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Not Cannonball Run III
cujoe_da_man1 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
There will always be movies that try to make a quick cash grab at something that was/is popular and Speed Zone is one of many. Without 99% of the original cast, this "Cannonball Run" fails to capture what made the first two movies special.

Actually, the actors they do have aren't bad at all, they all seemed to have fun with their parts and all were some pretty big name actors. The problem is the plot, it seems to go all over the place and it never really decides what direction it wants to go.

Essentially, you have a police chief who is obsessed with stopping the Cannonball at all costs and you have everyone else who is trying to keep in the race. That's about as much of the plot you're going to understand because the movie likes to throw in little sub-plots that literally go no where (I swear it feels like I'm writing driving puns at this point).

For example: You have a scene of the two female racers who happen upon a lone Chevy S-10 in the middle of nowhere, the driver of which is coaxed into racing them. This scene serves no purpose as it only last about a couple minutes and is never brought up again.

Another glaring "sub plot" is when Cronan suddenly veers into oncoming traffic and almost hits a semi head on. The semi turns and gives chase. On and off again, we're treated to a chase between Cronan and the truck with some eerie horror movie style music. The entire tone of the scenes does not mix well with what is supposed to be a fast-paced car movie and once again, like the previously mentioned scene, it abruptly ends and we never figure out what happened to the truck or why the driver chased Cronan in the first place.

You will find lots of scenes like this that don't actually have a beginning or an end and really only feels like they were filmed from other movies then cut together as filler, which at only 112 minutes, they could have had a lot more story.

The movie also loses focus on who the main characters are as it jumps around between everyone equally and other characters not so equally, like the scene with Richard Petty (who I don't believe was really him, even though it says it was, but unaccredited).

The entire movie is just a major failure of random mini plots that has almost no climax and an ending that is by far, sub-par. It literally ends with the Smothers Brothers (skiing?) into the water with circus music.

That being said, despite it's glaring errors and no real direction, it's still a fun movie to watch if you just want something to turn your brain off during and I did get a couple chuckles here and there from some of the silliness. I certainly wouldn't add it to my collection as part of the Cannonball Run movies, but if I find a copy of it for a good price, I may have to acquire it.
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Worthy Sequel
aesgaard4111 December 2001
I'm a big fan of the Cannonball Run movies of which this is the "unofficial" last installment. Jaime Farr reprises his role as the Shiek in an uncredited spot, the only role continued from the series. The movie does make a mark with me as having four of my top favorite actresses; Donna Dixon AND Melody Anderson, Alyssa Milano AND Brooke Shields. Unfortunately, the movie bogs down in places, especially where the Smothers brothers are concerned, and the fact that the comedy, as in the other two, plays second fiddle to the racing. There may be one REALLY good movie in merging all of these films together, but as it is, this movie really suffers in that none of the characters really get to do any real comedy.
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writerpatrick13 May 2010
Speed Zone was originally intended as Cannonball Run 3 but the Cannonball Run producers found it so bad that the Cannonball Run name was pulled from it. So it's not an official Cannonball Run movie.

If you're a fan of the original Cannonball Run movies then you're going to be greatly disappointed. With all the SCTV stars the movie comes across as a Canadian version of Cannonball Run. And Jamie Farr is about the only person to appear from the previous films.

It's obvious that those stars that do appear in the film were suckered into making it. They thought they would be acting with many major Hollywood stars only to find they were stuck with a bunch of minor comics. It's somewhat similar to the way Battle of the Network Stars lost it's stars and wound up with supporting actors.

