Six Weeks (1982) Poster


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Very underrated gem that needs to be on DVD!
nittany50003 November 2008
I absolutely LOVE this movie. Is it a tear-jerker that will pull on your heartstrings? Yes. Is it a little manipulative with your emotions at times? Sure, but in this world of Lifetime movies that have totally screwed up the perception of how powerful an old-fashioned emotional love story can be, it is very easy to overlook this very well made little gem of a film.

The performances of the three leads are stellar and that vaults the story passed what could be complete dreck in lesser hands. Dudley Moore and Mary Tyler Moore give two of the best performances of their careers and it's sad that not too many people know about or remember this one. The young girl who played Mary Tyler Moore's daughter, Katherine Healy, only made this one film and was never heard from again. Too bad, since she showed quite a bit of promise. It would have been nice to see what she would have done after this. She was very mature for her age and I would love to know whatever happened to her.

I truly believe that if the powers that be see fit to one day release this on DVD, more people would give this film a chance. I hope that happens so that more people can experience what I have loved for many, many years. Plus I only have it on a very well-worn VHS tape and fear losing it forever if it were to ever break.
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I really adored this movie!
kimbakat10 June 2009
I also find that people that make stupid comments like "it's a chick flick" are really insulting to women, to the movie and all the work that went into making this film. I can appreciate Canonball Run but wouldn't call it a "red neck afternoon beer chugging" flick!

I have found, over the years, that people who use terms like this when trying to make a useful commentary presentation, do it out of their own insecurity of their feelings that by having these feelings..make them "un-manley". What these ignoramuses don't that most of the educated civilized people in this world...reject that kind of thinking and tend to be "over" that era in their lives. (usually after they turn 16) Some people never grow up.

I would tend to agree with a lot of the "educated" commenter's. You do have it see this film a few times to appreciate the nuances! Also, the acting is superb! The girl is an amazing actor and dancer! The relationships are complex due to the subject matter of the child's viewpoint and circumstances!

If you can remember what it was like being a child and if you were in a single parent home..the desire to be in a "full family" is a great wish in your heart! The uncomfortableness she makes upon them is simply her wish..I think they "as adults" handle it well for the situation. Also, these actors are not "georgeous" just dropped off the "model" bus. These people could be anybody. It has a real feel to it which is something I missed living in this 'twiggy body air-brushed materialistic' era! (yes..M. Tyler Moore is practically anorexic) but she was always thin and I know someone who is very much like that in a Audrey Hepburn way.

If you are open to "dramatic" stories about people and their experiences and are mature about your will enjoy this very much!
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A soapy melodrama that might induce tears if you're in the right mood....
Isaac585522 June 2007
SIX WEEKS is a somewhat cloying and sentimental melodrama that, thanks to an interesting story and charismatic stars, might make you cry if you catch it in the right of frame of mind. Dudley Moore gives a nicely understated performance as Patrick Dalton, an unconventional congressional candidate, who is married and has a son, who finds himself a little more emotionally involved than he should be with a wealthy industrialist (Mary Tyler Moore) and her daughter (Katherine Healy), an aspiring dancer who is enamored with Dalton and wants to work on his campaign. A somewhat soapy screenplay is made palatable thanks to a surprisingly understated performance from Moore and the charm of young Healy, who is not only a charming actress but an amazing dancer. And Mary Tyler Moore has never looked more beautiful than she does in this film.
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Terribly underrated
lautanner22 June 2002
Some critics saw this movie as tedious and contrived, and the first time I saw this movie, I agreed with them. But upon my second viewing, I noticed something: The performances are brilliant. The lead actors broke one of the rules of romantic movies (the man should always be taller than the woman), and it gave a sense of realism to the movie that was refreshing. Dudley Moore is an incredible actor, and this is a must-see for any die-hard fans. If you feel disappointed after you watch it, wait a few months and watch it again, you'll be glad that you did.
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I was counting the minutes, not the weeks
hooray4prozac19 January 2001
Sappy, annoying, where do I begin? I was counting the weeks, the days, the minutes, the hours, waiting for that annoying little girl to croak. This movie tugged at my heart strings so hard I have permanent stretch marks.
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SnoopyStyle18 July 2017
Idealistic Patrick Dalton (Dudley Moore) is running for Congress. On the way to a fundraiser, he seeks directions from little Nicki and they strike up a quick friendship. Her mother is wealthy cosmetic tycoon Charlotte Dreyfus (Mary Tyler Moore). Nicki is a ballet dancer driven to get him elected and Charlotte is willing to pay any amount. Patrick refuses to be bought. Nicki eventually reveals that she has leukemia for the third time and she is refusing further treatment.

