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Skip the movie and listen to the commentary
iago-610 April 2006
Hey, I like good, sleazy fun, so I thought I couldn't go wrong with renting Flesh Gordon, which I have heard about for years without really knowing much about. The movie itself is mildly amusing, but what's really wonderful abut this disc is the commentary track, which is TEN TIMES more interesting than the movie itself.

The Movie We open with a LONG title about how this is a tribute to the adventure serials of the 20s and 30s… we find out on the commentary that this was added to avoid a lawsuit, because they were unaware that their writer had taken an episode from Flash Gordon and reproduced it nearly exactly. Anyway, so it seems that the good citizens of Earth are suddenly bombarded by the sex ray, which makes them crazed to have sex with the first person they see (and I wonder: what would David Cronenberg make of this?). This is a big problem, so Flesh Gordon, who soon meets Dale Ardor, are going to travel to the planet Porno to find out what's going on. They meet Flesh's pal Flexi Jerkoff (one of those jokes that, the more you think about it, the more absurd and funny it gets), who has a spaceship that oddly recalls the shape of a penis, and they take off. By now you will have noticed the radical differences in quality and apparent budget from scene to scene. For example, later in the film we have some very nice, nearly-academy award nominated stop-motion animation, and yet when Flesh and co. are on the plane at the beginning, it's quite clear that the walls are made of stapled-on packing material.

So Flesh and pals travel through the moronosphere to the planet Porno, where they crash land. Meanwhile, the evil Emperor Wang has noticed their presence, and sent out guards, who obsequiously refer to him as "Your Protuberance," "Your Sickness," and "Degenerate One." The guards go after our trio who are having their own problems with the Penisauruses, which are giant stop-motion animated uncut penises with horns and one vertically-blinking eye. This affords viewers the sight of the comely Dale being rubbed all over by a dickhead the size of a hippo. They escape, and are soon awarded the power pasties by someone or other, which will give them the decisive edge.

Anyway, so it goes on, even going so far as to include an intermission and cliffhanger as tribute to the original series. Later our heroes are menaced by giant robots with spinning drills where their dicks would normally be, and finally Dale (whose bush is the size of Nebraska, by the way) is taken by this giant monster to the top of a tower, in an unlikely tribute to King Kong. Things go on and soon they end.

This movie is clearly part of the mix that resulted in the Austin Powers movies, and it has a similar effect as so many of the jokes are so juvenile and moronic that eventually they become kind of funny. I was especially laughing at the guards saying things like "Right away, degenerate one" to Emperor Wang. The problem is that NO ONE in the movie is attractive, so although there's lots of randiness and softcore excitement going on, there was no one I was really interested in.

The Commentary I popped in the commentary while I was assembling some furniture, really just wanting to know WHAT the director could possibly have to say about this piece of work. What I got was a totally fascinating tale of low-budget grindhouse film-making in all its glory. The producers made porn films, and that was all. But at this time, some porn films were getting shown in legitimate theaters, so they decided to make a porn film that had more to it than sex, and hired various people and got started. One of the interesting aspects of the whole story is that the producers have no idea what the screenwriter or special effects people are doing while they all work separately. These were people with absolutely no experience in making a film, suddenly trying to do it. They face associates baldly trying to cheat them, police harassment, a few rounds through the judicial system… it's an incredible story. For a while the director is followed by the police until they locate the set, then the police confiscate the film, and then the director has to prove in court that the film is NOT pornographic, which helped determine why this movie came out as a softcore comedy "tribute" to the old serials, instead of a real porn film as was originally intended.

Remember how I said that some of the special effects are very good? Well, turns out that a then-unknown Dennis Muren, who would later become the lead man at ILM and win academy awards for Star Wars, E.T., Terminator 2, Jurassic Park, you name it, worked on this film (and had such a bad experience he didn't want his name on it). Since there were only two other films that year that HAD special effects, this one was almost nominated for an Oscar—but the Academy decided not to have the category that year instead of even considering this film.

The film itself I worth seeing, at least for a quick fast-forward, but if you're interested in the behind-the-scenes of low-budget and porn film-making, but the commentary here is one of the most interesting stories of low-budget film-making you'll ever hear.

