Barbarian Queen II: The Empress Strikes Back (Video 1990) Poster

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Half-nekkid amazon warriors follow their busty queen
ElKabong-313 August 2005
Let me say up front that this is NOT a great film. No Oscar nominations, probably none of the cast was ever in an award winning film. What this is, is your basic raunchy action flick, complete with bouncing bare bosoms. This is late night cable TV fare, watch it for free when you can, and be glad you're not watching the Ya Ya Sisterhood movie. Lana Clarkson is more than up to the task of providing the bouncing boobies frequently throughout the movie. The plot is stale and formulaic, the acting stiff, but there's still that charm of scantily clad amazon warriors led by their rather randy queen in a revolution against the Great Evil which is in power. This is from the eras before Hollywood became so concerned with accusations of smut mongering, the films of the last decade or so have been lacking the delightful skin scenes which used to be a standard component of such films. If this film were being made today, the amazons would be covered much more thoroughly and Ms. Clarkson would not share her bountiful charms with us. If it sounds like I miss those days, I do. Many a mediocre film was made worthwhile by a liberal splashing of young nubile skin. Don't watch this for an example of great cinema, watch it for young lovelies on display.

5 out of 10 for obvious reasons.
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wronged princess seeks justice
windypoplar26 May 2009
Actually this wasn't that bad. Lana Clarkson is lovely as usual and yes there are plenty of topless shots, but what set this b-grade sword and sorcery tale apart is the other actors. Rodger Cudney is a great villain as always and somehow manages to maintain his dignity no matter how awful the situation. Greg Wrangler does a nice job as the conflicted love interest and best of all is the young Cecilia Twerina as the evil little Tamis. Who the heck let a kid on this picture? Who cares? she's great.

The plot is simply, Athalia's father, the king, may be dead and the evil Ankaris wants the throne, but needs the magical scepter to hold it. For some reason, never really explained, Hofrax (Cudney) is helping him. Tamis is Ankaris's wicked daughter. OK, the budget is obviously low, but the film doesn't look that bad and the performers appear to be trying. Note the convenient barrel of water that spills off the back of the wagon so Althalia and a barbarian babe can mud wrestle!! the fights aren't too badly staged and the plotting is pretty decent. Chris Young tries hard to convey a sense of epic with the music.

Athalia refuses to divulge the secret, in case her Father is still alive, and gets tortured by Hofrax and Tamis!! All together for the rack sequence and spider bite-ewww! Orian (Wrangler) rescues Athalia nd together they unite, literally and then the King's warrior's return and it's off to strike for justice! I won't reveal the fate of Ankaris and Tamis, but it is rather moving.

All in all this is a good b-movie with attractive performers and plenty of fun for all.
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If you know what you're getting into ...
skinnybert18 July 2021
This was never going to be a truly good movie, let alone a great one -- just a direct-to-video sequel to a low-budget drive-in action flick. Despite that, I find it an improvement over the first Barbarian Queen. And no, I don't mean in the acting, editing, sets or costumes; in those departments, it's just another of the Deathstalker series of sword-and-sorcery skin-a-thons. But once accepted for that, it's still passable in the way that works best for these movies: a bit tongue-in-cheek (OK, a lot tongue-in-cheek), with a fair share of skin thrown in for eye candy.

Walking tall throughout is the amazonic Lana Clarkson, who manages to deliver her hack dialog with surprisingly real conviction. Greg Wrangler, too, pulls off his Prince Nice Guy role fairly convincingly. Add in some girl-power plot, and we have ... well, a film of very minor interest, and a lot of technical issues. Whole scenes appear to have been cut (if ever filmed) and Corman was never one to ix-nay a story for getting ludicrous (and then to insist adding one more gratuitous shot of a bare-breasted actress).

