WrestleMania XII (1996) Poster

(1996 TV Special)

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Good but disapointing
Michael Stamp2 November 2001
The 12th Wrestlemania was also one of the most interesting. For the first time ever the main event of Wrestlemania was guaranteed to last one hour. This would have been laughable in the days of Hogan, Andre and even Nash but the task has been given to two more capable athletes.

The main event is by far the biggest match in Michaels career yet he still takes all the risks he became famous for and combined them with a solid, cerebral ground based attack. Bret on the other hand enters a hesitant performance and seems reluctant to give Michaels anything. The drama in the closing moments is excellent however and Michaels title win was long over due. Unfortunately, instead of staying in the ring after the decision and congratulating the new champ Bret storms out of the building like a spoilt child who had to share his favourite toy. Aside from this complaint the match is awesome.

The undercard is a mixed bag, some good some bad. Overall the good outweighs the bad and makes WMXII a recommended event.
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Finally A Legitimate Step Forward
zkonedog22 February 2019
There were great WrestleMania's way before XII and would be great WrestleMania's after it. But for its time, WM XII represents an enormous and long-await step forward in quality for the WWE.

This is the first time in nearly 2-3 years of WWE PPVs that I can say I legitimately was entertained almost all the way through. After the opening-card tag matches (which admittedly are kind of "blah"), here are some of the highlights...

-Piper and Goldust's "Backlot Brawl", which was just dumb/silly enough to work I think. -A perfectly pedestrian match between Steve Austin & Savio Vega, yet important in establishing Austin's WWE presence. -Ultimate Warrior vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley was a fun little moment, albeit one that (via hindsight) would never take root. -Undertaker vs. Diesel being a legitimately fun "big men" match. Those two knew how to put on a good show and it bears out here.

Then, of course, there is the Michaels/Hart "Iron Man Match" finale for which this event will always be remembered. Surprisingly, upon a recent re-watch, the first half of the match teeters on being boring, but the latter half more than makes up for it. This is truly one of the best "WM finale" moments in the history of the event, with two of the WWE's Hall of Famers giving it all they had.

It really feels like the WWE turned a bit of a corner with WM XII. They managed to create a fun card almost from top to bottom, and each match added at least some sort of entertainment to the mix. I'd say the last time a WM did that previous to this was WM VIII four years previous. I can't remember if WWE was able to sustain this momentum going forward, but for just this event it was a refreshing step up in quality.
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WWE Wrestlemania XII, 1996
A passable Wrestlemania.

Firstly lets get the bad out of the way. Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart fought for the WWF Heavyweight Championship in a 60 minute iron man match. However the match was mediocre and bored fans senseless with their methodical rest holds and boring moves. The match was restarted at the 60 minute interval and Michaels pinned Hart to capture the belt, but no one cared. At least 5,000 fans walked out on the match near the end because they were bored.

'The Ringmaster' Steve Austin downed Savio Vega in another boring match. Austin did not like this gimmick at all and was made worse by the fact that he was managed by Ted DiBiase who still thought at the time it was the year 1988 and not 1996. Austin was relived when DiBiase left the WWF for WCW at the time which was understandable.

The Ultimate Warrior squashed Hunter Hearst Hemsley in 30 seconds. Warrior refused to put Hemsley over in any way and even demanded he kick out of the pedigree, not believable at all. Triple H has stated many times that he found Jim Hellwig "The most unprofessional person, he's ever stepped into the ring with". Considering Triple H's record of winning nearly all his matches and screwing over people (Booker T at Wrestlemania 19 and Rob Van Dam at Unforgiven 2002 and many more) he's got a bit of a cheek.

The PPV does have it's highlights though, such as the Hollywood Backlot Brawl featuring 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper and Goldust (the sight of two wrestlers chasing each other down the highway at the time was unbelievable, even though some of it was footage of OJ Simpson) and the match between The Undertaker and Diesel was fairly decent.