This film is better enjoyed as a stand-alone and not part of the Cannonball Run series. Remembering how good Cannonball Run was will only make the film unbearable and remind the viewer of a lost opportunity. It should only be watched by those interested in race movies in general, particularly those with patience for b-rated movies.
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Hey, it's not that bad!
ClubberLangATO22 February 2000
Granted this is a loser of a flick, but it's not that bad! If you like the first 2 Cannonball Run films, you should like this one. Fans of Smokey and the Bandit 3 will understand this movie: A desperate attempt at earning laughs(and dollars) from a tired, and over-used idea. Smokey 3 is somewhat better than this, as well as Gumball Rally. I recommend both. Anyway, Speed Zone has good action stunts and John Candy. Give it a chance. Hey, it's not that bad!
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Friends don't let friends watch this film.
ajm-81 January 2001
In this intended "Cannonball Run 3," amateurs replace professional drivers at the last minute before an illegal cross-country race. The real amateurs, however, were behind the camera. Jim Drake (who did some fine TV work) lazily directs this film based on an unfunny Michael Short (Martin's brother) script, complete with an obnoxious music soundtrack and bland stunt work. Even the cameos look unenthusiastic. And we don't even know who's leading the competition until the very end, a cardinal sin in racing movies. The main cast is quite talented (no fewer than 3 SCTV alums) but it looks like everyone flew in for their two weeks of filming and went home; there's simply no inspiration between the actors. During the closing credits we see John Candy, Donna Dixon and company riding around in amusement park bumper cars -- Lord, do they look utterly embarrassed. I wasn't demanding Shakespeare, but a competently-made, well-acted comedy (along the lines of Splash or Animal House) shouldn't have been out of the question, either.
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Watch for the funny bit
tvsgael2-229 June 2017
This movie needs to be seen for the very funny bit on the airplane between a French passenger sitting next to Tom Smothers. He is Jean Pierre Bergeron. I laughed out loud, and I don't normally do that. I liked the movie, and all the other comedy players are also good. It's not as painful to watch as the reviewers state, who must not have gotten that joke. It's on You Tube if you'd like to catch it, or just read the quotes between the two. It's much funnier if you see the movie.
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They seemed to think this Cannonball needed virtually no stars in it.
Aaron137529 December 2009
The second Cannonball Run did not try to be very different from the first movie. In fact, it was virtually the same movie, this one however seems to totally disassociate itself from either of those movies. The only reason I figured out that this was a sequel to those movies is the Jamie Farr character who makes a very brief appearance in this movie. Other than that the movie is almost completely different. This one was not all that good, but I thought it was a bit better than the second movie anyway even though this movie was full of b stars galore, with only John Candy being the only real a-list star to appear in this movie. The film is not only not that good for the most part, but it is also rather forgettable as other than a few scenes involving Candy and a plane I have very few memories of this movie. Granted I only saw the movie once, but I still usually remember a movie when I have seen it before. So in the end another unnecessary sequel to a somewhat enjoyable comedy (that being the first movie) and not something I would really recommend. However, it had some funny moments and at least it did not try to be exactly the same movie like the second movie did.
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Unworthy of the Cannon Ball Run Legacy.
rudedude-115 October 2007
I know people have debated this but this movie IS part of the Cannon Ball Run series. Its only tie however is a brief appearance by Jamie Far as The Shiek within the first few minutes of the movie. After that the movie severs most of its ties with the first two save for the race. Here a new crop of Cannon Ballers run the race while being pursued by Spiro T. Edsel a sheriff in the mold of Bufford T. Justice (a character played by the late Jackie Gleason on the Smokey and the Bandit series). Now believe it or not this is actually a decent movie when viewed outside of the Cannon Ball Run series. However when lined up with the first two Cannon Ball Run movies this just seems like a blatant rip off of them and to a lesser extent Smokey and the Bandit.
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VERY pointless.
gridoon20 August 2001
Essentially an unofficial sequel to the "Cannonball Run" movies, "Speed Zone!" is probably more "racy" than its predecessors (not that it moves faster, it just has more actual racing scenes), but is defeated anyway by unfunny characters and general pointlessness. There is no serious reason why you should see this film (if Alyssa Milano had a larger role, then we'd talk about it) (*1/2)
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I never understood the hate for this film
ramirez13-25 October 2020
Yes, it isn't Cannonball Run. No, they couldn't get the cast from Cannonball run to return or the production budget. Otherwise, this would have likely been the 3rd in the series. It's not perfect.. not by any stretch. But, neither was Smokey & the Bandit 3. Go into This film with no expectations as. You may be surprised at how enjoyable some of it is. Any fan of this kind of film, should.
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Cannonball Fever (aka Speed Zone, Cannonball Run III)
phubbs15 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Much like the previous two movies this one opens with yet another red Lamborghini Countache, but this time its tearing down a small winding wooded country road, a change from the open desert. Naturally right behind this Italian supercar the cops are in hot pursuit. In the meantime Lee Van Cleef, in a very small cameo, plays an elderly grandfather teaching his grandson how to skip stones across a small lake. Van Cleef tells the young boy how to throw the stone at just the right angle so it can skip across the water.

