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Scarecrow-8816 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Jamie and Karen(Brad Armacost and Christina Noonan) are biking across Kentucky, deciding to camp exactly where the park ranger warns them not to. Karen is up for anything, Jamie himself is more cautious and attempts to talk her out of the notion of hiking deep into the backwoods. A playful couple, always kidding each other around(she often pokes fun at him because she's more of an adventurer, a tough gal who can better rough the elements than her softie squeeze), they run across a girl suffocating as her helpless father, shotgun in tow, looks on. Thankfully, Jamie is a doctor from Detroit.

After performing an emergency tracheotomy on his daughter, backwoods hick Eben(Dick Kreusser) invites Jamie(and Karen) for a little grub, a special thanks for saving Beth(Leslie Denise). Eben has a retarded son named William(Jack O'Hara) who drools at the mouth, likes to kill animals, and peep on Karen when she's swimming naked in the local watering hole..oh, he's just "misunderstood" is all.

Coon hunting, moonshine in mason jars, chicken heads, and a lil ditty the name of "Shake 'em Down" all should appeal to fans of "redneck cinema" as poor savage William is clearly aroused by Karen(he views her in various stages of undress)and is certain to make his move on her eventually as Eben informs Jamie of his boy's past behavior in regards to snapping the neck of his deceased wife. William is the perfect embodiment of a wilderness freak of nature, with no teeth, who hisses, screeches and gargles, in overalls, covered in filth, bad hygiene, the works. The finale erupts in chaos as William makes a nuisance of himself, nearly choking Karen over a necklace, shot by Jamie out of fear for her life. This causes Eben to suffer a heart attack, with William going berserk. The result being a fight for survival between Karen and William in the woods as night falls. Neat trap involving fish hooks, with shots to the face by a stone, and the effective use of a flare all add some potency to an otherwise snoozer except for the hicksploit elements certain to please fans of this sort of thing. Noonan is a very attractive woman and seemed fine showing her nude body at times when asked to. She holds her own against William who is essentially an animal disguised in human dress. The final scene is just too much, involving an accelerated behavioral change in Jamie for the worst, certain to earn more than it's share of laughs. If I'm honest, though, regarding the plot, not a lot happens until the end, and I think backwoods horror fans might be more than a bit disappointed.
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Don't go out to the woods today.
lost-in-limbo24 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Could've been better, but this off-the-beaten trek through the Kentucky wilderness wasn't all that bad. The odd thing about this ultra-cheap, b-grade fare was how it actually went about setting up the whole situation, as the horrific nature and possibilities waiting to break out don't really come to play until the hour mark when it turns in to a fairly routine backwoods survival story. But before that it's slow winding with its focus on a city couple (a doctor and his girlfriend) when they save a young girl from chocking, as her father (a perfect performance by Jack Kreusser) watched on. In gratitude the father invites them back for supper and to spend the night on his property, but unknowingly to them he keeps in his back-shed his geek son (an illustratively deranged Jack O'Hara) that likes to bite heads off chickens. Don't us all. Strangely this where an interesting rapport is created as the drama at hand follows the welcoming hospitality and communication between the father (who likes coon hunting and moonshine) and the young doctor. Their first encounter with the wacko son builds up a bit of tension and would show the fascination that draws him to the young lady (the very capable Christine Noonan). This progression of differing values comes to a loggerhead and the material does a good job in developing the characters. It might not be multi-facet and in depth, but does more than just scrape the surface. I hate to say it, though I was more captivated by the how the opening gradually folded out that when it came to breaking out the chaos, it felt a little lacking. However the tactical set-up of the climax is a nasty surprise, and the shock ending is a bit of a doozer.

