Loch Ness (1996) Poster


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better than expected...
purple_donkey_6117 July 2002
the acting at first i thought seemed a little dry but really builds up character throughout the movie, now Ted Danson adds a great actor to the cast and the little girl really brightens up the movie, all in all not a bad flick for an afternoon movie.

7 out of 10.
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it's a sweet and delightful family movie
TheUnknown837-18 December 2009
To those who have not seen this movie: I am going to give you a fair warning. If you are looking for a creature feature, if you are looking for a monster movie, if you are looking for the cheap thrills that are stereotypically imagined coming from a movie with a title such as "Loch Ness", you are not going to get any of these. If who want to see the Loch Ness monster plucking people from docks and boats and gorging on them, don't even bother to start, because "Loch Ness" isn't even remotely along those lines. This is not a low-budget horror movie.

By contrast, this is a pleasantly sweet, low-key, lighthearted movie magic family's entertainment best suited for audience members between the ages of six and thirteen and with some appeal to limited members of the older generation. As an adult, I enjoyed this delightful, if somewhat flimsy, little independent film.

"Loch Ness" is, to a certain extent, not even about the Loch Ness monster. It's really more of a docudrama about the loch itself and the legend of the prehistoric creatures that supposedly dwells beneath its murky surface. The movie stars Ted Danson as a discredited American scientist who has come to Scotland to not find the monster, but, to quote his boss "use the latest technology to prove it's a hoax." Danson himself doesn't believe in the monster even though he's made a name for himself chasing Sasquatch in the Pacific Northwest. While in Scotland, he picks up a research assistant (James Frain) and forms a friendship with the local pub owner (Joely Richardson) and her ubiquitous daughter (Kirsty Graham) who seems to know a little more about the loch than anybody else does.

"Loch Ness" is, all in all, a family movie. There is some peril in the movie, but not enough to terrify the younger audience members. It's got the same spirit as "Free Willy" (1993) if "Free Willy" was set on a lake and the whale merely speculated to be there. Again, if you're a monster movie fanatic, stray away, for the attacks and blood and gore and shiny teeth you seek will not be found. The movie really boasts the question many people have: does the monster even exist? And that is the attitude of the picture. If it were a serious monster movie, we'd know right from the start. But it keeps that question going and going and for that reason, I enjoyed it, for it wasn't just another monster tale, because I personally have seen that movie over and over again, such as in another Loch Ness monster tale called "Beyond Loch Ness" in which the creature was revealed to be real after only five minutes of speculation.

Performances are quite good. Ted Danson is effective as the troubled, doubtful scientist who feels that he's just driving another nail into his credibility's coffin. James Frain is also good, although he does at times overplay his character, but it is refreshing to see the mentor-student relationship between him and Danson whereas it typically would be a tag team. I also liked Joely Richardson and was especially fond of Kirsty Graham as the mysterious little girl with a secret. And the screen is also aided by the presence of veteran actor Ian Holm as a water bailiff who always seems to watching Danson with a suspicious eye.

"Loch Ness" doesn't reach its full potential because of a somewhat flimsy screenplay, with some scenes ending before we hardly even realize they've started. Some of the dialogue is rather poor, some supporting characters just time-wasters, and such, but all in all, it's a simply fine family movie although it will not ring the bells for everybody. I liked it for its sense of wonder and mystery about the loch where this creature may/may not exist (the movie plays that note), I liked it for the performances, I liked it for the beautiful, ear-warming music score by Trevor Jones, the crystal clear cinematography by Clive Tickner, the unique and seldom-explored nature of the ending, and just an overall enthusiastic tone that director John Henderson instilled into this delightful, if flawed family movie.
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A warm and funny film
leeg19748 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Having always been in love with the idea of there actually being a monster in Loch Ness, I thoroughly enjoyed this film. Although to this day, i'm unsure whether or not the film makers should have actually shown the monster because the film is good without it! It is a warm and funny story which centres around Ted Danson who plays a character called Dr Dempsey who is sent from America to prove the monster doesn't exist. Whilst he stays on the shore of Loch Ness, he gradually falls in love with the place and the attractive owner (Joely Richardson) of the inn he stays in. The people in the village give him a hard time which also provides a few laughs. The little girl who plays Isabel has some very funny lines and is really cute in the things she says. Having recently finally been to Loch Ness myself, it is worth watching to see all the fabulous scenery again also!
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Disney never made anything more touching than this!
uds314 March 2002
Why would Aaron Fleming of Northern Ireland throw up at this movie? My theory is that you never had a warm childhood Aaron and nothing magical has ever happened in your life. It wasn't made for viewers such as yourself. I think TRAINSPOTTING might be more your line.

