The Hitcher II: I've Been Waiting (Video 2003) Poster

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Direct to video nasty (and that's not a good thing!)
The_Void8 December 2005
Here we have a sequel to a classic cult film, made almost two decades after the original. Guess what? It's rubbish. Oh yes, obviously someone had a bright idea to make a sequel to a well known film in the hope that it would emulate the original's cable TV success in the dreary direct to video market. Trouble is, while this was being thought through; these people obviously forgot to hire a decent scriptwriter - d'oh! What we are left with, therefore, is a rehash of the original film - except with less excitement, less ideas and less reason to see it. The film has a few flashbacks to the original film during its running time, and ironically - these are the best bits. The film's plot has written itself, and sees the hero from the original film making the mistake of driving back down the road where the events of the original happened. As if this mistake wasn't silly enough, he then makes the mistake of picking up another hitchhiker! Some people just don't learn, but in his defence - it was naturally all the fault of a woman, in this case his girlfriend. It doesn't take a genius to guess what the rest of the film is about.

The original film was very much a B-movie, and this one is too. We have, therefore, a B-movie cast. C. Thomas Howell is in it for the money, as he reprises his role from the first film. He is joined by Jake Busey; Gary Busey's son, who actually manages to turn in a decent performance amidst this train-wreck of a film -but nowhere near Rutger Hauer, of course. B-movie actress Kari Wuhrer tops off the central trio. I saw Kari Wuhrer in the pointless seventh part of the Hellraiser series ("Deader") recently, and along with her small role in Eight Legged Freaks - have come to the conclusion that she needs a better agent. She's not a brilliant actress, but she's good looking and definitely deserves better roles than what she's been getting. The action is generally very tame, and stinks of a film that couldn't get the budget. The original didn't have much of a budget either - but that made the best of it, this one doesn't. Several sequences in this film are merely rubbish rehashes of scenes in the original - including the most famous scene from 'The Hitcher' - which isn't nearly as effective here. On the whole, this film shouldn't be seen by anyone. If you're not a fan of the original, you won't like it anyway - and if you are; you won't want to see one of your favourites defiled like this. Avoid!
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Makes perfect sense!!!
MorganStable27 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I'll admit... this is not a good movie. But it has some things that always work.

1. A buxom woman and the star of SOUL MAN running for their lives in the middle of the dessert. Joyride. Duel. Breakdown. It's everybody's biggest fear... except for being stuck in a cornfield.

2. Jake Busey's teeth.


3. KILLING OFF THE LEAD half way through the film. Totally unexpected... except by C Thomas Howell's agent I suppose.

4. An airport runway that magically appears out of nowhere. Love that!!!

5. Completely random reference to the grisly murder from the end of the original.

6. About ten different endings.

7. Flaming body parts.

As straight to DVD fare goes, this is surprisingly palpable. Totally worth waiting half my life to see this sequel.

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Weak and silly with a few good moments.
stormruston11 July 2004
Jake Busey is pretty OK in this,verging on worthwhile for the genre.

Starts out with a stalled plane on the highway...and the guy needs alittle help to get it going...yep that happens all the time.

The story is one of revenge but never fully explained.The situations are pretty far fetched and the gore and violence reasonable realistic(special effects).

I never really felt for any of the characters nor got involved in the movie,still the production values are good,and the editing fine,it just is not a very good movie.
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A lame and laughable re-hash of the original... Made only for a quick buck!
groovymike_1615 July 2003
If this movie was a stand alone straight-to-video flick with no connection to The Hitcher, I think it would have been more enjoyable. But that's just not the case. Instead, this turns out to be such an obvious rip-off of the first it's not even funny. There's absolutely no doubt in my mind that the only reason it was made was to make a quick buck. This lame and laughable re-hash of the original doesn't even deserve "The Hitcher" title. A sequel didn't need to be made, but since one was, it's just plain sad that this had to be it. They could have done better than this, even for straight-to-video. If you haven't seen the original though, you will probably enjoy this more. But for the most part, it just annoyed me. It did manage to get a little better and more interesting after a half an hour or so, but until then, I was less than thrilled. It made me roll my eyes quite a few times, mainly during the first 30+ minutes. The last 40-50 minutes or so were undeservedly entertaining, of course, pretty much anything would be entertaining after the rocky start the movie had. And even though pretty much the whole thing stole from the original, it managed to get me interested during the last half. Sure, I knew what would happen. Hell, anyone who's ever seen a horror movie, action movie, or thriller before will be able to see the final events unfolding before they even happen. But even with the terrible dialogue, plot-holes, shameless ripping off, and just plain silliness, I was still entertained during the last half, even if I'm not proud of it.

