Full Metal Panic! (TV Series 2002–2006) Poster


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Mixing Mecha Mayhem and high school hi-jinks
xamtaro11 August 2010
Remember back in chemistry you had to mix the various volatile chemicals in the right proportions or it will all go up in smoke? Full Metal Panic is a daring experiment that mixes serious military style action with high school humor and romance with mech battles. Dangerous combination there of serious and light hearted: too serious and the comedy loses its flavor, too comedic and no one would take the show seriously. So many anime have tried mixing genres with less than satisfactory results. Full Metal Panic on the other hand maintains its perfect balance of serious and silly, making for a very unique anime series.

Full Metal Panic takes place i a world not to different from our own. However in that world, there exists "Black technology" and selected special individuals called "The whispered" who possess enhanced cognitive capabilities. This Black technology allowed the mass production of giant humanoid mecha units called "Arm Slaves" which soon fell into the hands of terrorists. A secret organization called "Mithril" was formed to combat this rising threat of and to protect the Whispered from being captured and exploited by the terrorists. Mithril Operative Souske Sagara, only 17 but already a battle hardened soldier, is assigned to protect a newly discovered "Whispered" named Kaname Chidori. Along with his teammate, the wisecracking Kurz Weber and team leader Melissa Mao, Souske enrolls undercover as a student in Kaname's high school. Kaname's seemingly normal life comes crashing down as Souske tries to protect her in the only way he knows how: violently, decisively, like a well trained soldier, even employing some common battlefield strategies usually used to take down armed assailants. Hilarity ensues as Souske, who has only known a life of warfare since birth, tries to integrate himself into "normal" society and to fulfil his mission, much to the chagrin of Kaname. But just as it seems like the story is becoming a typical romantic comedy, a mysterious terrorist organization has discovered Kaname's whereabouts and is out to capture her by any means necessary.

Adapted from a series of novels as opposed to a manga aimed at kids or teenagers, the writing on Full Metal Panic stands out as decidedly more mature than its contemporaries. Every character is fully fleshed out and given a decent amount of development as the series moves along. Even side characters that would usually be just one-dimensional stock archetypes end up rather likable. Central to the story is the excellent chemistry the emotionally suppressed yet tenacious Souske and the hot headed Kaname. Though at first Souske only regards Kaname as a "mission objective" and likewise, Kaname regards Souske as "sergeant Psycho", the two grow closer as they get to know one another. There is definitely a theme of romance yet it is tastefully played out without any of the cheesy mushy stuff.

The way the dialog is written and lends a stronger feel of realism to the entire story. This top notch script, full of wit and charm, is complemented by equally top notch acting. Of particular note is the English voice acting by ADV films. Other reviewers must have watched the South East Asian English dub shown on animax asia to be able to criticize the English dub so. Rest assured the superior English dub from ADV films matches the quality of the Japanese track tone for tone. Some of the roles may even come across as more natural in English such as Chris Patton's role of Souske Sagara in which he peppers his dialog with military jargon and maintains a stoic drill sergeant type of tone. There is also a Chinese dub track released in Asian countries but that one is plagued by serious miscasting of roles and a certain lack of actor enthusiasm. All in all, Both the Japanese language track and USA English track are equally enjoyable and sound equally natural.

For a 2002 production, Full Metal Panic is among the better looking ones, yet it has not aged too well despite being so recent. Boasting a beautiful level of art detail and an adequate frame rate animation by GONZO studios, Full Metal Panic's quality gets inconsistent as the series progresses. Badly rendered CGI is thankfully kept to a minimum, used only on a Submarine and some aircraft, but the show has its fair share of obvious cost cutting techniques in the later half, almost as if the production went over budget halfway through. There is a stark contrast between the animation quality seen in the first episode and the last episode. Quite a disappointment coming from the same studio that produced some awesome animation in Samurai 7 and Afro Samurai.