Katherine Healy is adorable and they've written her great dialog. She certainly has had a good career in ballet after ice skating. She has enough charisma to do more acting if she wanted. Dudley Moore has good chemistry with her. It's really a bitter-sweet sentimental affair but the plot isn't much. As for Mary Tyler Moore, I don't get the Razzie nomination. If anything, it's the wife and the romance. They played with that unnecessarily. It's awkward which could have sunk the whole thing. The production is closer to TV level and I do notice the boom in one scene. This is sentimentalism at its best and worst. As long as it's Dudley and the girl, the movie works great.
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This isn't worth six minutes
spfi26 December 2001
This was a waste of time, talent, and money. Trying to give us the cozy feeling when every situation is so boring and bogged down only makes us feel 'good' when the movie is over. The one scene that offers unintentional laughs is when Mary Tyler Moore's dying daughter asks at the dinner table in front of Dudley "will you two ever make love?" Yuck!
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Sympathetic subject matter doesn't preclude a lousy film
caa82117 December 2007
One critic (I believe Ebert) characterized the young daughter in this flick as being the oldest person you'll ever encounter in a film.

I couldn't agree more, and without be unmindful that illness or accident take so many people who never get the opportunity to grow-up - I couldn't ignore the fact that a character's being young and terminal doesn't preclude her being thoroughly annoying as well. Despite her jovial persona with Ed Asner, et al, in her popular t.v. series, and her prior vanilla portrayal as Dick Van Dyke's spouse, Mary Tyler Moore has had a brittle, unsympathetic edge in several of her more serious films, which can annoy as well.

Dudley Moore's portrayal was borderline ludicrous, and annoying as well - making it 3-for-3 for the leads. The character, presented as a Congressional candidate with supposed qualities which might propel our nation to greater heights if he's elected - on-screen, he didn't show enough to be a viable choice as mayor of Mayberry.

To imagine anybody treating his own family as he did, and then proceed to New York City, engaging in a smarmy, pseudo-sexual relationship with Moore - spurred-on by the precocious daughter, missed whatever "mark" the writers or director were seeking.

Everything seemed so banal, silly and contrived, it made the typical "Lifetime" flick, filmed in Canada, featuring a slew of Canadian actors, at perhaps 5% the cost of this film, seem believable and better-executed by comparison.

I recently say this picture for the second time (unavoidably, but still fascinated by it) visiting a friend who has just obtained a copy and hadn't seen it previously.

The above represent my opinion of it both viewings. And one doesn't have to presume to enjoy a film just because the subject matter is sympathetic. The characters should present it with some semblance of believability and evoke some empathy from their characterizations and dialog. In my opinion, none did here.
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On the whole, it didn't work
Zorro-318 August 2000
Overall this movie ended up being lame. The little girl was very good. Dudley Moore was easy to watch, as usual. However, he seemed pinched in a dramatic role. Mary Tyler Moore reminded me again, why she is not a movie star.

And maybe it's just me, but Dudley Moore and Mary Tyler Moore just do not belong together (despite having the common surname).

