House of Lost Souls (TV Movie 1989) Poster

(1989 TV Movie)

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Standard haunted house story
rundbauchdodo16 January 2001
This made for cable horror film tells the story of a handful of young geologists, who are unlucky enough to be forced to stay at a hotel in the middle of nowhere. What they don't know is that the hotel has been abandoned for twenty years, because the owner of the hotel had killed his family and all the guests two decades ago. Strange things begin to happen, and suddenly murders are committed...

Umberto Lenzi has done a decent film here, although his other made for cable feature that year, "La Casa dei Sortilegi", is superior (both films were made for a four-part-TV-series called Houses of Doom. The other two were Lucio Fulci's "La Casa nel Tempo" and "La Dolce Casa degli Orrori" - all films were made in 1989 by the way). There is one bizarre murder scene where a kid gets decapitated by a washing machine (sic!). All in all standard fare, but quite entertaining stuff.
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Bizarre retro 80s, but good anyways
bobjohnson99422 October 2012
Do you have any nostalgia for those 80s horror movies that make no sense whatsoever? Then you will enjoy this movie.

The plot devices they use keep people in the thick of it are stretched beyond all imagining, but where would the movie go if all the characters just left? So we can at least be amused by this. Three people experience nightmarish visions? I know, let's investigate further! (lol) Then there is the hard driving amped up pop soundtrack, so different from the somber mood of the 70s horror.

I will not give away any of the plot devices, but late in the movie, something supernatural happens at the hotel to keep the people from leaving. When you see it you will think "if something can do that, why didn't they just drop a piano on them the moment they walked in the door? xD
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I love Lenzi's ghost movies
BandSAboutMovies31 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Hell yeah this is Ghosthouse 3 and it is filled with all the magic and absolutely baffling things that make the original film something that I love like others feel appreciation for fine paintings or great food.

Directed and written by Umberto Lenzi, this movie has the most basic of outlines, as a group of people stay at a cursed hotel. And then, as I like to say, hijinks ensue.

There's a ghost monk that wouldn't exist if Romero didn't include a Hare Krishna in one of his movies, as well as a bear trap bloodbath that is pretty darn upsetting and all the head lopping, knife stabbing and a child killed by a washing machine, which is the kind of thing that makes Italian horror - even at the end of it all - so worthwhile.

Plus - Claudio Simonetti makes music that absolutely works for this. Seriously, the ghost movies of Lenzi are the hot chocolate at the end of a cold day, a balm for my constantly besieged and worried soul.

This is part of the Doomed Houses TV movie series - that was never aired on TV because Lenzi and Fulci just went for it with the blood and gore - that includes The Sweet House of Horrors, The House of Clocks and The House of Witchcraft. If you're a normal person, these movies are complete wastes of time.

I find them essential.
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Death by Washing Machine
zeppo-220 April 2006
It's the old dark house plot again with added gore. Foolish young people take shelter in in old house or in this case, hotel and all hell then breaks loose. Not one of the most original stories in the field of horror films and sadly there is nothing really new in this made for TV movie. Other than the only known case of death by washing machine that is!

Made in 1989 but looks even more dated than that, the jocks and bimbos in the American splatter films were pretty air-headed but they were always far worse and incredibly stupid in the European ones. Anyone with an ounce of sense would see what a 'con-damned' building this house was and run for the hills. These just wait around aimlessly to be picked off by the forces of evil.

The sound dubbing isn't very good either and somewhat annoying as none of the voices seem to be in tune with the actors. And the small child while I guess, is supposed to be cute is just a major pain in the backside. But then again, none of the cast are sympathetic and you don't really care what happens to them.

Thus it rattles onto a dull finale and disappointment. Like a lot of Spanish and Italian films in this genre, the horror effects happen for no rhyme or reason, just to try to elicit a scare. There has to be some bounds of credibility and logic in even the most dopey plots.

Only for really die hard fans of the director.
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Standard but fun '80s Italian horror
udar5517 April 2022
A young group of geologists can't get out of a village due to a landslide and seek accommodations at a creepy, isolated hotel. Of course it is haunted and soon the ghosts of the killer owners and their victims (including a random Buddhist monk) start picking them off. It is going to be a sad day when I run out of '80s Italian horrors to watch. This has all the elements I love (atmospheric main location, gruesome killings, funny dialogue). In fact, one of the opening lines let me know I was in for a treat right away. After waking from a nightmare, Carla tells her boyfriend and he replies, "The doctors had a perfectly reasonable explanation. They said you had psychic ability." Another great exchange:

"Mary's disappeared!"