Animation flaws aside, Full Metal Panic is a rare series that manages to feel as good as some of the best Hollywood blockbusters of all time. This makes it easily accessible to viewers who have not watched anime and is a great series for "newbies" to jump into anime fandom. Two anime sequels, a couple of manga spin offs and a dedicated fan base despite its young age, Full Metal Panic might just end up a modern classic, talked about for years to come.
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Solid action anime with some laughs along the way
Tweekums5 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Protagonist Sousuke Sagara is part of Mithril; a quasi-military organisation that undertakes counter-terrorism operation. He is given the task of protecting Japanese school girl Kaname Chidori who unknown to her is being targeted by a terrorist organisation. This mission means that Sousuke must go undercover at her school where the other students think he must be obsessed with the military thanks to his behaviour and his guns… which they assume to be replicas! Eventually Kaname learns what is going on and gets caught up in the conflict between Mithril and a terrorist organisation lead by a thoroughly unpleasant character named Guaron. Over the course of the series Sousuke and his comrades will get into several battles with Guaron's forces that will involve fighting in giant mechas known as 'Arm Slaves' and we learn just what is so special about Kaname.

This well-known series is a lot of fun; early on there are plenty of laughs to be had; mostly as Sousuke has no idea how to behave at school or around Kaname. Later on the humour drops off as the drama and action increases. The main cast isn't too large which means we can get to know the character's fairly well. As well as Sousuke and Kaname, Kurz Weber and Melissa Mao, Sousuke's comrades, provide some good laughs and Guaron is an impressive villain; bad without pantomime excess. The animation nicely combines standard 2D animation with some decent 3D and all the main characters are pretty distinctive. Overall a fine series that nicely combines action and comedy; well worth watching.

These comments are based on watching the series in Japanese with English subtitles.
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Panic? nah do not worry this series will entertain for sure
malmroes4 July 2008
Anime is truly a genre of its own, but it should not to be mistaken as a linear or uniform genre. Fullmetal Panic is an all out anime with the distinct contrast between the more serious action related and the more humorous and everyday life orientated. The contrast is well told due to the story's plot. Kaname Chidori seems to be the average school girl, but there is more to her than meets the eye. Sagara Sousuke including his team from Mithril are set out to protect her because she is of great importance. Due to this Sagara is transferred to Kaname's school and has to deal with an environment that is quite unfamiliar to him since he is mostly used to be in the battlefield and lacks social abilities. It is Sagara's interaction with the school environment and his duty of protecting Chidori that creates the very charming and engaging contrast that is in the series. It has enough mystique to engage the viewer and enough humor and interesting details that leaves a feeling of hungering for more. It is definitely a series worth watching and a good series to start of with for persons who consider Manga and/or anime as a breath of fresh air. Full Metal also has some aesthetically beautiful scenery especially in the first episode, but it is not overambitious in any way and it has a very clean and simple look to it. The intro and ending themes are also very catchy and are both in the typical Japanese rock/pop genre. The instrumental music supports the different scenes as well. Maybe it is a bit of a risk to buy the complete collection at first, but if one wants to give it a chance then either buy Mission 01 or try to look it up at you-tube. It cannot be promised that the series falls in one's favor, but this certainly is a part of what Manga and Anime is all about.
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Pipstherealityimpared5 January 2006
I've got to say, what I've seen of Fumoffu was a bit plot-light, and even the first series had its duller moments, but at thirteen episodes TSR packs so much in! Expect to see more action, faster AS battles, scarier bad guys (seriously... Gates has *issues*).

Unfortunately for fans of Fumoffu, neither Hayashimizu nor Ren Mikihara have speaking parts in this series, although Ren can be seen briefly in one scene. Much of the story takes place aboard TDD-1, and that means more Kurz and Mao, and even a little background on Tessa's family!

The animation is wicked smooth with clean, sharp lines and plenty of background detail. Voice actors for this series are excellent (my personal favourite being Miki Shinchiro, who plays Kurz =^_^=) and towards the end of the series it's hard to believe that the anguish played out by Souske is line drawings and a voice actor in a studio. Completely convincing- good job that man. According to native speakers of Chinese, the voice actors in this series sound a little stiff, and the same is presumably true for Italians, but for the rest of us the diversity of this series is great. (I personally have issues with Mao's pronunciation of the words 'Rock and Roll'... probably not the best choice of words for a Japanese voice actress). ~_~'

Anyway, wicked plot, great pacing, good character expo, awesome character development, particularly for Souske. Spectacular animation. The background music won't survive more that one or two listens out of context, but the energetic and heartfelt 'Minamikaze' (South Wind) of the title theme is excellent, and the slower closing theme has plenty of fans. Look forward to this!

