Warning: Parental Advisory (TV Movie 2002) Poster

(2002 TV Movie)

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Better than I expected (more than the usual VH1 movie dramatization)
Quinoa198422 April 2002
While Warning: Parental Advisory lags when it focuses on the worries and quandaries of the character played by Jason Priestly (he seems like the only character not based on fact in this movie), it gives more than you'd think. Griffin Dunne transforms amazingly into Frank Zappa and plays it with a great deal of realism, along with some lone clichés, and humor. Dee Snider plays himself, and I wasn't covering my eyes, and whoever played John Denver didn't do that bad of a job either. Even Mariel Hemmingway gets props for playing the strident and uptight Tipper Gore who headed the PMRC. These characters come together, more or less, to enact the events that came about in the mid-80's due to rock content. When it makes its points, they are made with a degree of corniness, and also poignancy. Possibly the only good VH1 movie to date. B+
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fun little TV movie
miszel17 September 2004
Based on fact. A fun and funny account of the PMRC hearings in the 1980's. Priestley plays a lawyer who has to defend the American record industry from a group of overzealous congressmen's wives calling for censorship against music they deem "obscene". He has to bring together a motley crue of rock stars (Frank Zappa, Dee Snider, John Denver) in order to overcome the group of "concerned parents" (headed by almost-first lady Tipper Gore).

It plays out like one of those 50's "sock-hop" movies (ie."Rock around the clock"), where the band of fun-loving duck-tailed rock types must fight the prejudices of small town America in order to let the kids have their fun. Then again that's part of the fun of watching this telefilm: the generation voting to ban metal (among others) in the 80's grew up on the rock of the 50's. Just don't expect any big surprises. The only real problem is that the last act, the congressional hearing itself, seems a bit rushed.

Priestley is fine, Mariel Hemingway is as blandly concerned as the real Tipper, Griffin Dunne is very funny as Zappa, Dee Snider is even funnier as himself, Tim Guinee (is this a pseudonym of Spike Jonze?)plays John Denver OTT.

The film doesn't aspire to be more than it is. A pleasant couple dozen minutes in front of the TV.
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Wonderful refresher course on The PMRC For Those who Forgotten
zackys21 April 2002
After just watching this VH1 Movie that rocked, I must say that It was pretty good. In Fact It's the best movie that VH1 produced...of course that's not saing much. Of course there are some set backs. Frank Zappa is Portrayed as this Guru and the actor that played him was not very good and the congressional hearings could have been a little longer (The transcripts had some great questions after All the prepared speeches between the Witnesses and the seneate comittee) But this is a really fine movie for what it is.
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Point of this Wonderful movie will be Lost on most
Theatum1 March 2003
This was a great movie about censor ship and generation gaps. Unfortunately I think the point of this movie will be lost on most people. Those Senate hearings happened in 1985, that is close to 20 years ago now. Basically a full generation has passed. But it doesn't matter, there will still be people that will complain about todays music and movies and how everything is corrupting the children. Back in the 80's it was Prince, Twisted Sister, Cyndi Lauper, 2 Live Crew, and NWA. Today it's Eminem, DMX, Christina Aguilera, Marilyn Manson and Nine Inch Nails.

Every generation laughs at the pop culture of the previous generation, and every generation despises the pop culture of the next. Back in the 80's people accused kids of hanging out at the mall, wasting time infront of video games and school violence. It's the same thing today. Things never change. People just get older and more mature, but generations don't change.

Again, I bet the message of this fantastic film will be lost on most. To quote The Simpsons, there are too many people running around with the---"What about the children!? Has anyone thought how this will effect the children!? My God what about the children!!!!?" Thinking about the children is fine, but this fantastic movie shows the hyporicsy of certain "moralistic grown ups". The Silent Generation despised the Elvis and Beatles music of the Baby Boomers. And the Baby Boomers like Al and Tipper Gore hated the Generation Xers. Now those Gen X kids from 1985 condem the pop music of Gen Y.
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A Documentary Would be Better
sfc22 April 2002
I was somewhat interested in watching this movie, especially after seeing a little "Behind the Music"-esque VH1 show about the PMRC and Senate Hearing. Unfortunately, that 30 minute blurb was more interesting than this movie.

Warning: Parental Advisory fails for several reasons. First, it starts off wasting a LOT of time explaining the Blank Tape Tax the Record Industry was so interested in. This has some importance to the story but could have been simply explained quickly. During this waste of time we also have a "love interest" introduced for no good reason. I tuned in to see a dramatization of the events leading to those annoying stickers, not a predictable "love story".

Another big problem was that since they managed to get Dee Snider himself to appear the movie seems to be written around him. We get to hear Dee's entire speech. The real travesty of the movie is that they butchered the best speech of the whole affair: Frank Zappa's! If interested you should do a Google search to find a copy of this. I guess maybe he copywrited it and they could only use an excerpt.

