sidekick, gleefully gnawing on the scenery as an over-the-top sendup of Dracula. Frankenstein vs. Dracula sounds like one of those high-concept films only the hard core will watch, but these two made it work.

I saw this film in the theater during its first run and continue to enjoy it on its occasional TV appearances. Often these are during the run-up to Halloween, when "Munster Go Home" acts as an antidote to the depressing run of horror films.
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America's favorite family of fright in living color!
Little-Mikey2 November 2008
I remember seeing the movie when it came out on the silver screen over the Summer of 1966. We finally got to see the Munsters in living color. It was every fan's hope that the success of this movie would save the TV series from cancellation. Sad to say, the series was axed before the movie was released. And in spite of the crowds that paid to see the Munsters on the silver screen, the series remained in its canceled state. The Network execs had made up their minds and that decision was final! Debbie Watson was a cute and perky teenager. But casting her in a role that belonged to Pat Priest, was a big mistake that angered Fred Gwynne and Al Lewis. This choice also left many in the audience either puzzled or downright angry. I would imagine that this role also played a part in Debbie Watson's movie career, going the way it did (she retired from acting in 1972).

With all things considered, Debbie Watson played her role well.

The movie lived up to its claims. It was hilarious. It was everything that the TV series was, except that it was in living color (and there was no canned laughter). If you loved THE MUNSTERS, you'll love this movie!
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Strike when the iron is hot....and by now it had cooled.
planktonrules1 November 2021
In 1964 when "The Munsters" debuted, it was briefly a very popular series and Munstermania hit America. The show was so popular that there were a lot of products based on the program and it ranked a very respectable #18 in the ratings. But it only lasted a couple seasons and interest diminished very quickly. Because of this, it's not surprising that this Munsters movie did poorly in theaters....a case of a film just coming out too late. It also didn't help that the studio inexplicably replaced Marilyn yet again...angering some fans.

When the film begins, Herman learns that he's just inherited a British title and he is taking his family with him to see his new estate. However, they don't know that their British relatives are god-awful people...criminals as well as folks who are planning on either chasing the Munsters back to America or kill them! They also learn that the locals HATE the British branch of the Munster family...making them anything but welcome.

So is it any good? Well, if you like the TV show, you'll likely enjoy this film....though as I mentioned above, replacing Marilyn is sure to upset some. I prefer Pat Priest and would have preferred seeing her in the film instead of the faux Marilyn. Overall, enjoyable and a must-see for Munsters fans....but others might find it all a bit too slight.