Dean Crow directs with a resourceful touch for such a budget and enthusiasm, where he skips the blood and gore (which can be disappointing) in the favour for building up suspense. Yep that's true… suspense. He slowly milks it out. Sure it doesn't always come off, but I couldn't help but give credit for trying something a little different with the material. The backdrop is beautifully projected, even though it doesn't have any sort of impact, but when it came to the night sequences with the nightlife sounds it pitched up some atmospheric patches.
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Oh no!! Not Kentucky mountain hillbillies again!
Coventry14 September 2004
It's a shame that this lovely site doesn't feature a poster image of this 'Geek', a.k.a Backwoods. The VHS copy I rented showed a mad-raving freak, waving around a butcher's hatchet. It attracts horror lovers and, in all honesty, I have to admit that the cover motivated me to rent it without knowing anything about it. Big mistake, of course! Backwoods stands as one of the lousiest pieces of trash I ever beheld…and that does mean something! This film is a bloodless 80's slasher and that's about the worst idea possible. The makers clearly intended to bring tension and dept instead of blood and gore but they failed miserably. After an hour of viewing, you still haven't seen any of the cast-members dying (unless you think decapitated chickens are gruesome). What other reasons do you have for seeing a slasher besides teen-butchering??? The heart-breaking story about a lone Kentucky farmer and his deranged son? The thrilling adventures of a young couple camping? The only aspect worth mentioning is the eerie opening/end credits song. The slowly sung and chilling lyrics give you the wrong impression that you're about to watch a good film. Check out 'Deliverance', 'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre', 'Just before Dawn', 'The Hills have Eyes' or even Rick Roessler's 'Slaughterhouse' instead! Anything but this turkey!
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Deliverance Slasher Style
Michael_Elliott7 October 2017
Backwoods (1987)

** (out of 4)

By-the-numbers slasher has a couple from the city deciding to go to Kentucky for some camping. They're warned not to go down one path but of course they do and before long they meet an elder man. What the couple doesn't know is that the old man has a retarded and deranged son.

BACKWOODS is a film that I'm guessing went straight-to-video back in the day. There's no question that it didn't have too much money on its budget and if you're expecting a classy production then forget it. With that said, if you're a fan of slasher movies and need to see them all then I must admit that this here is much better than several of the slashers out there that had a bigger budget and better cast.

As it stands this here is a pretty routine movie. The two idiots don't listen to the warnings and before long they're dealing with a maniac redneck. The VHS cover bragged about this being as frightening as DELIVERANCE but of course that's certainly not true. This film wants to be like that masterpiece but also appeal to horror fans but the lack of any real gore and the lack of killings will keep it pretty much forgotten to most people.

The performances are pretty much what you'd expect but I did enjoy Dean Crow's direction. I thought he did a good job with the atmosphere and the setting was very good as well. BACKWOODS isn't a masterpiece, a good film or even a very memorable one but it's mildly entertaining for what it is.
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Geeks Are People Too
Steve_Nyland28 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I have to admit that this fascinatingly awful movie (the version we screened was the US release, BACKWOODS) was actually quite watchable, the most amusing aspect being that one of the peanut gallery here remarked that it was better than DELIVERANCE because it had four scenes female nudity instead of Ned Beatty getting punked. "What EVER, dude" was all I could manage as a reply.

THE PLOT: An annoying young urbanite cutesy yuppie liberal couple sets off for a biking/hiking tour of the Kentucky mountains (with their doctor's bag & some sort of game about telling people they are brother/sister, which is kind of kinky to say the least) and promptly wind up enjoying supper with a backwoods cracker who makes his own moonshine, carries a breech loader shotgun everywhere and thinks he's Tom Waits, growling out the movie's theme "song" with the same kind of gusto. Seems ole' Eben has had a spate of bad luck at his stereotypical cracker/hick/hillbilly chicken farm, losing his wife to tragedy, having his son suffer a developmentally disabling accident and his daughter breaking her neck, oops. The yuppies are too polite to tell the cracker to go punt off and hang around long enough for William the Geek to decide he likes the purdy lady's hair more than biting the heads off the mechanical chickens credited in the film's closing reel of talent names (there's a resume I'd like to read -- "Responsible for the mechanical chicken effects on Dean Crow's BACKWOODS, 1987").