There were many effective, bittersweet moments. But a good movie needs more than just that. And the plot was really unrealistic. So watch it if it is on TV and you are too tired to change the channel. Otherwise, rent Bedazzled or watch an old MTM rerun.
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Six Weeks to live!!
settember17 November 2001
A classy movie, a little long winded like most 1982 movies, but definitely worth the time. Its a sad yet uplifting story. Katharine Healy did a great job of being a precocious child dealing with her eminent death from lukimia. She encounters an up and coming politician, Dudley Moore, who forms an instant bond, with her and her mother (Mary Tyler Moore). But did i mention he was married and has his own child? He sort of lives a double life with them. Its very frustrating and an awkward arrangement. You can definately feel the conflict. Plus the little girl only has 6 weeks to live. Lots of ballet arrangements, and musical renditions! Bring the tissues!!!!!!!!
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Disastrous star vehicle-cum-weeper
moonspinner5521 September 2014
Young girl, stricken with leukemia (and wise beyond her years), gets to live out most of the wishes on her 'things I haven't done yet' list with help from a member of the California State Assembly--a married man who is also running for Congress--and her single mother, a cosmetics executive. David Seltzer's adaptation of Fred Mustard Stewart's novel made the casting rounds in Hollywood in the 1970s, with just about every bankable name attached at one time or another; you may wonder, then, why Dudley Moore and Mary Tyler Moore were eventually chosen for the grown-up leads. They don't match up right, and I don't think Mary Tyler Moore is ever in character here. Dudley, portraying a naturalized American citizen, manages to lend the scenario some of his dry, offhand wit, but there's no snap to the picture. Designed to jerk tears, it's a do-gooder drama populated by the philanthropic wealthy. Everyone suffers elegantly. *1/2 from ****
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Needs to be viewed more than once
moviewatcher201016 October 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I can understand why the feedback on this movie is so bad - if you see it just once, it is hard to pick up on all the small details that pull this movie together very nicely. Katherine Healy in real life is a professional ice-dancer (skater), which is why you probably never saw her in another movie - she actually had to pretend she didn't really know how to skate in the scene at the ice rink at Rockefeller Center. On the whole, I thought she did the part extremely well, having no other movie credits under her belt. Dudley Moore and Mary Tyler Moore worked very well together and it was even better that they did not get romantically involved, but kept it on the surface. Had this happened, it would have ruined the whole innocence portrayed throughout this movie and taken the focus off the main theme and that is of little Nikki (Healy) who is dying of leukemia, and I'm certain the makers of this film were well aware of this. Healy's performance in the Nutcracker is nothing short of perfection. Dudley Moore portrays a seriousness with some humor that pokes through at the right moments. Mary Tyler Moore also seems very well suited for the role of Nikki's mother, the cosmetics tycoon Charlotte Dreyfus, who does her best to hold her emotions in check for Nikki's sake. I have the video and view it occasionally and always pick up on something else that ties it altogether. Like one of the viewers said, you have to go back after awhile and give it another look.
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Not well conceived nor executed.
var-123 June 2002
Was very disappointed. I have usually liked Dudley Moore and Mary Tyler Moore but they did nothing for me in this flick. I felt the story was very disjointed. Characters didn't fit one another. Poorly written and ill conceived.
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No surprises in this one
HotToastyRag1 February 2023
Six Weeks is one of those "my child is dying but is sweet and vibrant till the end" dramas that were inspired in the years after the groundbreaking Promises in the Dark. It's not your typical Dudley Moore movie, is it? And yet, he stars in it alongside Mary Tyler Moore. It's a bit of a strange storyline that somehow manages to make sense even though it doesn't. Dudley is a politician running for Congress; he has a wife and teenaged son whom he appears to be happy with. While making a speech at a benefit, he meets a quirky, very precocious little girl, Katherine Healy. It turns out she's the daughter of cosmetic tycoon Mary, who thinks he's only buttering up her kid for a campaign contribution. Dudley and Katherine genuinely like each other, and Katherine tells her mom it's her dying wish to spend her last weeks working on his campaign. So, as Mary and Dudley spend more time together on the campaign trail and treating Katherine to anything she wants during her remaining weeks, they start to develop feelings for each other.

It doesn't make any sense; Dudley has a supportive wife, and he doesn't have any ache inside him that needs to be appreciated. Mary knows he's married and would never cause a political scandal by leaving his family, so why set herself up for two heartbreaks when she's already guaranteed one by her daughter's death? And yet, it does make sense, because if two people bond over a dying child, of course they're going to fall in love. They're constantly on their best behaviors because they're not allowed to scold, criticize, or fight in front of the little girl. The heightened emotions toss all sense of propriety out the window, and impending death makes them want to live it up no matter what.

