Operation Kid Brother (1967) Poster

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Better than Casino Royale
23skidoo-418 August 2002
I was expecting the worst when I found a copy of "Operation Double 007" (one of the many alternative titles for this film) in a bargain video rack for a dollar. But I didn't get the worst -- I got a surprisingly OK film.

Neil Connery, Sean's little brother, is indeed a dead ringer for his sibling. The only major difference is Neil sports a beard, in keeping with his character, a plastic surgeon. As far as acting goes, he has many of Sean's mannerisms down pat, but in the print I saw his voice was badly dubbed by an American (even though his character is clearly said to be Scottish), so I cannot pass judgment.

The story is a pastiche of Bond films past, such as Thunderball, a similarity driven home by the fact the main villain in both this movie and Thunderball is played by Adolfo Celi, one of a number of 007 veterans who somehow managed to get involved in this bizarre Italian production. Anthony Dawson (another 007 vet -- he was Dent in Dr. No and also provided the body for Blofeld in From Russia With Love and Thunderball) plays a Blofeld clone named Alpha, another apparent nod to Thunderball.

Bernard Lee (Bond's M) and Lois Maxwell (the first and best Moneypenny) appear in very similar roles in this file, EXCEPT that Maxwell's character gets a lot more action here. Fans of Moneypenny will love seeing her mowing down bad guys with a machine gun, and she even kidnaps another character! Bernard Lee, meanwhile, gets to show some of his comedy skills. Both actors do a good job here, and for the record they weren't overdubbed.

For me, the real pleasure in this movie is a rare chance to see Daniela Bianchi. Five years after seducing 007 in From Russia with Love, the Italian actress gets to play an assassin with a heart of gold, and she is absolutely gorgeous in this film. Fans of her work in From Russia should check this film out just for her (sadly, she retired from acting not long after this film was made).

Although this movie has been heavily criticized as a rip-off of 007, in fact there are a number of original touches that make the film, if not good, at least interesting. For example, Neil Connery's character (who is, imaginatively, named Neil Connery) is a master of hypnotism and is more apt to use his brains than his brawn. A good example of this is when he creates a MacGyver-like device to get past a machine gun turret.

Released the same year as the infamous Casino Royale spoof, I have to say that OK Connery actually has a better storyline, and unlike that other film, it actually (sort of) makes sense.

This film is hard to find (though I understand Mystery Science Theater 3000 featured it once). But serious Bond fans should check it out at least once as an interesting curio from the height of Bondmania. And if you're a fan of Lois Maxwell or Daniela Bianchi, it is definitely worth checking it out.
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"I'm Looking For FANG!!" (also with 75% more Moneypenny than usual)
mp9928 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
In a recent article, TV critic Jamie Weinman noted that 1967 was the year that James Bond stopped being cool. The Bond film that year YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE was less successful than predecessors, and that was also the year that Italian filmmakers stopped cranking out spy films and started cranking out westerns . . .

Before they quit, though, they gave us just about the goofiest and most enjoyable Bond rip-off ever made-- OPERATION KID BROTHER, which is also know as OPERATION DOUBLE 007 and OK CONNERY, all of the titles pointing wildly to the star of the film as saying "He's actually SEAN'S BROTHER!!" At any rate, Sean's brother Neil Connery plays Neil Connery, a plastic surgeon/hypnotist/archer/lip-reader/karate-fighter . . . No doubt he can also unblock drains and make a perfect angel-food cake, but nobody in the movie asks him to . . . At any rate, Dr. Connery is plastic-surgeon-ing/hypnotizing/lip reading for a gathering of medical experts on the Riviera when his patient is kidnapped, first by Allied Counter-Intelligence, then by bad guys from the criminal gang Thanatos (no doubt formed by people who were fired from SPECTRE during one of Blofeld's efficiency drives). Apparently, the young lady knows something she doesn't know she knows. and after being kidnapped, she gets tortured by a short lesbian and shot to death by a hot-cha-cha Italian lady. There's also a lady spy who dresses at various times like Barney Rubble, Phyllis Diller, and a can-can dancer. She's played by Daniela Bianchi, who co-starred with The Other Connery in FROM Russia WITH LOVE and manages to remained poised and amused throughout. Her boss is played Adolfo Celi, who was in THUNDERBALL, which also starred The Other Connery, although like Ms. Bianchi, he pretends to find Neil terribly impressive. Almost with a straight face.