William predictably runs amok, Eben conveniently dies, the annoying doctor boyfriend inexplicably disappears, there is a showdown of survival skills that our pretty heroine wins by default for just having seen a couple episodes of "MacGuyver" or "The Fishin' Musician", perhaps both, and the inconclusive twist ending (now how does the guy end up in the Geek Shack, again??) is just infuriating enough to make you forget that eighty nine minutes of pretty much nothing have just idled by, but gosh darnit it wasn't boring once you get down to brass tacks. There is indeed abundant female nudity (though star Ms. Noonan's film career begins and ends with this epic tale, too bad because she had some spunk to her & a non-traditional feminine beauty that is hard to deny when she's all naked like that), it's always fun + politically acceptable to laugh at stupid white redneck trash haha, and ole' Eben can spin a mighty interesting story when he's tossing back a mason jar of real Mountain Dew. All he needs is some guy with an accordion and he could go on tour with a Tom Waits revival band.

I guess that's the movie's big insight: The term "Mountain Dew" was originally hillbilly slang for moonshine before becoming the name for a disgusting soft drink I'll never be able to ingest again without thinking of this movie. Beyond that, a great line about how "Women in these parts warm the bed", and some hints as to how to make a death trap out of fishing hooks (plus bring some nice take-out when staying at a hillbilly chicken farm overnight) the movie doesn't seem to have had a real artistic need to have been made, raising the interesting question of what the point of it is :-) . We don't learn anything about the people involved and since William the Geek is a slavering sub-human rather than an evil villain ala the guys in DELIVERANCE the film comes down to a behavior study -- Here is how yuppies behave when on vacation, here is how hillbillies behave when the have company over for dinner, and here is how geeks behave when purdy ladies start getting undressed on the front lawn & going for ill-advised but fun to watch naked swims.

That the movie is well made and doesn't try to accomplish more than it's budget allowed is more impressive than anything depicted on screen; Here is a stupid exploitation film that knows it's place, nice and safely tucked away down in the gutter for anybody who wants a peek, the rest of us can just go about our lives without missing anything too novel. And that's what a Geek Show is once you think about it. How fitting!

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Too slow
acidburn-1012 January 2012
The plot = A young couple travel throughout the country on they're bikes in search of a camping adventure, After they venture into the part of the woods that people in the town are scared off they come across an odd family with an even odder son.

This is yet another in a long line of camping slashers that came out during the 1980's. Despite the theme of campers getting mixed up with an odd local family, it's actually somewhat different than what we usually get from this particular sub-genre. In fact it takes over an hour for anything to actually happen, during that time this movie just attempts to build the tension and flesh out the characters.

But to be honest none of this worked in my opinion as this movie was just way to boring, and the cast were just not interesting for me to care about. Even the so-called pay off didn't work By the time things start rolling it's already an hour in and I've almost lost entirely all interest. The attempt to build character development was a worthy, but failed, effort for a flick in this genre.

All in all "Backwoods" is just way too slow paced to be considered interesting, cause by the time anything happens you would have likely lost interest.
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just ok
ethylester29 July 2002
Yes, this movie was just ok. I'm tired of seeing "mountain people" of Kentucky get made the crazy people of every stupid woodsy horror movie. It's so overdone. There's always some father who has an attitude about "his way" and he makes moonshine and hunts 'coons and carries a shotgun everywhere he goes and wears dirty overalls and an old hat (but shaves clean everyday!??) And then there's always some passive little white-dressed blond girl who never says anything and is really scared of everyone but is very nice and friendly anyway. and then there's ALWAYS some deranged crazy son that the father doesn't like anymore who likes to kill for the pleasure. I feel like i've seen this movie a million times. It's exactly like this other movie that I can't remember the title of, but in the other one, there were two brothers. But it was exactly the same. I was just waiting for them to finish the stereotype with some incest jokes (it was good that they didn't).