Everything in this movie is pretty telegraphed, so you won't get any surprises. Whether or not you think that's a benefit is up to you. I thought Dudley might get to show off some dramatic acting, but his character was constantly joking around. He showed more serious acting in Romantic Comedy, believe it or not. Is there anyone who really likes this genre? We usually watch it for the cast, so if you like Mary, you might rent it.
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Bored to tears
sendspamhere-6886823 April 2021
I've been doing the dubious exercise of watching Dudley Moore's movies from the 80's and feel sorry for his bad career choices and his often passive half-awake on-screen persona. This is typical Moore's fare except when we have some glimpse of energy in Moore's acting when he shares scenes with co-star Katherine Healy.

The setup plot for the movie is interesting but all points of tension in the story are discarded halfway: the election, the wife, the platonic romance. With nothing at stake you are just left waiting for the inevitable while watching a big-budget domestic family movie.

This could have been a good movie if the script was more even. It may be hard to judge the lead actors performances as bad with a script so weak.

On a production note, the movie is really well shot and quite easy on the eyes except for Mary Tyler's haircut.
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If you like predictable lifetime movies, otherwise skip
lex12222 January 2017
I bought this movie because it had good reviews and no previews at the time. I see there are previews available now, chances are if you like the previews you'll like this movie. I found It one draggy soppy note from beginning to end. Dudley is a man who deserts his wife and son to play house for the selfish spoiled child who interviews him as a prospective lover for her ridiculously indulgent mother. Moore and Moore are both so bland, no chemistry, no fire in their performance. The story is unbelievable, so I guess it's a fairy tale. I weep easily at movies, this one left me dry eyed and glad it was over. There was nothing I liked about this movie. I gave it 3 stars because I watched it to the end.
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unfairly treated
g.carr4 December 2000
This is a film that one might think a little over emotional, but that would, in my opinion, not be an accurate appraisal. The acting is , by Dudley Moore as faultlessly wondrous as always, the little girl was also good, the rest...well.

The score is brilliant and was composed and conducted by Dudley Moore himself. The film did terribly at the Box Office, mainly because people are fearful of bearing their true feelings, the film and Moore's excellent score were forgotten. So if you want to see a good, if not the best, example of Moore's acting then watch this film, but most of all float away listening to it's magical score.
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LoveFox117 November 2002
I don't even remember when and where I first saw this movie but I always loved it as a young girl. It has an old fashioned quality about it. The lead adult players to not end up in bed and I like that. I loved Katherine Healys performance in this and I was shocked to see that it was her only film role. She didn't have that prototype hollywood look, that has to be the only reason she didn't become a huge star. I think the is adorable and very talented.

I used to watch this movie on cable and when I got older I just had to buy it on VHS. Since then I have probably watched it at least once a year. Today as I was flipping channels, I came across it and it just warmed my heart. WE (the Womens Entertainment channel) is running it now and I watched with the commercials and all.

I recommend it.
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What happens when two comedic actors and a dancer walk into a film?
lightheartedbeing11 November 2018
First rate drama! Part of what I appreciated in this film was the acting of the two leads: Dudley Moore and Mary Tyler Moore both known for their comedic abilities. Their measured performances here were spot on, and I was sure the young actress who was excellent in her role would have acted more, but no. It was lovely to see MTM dance and Ms. Healy's dancing, especially in the big finale was radiant, incredible. The chemistry between all three of them was great. It made the story line believable. I liked the story and appreciated the ending, adult characters acting with maturity and respect, even when it's really hard, is nice to see. Dudley Moore was really excellent, conveying so much with a look, and a deep vulnerability was conveyed through his eyes while he communicated and acted with strength and compassion. 36 years later, and though the film is a bit dated, the story and acting are timeless.
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The first time...
rynnvee24 November 2000
The first time I saw this movie I was probably 6 years old. I never forgot it. Actually, this is the very first movie I can remember seeing on television, probably because I spent the next hours crying my eyes out.I remember the couch was blue, and the little girl on the screen who was having so much fun dancing in the metro fell and didnt come up.

Seven years later, I saw it again. It was on TV, I caught a glimpse of the little girl's face and I knew it was it. It had not changed a bit and I cried my eyes out once again. Even before the ending.
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A fine little bagatelle
erling-p9 May 2005
Worth seeing only for Katherine Healey, the thirteen year old girl, who is the real lead of the film. Strange that we haven't seen her in other movies.

