Skyscraper (Video 1996) Poster

(1996 Video)

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Die Hard meets Barb Wire
Henrik-1711 July 1999
Imagine that you put Barb Wire in a skyscraper, after the Die Hard model, add incredibly stupid dialog, and some free swinging 48" (or however big Anna Nicole Smith's mammaries are) appendages. Then you have more or less this movie.

If you are a man, the only thing that will hold your attention are the scenes where Anna Nicole Smith shows off her transplants.

You might want to watch the film if you are masochistic or have nothing better to do (like watching paint dry?).

The plot is: Tall high rise is taken over by terrorists, this building have a brand new state of the art electronic security system, that allows you to monitor and control the building from 1 central location.

The bad guys claim to be a international terrorist group in order to avoid detection of their real motive. However there is a fly in the ointment in that there are - in this case - two good guys loose in the building trying to spoke their plans.

The action consists of crawling through air vents, setting fires in order to call the fire department, picking off the terrorists one by one, ending in a fight where the leader gets thrown off the roof, to crash to his death 86 floors below. Other terrorists are also thrown out the windows to land on police cars......

Sound familiar ??????

The primary good guy is Anna Nicole Smith, proudly showing off her mammary development (transplant???) at various times, probably to keep the attention of the the few guys watching the movie.

Please do yourself a favor - don't see this movie if you have any choice.
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From the looks of the cover of this movie, it is not at all surprising how terrible it was.
Anonymous_Maxine9 September 2000
You have a cleavage-filled picture of Anna Nicole Smith wearing inch-long red nails and holding a gun. What do you expect? Skyscraper is a pathetic attempt to turn Playboy model Anna Nicole Smith into some sort of action hero in the tradition of the historic Die Hard, and the end result is ridiculous. Take Die Hard, reduce the budget by about 97%, replace the director with someone who hails Andy Sidaris films as the greatest things in the world, and switch Bruce Willis for a big-breasted blonde with no acting ability whatsoever. If you do all that, you get Skyscraper. What a joke.

This is not an action movie, it is a vehicle to further Smith's career, although with such a piece of garbage I can't imagine that her career was furthered rather than hindered. It was so funny watching her complain to her husband in the movie about wanting to have a baby. The sets were pretty funny, too. Remember the control panel in the building that the bad guys were communicating with the police on? That's why the budget from Die Hard could be cut by 97%. Cardboard and spray paint are not expensive, and I can't imagine that the film's producers actually paid these people for such pathetic acting. Skyscraper is a waste of everything that was put into it. Needless to say, it would be best not to waste your time on such crap.
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90s Cult
caleb_dc24 June 2020
Skyscraper is by no means a good film, it is truly a terrible action/thriller but let's be honest Anna Nicole Smith is what makes this movie entertaining as it is.
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Scraping the bottom
claudemercure22 April 2005
Skyscraper is Die Hard with Anna Nicole Smith in the Bruce Willis role. In an effort to differentiate the two movies, they made her a helicopter pilot. Normally this would make the plot highly unbelievable (she takes on a gang of terrorists). But by the time the plot kicks in, you will already have given up on any hope that this is anything more than soft core porn.

The sad thing is, Anna Nicole's acting skills aren't even up to that level. Actually, they don't exist. She reads every line in exactly the same monotone, whether whining to her husband that she wants a baby or pleading with the terrorists not to shoot a hostage. On the plus side, there is lots of nudity that gives new meaning to the word 'gratuitous'. Early on Anna Nicole gets home from a hard day's work and relaxes with a slow-motion shower. She seems to really enjoy it, giving special attention to her big-as-your-head breasts. Actually, that's the high point of her performance. But I don't think even Meryl Streep could have done much with this material.

You've got your multi-ethnic team of what another reviewer called "Chippendales terrorists", each one a stereotype of some kind (my favourite was the French one, who would sprinkle his dialogue with exotic French words like "mes amis"). You've got your "brilliant" terrorist leader whose brilliance is supposed to be conveyed by his pretentious habit of meaninglessly quoting Shakespeare and by his lofty world-accent line delivery. I could go on about the brain-dead comic relief, the cheesy take-over-the-world plot, and dialogue that's beyond wooden - it's more like petrified wood - but I don't want to ruin the experience for you. That's right - I think you should see this film. I haven't laughed this hard since Showgirls.
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Die Hard for people who don't like acting
C_Stink3 August 1999
I found it truly distressing to watch this film. Plot wise, it was basically a rip off of Die Hard (i.e. group of 'terrorists' take over hi-tec building and are foiled by an individual) and appeared to exist only as a vehicle for Anna Nicole Smith's breasts.