So this movie is JUST OK. the only part I thought was funny was when the father makes the male camper sit inside with him and drink moonshine. they have a funny conversation that actually seemed a LITTLE realistic. But other than that, this movie was lame.
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Clucking hell!
BA_Harrison11 September 2015
Karen (Christine Noonan), the female protagonist from backwoods slasher Geek, has got to be one of the most irritating horror movie heroines I've ever seen, totally deserving of the suffering she endures: she completely ignores a helpful park ranger's advice by choosing to camp in an area shunned by locals (they're not going there for a reason, you silly bint!); she refuses to listen to reason from her boyfriend Jamie (Brad Armacost), forcing him to accept an invitation to dinner from redneck Eben (Dick Kreusser), despite the fact that, moments earlier, he had held a loaded shotgun to Jamie's head; she skinny dips alone at a remote lake, without questioning the wisdom of such an act; and she not only insists that Jamie goes 'coon hunting with Eben, leaving herself at the mercy of Eben's drooling retard of a son William, but she decides that then would be a good time to strip off, giving William an eyeful of her nekkid bod.

William, whose hobby is biting the heads off small critters (especially chickens), rather unsurprisingly wigs out at the sight of Karen's tatas, and tries to attack her, at which point the film offers up some reasonable thrills followed by a neat finale in which Karen sets up a nasty trap involving fish-hooks and a bag full of rocks. Unfortunately, this comes very late in the day, after lots of dull wandering around the woods, and a drawn out scene in Eben's cabin in which Jamie and his hillbilly host get drunk on moonshine. If it wasn't for Karen's occasional nudity to alleviate the boredom, getting to the (unbelievably silly) end of Geek would be tougher than a three day hike through the backwoods of Kentucky.

3.5 out of 10, rounded up to 4 for IMDb.
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Absolutely Dreadful Backwoods "Slasher"
ObscureCinema10127 May 2012
If variety is the spice of life, then BACKWOODS is as bland as a bar of soap. Even though I wasn't born there, I will always consider Indiana my home state because I spent most of my childhood there. However, in all my years there, I never once heard mention of a movie that was made there, BACKWOODS. After watching it, I can see why.

Jamie and Karen are a couple who bike into the woods to go camping. However, when they awake, they find a young girl choking and her father standing above her holding a shotgun. Jamie, being a doctor, rescues her and gets invited to the family homestead (a small house) out of gratitude. However, it turns out the family has a son named William who is a bit nutty. Well, Karen reminds William of his mother, which causes him to go on a homicidal rampage as he kills anyone who gets between the two. Will anyone survive the night?

I'm usually not the biggest fan of the backwoods slashers, but a few have managed to stand out, like JUST BEFORE DAWN, HUNTER'S BLOOD, and RITUALS. BACKWOODS is a crowning example of why I try to avoid this type of slasher. Okay, so the acting is definitely really good, it does manage to build up some atmosphere, and the characters were somewhat likable. Actually, those three things are responsible for one of the stars I've awarded this movie. The other two are for a decent chase, a cool death to the killer, and an nicely ominous ending.

Now onto what happened to the seven stars absent. The major complaint I have with this movie is how mind-numbingly, unbelievably BORING it is. Absolutely NOTHING happens for the first hour or so. The couple bike around, they talk with the forest ranger, they have dinner with the pa, Jamie and Pa go 'coon hunting, etc. Even when we ARE introduced to William, he really does nothing but peek in the windows at Karen. FINALLY he goes on a rampage with a half hour to spare. And when that happens, it's still boring because we've seen it all before, and there are more than thirty other flicks that do it a lot better than BACKWOODS.

Aside from the rare spurt of entertainment, BACKWOODS should be chopped up for firewood. There are no interesting plot twists, no interesting characters, almost no interesting kills (the last one is alright), no memorable gore, no nothing. That's atrocious, BACKWOODS. Indiana should be ashamed.
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Worth a watch
Tikkin19 August 2006
"Backwoods", or "Geek" (as I know it) is one of those films in the same sub-genre as Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Deliverance, Midnight, Just Before get my drift. It reminded me very much of "Just Before Dawn", as some of the scenes are very similar.

I won't go into a detailed description of the plot as I'm sure you will get an idea of it from the other reviews here.