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The Anime for people who don't like Anime.
talkjawking10029 October 2007
First off, I haven't written many reviews on IMDb this way, so if I do, that means the piece I'm writing on is really impactive. Full Metal Panic is to me, more or less, amazing.

The show is a perfect blend of high school romance, slapstick comedy, hard-pressed drama and balls-out action. It follows 17-year-old military sergeant Souske Sagara (pronounced "soh-skey") as he is assigned to protect 17-year-old Japanese high school student/orphan with the body of a goddess, Kaname Chidori (pronounced "kuh-nah-may") from unknown dangers. The dangers become apparent throughout the series as a bad guy with a scar on the side of his face, Guaron (pronounced "Gar-on") hijacks a field trip plane their class is on to kidnap Kaname and use her for mysterious reasons. You soon find out Kaname is part of a secret and extremely rare breed of people known as "The Whispered". Exactly what The Whispered are or who, we find very little out throughout the series. But it leads to some extraordinary events in the show's 24-episode run.

It's almost impossible to compress the series' events in a single review, so I'll just stop right there and let the viewer learn for his or herself. But know that if sounds like a typical weird explosion/sex Anime, you're pretty wrong. Yes, there does seem to be a focus on the guy genre (lots of robot action and hot half-naked babes, etc) but I know plenty of women who enjoy the show as well. And, it's not a "cutesy" Anime that the other half of the population seems to generalize it as. It has plenty of warm-and-fuzzy moments, but it's not what the show is based on.

The show is such a wide mix of emotions, I don't know how it could be done. And all in all, the show hooks any viewer into wanting to know more. The story arcs are excellently put out, the character work, though a little scrappy, is raw and enjoyable, and the dialogue (both original Japanese and the English dub) are very well-written.

I wasn't too big of an Anime person before I started watching this show. Before it I LOVED Miyazaki films (still do) and I thought Ghost in the Shell was a good movie. I caught a few episodes of this show's spin off series, "Full Metal Panic? fumoffu" (which is more romance and comedy, and almost completely different from this series) and thought it was enjoyable. When I bought this series on a whim, I was blown away.

And you will too! Just make sure you watch them from the beginning. You don't want to miss an episode of this legendary Anime series.
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Paco-eltaco27 November 2005
The sequel to Full Metal Panic, this series takes a new approach to the story. This time there are no mechs, and the Mithil organization takes a step back. Though nothing is truly cut completely, many characters make guest appearances and generally cause general chaos. There are many new characters as well, several of which are never fully explained. This doesn't matter too much, as they are the main source of new situations for Kaname and Souske. I found that the series started off well, and got better and better as it went on. The first episode was probably the closest to the original Full Metal Panic style comedy. From there however, the stories get more and more outlandish. The series actively states that it's worried that fans of the original might not like how outlandish it becomes. However, with the soon to be released third sequel series, it shouldn't be a problem. My biggest question is, where can i get the chemical from the last episode?
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completely awesome i recommend this and all other full metal panic media
bilingualhobo20 November 2007
one of the funniest shows ever and you have to see it to understand. This is the classic story of boy meets girl, except the boy is a child solider lacking the most basic of social skills, and the girl is for some reason targeted by many government institutions, and said boy is assigned to guard the girl. Oh and the catch is that Souske (the boy) is not allowed to let anyone discover that he is actually a bodyguard not even Chidori (the girl).

Some people complain of how Gonzo changed the storyline (they really didn't), but with the exception of episodes 15-17 all of them are actually part of the original novels, which are also very funny.

I also suggest the side story series, "Full Metal Panic Fumoffu?!" and the main story continuation "Full Metal Panic the second raid". I would also recommend the novels which are still being written and translated. You really have to see them all.
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It has it all....jeez
VulturEMaN12 January 2007
I've had Full Metal Panic! turn anime haters into anime lovers, but most said that they loved how FMP wraps everything up with an EXCELLENT....feel. Put the plot, characters, scenery in the back of your mind...and focus on the overall feeling of the series. Sure, the other stuff is great, and they're done very well...but a lot of other anime series have that. FMP! has the FEEL of something interesting...something worthwhile...something just plain enjoyable. I could sit down and re-watch it over and over again and pick up something new every time...it's like watching a good actor play his part.