The European 'terrorist' contingent looked like a bunch of failed male models - musclebound freaks with girly hair. The dialogue appeared to be a rather poorly realised afterthought and Ms. Smith's acting was painful to watch. Her facial expressions and whining voice were several steps down from Roger Moore's school of 'eyebrow-response' acting. Even in the attempted rape scene there was no dramatic tension, leaving the viewer with an almost schizophrenic sense of detachment. All in all a complete waste of time. Nice jugs though.
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Unless you are wanting to see Anna Nicole Smith Naked, Stay Away
drow19 October 1999
The Subject explains my point, and is the reason I caught a >look at it. She can't act, and the plot is equally as stale. It could do the trick for ya if you are wanting something pathetic for your next frat party, but even then it stands to be even to weak for that!
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So amateurish.
TOMNEL24 August 2006
This is but another really bad rip off of "Die Hard". This one might be the lowest of them though. Our star is Anna Nicole Smith playing an action heroine, in one of the worst performances on screen. Every one of her lines sounds like she's shouting, it's so pathetic. There's no tension whatsoever in this, one reason being the suspenseful music is played on a synthesizer and sounds truly awful. Nothing about this is good, including the sex scene. Randomly Anna Nicole Smith has a flashback sex scene on what appears to be a farm where her huge freakish breasts hang out. Not my cup of tea, but it might be so bad it's amusing.

My rating: 1/2 out of ****. R for sex and violence.
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butt-head said it best: "uhhhhh...this sucks!"
D MIKE V26 January 1999
At first glance, you might think this movie would be pretty cool to watch, it's not, in fact it is pretty damned awful, I can't believe that I paid $3.95 to see it on a certain satellite network (I won't name names, but it's one of the PRIME satellite networks, & it uses a STAR for a logo). If you ever see this movie in your local TV listings, skip it with a vengeance & find something else cool to watch.
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Worse than Commando
gcma23 November 2005
I laughed, I laughed. Skyscraper is without doubt, the lamest movie I have ever seen. It was on one of my movie channels last night and I had to watch the whole thing to ensure it was indeed worthy of knocking Commando from the perch as the worst movie ever. Ana Nicole Smith, while topless in 2 scenes, basically read her lines (which may have been quite an accomplishment for her) with the emotional range of a dead squirrel. Setting aside Ana, the farcical gun play and other "acting" is simply terrible. Oh yea, and the story is a total plagiary of Die Hard. Worse movie ever. Worse movie ever. Worse movie ever. For a good laugh, enjoy.
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Things I know about this movie.
js1artglam14 June 2006
1) To be in the cast, you had to have an asymmetrical face.

2) The computer props were originally used in "Desk Set."

3) When the crotch in the guy's jeans split wide open, it was barely noticeable. Really.

4) Anna Nichole's son had no idea he was being used as an homage to "The Shining".

5) Nobody else involved knew that either.

6) International Male sales exploded when this movie was released.

7) Somebody LOVED high school French class.

FYI - Comcast info gave this movie 2 stars. I would love to find out what exactly warranted that extra star. And if anybody has any information on the behind the scenes story of this meisterwerke, please let me know.
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Anna Nicole Smith as John McClane?
filmnut16 March 2011
Imagine Die Hard (1988) starring full-figured Texan centrefold Anna Nicole Smith instead of Bruce Willis but filmed on a fraction of the budget. It's a concept that captures the imagination, but is it worth seeing?

The second collaboration between Smith and director Raymond Martino, following To The Limit (1995), a thriller co-starring Joey Travolta (brother of John), Skyscraper is one of a string of bland but bombastic action movies produced in Los Angeles by the now defunct PM Entertainment.

Smith plays Carrie, a pilot for private helicopter travel operator Heliscort, used by businessmen to get through the city from one meeting to another in the quickest way possible. Our first glimpse of Smith comes during the opening aeriel sequence in which we see her inappropriately long red nails as she guides the helicopter.

There is then a brief interlude for a little exposition in which we learn a) her husband is a cop, and b) she wants a child and he does not. Obviously, both these attempts at characterisation come into play as the narrative unfolds.