The film gets off to a slow start, although the atmosphere is rather creepy. There is very little gore at all, which is a shame because it would have enhanced things greatly. When things do get going (in the last quarter of the film) is when it is most rewarding - the scenes are tense, disturbing and very well done. The film also makes you think a bit and by the end, the message I got was that ultimately humans stand alone and must protect themselves at all costs.

If you love films such as Just Before Dawn, Midnight, Deliverance, and so on, I would recommend giving this a watch. The pay-off is in the ending but sadly you have to suffer a bit of boredom to get to it.
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William Is Just Misunderstood.
mikecanmaybee15 October 2019
Horror movies aren't really my thing, but the lure of the Hollows pulled me in. Dean Crow directed a low budget winner which principally includes an old farm house, a pup tent and a lake. Poor William (Jack O'hara) the son of the stoical and psychologically nebulous Hillbilly Eben (Dick Kreusser), is quite a hyper guy who has a bad habit of killing little animals for fun and a quick snack, however, deep down he is quite a romantic. O'hara, with his big blue eyes and spastic movements plays the part of the Geek to perfection. I think it's fair to say that if he lived in Hollywood he would have been a utilized character actor and could have had a nice career.

Christine Noonan who plays Beth is the other standout. She is kind of a poor boys Adrienne Barbeau. Noonan does a fine job of acting and Director Crow's team does a great job of accentuating her two strongest points. There are also some interesting camera angles utilizing light and shadows which add to the tense mood of the film. All in all, a solid "B" movie worth a watch, IMHO.
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I enjoyed it
twisted_sista24 July 2001
If you like b-movies from the 80s then you might enjoy this. Two campers are terrorized by a geek, an insane man that bites the heads off chickens. This movie (Backwoods) is also known as 'Geek' in the U.K. Its a straight to video film with a cast of unknowns, but they play their roles well. I liked the overall creepy atmosphere of the film and the last 30 minutes were very entertaining. One thing that bugged me about this movie was not knowing what really happened to Beth,the little girl. Karen is shown sporting a shotgun and shoots toward William when he is dragging her beaten boyfriend away with Beth in toe and Karen blindly fires at the trio but we never see beth again but i assume Karen shot her by mistake. Other then this tiny plot hole i liked this movie. 6/10
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obsessed by hair
trashgang14 February 2017
Obscure horror made just after the slasher era but has the looks like an early eighties slasher even as it isn't really a slasher. It's a typical hillbilly flick. It's rather hard to find this flick only available on VHS. And still people do search it even as it isn't all that good, face it, being obsessed by long black hair.

The reason therefor lays in the fact that the first hour it's all about talking and characterisation. But I guess the director Dean Crow did knew about that fact and did put in some gratuitous full frontal nudity by one time actress Christine Noonan. It's only towards the end that this flick delivers the horror and even that doesn't look creepy at all. But the score used and the hissing of the geek (Jack O'Hara) gives it a special atmosphere. There aren't almost no effects used but when it does it is above mediocre for such kind of low budget flicks.

Made by an unknown director in an era where horror was not done is the reason why this is so extremely hard to find. Still, if you do like hillbilly horror then this is a must see. For the other 'geeks' if you can grab it watch it, you certainly will enjoy the ending but overall a bit lame.

Gore 0/5 Nudity 1/5 Effects 1/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5
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Really Quite Tragic
oz_13_was_taken31 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A movie about two backpackers who cross paths with a hillbilly man, Evan, after saving his daughter from a life-threatening injury in the woods. Evan invites them both to stay at his house for a few days. While the woman is swimming naked in a nearby lake, she spots a bearded man drooling and staring at her through the trees. After running back to Evan's house, we learn that the bearded man is actually Evan's severely mentally disabled son, William.

I really so badly for William. He had severe mental development issues and this movie treats him like a monster. He clearly showed remorse when he lashed out. He just didn't know his own strength. It was sort of an "Of Mice and Men" situation, only if Lenny were more feral.