--- Hey, check out Cinema de Merde, my website devoted to bad and cheesy movies. You can get the url from my email address above...
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Can you say "Cliche"
jbstans14 July 2001
If this is supposed to be a "porn" movie it is the funniest one I have ever seen. Reminds me of the old Keystone cop and Sinbad The Pirate movies. Love the character Emperor Wang, such a dildo. Have seen the original Flash Gordon and all the cartoons and this sorta kinda resembles them. This movie is hilarious, great fun!!!
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Flesh Gordon is alive!
Prismark1018 August 2019
When I was a kid one of the cinemas in the Isle of Man would have special late night showings in the summer season. It would alternate between soft core films and kung fu films.

Flesh Gordon would be wheeled out each summer, I think it promises more than it delivers.

A spoof of early Flash Gordon serials. Earth is hit by sex rays from outer space sending people into a sexual frenzy. When an aircraft carrying Flesh Gordon and Dale Ardor is hit by sex rays, the plane crashes as everyone starts having an orgy including the pilots. Flesh and Dale escape by parachute and land near the laboratory of Flexi Jerkoff who has a plan to stop the sex rays which emanate from outer space.

They travel to the planet Porno in Jerkoff's phallic rocket. They crash land in planet Porno ruled by Emperor Wang and he intends to marry Dale while Flesh is taken by Queen Amora as a sex slave. Somehow Flesh needs to defeat Wang but he faces rapist robots, lesbian pirates, a penisaurus, and giant monster called the great god porno.

Flesh Gordon has some really good stop motion animation, an obvious tribute to Ray Harryhausen. The film itself parodies the 1930s Flash Gordon serial rather faithfully.

However in its heart this is a campy softcore parody with some bad puns and wooden acting from Jason Williams who plays Flesh. As the title implies there is a lot of flesh on display and it has a few inspired smutty scenes. I do remember some lads at school had seen a pirate version of this movie and thought it was hilarious.

However what would had been classed as daring in the 1970s is now tame and lot of it is dull as well not helped by the poor quality of the video. It works as a piece of naughty kitsch.
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An unusual and surprisingly successful blending of low budget genres
roarshock13 May 2002
The filmmakers of Flesh Gordon spent so much effort lovingly recreating the look and feel of the original Flash Gordon serials of the 1930s that they actually created a soft porn movie with real (if very modest) cinematic worth. In fact, it's in some ways superior to the original Gordon flicks - particularly its special effects - with an extensive and surprisingly good use of stop-action animation.

Fortunately, sub-par acting is common in both porn and the old serials and this adds to the authentic feel of this parody. But there is also some genuine acting going on too. The best actors in the movie deliberately over-play their roles to wonderful effect. Emperor Wang and Dr. Flexi Jerkoff brilliantly recreate the essence of Emperor Ming and Dr. Zarkov. Craig T. Nelson gives the voice of the monster a kind of laid back (yet lewd) sophistication. It's a voice that reminds me of Bing Crosby, which makes the scene just plain weird.

What makes this film work is that instead following the usual porn formula of using the plot as a mere device to show sex, Flesh Gordon uses sex as the fundamental source its humor, enthusiastically blending the rather banal soft-core porn of the seventies with the hackneyed storylines of the thirties. The sex takes the hackney out of the story, and the story takes the banality out of the sex scenes.

Is this movie a masterpiece? Clearly... OBVIOUSLY... not. But it is distinctive and original. Flesh Gordon is an unusual case where the quite good and the very bad somehow manage to complement each other and average out to make a very entertaining movie.
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May have liked this more if I'd seen "Flash"
smatysia12 August 2000
Well, special effects were quite good for the times. I had heard this was a porno film, but what I saw was much like Euro soft-core. Admittedly it seemed to be cut, but the version I saw was 1:26 whereas the DVD promises 1:30. So, 4 minutes of cuts get this down to an "R"? Anyway, the film, like many sex movies, aims for camp. It hits, sometimes. It misses a lot, too, or else I am missing the jokes. Quite possible, as I don't remember having seen any of the "Flash Gordon" serials. Overall, I can't recommend this one.
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Flesh Gordon is not very sexy nor funny, in fact, you may get bored...
tavm10 July 2007
For years, I've read of this soft-porn parody of Flash Gordon since it was advertised as one of several midnight movies listed as being at the (now defunct) Cinema 8 at the (also folded) Bon Marche Mall. While I've had it on tape for years, I've only now gotten to seeing it. The verdict: While there were some amusing scenes and dialogue and maybe some good nude scenes, I found most of it a bore. The acting, direction, and script had such an amateurish feeling that after a while I just simply wanted it to end. I did like many of the stop-motion creatures that recall Ray Harryhausen and his mentor Willis O'Brien at their most creative. I guess overall, this was too silly for my tastes. Worth a look at least once is all I can recommended for Flesh Gordon.
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preppy-327 September 2003
Cheap, silly porno spoof of Flash Gordon. Flesh and Dale Ardor with Dr. Felix Jerkoff (ho ho) go to the planet Porno (where else?) and face off against the evil Wang and try to get...something. I don't know. I got bored and fell asleep.

