Policewomen (1974) Poster


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Female Super cop Contender
Jimbo-9621 January 2000
Among the films that have featured female super cops (mostly Hong Kong), Sondra Currie is more believable. She's not big, but displays sufficient athleticism so as not to ruin the illusion. This low budget crime action film is passable entertainment. I actually liked it, but I enjoy the action woman genre. None of the movie was believable. After all, who would put a policewoman in such extreme danger without much backup.

The video box cover indicates that this movie is "the most daring caper since "The French Connection". This puffing is a tad overstated, okay, a lot overstated. The cast was fairly extensive and the acting ability varied quite a lot. Don't be mistaken, most viewers will be laughing at portions of the movie. For me, I will overlook the bad and take some comfort in seeing the film and knowing that the film makers tried to make a good movie. Policewomen has largely disappeared from circulation. I gave it a 6 (from 10).
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Lacy Bond Kicks You Know What.
Space_Mafune8 December 2003
A beautiful, albeit deadly, young policewoman named Lacy Bond (Sondra Currie) is recruited to help bring down a new all-girl gang.

This film is aimed squarely at drive-in film fans who like their stories with a little touch of female exploitation. Well, this film is nowhere near as sleazy as its opening credits would seem to suggest so some may be disappointed.

Ultimately this is a film that Almost Works: the fight scenes are surprisingly good, there's a coherent plot that's easy to follow and our leading lady proves easy to like as well as easy on the eyes. Yes this almost works...in terms of a serious film...

But Not Quite...why?

Well for one thing there's a few too many underdeveloped characters. Another is how the all-girl gang likes to spend most of their time sunning themselves in bikinis....also the ending really stretches the credibility a bit too far...

Still all in all this is sometimes quite a lot of fun to watch. My favorite scenes include Lacy kicking butt in police uniform when the prisoners make a break, what happens when she takes on William Smith, and when she saves someone (I won't say who) from a severe beating at the hands of five vicious bikini-wearing babes?! Somewhat ahead of its time given the current craze in television for this type of stuff.
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Standard action thrills in ordinary '70s product
Leofwine_draca18 October 2015
POLICE WOMEN is a straightforward early '70s action flick about an undercover cop who infiltrates an all-female gang in order to bring some perps to justice. It has a low rent, TV movie-style look and feel to it, but a string of rather basic martial arts fights keeps the running time bubbling along, allowing this to be mildly enjoyable for the undemanding viewer.

Sondra Currie essays the role of the tough, ass-kicking female lead, and she does a fine job with it. She brings some of the sass and verve of Pam Grier to the part, and she's one of the best things about the movie. Elsewhere, watch out for William Smith's amusing cameo as a karate instructor. Director Lee Frost worked his way through an exploitation career incorporating such titles as HOUSE ON BARE MOUNTAIN, THE DEFILERS, LOVE CAMP 7, and THE THING WITH TWO HEADS. What a resume!
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An enjoyable drive-in flick!
Wizard-88 June 2003
"Policewomen" (actually, there is technically only ONE policewoman in the movie) is not as sleazy or action-filled as other drive-in movies of the period. However, it does manage to be much more enjoyable than many of them.

Much of this is due to Sondra Currie, who is a delight as the lead. She gives her character confidence, a sense of humor, and a spirit of adventure. Whether arguing with her superiors or in hand-to-hand combat, she constantly shines. Judging from her performance here, it's a mystery why she didn't go onto bigger things, or at the very least become a prominent star in the drive-in genre.

But there is additional enjoyment beyond Currie. There is a good amount of humor - some unintentional, like how Currie's policemen co-workers are surprisingly sexist. However, most of the comedy is intentional and pretty funny at that. The plot has some outlandish touches (an all-girl gang that spends most of its time in bikinis?), a cameo by William Smith, Elizabeth Stuart has some hilariously stingy one-liners, and there is a respectable amount of nudity and sex. The best bits are the martial arts sequences, which are unusually very well choreographed (and surprisingly brutal at times.) Dim the lights, pretend you're at the drive-in, and sit back and have some fun.
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Another movie I really wanted to like
bensonmum27 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Policewoman Lacy Bond (Sondra Currie) longs for more interesting and meaningful assignments than guarding female prisoners. After almost single handedly thwarting a mass prison escape, Lacy catches the eye of her superiors and is finally given her big chance. Her assignment – go undercover to bust up an all-girl smuggling ring. But she better be careful, because this gang is deadly.

