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solo-114 October 1999
I didn't find any part of it boring! The only regret of mine is that I have not seen this film in the cinema. Instead I watched it on vcd. Nevertheless, the beautiful shots came through, and the story all the more touching.

May sound silly that identical girls are related to the same man. But in fact, you wouldn't have any trouble identifying which girl is which, because they are so "different". One is sad and soft-spoken, the other humorous and tomboyish.

A light and funny show, and you'll sigh when it's over and hope it isn't yet. The ending is the climax, you'll love it!

Wonderful performance by Nagayama Miho! She speaks a few simple words (won't tell you what words) and I felt like crying, not because it was sad.

Believe me, watch it and smile for the rest of the week as you recall those "high school days".
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Epic love story
elu5iv34 July 2003
Love Letter: 9/10

The first 30+ minutes of "Love Letter" were quite boring, but if you ever watched the movie again, knowing how the plot unfolds, they'd be anything but boring. The premise of this is cool and a little creepy: a woman, enstranged by her husband's untimely death, sends a letter to his old address. She knows that the house was knocked down and built over by a highway years ago, but does it anyway, perhaps out of desperation. Unexpectedly, she gets a reply. From there, the story begins, and it takes a much different direction than how the plot sounds on paper. I can't really say too much without spoiling it, but this is a tragic movie, yet beautiful at the same time. There are flashback sequences that make you really care about several characters in the movie, including the deceased man (who is shown as a school boy in the flashbacks). This is so well set out, and almost brought me to tears at times. Movies like this are what make me want to see more and more Asian cinema, because this was an absolute epic.
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More than a love story
Robodok24 June 2003
On the surface, this is a simple yet moving love story. However, through its twin protagonists, this film explores our relation to the past and how various parts of it may be idealised, suppressed, or distorted, in part based on our assumptions about others that usually go unstated and unchallenged. This latter point is reinforced through a subplot involving (female) Itsuki's grandfather and a past tragedy.

The film is very striking visually, in turns showing sweeping landscapes and intimately detailed portraits. Emotions are at times powerfully conveyed by a camera movement accompanied by a well chosen musical score. The limited use of a hand-held camera jarred with the serene beauty of the rest of the film, which no doubt was the intent, but I found it to be a minor distraction.

All in all, a very poetic missive delivered to us by the skilled hand of Shunji Iwai.
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Exquisite cinematic poetry
howard.schumann26 August 2007
Carl Jung said "What is not brought to consciousness comes to us as fate". For Hiroko Watanabe, the passing of two years has not lessened the pain brought on by the death of her young fiancé, Itsuki Fujii (Takashi Kashiwabara) in a mountain climbing accident. She longs for healing but is unable to let go of his sudden death. Fate intervenes, however, and a single letter she writes to her deceased lover as a whim sets in motion a chain of events that allows her to discover the untold secrets of their connection. Written and directed by Shunji Iwai and based on his novel of the same name, Love Letter is a simple but very moving love story about two people who must redeem the past in order to be fully alive in the present.

While looking through her fiancé's old school yearbook after the memorial ceremony, Hiroko wants to find something of Itsuki that she can hold onto, some token that will allow her to let go. Finding his name in the yearbook, she jots down the address associated with the name Itsuki Fujii and mails a short letter addressed to him in Otaro in northern Japan. She asks "How are you? and tells him, "I am fine". Thinking that she is sending a letter to heaven, she is supported by Akiba (Etsushi Toyokawa), a close friend of Itsuki who has fallen in love with her and strongly wants her to complete the past. To her surprise she receives a reply and, after the exchange of several letters, discovers that her correspondent is not a disembodied spirit but a very alive woman with the same exact name as her fiancé. Even more astonishing is that both male and female Itsuki Fujiis were classmates together in Junior High School.

While there is some initial confusion stemming from the fat that both Hiroko and the female Itsuki are performed by the superb Miho Nakayama in a dual role, each character's personality is so individual that any confusion is soon dispelled. As the letters continue, Itsuki uncovers some hidden truths about herself, her father's death, and her relationship with the shy student with the same name. Bringing to light memories from the past that she had long buried, she remembers how they were teased by fellow classmates for having the same name, how they developed a bond while working together in the library, and how the male Itsuki, checking out books from the library, wrote his name on five checkout cards saying to her in English "straight flush".