I saw the extended DVD version. There's no hardcore stuff but tons of nudity, a fairly explicit lesbian sequence and (surprisingly) a gay sequence! The jokes are all terrible, stupid sound effects are heard throughout, lousy music and terrible acting across the board. And, seriously, Jason Williams really should of worked out more seeing he's nude most of the time and is the hero. This movie thinks it's really funny--but it isn't.

There is some excellent stop-motion animation monsters here but they're pretty brief and not enough to save the movie.

Might be funny if you're dead drunk. Rock bottom--DO NOT SEE!!!!
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If you're looking for a fun blend of soft-core sex, sci-fi and comedy, look no further than Flesh Gordon.
BA_Harrison11 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
In the early 80s, when I was a spotty adolescent with a burgeoning interest in the female form, I would secretly cast my eye over the 'special' section in my local video shop—the one which contained such 'interesting' titles as Dracula Exotica, Lemon Popsicle, and The Amorous Milkman. Amongst these tempting (but ultimately rather disappointing) titles was the legendary Flesh Gordon, a movie I had heard about from school pals (whose parents were obviously a little more lax in policing their kids' viewing than my own), but one that I found it impossible to see myself (try as I might, the shop owner wouldn't let me rent it!).

Now, nearly 30 years later, I have finally caught up with this elusive soft-core sex comedy, and whilst it's hardly shocking or particularly titillating to a man of my advancing years, I found it to be a very entertaining piece of trash. Made in the sexually liberated 70s, this knowingly daft take on the cliffhanger serials of the 30s is silly, saucy fun featuring plenty of full-frontal nudity, some pretty good effects (considering the limitations of the budget), loads of smutty humour, and a shed-load of phallic imagery.

In a story that bears many similarities to that of the major Flash Gordon movie of 1980, nasty dictator Emperor Wang attacks earth with a deadly sex ray that turns the population of Earth into uncontrollable nymphomaniacs. Hunky Flesh Gordon (Jason Williams), accompanied by beautiful sidekick Dale Ardor (the gorgeous Suzanne Fields) and scientist Dr. Flexi Jerkoff (Joseph Hudgins) travel to the planet Porno to try and destroy the ray and free its people from the tyranny of Wang.

With such delights as one-eyed stop-motion monsters called Penisauruses (or is that Penisauri?), rapist robots, an animated bug-creature, a tribe of lesbian warriors, several orgies (which look rather racy from a distance, and lend credence to the rumour that this was originally a hardcore movie), a penis shaped spaceship, and a huge, but rather erudite beast at the end of the film, Flesh Gordon is a hoot from start to finish.

6.5 out of 10, rounded up to 7 for IMDb.
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once is enough..
midniteprincess2 July 2001
thankfully ive only seen this movie the one time and that was Plenty enough for me. .it was SO stupid, it wasnt funny.. i would advise NO one to rent this movie..if its available on video.. save Your money and rent either the one with Buster Crabbe.. or the one with Sam Jones..

