Kraa! The Sea Monster (1998) Poster

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waste of time
jfgibson7328 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Kraa The Sea Monster looks like it might be a fun B-movie: it's got a giant monster, an evil ruler, a team of space police, and an alien hero shaped like a lunch box that speaks with an Italian accent.

Except it doesn't really add up to much. I thought this was slightly less entertaining than an episode of Power Rangers, or any variation of an after-school adventure show.

The evil ruler sends Kraa to earth to destroy mankind. The space police try to stop the evil ruler, but their ship is low on power. The Italian alien crash lands in a diner and a customer and a waitress hear his story and get involved. A secret government agency is out to capture the alien that is the size of a backpack, but doesn't seem to be doing anything about the giant monster ripping apart buildings. Despite the government interference, the civilians and the galactic patrol blast Kraa with a laser that destroys him.

Nothing about this movie was any more interesting to watch than this plot summary I've just typed. Everything just kind of happens without the viewer really feeling anything about it. This movie is cheaply made, poorly written, and is full of silly, cartoonish characters. All that I can forgive. But it makes the unforgivable mistake of being boring.

I give it a 2 instead of 1 because I kind of liked the way Kraa looked. However, he moved so slow, even he wasn't fun to watch.
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A Mildly Entertaining B-Movie
Raptorclaw15510 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This film was quite the experience. If I could sum up this film in a single sentence I would say that it has all the qualities one might expect from a made-for-TV kid's Saturday morning special. This film feels like it is somehow a continuation of or conclusion to a cheesy kids' show series and, in some ways, there's something a little nostalgic about it.

With that said, the film is not very good. Almost everything about the way the plot moves, and the character interactions all feel contrived. The writing makes the film feel like they were working off a first draft. For example, the Planet Patrol send an agent to Earth to stop Kraa but the US government has agents who are constantly after him. Here's the big question I kept asking myself throughout the runtime of this film though: if the Planet Patrol are the law enforcement of the galaxy (or something) shouldn't they be able to coordinate with all the planets under their jurisdiction to help fend off anybody who tries to violate the sovereignty of the other planets? Shouldn't the US government be aware of the Planet Patrol or do they not know about them? And if that's the case, which other planets do humans come from if the people from the Planet Patrol aren't from Earth? Shouldn't Earth be aware of aliens like Kraa and the Italian Alien since Lord Doom has attempted something like this before? Why haven't the Planet Patrol tried to help Lord Doom find a warmer planet since his motivation is to take over Earth so he can live on a planet that isn't dying? It's alluded that there are a number of different Planet Patrol ships in the beginning, so why is it just up to that one single crew? Kraa was sent to Earth to destroy the civilizations on Earth but the government agency notices that Kraa is only going wherever the Italian Alien goes so what's his goal? I might sound like I'm nitpicking here but so many of the conflicts in this film are so unnecessary and make little sense and I was constantly being taken out of it as a result.

The acting is remarkably all over the place. Some performances consist of near-monotone delivery accompanied with arm acting, some of the acting is extremely hammy (especially in Lord Doom's case), some of the performances are the kind of acting you would expect from a B-movie film, and some of it is with an Italian accent that sounds more like Super Mario than Mario did in the Super Mario Brothers Movie. In my opinion, the acting is the most intriguing part of this film and is what makes it feel the most like a made-for-TV kids' special.

This is, very obviously, a low-budget film and because of that the special effects really show it. The miniatures look like something out of one of the early seasons of Thomas the Tank Engine and the Kraa suit looks like it would have been something impressive in the 1970s. The worst part of the effects is when Kraa is tearing through high rise buildings as it is very clear that the buildings are made out of some kind of paper/cardboard/cardstock material as when Kraa initially breaks through the building with the Godzilla 98' logo on it, it looks more like a football player running through the paper signs with their names on them. It has not held up very well, the fake high rise buildings mixed with the little toy cars and model power lines just look incredibly cheap now in 2020.