By the way, much of the film supposedly takes place aboard the ocean liner the SS United States. Well, the boat is still afloat but was recommissioned decades ago. It currently sits rotting and looking well the worse for there in a dock in Philadelphia.
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Munsters on the Fast Track
BaronBl00d11 November 2006
You pretty much get what one would expect from this first theatrical film using the Munster characters going to England to claim an ancestral home. All the actors return except for Pat Priest - here replaced by Debbie Watson. Herman Munster and Grandpa ham it up in all sorts of quite ridiculous scenes in a quite ridiculous story. Yet, throughout it all, the film does capture the essence and heart of the original show as well as the humour. Fred Gwynne shows us that he was the heart of the Munsters with his amusing turn as the awkward Herman Munster with strange family in tow - living like a somewhat normal monster in a world he saw as the weird thing filled with people he felt were weird. Al Lewis is equally amusing and the whole cast does a good job aiding the antics. British character actors Terry-Thomas - always a treat to see - and the indefatigable Hermionne Ginglod as his mother trying to off Herman Munster and keep their title and lands both give pleasant comic turns. John Carradine is aboard as a very slow-moving butler. Bernard Fox plays the head of a rival family whose one goal is to win a car race every year. Naturally, Herman must defend the House of Munster. Like the television show, many of the laughs are a bit forced, but there are some genuinely funny scenes - most of them between Gwynne and Lewis. Lewis turns into a wolf a couple times, and the race itself is the centerpiece of the film. The ending is perhaps the most forced, but overall I enjoyed the film - not because it was particularly good but rather because it allows one another chance to see Gwynne with the role he would forever be linked with in life. The film w as directed by Earl Bellamy who had directed at least one of the episodes from the series.
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A Long, Enjoyable, Full-Color Episode of the TV Show
RiffRaffMcKinley2 September 2007
Of course it would have been impossible for the Munsters to take a trip to England in a 25-minute TV episode. So it's fun to see it finally happen. I'm not the world's biggest Munster fan, but I've been watching the series ever since I was a little kid and I do love it (a wee bit). This, in particular, is a fun adventure, in which Herman inherits an English title and goes to the Sceptred Isle to claim it, even in spite of the wishes of his greedy cousins, who want the title for themselves. Naturally, this movie has the same kind of rim shot-based gags that highlight the show ("I thought he was made in Germany"), but it also has a great deal of fun and some gags are really quite funny, not to mention the drastic culture shock that takes place when the Munsters-- who aren't even normal Americans-- take Great Britain by storm. So if you like "The Munsters," you should go ahead and give "Munster, Go Home!" a try. You won't be disappointed.
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Our American cousins
nickenchuggets12 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After having watched the entirety of The Munsters, I decided to leave the horrendous reboot series that was made in the 90s alone and instead focus on the first movie based on the show that was made. Out of all the films that have been made on The Munsters, this one is definitely the one most closely related to the original series. The first thing fans of the show will notice is that at long last, we finally get to see how the Munsters would look like in color. The plot itself also resembles one you would see in a regular episode. Herman and Lily Munster find out that their English relative Cavanaugh Munster has died, and bequeathed them with a manor located in Shroudshire, UK. After leaving the house, Herman, Lily, Grandpa, Eddie and Marilyn (Fred Gwynne, Yvonne De Carlo, Al Lewis, Butch Patrick and Debbie Watson respectively) get on an ocean liner to make the journey. On the way, Herman gets seasick and is convinced he's dying. Grandpa tries to make him take a pill to reduce nausea, but he won't take it until Grandpa does. When the latter swallows it, he realizes he accidentally took one that transforms him into a wolf. Grandpa is detained onboard the ship in a kennel, but Herman rescues him. Meanwhile, Marilyn meets a dashing young man named Roger (Robert Pine). After getting to know each other, they kiss, but it coincides with Roger seeing Herman carrying a wolf back to his cabin. Roger breaks off the kiss, and Marilyn is convinced he doesn't like her, so she leaves him. After arriving at Munster Hall, Herman's cousins Grace and Freddie are angry that Herman is going to inherit the title of Lord Munster, not Freddie. Lady Effigie (Freddie and Grace's mother) plots to get rid of them by scaring them out of the mansion, but on their first night, Herman and Lily are delighted and feel welcomed when skeletons appear through sliding panels in the wall. After Freddie is scared away by seeing Herman for the first time, the latter and Grandpa decide to go down to the basement of the manor without telling Lily. The pair are shocked when they discover a coffin containing a huge amount of english pounds. Grandpa and Herman venture a little further and learn that there's a whole counterfeiting operation going on in the basement, and it's spearheaded by someone known as Gryphon. Marilyn goes to see Roger at his house and attempts to reconcile with him, but once his parents find out she's a Munster, she is ordered to leave. The family are considered bad luck and not wanted in england. Herman decides to enter a race using a dragster Grandpa built (the Dragula), and Freddie schemes to kill Herman in order to take his title away. At the race, Eddie and Marilyn watch in the audience while Grandpa and Lily are held captive by Freddie in the basement of the manor. Right before the race begins, Roger, who is supposed to compete against Herman, is knocked out and his car hijacked by Gryphon. Lily and Grandpa manage to escape and ride horses alongside the racetrack, trying to warn Herman he's about to be killed. He manages to finish the race anyway (backwards) after someone empties an oil drum onto the track. Gryphon crashes right into Herman, but he doesn't even flinch and the car is wrecked instead. Herman then finds that Roger wasn't driving the other car at all, and once Gryphon's racing helmet is removed, it's revealed to be Millie, a barmaid. The relatives of the Munsters are all arrested, and Lady Effigie steps into a car to escape, only to find out it's driven by Lily. Once she's taken to the police, the Munsters decide to donate their estate to the city. Marilyn and Roger get together again, but she has to leave once Herman drives off with the others. I have to say, after hearing about how terrible this movie is (even from avid fans of the show) I wasn't as disappointed as I thought I'd be. Don't get me wrong the plot is pretty stupid and I was let down to only see about 2 minutes worth of color footage of the Munsters house, but at least the original cast is all here (minus Marilyn). I have no idea why they decided to drop Pat Priest and hire this other girl, but nobody ever heard of her after this movie so it was a complete waste. As for the rest of the cast, they behave just like how they do on the series itself, so nothing really feels out of place, but at the same time, it feels like something's off. The Munsters is a truly hilarious show, but throughout this whole film, there was only one time I actually found something funny. Maybe it's the absence of the laugh track, but if something is truly laughable, you don't need it pointed out. There's also the question of Lily, since her palms appear to be an ashy red color, but the rest of her is the same turquoise complexion as Herman. Shouldn't she and Grandpa be white as can be since they're vampires? Overall, Munster Go Home wasn't all that funny for reasons I can't really explain, but it does at least faithfully recreate the look and feel of the show, since the whole thing resembles a Munsters episode stretched to about 90 minutes. I consider this to be the true ending to the show, and will continue to act like the garbage that came later doesn't exist. If you love the show, you'll do the same.
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The Munster family in "living" color...
moonspinner555 February 2008
Theatrical farewell to Herman, Lily, Grandpa and the gang features many of the same talents behind the popular 1960s television show "The Munsters", but this misadventure seems a little bereft of imagination--perhaps a laugh-track might have helped? The ghoulish clan inherits a British estate, and Herman gets involved in a slapstick auto race. Debbie Watson is the one newcomer to the cast (taking over for Pat Priest as niece Marilyn), but not even a jovial Fred Gwynne or the glinty-eyed Al Lewis can raise this script from the crypt. Maybe filming the family in color was a technical error--it takes the edge off the Universal/monster movie satire which the TV show nailed without effort. This one strains for laughs, and ends on a whimper. *1/2 from ****
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Goofy fun and guilty pleasure
tforbes-210 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I was 7 years old when "Munster, Go Home!" was released in 1966. Had I seen it then, I would have been disappointed because Pat Priest wasn't in it.