One of the great things about this movie is the presence of Lois Maxwell, who played Miss Moneypenny for years in the Bond films, and was always a highlight. She is here as well, and for once, she gets out in the field and proves she can kick ass as well as any plastic surgeon/hypnotist/lip-reader/archer. And look cool while doing it. As for Bernard Lee, he's along for the ride as well. Smiling broadly and apparently a bit soused. What the heck. The movie can survive it . . .
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I really didn't find this terrible!
ericstevenson21 July 2016
The biggest complaint with this movie is that it's an obvious James Bond ripoff. Well...it mostly is. It's still hard to really blame the film because it does feature the brother of Sean Connery. There's even a mention to Ian Fleming's novels. I thought those were pretty cute little tongue in cheek references, whatever that means. Some of the action isn't that bad either. The explosions are done pretty well, but as we know from a Michael Bay film, those can never save an entire film. The fight scenes aren't bad.

The film still suffers from having a really dumb plot. It really does have no identity of its own. It was quite hard to follow, especially with how it was about radioactive rugs. That's weird even by James Bond standards. Like "The Village Of The Giants" it was hard to tell whether or not these jokes were intentional. I guess I'll give it credit for amusing me in some way. You do really have to watch the MST3K version as it truly is some of their best stuff. **
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EL BUNCHO12 April 2002
You just have to love the massive balls that it took to release this film at the height of the James Bond craze. It wasn't enough just to flagrantly rip off the Bond films, no, the producers actually got most of the supporting actors/villains/hot chicks from the real films and then had the nerve to cast Sean Connery's brother, Neil, as the hero (who is alluded to be 007's brother)! However, as bad'60's spy flicks go, this is astonishingly more entertaining than most of them. Give it a chance!
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Acting ability does not run in the family.
CelluloidRehab29 July 2004
I thank the heavens for MST3000, otherwise this movie would have been intolerable. It is a communal pain, distributed among the watchers. First of all, the protagonist is Dr. Neil Connery, played by Neil Connery (subtle). Neil is Sean Connery's brother. You would not guess that from the great acting displayed in this movie. This movie is simply an Italian knock-off of a James Bond movie, except you couldn't afford any of the trademarks. They also managed to get some people who actually stared in Bond movies, like Ms. Moneypenny (Lois Maxwell), M (Bernard Lee), and Emilio Largo (from Thunderball played by Adolfo Celi). Thats about where all the similarities to any Bond movie end. Where James Bond has a suave, debonair style and uses various gadgets, his brother Neil, user hypnosis and the Jerry Lewis approach. It's not that he is clumsy, he just seems to be uncomfortable with women. The plot is pretty bad and nonsensical. By far the best part of the movie is the end conflict, where Neil and friends fight "Largo's" minions, who dress like the aliens from V (red vinyl outfits) with the helmets from the fireman of Fahrenheit 451. Not only that, but they are all shooting underwater harpoons. Exciting isn't it ?? This all leads to the duel between "Largo" (aka Thair Beta) and Neil. Harpoons at 20 paces. This movie is bad. Please don't watch this movie, unless you are heavily medicated.
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More an odd curio than anything else.
planktonrules8 January 2020
It's hard to imagine it today, but the public went insane for spy films in the 1960s...and not just the James Bond and other familiar spy movies. In addition to the Matt Helm and Flint films, many European studios made their own Bond-like movies. Many of them never made it to the States and most were soon forgotten...though MANY (such as the George Nader films where he played super-spy Jerry Cotton) were actually pretty good. Also, many are on YouTube...you just have to know where to look for them.

One of these strangest YouTube offerings is "Operation Kid Brother" (also called "OK Connery"). As you can guess from the alternate title, the movie is a knockoff of Sean Connery's spy films and they use his own real-life brother, Neil to star in the movies. In many ways, he looks like Sean in the movies...but sporting an evil goatee and with slightly fairer features. To further the lookalike aspects of this movie, they even used the same man to play the villain (Adolfo Celi) who had previously played the villain in Sean's "Thunderball"! But it didn't stop there! Nope, Bernard Lee ('M'), Lois Maxwell ('Moneypenny'), Anthony Dawson (a Dr. No lackey who tried to murder Bond in the first film) and the female lead from "From Russia With Love" ALSO appear in the film! There could be others...but those are a few I recognized. Due to copyright reasons, each plays a different character than the ones they played in the Bond films. Obviously, they were hoping Sean's success would somehow rub off on his brother.

An oddity about the film is that you really don't see much of Neil until well into the film. Another oddity is that he plays a doctor who is a world-class plastic surgeon and hypnotist...definitely less of the Bond-type. It seems that James isn't available in the story so the forces of goodness engage his brother to fight THANATOS, an international organization of evil almost exactly like SPECTRE from the Bond films. So, Neil is Sean Connery's brother in real life AND he plays the brother or 007 as well! I wonder how that went over within the Connery family.