Kraa is supposed to be the main attraction to this film and the ultimate menace but he's more of a backdrop to the US government guys. The climax of the film just consists of him standing around and staring at the weapon that will kill him while our heroes fight the government guys and, eventually, get into a cheesy and anti-climactic fight with Lord Doom. There was very little tension through this film because of that and the film seems only half-heartedly to heighten the tension.

The cinematography in this film is strange. One of the things that didn't make very much sense to me was whenever the Italian Alien would talk, there was only ever one flat, close up of his face. We have very little idea of what he is supposed to look like save for the shots of him that we see while other people are talking, yet somehow it's still ambiguous. Also, there are some scenes where the camera makes some very strange moves, like during one scene on the Planet Patrol ship where the camera twists from a sideways view to a right-side-up one to show the other characters. It's a creative shot but I have no idea why that was done, and it left me more confused than anything else.

Kraa! the Sea Monster isn't really that good. I wouldn't even say it's so bad bad it's good, it's just a forgettable kind of not good. As I said twice before it's like a made-for-tv kids' special which exists to serve as a conclusion for a season of a Saturday morning kids' series or something. It's not offensive, but if you like monster movies, you probably won't get much out of this unless you're looking for something new and you've reached the bottom of the barrel as is. It's not particularly good but you can certainly do worse.
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Kraa-tastic film
BigFloridaBear6 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Read in the voice of Stephan from SNL. This kaiju monster movie has everything. A buff kaiju with big teeth and no neck, a small good guy gooey turtle alien with an Italian accent, a Skeletor ordered off Temu, and a biker wearing a Farrah Fawcett wig. The city of empty buildings is leveled as the good aliens I think from Galaxy Quest, try to take out Kraa by hitting him with the Death Star they got off Wish. The men in black are all here for the party with their assorted types of facial hair. You will gasp as they attempt to take Kraa out with the middle launcher they built with an erector set. The one crew member tries to stop Kraa with her migraine power while the other crew member pressed the grommets on Gene Simmons belt. The resulting ray beam hits Kraa right in the nipple. They definitely set it up for a sequel. I hope they make 10 more movies like this. I probably won't watch any of them, but I hope they make them. Only complaint was that we kept waiting for it to become a porno but that never happened.
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BandSAboutMovies23 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Lord Doom, evil master of Proyas the Dark Planet, has unleashed Kraa the Sea Monster on Earth. He knocks out a space station to keep the Planet Patrol - who have their own movie a year later - unaware of what he's doing to our planet. That said, one of the patrol, Mogyar lands in New Jersey, complete with an Italian accent, as he was supposed to go to Italy and work with scientists there to stop the giant monster.

This uses footage from Zarkorr! The Invader and that's fine, as these movies eventually cross over. Directed by Aaron Osborne and Dave Parker and written by Neal Marshall Stevens, this was also named for a Marvel comic, just like that movie. Zarkorr comes from the Tales of Suspense #35 story "I Accepted the Deadly Challenge of Zarkorr!"Kraa comes from the Tales of Suspense #18 story "Kraa, the Unhuman!"

Mogyar is a clam that speaks with the most racist Italian accent possible. I loved him!
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No sense kraa-ing over spilt milk.
Hey_Sweden20 October 2019
An interstellar villain named Lord Doom (Michael Guerin / voice of Jerry Lentz) unleashes a planet-destroyer for hire named Kraa on a hapless Planet Earth. But never fear: the young can-do team The Planet Patrol is on the case. One of their agents, an alien named Mogyar (voice of J.W. Perra) arrives on Earth, although he ends up in NJ when he really wanted to go to Naples. A flustered diner owner (Teal Marchande) and a tea-loving biker (R.L. McMurry) come to the desperate aliens' assistance.