What makes it all work is the strength and conviction brought by Lana Clarkson to her role. To that end, the story's theme of female empowerment is realized in her performances, even as she made films like these. Objectified she might be, but not herself made an object. As silly as the plots might get, Clarkson has us believing that *she* believes them -- or at least herself -- for long enough to film her scenes. That doesn't bring this up to Citizen Kane, but it isn't far behind Conan the Barbarian's friend Red Sonja, and on a tenth of the budget. For the Deathstalker series, that's par: cheap costumes and sets, but fairly brisk editing, and at least the sound is clear and the shots are focused. If Lana hadn't been murdered by her boyfriend, she would have gone on to greater things. As it stands, we'll have to take her in films like this.
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Lana Clarkson II: Back On The Rack
TroyAir30 October 1998
Ok, I'll admit it. I'm a Lana Clarkson fan. Her torture scene in "Barbarian Queen" was one of the best mainstream "B" movie bondage scenes ever. Lana can moan and twitch with the best of them and make it look like fun. "Barbarian Queen II", supposedly the sequel to the first film, really doesn't have anything to do with the original. None of the characters from the first film are back and Lana is the only returning actor, and even her character's name has been changed. Like the first film, you can see most of it in fast-forward mode on your VCR and just hit play whenever you see Lana in a dungeon.

In this film, Lana is a noblewoman whose evil brother usurps the crown and gains rule over the land. Lana escapes into the woods and gains the friendship of a band of woman warriors by defeating their leader in a mud wrestling match (Lana gets topless at the end of it). They attack the castle in an attempt to restore Lana to her rightful rule. Unfortunately, the attack is defeated and Lana is captured. Those who have seen the first film will appreciate these scenes.

Lana is (again) bound to an upright rack, though initially clothed this time. The torturer makes a brief speech before removing her top. Just as he is about to begin the day's activities, a young girl enters the room stands in front of the rack and announces "I will enjoy this part when I am queen." Lana retorts and the torturer starts his demonstration of the new rack. This time, instead of a silver hand with a needle embedded in the finger pricking Lana's body, the rack itself is lowered onto a bed of sharpened spikes. This shot would've been much better if we could've seen a full-view of Lana tied to the table. Instead we have a profile of Lana's head and the other two actors bending over into the shot. Obviously, Lana is NOT tied to the table but is just leaning over, too. Such a waste of potential.

Anyway, while everyone is away at dinner, Lana manages to free her hands and escape. She's soon recaptured while trying to decide what to do with a magic sceptre (apparantly the source of power) and is sentenced to death by torture. Just as this movie is "Barbarian Queen II", so too we get to see "Lana On The Rack Twice" and I'm glad we do. I have to give Lana credit for these two movies and their torture scenes. She really does do a good job of playing the strong defiant torture victim, though I wish the second rack scene had been a bit longer with more build-up and drama. Same with a later scene where the young girl places a spider on Lana's arm as Lana is on her back on another rack (or perhaps the same rack rotated horizontally). It would've been a better scene if Lana's character had been conscious and could squirm as the spider is placed on her arm and crawls up her shoulder. It could've made the similar James Bond scene look like amateur film.

"Barbarian Queen" and "Barbarian Queen II" were made several years apart and in that time Lana Clarkson became more "womanly". Don't worry - they're real. And they're spectacular. I'm hoping that Lana can be convinced to do a "Barbarian Queen III" and give us 3 long rack scenes, if she's still got the body for it. Lana, if you see this, hit the gym and let's get one more film on that filmography, girl. Do it for your fans. We're counting on you.

Anyway, Lana is eventually freed by a knight and they go on to defeat the evil ruler and liberate the land. You can take her top, but you can't take her FREEDOM!
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Better than the first
pumaye21 November 2004
Z-movie of almost no-budget level, with the late Lana Clarkson as the beautiful heir to a kingdom that is forced to fight against an evil usurper and his spoiled child. Echoes of Robin Hood in female form for most of the movie - even if the subtitle parodies the second Star Wars movies. If you are in this movie for Clarkson's breast your are in for good surprises, as the actress shows her best asset several times - they are real, boys, no silicone in them! It is really a poor movie, with a modest plot, terrible acting, terrible stunts, cheap to say the least special effects, horrible fight scenes, but it is better than the first episode of this duology - in name only, as the two Barbarian Queen movies share only the lead actress and no other part.
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Campy rather than just simply bad
smatysia30 January 2019
Well, this film is what it is. Some of the criticism is a bit overwrought. Yes, the plot is odd, and the production values are low. I would describe it as campy rather than just simply bad. The filmmakers cannot be oblivious to what they are putting on the screen. In the sword fighting scenes, the actors don't really even try to make it look real. Lana Clarkson looked so beautiful here, and that is sort of the point, not the medieval plot and staging. I had forgotten that Miss Clarkson was the actress murdered by Phil Spector. So sad.
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Barbarian Queen II: The Empress Strikes Back
phubbs25 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Not too sure what the title means here, there was no Empress in the first film and the plot doesn't relate in any way to the first film either. Characters are also different to the original film despite starring Lana Clarkson in both.