All of a sudden the red Lambo comes roaring up to the waterline and flies across the obviously shallow lake, skipping just like a flat stone...kinda, it then takes off once it hits dry land. The young boy looks at his grandfather and asks him about the angle he should throw the stone, Van Cleef looks at the car in disbelief and...annoyance I guess. The whole setup is cheesy as hell and doesn't really work to be honest, its not funny at all and Van Cleef is wasted totally, shame. The intro is good, its always good to see an 80's Lambo tearing it up, but it doesn't hold a candle to the first two movie intros.

I think you can guess what the plot is here, its another race, from east (Washington D.C.) to west (Santa Monica) and the winners this time stand to receive 1 million Dollars. Unfortunately the D.C. chief of police (Peter Boyle) manages to arrest all of the drivers prior to game time so a whole bunch of new drivers must be found. One by one each sponsor clambers to find a new driver any way they can, no matter who they are.

In the starting grid this time we have Charlie (John Candy), who has been tricked and bullied into driving for his so called best friend from school Gus (Eugene Levy). Charlie is a parking valet and brilliant driver, hence Gus wanting him for the race. Along for the ride is Tiffany, Gus's love interest, for some reason, mainly because she is eye candy. They use a BMW.

Matt Frewer plays Englishman Alec who is in debt to loan sharks. They send a hit-man to whack him (Joe Flaherty), but Alec persuades Vic to ride in the race with him in order to pay back the money he owes. Vic may have other ideas though. They drive a Jag XJS.

The two sexy ladies for this movie aren't quite as sexy as the previous two but hey, you gotta have the sexy ladies in a sexy car, its obligatory. Here they manage to persuade a Ferrari owner to use his Spyder. The duo are MIT grads and electronics/gadgets experts, so they use their brains and electronic gizmos to assist them in gaining the upper hand. This is the easy bit of tame progression for the movie (and 80's), having the sexy females actually going against the norm and being intelligent and skillful characters instead of just skimpily dressed sluts.

Tim Matheson is a TV reporter who gets caught up in the race in his van, so he decides to race. The driver of the red Lambo from the intro sequence (John Schneider of 'The Dukes of Hazzard') gets arrested with all the other original drivers, its left in the hands of an Italian porter. An ice cool dude called Flash steps up outta nowhere and takes control to drive it, he's an ex-cop and wants the money for his own unknown reasons. Flash is a super cool, shades wearing driver, where as the Italian is a trembling nervous wreck.

Lastly Nelson and Randolph Sloane are two millionaires who spend their whole time trying to cheat their way to the finish, mainly by catching a plane to the finish line. They drive a Bentley Corniche. Jamie Farr makes a cameo as the Sheik from the first two movies but he doesn't race.

As you can imagine much of the run time is taken up with the predictable scenarios of the various characters getting into all sorts of close calls. There are some nice moments of car porn but nowhere near as much as the previous two movies, this time an emphasis has been put on making the few set pieces bigger. Hence the race from downtown Washington D.C. which is a highlight admittedly, the race into Santa Monica, and the use of a large aircraft. In between all that there are various small cameos of course and the usual tomfoolery and slapstick routines. One such sequence sees Candy pretty much redoing (homaging?) a famous scene from his classic movie 'Planes, Trains and Automobiles'. Another sees a learner driver being taught by a racist instructor who bullies the learner into overtaking any foreign car, whilst he verbally abuses the driver as they pass. Definitely another highlight as its actually very amusing to see this guys reaction to a Volvo and Alfa Romeo.

All things considering there aren't many, if any, car wrecks in this movie, it seems they were too scared to possibly damage anything, or maybe the budget wasn't high enough. The movie takes an age to get going and an age to actually finish and once the race is done it carries on with boring fluff. Its not a particularly funny film, or exciting film, alas we've kinda seen it all before now and this feels very much like beating a dead horse. Nonetheless it is fun at times, the cars are great as always (as long as you like cars) and the range of character actors on display is reasonable.