After the protagonists murder both Evan AND (accidentally) the little girl they saved at the beginning, William is PISSED. He has every right to be... his father and younger sister were just killed. The movie's final 20 minutes devolve into an overlong final girl chase where the real antagonist ends up winning. Poor guy. I was rooting for you, William.
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Back Would, But Then Didn't
NoDakTatum9 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
**SPOILERS**Don't you just hate when a movie grabs you, shakes you around a little bit, then completely insults your intelligence to the point that you are sorely disappointed by it? "Backwoods" does just that. Jamie (Brad Armacost) and Karen (Christine Noonan) are cute boyfriend/girlfriend who are biking through the midwest. They stop to camp in a remote part of the forest, after being warned away by the stereotypical nerdy forest ranger (Gary Lott), and are watched by an unseen presence. They are awakened by Eben (Dick Kreusser) and his injured daughter, Beth (Leslie Denise). As doctor Jamie performs an emergency tracheotomy and saves Beth, weird Eben invites the pair back to his even more remote home, which is on a neat acre lot and looks a lot like a public park. Unfortunately, Jamie keeps tripping over the bodies of headless chickens, and Karen is full of herself for helping out these poor "Deliverance"-like characters. Eben is a little weird, believing a woman's place is not with a man, and he keeps drinking moonshine out of a mason jar. Suddenly, Eben's brain damaged son William (Jack O'Hara) appears, scaring Karen when she goes for one of those nude swims in an isolated lake, something everyone does when they go camping. Karen is chased by William back to Eben's house, where Eben promptly beats William. It turns out William was mauled by a dog as a toddler and ain't been right since. The dog had William by the head in his jaws, and William has been reciprocating over the years by biting the heads off of small woodland animals. How's that for Horror Movie Psychology 101? Karen and Jamie stay on to make sure Beth is okay, and William, all drool and hissing noises, gets stranger and stranger. It comes out that William killed Eben's second wife (Beth's mom), and is fixated on Karen because her hair is like that of William's mother (Eben's first wife). Up until this point, everything is above average. The small cast does a good job, and Crow's direction is very good considering an obviously small budget. Karen and Jamie fight and talk like a real couple. They are not two horny teenagers, like you might expect from films of this type. And then comes the climax. (SPOILER) Karen, not learning her lesson from the nude swim, feels the need to change her top in broad daylight in Eben's front yard, knowing full well that William must be lurking somewhere nearby. William attacks Karen. Eben and Jamie come arunnin' from their coon hunt, both drunk on moonshine. Jamie shoots William in the chest. William does not die. Eben has a fatal heart attack and William attacks Jamie, biting his neck. As William drags Jamie off into the woods, with Beth fighting her half-brother, Karen blindly fires the shotgun at the trio...William comes back out of the woods, sees Eben, and goes to him, trying to get his father to hit him for old time's sake. Karen, now sporting a large axe, approaches the distracted William...and...RUNS AWAY WITHOUT KILLING HIM. Later, after finding the nerdy ranger murdered, Karen is able to become MacGyver, making a booby trap for William out of fishing line and hooks. She is able to complete one of horror's most elaborate killer traps with no interference from the crazed William, who minutes before was right on her heels. William gets caught in the trap, seems to die, and the epilogue here involves a new crazy backwoodsman now biting the heads off chickens.

The first forty five minutes or an hour of this was pretty entertaining, despite a few awkward scenes here and there, but deciding that the viewers are a bunch of morons is a bad decision on the film makers' part. Also, once again, we get the mental deficient as the evil killer, thereby scapegoating an entire minority of people who can rarely speak for themselves to begin with. Plus, there is no supernatural connotations in the film, yet William survives a shotgun blast to the chest for no other reason than to make the film longer. "Backwoods" was also known as "Geek," a reference to William's character. He is called that by Jamie, the doctor with no bedside manner, and Karen, the woman dumb enough to run from a perfect opportunity to do away with a killer but smart enough to make a lethal weapon out of some tackle box items. The film almost had me, but thanks to the dumbing down of the climax, I cannot recommend "Backwoods."
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HorrorFan198418 May 2020
Two people plan to camp in the country when they come across a very Backwoods family with a deranged son.