Sensing that Hiroko's quest for completion has reached a dead end, Akiba takes her on a trip to Otaru to meet the female Itsuki and to search for some memento of her fiancé. In a memorable scene in which, in the words of author Marion Woodman, "the eternal crosses the transitory", Hiroko cries out to the mountain that holds the body of her lost love, "O-genki desu ka? "Watashi wa genki desu", "How are you? I am fine", and the words echo through the winter night to be repeated by the female Itsuki sitting in her home miles away.

Love Letter is a film of exquisite cinematic poetry that explores the subjectivity of memory and the idea of redemption. Author Robertson Davies says, "One always learns one's mystery at the price of one's innocence" Like gemstones of coral and quartz that fill our life with joy, Itsuki Fujii came into the lives of two young women, then as suddenly as he appeared, he was gone, yet now both Hiroko and the female Itsuki have established a strange connection and are, in the words of Elizabeth Lesser, "no longer dead, but alive with something luminous and solid burning in their core".
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Implicit and touching and beautiful
how8210176 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
No doubt, it's my permanent favorite love story. Hiroko Watanabe's fiancé died in a climb accident, she misses him so much, one day after her fiancé's(Itsuki Fujii) funeral, she had an idea to send a letter to his hometown and the address is already inexistent. She calls the letter to heaven. Unexpectedly, she get reply. Of course, she feels so weird and decides to visit the town. Finally, she finds the girl who sent the letter. She shocked when she see the girl since they have definitely same look and the love story is portrayed from here. Her fiancé has the same name of the girl, Itsuki Fujii. He loved the girl so deep, but he never reveal his mind, he hided his love in mind. He would be Hiroko Watanabe's fiancé just because they have same look. In the end, female Itsuki Fujii understand his love, she receives a book-borrow card and see her drawing painted by male Itsuki Fujii. But everything's gone. I heard of a number of girls ask their boyfriends do you really love me or just love somebody else looks like me when they leave cinema. It's surely a joke. The movie tells a very tragic story, but still beautiful. I saw the aesthetic sensibility just belongs to oriental. The story moves not very fast, but I can taste an implicit feeling, no sexuality no action scene no drugs even no kiss. Do you believe a Hollywoodized love story could be without all these elements, my answer is absolutely impossible. Love could be simple but not means kinda boring if only it's genuine. It brought tears first time when I watching a film. Thanks for the director Shunji Iwai, he brought an unique oriental style to the world. I also wanna look his APRIL STORY, I assure that's another excellent movie. 10 out of 10.
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Beautiful, and platonic
jaakkochan20 June 2002
Itsuki Fujii writes letter for her dead boyfriend who died in climbing accident few years ago. And all of a sudden, she get's reply.

The movie is warm and beautiful description of longing for a lost love and nostalgia. Miho Nakayama is ever so beautiful and innocent, and her acting as both Itsuki Fujii and Hiroko Watanabe is just professional. I rather say, couldn't be better. The music and the very atmosphere of the movie is somewhat Japanese, it has something really distant and beautiful. In movie which deals with love, always good sign is that if it does have very few or none scenes where love is physical such as kissing or making love. This movie shows love as somewhat ideal very mindfull and platonic. Works for me, for you, I don't know. Really beautiful movie what I can recommen to everyone. I rated this 10, since couldn't find any reason to give 9.
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Here is another
shaudey_n3 March 2007
As if there are any more comments that need to be written about how great this film was....

Here is another.

There are many factors of the story, and the director(also the writer), Shuji Iwai, tells them beautifully and seamlessly.

Each story could stand on it's own, but in fact it is each story that moves the film.

Though it originally is about Watanabe Hiroko, the character Fujii Itsuki(female) takes over the story to the end.

This is a movie that makes you think about it long after it's over. That's why I bought it. So, I can watch it when ever I want. There are no life lessons to be learned(except maybe listen to the "crazy" grandpa) nor a message to take away from this. Yet, the film grips you until it's finished. Wrapped up in these women's lives and memories, and scenic cinematography that Japanese films are well known for.

In conclusion. I'm still thinking about it.
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breathtaking genius
LunarPoise9 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Hiroko loses her lover Fujii to a mountain climbing accident. Two years later, involved with his buddy, she struggles to overcome her grief.

Itsuki experienced puppy love-hate with a boy in school who coincidentally had the exact same name. Oh, and she can't shake a nasty cold.

Hiroko and Itsuki live at opposite ends of Japan, do not know each other, but could pass for twins.