I loved the opening prison break scenes. They had a quirky feel to them that worked. After the first 10 minutes, I thought for sure I had found a winner. But after getting off to a great start, once the real plot kicks in, Policewomen loses steam. What should have been a wild, fun ride turns into . . . well, in a word, it gets boring. The plot has way too much talk and not enough action or sleaze. The case that Lacy Bond finds herself involved in isn't terribly interesting. I can't really blame Sondra Currie. She may not be the best actress I've seen (in fact, she's downright bad), but she sure does give it her all. I am happy, however, to see that after Policewomen she went on to have a good career. The casting of Elizabeth Stuart as the ring-leader Maude and Phil Hoover as her boyfriend Doc was an interesting choice. I'm not saying it was a good choice, just interesting. Policewomen also features some of the sloppiest editing I've run into recently. Big, obtrusive splices right in the middle of action scenes. It's pretty obvious that Currie and the other actors had problems with the action so cuts had to be made to set-up and finish a scene. It's really weak. The film's final scenes do help redeem the movie somewhat, but not enough to make me call the movie "good". For what it's worth, I've rated Policewomen a very generous 4/10.
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bad B-movie
SnoopyStyle13 July 2015
Lacy Bond is a police woman who faced a female jailbreak and is able to stop some escapees. Inspector Martell, Lieutenant Frank Mitchell and Sergeant Pete Peterson enlist her to investigate an all-female mafia who are smuggling gold into the country. Then she finds an opportunity to infiltrate the organization.

This is a pretty bad B-movie. There are some campy kung fu fighting especially at the start. If it could keep at that pace, the movie could have been a fun campy watch. Instead the movie drags. It even has an awful romantic montage. It does get into a few fun fights like the girls beating up on Frank. It's a laugh worthy scene. The story of a gang smuggling gold sounds ridiculous. It's even more ridiculous than an all-female gang. Sondra Currie is a pretty weak actress but she is not alone. Other than the tough gang leader Maude, nobody is that interesting. This fails on the most important factor for a B-movie. It's boring ... unless you think of a drinking game.
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Could have been called Dirty Henrietta...seriously disappointing drive-in flick
The_Void16 December 2008
I found Policewomen really disappointing; although I must admit that I went into it with the wrong expectations. I was hoping for a drive-in feature along the same lines as women in prison flicks such as Caged Heat or The Big Bird Cage; and after the opening scene, which features a prison break, it looked as though I was going to get my wish. However, from there Policewoman quickly descends into boredom and ends up turning into a low-rent female lead version of Dirty Harry; and I was none too impressed. The plot focuses on Lacy Bond (who, according to the poster, came before James Bond; even though this film was released twelve years after James' film debut). Lacy is bored with her job of guarding female prisoners; but she gets break after thwarting the prison escape that takes place during the best part of the movie single handed. She gets some training and then the top brass decide to give her an assignment that involves infiltrating an all-female gang of drug smugglers.

