Shark Attack (TV Movie 1999) Poster

(1999 TV Movie)

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a good really way to ruin your night!!!!!!!!
Dexter Babin18 July 2001
Ok I have seen alot of bad rip offs about the great movie jaws but this is just stupid!!!!!!!!half the time it is not even about sharks. Most of the time it is about this guy and his brother(SPOIL)who gets killed at the end(END SPOIL)and how he hates him and he works for this evil fat guy (SPOIL) who gets killed by his own creations(END SPOIL)so to put it in plain turms THIS MOVIE REALLY REALLY SUCKED so do yourself a favor AND DO NOT WATCH IT.
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italian_angel_824 January 2010
This movie starts out with Steven McKray ( Casper Van Dien ) wanting to go to Africa to investigate a series of Shark Attacks near a remote village called Port Amanzi that has scared the town's tourism and driven fishermen out of business. As our hero visits an old friend, Dr. Miles Craven located in the town he learns his close friend Marc Desantis was killed by a Shark.

Steven McKray a expert marine biologist learns that Marc Desantis sister Corinne Desantis ( Jennifer McShane ) is also in town and meets up with her at the Hook & Net bar where they meet hostile fishermen, who blame American scientists for the Shark Attacks. They soon both find out that Marc Desantis might not have been killed by a Shark after all and both begin to investigate.

This movie is more about Steven McKray and Corinne Desantis looking for the reason why someone killed Marc Desantis and why sharks have turned so violent in this remote village called Port Amanzi. The director in my opinion should have focused more on the shark attacks because in the movie there isn't enough to satisfy the audience, even though the sharks shown in the movie are actually real and cool to watch, the movie lacks any thrill or scary moments when the main cast actually comes face to face with the sharks.
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Somebody Is Spiking The Sharks
bkoganbing12 April 2010
Scientist Cordell McQueen is killed in South Africa in an attack by a shark, the very thing he's gone there to investigate. A cryptic message left on his colleague Casper Van Dien's answering machine sends Van Dien and McQueen's sister Jenny McShane are off to South Africa to investigate.

What they find when they reach the coastal village where the attack occurred is a town ready to die. The resort that Ernie Hudson operates has no tourists and the fisherman don't go out at all because they're afraid of the water. Over the past few years there's been an unaccounted for spike in the number of shark attacks. The only thing operating is a scientific research institute where another colleague Bentley C. Mitchum is conducting research into a cancer cure.

Of course all this ties together with Mitchum conducting some really ghoulish experiments and Hudson playing everyone for suckers. Mitchum maybe thinking of a Nobel Prize for Medicine, but Hudson's got a far more practical motive for his actions.

Shark Attack is your average action adventure film with the cast all fitting nicely into their roles. One thing I would have done was cut Mitchum's death scene, just have him die with no last words. That particular piece of dialog was truly atrocious. Someone should have sicced one of those spiked up sharks on the writers.
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This was quite bad
Psycho Mantis29 July 2001
Casper Van Dien breaks a new record in looking shabby in this movie, although he is supposed to be a marine biologist. If you can buy that, you will probably be able to handle the rest of the movie as well. "Shark Attack" tells the story of Van Dien going to South Africa (where just about everyone seem to be a hustler), to look for his missing friend. He finds out that his friend became shark food, and tries to find out why the sharks have started to behave so aggressively in this particular area. He gets help by another expert, Corinne, who loves to run around in her bikini while trying to solve the case.

If you are looking for really bad acting, check out "Shark Attack". You won´t believe your eyes. The effects are awfully lousy, unless you find rubber sharks convincing. The script contained so many old cliches that I lost count of them, and that is not too good. Right from the start it is quite obvious who is good and who is evil.

These kind of films can be so bad that they become entertaining, but "Shark Attack" is not fun at all. Man, I´d rather watch an episode of "Baywatch" than this kind of crap. Why somebody felt it was necessary to make a sequel to "Shark Attack" I have no idea.