But this is 2020, and overall this is a fun watch. This especially makes a great watch during Halloween. As for the film itself, it takes elements from the series and uses them here (such as Grandpa turning into a wolf, first explored in Season 1). Seeing them in color for the first time is also fun as well.

As per Marilyn: Universal was trying to build up Debbie Watson's career. When this film debuted, her 1965-1966 series "Tammy" was winding down. Sad part was, it went nowhere. Debbie Watson gives a fine effort, though.

Overall, a fun watch.
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A Childhood Favorite
jhhalcomb071829 July 2018
This was a favorite of mine as a kid, if you're a fan then you've seen it, if you are a first-timer, hop in the Dragula and let's ride!
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Too Bad There Wasn't a Season 3 of Color Episodes
kgraovac12 October 2023
I've always enjoyed The Munsters and respect it's earned spot in the pantheon of 1960s sitcoms. From seeing it on the old Commander Tom Show on Buffalo's Channel 7 back in the '70s to the Nick at Nite reruns. This Blu-ray was a purchase from Shout Factory when they had a big sale on and I recently watched it. The print looks amazing and flawless.

I have to say I'm not really feeling Debbie Watson as Marilyn. She comes off more like a Shelley Fabares wannabe here. I still think Beverly Owen was the best casting choice for the role although Pat Priest did fine. If you look beyond the peroxide wig and study her features, Beverly Owen was a classic beauty who gave off Jaclyn Smith vibes.

It's great to see The Munsters in color, but to be honest, I think the BW photography on the TV series was more evocative of the old monster movies it was trying to spoof. That being said, it's too bad that BATMAN stole away a large chunk of their audience in 1966. I would have loved a full-season of color episodes to enjoy.

Classic TV fans: watch the movie at least once for nostalgia's sake and to pick out the character actors.
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Munsterously silly
jamesrupert20149 December 2021
Herman Munster and his ghoulish family (plus Marilyn) travel to England where the Munster family patriarch has inherited both manor and title as 'Lord Munster'. Needless to say, some of the locals have other plans and nefarious schemes are soon underway. Few people watching this film would be unfamiliar with its progenitor TV show and thus will know exactly what to expect: a lot of corny sight-gags (many of which you can see coming before the show even begins) and the standard Munster shtick (their 'opposite-world' view of life, their pity for poor Marilyn's hideous looks, their straight-faced and steadfast failure to realise that there is anything unusual about themselves). The TV show was a brief hit in the sixties (when 'camp' was ascendant), primarily (IMO) due to Fred Gwynne's and Al Lewis's talents as physical comedians. Gwynne's towering, child-like, flat-topped Herman, with his endearing laugh and expressive face (impressively so, considering the heavy make-up) was one of T. V.'s great comic characters. The other macabre family members, 1940s exotic-starlet Yvonne de Carlo as Lily and fang-toothed Butch Patrick as Eddie, are fine. Debbie Watson (a controversial replacement for Pat Priest) plays Marilyn, who serves little purpose beyond highlighting the rest of the family's strangeness (although her failure to recognise that she is the 'normal one' was part of the fun). The film features some UK character actors, including the ubiquitous Terry Thomas, Bernard Fox, Richard Dawson and Hermione Gingold, and John Carradine seems to have fun as the doddering bewhiskered butler Cruikshank. Like many teen-oriented comedies in the 1960s, there is a 'car' angle as Herman defends the family's honour in a road race against local toffs in their Ferraris, Mercedes and Jaguars, which of course are no match for Grandpa's souped-up, super-charged, coffin-bodied 'Dragula'. There is also lots of groovy 60s generic guitar-rock, including riffs on the memorable 'Munsters theme'. If you liked the TV show, you'll know exactly what to expect and probably like the movie. Plus, it's a chance to see the original denizens of 1313 Mockingbird Lane in full, un-living colour.
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Now in color
BandSAboutMovies3 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Right after The Munsters finished up on TV, this movie was released. Everyone from the show but Pat Priest came back, with Marilyn now played by Debbie Watson. Even its director, Earl Bellamy, had worked on the show before.