it was so dumb and i know it was just a take off from the original.. what the heck were the ones that made this stinker thinking?? it made NO sense at all.. just shoot this lousy movie into outer space..
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Fun legendary softcore flick!
onnanob210 March 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Flesh Gordon delivers the fun a softcore comedy should deliver! It is a legendary softcore flick that was released a few times in the 1970's & 1980's, & I feel lucky to have been able to have seen it on the big screen. I've learned Flesh Gordon started out as a hardcore porno film, but somewhere along the line it was decided to make it a softcore romp. I'm glad they changed the script to softcore, because I find most hardcore films to be hardly memorable or collectable. Flesh Gordon's characters are colorful & lively, & the comedy is anywhere from silly sight gags to sophisticated humor. The plot of the movie is about Flesh Gordon's attempts to save the world from a sex ray that has been putting the earth in carnal chaos. Flesh learns the sex ray is being sent from the planet Porno, & he rockets off with girlfriend Dale & a scientist to save the earth. On the planet Porno he encounters the evil Emperor Wang. Wang is the one who has been sending the sex ray to earth. Planet Porno's Prince Precious helps Flesh in the attempt to stop Wang & his sex ray. Chief Nelly (played by Candy Samples)& her girls of the lesbian underground kidnap Dale. Flesh must try to rescue Dale, & then does battle with a well animated (stop-animation) metal creature. Other creatures are encountered along the way; including Wang's rapist robots, & the penis-looking monsters encountered in a cave. A giant creature that has some humorous lines (voice by Craig T. Nelson of the T.V. show "Coach"!) also gets ahold of Dale, & in a King Kong style climbs with Dale in its hand to the top of Wang's palace. Adventure abound in this sex comedy! The special effects in this movie are very good for a 1972, low-budget feature! The acting is fine, & all actors seem to achieve what is desired from their parts. The sex is not erotic, and seems to fit more for the storyline. Surprisingly there is a shot or two during the palace orgies that are graphic sexually, but the action is difficult to find if you are not looking all over the screen. I say "surprisingly," because "Flesh Gordon" was advertised in many newspapers as being R-rated when it played at theaters & drive-ins. There is a lot of nudity in the movie; including frontal nudity. The action, adventures, and jokes in the movie roll along nicely, and everyone I have shown this movie to has laughed and enjoyed it!
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Trash-Movie Deluxe
erkan_bogan10 March 2019
One of the worst movies I've ever seen. Totally deserves its label as a Trash-Movie.
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Sex, camp and good fun!
Teach-712 April 1999
Warning: Spoilers
This is truly a camp classic, ripe for discovery by those who love and cherish hysterical over-acting, horrid sex-jokes and flagrant innuendo.

The plot is, well,....quite basic: Sex-rays from the planet Porno (presumably somewhere near the Porn-star..) hits Earth and threatens to destroy the morals of mankind. Flesh Gordon, after almost succumbing to those very same rays teams up with the lightly clad Dale Ardor and dr. Flexi Jerkoff. Together they fly off to Porno in a penile spaceship to destroy the evil Wang and his sex-ray machine. OK? Here they meet Penisauruses, the gay (in every sense) men of Sherwood forest, a surly monster (close cousin to King Kong) and an army of perverts, cavorting on the floors of Wang's palace. Wang himself seems somewhat miffed when Flesh complains about the sex-rays destroying morality :"Why, you should THANK me!" The pantomime plot has side-splitting moments and good fun, but at the end of the day it all bubbles down to one word: Sex. This is, effectively, a porn movie, with most of the porn removed (at least in this version), and a mixture of ludicrously funny sight gags and some elaborate special effects thrown into the mix.

I enjoyed "Flesh Gordon", because it never stops moving and is always funny. In fact, it's a real treat, and the intended satire on the mores of American science-fiction is spot-on. (including the priceless sight-gag of Dr.Jerkoff starting his rocket-engine with a car-ignition key!) There is also a shot of a stranded spaceship which looks ominously like that one at the start of ALIEN. In fact, it looks like H.R.Giger must have been HEAVILY influenced by it! See this movie!
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camp gordon
trashgang15 December 2011
I never liked the Flash Gordon (1980). It was full of cheap effects and the story wasn't my thing at all. years later I came across this flick. knowing that it was a spoof. When I looked at the year it was made I knew it would have some stupid effects but what a great flick it was after all.

Not really knowing what to expect from it I was surprised with the fun I had. Be aware, it's a low budget flick with cheap effects indeed and some stop motion monsters but it's the story that makes it really great. Don't think to see some excellent comedy, it's more a exploitation spoof, I may even say a sex spoof full of nudity. If I tell you that Professor Jerkoff is in it or that they go to planet Porno then you know enough. Don't watch it for the acting or the editing, it's really one of the worst kind you will see. But as i said, the stop motion is sometimes okay but the one with the, look at the name, penissaurus is really terrible. But the fact that it contains full frontal nudity makes it not watchable for everybody. And it has a lot of nudity, full frontal, pubic hair shots, boners, and even some gang banging. But don't get me wrong, it isn't a porn flick.

Only William Dennis Hunt (emperor Wang) went further in the business and is still making flicks. The main leads, Jason Williams (Flesh Gordon) stopped in 1995 but never made a notable flick. Suzanne Fields (Dale Ardor) was popular in nudity flicks but vanished one year after this flick in obscurity. Nothing is known after 1976 about her, we don't even know if she's still alive.