So is this 'Spaghetti Spy' movie worth seeing? Well, definitely if you are the curious type. Seeing Neil channeling his famous brother is pretty weird and worth a look. Also, the film looks pretty nice, as the costumes, sets and European locales look quite nice. As for the story, it's full of a lot of psychic stuff instead of the usual spy stuff...which is odd but interesting but probably not what the fans were looking for from this film. But the story has plenty of dumb moments (such as the costumed women attacking the MPs) and Neil has little in the way of charisma or charm. I am sure he's a nice guy...probably nice to his mother, small children, and dogs...but hardly the sort to be able to carry a film. An odd curio of a film! Perhaps worth seeing once....and only once.
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Bomb, Shameful Bomb
trey-yancy-572-7635477 August 2019
This is basically unwatchable. Impossible to write a coherent review. If you want to hear Neil's actual voice, which is identical to Sean's, look elsewhere. He is dubbed by an American. Rather than a spoof, it is ham-handed and stupid. No satire at all. The only thing resembling it is the projection of shaking backsides on a woman's back. This is a dreadful and totally unwatchable film.
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Oh lord...
Gislef12 August 1998
Never in the history of film has there been such a blatant rip-off of the Bond movies or an attempt to cash in on same. Every effort is made to include Bond-type characters without actually acknowledging the "borrowed" source material. If the movie were at least entertaining, this might be forgiven, but the idea of "Neil Connery", our "best agent's brother", a hypnotic plastic surgeon, martial artist, and amateur spy, just goes nowhere. The secret agent antics are lame, and the movie is deserving of all the attention Joel and the 'bots give it on MST3K. One imagines Sean Connery had a long chat with his brother after he found out about this fiasco of a movie...
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The spy who dubbed me
Oosterhartbabe26 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
It's cheesy good fun in this blissfully goofy Italian romp 'starring' the amazingly untalented younger brother of Sean Connery, Neil. I love the fact that in this spy film they refer to his brother as the greatest agent of Britain, but they're referring to Sean Connery, not James Bond! That's because they couldn't get the rights to use the Bond name in the film, although Sean seems to have been amenable to his own name used. Probably thought it was a good joke.

Neil's a plastic surgeon, of all things, who gets drawn into a spy caper because of his work with hypnosis. One of his patients apparently knows too much, and so is kidnapped by the (almost exclusively female) agents of an organization called THANATOS. Also starring in this amusing pastiche is the fleshy guy who played in Diabolik as the crime lord who utters the memorable words:"Is that Stud, coming?" while on his boat. he plays another fleshy crime lord in this one, and the most unappealing part of this film is watching the beautiful young women who surround him on his yacht(a yacht again? What's with this guy!) massage him and wait in him hand and foot.

The theme song is a hoot, proving once again that Morricone is the King of Corny. The addled plot line never quite comes up to scratch, but that's o.k. The real reason for the movie is displayed about three quarters of the way through, when the stunning boat babes get into a wrestling match/fight with the male sailors on board the yacht. The movie just goes to show you that a movie is all about the details-which this one manages to get all wrong, but in such a way as to leave you gasping with laughter. Thank God for cheap Italian films, which have provided us with so much mirth over the years. Oh, and Clint Eastwood, of course.
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Operation: Mimic Connery, M & Moneypenny
Bogmeister28 April 2008
MASTER PLAN: Operation Blackmail - controlling the world's gold reserves. A very calculated attempt to copy & make money off the James Bond craze of the sixties, this comes off as a silly joke, maybe intentionally. It's similar to "Licensed to Kill," the 'Charles Vine' Bond cheap copy, but less creative. The plot can be deduced from an alternate title, "Operation Double 007" - that's not a typo - the spy agency of the Bond world requests the services of 007's brother; hence, this is about 007's double (they never completely finish saying '007' out loud, always stopping short of voicing the '7' - ha). 007's brother is played by Sean Connery's real life brother, Neil, with a goatee and a talent for hypnotism. This starts off badly, with Neil Connery, playing a famous genius plastic surgeon, explaining his advanced techniques and how he combines them with Tibetan mind control - it's pathetic drivel - and then some mêlée breaks out. It's groan-inducing. But, the main attraction is for film buffs and Bond fans making all the connections with the real Bond films.