I'd go further than saying that Ted Danson was "good" in this - it is by far his best movie (with the possible exception of GETTING EVEN WITH DAD). As discredited, financially strapped and harrassed Dr Dempsey, Danson is bundled off to Loch Ness to disprove Nessie's existence. Not only does he fail in his task, but he finds something even yet more unlikely - the unconditional love of a little girl and her innkeeper mother played with feisty gusto by Joley Richardson. I would defy any true romantic to withhold a tear at the end of this movie...easily one of the most touching films of all time. Proof if such be needed that one can make a beautiful family movie with not a single swear word or offensive scene.

The very briefly glimpsed "beastie" is heart-warmingly portrayed, never more so than during the closing credits to a backdrop of Rod Stewart's "Rivers of My Heart." Veteran Ian Holm just about steals the show as the Laird and "keeper" of the secret. The scene on the bus when he opens up Dr Dempsey's envelope is worth the price of the theater ticket alone!

Saccharine? manipulative? unrealistic? Yeah? well so was ET!
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Wishy Washy, Lovey Dovey wholesome family type stuff
ScottyB3 January 1999
This movie can be enjoyed as long as you are prepared to accept the plot for what it is - A far fetched romantic tale to well the tears in your eyes and make you think "Awww... isn't that sweet" The plot as far as the actual "Beastie of the Loch" is far-fetched enough without stretching the bounds or reality with the love story.

Being far-fetched does not, however, mean that this movie is not worth watching. I actually quite enjoyed it, and was able to watch along with a young family without having to cringe at foul language or blatant sex scenes. Take this movie for what it is - family entertainment. The kids will live the monster storyline and the special effects, the romantic among us will sniffle at the course of true love, and the others will probably find this to be a fairly average, fairly entertaining way to spend 90 minutes or so of your time.
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A family film on a Scottish Legend....
Angelus228 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Its hard to picture Ted Danson being anyone but Sam from Cheers, but he delivers a good enough performance as the scientist who is lost, a career ruined by his thirst to find the impossible. Joely Richardson's role as the mother is heart warming she plays her role with care, while Kirsty, the young Isabel.

The film starts off with the death of a professor whose aim is to find the Loch Ness monster, so another is sent. Dempsey. A man whose accomplishments are great, yet shrouded by his obsession to find the unexplained, Dempsey, who is lost finds more then he bargained for in Scotland.

One thing I liked was the scenery, it showed the highlands and beautiful shots of the water; which gives a sense of beauty, mystery and calm. The build up was brilliant, the shots of the calm water, as it is disturbed by something below, the theories.... But the one thing that ruins the film is the uncovering of the Loch Ness monster...I think they should have never shown the creature, it keeps a little more mystery.
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Disappointing. Only really good for really young children.
TheBlackVoodoo22 September 2007
I understand that person's comment about it being a kids film and questioning why Aaron Fleming would say such things, but this film is just boring. I was waiting for something to happen throughout and it never did, I expect the 1 award was won for the most money (12 MILLION DOLLARS) spent on travel for one film crew from the US to the UK. I'm not being a snob or saying I hate kids films or fantasy, I love that stuff, but nothing happens and the love story is a bit lame and empty. Ted Danson's alright sometimes in his career but he was wrong for the part and the weak storyline is not there to fill in for the poor acting here. I even watched this when I was younger and I didn't like it. I'm sure stories of things like the Loch Ness interest most people, so I was looking for it to be more about this, you'd think so from the name, but I was just let down. You'd think the whole point of spending so much money on a film called Loch Ness would be to concentrate on this.
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Not a blockbuster...
bheadher21 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
...and it never will be. But, in its' own way, the movie is rather compelling...mostly, of course, because of the subject matter. The story of the Loch Ness Monster has been told for many years, and this time with a different angle.

The movie itself has a slow, laid back feel throughout, and yet has has some action sequences as well. What is surprising is that the all encompassing theme is more of a love story within a love story. I won't explain that, other than say "monster" doesn't really describe the legend.