"Yeah, and we could start looking for her if you didn't ask so many questions."
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One motel; two pickaxes.
BA_Harrison26 April 2020
Blood gushes from a statuette as a Tibetan monk hacks at it with a hatchet; a skeleton rolls along in a wheelchair; tarantulas crawl over dead bodies; a small child has blood on his hands: these nightmarish visions are a regular occurrence for poor geology student Carla (Stefania Orsola Garello). Her boyfriend Kevin tries to put her mind at rest: "The doctors gave you a reasonable explanation", he reminds her, "They said that you have psychic powers. You're a medium."

It's craptastic dialogue like this, along with inept gore, that will make The House of Lost Souls a painful watch or a bearable one, depending on your particular proclivities. Personally speaking, the dreadful writing and bad special effects make this a reasonably enjoyable time waster -- not a classic by any stretch of the imagination, but bonkers enough to entertain for the duration.

Directed by Umberto Lenzi, The House of Lost Souls was the fourth and last film in The Houses of Doom collection of made-for-TV movies, (the others being The House of Clocks and The Sweet House of Horror, both directed by Lucio Fulci, and The House of Witchcraft, also by Lenzi). It sees a group of young people taking refuge at an old motel where they encounter the malevolent spirits of several murder victims that seek revenge on the living.

What follows is a random series of supernatural events, fairly typical of the Ghosthouse series (this film is also known as Ghosthouse 3), in which the living are tormented by the dead, before they are decapitated one by one. It's all extremely silly stuff, with the craziest death being that of the youngest of the group, Gianluca (Costantino Meloni), who loses his head to a vicious washing machine. Other victims are separated from their noggins by chainsaw, axe and a dumb waiter! The House of The Lost Souls also features one of my favourite lines of dialogue in Italian horror: on learning that the doors and windows of the motel have been sealed shut, one of the characters exclaims, "Reinforced concrete! Must be 27 metres thick!". How does he know?

In the film's suitably daft finale, Kevin uses a metal detector to locate the heads of the murder victims so that he can lay their spirits to rest. I didn't know metal detectors had a 'severed head' setting.

5/10. It's garbage, but entertainingly so.
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Better Than I'd Thought It Would Be
kayrannells28 November 2020
I came upon this one by pure accident and wasn't expecting to enjoy it as much as I did. Like the other films in the Ghosthouse universe, the plot isn't the best and the characters are crudely drawn at best, but the horror set pieces are memorable enough to keep one's interest throughout and it doesn't even crack the 90 minute runtime mark, so it's not a big commitment. People walking around with minimal horror makeup shouldn't be as creepy as they are in this movie. A lot of the horror scenes are made creepier by how unremarkable and mundane they are and then the film hits you with something insane like someone being decapitated by a washing machine.
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Lenzi delivers the gore in an otherwise predictable haunted house TV movie
Leofwine_draca2 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Another in the series of mostly-forgotten "haunted house" genre flicks, made for Italian television in 1989. This one is directed by former genre master Umberto Lenzi, who hasn't, it seems, lost his touch for delivering some unexpected scenes of gratuitous gore, a few effective shocks, and plenty of cheesy Italo style. The plot is total rubbish, of course, and the acting is equally bad. This is primarily a film to appeal to genre fans who know what to expect: a few, choice moments of gore to liven up the otherwise predictable proceedings. Much of the film consists of the boring characters being chased round a house by a variety of lost souls, including an old woman, a mute man, a Tibetan monk (!), and plenty of other fun bits. Spiders show up to menace a kid, music and a plot device is stolen from DEMONS, and Lenzi seems to be enjoying himself here.

The film is fairly gory in its depiction of a series of beheadings, the highlight being where the annoyingly obnoxious little kid loses his noggin in a washing machine, of all places! The dumb waiter decapitation is the only worthwhile shock the film offers, although some other scenes are handled very well on a low budget (the dream/nightmare opening sequence and the finale, where the lost souls mass to attack the living, in particular). Hardly a great movie, but Italian fans should know what to expect from these.
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Poor Film That Probably Would Have Been Good a Decade Earlier
Michael_Elliott11 March 2018
House of Lost Souls (1989)

* 1/2 (out of 4)

The fourth and final film in the "House" pictures that were made for Italian television (two by Lucio Fulci and two by Umberto Lenzi). This one centers on a group of friends who have to stay at a junky hotel after the road they're traveling on gets closed. It doesn't take long for strange things to begin happening and of course this leads to death.

Lenzi directed THE HOUSE OF WITCHCRAFT as well as this one and I guess the best thing you can say about this film is the fact that it's better than the other one he directed. Yeah, that's really not much of a recommendation but these two films show exactly why Italian horror was dying off. Their releases in America had already stopped and it's clear that they didn't have the budgets needed to make the type of film that fans would expect.