Results from the show which was held in Anaheim, California: Owen Hart, The British Bulldog and Vader defeated Jake 'the snake' Roberts, Ahmed Johnson and Yokozuna in a fair 6 man tag match.... 'The Ringmaster' Steve Austin downed Savio Vega in a mediocre match.... The Ultimate Warrior pinned Hunter Hearst Hemsley in a 30 second squash.... The Undertaker downed Diesel in a fair match.... 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper went to a non finish with Goldust in an entertaining Hollywood Backlot Brawl.... Shawn Michaels defeated Bret Hart to capture the WWF title in a poor match.

Overall Grade - C
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Dimer11719 October 2004
This Wrestlemania was amazing. The Iron Man match was great, without question the best match ever. The Diesel vs. Taker match was an awesome clash between two 7 ft. giants. The Backlot Brawl was interesting (for the most part) with a very enjoyable ending. The six man tag match was a great opening match. The return of Ultimate Warrior was amazing, it was the best 30-second long match I have seen (and probably the only 30-second match I will see). The match between Savio Vega and Steve Austin was entertaining and it was good to see Steve Austin win his very first 'mania match. All in all, it was the best Wrestlemania ever and the only one that comes close is Wrestlemania XIV.
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The future is here
paudieconnolly4 July 2021
Experimental -mania new ideas 60 minutes match street fights and an improving locker room. Looking back at 12 you could see the beginnings of better days ahead for the federation.
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This Wrestlemania is lots of fun!
callanvass7 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers

Live from Anaheim CA

Attendance: 18,853

Your hosts are Vince McMahon & Jerry Lawler

Vader, Owen Hart & The British Bulldog (W/Jim Cornette) Vs Yokozuna, Ahmed Johnson & Jake "The Snake" Roberts (W/Mr. Fuji)

Vader's team wins after Vader pins Roberts with a Vader bomb from the second rope. This was a perfect way to start the show. It was exciting and the crowd was into it, even if it was obvious from the outset that Roberts was the one who was going to be pinned. One thing I was surprised about was the positive reception for Yokozuna. The crowd ate up everything he did against Vader.


Backlot Brawl

"Rowdy" Roddy Piper Vs Goldust

Piper is standing in the backlot with a bat in his hands. Goldust shows up in a gold Cadillac. Piper smashes the windows of the car with the baseball bat and brawls with Goldust. Piper absolutely DESTROYS Goldust in very stiff fashion to the point where Goldust is busted open the hard way. Goldust comes back with a low-blow, then he runs over Piper with a car. Piper luckily avoided any major damage and a vehicle chase ensues with Piper following Goldust in his ford.

Thoughts: This is very good stuff. The brawl was very intense and Piper looked like a man possessed. Goldust was on such a roll as a heel here, you were begging to see Piper kick his ass.

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin (W/Ted Dibiase) Vs Savio Vega

Stone Cold makes Vega submit with The Million Dollar Dream after drilling Vega twice with the Million Dollar belt while the referee was knocked out. I commend both on their effort here. This match was virtually unannounced with no hype. They showed good chemistry out there. This is Stone Cold's Wrestlemania debut. Next year would be huge for him.


Hunter Hearst Helmsley (W/Sable) Vs The Ultimate Warrior

This is Warrior's first match with the WWF in over three years. Warrior gets a good, yet unspectacular pop. Warrior wins in 1 minute and 39 seconds with a gorilla press slam and a big splash. Normally, I would be very annoyed if a solid wrestler got treated like Hunter did. Considering how many people Hunter has buried over the years, I don't feel sorry for him what so ever. As I said, the crowd was kinda lukewarm towards Warrior.


Marc Mero debuts in the WWF with a backstage interview. Helmsley interrupts, then he and Mero get into a backstage brawl.

Thoughts: Mero had some fame in WCW as Johnny B Badd. There are worse ways you can have a superstar debut. Helmsley attacking out of frustration makes sense.