And that becomes the point of the movie in the end...some legends deserve to "live on" as legends...
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Entirely Predictable
pmitsi-116 December 2008
A one-of-the-usual family adventure films, where a great secret is explored and solved, only to be hashed "for the greater good". The performances are OK, even if I was bored with the performance of the gifted-lobotomized child (why the intelligent children are always portrayed in films as super-sensitive boring adults?).

I was fed up with the ending, where the script immortalizes the concept that the secrets must be reserved, because "scientists are bad and will destroy everything". I didn't notice any people living in caves in the film (in that manner renouncing all the demented outcomes of scientific research).

What I really didn't like in this film (and many others) was that the protagonist decides to renounce the professional, economic and even personal benefits he would get by revealing his discovery to the world, for abstract and simple-minded fears (of course, there is ALWAYS an additional romantic reason in this kind of films). As I said earlier, if that was always the case we would be still living in caves.

What's so wrong with a film showing a great mystery solved and the consequences of this discovery? Is it that difficult for a writer to figure out a screenplay like that and that's why that every time the solution is hushed?
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Scotch Myth
writers_reign14 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
If you're happy to suspend your disbelief for the duration then this is for you. I'd never heard of it before it popped up on TV yesterday and I figured I liked Ted Danson in Cheers and Joly Richardson isn't exactly chopped liver so I'll watch the first reel and see what happens. Okay, forget looking for the monster if I thought there was a lady as lovely Joley Richardson walking around loose in a small Scottish village I'd light out for bonnie Scotland in jig-time. As several posters have remarked here this is a genuine feel-good entry, sort of Disney-lite, with no swearing, no violence to speak of and an offbeat love story thrown in - in fact the girl bringing her single mom together with a prospect she, the girl has picked out is hardly new and I can trace it back to Natalie Wood brokering a romance between screen mum Maureen O'Hara and husband/stepfather material John Payne in the original Miracle on 34th Street but it's no worse for that.
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squicker27 December 2007
How we laughed at this trite balderdash that was on TV today. Evidently made by some pea-brained Yank nitwit who has spent maybe 3 seconds in Scotland, regaling the entire film with stereotypes. Eating haggis, tartan blankets, stock names - Campbell, Angus...Blah blah.

Letting even the youngest child watch this is tantamount to removing all independent thought.

How on earth Ian Holm ended up in this garbage is utterly beyond me. The rest of the 'actors\actresses', director and writer, don't give you your day jobs.

Worth watching for humour value only.

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Great gentle story
johntheminiman22 May 2006
Okay, it's not exciting but it's still a great film - ideal for 'pleasent' viewing. The cast are brilliant, especially Joley Richardson and Kirsty Graham as mother and daughter - although it is a little unfair to imply that these two alone make the film watchable; others (Ted Danson, Ian Holm, & James Frain) really do help to make this a great film. The story is slow and gentle, making it great for a quiet viewing session. The special effects are limited which allows for the storyline to show through and, even though the end is a little predictable, It's still good to watch right through to Rod Stewart's brilliant closing song. Go for it, I watch it over and over when the mood takes.
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Charming tale that's aged pretty well
Bobalopacus12 October 2022
A movie should be judged on what it aims to achieve: this is not a 'monster' flick in the full sense, nor is it a 'sci-fi' movie exactly, or an action-adventure. There are elements of all that, but at its core it's a gentle, lightly comedic, heart-warming tale of romance and finding the magical element in life.

The main character might arguably be the loch, the village, and surrounding countryside itself, but Ted Danson was very watchable as the central figure struggling for fame and recognition only to discover there may be deeper, more valuable goals in life.

The chemistry between Danson and the child felt genuine even if the romance with the mother was merely convincing enough. Nice to see Danson wasn't vain enough to cover up that bald spot - in a way, that symbolises the movie itself - which is a little rough around the edges, but that adds to its charm somehow.

Kirsty Graham is delightful, and Joely Richardson is good too, in fact almost all the supporting actors are good here with the very slight exception of Keith Allen whose over-the-top antics didn't really work for me (but he's on screen for less than a minute or so).

Yes, you can be cynical about the representation of Scotland and the Scots, or indeed the predictable nature of the whole thing, but discovering this movie for the first time in 2022 made me a little nostalgic for the nineties when there was a certain innocence to movies that is often lacking now.