Maybe that's what I'm trying to get at...these characters don't feel like drawings with people reading their lines. They don't do something so predictable that you already know the next scene. This anime feels original because the characters feel original...as if they were real people. They're people that you could imagine meeting on the street, but know that you never will. They all have personalities, consciences, etc...facial features actually show what mood they might be in...it's something that could be easily converted into a real-life acted movie, just because it's so apparent that the storyboard operators went down to every excruciating detail of what everything needed to look like...

I'll stop rambling now. Just go watch it. And make sure to keep, in the back of your mind, a mental note of what Sousuke's eyes look like between each episode...it may come in handy when you watch The Second Raid
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Nonomemes22 February 2022
The 3 seasons are very different each other.

First: 90s style mecha-, Second: rom-com, third: almost-new-style mecha- . The guy really struggle to integrate in the common world, as he is still a warrior inside, reasons will be more clear in the third season.

In the first 2 seasons the fan service looks to be targeting exactly at a 13years old boy of the 90s: if traslated in 2022 "standards" for a teeneger it look more comic/artistic than anything .

The first 2 seasons also have no plot and mediocre graphics (I reremember especially Kyoko) .

The last 2 episodes of the first season are awesome.

The last episode of season 2 is terrible, -1 just for it.

In the 3rd season finally you get a plot and a bit improved graphic but this come with additional issues: the brutally increased violence level and Gates (the mad/deviant character), some scenes from him are disturbing (also for adults).
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Wonderful Anime for those who are not squeamish
vaclon10 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Full Metal Panic is a wonderfully well-done series, as is the graphic novel. It centers around Souske Sagara, a young man who knows nothing but what it takes to survive on the battlefield, Kaname Chidori, what the show classifies as a 'Whispered' which is later revealed to have increased intelligence and knowledge on creating new weapons systems like the Lambda Driver. Also the main villain of the series is Gauron/ Gaul (depending on what fansubber or language your watching it in) who is a hyper-intelligent but ultimately insane terrorist who wants nothing more than to control the super-sub that Sagara is stationed on called the Tuatha De Dannan.

Full Metal Panic is a Comedy/Mecha/Sci-fi Anime that is amazingly well done and never ceases to amaze me. The only downside of the series is that the English Version's voices are very unenthusiastic for the first and second series, but they start to gain a bit of emotion by Full Metal Panic: The Second Raid.
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A great science fiction action/comedy
Sabre_Wolf18 April 2013
I liked this anime very much and I checked it out on DVD when a friend recommended it to me and it was one of the best science fiction action comedies I ever saw in my life.

Its full of great characters and having mechas (in this anime called Arm Slaves) in an alternate time-line is a great twist. Its got plenty of humour and not just in the fish out of water humour regarding the male lead character Sousuke Sagara who has no social skills outside of being a soldier.

All in all great action with a terrific storyline with excellent characters!
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Sometimes Average, Sometimes Below Average Anime
joshpagano27 December 2017
Uneven tone and aimless story line make this anime sometimes difficult to watch, and I almost didn't finish it. Some episodes muster just enough suspense while other episodes failed to keep me engaged. With so much high quality anime out there, this comes across as particularly disappointing. Skip it.
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"What is your major malfunction dirtbag?" is what was missing, and is possibly what Kaname might have been thinking about Sagara.
au_law200122 August 2005
Wow, a very funny anime series that has a lot of stuff, action, comedy, romance, drama, a little psychological theme ala Evangelion, but not too much of it, but a bit similar, and the main character who acts a little bit like Heero of Gundam, except crazier! In this one, a secret military organization serving no certain country, with technology and military equipment that years advanced and is ahead of Japan, US and Russia, deals with dangerous situations and rescues people from terrorist attacks, now has to protect someone, a Japanese student who is said to be a "whispered" the ones who have knowledge about secret technology, and is said to be targeted by terrorists, so they send someone, a 16 year old of Japanese descent to be the one to protect her, the 16 year old, who is Japanese, was raised in Afghani deserts and was trained as a child soldier, has had a lot of training, from unarmed combat, to piloting the M9 mechs, but has one problem: he doesn't have a clue of how to live in a normal environment with people his own age. So this maybe a tough mission for him. Overall a very funny show and perhaps one the best new giant robot animes out there, cool characters and beautiful animation, and intense action, and great comedy, especially the school scenes with Sagara, who still doesn't know a thing about high school or Japan. Sad. The only problem is that some of the characters, especially the bad guy, had very little character development, that the origin and explanation of their background was too vague. But overall a decent show recommended to all otaku, even to those who non or open to this type of animation.
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Never seen a funnier show!
JDreviews17 February 2015
i don't think I've ever laughed so much at each episode of an anime. This show is rather short, and has no plot to speak of, the characters basically just fool around and get into trouble. The first show in the series, Full Metal Panic!, is split between comedy and action adventure, Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu is pure comedy. Most anime comedies mix comedy together with more drama like elements (romance, drama etc) this show does not, all it try's to do is make you laugh, which it does an excellent job at, only bringing in romantic elements very rarely. The shows characters are incredibly endearing and I was never bored with them. This show is very good at slapstick comedy, and since that's all it strives for, I can't really say that anything is wrong with it, because it doesn't have a lot of elements to it, but the ones it has it's very good at, so if slapstick is what you like, you will love this show.
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Pretty good anime!
Irishchatter1 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I think this anime was well done. I really loved the characters Sousuke and Kaname on this. Their realtionship sorta reminds me of Whitney Houston's movie "The Bodyguard" since Sousuke is protecting Kaname from the terrorists who could attack her at any time. Although it didn't say much on why she is being watched but the atomosphere from the anime makes you wanna watch more of what's going to happen!