Before seeing this movie I was happy C. Thomas Howell was at least reprising his role. But after seeing the movie, I could care less. In the original, even if his character did some of the dumbest things, he was still likable and you wanted him to get out alive. In the sequel, his character was annoying and I didn't care if he lived or died. The part where he flipped out in the care about picking up the hitchhiker was so lame. Obviously, he was right since the guy turned out to be a killer, but at the time, he had no proof, and made a fool out of himself by acting so stupid. I mean, what would the odds be that this hitchhiker would actually be a killer too? In the movie, it's pretty good (but a very lame attempt at connecting the two movies, and a little unbelievable), but in the real world, it's pretty unlikely that would happen. So both times you pick up a hitchhiker in your life they are going to turn out to be psycho killers? It just doesn't seem plausable. Yet the creators of this sequel just don't care, because all they wanted was a quick buck, and could care less how much disbelief the audience is supposed to suspend. The character I liked in the original becomes just

plain unbearable here. I think C. Thomas Howell's overracting is the main reason this happens. The scene in the car when he goes crazy is the best example of this. I prefer to just forget this annoying Jim Halsey (Howell) and remember the one in the original instead... Surprisingly fairing better is Kari Wuhrer. I didn't expect much from her, but she was actually the best thing about the movie. Her acting wasn't the best, but it wasn't bad and it was certainly better than everyone else in the movie. Plus, the fact that she's very easy on the eyes here made the movie easier to watch. She looked kind of like a poor-man's Ashley Judd... I've never liked Jake Busey, and this movie didn't change that. Even if he does somewhat resemble Rutger Hauer from the original, his performance doesn't even come close. With Hauer, we felt a sense of dread, a reason to be afraid. Here, Busey is just plain goofy and cracking lame one-liners. I never felt afraid of this bumbling moron.

Even though I knew this wouldn't be able to touch the original, I still couldn't help but look forward to this movie. I thought it might be able to at least entertain, and figured it was a good sign that Howell was back, but that just wasn't the case. It couldn't even meet my expectations, which weren't all that high. I also could have done without the blinding cinematography. It was kind of annoying. The colors were really bad and bled quite a bit. I'm not sure if the bleeding was just from the DVD version, but either way, the colors looked like crap... In the end, if you want to see a hacked up re-hash of the original, then this might please you. But I can't picture any fans of the original truly enjoying this one, even if it does manage to have a few entertaining scenes.

Grade: 6/10 (C+)
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Totally Absurd Screenplay
claudio_carvalho29 April 2005
The detective Jim Halsey (C.Thomas Howell) is fired from the police force after a daring rescue of an abducted child, when he shot and killed the kidnapper. He is advised to look for psychological assistance, but he decides to travel with his girlfriend Maggie (Kari Wuhrer) to visit Capt. Esteridge (Stephen Hair), his old friend who believed and supported him some years ago after a traumatic experience. While traveling, Maggie decides to give a lift to Jack (Jake Busey), a weird man on the road, under the strong protest of Jim. Jack is indeed an evil psychopath, who decides to chase the couple, killing everybody around them. This movie is horrible, being a ridiculous sequel (or remake?) of a classic, but full of clichés and totally predictable! The promosing first five minutes cheats the viewer and are excellent, having a great plot point in the very beginning of the story. However, the rest of the story has a totally absurd screenplay, and none of the situations are resolved. The participation of C. Thomas Howell, a C-class actor, is minimum, basically to give his name to the credits, and his character is one of the unluckiest I have ever seen. Further, the change of the lead actor to a lead actress is very problematic, since Maggie is the guilty for the whole situation and her character is hysterical, non-charismatic, has a horrible voice and does not convince as a heroin. I do not understand the reason for the sequel of an excellent thriller after nineteen years. The end of "The Hitcher II: I've Been Waiting" is one of the worst I have ever seen. My vote is three.