I watched it as an adult and enjoyed the story regardless of how the central mystery of the loch ness 'monster' was handled. Not sure how kids will react to it - they may find it a little slow or uneventful, but if sat down with the whole family it should be entertaining enough.

Finally, I'd just add, I watched it as a palate-cleanser after a particularly dark and brutal revenge drama - so, context is everything: I needed something sweet, simple and reassuring...
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The scenery is the star.
khunkrumark18 February 2019
Ted Danson and the spectacular Scottish scenery elevate a rather trite and predictable yarn.

The romance angle is a bit forced, the motives of the locals are a bit shallow and the peripheral characters never really leap out of the screen. It misses the huge plus of being a British movie as it caters to a more forgiving American audience.

It's ok, but that's it.
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The sex was incredible
Eric-122620 January 2003
I caught this on the Sci-Fi channel, where it is aired from time to time. Methinks it ought to be shown on the Family Channel, as it is excellent family viewing. And no, there really isn't any sex in it. (But how else was I to get your attention?)

Ted Danson, who still seems just like Sam Malone from "Cheers" - only with a bad hair day - is quite winning in the lead role of this film. He plays a rather cantankerous, and somewhat discredited, American anthropologist who is sent to Scotland to disprove the existence of the "Loch Ness Monster".

He doesn't (at first, anyway) mix well with the local Scottish residents living near Loch Ness. Eventually he is won over by the dear sweet daughter (Isabel) of the local innkeeper. Her influence on him, along with that of the water bailiff, played by Ian Holm, profoundly change him towards the end of the film. Epiphany in the making.

If you value humanity over science, then this film is for you. It is a very enchanting movie that is worth watching. My advice: chill out, take a break from the war on terrorism and go rent this movie and give it a look. You'll be glad you did, and I highly doubt that you will be forced to run to the bathroom to be physically sick as did Aaron Fleming from N. Ireland. (While you're at it, rent another thoroughly enjoyable movie which was also filmed in Scotland, "Local Hero" (1983)).

Watch. Reflect. Reconsider your values in life. Then go pour yourself a good scotch.
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worst film ever!!!!
flem2k16 February 2002
this film is so so bad. actually when i watched it, i left halfway through, went to the bathroom and was physically sick! i ain't kidding, it is THAT bad! the love story is so hammy and acting is very bad, well what do you expect from ted danson...
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The greatest urban legend of them all
briandmcaleer1 May 2019
Ted Danson stars as John Dempsey, a college professor who's hit rock bottom. His car breaks down, he's being chased for money and has zero professional credibility left. But his boss offers him a job to redeem himself "Go to Loch Ness, Scotland". Naturally, John thinks he's being asked to find the monster, but his boss says quite the contrary. "Go there and prove it's not there" he offers. Out of options and out of money, Dempsey reluctantly takes the job and heads off to Scotland.

Far from home and hating it, Dempsey reluctantly drags his feet through the nearby town, where his reputation as a monster hunter follows him. Colleagues from the scientific world approach him like adoring fans, asking how he tracked the Yeti and found Bigfoot. It's a past Dempsey would like to forget, as it's the reason no one takes him seriously anymore. And from all his past searchings of urban legends, he's never found anything, so is in complete denial that he will find the Loch Ness. After all, it's isn't real... right?

Armed with a boat he decks out with the best scientific equipment, Dempsey hits the water, with the assistant of his predecessor tagging along. Up and down, back and forth; the professor maps the massive lake with his scanners and sonar gadgets, but nothing is detected. Once again, Dempsey is the centre of jokes and ridicule, as he puts his already tarnished reputation on the line to find something not even the locals believe exists. Until he meets a young girl on the banks of the lake. Her name is Isabel; a wee lass with locks of red hair, and the strongest Scottish accent since Billy Connolly. For the age of nine, she is very cluey and switched on, and might just hold the secret behind the truth of the Loch Ness monster.