If you want to see a real campy flick than this is surely one to recommend, I know that there are many haters for Flesh Gordon but it surprised me and I really enjoyed it.

Gore 0/5 Nudity 4/5 Effects 1/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 2/5
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Claptrap meets Monty Python I think
pietclausen27 January 2020
Making the mistake of watching Flesh Gordon instead of Flash Gordon, available on Blu-Ray, I concluded watching this baloney. Hogwash a la Monty Python with a lot of flesh around may appeal to some, but this reviewer found the film exceptional weak. Reading up on the lead female star, Suzanne Fields, said it all.

If you like stupidity, you may enjoy this film, but as this film was made in the era of female exploitation, I found it repulsive: no real story, lots of bare flesh, simulating copulation and more. In short a film not to watch to stay sane in the real world. Fortunately we now live in 2020, where this stuff will get nowhere.
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Fun Parody of The Original
moonman-625 October 2003
This is a wonderful parody of the original serial version from the mid 1930s. The quality of acting, writing, directing, budget, costuming, and effects is dead on, almost a one-for-one match. Lots of great dialog, very quotable ("Good, there's Oxygen on this planet.").

There are two versions of this film floating around, the unrated version and a cut "R" version. The unrated version is the one to see! Most films can have "X" material edited out of them with no consequence, but not here. Whole sections of the plot (as thin as it is) are missing without the deleted footage.

This film features early work from Greg Jein, David Allen, Rick Baker, and Jim Danforth (who is listed with his name spelled backwards "Mij Htrofnad"). All went on to greater things in their careers.

Avoid the sequal from 1989, it tried too hard and fell flat on all fronts.
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Not really all that good...
The_Movie_Cat9 December 2001
Flesh Gordon is probably one of those films you have to see, just to say you've seen it.

Apparently some versions of the movie are soft porn; the video release I saw certainly wasn't, and was just basic titillation. The film itself has better effects and direction than you'd probably expect, though for a sex comedy it's neither sexy nor funny, so fails in both its attempted genres.

Some bits amuse, though there's a tastelessness that borders on the offensive. Okay, the crude homosexual jibes weren't that big a deal in the 70s, but surely cracks about rape were never acceptable? The film even goes one better by combining the two, and having lesbian rapists. A pre-credits narration - explaining how the film is a homage and there to cheer up people feeling depressed - makes the whole thing seem a little too full of its assumed self-importance.

It's not all that bad, and William Hunt has his moments as Wang, though strangely for a nudist send-up of 30s serials it's also quite tedious. 4/10.
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Good intentions
kosmasp27 June 2013
More or less that is. There is a disclaimer at the beginning that tells the audience, that this has nothing to do with the "real" Flash Gordon. Something I only realized when I got the DVD that I bought blindly on ebay. I thought two Gordon movies for the price of one, is excellent. But that is not the reason, I only gave it a weak rating. Nor the fact that this was actually meant to be a porn movie did influence my vote. You can still see the bad cutting away from some scenes, though it seems those explicit scenes might be "lost" forever due to cuts the director had to make, because of an impending lawsuit back when they released it.

No, the movie did age badly and while some humor still works, most of it doesn't. I love the passion (no pun intended) that they showed (there is also an audio commentary), but the performances just don't cut it and the story is too paper thin to really work. I guess you can watch it once out of curiosity, but you might not have the strength to watch it through
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Cheap 70's soft core porn
JoeB13127 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was one of the first made after the MPAA rating system replaced the Hayes code, and people could make porn commercially. Originally, it got an X rating, and they trimmed it down a bit to give it an R.

Basically, it parodies the Flash Gordan serials of the 1930's, with stop-motion animation monsters and cheap space ships. The jokes aren't really funny, the sex isn't very passionate, the acting is awful and the special effects are cheap. Yet, oddly, it is unintentionally funny. The scene at the end with the jive-talking giant monster is probably the best part.

worth watching for a laugh... maybe once.
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The "Rock Horror Picture Show" of space porn.
Chuck-17421 May 2005
A nice, light spoof of the old Flash Gordon serials combined with silly, soft porn. I think I saw this flick in drive-in theaters about six different times.

You get to the point where you are lip-syncing all the words of Dr. Flexi Jerkoff and warning people to watch out for the Penisaurous's lurking outside the snack bar.