Good anime, brillant characters, 8/10!
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An enjoyable sequel with more comedy and less action
Tweekums16 April 2020
This series is centred on schoolboy soldier Sgt Sousuke Sagara; instead of showing any of his wartime activities it shows his time at Jindai high school and interaction with his fellow students; most notably Kaname Chidori. This features various comic situations; frequently involving Sousuke overreacting to situations or Kaname clobbering him afterwards. Inevitably we get some anime staples such as beach and hot spring episodes.

It has been a while since I watched the original 'Full Metal Panic' so I can't fairly compare how much I enjoyed them... I can however say I enjoyed this show from start to finish. Sousuke and Kaname are good protagonists and there are plenty of other fun characters; some only appear occasionally and others are more regular. There is some fan service but this is fairly comic and pretty mild compared to many series. A comic highlight is 'Bonta-kun', a giant teddy bear suit worn by Sousuke in some episodes... I'd seen this in trailers and thought it would be irritating but in fact it was hilarious. The animation is pretty good as are the character designs. Overall I'd certainly recommend this to anime fans wanting a good laugh.
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Very funny though not as action orientated as the prior series
Sabre_Wolf18 April 2013
I thought Full Metal Panic Fumoffu was actually quite good though a few friends disliked it but I liked it. Not as action orientated as the first series as this is more focused on school life, personal lives and comedy.

Throughout the Full Metal Panic franchise I liked the relationship between Sousuke and Kaname but it didn't neglect at least too much Sousuke's buddies from MITHRIL.

Also it adds new characters from Jindai High School where Sousuke and Kaname are students at and it expands more on the students and faculty at Jindai High School.

Overall Full Metal Panic Fumoffu is a fun series despite its lack of action.
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All That's Good About Anime
Ofisil8-850-23867910 September 2011
Plot: A young expert in warfare and 2 of his colleagues are given the mission of protecting a simple teenage school girl from terrorists but don't know the reason why.

You'll love Full Metal Panic! if: You want a great and balanced mixture of action, comedy and romance & wonderful characters and all these accompanied by very appealing visuals and great sound effects and music. FMP manages to give the viewer a little bit of everything that's good about anime in the right amounts and in great quality. The show starts as a very lighthearted comedy and slowly starts getting darker and with more battles. Speaking of battles FMP in one of my favorite mecha anime, a genre I usually detest due to the overall cheesiness involved. Here mechas look and feel like actual war machines and not toys that you operate with stupid voice commands (ala most mecha anime). The plot while simple and not groundbreaking keeps you interested because of the overall presentation and mystery involved, but most importantly FMP has excellent characters and beyond excellence character chemistry. Instead of the typical 2-d anime duos, (the geeky male and the short-tempered female), the characters have more than meets the eye in them and actually change throughout the series' episodes. All in all excellent blend of action, comedy, mystery, ecchi-nes, romance and character development.