* out of * * * * *
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Technically I can't comment on this film....
negativec0731 May 2004 my DVD player stopped playing it after about an hour. I am in no doubt however it was doing me a favour, saving me before my brain had totally rotted. Luckily I did get to see the car chase, which contains quite possibly the worst editing I have ever seen in my life (the police are driving and old Alfa Romeo 33, which suddenly changes to a mark 1 Ford Sierra, then back to an Alfa, then crashes as a Sierra! Do these people even watch the film when they've finished making it? The cars don't even look remotely similar!)

But I digress. As you've probably worked out by now I hate this film. Even if it has got Ernie Hudson in it (who will always be a God in my eyes for appearing in Ghostbusters.) Most of the movie has nothing to do with sharks, just corrupt cops. I guess they'd run out of money by this point so you get the good old 'z-list actor throwing themselves around in the water whilst someone lets off red food dye' trick. Unless your life depends on it, do not watch this film. And even then only do if you've got a lot to live for.....
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Shark Attack? Where's the sharks?
gothicgoblin133423 September 2006
What a pointless film about genetically mutated sharks. First of all, there are barely any sharks and this film and the gore is crappy low-budget like the ONE shark that comes in at the end. Otherwise, it's a really sh-tty, bad, low budget, typically modern, horror film that makes real good cinematic horror genius like Mario Bava role in their graves. How could there be a big scam for this made-for-TV movie? Yes, this is a made-for-TV crap-shack which you know, knowing this is a made for TV film that there's not going to be much good quality. If you want a shark movie, go watch "Jaws" or even "The Deep" but not Shark Attack. Because despite the title, it's a poor excuse to make money off the SCI-FI channel.
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A real dud...
Coventry19 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Let's not waste too many words on this piece of junk, as I certainly don't want to be the one responsible to raise any interest and make more people suffer through it. "Shark Attack" is an unendurably stupid movie with no redeeming elements whatsoever: unoriginal plot, lame and overly fake action-sequences, no tension dull characters and – worst of all – absolutely no sense of humor! I usually like B-creature features but there's nothing as pathetic as an animals-revolting-violently-against-humans premise that takes itself too seriously! The completely untalented Casper Van Dien stars as a scientist (yeah…he sure looks like one) who travels to an African fishing town because the increasing amount of shark attacks there and one of the victims was his old high school buddy Marc. Upon arrival he discovers that another scientist is trying to genetically use the sharks for the developing of a cancer vaccine. Breeding sharks for medical reasons, hmm… Now where have we seen that before? Oh yeah, Renny Harlin did the same with his "Deep Blue Sea" and that wasn't a very good film neither! Some of the dialogues are so bad they hurt your ears and the acting is really lousy. There's no horror here, neither, unless you consider the dissection of several shark-cadavers to be grueling. The James-Bond style climax is ridiculous and the concluding moral of the film is that animals can't be mean-spirited by nature…humans always the evil driving force behind everything. Yawn! Better watch "Jaws" again, even though it's for the 200th time.
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Really quite appalling
TheLittleSongbird16 September 2011
I will get this off my chest, I don't like these Shark Attack movies, they are cheap and cheesy, but for some strange reason there is some novelty value to be had. The first Shark Attack is not as bad its sequels, 3 is the worst of the series in my opinion, but that's not saying it. It suffers from all the problems of its successors and some. The editing and effects are cheap, the sharks aren't menacing at all, are underused and their attacks are seriously devoid of tension, suspense, excitement and heart. The story is drawn out with the middle dragging badly as well as side-lining the sharks, and predictable too with no scene coming of any big surprise and you do for example have an inkling of how it's going to end. The script is cheesy complete with sluggish pacing and clichéd characters, while the direction is inept and the acting really quite dire with nobody standing out. In conclusion, appalling, but a film to revel in how awful it is. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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A very bad movie
homer_simpson9121 November 2001
Casper Van Dien is one of the worst actors I've seen in movies today, but he is particular bad in this terrible shark movie which is completely devoid of good action, horror, and fun. If you are looking for a shark movie without much of a plot but with fun moments, check out DEEP BLUE SEA (7/10), the more expensive and superior shark movie that came out the same year, but do not watch SHARK ATTACK.