What we have here is a slight play on Robin Hood. A king is killed in battle so his unruly son claims the throne for himself including the magical scepter which is the source of the kingdoms power. The kings daughter (Clarkson) protests this naturally and is marked for execution to get rid of her...naturally. She escapes, joins up with some other female rebel warriors (just like that) and they all band together to win the kingdom back hurrah!

Now I hope your not expecting too much here, you know what this will entail, much like the previous film and all the 'Deathstalker' films. Plenty of tits and ass, skimpy outfits, females killing poorly skilled swordsmen, Clarkson on the rack again topless and errr more poorly skilled baddie swordsmen trying to rape big breasted women (happens a lot in these films).

Pretty much exactly the same as the first film, there's a good rescue scene from the gallows which is similar to the sequence in 'The Adventures of Robin Hood' with Errol Flynn. There is a nice sadistic little girl Princess who is heir to the throne (if Clarkson's character is gotten rid of, the whole point of the film) whom I liked, her spoilt bratty ways are fun to watch as all around her cower in fear.

Just like the first film the finale is way better than the rest with a semi decent sword battle within the castle. Costumes are quite nice in this film it must be said, a kind of Crusades thing going on with the good guys whilst the sets look suspiciously like sets used before, oh well. The lead male hero in this looks the part too, he actually looks like he could be in a proper film, the same can't be said about the clichéd blonde lead Clarkson.

Well by now you will know if you like these films or not, a guilty pleasure possibly, just for a laugh and some naked girlies perhaps. Not as good as 'Deathstalker' though.

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Very Silly and Equally Entertaining Shlock Sequel
Witchfinder-General-66618 February 2008
As its 1985 predecessor, "Barbarian Queen 2: The Empire Strikes Back" of 1989 is once again an incredibly silly, and equally entertaining Sword and Sorcery film that fans of shlock cinema should have a good time with. The whole film is a lineup of crappy battle sequences, very silly dialogue, bared breasts. The late Lana Clarkson once again plays the sexy eponymous heroine, Barbarian Queen Princess Athalia. Actually, I don't really see why the people in this flick are referred to as 'Barabarians' since it clearly takes place some time in the middle ages (although the first part took place in times of the Roman Empire). Both movies, of course, are actually set in some indefinable fantasy time, but while the first film equally mixed up medieval and more ancient elements, everything looks predominantly medieval here (well, except for the Amazon warrior chicks in buckskin mini skirts and tank tops). The battle sequences are crappy and so is the entire choreography. During fights, it always looks as if the 'actors' are going to drop their weapons anytime since they act so amateurish. The performances are plain awful and the dialogue is even worse (in a hilarious way though), not to mention that all the medieval 'Barbarians' talk in American English. Even though this film is the opposite of a masterpiece though, it certainly isn't boring. Constant amateurish fights are followed by more amateurish fights, each time this seems to become monotonous Lana Clarkson bares her breasts for a change. While the "Barbarian Queen" films are certainly not examples of brilliant filmmaking, they are fun to watch if not taken too seriously. "Barbarian Queen 2" must be one of the silliest and most amateurish films ever brought to screen, but it sure is entertaining. Just don't expect a masterpiece.
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The Difference Between 'Low Budget' and 'No Budget'.
the_match_maker17 April 2004
Low-grade production values and only slightly better acting bring down an otherwise generic plot.