We meet a young couple named Karen and Jamie who decide to bike through the wilderness and camp overnight. While making love at night in their tent, someone lurks outside spying on them. The next morning, Jamie saves a little girl from choking and the girls father is extremely grateful, inviting them to dinner. He is your typical backwoods type of hillbilly character. The couple eventually meet his son William who has a developmental disability and likes to bite the heads off of animals. He is also responsible for the death of his stepmother having broken her neck years prior. William seems to have an attraction to Karen which could prove to be a deadly one for the camping couple.

Backwoods tries really hard to be a competent entry into the camping slasher/deranged inbred family subgenre. Unfortunately, this one falls a bit short due to a couple of things. The major flaw is the slow pace of the film. It drags and drags with scenes of Jamie and the hillbilly father drinking moonshine and going hunting. I get that they were trying to build the characters, but in a very low budget film like this I'm not sure that it even matters.

Also, so many strange things happen involving the son yet Karen almost pushes Jamie to stick around the farmhouse for another day. Any normal person would've gotten out of there immediately. The acting wasn't an issue for me considering how low budget Backwoods is and the fact that all of the actors in this are completely unknown. Christine Noonan does a fine job as Karen who is the obvious final girl. I thought Jack O'Hara who played the hillbilly son William was effectively creepy during a lot of the chase and attack scenes.

I wouldn't recommend Backwoods, not that finding it is an easy feat to begin with. I don't think it has been released on DVD as of yet. It's a pretty tame and dull entry into the "backwoods" horror subgenre.

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Not bad.
HumanoidOfFlesh23 March 2004
Dean Crow's "Backwoods" is nothing special.The film itself is quite entertaining as it reminds me a little bit "Luther the Geek".Jack O'Hara,who plays William,is truly amazing as a drooling and bearded weirdo.He kills chickens by biting their heads off and goes mad on numerous occasions.The film offers plenty of female nudity and a little bit of gore.The action is rather slow-moving,but the climax is pretty suspenseful and memorable.So if you're a fan of low-budget horror give this one a look-just don't expect something scary or original.My rating:6 out of 10.Here are my other recommendations:"Just Before Dawn","Hunter's Blood","Blood Tracks","Blood Salvage" and "The Hills Have Eyes".
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Who is the real antagonist?
jsamuelnobles13 January 2020
A low budget gem with surprisingly good actors and a plot that leaves you wondering who the real bad guy is. It's a shame that Dick Kreusser hasn't had many roles because his acting was the star of the show.

Scares 3/10 Tension 7/10 Gore 4/10 Nudity 10/10 Entertainment 10/10

Plot 5/10 Characters 5/10 Pacing 4/10 Music 3/10 Cinematography 5/10

Final score 5.8/10
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Hillbilly Drama
saint_brett2 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
80s exercise music introduces two bicycle riders roaming around Yogi Bear's camping grounds.

They encounter Ranger Strange first, who's got serial killer written all over him.

Off the beaten track and on foot, they trek through Anchorage terrain. Watch out for those bear traps and deliverance boys. Folks 'round these parts don't take too kindly to inner-city yuppies poking their noses around where it's not wanted.

The elitist couple from New York have escaped their parents watchful gaze for the weekend, and the moment they're alone, their incestual lips are locked, and they can't keep their hands off each other. If only their parents could see them now by this campfire and pitched tent. But they fit right in with all these backward yokels lurking out in the woods. Yes sir!

Wasting no time, they disrobe and explore each other's related bodies.

Disaster strikes early the next morning as Farmer Joe, Cotton Eye Joe's dad, target shoots his own daughter, then takes the incestual two hostage and leads 'em deep into the woods where Leatherface's cousins dwell.

Am I confusing this movie with 'Luther the Geek?'

"I didn't know the south had bears," claims the inner-city incestual sister who proves she's from NY with her lack of history and geography. Don't go to the Smoky Mountains, lady.

The Michael Rooker Henry lookalike, Farmer Joe, Cotton Eye Joe's father, who's drinking mountain dew fermented pickled vinegar water, has Karl Childers voice, argh-har.