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A fun quirky movie
m_johnston17 April 2019
Truth is, I watched this film over and over as a kid. As an adult, I still love it. It's classic John Candy along with a great mix of other acting talent. I found it funnier than the first two Cannonball Runs. It's another great cult classic from tge 80's.
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I have to admit that I don't know the "Cannonball Run" movies.
lee_eisenberg18 March 2007
I read that "Speed Zone!" is a semi-addition to the "Cannonball Run" movies; I don't know those at all, so I just have to take the movie at face value. It's basically another flick in the wacky race genre - others include "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World" and "The Gumball Rally" - a litany of silliness for silliness's sake. I didn't derive any hidden meaning or anything (even "IAMMMMW" was all about greed). Totally pointless, I guess. Sort of an excuse to have a bunch of stars. There were some funny scenes, but not enough to merit any real recognition. The cast members have all done better than this. Starring John Candy, Donna Dixon, Peter Boyle, Shari Belafonte, Tom Smothers, Dick Smothers and Brooke Shields.
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Candy ain't dandy
adamscastlevania211 March 2015
(26%) Yet another cannonball run sequel aired on a lousy film channel with ad breaks every two and a half minutes. So I think I'll pass on this one thank you very much. But hang on. It stars the great late John Candy? I'm in. That's how this played out for me and probably many other people who've sat through this lame time passing turkey. So without Mr Candy I won't have watched this. But besides that aspect, what else is there? Well not a lot besides Eugene Levy playing a real jerk in a very small role, some limp comedy, some exotic cars getting mistreated, a few cameos, and Donna Dixon doing her best Marilyn Monroe impression. If you like John Candy as much as I do then you might want to give this a look, but there's nothing really to see here.
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Very nice if you're into cars.
Kris_Dielis10 February 2003
I've seen this movie for the first time when I was a kid. I loved it then, and I love it even today. Strictly speaking as a movie, this one isn't very good. But if you like nice exotic cars, than this is one movie you really must see. It's supposed to be a continuation of the Cannonball Run movies with Burt Reynolds, but it has a very different style. In the first 2 movies you also get very weird cars such as an ambulance, but in this movie you only see exotic sports cars (Jaguar, Lamborghini, BMW, Ferrari, ...). Try it, and judge for yourself...
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Complete turd of a movie!
marcotiero16 September 2021
Only John Candy's charm saved this movie from a 1 star rating.

This movie has a decent cast and that's it. The main plot is the same as the other "race across the States while chased by the police" but you feel nothing for any of the characters (I just finished watching it and forgot the names already), the mini stories make no sense, sub plots fade in and out and the whole thing is just a great big mess.
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Can't drive fast enough to escape the smell of this stinker
utgard1421 May 2022
I love Cannonball Run. I know it's a dumb movie but it's a FUN dumb movie. The likable cast is having a blast and it shows. I've even found things to like about Cannonball Run II over the years. Speed Zone doesn't belong in the same breath as either film. This thing stinks. It's a cast of mostly Hollywood Squares rejects playing unlikable characters doing unfunny things. Even John Candy, who's in this at the height of his career for God knows what reason, can't save it. Also most of the driving footage is shot during overcast or rainy days in what looks like Canada or the northern US in fall/winter. Hardly aesthetically pleasing for a "fun" racing comedy. I've given this movie three chances now and that's two and a half too many.
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Few Laughs and Uninspired Racing
thehappychuckler10 January 2020
Sadly, a swing and a miss for everyone involved in this one. Unless you just love race movies, incredibly there are very little laughs to be had in this one.

There is a no rules coast-to-coast race going on. Even though the set up to the race is pretty bad. John Candy (who sadly is totally wasted) plays Charlie Cronan, who is given the chance to enter the race by Leo Ross (Eugene Levy). His passenger is the beautiful Donna Dixon. Peter Boyle plays Chief Spiro T. Edsel who is out to stop the race completely. Brainless and not really for anyone looking for a good comedy. Cast also includes Joe Flaherty, Tim Matheson and incredibly even Lee Van Cleef. Written by Michael Short (brother of Martin). With a cast in this film you would expect it to be at least worth a watch, but I would suggest to stay away.
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The very loose series of Cannonball films comes to a screeching halt
IonicBreezeMachine25 January 2023
As several racers gather for the Cannonball Run cross country race in Washington D. C., the race is threatened after Chief of Police Spiro T. Edsel (Peter Boyle) arrests all the drivers to prevent the race from taking place. With options limited and time running out, the sponsors gather whatever people are willing and available to fill the drivers' seats.