Title (Brazil): "A Morte Pede Carona 2" ("The Death Hichhikes 2")
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I've not been waiting!
jamiecostelo586 December 2006
I like to give films a chance when I first watch them, but this sequel to the brilliant 1986 film is rather weak. It may contain some stomach-churning scenes and other startling moments, but it still proves a failure.

I don't know why sequels are made if I'm honest, because they just seem to go on and on....Some superior movies are terrific without sequels, and The Hitcher was one of them. The Hitcher 2: I've Been Waiting simply ruins the whole aspect of the first movie, although the fact that Jim Halsey is now a policeman is an interesting premise. Kari Wuhrer is rather convincing in her role, even if Jake Busey is not.

Flashbacks from the first film is a strong point, as well as the new plot being based along the same stretch of road, but as a whole, The Hitcher 2: I've Been Waiting is extremely unconvincing. It isn't that bad a movie, but the budget was wasted (not surprising the film went straight-to-video really). I certainly had NOT been waiting for a sequel to The Hitcher, hence my rating of just 2/10.
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A film to avoid at all costs
MaxBorg893 December 2006
Remember The Hitcher? A violent, suspenseful cult flick starring Rutger Hauer? Well, it didn't need a sequel, did it? That's what any average moviegoer would say.

Unfortunately, someone thought a second installment was necessary, hence this cheap rehash of the original, which sees Jim Halsey (C. Thomas Howell) and his girlfriend threatened by a young, crazy hitchhiker (Jake Busey) who turns out to be (hold on) the reincarnation of John Ryder, the psycho Jim killed in the first film. So what's going to happen? The usual, I'd say: Ryder Jr. kills a lot of people, blames the protagonists, blah blah blah...

This is the kind of sequel that has "cheap" written all over it, with its predictable screenplay, excessively familiar death scenes (some are copied shot by shot from the original) and embarrassingly dull acting: Howell has lost all the charm he had in 1986, his female co-star does nothing but scream, and Busey's attempt at channeling Rutger Hauer fails within 30 seconds from his first appearance. The whole reincarnation thing also robs the original film's climax of its strength: unlike Halloween killer Michael Myers, Ryder wasn't supposed to return.

The good news is, no one seems to have made plans for a Hitcher III so far, thus leaving only this straight-to-video disaster as a sad footnote in the horror genre.
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alejoalive17 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Well, what can I say. I'll start by saying that this is the stupidest movie I have ever seen, and I don't know how anybody can even think about passing this movie as a professional film, to me the director probably thinks the audience is stupid or something because I just don't see how the girl is able to first of all, drive an 18 wheeler which happens to have the hardest manual transmission you can ever find, and the girl also happens to be able to fly an aircraft at a professional level, and after all this, she doesn't use that "supposely" huge brain to don't fall into every ridiculous things the guy does to her, not even a little kid would do the stupid crap she does.

This movie gives the perfect example of what not to do if you ever find your self in this situation.
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Pales in comparison to the original
mm-3920 July 2003
I think this movie had a hard time to beat the first as the first was so entertaining. A lot of the scenes were from the first and rehashed. It was a lower budget movie and was filmed in Alberta Canada. I do not know why they even bothered with this movie. They obviously could not contend with the first. I did not see this in the theater, I think it was a direct to video here. There are some tense moments. The one bright spot was the crazy acting of Jake Busey. He sure takes after his father. It is too bad that he didn't have more of a story to work with. 4/10
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This sequel is a passable thriller but lacks the fear of hitchhikers which was ingrained in our brains by the amazing Rutger Hauer's performance.
Fella_shibby15 November 2020
I first saw this more than a decade ago on a dvd which I own. Revisited it recently. The start sequence of this one is done very well with solid suspense n good twist.