"Loch Ness" is not a film about the monster itself, but more about mans search for the monster. And it's an interesting character study, when Dempsey validates his argument that the creature does in fact not exist. He references his past, about being the optimistic monster hunter that believed in the unseen and unexplained. But when he turns up nothing yet again at Loch Ness (to start with at least), he is reminded that like every other story about Bigfoot, aliens and UFO's, they are probably just stories made up to makes us believe there is something better and far greater beyond what we just see with our own eyes. The unexplained mysteries of life allude to that, but when most of us never see such things, it's hard to believe. That is what the message of this film is all about; "Believing is seeing"
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Very disappointing
robertopoletti28 May 2021
Considering that it is not a low-budget film, that the cast (or at least a part of it) is good, i have been very disappointed by the flimsy story and script.

Not sure what is the target audience of the film: Not horror- or sci-fi lovers.

The main topic seems to be the love story between the male and the female main characters. The Lochness myth is just a side story and unnecessary addition.
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Little Ness Monster
daniewhite-128 February 2024
A less is more take on Loch Ness, small in scale, made on a budget that suggests that the three principal cast members took most of the money, this is a charming family friendly romantic fantasy of the mid 90's.

Aimed at primary school aged children and their families 'Loch Ness' keeps things simple and it's attention closely focused on a small cast of dependable actors.

Ted Danson has "Dad Danson" hair all the way through which is initially distracting in itself, then the obvious shot blocking, framing and lighting by the director and cinematographer, to try and minimise it's obviousness becomes a distraction in itself; but by the end of the film it seems to fit this tiny tale.

There are sparing uses of CGI animation effects in the final reels but otherwise it's all small scale practical film making and depends on the actors, the director, and the crew to do a professional job with limited resources. They really do rather well with what they've got.

The writing is strictly for primary school consumption which leaves a lot out and relies on the actors and director to put a lot of meaning and performance back into scenes based on professional craft.

For those who are romantic, and most little children are highly romantic and searching for meanings in all patterns and moments, this is a charming and enjoyable film.

I struggle to rate this film: strictly for little kids it's genuinely rather good I'm sure, but now, almost thirty years later, I suspect that the audience age range for films which are so character driven and yet childish in writing is ever smaller even amongst little'uns.

I rate 4.5/10 because it may be too much a beasty of it's own time, stuck in a time capsule, cut off from the ocean now, but for receptive children who enjoy characters and romance and fantasy, I think it would rate much, much, higher.
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aesgaard419 January 2002
I like this movie. It maybe be lukewarm and saccharine as everyone else thinks, but it is far superior to all those Fifties and Sixties lake monster pics. Ted Danson does a wonderful acting job outside of "Cheers" and the special effects are magical. the whole production has a rather Disney feel to it as it makes you believe in magic and takes a different realistic view of one of the world's biggest mysteries. This movie does the same thing "Harry And The Hendersons" did for Bigfoot.
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There's Some Things That Are Meant To Be Left Alone.
hitchcockthelegend17 August 2011
Loch Ness is directed by John Henderson and written by John Fusco. It stars Ted Danson, Joely Richardson, Ian Holm, Kirsty Graham and James Frain. Music is scored by Trevor Jones and cinematography is by Clive Tickner. Plot sees Danson as Zoologist Jonathan Dempsey, who has now become something of a joke in his field after a failed "beastie hunt" for the Yeti. In the last chance saloon, he's packed off by his superiors to debunk the Loch Ness Monster legend, where hardly enthused anyway, he finds a small community unwelcome to his being there. After finally booking into a small inn run by single mother Laura McFetridge (Richardson), Dempsey forms a warm relationship with Laura's nine year old daughter, Isabel (Graham), who just may hold the key to the mystery of Loch Ness.

Once it was finally made available for viewing, it struggled to gain any significant support, both by critics and film fans alike. Caught in the 1990's creature feature slipstream created by Jurassic Park, hopes were high for a very different type of Loch Ness Monster movie. Nobody, except for the film makers, were quite prepared for what type of film Loch Ness actually is. Henderson's film is a human interest story first and foremost, one that has the Loch Ness Monster as its backdrop. It is driven by a mismatched (developing) love story, yet still has enough about it to raise the pertinent question that crowns the story, namely why and should we solve the Loch Ness Monster mystery? It's all very simple and low key, where any expectation of an FX extravaganza will lead you only to a big disappointment. Helps, too, if you kind of want to believe in the fantastical, that you like a bit of whimsy with your filmic supper.