Carrie is unwittingly involved in a villain's activities, transporting him from one death scene to another, just as Jamie Foxx would do later in Collateral (2004). Her husband is, coincidentally, investigating the deaths and when his partner is killed it becomes personal.

When she becomes aware of her unwitting role in the day's events, Carrie fights back. Doing all she can to keep a valuable briefcase out of the villain's hands, protect a small child and rescue the hostages.

Following in the footprints of soft porn action filmmakers such as Andy Sidaris, Skyscraper is a more competent action film than one might expect. Against the odds, this is a production of some quality. A satisfying action film that just happens to have a sexploitation gimmick as its unique selling point.

An early shower scene becomes a typical softcore scene and another sex scene follows later. When the action plot is in full swing, Smith pauses to reflect on better days and a ludicrous exploitation of the flashback device. As the situation becomes more serious, Smith loses some of her clothing in an attempted rape scene that sat uncomfortably with the light tone of the film. Aside from all this PM's action formula is pretty much the same as in films starring the likes of Sam Jones, Gary Daniels and Jeff Wincott etc.

Smith handles the action material as well as can be expected. She has a brief gun-fight and gives the villain a pounding with a couple of slight martial arts moves. Her character is not an elitely trained soldier or a cop, as in most films of this type so we don't expect a great deal from her.

As this is a rehash of Die Hard it seems only appropriate that she get to do a take on Bruce Willis' famous fire-hose-jump sequence; her character swings around for a few minutes before busting through the window.

This minimal amount of Smith-led action is simply not enough for a PM audience to be satisfied, so we have the actions of the villains, as well as the cop husband, to fill out the standard PM action quotient. There is a small amount of martial arts – including a detachable sequence involving two bit players, of the kind you would only get in a B-movie.

One of PM's trademarks is the rocket launcher, and so these are used a half dozen times, another is the man-falling-from-building stunt. There are three of these. With a couple of man-on-fire sequences round out the mix.

There's plenty here to keep genre fans amused.
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It Burns! It Burns!!
Scott_Mercer6 January 2006
If you turn the number sideways, you'll see why I gave this movie an 8. Check the gratuitous shower scene about 10 minutes into the movie if you don't get me.

Friends, this movie is HOWLINGLY BAD. You'll laugh until tears flow from your eyes, not believing the sights and sounds assaulting your being from the screen. From Anna's non-existent acting, to the bad scenery-chewing performance of the actor playing the lead terrorist (just what country is he supposed to be from, Badaccentia?), this is prime Badfilm. There are a ton of explosions on offer, which are nicely photographed, but are so (I'll risk using the word again) gratuitous that the plot (most obvious Die Hard rip-off ever) can't be taken seriously for more than a nanosecond.

Everything about this film screams: "Don't take me seriously!"

On that level, the discriminating fan of bad action films will enjoy this heartily. Anyone familiar with the work of Andy Sidaris will be in familiar territory here.

I feel that this movie is best enjoyed under the influence of several adult beverages. I would suggest a double feature for a night of viewing, this film and David Heavener's KILL CRAZY(see my review of that film as well). Now that's some red-blooded American entertainment. Lots of stuff gets blowed up real good! Get the pony keg and the nachos, dude!
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Die Hard rip off with some porn
ComedyFan201029 April 2015
I am actually a fan of bad low budget movies as they can bring some special entertainment than not well made movie ever can. This is one of those movies, and so I rate it accordingly to the C (or D? )movie genre.

It takes the big hit of that time, Die Hard, and makes a hilarious, action filled version of it. It is here to please both men and women. Men will appreciate the view of some humongous boobs and women get a main action hero to be female and a bunch of male terrorists who look like they could be pron stars themselves only not too much gets revealed, we just enjoy watching them running in their leather pants and tank tops revealing their muscles.

The soft core pornography scenes are both erotic and funny. The first one with the shower was pretty good, the other one which is Carrie's daydreaming about banging her husband is extremely hilarious. I mean, when one is trapped with terrorists in a skyscraper what can be a better thing to do than dreaming about banging your husband in some hay, right?.

Anna Nicole Smith was a beautiful woman. But in this one she looks kind of weird. I mean what is it that she kept on doing with her mouth? Was it just a bit dysfunctional after some plastic operation or was it her special acting technique? I have no idea, I just wished she would stop.