The bottom line: a 'magical' princess leads a group of women warriors and peasants against her evil brother who seeks to take the kingdom's throne after the death of their father.

As far as 'Fantasy' flicks go, there are three levels of production values. On the high end one has `The Lord of the Rings' trilogy. Below that one has `Conan the Destroyer'. And below *that* one has this movie. The production values here make `Xena: Warrior Princess' look like `Lord of the Rings'! They're horrible. The props look as though they came from the trunk of the local community theater. The weapons are especially laughable (and who know that one could be stabbed with a sword and not bleed!).

And the acting, well, the best thing that can be said about the acting is that the thespians involved took the dialogue seriously (though I can't imagine the humiliation one must feel to have been a part of the making of this travesty). If I were to have worked on this film I don't think that I could have ever looked anyone straight in the face again.

And to make matters worse, the movie tries to 'cater' to a certain demographic with gratuitous nudity. Even the sight of two bare-chested ladies fighting in mud is not enough to recommend this flick-that's just how poorly done it was. One has seen soft-core porn with better production values!

And for nominally being a 'fantasy' film, no actual 'magic' is ever really seen.

Everything about this movie is so poorly done one can't help but wonder *how* it ever got made. A film student and two chimps could have produced something better!

There is a difference between low budget and *no* budget! Avoid this film if you can, though viewing it won't do one any long term harm. It's just bad. Not 'laughably bad', just bad. I don't think even `Mystery Science Theater' could make this one look good!
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Largely the same
Kakueke29 October 2001
This is a follow-up to Barbarian Queen, but certainly not a sequel, although Lana Clarkson is back as the female protagonist (slightly changed name, Amathea). This time she is rivaling her brother, who has unjustly usurped the crown on the basis of a presumed death of their father, but on a more mundane level his principal advisor Hofrax is her chief nemesis, along with her brother's daughter. The characters are different, but she is once again leading a few elite women warriors and peasants to justice. Greg Wrangler plays her love interest (Aurion). Pretty much the same stuff, with less often, less intense bondage etc. but a nice mudwrestling scene near the beginning. In movies like this, when I think some of the acting is pretty bad (this does not include Lana), I guess I have to be understanding in realizing they have programmed, wooden lines and delivery, so... Overall, I felt this one fell a bit short of the original.
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BandSAboutMovies31 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Lana Clarkson is back, but this sequel to Barbarian Queen is one in title only, as it's a completely different story. Here, she played Althalia, who goes from being a princess to leading peasants and an army of female fighters against Arkaris. That said, this is a Roger Corman produced film, so prepare for plenty of women being tortured and menaced in all manner of pre-#metoo ways.

This one is all about a magic scepter that only Althalia has the secret to, but if she uses it, her father - who is missing after a recent battle - will die. Her brother seeks the throne and her ex-kinda boyfriend is all wishy-washy, so she runs into the forest to escape.

There, she finds a group of Amazons who force her to mud wrestle - yes, did I mention this is a Roger Corman produced film? - before allowing her into their tribe. Soon, they're battling her brother's soldiers before our heroine is captured and tortured on the rack - again, did I mention Corman produced this? - before escaping and saving all the land.

I never thought that I'd be wistful for Barbarian Queen, but the sequel really leaves a lit to be desired. Somehow, some way, Barbarian Queen III: Revenge of the She-King was announced but never happened.
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"What an awesomely disgusting sight!"
bensonmum22 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Move along people! Nothing to see here!

And I mean that…quite literally. Unless you're some sort of dyed in the wool Lana Clarkson fan, I sincerely doubt you'll find a whole lot about Barbarian Queen II to enjoy. Other than a couple scenes where Lana gets topless (one, where she mud wrestles for the leadership of the rebel force and, two, where she's tied to the rack) you can safely fast forward through the magical hokum, the poorly done fight scenes, and the failed attempts at acting on the part of the entire cast without missing anything. Add to that a plot that's not worth mentioning (so I won't), awkwardly choreographed action sequences, and a complete lack of anything remotely entertaining. In fact, I can't think of a single redeeming feature of Barbarian Queen II.