The main problem with this film is that the plot isn't very interesting, and there is little in the way of distractions. There are plenty of films like this that aren't particularly strong in the plot department; but work anyway thanks to interesting characters and wacky situations; but despite featuring an old woman with a strapping young husband; this film is seriously lacking in those areas, which makes viewing it very tedious. There's also nothing in the way of sleaze, which is unforgivable as far as I'm concerned since that's the only reason I was watching the film. The lead role is taken by Sondra Currie; and she's not very good, both in terms of how she looks and her performance. I really lost interest in the film after about half an hour and director Lee Frost didn't seem interested in trying to regain it. The grand finale is not too bad, and better than anything featured in the middle part of the film; but even so, this really is disappointing stuff and I wouldn't recommend going out of your way to find a copy.
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Female martial arts cop capers
zippgun7 December 2003
Policewoman Lacy Bond,played by small dynamic redhead Sondra Currie,is a "supercop" assigned to take down a band of female gangsters who are up to all sorts of fiendish criminal activities.She uses(pretty basic)martial arts skills against them,and is later joined by undercover agent Pam Harris,played by Jeanie Bell,to help her take down the bad girl mob.The guys are generally pretty unimportant in this movie.Tony Young,as Lacy's boss and partner is reduced to a hapless sidekick,muttering his disapproval when he thinks she is putting herself in danger(and at one point having to be rescued by our heroine from some murderous babes who are beating him to death!).Only Phil Hoover,playing a funny and pretty vicious villain,and the great William Smith,sending himself up in a cameo as a patronizing police fight instructor,really register among the male cast.This cheap but entertaining movie contains all the elements expected from Lee Frost's "drive-in" fare,some sex and nudity,scantily clad girls,and lots of action.Fans of female fighting in movies should like the scenes where Lacy and Pam use judo and karate battling the female villains-such as tough con Janette (Laurie Rose)and Caroline (Dorrie Thomson) and her gang.
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Scarecrow-8819 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Sondra Currie has quite a role as the titular lead in this cop adventure, directed by Lee Frost, as she's sexy, with mad karate skills, and gets to kick a lot of male ass. She takes out a number of female criminals attempting to flee from the prison, losing only two who were able to free themselves after an exciting, daring escape. She joins a detective squad whose goal is to upend a successful drug and gold smuggling operation, masterminded by a cantankerous old broad named Maude(Elizabeth Stuart). Maude uses female criminals to carry out her orders, setting up rendezvous checkpoints with those she partners with in her smuggling operation and it will be up to Lacy Bond(Currie)and Lt. Frank Mitchell(Tony Young)to bring her down. Phil Hoover is Maude's muscle and lover, Doc, always with his shirt off and lifting weights to maintain his physique. Another ally emerges when Lacy goes undercover, infiltrating Maude's group, hoping to alert the authorities of where the last gold shipment will come ashore. Frost, God love him, fills the screen with lovely women, in and out of bikinis. There's more eye candy than we could ever want or desire. Currie especially is a tasty dish, and, as expected, beds Mitchell when the two form a bond as they go away from the city near a resort to stake out a possible gold pickup by some of Maude's girls. William Smith has a humorous cameo as a karate instructor who pushes Lacy's buttons, winding up with a cut lip and broken tooth in the process! Women dominate this flick as the men often are beat to a bloody pulp, such as when Mitchell attempts to silence Maude's girls, who are trying to ram his and Lacy's smaller boat. You get some lively cat fights, but Currie is allowed to take apart both men and women(..including one great fight scene where she whips Doc with ease while inside a moving army truck). What was a bit disappointing to me was that we don't see Lacy on the street which is why I rented it to begin with..the cover kind of led me to believe that she would be joining forces with a detective team to take out a serious drug operation, and the accompanying elements of gritty characters and street action would figure prominently in the plot. Instead, this flick is concerned more about the toned, fit bodies of all the attractive cast, and little about the story itself..I prefer to have a steady supply of both. I did hope to see more of Lacy in uniform with a gun, chasing the bad guys down street corners, but Lee Frost was more interested in beach, babes, and bikinis..not bullets and blood. I simply expected more from this, truth be told. It never quite takes off despite a premise with promise. You don't really see films headlining beautiful, tough females in cop or detective roles, and here's a bona fide chance I think was wasted.
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The girls are back in town
Red-Barracuda9 September 2015
Policewomen is an action movie directed by Lee Frost, who made several exploitation flicks including the pleasingly ridiculous The Thing with Two Heads (1972) about a white racist who has his head transplanted onto the body of a black guy! This one is certainly less psychotronic than that effort but is better value overall in my view. Its title makes no sense at all of course, as there is only really one policewoman in the film, seemingly it was going to be titled 'Policewoman' until a TV movie of that name was aired just before its release so the producers just pluralized the title of this one. Whatever the case, it hardly matters. It's about a female police officer who goes undercover to infiltrate an all-female gang of criminals.