Acting in this movie was not of very high class. I am not even talking about Anna Nicole Smith who was the worst. Her "emotions" or better yet the total lack of them was hilarious. The rest of the cast is you see was with few exceptions not even really active in acting. Most of them have only a few credits on their IMDb lists. So this movie's acting looked very amateurish, which by the way didn't bother me too much. It looked like a bunch of people had some hell of a fun while doing it. And it seems they were not really trying to go for better acting, maybe they even tried to make it worse. Nobody was trying to hide that Anna Nicole was obviously reading most of her lines without giving them much thought, it seems if she wanted to at least act a bit, she would. I have watched actual porn where actors acted better between sex scenes. This seems like it was for our entertainment.

The plot has so many holes and unexplainable things to it that I won't even bother. The dialogue is hilarious, because of how badly it is written.

What they did well with, I must say were the action scenes, if we take into the account it being a low budget film. No I am not talking about the funny looking fighting scene when Anna Nicole does some weird sort of kung fu or whatever it is, or when the stud terrorists run shooting from their guns holding them in a way that makes it impossible. But the scene with the truck and explosions is wonderful. I must say they also add a lot of excitement to the movie.

So I rate the movie above average but not much further because it made its job to give me great entertainment as a bad movie, but yet I have seen so many others that were even more crazy and ridiculous that this one will not be sticking in my memory so much.
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While we do have to wait a while for it, we do get some Anna Nicole-Fu.
tarbosh2200022 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
In the pantheon of action stars that perhaps should not have become action stars, a few names come to mind. Judge Reinhold. Steve Guttenberg. Jay Leno. Steven Seagal. Now we can proudly add to that storied list Anna Nicole Smith, who was the obvious choice to stand in for Bruce Willis in a classic 90's Die Hard knockoff (or "DieHardInA" movie - see our review for Sudden Death to see a comprehensive list). Of course, usually a DieHardInA movie takes the Die Hard template and moves it to a certain location, like a water treatment plant or a hockey game. Here, it's Die Hard in a...building. How they ever got the idea to put this plot line in a skyscraper, we'll never be able to figure out. But that's the issue: this is really just standard fare, with only the novelty of the Anna Nicole stunt casting to set it apart. So it really doesn't matter that the action was moved from a skyscraper to a skyscraper (as if we, as viewers, were having trouble understanding that, they felt the need to call the movie Skyscraper). It wasn't the location that needed to be changed, it's the star. Instead of a water treatment plant, they got Anna Nicole.

Anyone who is familiar with PM will recognize their hallmarks here: well-done blow-ups, plenty of gun-shooting, rocket launchers (this time with "rocket vision"), an exploding helicopter, and a familiar cast and crew of regulars such as Raymond Martino and fan-favorite Malibu (AKA Deron McBee). McBee looks so feminine here, when he fights Anna Nicole, it's kind of hard to tell who's who. Perhaps that's why they made his long, flowing mane brown instead of its usual blonde, as one of the sole means of differentiation. He and his other main terrorist partner certainly dress for success: rather than wearing fatigues or something like that, they wear leather pants and man-blouses.

Seagal and Anna Nicole do have many things in common: they both struggle with their acting, they both struggle with their action scenes, and they're both pleasantly plump. If they ever had a baby, the results might be along the lines of Beverly Hills Ninja. But without the talent of Chris Farley. To be fair, though, these were the pre-Trimspa days. While we do have to wait a while for it, we do get some Anna Nicole-Fu. Before that, we get some Skinemax-style nudity/sex scenes (mentally take yourself back to 1996. If you rented Skyscraper and the nudity factor wasn't there, you would feel wicked cheated. However, "look not through a knothole, lest ye be vexed" as what nudity there is is more freakish/odd than hot), and plenty of inane dialogue such as "I got a bad feeling about this!" - though, to be fair once again, someone does say the time-honored classic "We got company!", which we always notice.

So while it was the 90's - the era of pagers - computer graphics in the movie really do resemble Pong. We know it was low-budget, but come on. We think the Zitex Corporation (is this where they create zits?) can probably do better. But the bottom line is, we all know why we're here. For the freakish novelty of Anna Nicole Smith in a PM action movie. If that's something you think you can handle, by all means, take a ride on Heliscort (who comes up with these names?) and have some fun with the so-bad-it's-goodness.
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Twin towers....
Mister-612 August 1999
Okay, that should take care of all the dumb breast jokes, shall we move on?

Anna Nicole Smith...action star?


Anna Nicole Smith...erotic star?


Anna Nicole Smith...comedian?


