Kill Squad (1981) Poster


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"Lets get down to business".
lost-in-limbo20 June 2020
You should know what to expect. And with Kill Squad you get what you expect. Silliness. Man-love. Rose beds. Friendly interrogating. Work place conflict. That's non-stop silliness, man-love, rose-beds, friendly interrogating and work place conflict. The only thing that was missing was Carl Douglas' song 'Kung-fu fighting'. Yeah, everyone (yep that's everyone who's standing around on screen) fights like they know kung-fu or at least gives it some sort of shot. No one is safe from these party poopers. And nobody is safe from the sound FX too (swoosh, crunch and smack). All of this mayhem over a electronics company.

Cheap, low-grade drive-in exploitation that's simply fun from start to finish. Its heedless approach is episodic, but it's all about the kung-fu set-pieces. Less talk, more fighting. Although there's bit of strutting as well. Well they can't help it because of its funky dory soundtrack. Sure it can be repetitive, but never does it become tiring due to its speedy pace and unsparing carnage.

A small group of Vietnam veterans with special abilities reunite to seek vengeance for a friend who was left paralysed. The motto; "Joseph needs you." So after the brutal opening, we then see the squad but before teaming up ("Assemble the squad Larry. You know where to find them."). They all get some sort of intro to show how badass and invincible they are (Although bullets are the exception). Then it comes "Joseph needs you." No hesitation, they're in and they deck up in their former army gear to help their pal. It's super best friends doing (a head nodding) Joseph proud, out to dig up leads (Cameron Mitchell their number one suspect), but finding nothing but trouble as they take matters into their own hands. Especially those you don't like to play fair, by bringing out a gun but those moments do end up with comical and quite bloody results ("You better let me hold onto this before you kill yourself").

Plenty of humour, but never does it feel all that serious. There's a good mixture of laughs, sleaze and take no prisoners violence. That's not to say it doesn't get ridiculous, because it does like the balaclava wearing sniper who suddenly appears from nowhere eliminating any clues / ties / the kill squad. While the climatic revelation is melodramatic ham that doesn't make much sense. You just roll with it.

Enjoyably dumb, macho kung-fu entertainment.
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Silly fun.
gridoon23 October 2002
If one was to try and make a list of all the implausibilities and flaws in this movie, he would need much more than a thousand words. From its crummy-looking cinematography (the sky looks mostly yellow) to its supremely silly plot (that is just an excuse to get from one kung-fu scene to another in as little time as possible), this flick is bad.'s enjoyably bad. It is intended for bad-movie lovers ONLY, and only if you belong in that category should you take my ** rating seriously.
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Let the squad entertain you
PeterMitchell-506-56436415 January 2013
This is cheesy fun with a not so bad story with a twist as well. A wealthy businessman, once a vet is viciously attacked while his wife is raped and murdered by these thugs. Now wheelchair bound, he enlists the help of six of his old buddies, vets too, who all have their own fighting style. We see examples of their work in their early scenes, one involving a disgruntled employee who shoots his own toe off. One of the squad, an Asian, shows his employee what happens when he refuses to pay him. Another one of the squad is thrown off the scaffolding of a building, hitting a mound of sand below, and amazingly doesn't die. When the guilty co workers run down to check that's he's kaput, he's vanished. But the kill squad become the death squad, where one by one they're taken out, til only one's left standing, who finds out the real truth, heartbreaking and horrifying as it is as it's motives are revealed. This movie I saw back in 86' was a fun watch, though again it lacks in the brain department, but what brains it lacks here certainly makes up with the action which karate action fans will as well as it's golden twist.
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Assemble the squad and watch this movie tonight!
tarbosh2200012 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
When ne'er do-wells from a rival electronics company (!) rape his wife and put him in a wheelchair, Joseph Lawrence (presumably not the guy who says "Whoa!" from the show Blossom), (Risk), assembles a multi-racial "Kill Squad" to find the culprits and get revenge. He calls on his old Vietnam buddies Larry (Glaude), Tommy (Fung), Arthur (Sabin), K.C. (Johnson), Pete (Francisco Ramirez of Omega Cop, 1990 fame), and Alan (Bill Cambra). Each bring their own special skills and talents to the table. It turns out they're on the hunt for the notorious Dutch (Mitchell). As if this mission wasn't dangerous enough, a mysterious assassin seems to turn up everywhere they go and is attempting to pick them off one by one. Will this particular "Kill Squad" be effective? This very enjoyable gem contains plenty of funny and memorable nuggets that will surely satisfy anyone who loves the "cheap and cheerful" drive-in action/martial arts style. Sure, the punches and kicks don't technically connect, and the non-actors are...well...not actors, but who cares? The clothes, the music, the decor, and the overall style is very fun and you really get into the spirit. The great thing about movies in general is how they preserve on film the styles of the time, and there is even a scene which shows a movie poster for a long-forgotten adult film called Passion Procession. If not for Kill Squad, we wouldn't be bringing that movie - or at least its title - up here today.