Diesel Vs The Undertaker (W/Paul Bearer)

The Undertaker wins with a tombstone. This is one of the best big man matches you'll ever see. It's not very often that two behemoths can put on a match that's over 3 stars. The Undertaker is one of the best big men to ever lace their boots, and Kevin Nash is talented when he's motivated. I rank this is as one of the most underrated matches.


Roddy Piper and Goldust arrive to the arena in their vehicles. Piper and Goldust take the fight all the way inside the ring. Goldust kicks Piper's ass for a while until Goldust kisses Piper, which makes Piper snap. Disgustingly, Piper disrobed Goldust, who is wearing lingerie. Piper stands tall to end the fight.

Thoughts: The Backlot brawl was both good and bad. It started off as a very intense brawl, but slowly lost steam and petered out after a while. It would have been better if they had an actual street fight or something. Goldust wearing lingerie is something I try to put out of my mind as quickly as possible when I watch Wrestlemania 12.

WWF Championship (Iron Man Match)

Bret Hart (C) Vs Shawn Michaels (W/Jose Lothario)

For those that don't know, an Iron Man Match is where two wrestlers wrestle for 60 minutes. Whoever has the most pinfalls or submissions during the 60 minutes is the winner. Shawn's entrance is absolutely spectacular! He uses a zipline of over 100 feet in the air to come down into the crowd. After 60 minutes pass, it's still tied 0-0. Bret is leaving with the WWF title, but Gorilla Monsoon orders sudden death between Bret and Shawn. Shawn drills Bret with Sweet Chin Music in the opening minutes of sudden death and wins the WWF title.

Thoughts: This is undoubtedly a fantastic match, I'm not denying that. It told a wonderful story of the perseverance of Shawn Michaels, and the tenacity of Bret Hart. It's not the classic that many people make it out to be, though. I understand that they had to pace themselves in a 60 minute match, but there were far too many rest holds in this match. There is plenty of action and a ton of excitement, but it's also bogged down by the rest holds. I also felt the sudden death cheapened the impact a little bit. The 60 minutes felt real, the sudden death felt tacked on. As I said, this is definitely a wonderful match that ranks highly in my favorites, I just don't consider it to be the 5 star match many claim it is. I say it falls just short of 5 stars.


I'll give this an 8/10. It's a very entertaining PPV and one of the most underrated Wrestlemania's. Even though fans overrate the iron man match, it's still an unforgettable match.
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Not the best match ever in no way shape or form
JosephBrenner8 March 2005
First off yes, going 60 minutes running and jumping around must have been tough and very tiring for Bret and Shawn and I commend them for that, but that alone does not make an incredible match. I saw the Iron Match between the Rock and HHH before seeing WM XII and so I was worried about this Iron match before it started. The Rock, HHH match started very slowly with punches and holds due to obvious reasons they didn't wanna get tired out, I understand that. They can't go at it guns blazing for 60 minutes, they'd die. But punches and holds, especially holds are the worst and most boring thing about wrestling. If you total up the decent moves and quality action in the Shawn vs. Bret match you might get, if you're lucky, 20 solid minutes. That leaves the other 40 though, right? And they certainly should have made it more interesting with a few pins or submissions rather than leaving it 0 - 0 right until the end. Good match, but not the best ever.
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First Iron Man match ever
amanwhorocks2 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
1. Vader/The British Bulldog/Owen Hart Vs. Yokozuna/Ahmed Johnson/Jake Roberts - High quality tag team action from the very start. Vader pinned Roberts. 7.5/10

2. Stone Cold Steve Austin Vs. Savio Vega - Weird match with freaky ending. Austin won, thanks God. 6/10

3. Hunter Hearst Helmsley Vs. The Ultimate Warrior - Warrior won with 4 clotheslines, one Gorilla Press Slam and splash. WOHOU!! Worst match on the card. 3/10