While Cannonball Run II was a noticeable step down in terms of success from its predecessor thanks to strong presence in foreign markets and pre-sales from the movie producers Albert S. Ruddy and Raymond Shaw had every intention of producing a third entry in the franchise. The film began development in the mid-80s with production beginning in the Fall of 1988 under the title Cannonball Fever with the film given distribution in the United States by Orion Pictures. Orion attempted to persuade Burt Reynolds to reprise his role as J. J. McClure by offering him a sizable sum of money, but as Reynolds had been trying to shake his "good ole boy" persona following Cannonball Run II Reynolds turned down the offer and the movie was retitled Speed Zone for the U. S. market while retaining its Cannonball connection for the international markets as the films were still popular abroad. The movie opened in tenth place at the box office making a paltry $3 million over its entire domestic run and was the last film to be produced in the series, though there've been ongoing discussions about a Cannonball Run remake since. Much like Cannonball Run II this is a cynical exercise that while not wasting Burt Reynolds instead decides to waste the talented cast and crew of SCTV.

On paper you'd think with this many funny people gathered such as Peter Boyle, Donna Dixon, John Candy, and Eugene Levy with SCTV writer Michael Short you'd be forgiven for thinking maybe they'll give some life to this material that Hal Needham and company were not. Unfortunately, not the case. Despite John Candy and Eugene Levy having teamed up to give us laughs in Armed and Dangerous or even Candy by himself proving funny, Candy and Levy find themselves saddled with a leaden premise that's just as paper thin as the other Cannonball films. Maybe there was some kind of directive from the producers that kept these actors and writers from getting traction with the material, but once again the primary focus is on objects crashing into other objects and little effort given to establishing character or investment. I know for a fact this kind of setup can be funny. The Great Race, It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World, Midnight Madness, and even Rat Race have mined this kind of premise successfully, but those movies actually understood the value of establishing character and situation and catching the audience off guard rather than running through a limp gauntlet.

I said it about Cannonball Run II and I'll say it about Speed Zone: It's awful and don't watch it.
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It's the pits
pmtelefon25 December 2022
"Speed Zone" is about as lame as you can get. The script is terrible. It doesn't have any real story and its jokes aren't funny. The car stunts are even worse. It seems that they were more concerned with not damaging any of the cars than they were in providing exciting action. The cast has a lot of names but none of them stand out. There's one forgettable performance after another. Even the usually likeable Jamie Farr mails it in. He's supposed to be reprising his role from the Cannonball Run movies but he doesn't even try. He didn't even bother to grow the beard. "Speed Zone" is a low-water mark for every one involved.
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Nearly lost
BandSAboutMovies3 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'm the biggest fan of movies inspired by the Cannonball Baker Sea-To-Shining-Sea Memorial Trophy Dash - Cannonball, Cannonball Run, Cannonball Run 2 - yet I had never heard of this movie. Can you believe that? While this is known as Speed Zone in the U.S., it was called Cannonball Run III and Cannonball Fever overseas.

I only found out about this because it was directed by Jim Drake, who made Police Academy 4: Citizens On Patrol. It was written by Martin Short's brother Michael, who has worked with the SCTV cast on projects from the Ed Grimley cartoon to Schitt's Creek.

This movie was absolutely despised by Siskel and Ebert. While the former said, "It is an atrocious excuse for entertainment. If I have a pet peeve about movies is that they are so venal that don't even try to be good," Ebert went all in on his hatred for this movie, stating "Read my lips. Cars are not funny. Speeding cars are not funny. It is not funny when a car spins around and speeds in the other direction. It is not funny when a car flies through the air. It is not funny when a truck crashes into a car. It is not funny when cops chase speeding cars. It is not funny when cars crash through roadblocks. None of those things are funny. They have never been funny."

The teams for this race are:

BMW: Parking valet Charlie Cronan (John Candy), racing for his school rival Leo Ross (Eugene Levy), who sends his girlfriend Tiffany (Donna Dixon, the wife of Dan Aykroyd) along for the ride.