The settings of the film were somewhat reminiscent of Jane Fonda's "Barbarella." The acting is "stiff" as it should be. Both for the serial plays and the soft porn. The dialog is clever without being pornographic. It would elicit the same "groaning" from teenage viewers as is heard when they watch the original "Reefer Madness" in modern day settings.
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I Completely underestimated this film's budget
Agent102 May 2002
Clearly, pornos were made with a little more passion back before VHS destroyed the whole genre. If Debbie Does Dallas is the all-time favorite in regards to porn, then this film must be the equivalent to Citizen Kane. What is there not to make fun of in regards to this film? The spaceship that looks like a penis...the sex ray...bad acting....The Tribe of Sexually Frustrated Men....the boffo "Clash of the Titans" special effects...or the infamous line, after the good doctor took a whiff, "There is oxygen here, we can breath the air." Maybe porn should stop trying to be titilating and start making fun of itself. Its not like the whole concept can be taken seriously to begin with.
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A curious oddity from one of the most controversial and divisive times in American film
StevePulaski20 August 2015
Though I loathe this saying, as it's often largely unfounded and nostalgic, Flesh Gordon is precisely the kind of film that could never be made today, particularly with the conviction and the straight-faced persona that it was made with in 1974. Flesh Gordon is a softcore parody of action serials that populated radios and Televisions in the 1950's, particularly Flash Gordon and complete with all the genre's tropes: silly dialog, cliffhangers, cheesy costumes, ridiculous narration, asinine circumstances, and outlandish characters. Throw in gratuitous nudity, an occasional sex-scene, and some utterly banal dialog, and you have one of the strangest parodies of the 1970's and one of porn's most curious oddities.

My level of prose will hereby be temporarily lessened as I try to thoughtfully articulate the plot of said film. It all begins with a Professor Gordon (John Hoyt), who discovers that the Earth is being manipulated by "sex rays," which turn people into horndogs. When one of these sex rays winds up striking a plane, carrying Flesh Gordon (Jason Williams) and Dale Ardor (Suzanne Fields), the plane turns into a massive orgy, with Flesh and Dale barely escaping the imminent crash. The two land near the workstation of Dr. Flexi Jerkoff (Joseph Hudgins), who is working to try and defeat the sex rays, which are powered by the evil Emperor Wang the Perverted (William Dennis Hunt) and his army of "Penisauruses." Flesh, Dale, and Dr. Jerkoff and his "assholiness" must find a way to stop Emperor Wang while combatting the forces of the manipulating sex rays.

This is precisely the kind of film where intense critical analysis and discussion fails it. The more you think about Flesh Gordon and its preposterous title, plot, and existence, the less infatuated with the idea you'll become. It just about defies every cinematic convention and notion you've come to expect, not expect, and not even dream up just by its existence. It's the very definition of an oddity, and the fact that it belongs to one of the most controversial and divisive periods in American cinema's history only makes it that much more of a treasure.

The strange part is that Flesh Gordon, however, doesn't always wind up being funny or erotic, rendering its purpose questionable. The sex scenes are sometimes drearily tame (rumors of footage being seized are scattered all over the internet, making me question whether or not this film was supposed to be racier or not) and the humor is sometimes absent for long stretches of the film. The inconsistencies bog down the film from being some true work of parody genius largely because it can hold its identity for too long without changing course.

Nonetheless, this is a film that, again, defies a lot of conventional critical analysis, like most parody films. It's a film that works as little else than a fun deviation from the expected, and if you're a fan of Flash Gordon, and still not crippled by the desire for righteousness and moralism in what you watch, Flesh Gordon is a pleasant stroll through the kind of film that couldn't be made anymore without incessant giggling under the breathes of screenwriter's.

Starring: Jason Williams, Suzanne Fields, Joseph Hudgins, William Dennis Hunt, Candy Samples, Mycle Brandy, and John Hoyt. Directed by: Michael Benveniste and Howard Ziehm.
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A Raunchy Spoof That Struggles to Find Its Groove
MajesticMane7 June 2024
In the realm of cult films, few have the audacity and flamboyance of "Flesh Gordon" (1974). This sexploitation parody of the 1930s sci-fi serial "Flash Gordon" is a wild ride that blends cheesy humor, erotic undertones, and low-budget special effects. While it's not without its charms, "Flesh Gordon" ultimately falls short of greatness.