The original is a classic thriller in my opinion. Inspite of the lack of violence and Nash's death offscreen, the tension, suspense n performance made the original one of the best thriller.

This one cud have at least added the killer's backstory or motive. This one too boasts of some lovely sun soaked settings. It has an offscreen scalp removal scene but the tension is missing.
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I Have Seen Worse, Just Can't Remember When
tolliver115 March 2005
The older I get the more I realize that I really can not deal with blatant stupidity, regardless to who the perpetrator is. I like Jake Busey, Kari Wuhrer, and C. Thomas Howell - the main characters in this movie. This movie did have me on the edge of my seat because it was unbelievable that one character could have been so stupid as to continually be written to make the wrong choices throughout the entire movie. She was relentless in her ability to fall into the trap of her torturer time after time again. I agree this movie is not well done, and the only reason they kept the woman continually making bad decisions was due to the showdown finale, which was again incredibly stupid.
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A surprisingly solid and enjoyable belated sequel
Woodyanders14 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Still severely traumatized by his near fatal run-in with deranged roving serial killer John Ryder, Jim Halsey (ably reprised by C. Thomas Howell) decides to surmount his demons by returning back to the lonely stretch of West Texas backroads where the initial agonizing ordeal occurred. Jim's gutsy and loving girlfriend Maggie (an engagingly feisty Kari Wuhrer) tags along for moral support. The pair encounter another shrewd psychotic hitchhiker named Jack (essayed with marvelously maniacal relish by Jake Busey), who naturally proceeds to put Jim and Maggie through absolute nerve-shredding bloody hell. This belated straight-to-video follow-up turns out to be a surprisingly solid, suspenseful and satisfying sequel: It's directed with style and gusto to burn by Louis Morneau (who previously scored with the superlative "Retroactive"), acted with comparable aplomb by the entire cast, with sumptuously adept, gliding, sinuous cinematography by George Mooradian, a bracingly swift rat-a-tat-tat pace that never drags for a second, a shivery, pile-driving score by Joe Kraemer, a considerable amount of gut-ripping tension, a sharply sardonic sense of humor, and a hair-raising lump-in-your-throat shoot-the-fireworks bravura action finale. A surefire winner that almost matches the sterling quality of the simply astonishing original, this honey's a whole lot better than expected and definitely worth checking out.
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What's with the hate? This movie is good for what it is.
Boba_Fett11386 April 2006
Like most others who have seen this movie, I also grew up with watching the first "The Hitcher" movie. Even though it was far from a masterpiece, it has still grown a bit into a classic over the years, mainly due to Rutger Hauer's impressive and scary performance. This movie doesn't have Rutger Hauer in it, so I wasn't expecting a better movie and expected the worst. But why compare this movie to the original in the first place? You should take the movie just for what it is, a straight-to-video thriller. And for what it is, a straight-to-video thriller, it's a pretty good movie. It's professionally made, with good camera-work and editing and some fairly good performances by the cast.

The movie might not be that scary but it does have a few surprises in it. It does have some returning element from "The Hitcher" in this movie but it does it in an original way. Fans of the first movie should be pleased by some of the subtle and not so subtle homage to the first movie and not be offended or angry about it. It also does have more than enough original moments in it and the movie is mostly unpredictable, in terms of who dies and who will survive in the end.

Even though the budget of the movie was probably low, it doesn't really show on screen. There are some spectacular moments, with gunfire and explosions and also the visual look of the movie is good. The cinematography is nice and the movie is told with a pleasantly fast pace and with some nimble editing.