I really like films full of women so this one was right up my alley. The guys that appear are very peripheral and sometimes even get beat up by the chicks, which is never a bad thing. But seeing as it's a 70's action flick, while it has some material satirising male chauvinism, the female empowerment stuff is offset by a sprinkling of nudity throughout, so everyone's a winner basically. The lead actress is Sondra Currie who makes for a great heroine. She, and the other women, get involved in much kung fu fighting and it's consistently entertaining stuff. The film opens with a prison break and then moves onto its gangster plot-line but it is in essence a female-led action flick which was clearly aimed at the unpretentious low budget drive-in crowd. I personally found quite a lot to like about this one and consider it something of a success.
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"Nobody gives a sh*t what happens to a Volkswagen!"
Groverdox21 August 2019
A group of women easily break out of a penitentiary. Some of them are held back by a guard, played by Sondra Currie (who later became known for "The Hangover"), who uses some karate punches and kicks that look shockingly unconvincing.

She is trained as a policewoman, though appears to already have all the training in the bag, including target practice with an assault rifle (that no police would use anyway) and stunt driving.

Supposedly the women were aided in their escape by an all-female gang that one of the cops describes as being "organised like the mafia". It didn't look too organised to me.

She fights a black belt, who at first beats her handily, but then she manages to get one over on him, and busts his lip (unrealistically - it doesn't bleed anywhere near as much as a real split lip does). She also breaks his tooth, and he almost cries.

The leader of the gang is introduced as a "Ma Barker" type of old lady. One of the prison escapees is a black girl with a big afro. She meets an Asian girl in the gang with whom she exchanges racial epithets, and then fights with.

The wrinkled old leader has a younger man for a husband who is first pictured weight training, perhaps to provide the illusion that he's athletic. He's pretty liberal with the c-word, which he uses to describe the women in his "wife"'s gang.

The trainee policewoman goes on a date with some guy and hops into bed with him, showing her breasts and butt.

The whole plot about this woman going undercover in the girl gang seems to be put on hold while we see dating scenes with her and this guy, hanging out on a boat in bikinis. The investigation, if that's what it is, takes off again when they spot some of the gang members hanging out on another boat. Bit of a coincidence, I'd say.

There's then a lame fight scene on the boat, and finally the lady decides to go undercover in the gang. We're over an hour into the movie at this point, and this plot point has only just surfaced? Supposedly that's what the movie is about. Why did they wait this long? Who cares about the woman's relationship with the other copper?

As a gang member, the undercover policewoman is unsurprisingly recognised from prison, though the women are prepared to believe she was a jail bird like them. How stupid are the police to come up with the idea of using a former warden of the girls' jail as an undercover member of the same girls' gang? Are they just hoping they won't recognize her and realise who she actually is?

For some reason the movie ends with more boat action. Did the filmmakers get a discount on boat hire?

Inevitably they find out that the protagonist is really a cop, not by remembering the fact that she was a warden in the jail they broke out of at the beginning of the movie, but because they find some beeping gadget hidden in a packet of cigarettes. So we get more lame, stupid action scenes. Our protag (I don't think she's ever called by name in the movie) knocks out two women at once with a double-karate chop.

There's nothing really to recommend "Policewomen" for. The violence is totally unbelievable and boring, and for an exploitation movie about a girl gang that begins in a prison, there is hardly any sex or nudity. And it's filled with boring scenes that add nothing, and just make you wonder why they chose such a stupid approach to this material, that could have been made into a much better movie. You could write a better one in your sleep.
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A fun film featuring foxy fighting females.
AllThums10 July 1999
"Policewomen" is an action/adventure film that is worth seeing, especially if you are a fan of women's martial arts. Sondra Currie is the main female action heroine whose knowledge of karate is put to use in a prison, in a gym, on a boat and on the back of a truck. Jeannie Bell also has notable fight scenes. Both of them prove that women can fight and that they can look very sexy while doing so. The story is a crime-fighting caper that is enhanced by a good musical score.
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A Groundbreaking action film
dshannon10421 November 2023
"Policewomen" is a groundbreaking action film that defied gender norms and expectations of its time, showcasing strong and capable female leads in a male-dominated genre. Directed by Lee Frost and released in 1974, this film is a testament to the era's evolving attitudes toward gender roles and remains a significant cultural milestone in cinema.

The movie centers around the dynamic duo of Tina (played by the incomparable Sondra Currie) and Katy (played by the formidable Jeannie Bell), two no-nonsense police officers who take on the criminal underworld with unapologetic determination. Their characters are a breath of fresh air in a genre typically dominated by male protagonists. Their chemistry on-screen is electric, and their resilience in the face of danger is both empowering and exhilarating.