An insult often used to beat the film with is that it copies Local Hero's template. What is wrong with that? Especially since Local Hero itself is a charming human fable set in a similar gorgeous locale, so why not have that delightful film as a marker? In fact Loch Ness is more family friendly and adult enough for the discerning grown up, whilst simultaneously beguiling the kiddies too. And lets rejoice the sparse use of special effects, for what we get is brief, and dare I say it? magical. Fusco's script is also witty, with much fun mined from Danson's fish out of water portrayal as he finds himself at odds with everyone except the Nessie keen assistant played with wide eyed energy by Frain. The rest of the cast are roundly great as well, as Danson (affable supreme), Richardson (quality Scottish accent), Holm (grumpy curmudgeon) and Graham (one of the most natural and unfussy child performances ever), lead the way. While good secondary support comes from a barking mad Keith Allen and Nick Brimble as the self appointed love rival for Laura's attentions.

Bolstering the film is a majestic score from Jones, with the expected Celtic harmonies neatly sitting along side the more brassy and keyboard thrusts as the narrative hits its peaks. The synth and string arrangement that accompanies "Nessie" is simply beautiful and the reason why this particular writer had to buy the CD score. Although the Highland/Lochs locations used for filming are to die for, the film needed a better cinematographer than Tickner. He's good on something like sci-fi trasher Split Second, where he gets away with washed out apocalyptic colours, but here his photography is often murky and the sumptuous colours of the scenery never boom out from the screen. He does, however, know how to light a pretty face, the beautiful Richardson benefiting greatly here.

With a big human heart and awash with family friendly mysticism, Loch Ness is a lovely picture. Thankfully for those who now know what to expect, it's a mile away from being a creaky creature feature. 8.5/10
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Romantic, Charming
samadamsspam5 February 2007
I'm an old romantic, so I enjoyed this successfully executed formula movie. I enjoyed the premise of a burned out idealistic bigfoot researcher being sent to the Scottish boondocks because he needed the job, at the risk of securing his reputation as a myth chaser. Ted Dansen came up with a convincing edginess to his character (but still obviously with a big heart) that was a refreshing addition to his normal comic characterizations. I also love the idea that in some little corner of the boondooks you can stumble on a Scottish fair maiden whose twinkle in the eye can steal your heart. Joely Richardson's character makes you fall in love with her with a toss of her head. The sparring of the characters is good fun. The plot of the movie could have gone several ways; the writers chose to go the "Disney Movie" route, which provides satisfying entertainment for kids, without seriously degrading the by-the-book but convincing romance. A young James Frain shows outstanding appeal and promise as a powerhouse actor in his character as an idealistic and enthusiastic sidekick to Ted Dansen's beast hunter, a fun character to watch.

The story is paced and told with an experienced hand; it provided a very pleasant getaway on a winter's afternoon, transporting the viewer to the famous Loch Ness region of Scotland. I think the photography could have been more painterly and mystical, but you get a good eyeful of the dramatic Scottish landscape.

The music score is a nice selection of Scottish influenced themes, with the soaring "Rhythm Of My Heart" by Rod Stewart as the final credits roll.

So if you're a romantic, you should thoroughly enjoy this movie. If not, it will probably be be too formulaic and "Disney-esque" for you.
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Predictable? Yes. Innocuous? Yes. Spiritually potent? Absolutely.
Wuchakk12 August 2010
RELEASED IN 1996 and directed by John Henderson, "Loch Ness" explores the possibility of the Loch Ness monster, at least on the surface. Ted Danson plays a disillusioned cryptozoologist who is sent on assignment to Loch Ness, Scotland, to disprove the mythical creature's existence. With the assistance of a clairvoyant girl (Kirsty Graham) he discovers life-changing things.

If you're remotely interested in cryptozoology "Loch Ness" is a must. Despite the fact that the story is predictable, this is a very well-made film. It was filmed in 1994 on location in Scotland and England. Although it was primed for theatrical release, and released as such in Europe, in America it was ultimately decided to release it on network TV in September, 1996.

The film has a lot going for it: Danson is perfect as the jaded scientist; Joely Richardson is Beautiful; the little clairvoyant girl is cute and spiritual; the locations are continuously breathtaking; the people are likable and the story touches on important themes of which most can relate. If you're in the mood for a slasher/monster horror flick with lots of gore, this isn't the film to see. See "Beneath Loch Ness" (2001) or "Loch Ness Terror" aka "Beyond Loch Ness" (2008) instead. However, if you care to explore some of life's most vital questions, look no further.