4. Diesel Vs. The Undertaker - Finally some great feud for Taker at WM. Not Gonzales, not "Taker 2", Diesel was decent opponent. For clean victory over Big D. I give 7/10

5. (Oh no) Pajpa Vs. Goldust - Goldust in nylons Vs. The most old school guy after Hogan. Thx very much, I don't care. 4.5/10

6. WWF World Heavywight Title Iron Man match: Shawn Michaels Vs. Champ-Bret Hart - Slow start, but great ending of legal 60:00 time limit. Hate that continue part, Shawn deserve the belt and should win over Bret, but not in that match. 7/10
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Mr. WrestleMania finally reaches to the top!!!
morantjavonte31 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
WrestleMania XII was the 12th annual WrestleMania Event that took place on March 31, 1998 in Anihiem, California. Main Event featured The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Micheals against the Hitman Bret Hart in the first ever 1 hour Iron Man match for the WWE Championship. Notable last WrestleMania appearances were Jake Roberts, Deisal and Yokozuna but a few notable debuts like Triple H and Stone Cold came in. In spite WWE in rough time period with Ratings to the Rival WCW, they worked hard on the build up to this Wrestlemania.

The Good - The Main Event was great. Definitely got surpassed by dozens of future Iron Matches in comparison but it was still great. Shawn Micheals sold every move properly and Bret Hart really carried the match. I thought the Opening was good too. I thought all 6 competitors were gave it there all.

The Meh - Diesal vs. Undertaker was okay. I saw people saying it was good but I found it decent. I for a long time during the show didn't know Goldust vs. Rowdy Piper was a match that started. But it okay as well. The first half for HBK and Bret Hart was also kinda slow and the crowd was dead for a lot of the show including the first half of the match.

The Bad - Well Ultimate Warrior vs. HHH was a waste and I thought Austin vs. Vega was boring. But hey people only saw the beginning of what was going to be a rising star. Austin as a the millionaire was a laughable knowing what he really got inside. If not for the main event this show would have probably been crap.

Overall - Decent show. It's not one of the most memorable Wrestlemanias but it wasn't a Disaster. Recommend watching 3/6 of these matches if optional.

0 = Terrible: 1 = Bad/Lackluster: 2 = Decent: 3 = Good: 4 = Awesome: 5 = One of the best of all time:

1. Ahmed Johnson, Yokozuna, and Jake Roberts vs. Owen Hart, Vader, and British Bulldog - 3.5/5

2. Savio Vega vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin - 1.5/5

3. Ultimate Warrior vs. Hunter Hurst Helmsley - 0/5

4. Undertaker vs. Diesel - 2.5/5

5. Roddy Piper vs. Goldust - 2/5

6. Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels: WWE Championship (Iron Man) - 4/5

Best Match - Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels

Worst Match - Ultimate Warrior vs. Hunter Hurst Helmsley

Most Memorable Moment - Shawn Micheals entrance

Top 5 Performers

1. Bret Hart

2. Shawn Micheals

3. Diesal

4. Undertaker

5. All 6 Tag Team Competitors

Score - 6 out of 10: Decent.
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Big Movie Fan1 May 2002
WrestleMania XII was a terrific event with some great matches.

In the main event Bret Hart battled Shawn Michaels in a 60 minute Iron Man Match. This match was sensational. Bret and Shawn had 60 minutes to showcase their talents and they did a brilliant job.

This event also saw the return of one of my favourites-The Ultimate Warrior who squashed future champion Hunter Hearst Helmsley in minutes. I really cheered during this match but to my disappointment the Warrior was gone from the WWF 3 months after this event took place.

Roddy Piper and the truly bizarre Goldust had an entertaining match and it was great to see Goldust get his butt kicked. This was Roddy Piper's last WrestleMania and he didn't disappoint.