She can't act, she can barely remember her lines, she pouts, she whines...and she's supposed to be the next Bruce Willis? I think not. Take out the violence and this could be "The Naked Gun, Part 48DD: Double Trouble". ...okay, okay, that's the last dumb breast joke, I promise.

On the basis of this movie, Anna would be best off to just cut her losses and work as an understudy for Edy Williams (hey, she's got to retire sometime).

One star. Maybe two, I wouldn't want to be a boob.

Sorry, sorry....
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The right grade for this film...
gridoon1 May 2006 something around a "5 out of 10". If you take Anna Nicole Smith out, it is a decent action film, with nice explosions, respect-worthy stunts (people falling from great heights or being burned alive), and a few surprisingly solid martial arts fights with Branko Cikatik. And yet until today more than half of the 700-something people who have voted on "Skyscraper" gave it a "1" - obviously because of ANS (and quite a few people gave it a "10" - again, obviously because of ANS). Yes, her acting is on a high-school play level, and her grotesquely over-sized breasts are a matter of taste, but you can't say that she doesn't make an effort. But if you're thinking of getting this movie just to see her nude, don't - the two sex scenes run a total of 5 minutes in a 90-minute movie and feel like they were added in post-production (and in what might be an attempt to keep the ladies happy as well, the film includes a fair number of hunky males in it - seriously, these terrorists might have a more profitable career as fitness models). Overall, this is about on a par with ANS's other film, "To The Limit"; take that as you will. (**)
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I was humping my goat......
FlashCallahan8 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A helicopter charter soon turns deadly when the female pilot finds that she is on a building held by terrorists.

It is up to her and her husband to save the hostages........

More or less a remake of Die Hard, Skyscraper adds nothing more to the genre, than a couple of love scenes that are just thrown into the film, so the rationale of Anna Nicole Smith starring in it, can be justified

Her boyfriend is a cop, and he's first on the scene, then she gets involved, and it's your usual case of bad guys staring at computer screens, hunting down people who are running loose in the building, all the while looking like Fabio and his cousins.

The main bad guy spouts Shakespeare throughout the film, which obviously means that he is intelligent and has more panache than anyone else.

And that's your film.

Ninety minutes of watching Smith running around trying to save the day, and her boyfriend doing a very little bit of Kung-Fu. PLus, you get the added treat of bad guys shooting their guns for no good reason, and plenty of people standing an a small wall pretending to fall off the titular building.

It's a very boring affair, but somehow, I think this film was made for teenagers who like a little cheeky cheeky in their action movies.....
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Way back before she resembled Rossanne
movieman_kev22 September 2006
Back before she became a grotesque charactature of himself, Anna Nichole Smith was hot in a trailer park trash, heavily siliconed, slutty kind of way. Skyscraper was the second of two films that attempted to exploit that dubious quality to maximum potential. Sure there's a minuscule threadbare 'plot' involving terrorists. But that's just the flimsiest excuse to string together some SOFT soft-core scenes (whic are way to few ad far between) that lets Anna expose her two 'real' and only talents (yes the irony of using that word while talking of those tits is not lost on me) However if you watch this movie, I'm pretty sure you know what to expect: Horrible acting, awful fight scenes, lame humor, and Anna's breasts. And nothing I can say will likely dissuade you from seeing it. Just know that the film is pretty damn dire and the other movie of hers "To The Limit" is the 'superor' film (i use the term quite loosely of course)

My Grade: F

Where i saw it: Starz Edge
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She's no action star
Leofwine_draca31 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
SKYSCRAPER is the cheesiest, most laughable DIE HARD rip-off imaginable, and that comes from somebody who last week watched DEMOLITION HIGH, the Corey Haim-starring DIE HARD in a school movie. This one's set in a tower block taken over by terrorists, where the unlikely Anna Nicole Smith plays a helicopter pilot (!) who takes the fight to the bad guys, one at a time. Smith turns out to be a remarkably wooden actress who nevertheless strips down for no less than three sex scenes to show off her scarred, surgically-enhanced assets. The rest is a mish-mash of bad dialogue, worse acting, and silly stunt sequences copied from DIE HARD (including a rerun of the Bruce Willis/fire hose bit). The director is obsessed with people falling from the building. Some of the fight scenes are quite fun, as it turns out, but overall the quality of this one is very, very bad.
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Save your time...unless your kinda horny?
its-okay-to-stare29 November 2007
So i bought the movie for like 50 cents and only to watch it due to the curiosity of Anna Nicole's acting. I love her, simply because she is incredibly outrageous.