Made by some of the same team that did "Zarkorr! The Invader", this is a shade better, with a more tolerable script and generally better acting. At least waiting for the inevitable scenes of destruction is not such a chore in this case. Of course, that still doesn't dispel the fact that this is Grade A cheese, probably of the most entertainment value to kids, who are usually less judgmental than adults.

The humour is pretty obvious - Mogyar speaks with a stereotypical flamboyant Italian accent - but it does elicit some chuckles. The special effects are agreeable, with an amusing design for Mogyar, who somewhat resembles a crustacean, and an equally fun design for the ferocious Kraa. The music score by Carl Dante is enjoyable, and pacing is generally not an issue - this silly B flick only runs an hour and 10 minutes.

The cast is fine; the most curiosity value here is in seeing the lovely Alison Lohman in what was her first on-screen appearance in a feature film. She plays Curtis, a member of this "Planet Patrol" who possesses psychic abilities that will naturally come into play eventually.

There is at least one major in-joke here concerning a major Hollywood monster movie from the same year; some creature feature fanatics may actually prefer this one over the other.

Six out of 10.
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Great, for a B-Movie!
Raven-2515 August 1998
What do you get if you cross a big monster (more scarier than the 98 Godzilla, I might add), an alien with an Italian accent, an intellectual biker, a diner waitress, and a group of teenage intergalactic police officers?

Answer: A soon-to-be classic B-movie known as Kraa! the Sea Monster.

When renting this film, don't be expecting a movie that will send chills down your spine, cause it won't.

Don't rent this film thinking it will someday be an Oscar Award winner, cause it never will.

You SHOULD rent this film for a good laugh at a low budget film that has an award winning plot. What award that is, I'm not really sure.

The Italian alien always made me giggle, and the performance of Garth, one of the Intergalactic cops portrayed by Anthony Furlong is also very noteworthy.

Don't let this movie disappear from the New Releases shelves into the world of lost Sci-Fi. If you don't see it now, you might not ever have the will to see it.
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Kraa for Help...
barnthebarn18 December 2008
Quite exceptional homage to the old Japanese Godzilla and Killer Beast style movies this family film from Full Moon contains unique humour and some great sets. Screenwriter Benjamin Carr (now a top Hollywood producer) provides a competent story and the cast do wonders with a tight budget and a frequently ludicrous stream of events. The movie seriously is good fun and is also notable for helping launch the career of acclaimed actress Alison Lohman. This was part of a short season of 'Monster' movies made by Charles Band and was originally intended to begin a successful sub-label of Full Moon though with the latter's financial trouble and sometimes dubious work ethics the 'Monster' label never really took off.
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Another great monster film!
Movie Nuttball29 September 2003
For people who have seen the box of the movie and thought it looks to be Krudd! the Sea Monster well I have news that it isn't! The movie really good. Sure is its one them bad films that I love but the Kraa looks awesome! I also really like Lord Doom and his voice! Some great note worth things in Kraa! the Sea Monster is when is bashing though the buildings it sounds like paper and just about every scene Kraa is in destroying the city you hear people yelling and screaming but you never see anybody! You can plainly tell that the cars and trucks were just toys and how the movie was made and such it reminded Me of the Power Rangers! For Godzilla, Gamera, and monster fans Kraa is in a lot scenes and destroys quite a bit to satisfy you! Recommended!
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So Bad, It's Good
jasonrules4131 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I am a big monster fan. When I heard about this film I was very excited. I give it a 9. There are 2 reasons I can't give it a 10, horrible acting & the fact that they took a shot at one of my favorite films. Godzilla 1998. I won't spoil the scene for you but look on Youtube. The monster moves really slow, you can even look away from the scene for a minute and it'll still be the same shot. This movie is just a tribute to those old giant monster movies. Kraa's name was stolen from 'Tales Of Suspense's character 'Kraa the Unhuman'. 90% off the movie is Kraa but the other 10% is of the human characters and is even directed by someone else.So I would recommend you watch Kraa The Sea Monster.
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