From such small, incidental, trivial fragments of life Iwai weaves together a magical, deeply cathartic film. Hiroko and Itsuki exist in the same temporal moment, but travel through metaphysical time in opposite directions with regard to their feelings towards Fujii. Hiroko retreats from her love in order to grieve properly, and finally let go. Itsuki inches towards her memory of Fujii, finally waking up to the realisation that he was her first love. Neither Hiroko or Itsuki can make the journey without the other, their dialectical relationship propelling them both towards a confrontation of sorts with Fujii. Hiroko will bellow through her confrontation at a mountainside at dawn. A prosaic message, mundane even, one that repeats the first letter written in the film, but one that manages, as Hiroko cries it out again and again, to touch your soul. Itsuki is to be blind-sided by Fujii, when the secret of his obscure library-card project is revealed in a simple scribble, and Itsuki's fragile hopes come to fruition.

There are truly funny moments in this film - Itsuki pedalling the bike to provide light for Fujii to read, Ranran's manic take as the class nutter, and most of all the nervous laugh of Itsuki's unthinking uncle. It is also very touching at times, such as when the grandfather says he will not walk to the hospital, he will run (and then wonderfully undercut when he falls flat on his face). The whole thing together shimmers with a purity and vitality that words cannot do justice to, the photography has to be seen. Love Letter is a masterpiece from a living genius.
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beautiful, potentially confusing
mysteryegg12 December 2005
This love story begins with a memorial service for Watanabe Hiroko's ex-boyfriend, Fujii Itsuki. Although he has been dead for a year, it still feels awkward when the dead ex-boyfriend's best friend begins to flirt with Watanabe. Around this time, she decides to send a letter to the old Fujii residence, despite having been demolished for highway construction.

I think it's essential for anybody who watches this film to realize that after this point, a second character is introduced who is played by the same actress who plays Watanabe Hiroko. She has a cold when making her first appearance, so this is the best means of distinguishing between the two characters, besides their respective settings.

The love story is very culturally Japanese (modern), with the natural reactions of the characters representing very accurately current gender roles and attitudes in Japan. I believe however the story's beauty can be easily appreciated worldwide.
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An Unbelievable Coincidence
pjy113029 June 2010
This is one of the best romantic movies in my life. It doesn't have a kiss scene or even a hug scene like typical Hollywood movies, except for scenes recalling the past. The setting of the movie is winter in Japan. The director Suhnji Iwai made this film with many poetic scenes. I can recall the time when I was in high school. This movie reminded me of the pure feeling of love.

Hiroko (Miho Nakayama) goes to her ex-boyfriend's memorial service. Itsuki Fujii died on a mountain climbing accident two years ago. When she visits the house of her ex-boyfriend's mother, she finds his high school year book and takes notes of his address. She struggles to overcome the grief coming from losing him at that moment. She sends a letter to Itski Fujii because of romantic reason. Surprisingly, she receives an answer from him. Hiroko knows the address does not exist any longer after it was demolished for a highway construction.

Another female, Itsuki Fujii is a Hiroko's ex-schoolmate who shared the school days with him. Coincidentally she has the same name Itsuki Fujii and she tells many stories about male Itsuki's school life when they were young. Corresponding with letters for that time between them, Hiroko looks back on Itsukii's past and feels slightly jealous about female Itsukii. Moreover, female Itsukii finds another truth that she didn't know about the past. It seems like they are in a love triangle beyond time.

Miho Nakayama plays roles of two women-Hiroko and female Itski -at the same time. Her acting is impressive, especially her crying monologue is very famous. The story is sad but she does not play her role with grief all the time. She acts with the sad feeling in moderation. With her beautiful voice, her acting sparkles pure and elegant.

The director made this film with special camera effects. Some parts of this movie don't have the clear scene and instead he used the foggy, dreamlike scene intentionally. I think he wants to express his feeling with great delicacy, not directly.

Considering only this story, it may look boring but it isn't boring at all while I watch this movie. It is filled with enormous mountain views and poetic music. The background piano music is very popular among people.

In this film, the actors don't say many words but we can feel more than their lines because the dialogue is full of suggestions.The images from this movie still linger in my mind.
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Empty envelope
politic198314 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Shunji Iwai first entered my consciousness (and confused it) with 2001's "All About Lily Chou-Chou". By no means an easy film to figure out. My subsequent dips into his work have left me struggling to figure out whether I like him or not. His feature debut, 1995's "Love Letter", is a film I first watched when unwell ("clinically fed-up"), and it didn't help me in feeling any better. In many ways, it helped me feel more sick, but for some reason, I was compelled to watch more of it.