The scenes involving the creation of the PMRC were ok, and in general, the movie moved along at an ok pace. The senate hearing itself should have taken up a LOT more time. The most important part of the story was rushed.

I guess VH1 felt like getting into the "fighting censorship" action by letting Dee Snider actually say "motherf***er" with no "bleep" or "mute". Ewwww, controversial!

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matheusrosito5 May 2003
Dee Snider rules. He is fantastic. He is a real funny guy. Its too bad that MTV decide to do THE OSBORNS insted of THE SNIDERS.

Warning: Parental Advisory fails only in not to show the entire speech of mr.Zappa! If interested you should do a Google search to find a copy of this. Tim Guinee looks just like mr.Denver, and Griffin Dunne looks just like mr.Zappa, but in a shorty version.

The scenes involving the creation of the PMRC were ok,Mariel Hemingway is great as Tipper Gore and in general, the movie moved along at an ok pace. The senate hearing itself should have taken up a LOT more time. The most important part of the story was rushed.

Jason Priestley did his best job in years. Is good to see him working again, and he looks just like MCS, a friend of mine.


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A important lesson, remembered
JeffKochosky21 April 2002
Warning: Parental Advisory _ROCKED_! I am of an age that when the PMRC hearings actually occurred, it mattered to me, and I followed the hearings to some extent. It was great to get to relive one of the most pivotal events in music in recent history. I thought Dee Snider's return to the glory days of Twisted Sister was a sight to behold, and his first couple scenes made me laugh out loud! ("Is this about my taxes?" - ZOOM)

Ultimately, though, the bottom line with docu-movies is how it affects the viewer. Well, this one was a doozy. My wife and I spent about half an hour afterwards, discussing how each generation seems to express displeasure with the next generations music. Big band hated the Elvis generation, Elvis hated Hendrix, Hendrix hated Disco, Disco hated Heavy Metal, Heavy Metal hated Rap, and so it goes. The last scene of the movie, with Jason Priestly yanking a rap tape out of his kids boombox, then realizing what he was doing, moved me.

"Warning: Parental Advisory" was a great movie, and a great lesson for anyone who wasn't around for the wrath of the PMRC.
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Cartoonish, insulting and one-sided
dogcow22 April 2002
Instead of creating an interesting in-depth documentary on the PMRC hearings the brains down at VH1 thought a made-for-tv comedy would be more interesting. Unfortunatly this ill conceived movie comes off as cartoonish, insulting and one-sided. The characterization is pretty ridiculous too, all the rock stars come off looking like lunatics and all the PMRC women come off looking like fascist whores!

On the plus side, the actors were all fairly convincing in their roles, with the exception of Dee Snider who cant even convincingly play himself.

Skip it! Hopefully a real documentary on the PMRC hearings will come along.
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Does anyone know where I can obtain a copy of this movie?
mvm11078 February 2005
I saw this movie when it premiered on television, and had I known then that I would not be able to find it for purchase, I would've taped it when it was televised. This is a really good movie. I remember when this incident happened in the 80s, although I didn't know who was involved in representing the music industry. The testimony given by the rock stars, especially one, who shall not be named, floored me. I sometimes forget that these people do have brains capable of lucid thoughts. I've been searching for this movie since 2002, and I am hoping someone can help me locate a copy, or if enough of us express interest, they will televise it again where I can at least tape it.
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Highly Dissapointing
csweetleaf226 July 2003
I was excited to they're going to make a movie about heavy metal violence but I did not enjoy this movie at all, while it was slightly a bit enjoyable, overall I was highly dissapointed in it, I wish that they would focus more on the metal bands than the government.

1/10, the only reason why I give it a 1 instead of a 0 is cause it had some slightly enjoyable parts.
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Tongue planted firmly in cheek...
TW Trull22 April 2002
This was not a fantastic film, per se, but it was fun. Griffin Dunne played Frank Zappa quite well (as is to be expected from the under-rated Mr. Dunne), and the other performances were laudable for camp value, if nothing else. Generally, VH1 makes little effort to make their "true life" stories anything other than cartoonish entertainment, and this film was no exception. The framing story of a shallow lobbyist's quest for work of real value was given very little depth, and I am not sure whether this is a result of poor writing or the performance of Mr. Priestly; I would tend to suppose the problem lay in the writing. The film does favor the musicians against the PMRC (no surprises here, as it debuted on a music network), but great care seems to have been taken not to paint the PMRC as malicious -- the closest to slander comes in the frequent characterization of the PMRC as "bored Washington housewives." An interesting side note: after each commercial, we were treated to a "parental discretion advised" warning because of coarse language.
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Freedom to hear
bhatian24 May 2005
"Why do people think negative?" This is what this film will help you realize that there is joy in everything you see or listen to. Thinking negative will reach you nowhere. If people have problems with listening to rock music or heavy metal, then they don't need to listen to it, but then they also do not have the right to stop others from not listening to some great rock music.