All the main actors (besides N.Connery, whose connection to Bond is already explained) in this one are from one or more James Bond movies. Celi, as the main villain, played a similar role in "Thunderball" (Celi, who looks like an overweight banker, was always playing villains or gangsters in the sixties). Bianchi, the femme fatale, was in "From Russia With Love." Dawson was in "Dr.No." Of course, Bernard Lee (aka M) and Lois Maxwell (aka Ms.Moneypenny) were from most of the Bond films of the sixties and seventies. They duplicate their roles from those here, though Maxwell gets a chance to run around shooting a gun, something she never had a chance to do with her 'receptionist' role in the Bonders. The villains seem to be SPECTRE, though they're referred to by another name, Thanatos, who plan to use some kind of magnetic waves to imbalance the world. The other strange and amusing aspect is that some of the main characters are referred to by their real names (Dr.Connery, Ms. Maxwell, etc.) rather than as Mr.Bond - get it? It's goofy, somewhat dull and a curiosity. Hero:3 Villains:3 Femme Fatales:4 Henchmen:2 Fights:3 Stunts/Chases:3 Gadgets:3 Auto:3 Locations:4 Pace:2 overall:3
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Depressing and boring
zmaturin25 December 2002
This really poor James Bond rip-off stars Sean Connery's talentless, charismaless, weird-faced brother Neal, my candidate for the Lowest Self Esteem award (beating even Clint Howard!). Neal plays "Dr. Neal Connery", a plastic surgeon, hypnotist, lip reader, and kung-fu fighter (what, is he Buckaroo Banzai?). Constant references are made to Neal's brother (although not by name, as that might cost money) as Neal takes part in a stunningly uninteresting, slightly diabolical plot to do... something, I think. Action includes a bow-and-arrow fight and a "Every Which Way But Loose"-style brawl at one of Connery's live surgery demonstrations.

Adding to the shame are Bond regulars Bernard Lee (more attractive than Judi Dench as M) and Lois Maxwell (Miss Moneypenny), as well as Daniela Bianchi ("From Russia With Love") and Adolfo Celi (of "Thunderball"- and "Diabolik"!).

Not to be watched by people with functioning eyes, although the music's pretty good.
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A film that took courage and daring to make
jameselliot-124 December 2006
"Do you ever walk upright like other people?" Neil Connery says to a sexy Eurobabe who's on all fours looking for a lost lighter. I love this movie. The sheer number of super-sexy actresses in Operation Kid Brother is staggering. Some enterprising video company should locate the negative and make a deal to put it on DVD in a widescreen version. The Ennio soundtrack is tremendous. You have to wonder why the man was never invited to contribute to a Bond film. Operation Kid Brother is more entertaining than all of the Bond films released since Diamonds Are Forever. I'll add Casino Royale to the list as soon as I see it. The big question is how come Neil Connery didn't speak at the American Film Institute's tribute to Sean Connery last year. Did Sean show the bouncers a photo of Neil and tell them to keep him out at all costs? Lois Maxwell got to do more in this movie than in every Bond film she made and she looks better too, strangely enough. It's a blast to see Dawson and Celi acting side by side. It was probably in Celi's contract that he gets to feel up the actresses. You have to wonder if Cubby Broccoli and Harry Saltzman didn't go ape when Bernard Lee and Maxwell turned up in this.
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Entertaining Euro-spy thriller with James Bond's little brother
bensonmum212 June 2009
If you're a fan of the Euro-spy movies made in the 60s, how can you not just love Operation Double 007? Using the success of James Bond as a model, those crazy Italians certainly made some crazy spy movies. This one stars Sean Connery's brother, Neil Connery (who plays a character cleverly named Neil Connery) as a plastic surgeon / hypnotist / lip reader. With tongue firmly in cheek, we also learn that Neil is the brother of a famous spy and, as his brother is unavailable, the government wants Neil to stand in and give them a hand. Before you can say Dr. No, Neil's up to his neck in beautiful women, a super-villain with a nuclear device, the obligatory henchmen, archers on horse back, gun fights, car chases, blind Arab rug-weavers, can-can dancers, explosions, underground lairs, and a Japanese woman kidnapped by the world's most vicious nun/nurse. Don't worry, it all makes sense in the end (well, sort of anyway). Besides, if there's a loose end here or there, who cares when you're having this much fun.

Joining Connery in the cast is a plethora of Bond vets including Daniela Bianchi, Adolfo Celi, Bernard Lee, and Lois Maxwell. It's a real treat to see them all in a different setting. In particular, it's great to see Lois Maxwell out from behind that desk she always sat at in the Bond movies. Here, she's not only gets out in the field, but she gets the chance to mow down baddies with a machine gun as well. Celi, always the bad guy in a movie like this, looks like he's having the time of his life. There's at least one scene where it's not hard to notice a small smile come to his face and you've got to wonder how close he came to losing it. But as much as I enjoyed both of these fine actors, I was particularly impressed with the work of Daniela Bianchi from From Russia with Love fame. In Operation Double 007, she gets to play both the good and bad girl, wear some over-the-top outfits, and look generally fabulous. It's a shame she didn't go on to do more after this movie. She had a definite screen presence about her.