One of the best sequences of the film is when the squad is being assembled. With a simple "Joseph needs you", every guy simply drops whatever they're doing in their life and without any questions or comments, agrees to go along for the ride. This despite knowing all the (Jeff) Risks. The movie gets better as it goes along, and one of the best things about Kill Squad is not only the constant fights, but that EVERYBODY fights! Random people at parties, armies of used car salesmen, everybody! Somehow, in the wacky world of Kill Squad, every single person on earth knows Martial Arts and is more than willing to use it. And everything inbetween the fights serves the fight - no matter how absurd. That's one of the glorious things about this movie - it's willing to do anything, including breaking the rules, to satisfy the audience. God bless them.

As stated earlier, the music, which is by Joseph Conlan, stands out, as does the violence. Everything is cranked up here, and the effect is winning. Fan favorite Cam Mitchell appears as the bad guy, and it would have been nice if he had more screen time. That's really the only mild issue we could find with this great movie. It would make an excellent double feature with Death Machines (1976).

Assemble the squad and watch this movie tonight! for more insanity, please visit:
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If you bought this movie,burn it. If you saw this movie , I'm sorry.
JRisk170813 September 2005
If you like horrible, campy movies,

you might like "Kill Squad".

But the real problem is we were serious when we made it. oops. I never made a penny on this movie. I guess that's o.k. Most of you were very kind in your comments Thank you for that. Your nice people. Someone mentioned that they bought the movie on Ebay for 6 cents. That was still too much to pay.I hope you never have the depressed shock to shoot a movie and have your voice looped without your permission or notice.There's nothing like the feeling of being laughed at by movie goers in Norway. Jeff Risk
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Hell yes!!!!
HaemovoreRex22 August 2007
Well, one things for sure, they certainly don't make 'em like this anymore!

This is a joyously carefree kung-fu fest from an all but forgotten era when martial arts films didn't actually take themselves so deadly serious as the stoic, wire fu/fast edited ordure that represents a large portion of the industry these days.

OK, so the transpiring on screen events in this are formulaic at best i.e. good guys seek out bad guy for questioning, bad guy denies any knowledge of requisite info, bad guys mates turn up (often brandishing iron pipes etc) and a fight ensues after which a mysterious sniper in black (whose identity I guessed straight away!!!) wastes one of the heroes, but frankly who gives a shi- um....damn, when this is just so much fun! Just check out such scenes as one guy accidentally blowing a bloody great hole in his own foot(!), another guy getting pushed off of what must have been an eight story building, landing on a car and immediately getting back up for a fight without a scratch(!!), a kid riding his bike into the side of a car and flying over the back of it onto the ground......and his subsequent priceless response? - 'Oh sh*t!' (!!!), plus a plethora of highly amusing kung fu fights that break out literally every few minutes(!!!!!). I mean seriously, how can anyone not love this movie?!