There were two other great matches as well-The Undertaker battled Diesel in a match where both men performed above their usual standard. And there was an awesome six man match pitting Vader, Owen Hart and Davey Boy Smith VS Jake "The Snake" Roberts, Ahmed Johnson and Yokosuna.

Terrific card with terrific matches!
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LIved and died on one match....and what a match it was!
bh_tafe32 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Well, hello and welcome to Wrestlemania 12. The big story going in was the first one on one meeting since Survivor Series 1992 between fan favourites Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels. From somewhere Vince got the idea that Shawn Michaels was going to be the next megastar of wrestling, right up there with Hogan. Sadly he was wrong, and Micheals, despite being an excellent worker would join the long list of failed champions since Hogans glory days in the WWE effectively ended at Wrestlemania 6.

It was decided that the match between Hart and Michaels would be no ordinary wrestling match, but a 60 minute iron man match with whoever collected the most falls in that period would be declared the winner and WWE Champion. Given how the match went, the stipulation could just as easily have been left out completely and would have stopped no end of whining from HBK marks years later, annoyed that there are still many fans who rate Hart higher than the "The Show Stopper." Whatever.

This PPV would also mark the in ring return of former WWE Champion The ULtimate Warrior, making his first PPV appearance since Summerslam 1992 and taking on Hunter Hearst Helmsley.

The other big match on the card was the long awaited showdown between Diesel and the Undertaker, who had cost each other title matches in recent PPVs.

The night started off with Owen Hart, Vader and the British Bulldog defeating Yokozuna, Jake Roberts and Ahmed Johnson in a forgettable opener. Yokozuna had recently turned on long time manager Jim Cornette. THis was Roberts first Wrestlemania appearance for some time and a rather disappointing final wrestlemania match for him. He never really had a "Wrestlemania moment." Next up we had Steve Austin making his Wrestlemania debut with Million Dollar Man Ted DiBIase at his side and defeating Savio Vega in a passable match. There wasn't really much more to it than that.

Next up, in the only match I have ever given six stars the Ultimate Warrior took on Triple H. Triple H dominated the early part of the match and looked to have it won when he hit the pedigree, but Warrior no sold the pedigree (yes, you read that right, no sold the pedigree) called down the powers, hit a gorilla press slam and a splash for the pin, all in under two minutes. Wow, what a match! Now its was time for the big match between The Undertaker and Diesel, won by the Undertaker after surviving three jack knife power bombs. This was not a technical masterpiece but it was nice little match telling a fun story which both guys sold well. Easily the best thing on the card so far.

It wouldn't get much competition from the next match, a backlot brawl won by Roddy Piper against Goldust. The match parodied the OJ Simpson car chase for a brief period. Really awful and pretty late too I would have thought.

Finally comes our main event, with Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels putting on a clinic. The only problem was the match made a nonsense of the stipulation by having Hart and Michaels battle to a sixty minute draw, which would have been a heck of a lot more exciting without the time clock down the bottom basically advertising that nothing in the way of a pin or submission was going to happen in the next sixty minutes. Anyway, time expired with Michaels in the Sharpshooter with no hope of escape and Hart released the hold and, thinking the match had been drawn and he had retained his title began to walk away, but he was informed by Gorilla Monsoon that the match was going to continue under sudden death rules. Michaels eventually won about 5 minutes later with Sweet Chin Music to win his first WWE Championship. Hart looked very angry as he left for the back. In the storyline he had every reason to be annoyed. Had he known about the sudden death rule he never would have released the sharpshooter and thus would have won the match by submission. In real life he had a pretty good reason too. Michaels had told him to "Get the F-ck out of the ring," after the match had finished.

There you have it, an average Wrestlemania lifted by a superb title match.
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Greatest match ever
curositykiller22 July 2002
HBK vs. Bret Hart in the 60 minute Iron Man match in my opinion was the best match ever put together. Vince McMahon is a genius, thinking of this is what makes McMahon the man he is today. I just wish he didn't become such an a-hole in the show.
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