There are some out there who want to label Operation Double 007 a "James Bond rip-off". It's not a rip-off, it's a parody - and a good one at that. Operation Double 007 was released the same year as the more famous Bond parody Casino Royale. The big difference is that Casino Royale is one big, bloated mess of a movie that's rarely funny. Operation Double 007, on the other hand, is a blast. In fact, and this may be blasphemous to some, but it's more fun than about half of the Bond movies. It's too bad it's never had a proper R1 DVD release so that more people might discover this movie. The only way I've seen the movie is courtesy of a DVD-R of the Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode on which it appeared. It's a great episode, but I would love to see a good release without the bots and their comments.
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Sorry You're Related Sean...
silbaughkj5 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I checked this out through MST3K (as most have already pointed out). To tell the truth, I was pretty excited... being a huge Bond fan, and loving the small Bond roles like in OHMSS, but this was worse than B-Film "comedy". Allow me to lay out the plot of this fiasco:

Sneaking dealings arise when Largo/Diabolico surfaces and kidnaps a patient of Dr. Connery. Apparently, Bond's brother (as mentioned by M) is a plastic surgeon with the special ability to hypnotize unsuspecting people Jedi style (within 2-3sec). For some ungodly reason, I suppose the real Bond was busy with more important things (I'd like to think getting plastered on a remote island). So, the MOD hires his brother to discover what's going on.

Before you know it, Dr. Connery is taking out electric fence perimeters with a bow and arrow, showgirls in the middle of nowhere manage to take out an army convoy, and blind Arabs are weaving radioactive carpets. One may wonder where this will lead, well, Largo manages to unleash an EMP (they just called it a magnet) on a small mountain town in the Alps. At this point, I'm sure nobody would care, but no, a squad of horsemen with bows and arrows somehow appear and storm the enemy base.

In the end, the day is saved by the dud, and he settles in by somehow managing to get a whole ship of women under his charm (more mind tricks I'm sure cause the desperate brother couldn't con his right hand into charm).

Q, or someone pretending to be him, never makes an appearance, but you can expect three fine spy gadgets in this film: a bow with a spool, a knife that shoots its blade(used by a female villain, and also may I add a useless weapon compared to say... a gun), and a belt that becomes stiff for throwing as a javelin *rolls eyes*.

Any Bond fan should vier away from ever being disgusted by this movie.
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OK pastiche. Don't knock it till you've tried it!
jwpeel-14 April 2004
I remember so clearly how excited I was to see this movie into theaters were the first came out. When I remember most was seeing so many great familiar faces from the Sean Connery 007 series. Little did I know that composer Ennio Morricone would later become famous for the theme for "The Good, The Bad And The Ugly," but I did love the theme song "O.K. Conneryand," which incidentally is an alternate title for this film is. Many will tear this film apart, but I say no fair. It was meant to be for fun, and succeeds quite well there. True, the dubbing is awful, especially since I really wish I could have heard Sean's less famous brother speak for himself, but no matter. There are lots of great locations to see how the many attractive Italian girls, and if you don't take it too seriously (God knows how you could) it's a fun and entertaining way to pass the time. Hell, it beats the crap out of "Casino Royale."
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Sean's plastic surgeon brother takes on a deadly organization!
Aaron13751 February 2017
I saw this film as an episode of the show, Mystery Science Theater 3000. During the years, the show has riffed many movies that were basically trying to capitalize on the success of the James Bond films and this one does so in the most blatant way possible. They got Sean's brother, Neil Connery, they got two of the Bond villains to play villains here and they got Moneypenny and M too! However, that being said, this is also the most enjoyable of the Bond ripoff films that they riffed. I am not saying it was great or anything, it is kind of all over the place, but at the same time they really keep things moving in this one so it never gets to the point where the agent is simply hanging around a beach house and flirting with some guy's niece, nor is the action so dull that it is outdone by the windmills of Holland and they never resort to cheap models to simulate a car chase. No, this film did a pretty good job of being a Bond film, while at the same time not being a James Bond film.

The story has a deadly organization using a remote car to blow up a plane. On the plane, a man who had information about the organization's plan. A woman has this information locked in her mind and her plastic surgeon may have the key to retrieving this information. This man, is the younger brother of an awesome spy and he is soon recruited to help foil the evil organizations plans. He may not have a license to kill, but he has many skills that help him discover the whereabouts of the kidnapped woman, discover the deadly secret of the factory where only the blind may find a job and try to thwart the plans of one of the members of the organization that wants to seize all the power for himself!

This made for a very good episode of MST3K, I generally like it when the film they riff is not completely horrid. I like to be able to get some enjoyment from the film itself and it actually makes it more amusing to hear the riffs. They obviously leave a lot of this film out of the episode, as at one point Neil references a archery contest that he had with the main villain that I did not see. Makes me want to see the whole film, though for the most part they leave in enough to know what is going on. It is just a film that is all over the place as one moment they are rescuing a girl, then an army convoy is being hijacked, then there is a battle on a yacht and then a raid on a castle!