Hiroko (Miho Nakayama) attends the memorial of her deceased fiancé, Itsuki Fujii, in present day Kobe. Visiting his mother's home, she looks through his old school yearbook from when he grew up in Otaru, Hokkaido. For no reason whatsoever, she notes down their address from his school days in secret. She then decides to write a letter to said Itsuki Fujii at said Otaru address.

She gets a reply.

Itsuki Fujii (Miho Nakayama) (hang on, we've heard that name - and the actress' - before!) is a librarian working in Otaru who receives a mysterious letter from Kobe from someone called Hiroko. On a whim, she responds. She too gets a reply. And thus, back-and-forth correspondence between the two women begins.

As the letters develop, we learn that Ituski (female) was a class mate of Itsuki (male), with their shared name causing much amusement to their classmates, but causing both to be a little miffed by their peers. Despite now being engaged to one of Itsuki (male)'s friends, Hiroko still can't let her first love go, and wants to learn as much as possible about her fiancé's younger self. Itsuki (female) obliges; the bringing back of forgotten memories gives her a spring in her step.

The two leads, enjoying their banter, gradually have to face some home truths. Hiroko's new fiancé, Akiba, need her to let Ituski (male) go if they are to marry. Perpetually ill Itsuki (female) has a cough throughout, paralleling her father who died from a cough left to simmer. Choosing to put their touching reminisce to bed, the pair begin to get on with their lives.

Now, for all that is good with this film, I feel that it is quickly countered by a great annoyance. In fact, watching a second time when not ill, I again was often annoyed by this film.

Annoyance Number 1: The premise is a little bit cheese, isn't it?! Hiroko states that her writing the initial letter was as a way of confirming that her love was gone - a "letter to Heaven." This is fine, but the fact that, while the name is correct, the address supposedly no longer exists. The initial letter reaching the unintended recipient is a bit farfetched. I know you're supposed to allow for artistic license, but this simply annoys me and leads me to question the credibility of everything in the film, particularly Akiba's glass-blowing techniques.

Charm Number 1: The opening shot sees Hiroko lying in the snow (for some reason, no real reason probably; another annoyance). We then pan to her walking down towards the memorial. This is a very nice shot, complemented by the soundtrack by Remedios. Perhaps a nod to his pre-career in music video, Iwai certainly knows how to add music to visuals, and, as in his other films, the cinematography is fine, creating enough whimsy to leave you wanting more.

Annoyance Number 2: This music video expertise, however, creates a whole lot of style over substance; which is essentially the purpose of music video. While there are some great shots on display here, from Noboru Shinoda, they feel there simply because they look nice. As discovered in his other films, Iwai tries to pack his films with mystery and unusual artistry, but essentially it all feels a bit naff. His films, by-and-large, are art for the sake of it. There is a lack of real meaning behind it all. Watching his films, you will not learn much about the human condition, but a lot about what mainstream media wants you to enjoy.

Charm Number 2: on that mainstream point, this is certainly a well put together film, ticking the right boxes in pacing and ticking the right boxes in tugging on the ol' heart strings of remembering days gone by. This is the exact sort of film which will lead people to say "I watch too many movies", in that it is, for a novice, the sort of film that sits perfectly alongside anything Hollywood can throw its way. This is good movie making and Iwai certainly knows what he's doing, with all the gloss and sheen the seemingly large budget offers. However, if you want some more depth, this is perhaps not the place.

Annoyance Number 3: This is sick. Just really sickly sweet. Iwai's TV movie past gives an overly sentimental feel throughout. We're taught when to emote with the soundtrack timed perfectly, and the Nakayama voiceovers of the letters are delivered in a voice that just demands you to get all gooey about things. As with much TV drama, you are not required to think too much, simply feel, and your feelings are conducted by Iwai. This approach simply annoys the likes of me, who feel they are superior to the likes of you.

I could probably endlessly list the elements of "Love Letter" which annoy me, but it has - I'm not sure what the French call it, but - a certain je ne sais quoi about it. It's like a catchy pop song which you know you can't stand, but still hum. It's silly, but easily flows through you and touches you in a way you know is inappropriate.