What makes "Policewomen" truly remarkable is its progressive approach to women's roles in law enforcement. At a time when female representation in the police force and in action cinema was limited, this film dared to showcase women in positions of power and authority. It's an early precursor to the strong female leads we celebrate in modern cinema, and it remains an important milestone in the ongoing conversation about gender equality and representation in film.

The action sequences are well choreographed and pack a punch. Tina and Katy don't just hold their own; they kick, punch, and shoot their way through the film's various challenges with skill and tenacity. The stunts and fight scenes are impressive, and the film delivers on the promise of thrilling action.

Lee Frost's direction is commendable, as he crafts a story that not only entertains but also challenges societal norms. His choice to depict female police officers as capable, empowered, and unafraid to take on the criminal underworld was bold and forward-thinking for its time.

The film's soundtrack, filled with funk and soul, adds to the overall atmosphere and is a testament to the groovy '70s era in which it was made. The music complements the action and contributes to the film's energy and style.

"Policewomen" is not just a vintage action film; it's a pioneering work that challenged the status quo and paved the way for stronger female representation in the genre. It's an ode to resilience, empowerment, and the breaking of gender barriers, all wrapped up in a thrilling, action-packed narrative. If you're a fan of action cinema and appreciate cinema's role in reshaping societal norms, "Policewomen" is a must-see classic that deserves recognition for its contribution to the evolution of the action genre.
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Female Gold Smugglers
Uriah431 September 2014
"Lacy Bond" (Sondra Currie) is a young policewoman who is stuck in a jail-house processing female prisoners and she feels like she is going nowhere fast. Then a mass breakout occurs and she single-handedly manages to prevent all but two female prisoners from escaping. Because of her actions she is offered an extremely dangerous assignment involving a group of female gold smugglers headed by a ruthless leader by the name of "Maude" (Elizabeth Stuart). Now, rather than reveal any more of the movie and risk spoiling it for those who haven't seen it I will just say that this was a mildly entertaining low-budget film which attempted to emulate the James Bond series to a certain extent. Unfortunately, some of the characters and the script clearly needed some fine-tuning and as a result it just wasn't up to the same high standards. But Sandra Currie was definitely hot and having plenty of attractive young women in swimsuits lolling about certainly didn't hurt this movie in any way. In short, this isn't a great movie by any means but it wasn't that bad either. Accordingly, I rate this movie as about average.
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"Okay, How Did You Get Your Pretty Self Into This Position?!"...
azathothpwiggins12 July 2021
POLICEWOMEN opens with a semi-explosive, karate-enhanced jailbreak, led by the nefarious duo of Janette and Pam (Laurie Rose and Jeannie Bell).

Now, uber-tough policewoman, Lacy Bond (Sondra Currie) is on the case. Thankfully, she's as good at gunplay, stunt driving, and snappy comebacks as she is with her fists. She'll need all of her skills to take on an all-female drug smuggling ring, headed by a 75 year old granny!

Lacy's superiors have a hard time containing her unorthodox, violent methods, while many terribly-choreographed, sluggish martial arts battles ensue.

This is another example of drive-in movie fodder, with the typically forced "street" dialogue, hit and miss acting, and haphazard story line. Still, Ms. Currie remains likeable throughout, in spite of the hilarious shambles around her. Her character's training session with Bill the karate instructor (William Smith) is one for the ages!...
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Her name is Bond... And, no, it's not Jane!
Coventry12 December 2021
Especially since equal rights between men and women still form a socially relevant problem in 2020, it truly rejoices me to occasionally stumble on films that are nearly half a century old and yet extremely feminist and progressive! Okay, writer/director Lee Frost was nothing but a sleazy 70s exploitation filmmaker, I know, but nevertheless his "Policewoman" is (unintentionally?) very accurate and confronting in the depiction of how women in macho-environments have to struggle in order to get respect from their macho male counterparts. This is demonstrated during the first third of the film, when lead character Lacey Bond applies for a job at the police force because she's far too good to remain a warden at the female prison institution. She gets discriminated, laughed at, treated as inferior and humiliated.

Of course, "Policewomen" isn't the type of film to make a forceful social or ethical statement. It's nothing but a light-hearted 70s exploitation effort, with a maximum of beautiful (and scarcely dressed) women and girl-on-girl fighting sequences.