So, it is not a good movie, but it is hardly a bad movie. Definitely not the worst James Bond knockoff that I have seen. Neil certainly looks a lot like his more famous older brother and I am surprised he did not appear in more films. This film was done in Italy and they have always managed to mimic other films in the most blatant ways over the years and this film is no exception as it is the most blatant ripoff of the James Bond films there is other than the one that was done years later that actually starred Sean Connery and was essentially a James Bond film, but not part of the actual series, "Never Say Never Again". This one is actually more enjoyable than that film as that film was just so terribly paced and could not hold my interest. This one at least moves at a fast pace and never lingers to long on any one scene for long.
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Notorious Bond spin-off, a senseless and generally inept mess.
barnabyrudge31 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
A legendary Bond rip-off/spoof starring Neil Connery (brother of Sean, no less), Operation Kid Brother is a horrendous mess. In the book The Films Of Sean Connery by Lee Pfeiffer and Philip Lisa, the authors briefly discuss Sean's opinion of the film. According to them: "Sean angrily denounced the film, stating 'Neil is a plasterer, not an actor. Still, they put him in a film over in Rome - gave him the lead, too! It's a typical example of the way some people do things. It doesn't matter whether the person can act or not. What matters is one happens to be one's brother'". One could be forgiven for wondering if Sean was afraid his brother might go on to bigger and better things, hence his angry reaction to the movie. However, a quick look at Operation Kid Brother quickly reveals that Sean had nothing to fear - Neil is no actor, and the film itself is shockingly bad.

Mr Thayer (Adolfo Celi), number two in the evil crime syndicate Thanatos, is plotting to cripple the balance of world power by using a device which will render useless all technology with moving metal components. The British Secret Service are unable to assign their best man to the job, so they hire his brother Dr Connery (Neil Connery) - a plastic surgeon who dabbles in hypnosis, archery and lip-reading (!) - to tackle the assignment. During his globe-trotting adventures, Dr Connery meets enemy agent Maya (Daniela Bianchi) who works for Thanatos. She soon switches sides when she learns that Thayer intends to kill her once her usefulness is spent. After various adventures, Connery tracks down the villains to a grand castle outside Munich, beneath which takes place a final battle between the good guys and bad guys in a maze of caverns.

If it sounds like the plot of Operation Kid Brother makes little sense, that's because it doesn't. The film unfolds more like a series of haphazard set pieces than a coherent story. There's action, glamour, gadgets, beautiful girls, double crosses, violent death and a whole lot more. The problem is that none of it holds together in the slightest - every scene is undone by sloppy ineptitude of one kind or another, whether it be ludicrous dialogue or amateurish acting or just plain shoddy filming. There are a few positives in the film - such as the amusing score by Ennio Morricone and Bruno Nicolai, and the curiosity value of seeing Lois Maxwell (Miss Moneypenny in the 007 series, here referred to simply as Miss Maxwell) indulging in some machine-gun wielding action. But the film is so poor overall that these scant positives do not make it worth watching. For Bond completists and aficionados of terrible movies only!
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Worse than you could imagine
Thomas-Musings7 January 2021
It's Plan 9 mixed with Austin Powers, and even worse than you could imagine.
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Rip Off? NEVER!!! Okay Maybe Just A Little....ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT! HUGE RIP OFF! Jeezie Chreezie Talk About Peer Pressure
HerMrBubbles24 April 2006
I Mean Come On People! It's One Of The Most Shameless Ripoffs In Film History! Although The Reason Why I Gave This Movie A 5 Was Because I Actually Got To See This Movie On A Sunday Afternoon When A TV Station First Started Out When I Was About 11 Years Old. Me My Brothers And A Few Of The Neighborhood Kids Sat And Started Watching The Movie And Heckled It Within In About Ten Minutes Of The Credits YOU Have To Make The Movie Enjoyable! If You Don't You'll Want Your 90 Minutes Back. When I Seen This Movie On MST3K Almost Ten Years Later I Called And Brother And EVERY Scene We Heckled And Riffed Back Then Was The Same Ones THEY Did! It Was Actually Kiiiiiiiinda Creepy. If You Think This Is Rip Off Of 007 It's SUPPOSED To Be! That's What Makes It So Funny! The Lines Are Some Of The Worst I've Seen In A Long Time But Hey To Each Their Own....Hypnotic Plastic Surgeon...Who Knew?
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Even worse than those Dean Martin Matt Helm movies
qormi1 April 2020
This film is so incredibly bad, it's frightening. I'm sure all the actors and anyone involved knew this, but they did it anyway. In the first few minutes, we see bad guy Adolpho Celli cavorting around his love best with his uniformed henchmen, who happen to all be hot 20 year old chicks. It is suggested that this white haired, flabby older man with a huge nose has sex with them whenever he wants. The film actually goes downhill from there.
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Good cure for insomnia
stormofwar15 June 2009
So 007 has a brother, who is a Doctor, that some how gets talked into taking on a super badguy organization called Thanatos. He also happens to know Judo and knows techniques to induce the deepest states of trance possible (and that most men would kill to know). This organization plans to steal "Atomic Nucleus'" by woman poisoning MP's, and then raiding a highly secured facility dressed as...cats? I admit I watched the MST3K version of this, but it probably saved me from turning if off. That being said, there wasn't much about this movie that made sense from the word go.