"All About Lily Chou-Chou" is a film that leaves you asking a lot of questions. It contains a lot of elements which are unexplained, largely because it doesn't do a huge amount to explain them. But it leaves its mark. Other works by Iwai, namely "Undo", "Picnic" and "Swallowtail Butterfly", however, are in parts daft, over-stylised and try too hard to be art; the results quite messy.

"Love Letter" is far from messy, but it's too perfect at the same time. It's good for being the ultimate popcorn-movie-fodder-switch-off. But, if you would prefer your brain didn't turn to mush (probably a massive exaggeration), I probably wouldn't recommend it. This letter has you turning the page, but mainly because you're asking "Where is the love?"
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Japanese minimalism and eccentricity
uunokailas30 October 2006
Okay, at first view I had to admit the dialogue and the the intercourse between the people seemed rather incongruous and false, somehow very strange in terms of social relations and interrelations, but, the second time, man it's it just might be Japanese mental setting that differs from the usual Hollywood stuff, still, the Idea, I mean, I'm a Poet and appreciate this kind of playing, that s what I thought, but man, its everything but, its, just so true, and think about it sending a letter to a dead sweetheart, its sentimental but also very true in the poetic sense of the word, and the dualism, the way the persons intertwine, all this is very unwestern and refreshing, since this movie was the directors breakthrough in the west.

And well, in the summer of 2005 I didn't understand this movie, tried to analyze it as I watched, but then at the end when the music started I cried, all thru the credits, it was purifying, a very true experience a very true movie, very touching, very poetic, and VERY Japanese.

The best movie I've seen.
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Remembrance of things past
Atavisten9 April 2007
A tragic, but touching tale unfolds through the remembrance of the two leads about the passed away fiancée of one of them. Miho Nakayama is wonderful in the double role. I must admit I got a little bit confused by who's who though. For those who haven't seen it, Fuji Itsuki is the one with a cold that lives in a house in Otaru, Hokkaido.

I know the idea of romantic movies is to live in on the fantasy, but a little too much silly dialog takes that away for me. Then again, I never was much for this particular romantic style of movie, as Wong Kar-Wai's 'In the Mood for Love' is much more up my ally. I may read a bit harsh with regards to Shunji Iwai compared to the other reviews I've seen, frankly it's quite an enjoyable movie, but the thing is he's just no Proust.
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Nothing but a cartoon
hideone21 July 2000
This movie is a kind of movie that the critic hates but women with a horse dream will love it. Story is so unrealistic, so I thought Japanese cartoon is much better than this. Are the main characters twin? How the heck in the world does it possible to have exact same faced two women?

Childish stuff...but editing was very good...
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Beautifully crafted, haunting movie. Iwai is a master of his art!
simon_booth17 April 2002
I'm still trying to decide whether SWALLOWTAIL BUTTERFLY is the greatest movie ever made or not. If it were the greatest movie of all time, you'd think it would be a bit better known surely? But I really can't think of any movie I've ever seen that was better. This is obviously something of a difficult position for Shunji Iwai to find himself in, in relation to me. If the first movie of his that I saw was the greatest movie ever, then surely no matter what efforts he goes to he's never really going to impress me again.

Knowing that SWALLOWTAIL BUTTERFLY is very different to the rest of his filmography, in terms of themes and sheer scale of the production, I was quite apprehensive about paddling deeper into Shunji Iwai waters. The rest of his movies don't/didn't really sound like "my sort of thing".

LOVE LETTER is based on a strange premise of unlikely coincidence. Two years after his death, Itsuki Fujii's fiance Hiroko (Miho Nakayama) is still having a hard time moving on with her life. When she comes across his old address in his high school yearbook, Fujii's mother tells her that the house was demolished for a highway years ago. Hiroko hence figures that it is safe to send a letter there, seeking closure.

"Itsuki Fujii, O' Genki desu ka?", she writes. "Genki Desu, Hiroko Watanabe".

("How are you, I am well")

Not the most heartfelt expression of mourning, it must be said. Still it makes her feel better... but when she receives a reply to the letter she is a little confused.

"Mostly well... but I have a cold now. Itsuki Fujii"

Is it a letter from heaven? She would like to believe it is. The viewer, however, knows that the reply is actually from a different Itsuki Fujii - a woman (Miho Nakayama) who lives in the same town where Hiroko's fiance grew up. Once the confusion is eventually cleared up, Hiroko and Itsuki begin to write to each other as pen-pals. It turns out that Itsuki Fujii (female) was in the same class as Itsuki Fujii (male), so she tells Hiroko stories and memories from her youth.