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gridoon6 April 2003
This isn't exactly edge-of-your-seat stuff, it's pretty bland and forgettable, but still acceptable as TV movies go. Casper Van Dien is not too convincing as a young scientist/martial arts expert(!), but speaking in the movie's favor, most of the shark attacks looked perfectly real, and there is also a well-staged "massive shootout" climax in the classic Bondian tradition. (**)
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A list of things more fun than Shark Attack
Bezenby5 October 2010
1. Not watching Shark Attack 2. Looking through a book of carpet samples. 3. Finding your first grey pubic hair. 4. Toilet training a two year old, and finding a brown present in their room. 5. Talking to someone about how they like their eggs. 6. Wondering whether or not to buy a melon, then deciding against it. 7. Waiting in a post office queue, then being informed by the pensioner in front of you that there is nothing worse than waiting in a post office queue. 8. Being beaten around the head by an angry mob in a market in Sarayevo 9. Using the IMDb message board to waffle on about some subject no one cares about. 10. Being sent into battle during the Somme.
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The greatest film...since 'Jaws 4'
hearnesque16 September 1999
Without doubt the most spellbinding, most original movie shot in years. Hats off to the director who did a fine job with the cast and crew (esp. Casper Van Dien who will be standing on the Oscar carpet this coming year! I guarantee it!!!!) Also, Ernie Hudson, who hasn't, in my opinion, made a bad career choice - ever!

Why oh why did this film pass British cinemas, when we get such dross as Renny Harlin's so called shark epic heading our way?
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Casper Van Dien with killer sharks.
kirk-24615 July 2009
One of the most underrated creature features ever made, 'Shark Attack' is an action packed monster fest that actually does a good job at entertaining.Sure, it's not as good as 'Jaws' or 'deep Blue Sea' , but at least it got the job right.So why is this movie getting so many negative reviews? I liked it.I didn't love it,but I found it to be enjoyable.The real stars of the movie are Casper Van Dien from 'Python' and Jenny McShane from 'Shark Attack 3: Megalodon'.They both did a really good job in the movie and should do another creature feature together.Although not excellent, this movie does deliver plenty of action and entertainment.
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Shark Attack
Scarecrow-8818 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Action hokum concerning a marine biologist, Steven McKray(Casper Van Dien), who convinces his boss to fund a trip to South Africa where a series of unusual, grisly shark attacks have occurred. The fishing village, owned by an unscrupulous businessman, Lawrence Rhodes(Ernie Hudson) collecting on foreclosures, has fallen on hard times due to the alarming increase in these shark attacks on tourists and fishermen. McKray was to meet up with an old friend who went on numerous shark-hunting expeditions, Marc Desantis(Cordell McQueen), and finds that he has died under horrifying circumstances, his arm found in the belly of a shark. Joining forces with Marc's disgruntled sister, Corinne(Jenny McShane)and likable live-wire fisherman, Mani(Tony Caprari), who drives his truck and boat on full-speed always, Steven will seek answers regarding his best friend's death which seems like more than just an accidental dive gone terribly wrong. Monitoring a former colleague Dr. Matt Craven's(Bentley Mitchum)shark experiments, Steven soon discovers that he is attempting to find a cancer cure but the side-effects prove that such procedures are ethically, and more importantly, physically, wrong. And, Steven, studying sharks that are active in the area of the village, discovers that they are being controlled..motivated by a mechanical source and have abnormal defects, some organs much larger than they are supposed to be, not to mention uncharacteristic behavior brought on by Craven's experimentation. But, is Craven ultimately the villain of this film? As Steven pursues the truth, he and Corinne become endangered by a corrupt police, willing to kill them to keep their silence as they discover the truth about a shady oil deal in the works. It'll be up to Steven to uncover the truth, to shed light on the underhanded tactics concocted by greed without remorse for innocent blood shed.