I found and watched this during a bout of insomnia one evening. I slept like a baby afterwards.
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Danny Bonaduce, Lyn Nofziger and Jessye Norman
lee_eisenberg26 November 2014
Yes, it's another cornball movie that would be unknown to modern audiences had it not appeared on "Mystery Science Theater 3000". "O.K. Connery" is also known as "Operation Kid Brother", although the version that appeared on MST3K is called "Operation 007". The movie is basically a James Bond knockoff, and a number of the cast member prove it. The star is Sean Connery's brother Neil, and it also stars Daniela Bianchi (Tatiana Romanova in "From Russia with Love"), Lois Maxwell (Miss Moneypenny), Bernard Lee (M), Adolfo Celi (Emilio Largo in "Thunderball") and Anthony Dawson (Professor Dent in "Dr. No"). Yeah, I wonder how they didn't get sued from copyright infringement.

As for MST3K's presentation, Joel, Servo and Crow riff the movie with mentions of Sukarno, Rue McClanahan and Paul Prudhomme, and references to "The Singing Nun" and "Leave It to Beaver". During one of the breaks, Joel struts around the Satellite of Love dressed as the movie's villain who watched a movie on the back of a scantily clad woman.

In the end, the movie might be kind of enjoyable on its own given all the half-dressed women, but MST3K's presentation is the real deal. And anyway, the really good James Bond knockoff from 1967 was John Huston's "Casino Royale" (the 2006 version was NOT a good movie; in fact, none of the James Bond movies have been any good since Sean Connery left).

Opus Dei indeed!
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Slambang Fun at the O.K. Connery Corral
GaryPeterson672 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
With a title that alludes to the short-lived 1965 Burl Ives sitcom O.K. CRACKERBY, I wasn't sure what to expect from O.K. CONNERY. It turned out to be a very good Eurospy flick that stands as deuterocanonical Bond. And OK CONNERY is not a spoof, as many like to dismiss it. It is played straight first frame to virtually last, closing on a lighthearted note similar to those in most of the official series films.

Neil Connery was a good actor--not great--but capable of holding his own alongside screen veterans. Yeah, he wasn't polished and smooth like Sean, but for what little acting experience he had I thought he did a fine job. I will admit that if the Bond connection depended solely on him it would have been tenuous. But the producers scored a coup in landing both Bernard Lee and Lois Maxwell. Besides lending credibility, they each were able to spread their wings more than in the official films, especially trigger-happy Miss Moneypenney! Their appearances throughout the film alone made it worth watching, then add to the mix Bond film veterans like Danielle Bianchi, Adolfo Celli, and Anthony Dawson and the movie becomes a treat for any Bond film fan.

The plot is from the old school super-spy playbook--world domination, secret organizations with a stylized skull as its symbol, death to those who fail, bizarre plot points (like having blind Arabs weaving radioactive rugs!)and clever gadgets (such as the machine guns descending from the ceiling). A cute line that made me smile was Bianchi's telling Connery he reads too many Fleming novels after he tells her of Celli's plot. I also liked Cunningham/M's references to the Connery's brother and how he was at work on another component of this same case.

I also liked the all-girl crew on the yacht--cute without ever crossing over into luridly sexy. The sex is cranked down low in OK CONNERY, leading me to think it was targeted to kids. And on that subject, as beautiful as Danielle Bianchi is, I was most wowed by Agata Flori as Mildred. I fell in love with her during the opening titles and even found her irresistibly enchanting while wearing Phyllis Diller's chapeau at the Malaga airport.

"I'm a surgeon, not a spy!" cries Connery in a parallel to Bones McCoy's impotent protestations in another venue. It's interesting to note that Neil Connery the actor and the character were both recruited into a position outside their usual area of expertise, and both did O.K., as M himself declares at the end. And in what appears prescient now, the rousing title song is sung by Khristy over a shot of a ship at sea, foreshadowing by seven years Lulu singing a rousing title song over a similar shot at the close of THE MAN WITH THE GOLDEN GUN. That Khristy song--composed by Morricone?!--was catchy and reminded me of the theme to another great Eurospy flick--MODESTY BLAISE.