Based on the rating and the other reviews, "Policewomen" isn't too popular, but I enjoyed it a great deal! I like the plot and the violent action sequences, like the steam prison-escape at the beginning or the fighting on the yacht. What I particularly appreciate are the totally bonkers character choices, like a vicious and hideous old hag (Elizabeth Stuart) as the relentless leader of an all-female criminal organization. The only man in the syndicate is her husband, who's 30 years younger and constantly busy weightlifting wearing nothing but a skimpy swimming pants. He's always surrounded by gorgeous girls in bikinis, but he doesn't dare to touch them, and they don't dare to touch him, purely out of fear for the old lady. Great, just great.

Evidently, the film is also heavily flawed. The desperate attempts to imitate the James Bond franchise are almost pitiable. Basically, the whole plot is a 007-knockoff, what with the eccentric villain and her drug and gold smuggling organization. The heroine's name is obvious, but there are also sneaky little details, like the hi-tech gadgetry and the theme song. There's a dreadfully overlong "we-are-falling-in-love" montage, followed by an even longer sex-sequence. The ladies are all stunning to look at (except for Elizabeth Stuart, obviously) and there's a hilarious guest appearance for cult-legend William Smith as a karate instructor.
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nogodnomasters28 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this in "full screen" and I couldn't read the opening credits as they were cut off in the middle. Lacy Bond (Sondra Currie aka Linda from "Hangover") is a security guard at a woman's prison, who is also a police woman. During an escape, Lacy manages to prevent all but two of the women from escaping using karate kicks, while wearing a tight split skirt. When the tear gas is lobed at the good guys, Lacy is the only one who knows to crawl along the floor to get out. She does so with her butt sticking about 2 feet into the air.

Lacy is rewarded with condescending remarks by her male counterparts, remarks which she also freely dishes out. I wasn't three minutes into this film when I wanted to see her die, unfortunately this was a 70's film and I knew that wasn't going to happen. The dialogue was extremely campy and funny in retrospect. The movie is filled with sorry puns... "We couldn't find a male to penetrate the (all female) gang." ..."So you need a woman to go undercover?"

Lacy must go undercover to infiltrate an all girl gang run by Maude (Elizabeth Stuart). Guess where the two escapees ended up? The gang is doing armed robberies, smuggling gold, and dealing heroin.

The soundtrack was campy by modern standards. "Peter Gunn" style music to enhance bad chase scenes, French accordion music for love scenes, etc. Cars driving straight along the highway having squealing tires. Cars sliding down an embankment, suddenly having a rear gas tank explosion, then the hood blows off. Guys with 70's porno mustaches.

Nudity (Susan McIver of the Golddiggers,Jeannie Bell aka T.N.T.Jackson ,Sondra Currie) cat fights, sex, swearing. Okay this wasn't supposed to be a comedy, but I had to laugh, MST style.
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Chick gang flick
searchanddestroy-130 November 2016
I have always loved crime or action films starring female criminals, inmates or not. Although there were dozens of women in prison movies. This one is not, or only at the beginning, whilst a bunch of chicks escape from behind bars. Besides this, that film is a great fun, despite the fact that it is really corny, but that's why I love it. Don't watch it in the same way as you could do it with SET IT OFF, A GUN FOR JENNIFER or GIRLS ON THE LOOSE, other girl gang features, which deserve to be seen with other eyes, with a more serious manner. This is a grade B film destined to Saturday evening drive in audiences, nothing else. I would not be surprised to learn that Quentin Tarantino is a great fan for this kind of stuff, and this film in particular. It could have been a series TV pilot, but I guess the TV show starring Angie Dickinson - POLICE WOMAN - would have jeopardize this never made TV show. I laughed with the sequences showing the lead female character - the cop - wearing her suit without undergarment for her breast. We clearly see her tits through the shirt. I am surprised that no other viewer has commented about this. And useless to say that the scenes showing the headquarters of the bikini girls is unforgettable. And the old gang leader with her younger husband, a sort of pencil neck bodybuilder pumping iron...ha ha ha

A must see for grade B cinema. But ONLY grade B cinema. Don't expect any serious stuff.
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