So instead of watching the COMPLETE movie, i skimmed through it and watching maybe a half hours worth, and those 30 minutes were basically Anna Nicole naked, *beep* her husband, or almost getting raped by someone.

I was rather disappointed that this movie was horrible, I've followed some rather infamous actresses doing their share of horrible B movies but they did what they needed to do and acted pretty damn well considering horrible scripts and direction, but i feel from the start of this movie, it was a failure. I expected her to "act", not act like she does in every day life. I feel like cheated, it seems more like a completely fake and bogus reality show than a movie.

and the fact that basically all the bad guys looked like ChippenDales Dancers and couldn't act for *beep* not that anyone could in the movie but oh well. This movie was basically eye candy, porn and cheap gun shooting and explosives.

I guess I'm just mad at the fact that they only put Anna in this movie due to her enormous boobs and the fact that she wouldn't mind being naked in EVERY single scene in the movie. And that it was 100% more of a softcore porn than and Action Movie.

I hope "To The Limit" and at least 10% interesting unlike this crap.
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Possibly the worst lead female acting performance i've seen
med_197815 October 2007
I am quite ashamed to say I have this on video along with Anna's other film "To The Limit" these were bought cheap in a bunch with other supposedly erotic thrillers.

This is a cheap Die hard Rip Off which is obvious from the first 15 minutes. Some of the action scenes near the beginning (though extremely over the top) were quite entertaining, after all a lot of the action in Con Air was very over the top too.

However once we see Anna Nicole attempting to discuss whether she should have a baby with her Cop boyfriend or negotiating with the terrorists it becomes very obvious that going into acting was an extremely bad idea. Anna actually almost makes Pamela Anderson seem a decent actress (that is how bad Anna Nicole is in this movie). The longer the film goes on the more you want it to end. The sex scenes and Shower scenes are reasonably sexy and did turn me on a little, but massive breasts (larger than your head) are not exactly my thing.

I did find the lead Terrorist (Charles Huber) quite amusing with his over the top delivery, wild eyed looks, and Shakespearean phrases. Anna Nicole did not however come across as a tough lady but rather whiny and irritating at times, the actor who played her boyfriend and was a Cop was a better actor but only on the level of a cheap TV actor.

My Advice only watch this if you are into very badly acted action films, or if Anna Nicole Smith is your type of dream girl.
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Knowing Is Half The Battle
refinedsugar26 April 2023
I had the good sense to avoid 'Skyscraper' back in its day even though I was a fan of DTV action & T&A flicks. Sat thru my fair share of both. I could tell this was going to be a mix on a very low level with the obvious selling point. Turns out I was right, but I learnt a few things watching it and maybe you will too.

This is a PM Entertainment Group flick. The sights, the sounds, the feel, the taste. It's all there in the opening action piece. Merhi & Pepin wisely decided to leave the directing reins to someone else. The moment we get the first real bit of dialogue from the female star ... oh boy.

A hostage situation in a highrise with a helicopter pilot (Smith) turned hero & a bunch of goons. Cheesy action, brain dead story I expected, but what to make of the late Anna Nicole Smith. I think this came during her downward spiral with substance abuse. Forgive me for forgetting the finer details. Forgive me for forgetting just how big her two physical assets were. Oh Lord!

'Skyscraper' is a 'Die Hard' clone and not a good one. Cheap in the ways you can guess, but it knows it's audience and aims to deliver. We have bullets, explosions and boobs all within the first 10 mins. In the end, I learned Shakespeare from the villain, the value of big breasts and I learned to trust my gut. Barely worth watching and only for one reason alone but you already knew that.
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A Beautiful and Thought-provoking film
natporthunter10 April 2007
This movie was one of the most profound movies ever! Anna was trained at Oxford and it is evident by her capabilities in her role.

She is an all natural woman who has to save the day from evil terrorists and at the same time pleasure her self in rather odd ways.

The anal rape scene was very artfully done and the use of natural light accentuated her beautiful body.

Anyway, the action was none stop (both the sex and the fighting)and I think that ever child, man, woman, animal and child should experience the breathtaking view from the top of the skyscraper.

RIP ANS! You fablous woman
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Classic 90s action movie
djjimmisgr16 January 2021
That movie was surprisingly fun and interesting. Ann was hot and deadly. If you like her the movie is a must watch
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