For this Bond fan, O.K. CONNERY is a welcome addition to the second-tier canon which boasts the 1967 CASINO ROYALE, Roger Moore's proto-Bond movie CROSSPLOT, and NEVER SAY NEVER AGAIN. O.K. CONNERY is O.K. by me!
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Actually more enjoyable than a couple of real James Bond films!
gridoon202424 February 2019
The first 20-30 minutes of this are surprisingly good: a fantastic title song (in both the English and the Italian versions!), a rousing score (by Ennio Morricone and Bruno Nicolai), cool gadgets (driverless car), sexy and powerful women (Daniela Bianchi and Lois Maxwell - sexier here than in any official Bond film!), a bon viveur villain (Adolfo Celi), Monte Carlo and Malaga locales, and - last but not least - the sublime atemi (it's fatal). It slows down A LOT in the middle, but does deliver the expected explosive finale. The production is fairly polished, and Neil Connery, although obviously not a casting find like his brother, is inoffensive. The whole film is very meta, too - in a modern sense. **1/2 out of 4.
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So very strange, and just too uninspiring
I_Ailurophile26 April 2022
There's so much going on here. I understand very well that this movie is fully intended to be over the top as an outright comedy, a veritable spoof of everything spy thrillers represented in the 1960s. Yet the sheer gusto with which 'O. K. Connery' throws out all tact and sensibility is astounding, and I struggle to name an immediate comparison. In no time at all the score composed between Ennio Morricone (!) and Bruno Nicolai pointedly mimics Monty Norman's 'James Bond theme,' Dusty Springfield's 'The look of love,' from the flummoxing 1967 "adaptation" of 'Casino Royale,' and still other themes from the Bond films that Eon Productions had released up to this time. We're very quickly shown familiar faces from the Eon franchise (Daniela Bianchi, Adolfo Celi, Lois Maxwell, and many more) to cement the intended connection, and a bevy of finely and/or (gratuitously) scantily clad women for the same purpose. Curious and low-budget spy gadgets, piecemeal advancement of the plot through scenes that don't immediately seem connected (such as an auction), and other details plainly imitating 007 features greet our vision as the length progresses, and there's really just no end to it.

Importantly, when I say "there's just no end to it," that frankly describes the pacing, plot development, and scene writing. I was aghast to glance at the digital timer at one point and see I was only halfway through the first hour, and what was actually just another 18 minutes in real time felt like thirty. 'O. K. Connery' languishes under a lethargic slog of a gait that keeps our attention less because of the quality of the material and more because of the peculiarities of the banality before us. I suppose there's something to be said for the fact that the narrative is complete and cohesive (if not always perfectly coherent). Indelicacies and garishness aside, the costume design and hair and makeup are done well. Yet the story never works very hard to grab our attention. One of the last things a viewer should ever say about a movie is that it fails to evoke a reaction, but the action isn't especially exciting, the comedy is never more than passingly amusing, and any air of suspense, mystery, or tension is mostly intangible. I don't think this feature is altogether bad, but it's entertaining in the same way any rudimentary concoction of light and sound can provide a diversion - and little more.

What's remarkable is that as befuddling as the most outlandish bits are, frankly 'O. K. Connery' would have benefited from more. A scene that meets us just before the 1-hour mark is easily the most preposterous up to that point, but it's also the most enjoyable just on account of the bizarrerie. Where the picture tries to recall its more serious-minded cousins, in contrast, the material often just isn't strong enough to make an impression. This is emphasized by the performances of the cast - many of them are acutely recognizable, and have demonstrated their skills elsewhere, but here the acting tends to feel either merely serviceable, or just lacking. This is emphasized in the ham-fisted effort in the writing to develop a top secret agent's civilian brother into a spy master himself - every attempt, and the character of "Dr. Neil Connery" himself, feels hopelessly forced, and shoehorned, and unconvincing. Ultimately I just feel bad for Neil Connery, the person, for getting roped into this, to say nothing of those that share the screen with him.

In fairness, I think there are some good ideas here, and to my surprise, a lot of real potential in the screenplay. The climax is actually fairly well done. I do appreciate the effort, and the concept, however unsuccessful it may have been. I think Alberto De Martino demonstrates capable abilities as a director, despite the weakness of the film at large, and from a technical standpoint I think it's all just fine. Echos of Eon notwithstanding, Morricone and Nicolai's original music is actually very good - dynamic, spirited, and surely one of the best parts of the title. It's also worth noting that for all its flailing shortcomings, this oddity still manages to be genuinely more fun than some canon James Bond features ('Die another day' and 'Thunderball' being the premier examples - and they're arguably not alone).

Still, I'd be lying if I said this wasn't somewhat a trial to sit through. That which is done well is spotty and loosely connected, not unlike the plot and its progression, and meager strengths are surrounded by ponderous, less than captivating mediocrity. Perhaps some viewers will find more value here than I have, but except for the most open-minded and curious, I can't imagine there's much reason to check it out. Yes, there are worse films you could watch, including some of this one's brethren, though that's just not saying much. At length, 'O. K. Connery' is perhaps best remembered as a weird, mystifying sidestep among spy flicks, and unfortunately, that's about it.
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