In all honesty, the story here isn't original but at the same time I think it would have been a lot of fun had it been made in 1980 instead of 1989. I say that because earlier in the decade Lenzi would have been given a budget for special effects and I'm sure we would have gotten some classic death scenes. All of the death scenes here are poorly done or they're not even on the screen. Most of them contain very little blood and there's just nothing memorable about them.

What's worse is that the characters are all annoying, the performances are rather bad and there's certainly not tension in the film. Lenzi's direction seems like he's just going through the motions as there's no style or anything else for that matter. HOUSE OF LOST SOULS is a pretty poor movie that just shows how far the genre had fallen.
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The second best of the series, though that's hardly an endorsement
Stevieboy66621 September 2020
A group of young geologists find the main road blocked and book into a tatty looking hotel. There are no other guest, just the hotel manager, a very glum looking chap who does not utter a single word. Soon ghostly apparitions and decapitations ruin the guests' stay! This was Umberto Lenzi's second entry of the made for Italian TV series "House of Doom" (1989). I would rate it second best after Lucio Fulci's "House of Clocks", the other two movies, one by each director, are pretty poor. This is hardly classic Italian horror. We get the usual bad dubbing and some laughable script, one woman mumbling about Donald Trump after being locked in a freezer with some corpses! There is some good gore, including a decapitation by washing machine, however the camera cuts away for other deaths. Kevin is played by American actor Joseph Alan Johnson who appeared in several 1980's slasher movies, I thought that he looked familiar. The music sounds familiar too, sounds like the soundtrack to "Demons" (1985). If you like Italian horror then Lost Souls is reasonable viewing.
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delivers nothing except a few decapitations
trashgang12 March 2012
Can it get any worser to understand it all? i mean, just look at the release of Ghosthouse (1988). It had an good script but was also called La Casa 3 clocking in on Evil Dead's success. Then came Ghosthouse 2 but that's a title used for a few different flicks and wasn't directed by Lenzi and had nothing to do with the original one. Here I just watched what they call in Germany Ghosthouse 3. But it has again nothing to do with Ghosthouse, in fact it should be called La Casa 5 but it doesn't. It's just one of the fourth part of the series "Le case maledette" (Doomed Houses) also including La dolce casa degli orrori, La casa nel tempo and La casa del sortilegio.

Again, as so many Italian flicks this is pure trash and just look at how it was made, it looked much older, it even looks as a seventies release. The effects were again dull and laughable. But this time a few killings did happen all as decapitations. The most notorious one the one with the laundry machine. Nevertheless it's again low on every part. It's so strange that a man like Lenzi could make such supernatural trash. The ghosts are just real people that are standing there with wooden performances and thats' what most of the acting is. Some did make it into the Italian scene.

Okay, it was a television release but still from someone who made Cannibal Ferox this is trash.

Gore 1/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 1/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5
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The house of loose bowels
Bezenby29 August 2014
Basically, you can judge your prospective enjoyment of this film by how you receive this line: "It's okay, the Doctors gave you a rational explanation. You've got psychic powers".

Although this is part of the House of Doom series, this film would be better off being called Ghosthouse 2: Ghosthotel, because both films have a lot in common. We start off with a group of geologists getting stuck trying to get to a certain destination, including Carla, who has visions, her boyfriend Kevin (Joseph Johnson, somehow ending up here via Slumber Party Massacre and Bezerker), Massimo (no doubt a tribute to Massimo Vanni), two other folks, and atypical annoying kid Gianluca. These folk, as you would imagine, end up stuck at some haunted hotel where the manager went insane and killed all the guests.

Carla's first to start seeing things, what with the television in the basement broadcast murders from twenty years ago, and Gianluca's seeing blood dripping from the ceiling and fake spiders everywhere. Travelling companion Mary gets pushed into a freezer by the maggoty hand from Ghosthouse and ends up sharing that space with two hanged corpses. By the end of all this our victims realise that things are a bit wrong at this particular hotel.

At this point things get even more Ghosthouse, when two of our characters head out into the world to investigate what the problem is while the rest of our characters stay behind to be murdered by the vengeful ghosts that reside in the hotel, so expect decapitation by washing machine (extra point for that), decapitation by knife, and decapitation by some other blade.

Meanwhile, Joe Johnson and the guy who's dubbed by the guy who appears in more Italian films that anyone else that exists run around town, graveyard etc trying to find out what's going on. Before you know it, they're back at the hotel with the only survivor, the ghosts have somehow used concrete to wall everyone in, and Joe Johnson's using a metal detector to find some severed heads!