You'll hate Full Metal Panic! if: You either want something "darker" or "lighter" OR with less genre variety OR more depth. FMP while great isn't the "deepest" anime there is out there. There is some well presented Sci-Fi and mystery here but don't expect "Ghost In The Shell". There is a lot of character development and action but don't expect "Cowboy Beebop". Finally if you want something that focuses heavily in the comedy aspect look elsewhere. FMP is an Action series with lots of decent laughs thrown in but not a 100% comedy. In the end the most important thing about this product is that it's a mixture of genres and some people that want something more specific won't appreciate it. Tastes are tastes…

FINAL VERDICT: A Cocktail Of All That's Good About Anime (7.7/10)

[+] Great blend of various genres. Wonderful main character chemistry. Great animation.

[-] A bit weak in terms of plot. Some may want to see something way darker or lighter.

Also Check: Cowboy Bebop (1998)- Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid (2005) – Neon Genesis Evangelion (1995)

P.S.: My purpose in all my IMDb Reviews is not to say "I like\don't like this movie" but to help you decide whether YOU will like it or not since everything is all about taste and expectations IMO...
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Great mix of comedy, romance and action
NeoMerz16 January 2014
Probably the most enjoyable anime i've ever seen: it has it all... super badass battles with, in my opinion, the best mecha designs(mecha looks really realistic if you know what i mean... nothing like Code Geass's mecha(which i don't really like)); great and very funny comedy; heartwarming school romance; brilliant characters; wonderful music; a rather simple(compared to Evangelion) but very catchy story-plot. With this in mind i am NOT saying that this is the best anime ever but it's definitely one of the most enjoyable. Both original Japanese and the English dub are very well done (the Italian dub is also very good too). i recommend this to all the people that are new to anime (great start for newbies: nothing too complex or hard to watch) and obviously to all the anime lovers that haven't watched it yet. I also recommend the other two series: FMP Fumoffu?(comedy and romance mostly) and FMP The Second Raid!(action based and a bit of drama).
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I hate this series!!!!
fatremote0826 March 2011
God I hate this piece of sh!t anime! Hate it so much! And I think that i'm the only person who hates this anime because many people enjoyed it. The main problems is that the main story is forgettable, the characters are seriously annoying, and this character "Kaname Chidori" is beyond one of the worst characters i have ever seen! Did I mention that there are a bazillion plot holes in this series? because (believe it or not) there are a lot that explained absolutely nothing!!! and if you say that this anime is the best, I DON'T CARE! Overall, Thiis anime is the worst anime series I have ever seen in my entire life!! I am grading this anime an "F-" With no redeeming quality whatsoever!

Note: Don't take my word for this. This review is all opinionated. If you like it, Good. If you don't, I understand.
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great sci-fi military action
Rirath_com10 February 2003
I was half dragged into watching this series, but I must say I was pleasantly surprised by what I saw. Much as the great title suggests, the series is mech based. It revolves around a special force called special "Mithril", and an elite specialist soldier named Sagara. Add to the mix a schoolgirl named Chidori and you've got the title - Full Metal Panic!

The mechs used in the show are far from the standard fare. They're unique enough and the Mithril force is unique enough that it manages to feel fresh. Sagara is a dead clone of Heero Yui, but that's not a bad thing. Sagara is described as the most "professional of the professional", an elite soldier through and through. Taking this pure military mind and placing him into a urban highschool situation is actually quite funny. There's some hilarious moments that alone make the series worth watching.

Chidori bugs me a bit, but she serves her purpose in the series. I just find her about impossible to like early in the show. I'm quite sure this is purposely done though, and as the series goes on she becomes much more likable.

The action sequences is where the show really shines. Elite forces, big mechs, guns, explosions, tanks... lots of fun for all. It's very well animated and very well timed. Being from GONZO, I would certainly expect this. They've done every bit as good as they did with the Vandread series.

If you like the title, you'll probably like the anime. It's really as simple as that. A Heero like main character, plenty of fan service, GONZO's wonderful artists, and a storyline that makes you want to watch just one more episode every single time. It's a refreshingly well put together show.