The attentive amongst you may have noticed that Miho Nakayama is credited twice above. No, it's not an even more unlikely same-name co-incidence. The same actress plays both Hiroko and Itsuki... I suppose it worked out cheaper that way. The movie is hence hinged heavily upon her performance(s), as most of the 115 minutes is filled with her either writing or reading letters to/from herself.

Thankfully, she is absolutely fantastic in both roles. I think I would have cast her as all the other characters too if I were directing. Thankfully, Shunji Iwai is more sensible than me and kept it to a more manageable 2 parts.

A movie about 2 people writing letters to each other sounds kind of boring, right? The movie is filled with such gorgeous music and imagery that it never gets at all boring though, and Miho Nakayama has such a beautiful voice (and face for that matter) that I could happily listen to her talk for a very long time.

It's not all letter writing though - we also get invited in to see all the little details of both women's lives, and through flashbacks we see quite a bit of the two Itsukis' youth as well (the young actor & actress playing these roles are also very good).

You probably gathered by now that I enjoyed the movie... a lot in fact. It is an absolutely beautifully crafted piece of cinema in every aspect, and utterly fascinating and beautiful to watch. It's a slow movie... at nearly 2 hours it could maybe have benefited from the tiniest bit of editing perhaps... but an incredibly powerful one. I have to admit that it left me in tears when it finished, and I doubt if there are a dozen other movies that have ever had that effect on me.

There is no doubt in my mind that Shunji Iwai is a god of modern cinema. His movies are so well crafted it's almost like he's ripping his talent out of his body and shoving it right up in your face... but not quite so disturbing as that would be. Kurosawa, Kubrick, Iwai... not sounding incongrous to me at the moment. All demonstrate a transcendent understanding of film as a medium, and make almost every other film maker out there look like an amateur!
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A Stunner
roysmith23 October 2001
This is one of the most deeply romantic films I have ever seen, and it does not even contain a kiss, that I recall. I do not go out of my way to see love stories, but this one really snuck up on me. I saw it at the Cleveland Film Festival earlier this year, and then only because it was one of a handful that were chosen to be shown again representing the best shown in the previous quarter century for their 25th anniversary. I definitely found out why when half the theater is cried their eyes out. I even shed a tear or two, and I have NEVER cried at a movie before, at least as an adult. Simply amazing, and a crime that it is not on video.
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the best part of this movie is you'd fell in-love in the end.
dorkanddragon17 April 2006
i've seen this film more than once.

and i would watch it again and again.

one of Iwai's greatest work. aside from UNDO. [ or was is UNDO? ].

you'd have to watch it well to realize it. each part is important each part is an additional twist to a twist.

i'd really love to tell the story here. but i just say i'd recommend that you watch it. it was really beautiful. i love the ending, where those high school kids unraveling the very secret to the story. it was well in place, you'd wish for more... i guarantee. you'd be irritated 'coz you'd just wish for more about this story...

it was a very good film and i would recommend everyone to watch it.
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This is an excellent choice if you love a dramatically beautiful storyline.
litchi_chan27 June 2005
This is one of the best movies that I've ever seen!! In the beginning the story moves a bit slowly and the two characters that Nakayama plays confused me a bit, but it really started to pick up my interest when the "high school days" part started. From there begins an emotional ride of reminiscence and camaraderie. It was truly beautiful...

When the most famous scene of the movie played (we all know what that one is ^^), I was in tears!! The ending, the climax, was also tear-jerking in a much more subtle way. Maybe I just love crying during dramatic movies... But if you're like me in that way, then you will LOVE this movie.