The shark action is relatively tame..the photographic documents of such attacks are more grisly than what happens to innocents attacked in the water of this film. A lot of quick cutting between the faces of frightened victims and sharks underwater swimming towards potential human meat, blood used to relate whether or not someone has been ensnared within the mouth of the lurking predator. The film resembles those goofy actioners from the 80's we so know and love where the heroes and villains are black and white with only Craven given any shades of gray. Hudson chews scenery as he does his cigar as the town shark, in a suit and tie, attempting to play nice when anyone can see he is corrupt to the core. Van Dien does his usual mugging, a perfect direct-to-video hero for the B-movie market. He suitably fills the role of the crusader out to find out the truth. Mitchum is smarmy as the crooked scientist with dreams of a Nobel prize and millions if he can perfect his experiments and create a cancer cure. Jenny McShane is your typical free-thinking independent woman, a diver and love-interest for Van Dien, fulfilling the requirements of "damsel in distress", and used as a negotiating piece when evidence is collected on villains..she also looks great in a bikini, which doesn't hurt. There are lots of shootouts and hand-to-hand combats between the fishermen and the police at the end which many might find exciting, although I found the whole orchestrated set-piece rather surreal and humorous. Also features a boat chase, explosions resulting, and Van Dien gets to show that every investigating marine biologist might ought to study martial art techniques.
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Go and watch Jaws or Deep Blue Sea
bob the moo13 September 2001
Unlike most opinion I think the sharks are realistic - the reason being the majority are seen as stock footage that so obiviously has no relation to the actors in terms of the scene. This film manages to have shark attacks with no tension or excitment - Casper Van Dien is constantly throwing himself into the waterwith a knife or something to take on the sharks - and never even looks worried. Jenny McShane runs round in little briefs etc - it's obivious why she is included in the cast. This is so lame that it provides no enterainment at all. Shark attacks bring out a basic fear in all of us - that this film manages to bring NONE of that to the screen is really bad.
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3 thing you should never do!
atinder24 July 2009
There is only one word to say about this movie and that is boring. The plot: A marine biologist heads for Port Amanzi in Africa after his friend, Mark DeSantis, is supposedly a victim of a fatal shark attack. DeSantis had been conducting research on a series of shark attacks in the area prior to his death and now his friend, along with DeSantis' sister, takes up the research and finds that the sharks may not be the only threat in Port Amanzi. 3 Things you should never do.

1)Buy this movie. 2)Watch this movie. 3)Don't watch it again just to review it.

The worst think about this movie was that the shark was real underwater and every time come above sea level it was fake, i don't even get me started on the fake blood!. There is one good thing i can say about this movie is the acting from small part of cast is Okay.
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Low budget, worth a watch, actually has a plot...
JCinHB25 July 2022
Ok, its a low budget movie, but hey, it has a plot, it has actual moving boats, different locations and actors that can moderately act unlike some of the shark movies out there like Jurassic Shark. Don't expect anything too major and you won't be disappointed.....

I love Shark Movies ... the more the better.....
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You may never want to go into the water again...
Amityville1513 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
When an accidental death is given on discovery of the remains of a top scientist, within the body of a hammerhead shark, his closest friend Marine Biologist Steven McRay is not happy with the explanation and travels to investigate further, where he discovers that his friends death was not an isolated incident and that the local population have been terrorised by a rash of Shark attacks.

This film starred: Casper Van Dien, Jennifer McShane & Ernie Hudson.

Shark Attack is a truly disgraceful film, I can't stand low-budget films like these, they simply are terrible, it has cheap thrills and characters you simply don't care about. I don't recommend this film as it boring, cheap and stupid.

*/***** Disgraceful.
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Not that good....
dallomania23 January 2002
I have just seen this movie and have to say that it was pretty poor, I mean there are hardly any attacks and when there are they are all "stock footage" of actual sharks. There are also many pointless scenes in the movie, and many bits make the viewer laugh. I wouldn't bother with this film, and for starters the back cover of the film stuff it up by saying that it's a hammerhead when it's clearly a "great white".