  • Rirath_com
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Comedy actioner
smellthecult-com-11 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Sousoke Sagara is a hard as nails special forces military type, who works for a mysterious organisation called Mithril. His new assignment seems a little strange - to protect a seemingly ordinary schoolgirl called Kaname Chidori but of course, as is the way of things, she is anything but ordinary.

Fusing militaristic action with a great line in frivolous humour, this is a beast with two heads. At times, the fluffy silliness goes a little too far but, for the most part, this is genuinely laugh out loud funny. The episodes tend to be delineated along these lines as well, with some episodes all out action, whilst others are lightweight, throwaway comedy moments. It seems a little incongruous at times, but overall it does work.

Violent, witty, dark, silly. All these words have to be used to describe this show.

Entertaining throughout, this is one for die hard anime fans only, I would suspect. Very enjoyable stuff.

A word of caution - the dubbed English version is reputedly terrible so, do yourself a favour, get hold of the subtitled version if you can.
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Full Metal Panic (Full Series review)
WeAreLive11 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Season 1 Shosuke Sagara a member of covert anti-terrorist private military organization is assigned alongside his partner Kurtz Weber to protect a beautiful japanese girl called Kaname Chidori from an organisation called mithral. Due to his military background Shosuke has had a habit of speaking in a tone and acting on a battlefield so at the same time he is also learning how to fit into a normal high school live.

Season 2 Sousuke Sagara and Kaname Chidori return in this hilarious to Full Metal Panic! As they try to navigate the hurtles of high school, stubborn classmates, and plain old everyday life.

Season 3 This is the sequel to the first Full Metal Panic! Series and starts where the first series left off. Sousuke is back and is having a hard time mixing school and his military job, but things are not going to be easy for Sagara and his friends, because a secret organization wants to eliminate Mithril and carry on their evil plans.

Between it's season I think season 1 was the best of the three especially how well the writer did to drag the audience to the story and how well they did introduce each character.

The second season was fine for a more comedy orientated season which is more relaxed and laid. It wasn't by any means bad but even though I will admit I actually prefer the more mecha fighting Full Metal Panic but i still thought it was a nice change of pace for the series to focus on a bit of comedy as well as having the viewer learn how Sousuke spends his life as a high schooler.

The third season picks up where the first season left off pretty while I was expecting it to be as long as it's predecessor but it did a good job within 13 episodes answering some questions from season 1 and even cooking up some new ones. I am glad we got another season of the story and it actually picked off where it left from season 1. Thought the animation since they switched studios took some time getting used to but it still kept up well.

I thought the anime itself was pretty good i have no clue what the bad reviews are about. Plus, it has an amazing soundtrack. The dub itself is excellent all the voice actors did such an amazing job.

I do really enjoy the characters this show has to offer and the development which we do learn more about in later seasons. I also like the art style for its time.

If you haven't seen this anime you are definitely in for a treat.
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My favorite "Full Metal Panic" series
Rectangular_businessman26 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
In my opinion, this is the best of all the "Full Metal Panic" animations. Unlike its predecessor, it focuses more in the comedy and the relationships of the main characters. And also, there aren't giant robots. But that isn't flaw. In fact, I liked this more than "Full Metal Panic!" and "Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid!", mostly because the hilarious situations depicted in each episode of this series.

The jokes and the comedy style from this anime somewhat reminded Japanese animations like "Ranma 1/2" (Mostly because the funny relationship between the two main characters) combining perfectly well the absurdity and the gags with romance and some heartwarming moments.

The animation is excellent, with great character designs, and a beautiful use of colors, which capture the light-hearted tone of the series. The opening song is pretty nice too.

"Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu" is a very entertaining anime with many virtues that deserve to be taken in consideration. It can be enjoyed for anyone, even for the viewers who didn't watch the previous series. To the present, this remains being my favorite installment of this franchise.
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The Lead Male Protagonist Was Great
extraplay-618386 December 2022
I've got to say, that I loved the plot.

Much of the story takes place aboard TDD-1.

This animation is wicked smooth with clean, sharp lines and plenty of background detail. Voice actors for this series are excellent and the anguish played out by Souske(voice over actor kept us gripped). Completely convincing- good job that man. The ENGLISH DUB voice actors in this series sounded really authentic. I personally wanted another season...

Anyway, wicked plot, great pacing, good character expo, awesome character development, particularly for Souske. Spectacular animation. It is such a shame that we didn't get another season.
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