But if the above wasn't enough, just check out the groovy soundtrack that backs all this action up - hell it's enough to make me want to don camouflage togs, get some buddies together and kick some miscreant butt!

I've also just got to add (and no serious review of this movie would be complete without) mention of the utterly hilarious manner in which each of our protagonists are introduced and subsequently recalled into the squad. Suffice to say, it just has to be seen to be believed!

Finally, to all those who view this film and indeed others of it's ilk negatively I have but one thing to say.....which would you rather sit through; this innocent, nostalgic knock about or else the latest CGI saturated, big screen faecal pile to emerge from Hollywood? If you've just answered the latter then truly, I pity you.
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Assemble the 'Whack' and 'Yap' Squad!
Filmfandave2 August 2014
One of those 80's low budget B-movies I remember watching on VHS back in its glory days. All the cast are unknown except for Cameron Mitchell. A lot of the scenes in this hilariously bad American karate-fu flick make you howl, here are a few I have spotted:

1. Whenever the fighting kicks in, jazzy background music starts playing.

2. The blows and kicks all have "whack" and "yap" sounds like those heard in badly dubbed kung fu films.

3. There is one scene when one of the kill squad members is pushed by two goons from the roof of a four-storey building and falls dead on top of a parked car. When the goons reach said car to get rid of the body, it is missing. The man (who is supposed to be dead) suddenly appears unscathed and says "Looking for me?"

4. In every scene where one or more of the kill squad members get into trouble, the random people they meet seem to have an appetite for destruction, even the women. Everybody in this film is kung fu fighting!

5. The film climax has an utterly ridiculous twist!

6. During the final fight when the mysterious bad guy's face is revealed, his face is shown black and blue and three of his teeth are impressed on his lips without any rhyme or reason. The problem is that these are done by bad make-up!

7. The one-liners and dialogues are equally bad. In one scene:

Joseph: I realize the police are not going to help. We gonna have to take these matters into our own hands. Assemble the squad.

Larry (Joseph's Vietnam War buddy, chuckling): Alright, now you're talking Joe… They owe you, I owe you. Hell, we all owe you!

And in every scene when each of the kill squad members is being summoned, this line is repeated: "Joseph needs you!"

If you need a good laugh, KILL SQUAD comes recommended to relieve your stress!
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Joseph needs you!
Jumbonium12 November 2000
Me and some friends have seen this movie many times, and it is without doubt the coolest and funniest b-movie of all time. Here you have it, funky music, dazzling soundeffects, great actors (?), and a ... plot! And who doesn't love the excellent vietnam flashback scene? I say: Assemble the squad and see this movie!
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And, Of Course, The Black Guy is a Pimp
georgebobolink4 May 2006
In the esteemed history of cinema, there will always be a special place for Kill Squad. Sure, it's in the back of the videostore under a pile of dust, but just knowing it's there, knowing that someone made this with good intentions demonstrates the ability for just about any one in the world to succeed with just a bit of stupid luck.

Centering on a squad of men who either kill or get killed, Kill Squad is about a Vietnam vet being paralyzed by a brutal gang of attackers. Morose, he calls together his other veteran friends.

This kicks off the highlight of the movie, as the squad is called together. Each scene begins with someone being wronged, insulted, or just generally put in a bad mood (guy won't pay for gardening, pimp steals another pimp's street corner, man gets pushed off of a building) and then funky kung fu fighting explodes. And this kung fu fighting is _funky_. Then the fighting finishes up, and hey, the members of the Kill Squad who have already gathered just kind of sat by and watched, and now... "Joseph needs you." Apparently being a Vietnam vet means kung fu fighting and absolutely no other responsibilities. But, then again, how isn't bringing kung fu to the world a responsibility?