The plot, as far as there is one, revolves around the titular hero Flesh Gordon (Jason Williams) and his trusty sidekick Dale Ardor (Josephine Jonas) as they journey to the planet Porno to stop the evil Emperor Wang (William Hunt) from unleashing his "sex ray" upon Earth. Along the way, they encounter a host of bizarre characters, including the Amazonian Queen Amora (Nora Wieternik) and the monstrous Penisaurus. The premise is undeniably absurd, and the film revels in its own silliness.

However, the film's humor is often hit-or-miss. While some moments are genuinely funny, many jokes fall flat due to their juvenile nature or overreliance on double entendres. The acting is generally wooden, with most performers seemingly aware of the film's campy tone but unsure how to navigate it. The script is also littered with clunky dialogue and awkward exposition, making for a somewhat uneven viewing experience.

Yet, despite its flaws, "Flesh Gordon" does have its merits. The film's production design, though clearly constrained by a limited budget, is imaginative and colorful, creating a unique visual aesthetic. The stop-motion animation used for the various creatures and spaceships is also charmingly old-fashioned, harkening back to the sci-fi films of yesteryear. Additionally, the film's soundtrack, composed by Ralph Ferraro, is surprisingly effective, adding a layer of gravitas to the otherwise silly proceedings.

In conclusion, "Flesh Gordon" is an undeniably unique cinematic experience that will likely appeal to fans of campy, cult films. Its blend of sexploitation, sci-fi, and comedy makes for an entertaining, if uneven, watch. However, its shortcomings in terms of humor, acting, and script prevent it from achieving true greatness.
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Flesh a-ah saviour of the universe
deheor9 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
At a time when porn movies were inching closer to the mainstream this film was made to capitalize on that trend. Unfortunately the films cost over-runs and a subsequent police raid necessitated the removal of almost all of the hardcore material (although you can still spot a bit of X activity if you watch the revelers in Wang's throne room during the orgy sequence). Perhaps the biggest surprise of this film is that the deleted scenes have allowed this film to reach a much broader audience and has led directly to its status as a cult classic.

Jason Williams plays Flesh Gordon who along with Dale Ardor (played by adorable porn star Suzanne Fields) get kidnapped by Flexi Jerkoff and together they zoom across the galaxy to stop the evil emperor Wang's sex ray from bombarding the earth.

The goofy names and the sex ray subplot make in pretty clear where the humour is directed. Sure it aims pretty low but it actually works very well. It is next to impossible to be offended by any movie that is this goofy. Everything from the design of Flexi's ship to the look of the aliens puts a sexual spin on the sci-fi genre. Special credit must be given to the amazing monster (voiced by Poltergeist & The Incredibles Craig T. Nelson) that Flesh faces at the movies climax. It is a glowing tribute to Ray Harryhousen although it is given dialogue that none of his creatures would ever think to say.

Sure this film is not for the timid but it can present a fun evenings viewing for any open minded adult but you may want to ignore the long after the fact sequel Flesh Gordon meets the cosmic cheerleaders. The special effects are good but the dialogue is simply too lame and it falls far short of the quality of its predecessor.
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Bold in Badness
Tweetienator5 February 2020
One of those guilt pleasures I assembeld over the years: a trashy persiflage of the great simple story of Flash Godon transformed into the story of Flesh Gordon with the help of soft porn. Well, I guess the audience that really likes Flesh Gordon is rather small but if you get it you get it and get a lot of fun. Anyway, someone should do a remake with the right spirit just with a bigger budget - it could be a masterpiece of pulp-entertainment.

Only recommended for the true lover of real trash.
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Bruce_the_Brilliant21 June 2004
The beauty of Flesh Gordon is that it has no pretensions to seriousness. Much soft porn of the 70's was so mind-bogglingly asinine that lots of us nearly gave up sex. Flesh is so totally different, being funny, that it remains in my memory from the time I saw it in the Mid-70's. I still remember Dr Jerkoff unveiling his spaceship shaped like a giant erect phallus with the words "Fortunately I was able to complete the design before the Sex-ray took effect".

The word 'Penisaurus' has passed into the vocabulary of Britain now, as an insult, obviously. The rapist robots with their little spring willys still linger in my memory.

If I had seen it alone I would probably have walked out, but as a teenage miscreant with a friend it was hysterical. If you are not offended by the sight of breasts and enjoy a laugh watch it with some friends and a beer or two. Excellent fun.
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