Overall, 30 or so seconds of a topless Lana Clarkson vs. wasting 80 minutes of your life – not a very good ratio if you ask me.
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Production values, we don't need no stinkin production values...
bobburkhar19 February 2005
Poorly done, poorly scripted, poorly shot, just a film disaster. It looked like more budget was spent on hairdressing than the costumes or props department got. Sad tale of a group of women forced to live as outlaws in the forest with only their never seen hairdressers as company. The late Lana Clarkson "stars" and shows off her chest to save the day. Mudwrestling topless, tied to a torture rack, showing off the latest in forest mini skirts, it's all in a day's work for these babes. If you have lots of time on your hands watch this film. It usually plays about 3-4 am on the various movie channels, so plan on staying up late.
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Well, if you enjoyed the 1985 movie...
paul_haakonsen21 August 2023
Remembering having seen the 1985 movie "Barbarian Queen", though not being overly impressed with it, I opted to sit down and watch the 1989 sequel titled "Barbarian Queen II: The Empress Strikes Back", as I happened to find it by random chance here in 2023.

Now, the good news here is that if you enjoyed the 1985 first movie then you will definitely also enjoy this 1989 sequel. Why? Well, because it has the same amount of dubious swordfighting, scantily clad women, questionable storyline and all the cheese of the 1985 movie.

I found "Barbarian Queen II: The Empress Strikes Back" to be on the same level as the 1985 movie, so I wasn't particularly impressed with Joe Finley's sequel. Sure, it was watchable for the cheesy adventure fantasy that it was, and that cheese is thick 1980s cheese with an appeal to the adolescent audience. Writers Howard R. Cohen and Lance Smith just didn't bring anything magical to the screen here.

And while I did manage to sit through all 80 minutes of it, this is hardly a movie that I will return to watch a second time. Truth be told, then "Barbarian Queen II: The Empress Strikes Back" just didn't do much to appeal to my life-long admiration for all things fantasy.

The acting performances in "Barbarian Queen II: The Empress Strikes Back" were as you would expect for a movie such as this. It wasn't exactly bad acting performances, I will say that much. But nor were there any particularly outstanding or memorable acting performances on the screen.

The swordfights in the movie were rigid and poorly executed on the screen. It looked campy and cheesy, all in that glorious 1980s feel.

My rating of "Barbarian Queen II: The Empress Strikes Back" lands on a four out of ten stars.
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Nothing new apart from new characters and new name
sauravjoshi8512 August 2022
Barbarian Queen II: The Empress Strikes Back is an action, adventure film directed by Joe Finley. The film stars Late Lana Clarkson, Greg Wrangler, Late Roger Cudney and Alejandro Bracho.

Althalia, leads a revolt of peasants and female warriors against the wicked ruler, Arkaris, to regain her throne.

The film is a squeal of 1985 film Barbarian Queen.

The film is more or less similar to it's first part with nothing new to offer apart from new characters and new names. The story-line is almost similar and the execution is also similar and pale, the acting in the film is average with none of them leaving any mark.

Screenplay of the film is average and with a lots of skin show just like the previous film it will prove eye candy of the b grade film lovers.

Over all a typical b grade film.
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When is a sequal not a sequal?
movieman_kev27 April 2004
Lana Clarkson is back as A barbarian Queen (her name's different) in this Z-grade flick. The tale has something to do with a queen being outcast and joining up with other rebels to fight the king and his snotty brat of a daughter to get a magic scepture, but you didn't choose to watch something called Barbarian Queen 2 looking for plot did you? Copious amounts of T&A are what you're after, perv. Fortunately, it has a liberal dose of those. But it seems Lana spent more on her chest than the film makers spent on the movie. There's cheap, there's low-budget, there's NO budget, and then there's Barbarian Queen 2. Pretty watchable late at night while in a drunken stupor though. We'll miss you Lana, it's sad that a piece of excrement felt the need to take your life.

My Trash movie grade: D+
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