-Note: It's not available in the US; I picked it up in Thailand on VCD. The weird thing is that I only chose the title because of the cover, and it turned out to be one of my favorite movies!!-
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I love movies like that!
apartamento4216 February 2001
HI! Today I watched "Love Letter" in my language school. I'm not going to say: "the edition is bad, the photography good, bla, bla, bla. I just want to tell you I love that kind of movies when you are all the time waiting to know what really happened, the director really reached to keep the spectator on their chair... wow!!! congratulation Shunji Iyai!
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A Sweet Story that leaves you wanting for more
saurbhsnha12 March 2021
Go ahead, watch this movie. To know what was world like before cell phones took over. These kind of films appeal to a certain niche of audience. That type of audience is growing thin. There is nothing loud about this film. Everything in this film from story, setup, music, dialogues, screenplay is one dimensional. Don't mistake me, movie is really good. It's another of those stories that are trademark of japanese sweet romantic dramas. It doesn't give you any philosophy or doesn't carry any underlying meaning. It is just pure emotions. Both girls are clueless about the mysterious guy they knew. I mean one of them was even married to him, and the other girl went three years to school with him and yet none knew who he was, what drove that person, why he was so silent, why he could never say what was on his mind and even the audience will not learn anything about the guy even after the completion of movie. Such writing, where there nothing in particular happens yet so much happens. Basically this whole movie is one type of emotion......longing.
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my all-time favourite~
waiter20 January 2001
There's no hard crying, no shouting into the sky, but the shock took place deep in my heart.

Give credit to the director, great story-telling technique. Actually, he expressed this film in a "light and plain" way, just like the flow of water, but sooner or later you'll feel the powerful waterfall.

I am not a Japanese, but in my view, this film is one of the best romance movies ever made. And it's one of my all-time favourites, too~

(Hey, if you don't know Japanese, I suggest you to follow the subtitle carefully, otherwise you won't understand what has happened.)

10 out of 10 :)
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This is a great and painful story
alpaca2523 September 2014
This movie draws the main character's mind delicately.The flashback of the love between Hiroko and his fiancé Itsuki is very beautiful.The choice of sound track is also great. The story is of course interesting. The exchanging letters between Hiroko and her Fiancé Itsuki's classmate Itsuki she has exactly same name with her fiancé is interesting.This movie draws Hiroko's jealousy well.This movie tells me that how good the letter is. Now we almost use e-mail, we hardly write letters.When I watched this movie, I wanted to write a letter.This movie is really delicate, beautiful and great love story I think.I want to see this movie again someday.
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Cinema Omnivore - Love Letter (1995) 7.7/10
lasttimeisaw25 May 2021
"Playing the dual roles of Hiroko and the female Itsuki, pop singer Nakayama nicely incorporates temperamental shadings into her characters without resorting to an exterior makeover. Hiroko and Itsuki are dead ringers, which is the fulcrum of the entire story, obliviously Hiroko becomes a substitute of Itsuki, she and the male Itsuki is not struck by a coup de foudre, at least not for him, it is this discovery that ultimately sets her free, so she can reciprocate the affection from Akiba Shigeru (Toyokawa), the man who wants to take care of her for the rest of their lives. Toyokawa is all charm, levity and alacrity, his Akiba is a perfect foil to bolster Nakayama's ethereal Hiroko."

read my full review on my blog: cinema omnivore, thanks.
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Slightly better than a TV drama
Hez127 May 2023
I watched this movie because I wanted to check out Shunji Iwai, and this was his most rated movie on the site. Not what I was expecting, this film is very commercial, only . Actors are overly made-up, sets are twee. Everyone is supposed to be a mountain climber but there's not one shot of climbing. The plot starts off with a potentially interesting mistaken identity device but its irrelevant to the emotional thrust of the film - which is driven by forced drama and dead loved one exploitation. I get the sense that the lead actress was more of a celebrity than a serious actress. She plays two roles, and strangely I found that she was better in one of them than the other.
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A warm drama with a cool twist-in-the-end.
papahan8 December 2000
This is definitely the best drama I have ever seen in my life. I must admit that i am not a big drama fan but this film just blew me away. It is more than a is very, very romantic without being sappy and it also has a small mystery subplot which is very, very intriguing.

The film starts out very slowly, leisurely in a snail pace but give it time. By the end of teh first act, you'll be hooked till the subtle twist-in-the-end (more on that later).

The film reminds me alot of The Double Life Of Veronique as it uses the same concept of having the two protagonists being played by the same actress. I've watched both and though Veronique is a masterpiece, this film is a few notches above.

Now the ending of the film is at once touching, intriguing, disturbing and very hard to accept. Some people might have seen it coming early into the film but it caught me off guard. It is not like "Teh Sixth Sense" or "The Usual Suspects" kind of twist ending but it runs along the lines, i can't think of any other film which has this kind of ending. I won't spoil it for you but it involves the two leads and the one "thing" they have in common. Ohh....its tempting to reveal the secret but i won't.

Check this film out. Everything is top notch - direction, script, cinematography, acting, editing and the musical score. Definitely the number one Japanese movie in my favourite film list. I love'll love it too.
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