The incestual couple spends the night at Father Joe's homestead and rudely leaves their country chicken uneaten, as there's no doubt they're vegan soy people.

Something keeps lurking out in the woods, but it's not revealed yet.

Suddenly, out of the blue, a rabies-infected hillbilly from 'I Drink Your Blood' springs from a shrub after his day release from the hills have eyes.

Why don't these two Tesla fanboys from the city just pack it up and get out of Dodge?

This ain't a horror movie! It's more like a sympathy cause and a reach-out program for people with learning disabilities.

Farmer Joe, with the 'Sling Blade' voice, father to Cotton Eye Joe and Leatherface's cousin, takes the incestual brother under his wing and teaches him the tricks of the trade concerning redneck thug life.

You still know there's something bubbling under the surface out here that will erupt at any moment now. I'm basing that on the score setting the scene.

The incestual sister develops the hots for the Geek with rabies and leads him astray with flirtatious behavior, which could backfire drastically as she's too trusting. Typical Liberal. They give the benefit of the doubt to the most vile scum, don't they?

Under the impression that the incestual sister is sending signals to him, the Geek reads the mood wrong and continues to court her until her incestual brother grows jealous and blasts him to kingdom come with a double barrel in front of Farmer Joe, who suddenly curls over and dies from a heart attack. I'm guessing alcohol poisoning was a contributing factor as well?

Unexpectedly, the Geek rises from the dead, after having his lungs blown apart, and thumps the incestual brother one.

The infuriated incestual sister blasts the Geek away again with a second round of buckshot, but he ploughs on in pursuit of her. Man, that PCP sure is one hell of a strong drug. Although they take hillbilly heroin out here, don't they?

You'd think that out here in the sticks, Lyme's disease would play a part in taking down all these people roaming around.

With sundown, the incestual sister is stalked and hunted by the Geek. Come on, lady, he's a halfwit with a brain the size of a frozen pea, and you're struggling to outsmart him.

She stumbles upon Ranger Strange, who's now dead in his vehicle, and I won't get into that whole "why didn't she just get in his auto and drive off" business. That'd be too smart, right? Besides, she must have taken a stand and protested in the heat of the moment against fuel-run models, as they favored EVs.

Instead, she weaves a cobweb and arms herself with a Fred Flintstone weapon in hope of snaring her breakfast.

The Geek falls for the cobweb snare, resembles a 'Hellraiser' sufferer, and is then made to eat a flare, and passes away.


He dies from a webbed boobytrap and firecracker eating, yet he survived four rounds from a shotgun a few hours earlier. The first two rounds were direct hits to the center of his chest.

The movie ends on a stupid note, with the incestual brother contracting rabies and replacing the Geek as its predecessor.

There's no reason to watch it a second time. Once is enough. Nothing's memorable.

And you're better off watching 'Hunter's Blood' instead.
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A forgotten semi-gem slasher in need of a remastered release
Mister-Creeper11 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
An old farmer lives in the wilderness with his young daughter and what appears to be his inbred cannibal son who loves ripping chicken's heads off. A young couple hiking in the Kentucky backwoods come across this strange family and the female hiker soon finds out she has a drooling admirer.

Not bad for a film that no one seems to remember or even know of its existence. The acting was above my expectations and I personally like the performance by the old man. The copy I have is in rather overplayed condition and this really hurts when it comes to the film's ending. I could hardly make out what exactly was occurring. Nevertheless, BACKWOODS (aka GEEK) is still a truly forgotten semi-gem from the late 80's - it's just in dire need of a remastered release.
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sibisi7327 January 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Incredibly lame rip-off of a rip-off of a rip-off. Basically third generation 'Friday the 13th' on a meagre budget, with a cast of unknowns who have, justly, stayed that way - kudos though to Jack O'Hara as the eponymous 'geek' for a performance with more conviction and disturbing energy than the rest of the crew put together. It's difficult to really find anything interesting to say about a film that has very little to offer. Poor acting, poor story, and characters that behave randomly and illogically at every opportunity. For a film of this nature it's also disappointing (and incomprehensible) that all but two of the cast survive!
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