The movie goes downhill for a while, as the Kill Squad members kill people, and in turn are picked off one by one by a mysterious assailant in black. This is actually kind of different, since you'd assume from the clichéd action movie template that the Kill Squad would be the ones doing all of the killing. Ironic! In any case, this movie boils down to the twist ending that my girlfriend called about five minutes into the movie (remember, kids, don't mention you have a twist ending on the box of the movie if you don't want people to know what's coming). This picks up the pace to make this a solid rental for you and some friends, and, if anything, certainly makes this solid remake material for Hollywood.
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Joseph Needs You!
viddywell_7828 July 2004
And with these immortal words,The trio of Vietnam vets aptly named "The Kill Squad" are reborn to gain vengeance for the crippling of their friend.

As other comments have stated,This is absolute rubbish in the first degree.Whilst i agree totally with this remark in terms of acting,story,Cinematography,Choreography ETC..ETC..It's just so enjoyable and entertaining to view.Don't ask me why i can enjoy a film where a guy falls from a five story building onto a car only to jump off,brush off the dust and annihilate his would be assailants,or why sound effects from the original Bruce Lee movies including his trademark "Yap" sound are incorporated here or why a man with prosthetic legs can run faster then anyone else,The best is a scene where all the Kill Squad members demonstrate there aptitude with various deadly weapons to their mentor only to never use them once.

Jammin along to that saxaphone rang a dang every time a fight begins just makes me wish i had a huge afro and a camouflage suit...I Could become a member too.If i was to describe every other inept aspect of this film this summary would be as long as the Great Wall of China.

I won this video on ebay for $0.06cents.It was worth every cent i paid for it.
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Not perfect, but still okay
Alligator_8019 September 2005
KILL SQUAD was a flick I won on eBay in a mixed lots set. I watched it and here's what I have to say:

The acting is terrible (one actor has a particularly annoying voice),

The music is good but a different score should have been used for THIS movie,

Particularly when the characters are introduced, the fact they constantly use Kung-Fu to solve their problems is f&@%*!g stupid,

And how Marc Sabin's character, Art survives those samurai sword wounds and without too much pain is beyond me.

However, this movie has extremely surprising twists (and yes, they are good), good action scenes apart from the first few laughable ones, and well, an okay opening tune.

In terms of KILL SQUAD overall, it does have flaws but has qualities as well.
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The most useless kung-fu flick....but it rules
shaun j25 November 1999
Fun fight flick containing some of the most hilariously inept Kung-Fu ever shot to celluloid. The plot is pretty feeble, too. Yet, the film never takes itself too seriously, and sends itself up on a regular basis. From the Kung-Fu bikini girls and Kung-Fu used car salesmen, to Cameron Mitchell's role as the misplaced baddie, to the over-the-top car stunts, not to mention the strange plot twists, Kill Squad is a winner. The Vietnam flashback sequence is a must-see for its sheer ineptitude. And did that electronic porn-flick style muzak!!

A winner. 9 out of 10. They don't make 'em like this anymore.
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Kung foo'!
Watkins-132 August 2001
Before the A-Team started working in the L.A. underground the Kill Squad was out paving the way. Actually these kung-fu goof balls make anything Mr. T did look like Shakespeare, but its worth the laughs! For no other reason you should rent this just to see the team get the "call to arms"...housewives wielding dinner trays, chumps falling four stories only to get up and start fighing again, and cowboy pimps whoopin' some honkey butt. It seems everyone knows some sort of martial arts in this dealers, prostitutes, construction workers. The added Bruce Lee screams, yelps and slaps only add to the glory of this cinematic event. Must see!
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Must see!
dasa10821 March 2021
What an extraordinary film. It's the kind of story that's unforgettable. The premise is simple: avenge the death of someone loved. The formation of the group that will make this mission is absolutely incredible; each of them, at the right time, acts as if they have no life and they leave everything aside to help a friend. What happens next has no waste. Everyone fights, men and women face off like there's no tomorrow and like it's a porn movie, there's action every five minutes. The music is great, the casting is great, the sound I love, it's a delight. Watch it on youtube or anywhere. They won't regret it.
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gavcrimson23 September 2020
Don't ya just love it when people insist on their names being part of their film's title, even if their names aren't going to mean much outside of their immediate friends and family. Thus, in the tradition of Bart La Rue's Satanwar, Krishna Shah's Rivals, and Peter Kay's Sexy Secrets of the Kiss-o-gram Girls, we here have "Patrick G. Donahue's Kill Squad".