If you are the most rational person in the world, I wouldn't be seeking this one out. However, if you like Umberto Lenzi films then this one is a fairly safe bet. There ain't much in the way of gore but if you like Ghosthouse then this is more of the same - haunted house stuff, people freaking out and getting killed, and a better soundtrack than normal. I've watched this one about five times and never get sick of it. It's the best of the House of Doom films for me and further proof that Lenzi is a fine director who managed to sully his name directing crappy cannibal films.
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Their Mouths & Voices
saint_brett24 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is DOA before I've even popped it in my DVDs mouth. (Gee I've been cruel to my DVD player lately.) The house of lost souls is already in my bad books as the description on the back of the DVD cover has irked me as there is a typeO. They spelled eerie wrong with only one e.

Oh God, on closer inspection there are 2 more errors!

It reads, "Trantulas, corpses appear, and blood begins to to drip from the ceiling." I think it's a mistake watching this as it offended me already. I probably should have just went with 1991s Brain Twisters instead.

Oh, it's a Euro movie? Kind of a hip synth/organ score with an early 80's touch to kick proceedings off. (Techno church music.) Some pretty lady is being tormented by a Buddha statue and a crazed Kung Fu monk going maniacal with a tomahawk.

She looks a bit like Maggie Q or Audra from Stephen Kings It. I highly doubt this is a TV movie.

We're only 2-minutes into the movie and already hysterical woman wants to check out and go home.

Are their mouths out of sync?

Is that really the rock kid's true voice - he sounds like an old lady. What are their mouths?

Now Pony Boy from The Outsiders voice sounds like Mr. Magoo. It's all wrong.

Pony Boy sounds like Bugsy Malone now.

If I'm not mistaken these sound like the same people who done the voice overs for that other Italian movie Graveyard Disturbances. "Hey you guys, if you don't get some sleep we won't be able to do things tomorrow." Is that Bill or Ted from Lost Boys?

"Go to bed and be brave." What, it takes an act of bravery to get some shut eye? This kid has the voice of a 40-year old woman.

Is that Mr. Lawrence from Cobra Kai asleep?

You know, I used to dig these movies back in high school but today, and being much older, I just can't tolerate them no longer.

So, a TV explodes and Maggie Q has an over-the-top screaming fit. Argh... so her name's Carla and not Maggie Q or Audra? How silly of me. She's easy on the eye.

In her search for Greedo some token cast extra gets locked in the Deathships frozen body storage cooler. The kid with the seniors lady voice takes a bloodbath with the "trantulas." Here's Pony Boy with the Quincy voice again. Is that Tommy Gunn in the blue slicker? The kid with the old ladies voice looks like Rusty from Wally World.

What, a Duracell copper top drum bunny? They went out in the eighties.

Did that really just happen in the clothes dryer? Not poor Rusty - he's just a boy.

This police marshal has the same voice as Pony Boy.

Is that Vladamir Putin chasing the frozen snaplock extra around with the large pumpkin knife?

Now the graveyard care taker has inherited Pony Boy's voice as well! Three characters with the same Jersey Magoo accent?

Again with the confused 80's organ music? It has a contemporary edge to it. Upbeat, you might say.

Crazy Kung Fu monk in a wheelchair now. (I loved his faceoff earlier in slow motion with that disgraced N. Y. film maker. No names mentioned.)

Safety in numbers, people. Don't split up! It's a major movie rule. Anyone knows that.

Pony Boy has lost his composure and is in need of some Tums or Pepto Bismol. Is that John Holmes?

What, using a metal detector on concrete?

So, the Big Bad Wolf huffs and puffs and blows the house in.

Putin, Pokemon hat kid, crazy kung fu monk and an assortment or other crazed knife weilding barbarians close in. Pony Boy loses his head literally from sticking it where it don't belong.

Maggie Q and metal detector guy survive and windup in a nut house with Pokemon hat kid overseeing proceedings from a safe distance.

I don't know why I'm giving this 5 out of 10? I guess all 5 points go to Maggie Q. She's very pretty. I'd like to see some of her other work.

I don't like the movie, I don't hate it either, so I'll sit on the fence on this one and give it a drawn result.

But compared to all the other garbage I've watched lately this one was refreshing and watchable, I guess.
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hellholehorror30 January 2024
No more Italian horror. This is the last Italian film I will endure for a while. Good point one: it made me laugh twice, good point two: the ending was average. Too many bad points to even think about listing. No reason to watch this well-below-average horror. No reason to watch this average Italian eighties horror. It ticks off all the usual boxes: shockingly bad script, terrible story, rubbish acting, horrible to look at, atrocious dubbing and so on. The washing machine kill was funny but stupid. No atmosphere. No point. Don't waste your time. I'm only reviewing it to warn you not to watch it.
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