Danson's character, Dr. Dempsey, has given up on love in the aftermath of a divorce; he's also given up on his life's work, his dream. He's a laughing stock in the scientific community. Note his powerful statement to his Scottish partner at Loch Ness:

"I'm a joke. I'm the guy who chases looney tunes and you think I don't wanna find something out there? If I nailed a dinosaur in Loch Ness I would be vindicated a thousand times over. I would have it all back and more. But it's not gonna happen. There's nothing down there, there's nothing up in British Columbia, there's nothing unexplained flying around the skies at night. That's just a wish list to make us feel like there's something more to life than the $#*% we got stuck with."

As you can see, the film is more than just cutesy family fare or mindless monster mayhem. The struggle Dempsey is going through is real and we can all relate to it on some level. We may not be looking for the Loch Ness monster, but we all have dreams; we all hope to discover love in some manner; we all hope to find meaning in life. Unless, of course, we've given up, like Dempsey in the story. Yet, even then, in the blackest pit of anguish & despair there's hope.

There are two general views on life: (1.) That life and the universe are one big meaningless accident and you're just an insignificant bug that will soon be squashed out of existence and memory. And (2.) that there's an intelligent design to the universe and, although it's somehow "fallen" (severely messed up), there IS meaning, love, hope and purpose, even if we are presently unable to fully comprehend it.

The film addresses the clash of these two opposing views. We've all experienced the conflict of these two positions within our OWN hearts; it's the clash of flesh and spirit. On the one hand, we WANT to believe the latter position, but life keeps dishing out so much crap that we are seriously tempted to give in to the former.

This is the struggle Dempsey faces in the story. He's given up; he's stumbling in the darkness; he's just going through the motions to exist. His smile is mostly a facade.

The little girl is a key factor in his potential deliverance. She is able to see things as they truly are, including beyond the areas of normal perception. Dempsey says seeing is believing, but the little girl insists that believing in unseen reality is more important than physically seeing, if you know what I mean.

THE FILM RUNS 1 hour, 41 minutes. WRITER: John Fusco.

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Very nice.
G.Spider9 September 1999
A discredited American scientist (played by Ted Danson) is appointed the task of proving once and for all whether there is an unknown species in Loch Ness.

This is a fine family film which manages to be warm and sincere without losing sight of its main theme. There are plenty of interesting characters and moments of humour.

The only problems are the monsters themselves, which have faces like Jurassic Park Raptors. And caves under the castle? Only ten minutes of this were actualy filmed at Loch Ness, most of it taken at another Scottish loch which apparently 'looked more like Loch Ness than Loch Ness itself'.

If you can ignore the odd clanger, however, this is still a film hat's certainly worth seeing.
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Look for Loch, its a nice family film with a touch of romance
inkblot1128 March 2011
Dempsey (Ted Danson) is a sort of photojournalist of the weird happenings on planet earth. Having fallen on somewhat hard times, he, nevertheless, is reluctant to attempt his next assignment. The boss directs him to Scotland, where he is to use modern technology to PROVE once and for all that there is no Nessie Monster. There is no real choice but for Dempsey to get on a plane. When he lands, he almost drives over a pretty local lady, Laura (Joely Richardson). In short order, he finds out that she has the only rooming house and, after some begging, she lets him a room. Also in the house is her beautiful young daughter, Isabella (Kirsty Graham). Of all of the Scots, Izzy is the most welcoming to Dempsey. Hiring a boat and crew, Dempsey begins his exploration. This greatly displeases the bailiff (Ian Holm) but the lawman can do little to stop the efforts. As time goes on, no monster does appear, so Dempsey is soon ready to go back to the States. However, one day, Izzy reveals some secrets, big ones. Also, Laura, despite her outward dislike for Dempsey, may, in fact, be attracted to the brash American. Is there romance ahead? First, this film has a terrific setting, the beautiful country around Loch Ness. If you always wishes to go to Scotland but, have little money and big flying anxieties, you will be enchanted with the view. Then, the main actors are quite good, with Danson doing a variation of his smug humor and Richardson looking great and sporting a fine accent. Holm, Graham and all of the others support them nicely. The production also features fine costumes, an arresting script, gorgeous photography and a steady direction. In short, look for Loch, you fans of romance and family-friendly features. It's lovely.
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