The performance are fairly good. It's sort of fun to see C. Thomas Howell reprising his role but was it really necessary? Real main part of the movie is being played by Kari Wuhrer, who has appeared in quite a few B-movies over the years. She is good enough as the new main character of the movie. This time the hitcher is being played by Jake Busey. Leave it up to the Busey's to play a convincing and scary looking psychopathic villain. Of course he is no Hauer but he pulls it of pretty well and is more than good enough in his role.

Of course the story does have its flaws and improbabilities but when you watch a movie like this, you know you shouldn't expect to much from its story.

Especially when you've seen more straight-to-video and TV thrillers, you have to admit that this movie is a good one or at least an above average one, that has a professional look.

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By the grace of God is the Only way to Finish
Montayj26 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
By the grace of God is the only way to finish a movie like this. I'm actually amazed that I did I fact finish. Everything about this movie was just bad. The actors/casting; the acting; the suspense; the storyline; the writer; the direction; the camera angles; the settings. All bad. The hitcher didn't even have the mysterious aura t make the movie serious. Moreover, I cannot stand this final girl nonsense, esp. when the final girl is the reason everybody else dies. Maggie made her boyfriend stop and pick up a random stranger and of course he dies but she gets to live. Moreover, the movie ended so dumb. She was still guilty at the end because everybody was dead who could vouch for her innocence, which means she would be a fugitive with no defense that can hold up in a criminal court, that is unless the judge and jury show prejudice and privilege on her behalf.
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'The Hitcher' is one of the last movies asking for a sequel, but here it is
kibler@adelphia.net31 August 2003
Hitcher II, The: I've Been Waiting (2003) C. Thomas Howell, Kari Wuhrer, Jake Busey, Mackenzie Gray, Douglas MacLeod, D: Louis Morneau.

Cop Howell mysteriously seems to have an anniversary for the nightmare he had 17 years ago. This time, his tough cookie girlfriend (Wuhrer) experiences it next to him on a country road trip, where a new menacing hitchhiker (Busey) frames her with his machinations and those stupid cops won't believe her.

Obvious, needless thriller is just a refurbished remake, while suffering to not be on par with its predecessor from a key exclusion-Rutger Hauer.

Running Time: 93 minutes and rated R for strong violence.

RATING: ** (out of ****)
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No reason to bother with this
rdoyle2914 November 2022
If you want to get anyone back for a super-belated sequel to "The Hitcher" it's Rutger Hauer, not C. Thomas Howell. Howell is a functional if unremarkable lead in the original film. The secret to that film is Hauer's performance which sells the suggestion that maybe there's something supernatural about him so well that makes the film's (deliberate) ridiculousness work.

Here we have Jake Busey, and he's an okay actor, but he's not selling anything. This film's plot is patently ridiculous and Jake sure isn't making it work. Howell is all twitchy overacting until he leaves the film prematurely leaving us with Kari Wuhrer to finish the flick. It's two pretty okay actors in a competently shot, but visually uninteresting thriller.

It would be a fairly inoffensive way to spend an hour and a half if weren't a thoroughly unnecessary sequel to a much better film.
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Trying to pull a Psycho here?
Spotnick21 July 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I mean, come on, chances were, a follow-up from the Hitcher, out a long time, there is no chance kids today know this movie, and they are the public for horror movies.


I remember the first one with C. Thomas Howell and Rugther Hower (sp?) back a long time ago, and I was curious, since I saw C. Thomas Howell was playing in it, I mean, I said "He's still alive?".. I saw many movies with this guy as a kid that I liked, so I rented it.

But what was the point of having him killed at the middle of the movie? I just didn't get that one!

Plus, we never know where Jack is from.. and why he was there the exact date Jim goes back to Texas...? At least a phone taping/son relation would have made it more credible...

Let's face it, this won't be remembered too long, it's typical, but there are too many things in there that just doesn't make sense.. which might be normal in this type of movie, but come on, at least get a story...

The storm was supposed to be for a few days, it disappears, the exact moment they get to Texas everything goes wrong, the man can't explain why he doesn't want to get the hitcher on board to his girlfriend after what happened...