All in all, I suggest that this film SHOULD be viewed by conservative religious type of people who have closed minds, which will help clear their brains.

This film is a good entertainment and education. Oh by the way, I think Deborah Yates looks really HOT! Enjoy! Mr. NEIL BHATIA
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One of VH1's better original movies.
PatrynXX24 April 2002
It pokes fun at the entire PMRC movement. I was ten at the time all this crap was happening. But thanx to the PMRC explicit lyrics labels... I've been introduced to so many great bands. GunsNRoses L7, George Carlin, Emimem, Godsmack, etc etc. This show just reminds me how much filthy bands have to thank to Tipper Gore. She certainly had a dirty little mind. :) And this show has some great fun with the cast at the end. :) I hope it comes out on DVD!!


Quality: 6/10 Entertainment: 10/10 Replayable: 9/10
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Looking for VHS or DVD copy
iteachumu20 April 2006
Does anyone have or know where I can obtain a VHS or DVD copy of this film. I know it aired on VH-1 but I have never seen it available. I would definitely use this in teaching about censorship to high school students. I would be interested in this. I read about it being available in Australia. Does anyone know anything else about it? IF you can help please do, you'll be helping young students learn about an important topic. IF you can, thanks, please contact me by email. I did see this movie when it was originally on VH-1 and did tape it at the time but did not keep it. Now it would be perfect for my teaching. I have looked at VH-1 to no avail. Can anyone out there help me? It would be greatly appreciated.
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History Made Fun!
grey_silver200122 April 2002
I first saw "Warning Parentel Advisory" on VH1. And I must say I loved it!!! The cast was great and it had a great subject too. The movie tells on how Tipper Gore (yes that is Al's wife) and some of her Washington D.C. housewife friends stride to have labels put on records that have bad lyrics or porn. Well Charlie (Jason Priestly) opposes. So Frank Zappa, John Denver (it was 1985, so he was alive) and Dee Snyder from Twisted Sister all join to fight.
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Great flick!
loegaire25 April 2002
Yes, it was campy. Yes, it may have taken a few liberties with the actual historical events. But it made a great movie. The cartoonish tone fits in with what me and most of my friends were saying about the PMRC at the time..."You're kidding me, right?"

Whether you love or hate the movie, the closing credits are a Must See... I wonder if Tipper is going to be after whoever leaked her personal fantasies?

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Great Movie shows off Houston Actors
witchbabybat77722 April 2002
Warning: Parental Advisory is a great film about the P.M.R.C (Parents Music Resource Center) formed by Tipper Gore, Susan Baker,and Nancy Thurmond to censor rock lyrics in 1985. Maurial Hemingway plays Tipper Gore to the T. She is adorable. Jason Priestly plays Charlie Burner, a representative battling the P.M.R.C along with Dee Snider(played by himself),Frank Zappa, and John Denver. This movie not only once again reminds us of the dangers of censorship(as John Denver so poetically puts, comparing the U.S. Senate to German Natzi's)It is a funny movie, the actor who portrays Al Gore is a hoot(watch him practicing that smile!)Texan actor Lee Burns is wonderful as Norris, and in my opinion has some of the best lines in the whole movie i.e. "Charlie, your face is my toilet paper". For the T.V. movie genre this one rises above the usual. I recommend it highly to everyone. This film really shows that Houston is a great movie-making town. And if you get to catch just one part of this movie..DO NOT miss the ending credits. Too,too funny. I never was too fond of Murial Hemingway until this, now I just love her. Oh and any movie with Brazil J. Grisaffi in it is a movie worth watching. Yea! Mister Sister!
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A movie with more of a message than most will see
algernon-515 August 2004
It is interesting that a previous poster, stating that the point of the movie would be lost on most failed completely to see the real impact of the movie, as summarized in the final word......

However, playing devil's advocate I will presume him to be serious and only say that the political decisions depicted therein have helped us toward the wonderful world we live in today with murder, rape, violence, drugs, war, terrorism, disease, teenage pregnancy and alcoholism all a thing of the past.

The message I got from the film was that until one has reached maturity, and accepted parental responsibility then the need for restraint will not be understood.

I hope that more people see this a film depicting political failings rather than success, otherwise I cannot imagine how things will be 20 years from now. I'm probably wrong, but I do feel this was the REAL message.

Alternatively...the poster may be an impoverished executive of a record company merely happy that the pittance he earns has not been eroded merely to improve the quality of life of the masses.
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