Jaguar XJS: Mob hitman Vic DeRubis (Joe Flaherty!) and compulsive gambler Alec Stewart (Matt Frewer, Max Headroom in the flesh), who have turned Viuc's contract on Alec's head into a chance to win money.

Ferrari Daytona Spyder: MIT students Lee Roberts and Margaret (Melody Anderson and Shari Belafonte), who see the race as a challenge that their love of technology can solve.

Lamborghini: Italian porter Valentino Rosatti (Brian George, who is really Israeli-English) and former cop Flash (Art Hindle, Black Christmas).

Bentley Corniche: Cheating rich guys Nelson and Randolph Van Sloan (The Smothers Brothers), who decide to fly to the finish line.

The News Van: TV reporters Heather Scott and Jack O'Neill (Mimi Kuzyk and Tim Matheson) who become part of the story they are covering.

They're all being chased by Police Chief Spiro T. Edsel (Peter Boyle) and Whitman (Don Lake, Police Academy), who has already arrested one entire race worth of contestants.

Man, this movie has some cameos. Brooke Shields (who was hit by the shrapnel of this movie and got a Golden Raspberry Award for her brief moment in the, well, sun), Alyssa Milano, Carl Lewis, Richard Petty, Michael Spinks, John Schneider (who is pretty much playing a Duke boy in the beginning), Lee Van Cleef in one of his last roles and Jamie Farr, who appears as Sheik Abdul ben Falafel, making him the only actor to be in all three Cannonball Run movies.
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Much like the others
gridoon202429 March 2022
Although not an "official" sequel to the "Cannoball Run" films, "Speed Zone" is a lot like them: acres of desperately unfunny "comedy", punctuated by some great car stunts (the best one is the first, which will have you rubbing your eyes). The prime eye-candy this time comes from Donna Dixon as a Marilyn Monroe-like aspiring actress....speaking of candy, she and John Candy have kind of a sweet chemistry. *1/2 out of 4.
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I loved it
jmyeds21 April 2006
It is good clean fun in the spirit of the Cannonball. It may not have the same big names as cannonball I & II but it was good fun. It had a LOT of bad acting skits that were tongue-in-cheek. If you took it seriously it was not a work of art but if you love the Cannonballs I&II you will be entertained by Speed Zone. John Candy is awesome. Jamie Farr is the biggest holdover from I&II. Lots of hokey scenes and lots of great chase scenes. This movie is for the type of person who enjoys Action/comedy. If you are looking for Drama or Romance you are not going to enjoy this movie.

My best suggestion is watch I & II then watch speed zone(III).
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Greed Zone!
browncal1 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I first saw this on the British channel sky movies - it was the Sunday family film. I caught the end and was transfixed, for one reason. I had just bought a jaguar XJ-S in blue with a red stripe. The exact same type from Speed Zone. I remembered the name and tried to find it in Europe. I couldn't and after long and hard searching on the internet eventually found it on ebay. When i watched it i was disappointed. Yes, the car chase sequences are good - but for an hour and a half long film there are not enough. Half of the film is trying to build on John Candy's love relationship with his passenger - and while the first few of these scenes are quirky and amusing , they get boring very quickly. Alex and Vic in their XJS are the best characters to follow but they seldomly appear. The news reporters are also annoying with random wrong comments that the writers obviously put in to liven the film up. John Schneider from the dukes of hazard's name appears high up in the list of names in the credits from the beginning but he only has 4 lines and appears for about 30 seconds. I like this film, despite it's corny mess and the actors bad acting because the car chases are good. If you are a car person then this is a must but if you enjoyed all the other car chase films - leave this one out. you'll be glad you did.
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qcramair8 March 2006
This movie is one of my favorites. The Cannonball movies are great, and I think this one fits in with the first two just fine, if not better. As a youngster, I was obsessed with exotic cars and used to rent this movie all the time mostly for the cars. Now over 10 years later, I still love watching this movie. It has awesome cars, a good list of stars, and you gotta love the cheesy acting/plot. Obviously this movie isn't Oscar-worthy, and it wasn't intended to be, but really, the only movies worthy of awards and critics' attention are the boring and/or unheard of movies that would put you to sleep faster than Nyquil. Unless you're a movie critic (meaning: you have no personality, no humor, and are uptight about everything), you should get a kick out of this movie, if not at least a good amount of laughs.
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