Oh well... not really worth watching...!!
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another terrible movie
rinbrown473 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
how do movies like this get produced? the only good part about this movie is at the end when busey somehow is ripped limb from limb by a gas truck explosion. most movies that utilize the gas truck blowing up incorporate the person that is soon to be dead, by either throwing him a massive distance from the truck only to die on impact and burn, or they leave the guy to die by way of incineration. this by far is one of the most brutal murders I've seen by way of gas truck...not only do you see the flames ripping through busey's body but somehow his torso, and arms land conveniently in front of that weird woman.

what bothered me about this movie, among other things, is how dumb that woman was. she insisted on handling every weapon(about 20) that busey used. and for what?? so that she could be framed? such a dumb woman. oh and remember, the next time you have a psycho killer chasing you, go to the cops! its a simple concept, but apparently too hard for woman to comprehend.

cops got mowed down in this movie like the storm troopers of old, and no one seemed to care. i think busey single handed kills an entire police station including the sheriff. bad movie, save the amount of time with your life that you would have spent watching this and sleep, trust me.
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Get me a ride away from here
ed_two_o_nine17 February 2006
What can I say this is truly an awful film, badly acted badly directed with terrible cinematography. As sequels go it's one of the worst. C Thomas Howell has aged badly and got worse the Rugter knock off is terrible and at no time did I care about any of the characters. Avoid at all costs this waste of an hour and a half of your life. I love the original of this movie and this just makes this worse. I did not care about any character and there was no charioteer development. Do yourself a favour and watch the original a million times rather than this once. This is one of the worst films I have ever forced myself to watch all the way through.
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bronsonskull7226 July 2003
Warning: Spoilers

C. Thomas Howell returns as Jim Halsey the victim of the first film who takes on a new Hitchhiker named Jack (Jake Busey) who after a turn of events is making life hell for Halsey's girlfriend Maggie (Kari Wuher) In this mediocre retread. As far as straight to video movies go this isn't too bad, but mainly it's only C. Thomas Howell's acting that keeps this thing afloat, however once Howell exits the movie, The Hitcher II becomes a standard "Woman in danger" thriller.
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Patron-8926 July 2006
When I first saw "The Hitcher 2: I've been Waiting" on SciFi I found it to be extremely underrated. I thought it was pretty entertaining and I enjoyed very much.. It was thrilling, action packed, & dramatic all mixed together. The elements in it were extremely good to say the least. Although the story was relatively the same as the first one, yet it makes up for that with a few shocking moments which conclude with a big showdown at the end.

Now to all who may be wondering if you should check it out well don't listen to all the negativity. I recommend you all give it a try and make your on decision. Either way I give The Hitcher 2: I've been Waiting ***1/2 stars out of five.
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give me back the last hour and half of my life
philipperousseau129 September 2013
One of the worst movie ever. Period. That should be the title of the film. I haven't seen the original. But I saw the remake, which was still bad but not the worst thing ever. Anyway when you see a low-budget movie with bad actors, crappy shooting and boring action scenes you know that there is no real purpose of making such a film. Well though that's the case of the Hitcher 2, you start reading the ''directed by...'' at the end and then you ask yourself: what did I learn from this? Well nothing, nothing at all my friend. You just wasted your time seeing this crap.

This movie is bad. Don't watch it. To avoid at all cost.
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ehrldawg11 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The continuing story of Jim Halsey. Only this time,his girlfriend gets involved.

Its always a hit or miss with sophomore outings. It seems lately they have been less miss and more hit,or non miss. This movie is definitely a non miss. The writing,directing, and acting in this one definitely makes it worth your while to see this movie. And lets face it fellas,There is nothing more sexy than a hot,dirty,highly aggitated brunette with a gun!!

Jake Busey drives both the Kenwoth big rig livestock truck and the Freightliner big rig tanker truck.

Jake Busey is a very permanent A list actor.

Kari Wuhrer and Marty Antonini both drive the Kenworth big rig livestock truck.

Kari Wuhrer and Marty Antonini are permanent A list actors.

Kari Wuhrer is smokin!!