She is Niki, a thirteen year old daughter of a rich woman (Mary Tyler Moore), but sick of leukemia, who wants to do something with her life, before it's too late. By chance she meets a politician, Patrick Dalton (Dudley Moore) who is running for Congress, and persuades her mother to support him financially. As he takes fancy in Niki, she tries to bring him and her mother together, in spite of the fact that he already has her own family.

The magic in the film lies in Healey's performance, which makes us want her project to succeed, even though Patricks own family are quite sympathetic. It is quite strange, that Hollywood has left such a talent alone after this movie.
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A Very Good Family Film
aashdon25 February 2012
I was the same age as Katherine Healy when this film opened, I have life threatening disabilities from birth. At this movie's release, I'd lost two siblings during childhood to the same illness, so Six Weeks touched a serious cord in my heart.

Some critics resented this movie's heartfelt message as 'sappy' but I felt this movie was realistic.

Nowadays we have make a wish foundations for kids with terminal, critical, life threatening health conditions. I feel the message of the movie Six Weeks helped make these wish charities happen.

The movie was also a perk to the New York City tourists industry that was in the process of cleaning up times square etcetera for a retail and family friendly vacation location, (for example the Central Park horse carriage rides, skating, riding the subway) all showed viewers how great a New York City vacation could be instead of cinema examples like Midnight Cowboy.
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A wonderful, believably poignant romance/comedy /tragedy
dalan-122 May 2005
This is one of the movies that I watch a couple of times a year - it never fails to involve and entertain me.

The theme of a disconnected partner, developing attachments outside marriage is not new. But that the attachment is with a young child, who, herself, initiates the relationship with the support of a parent, powerful in every sense of the word, adds a deal of pathos when the complete story is revealed.

Six Weeks completed the reversal of my original antipathy toward Dudley Moore(first seen, by me, in Arthur). I avoided him after that (I know, I know, may people love it - I'm just not one of them), but conditions forced me to watch 'Unfaithfully Yours' (re-make) where I felt he was very good. Next, I saw Romantic Comedy and thoroughly enjoyed it! Then, Six Weeks - delightful! The three principles (Dudley Moore, Mary Tyler Moore, and Katherine Healy) seem to be able to share our attention. In the different combinations observed throughout the movie (Dudley/Katherine, Dudley/Mary, Mary/Katherine) they each have an opportunity to be the central figure, then easily shift to support the other.

The opening scene(s) where Nikki (Katherine) meets Patrick (Dudley) are probably worth the price of admission on their own. She is precocious without being offensive. The rigorous discipline required by her dance/skate training probably helped her to performance in this, her only film.

I agree, completely, with those other reviewers who feel the movie needs to be watched more than once. My appreciation has certainly increased with repeated viewings.

The supporting cast are completely credible and perform their roles well.
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A Beautifully Moving Story
littlemamabigdaddy15 January 2005
A truly uplifting, bittersweet tale that provokes thought about how short and precious life is. Miss Healy gives a wonderful performance as a child with an insight for life that is well beyond her years. Her remarkable talent as a ballet dancer adds much culture and grace to the film. The Dudley Moore character's humor and compassion along with the magnificent and moving score make this a wonderful film which I will always cherish. I was so disappointed to find that it had not been released on DVD as of yet. I also learned there is not a soundtrack available either. I feel the release of a DVD and soundtrack would be a nice tribute to the memory of the wonderfully talented Mr. Moore who has now moved on to the next part of his journey.
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A chick flick
mz-que26 August 2006
Loved this movie when I was younger. Movie was so hard to find but now I have seen it again and remembered why I enjoyed it so much. The acting was great and uplifting they brought out the characters wonderfully. Leukemia was not a big topic in my day and it really explained it a little for me. I love Mr. Moores' work and also Mary's. Ms.Healy I hope your doing as wonderful work as u portrayed in this film. A film that was totally underrated. Six weeks showed a remarkable way of fulfilling ones life and living out dreams. I cried when I was young and even now that I am older. Men if your afraid to show emotion stay away from this one.
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