The other major change in this movie is that it's in color. The decision to make the movie - after the show ended, which isn't how this usually works - is because this movie was made to introduce the characters and concept to foreign audiences, with the syndicated episodes following in its wake.

Herman (Fred Gwynne) and Lily Munster (Yvonne De Carlo) have inherited Munster Hall in Shroudshire, England, which makes Herman now Lord Munster to the rage of Herman's British relatives Grace (Jeanne Arnold) and Freddie (Terry-Thomas, perfect cast in this role). Also, somehow Grandpa has taken some wolf pills and is now a werewolf.

I always ask myself, when a horror related movie comes out in the 60s, where is John Carradine? Well, he's right here, playing the evil butler. Whew - I was worried he'd miss out on the paycheck.

This is also the movie with Drag-U-La in it, built by George Barris. It was the second car he made for The Munsters, with the other being the Munster Coach. Ironically, that's the car in Rob Zombie's video for "Dragula." The sample at the open of that song - "superstition, fear and jealousy" - is Christopher Lee from Horror Hotel.
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Wonderful movie
crazydude730197011 October 2006
I love this movie even though the original cast wasn't complete.It had its most funniest moments.As always Fred Gwynne,Yvonne DeCarlo,and Al Lewis shines as Herman,Lily,& Grandpa.I wonder why they didn't get Pat Priest back in the role as Marilyn instead of casting Debbie Watson.Still this movie is/was great.The movie has been released on DVD thru Universal and its a double feature disk.Munster Go Home & The Munsters Revenge together on the same DVD! WAY TO GO UNIVERSAL! If you are a die hard fan of the TV series THE MUNSTSERS then get this DVD.I bought it at Wal-mart for around $15.00.The quality of both movies is excellent and great Techicolor on the Munster Go Home movie.Its great to see our favorite characters in color instead of the old black and white format!
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The Vidiot Reviews...
capone6667 May 2014
Munster, Go Home!

The parental advantage to being a Frankenstein-esque father is your torso can be at work and your head can be at your kid's soccer game.

However, in this comedy, the patchwork patriarch's entire body is overseas.

Willed an English manor by his relative, Herman (Fred Gwynne) moves his vampiric wife (Yvonne De Carlo), his feral son (Butch Patrick), his blood-sucking father-in-law (Al Lewis) and his normal-looking niece (Debbie Watson) to Munster Hall.

Herman's cousins (Jeanne Arnold, Terry-Thomas) however are infuriated that he inherited their estate.

To rid the home of their relations, the pair plan to sabotage a drag race Herman is entered in.

As campy as the TV show it's based on, this creature feature-film boasts most of the principal cast members as well as Grampa Munster's legendary Drag-u-la dragster.

Besides, Brits having a problem with weird-looking people with pointy teeth is like the kettle calling the pot black.