---One Truck Drivers Opinion---
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For a straight to video sequel, this isn't bad at all
Leofwine_draca30 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
THE HITCHER was a good thriller of the 1980s that's been well remembered by a lot of fans, not least thanks to Rutger Hauer giving one of his best performances as the ice-cold, stop-at-nothing serial killer. In more recent years, Hollywood has tried, unsuccessfully, to have another slice of the cake, first by releasing this straight-to-video sequel and then by releasing a bigger budgeted remake with Sean Bean in the Hauer role. I've seen the latter, and it's nothing special, so this undistinguished sequel was the last of the 'hitcher' films (not counting the countless rip-offs) that I had to see. I wasn't missing much.

The most interesting thing about the film is that C. Thomas Howell reprises his role from the first film. I didn't like him much in THE HITCHER, but he's grown up a lot since then and I actually found that he gave a pretty good performance. For me, he was the most interesting person on screen. He provides a nice, fitting link between the first and the second films, and as the sole returning actor, a lot rests on his shoulders, but he doesn't let that stop him.

The worst thing about this sequel, though, is the story, which is just a blatant copy of the first film's plot. A hitcher is picked up and then dropped off after being revealed to be a psychopath. There's shtick with severed fingers, roadside cafes, and somebody who gets tied up between a truck cab and its stationary load. Once again, the intrepid sheriff department don't believe a word of what's going on, so it's up to our youthful hero to stop the hitcher in his tracks. Yep, we've seen it all before and done better, so aside from the plane vs. truck climax (which I liked, and which is something new), don't go expecting originality here.

This time around the hitcher himself is played by regular bad guy for hire Jake Busey, son of Gary. Jake's been burning up the screen in the likes of ROAD HOUSE 2 and IDENTITY, so he seems an obvious choice for the part. He doesn't come close to Hauer's performance, though, or even Bean's for that matter. Busey's encouraged to go way over the top at all times, with plenty of wisecracks and humour along the way. I appreciate the vitality he brings to the film, and I do like him as an actor, but he just doesn't sit right here. Better is Kari Wuhrer, as the attractive heroine forced to go up against the maniac. Many women in modern horror films are pretty, young and poor actresses to boot, but not so Wuhrer. She really delivers her part and it was a delight to have her on screen.

Anyway, things play out as you'd imagine, and there's nothing in the way of shocks or indeed surprises (although the film does open with a most effective twist). Saying that, the desert locations are well used and the action has a certain slickness about it that makes it appealing, so I can't say I didn't enjoy this one; for a straight-to-video sequel made almost twenty years after the original, I think it does okay.
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The Hitcher II: I've Been Waiting
Toronto8521 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The Hitcher 2 is the sequel to the hit 1986 original 'The Hitcher' where a young man Jim (C. Thomas Howell) picked up a hitchhiker who turned out to be psychotic. Part 2 is about the main character from the first (again played by Howell) going back to the same area where the events from the first took place in an attempt to move on from his trauma. He takes his girlfriend (Kari Wuhrer) with him on the trip where, once again, a hitchhiker they pick up turns out to be psychotic.

When I picked this up, I was excited to see Howell reprise the role he had from the first. I was disappointed however when he was killed off in the first half hour. This movie is really about his girlfriend trying to fight off and kill the man (Jake Busey) who murdered Jim. Kari Wuhrer did a good job in the lead, but the character makes so many bad decisions throughout the movie all you can do is laugh at her.

She picks up almost all of the weapons Busey uses to kill the cops and townsfolk which makes her the prime suspect. After a while, it got really tedious to watch her make the same mistakes over and over again. Yes, it happened in the original film, but it was really laughable in this one. Busey played a good "psycho", but wasn't as convincing as Rutger Hauer from the first.

The ending leaves us hanging as we never really find out what his motive behind the killings are. Was he the son of the original Hitcher or was he a reincarnation of the first Hitcher? We never find out. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone except maybe horror completests. The first half is pretty good, but it falls apart from the middle right through to the end.

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