Oh dear.......
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nothing to say
redhead98984 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie three years ago on tape when i rented it. since i live right across the street from it i walk there. I was going through all these films in the 's' section. i came across shark attack 3, shark zone, shark hunter, when i came across a tape of shark attack. i had seen the third many times, so i thought it would be a great film to laugh at. while walking home, i had to stop every five seconds to look at the boxart and read the back and look at the tape, it took me an hour to walk 5 hundred feet when it usually takes me 20 minutes. When i put it in, the first five minutes were boring. 15-20 minutes into the film i was so distracted by all the people in the house because they were family i made it to the part where he is talking to a guy in a lab with shark things all around him. since a few other people were watching it i left it on, i decided to watch it some other day and never did and they were selling tapes and somebody else bought it and i'm gonna buy it soon. All i can say is the film's first half hour is boring, but it has a lot of action, so it is okay, the paragraph above is just to keep you entertained because there isn't a lot to say about this junk, just treasure how bad the film is. 4/10 stars.
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S**t Attack.
BA_Harrison17 October 2011
Shark Attack is from Nu-Image, the studio that gave B-movie fans such low-budget creature features as Crocodile, Octopus and Spiders; but where those films wisely kept the plot as uncomplicated as possible and at least delivered a few unintentional giggles thanks to the shonky nature of their poorly executed CGI critters, this crap-fest actually tries it's hand at telling a story (a boring one, but a story nonetheless) and relies on stock footage of bored sharks to try and chill the blood. The result is sloppier than a bucket of chum and stinks almost as bad.

It doesn't help much that the 'star' of this film is Casper Van Dien, an actor with even less emotional range than one of his fishy co-stars: sharks are often described as having cold, expressionless eyes, but they ain't got nothing on this fella! Support is given by Ernie Hudson from Ghostbusters as 'untrustworthy businessman', Tony Caprari as 'comic relief sidekick', and Jenny McShane as 'brainy blonde who looks good in a small bikini', none of whom give great performances, but who all look like potential Oscar winners next to Van Dien.
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Barely watchable
SanteeFats12 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Hey guess what? This movie is not good. The top billed star gets killed almost immediately. Casper Van Dien is at best a B movie actor and this is no exception. Although he is a lot better than the two killer cops, especially the one who laughs like a maniac when he cuts or busts someone. At first I thought Dr. Craven was one of the bad guys. Turns out he was just ethically challenged. Ernie Hudson does a decent job as the rich but evil town magnate. At the end did anyone NOT see him getting killed by one of the sharks? This is so much a B movie that vehicles, boats, and helicopters just start blowing up towards the end. I like the guy Manni. Good enough acting and I liked his accent. At the end of this movie the fishermen come to the rescue and everyone except Dr. Craven is saved, well almost. Craven is killed but he is a good guy at the end. I also like that everyone with a sidearm is using a revolver. What security person or cops use them now days instead of an automatic?
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Red Sails in the Sunset
oyazaway13 November 1999
This suspenseful action-thriller showcases the talents of Casper Van Dien, his ingenius sidekick and the superlative Ernie Hudson. Beautiful locations with tribal personages and documentary shark footage are outstanding. Bentley Mitchum is delightfully depraved as the mad scientist. Good movie.
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Don't believe the other reviews!
ecto21622 October 2002
Listen, people are giving this movie bad word of mouth for no reason! If you are a fan of cheesy Movies or think you are, you could find this disapointing. But if you are seriously into bad cheesy movies, bottom of the barrel bad films with stock footage, bad acting, and fake gore, than this movie is for you! Awesome shark stock footage that has no place in the actual movie being reused over and over, horrible acting by Casper Van Diem, no tense moments in a thriller labled movie...basically everything you want in a cheesy rip off. So people, stop rating this movie as if it should be taken seriously. It SHOULD be taken as a joke! If you can do that and lower your expectations like I did, you'll have a good time laughing your ass off at this film! On a B-Movie scale, I give it a 7 out of 10. Don't rate this movie on an actual scale comparing it to serious films. Rate it on a B-Movie scale
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The title takes a back seat to some boring conspiracy mumbo-jumbo.
punch8729 September 2020
The acting, cinematography, and editing aren't even that bad; the characters simply don't engage in anything exciting, despite a flurry of action sequences and shark attacks.
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