Yellow Light
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Gawd Blimey It ain't jolly old England!
rjun6714 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I remember back in the summer holidays about 1980 (before we had the TV series repeats in England)I couldn't believe my luck that MGH was coming up after the break, it all sounded so good, and looked like it would be good spooky fun for this 13 year old. Sadly even at that age I remember being disappointed with the end result. Flash forward to 2013, I thought I would watch it again. Maybe I was expecting something different back then, who knows!...but no! same result, but I can tell you why this time. I think as an English person watching, I expected fun and frolics in the mother country, but instead was treated to obviously fake British accents and a fake landscape as well....obviously California! Still I guess I can't is cult, I'm just warning you!
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A Great Follow-Up to the TV series
Scooby-Dude27 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start off by saying that I am very biased about The Munsters, having been a huge fan of the show since I was a little kid. That being said, I think that Munster, Go Home! is a very appropriate and enjoyable closing to the television show, which had a run of two seasons before it was canceled by CBS. This film remains true to the spirit of the show, with the same group of people who made the show possible (producers, original cast excepting Pat Priest) as the creative force behind the scenes. As always, Fred Gwynne, Al Lewis, Yvonne De Carlo, and Butch Patrick make this movie extremely enjoyable with their familiar and endearing characters that made the television show such a favorite. The supporting cast for the film is likewise terrific, headed by a scene-stealing Terry-Thomas (of "It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World) as the deliciously sleazy Freddie Munster. I'm not going to recite plot here, as you can read the summary above, but I will warn potential viewers that while this movie was very fun to watch and it kept in the spirit of the television show, there is no laugh track, so you really need a good feel of the show's humor in order to develop a rhythm, so to speak. Also, a lot of gags are rehashed here-- {SPOILERS} For instance, Grandpa accidentally transforms himself into a wolf on board a ship, and must be quarantined. Lily nags Herman into rescuing him. Herman twists the lock of Grandpa's cage apart and picks him up, scaring the crew members who stumble into the room. Later, they smuggle Grandpa off of the ship by having him pose as a dead, fur stole around Lily's neck. This entire ordeal closely mirrors the episode of the show in which the Munster family goes camping. In this episode, Grandpa turns himself into a wolf and is captured by park authorities. After much nagging from Lily, Herman rescues Grandpa by twisting the lock off his cage and carries him out, scaring the park rangers who stumble upon the scene. The family then smuggles Grandpa out of the park, disguising him once again as Lily's fur stole. Another instance of rehashing television stories happens with the drag race, a crucial plot point of the movie. After Herman wrecks his initial race car, Grandpa uses spare parts and a coffin to build a drag racer he calls "The Dragula." This is handled in the film as if it is an original idea and has never happened before, but in actuality, there was an entire episode in which Herman loses the family car in a drag race, and Grandpa goes through the exact same process of building a drag racer from spare parts and a coffin in order to enter the next race and win back the family car. He calls his creation "The Dragula," and the cars in both situations are exactly identical. The difference is that the movie pretends the television episode never happened. However, if you really like this kind of humor, as I did and still do, and take this rehashing for what it was probably meant to be-- homages to familiar moments from the short-lived but much beloved television show-- then I think you will really enjoy "Munster, Go Home!" And hey, it's much much better than "The Munsters' Revenge"!
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A Great Entertainment for the Family
claudio_carvalho13 November 2022
When Herman Munster (Fred Gwynne) inherits a real state in England with the title of Lord, his family and he travel to England by ship. Along the journey, Marilyn Munster (Debbie Watson) falls for Roger Moresby (Robert Pine), who is a racer and fan of racing cars. When Herman and his family arrive at Monster Hall, in Shroudshire, they learn that the locals hate them. Soon Herman and Grandpa (Al Lewis) learn that their English branch of the Munster family are involved with counterfeit, under the command of the notorious The Gryphon. But Herman needs to participate in the car race to honor the Munster name and The Gryphon is planning to kill him.

"Munster, Go Home!" is a delightful comedy and a great entertainment to the family. Never released in Brazil in DVD or Blue-Ray, this film is hilarious in most of the scenes. It is impossible to list all those scenes, bus the dating of Marilyn and Roger is always funny. The naive Herman is also great, with his clumsy movements. It is really difficult to list the best scenes of this unforgettable film. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "Monstros, Não Amolem!" ("Monsters, do not Disturb!")
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Munster, In Colour!
BA_Harrison11 December 2023
Munster Go Home! Isn't a particularly great adaptation for the big screen (for starters, The Munsters looks wrong in colour and the film doesn't feel right without the canned laughter), but it's still a whole lot better than the travesty that is Rob Zombie's 2022 film. Fred Gwynne, Yvonne DeCarlo, Al Lewis, and Butch Patrick play the monstrous members of the Munsters, with Debbie Watson as Marilyn, who is lucky to have not inherited her family's 'good looks'. When Herman Munster is bequeathed the title of Lord in a will, as well as a valuable estate in England, his jealous relatives try to make sure he's not around long enough to enjoy his fortune.

The film is mostly mildly amusing rather than hilarious, but it is too good-natured and daft to dislike. Gwynne and his TV co-stars do what they do best, and they are joined by a great supporting cast, with Terry Thomas doing his trademark cad routine, and horror legend John Carradine as a whiskery butler. The absurdity includes the Munsters taking a cruise to the UK, the greedy relatives attempting to scare Herman and Lily (a futile task), and Herman and Grandpa discovering a counterfeit operation (a somewhat redundant subplot), but the best is definitely saved for last, when Herman enters a road race, driving his souped-up drag car, The Dragula. The final act is full of wild and crazy antics that end the film on a high.

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