While he isn't exactly the household name that his title billing might imply, Donahue has had a steady career directing low-budget action movies, mostly starring himself and his son. The most well known of the bunch being 1991's Savage Instinct, released by Troma as 'They Call Me Macho Woman'. A film in which the heroine escapes from the bad guys by walking along the tops of their heads, then proceeds to taunt them by grabbing her own crotch....and if that doesn't entice you into seeing 'They Call Me Macho Woman' nothing will.

Beginning as he clearly meant to go on, Donahue's first film Kill Squad is a simplistic, eager to please action-fest that I'm surprised isn't the sweetheart of more 1980s action movie fans.

The bare bones plot of Kill Squad concerns Joseph Lawrence (Jeff Risk) a former Vietnam veteran turned successful electronics businessman. Lawrence's life is turned on its head when a bunch of goons led by his business rival Dutch (Cameron Mitchell) breaks into his house, gang rapes and murders his wife, then shoots Lawrence, leaving him paralysed. Now wheelchair bound, a grief stricken Joseph Lawrence has revenge on his mind, and calls on his Nam vet buddies to form 'The Kill Squad'. A bunch of vigilantes who have to fight literally hundreds of bad guys in order to get to Mitchell's final villain. Each member of this tough guy supergroup gets their own thumbnail sized intro, which quickly establishes what they've been up to since Nam, and the fact that they don't take sh** from anyone. Tommy (Gary Fung) has been working as a gardener for a racist scumbag who refuses to pay him and calls him a 'nip' at a pool party. Tommy responds by beating the bejesus out of him and several of his men, easily ensuring a cheque for garden services rendered. K.C. (Jerry Johnson) has grown up to become a badass pimp whose martial arts moves and streetwise quips come in handy when a rival pimp tries to muscle in on his territory. Donahue was a man who clearly wasn't about to let the Kung-Fu and Blaxploitation genres die off without a fight. All of these sequences end with the other guys showing up, hi-fiving their bro, and recruiting them into The Kill Squad with the film's catchphrase "Joseph needs you".

Kill Squad plays like a live-action version of an arcade game we all should have been dropping coins into back then. Characters are only distinguishable by their weaponry and ethnicity. It feels as if there should be an option to play as either Tommy, the Oriental guy (special weapon: fighting sticks), Larry, the Afro-ed black guy (special weapon: ninja stars), Alan, the muscular white guy (special weapon: a pair of nunchaku), Pete, the Mexican guy (special weapon: two pairs of nunchaku), K.C, the black pimp (special weapons: switchblade + jive talk) or Arthur, the Jewish guy aka the one with the Bruce Lee T-Shirt (special weapon: the sword). True to the arcade game format, these characters battle their way through various backdrops (the junkyard, the used car lot, the construction site) before moving on to the next level.

The average scene in the film involves the Kill Squad shaking down some poor S.O.B for information as to Cameron Mitchell's whereabouts, only for the guy's work buddies to come to his aid, necessitating that the Kill Squad kick all their asses. The poor S.O.B eventually reveals he knows another poor S.O.B who 'might' have a clue to Cameron Mitchell's whereabouts. At which point BOOM!!! a mysterious sniper takes out the snitch and one of the Kill Squad. After mourning their fallen comrade for all of about 5 seconds, the Kill Squad rush off to shake down the next poor S.O.B for information as to Cameron Mitchell's whereabouts, only for the guy's work buddies to come to his aid...and exactly the same thing happens as in the previous scene. No matter what their occupation or walks of life- hardhats, car salesmen, lawyers, scrap metal workers, party guests- everyone in this film appears to be an accomplished martial artist who wants to take on the Kill Squad. In fact if this film is to be believed, the only person on the face of the planet who doesn't know martial arts is Cameron Mitchell.

Straight to video in the UK, Kill Squad was released on tape by Mike Lee's blood and guts fuelled Vipco label. While Lee did sporadically dabble in financing movies himself, having put up the money for Andy Milligan's Carnage (1983), Spookies (1986) and the car crash compilation video 'Britain's Women Drivers' in 1995, Vipco's involvement in Kill Squad appears to be purely as an after-the-fact video distributor. The 'Michael D. Lee' credited as the producer of the film being unlikely to be the Vipco Mike Lee, whose middle name is Anthony. Still, Kill Squad is a film that is perfectly at home amidst the Vipco brand of entertainment. Gore, Kung-Fu, car chases and racial insults fly around the screen. Filler and boredom are dirty words within the cinema of Patrick G. Donahue. It is difficult not to be won over by a filmmaker so singularly hell-bent on giving you an action packed good time...maybe this guy earned the right to have his name above the title after all.

Whoever did put up the money for Kill Squad, bought themselves a few scenes worth of Cameron Mitchell chewing the scenery, a cast of real life martial arts experts putting in passable acting performances, countless onscreen brawls, a paper thin script, some spectacular vehicular destruction, and the occasion pair of bare breasts. In other well spent.
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The ultimate b-movie?
nyginator25 July 2001
Well, what can I say? This is the coolest b-movie ever! I have seen this movie several times together with my friends, and we never get tired of these cool sound fxs and the totaly funky music. It must be the movie I have seen with the best 70`s music ever. If you ever get over this movie in a store or whatever, then watch it, you`ll never regret!
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Probably the best movie ever made
2bhogan32 September 2008
Some of the great acting coupled with stunning dialogue, a hint of racism, exploitation, and a rape scene inside the first ten minutes makes "Kill Squad" one of the best movies ever. If you are a fan of balls-to-the-wall action at breakneck speeds, a twisting and turning plot and martial arts masters showcasing their skills in scarcely fathomable fashions then "Kill Squad" is a must see! Five Vietnam veterans from all walks of life, joining forces once again, united in their search for vengeance, who will stop at nothing for justice. What better plot line could there be? Thusly "Kill Squad" is potentially the greatest cinematic exploit in human history. This has to be experienced to be believed.
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Minor martial arts actioner made in U.S.A.
lor_16 January 2023
My review was written in June 1982 after a Times Square screening: "Kiil Squad" is a very low-budget action picture which should do okay with fans of chopsocky films, even though it features a more down to earth U. S. brand of martial arts (as opposed to the wacky, trampoline-assisted Hong Kong versions currently prevalent).

Filmmaker Patrick G. Donahue has opted for a format consisting of numerous quick fight scenes, strung together by a minimal plotline. Unconvincing story has a squad of Vietnam vets rounded up to go after Dutch (guest actor Cameron Mitchell in yet another slumming role) after he has paralyzed the squad's commander in a night raid on his house linked to an attempt to takeover his electronics busine--= With very flat acting by a cast chosen for fighting prowess alone, episodic structure quickly becomes silly, as each of the six-man squad is seen fighting some baddies before our recruiter arrives and says "Joseph needs you", cuing a typical "Let's go" response. Once the sexter is finally in place, each one shows off his weapons prowess for the camera.

Ensuing manhunt is played mainly straight and dull, with the twist of an unknown black-masked sniper picking off our heroes one by one at five minute intervals about half way through the picture. Final twist of who the sniper is getsspoiled by lapses in logic along the way.

Martial arts scenes are unexciting here, though sheer quantity may please undemanding fans. Pic's best sequence comes in some hair-raising car stunts staged during a chase near the end. Tech credits are acceptable for a cheapie, though sound is quite variable.
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