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Not horrendous
rchapman-17 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, this film has virtually no character development,a collection of sketches posing as a narrative, and much less importantly, modest production values, but it does have two killer scenes. When Barry goes to the mattress audition and insists on doing an accent, and then won't leave, is priceless. Adam Reid offers the best bit of acting in the whole movie as the enraged casting director, bettering Scott Thompson as the dick-head director tormented by Barry's incompetence on set in the other great scene in the movie. The Mike Beaver segments are pretty much forgettable and neither lead characters have much depth due mostly to the writing, and in the case of Beaver, endless scenery chewing. Considering the budget and thin writing, the directing/editing was pretty good and often transcended the weakness of the insular material. For the Jones bits 3/5, for the Beaver bits 1/5 (and the 1 is for Jenn Baxter). There was also some great music.
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Not bad if you're in the right frame of mind
santegeezhe6 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
While this isn't a great movie, it's not a total stinker either. If you're in the right frame of mind (drunk, stoned, or skipping school/work) then you might just get a couple of cheap laughs out of it.

The movie is basically a mockumentary, and in some ways it brought to mind the superior "Fubar". Unfortunately, "Ham and Cheese" is nowhere near as entertaining as that movie, but it's not really a fair comparison, other than the fact that they're both Canadian mockumentaries that focus on dim-witted imbeciles.

Unlike "Fubar" however, the two main characters in this movie aren't very sympathetic. They're both actors trying to make it: one of them is a near-moronic slob who somehow gets the acting bug; the other is a misanthropic, creepy weirdo who thinks he's brilliant, talented, etc, but is really just a pathetic jerk.

The two characters have no ties to each other whatsoever, other than a brief scene where they meet by chance at an audition. This makes for a rather disjointed film as it essentially follows two completely separate characters through their trials and tribulations in the acting world.

In any event, there are a few laughs in this turkey, although I must admit that I've seen it three or four times and I only really laughed the first time. For me, most of the laughs came during the scenes where the fat moronic guy hooks up with an amateur theatre troupe; the scene where he shows up stoned to a commercial audition; and of course the scene where the misanthropic, talentless guy lands a small role on a drama series and blows about 20 takes of his only line, infuriating the director in the process.

This is pretty silly stuff, but it is Canadian, and I've seen far worse movies. You could do worse.
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Plenty of ham, but can't cut the cheese...
MrGKB20 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
...and take that any way you like, this no-budget Canadian send-up is little more than a pale shadow of inspirations like "Waiting For Guffman" and genuine documentaries like "Confessions of a Superhero." Despite a few scenes that click (mostly ones of the character with a vastly inflated opinion of himself), "Ham & Cheese" is, sad to say, eminently forgettable. It feels every bit as rushed and unfinished as its alleged writing and shooting times. The only actor that really caught my notice was Jennifer "Billable Hours" Baxter, who turns out to have been the grisly-yet-somehow-sexy softball zombie in George A. Romero's "Land of the Dead." No wonder she got my attention.

Beyond that, this flaccid cheapie is of interest strictly to theater and showbiz wannabees as an object lesson in the difficulties of making acting a career (and it garners its 5/10 from me on that basis alone). All other parties need not apply.
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I messed my pants in disbelief.
jsalden22 March 2005
This is the worst movie I have ever seen. Who are all of these people that are leaving the comments that say how good they think this movie is? There is no way anybody except somebody who is in this movie or there families can with a straight face say this movie is funny at all. It looks like it was shot on a high school video yearbook camcorder and the dialog is so bad it is like it was written by a bunch of fifth graders while they were skipping English class. I am sick and tired of these awful Canadian movies that make other Canadian movies look bad. How do they even get made? It's like the government will give money and film rights to anybody who can make a movie for less than $500. If you want to see a good Canadian comedy I recommend you go see something like Phil the Alien. One of the guys in this movie is also in Phil the Alien. I don't blame the people in this movie for it being so bad. It is just an awful script and bad directing. In my opinion this video is not even worth watching for free on TV let alone renting. Avoid at all costs!
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A Bad, Awful, Horrible, Pointless, Terrible Waste Of Dave Foley & Scott Thompson!!!
melissajanesanderson24 August 2005
This movie came out at blockbuster across the street from me like a week ago and Wednesday night I saw it in the used bin for $6.99. I never heard of it but it had Dave Foley and Scott Thompson in it so I thought I would give it a try. I asked the guy behind the counter why it was for sale so quickly and he said they've only been renting one copy per night at most anyway. Still I bought it to see Dave Foley and Scott Thompson and besides Blockbuster has a special right now for 2 movies for $12 and I was already buying "Rise of the Phoenix".

It was a mistake, I should have listened to the employee. Especially when the employee at Blockbuster admits a movie is really bad, that must mean the movie is REALLY bad, and it was. I should have listened to the voice in my head saying "turn this movie off, it's horrible and won't get better" but I didn't. Dave Foley and Scott Thompson were both all right, but the movie's plot was pretty bad and none of the other characters were very good, especially the two leads and most especially the fat one. This might be the worst movie I've ever seen. If you watch it, wait until it's on T.V. for free.

2/10 (I have to give KITH members at least one point each!)
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Not worth the few cents the DVD cost to press
aurora_ca3 December 2006
I am ashamed to have to call this movie Canadian. It was a conglomeration of bad script, worse actors, and no humour at all. I only watched it (okay, truthfully I couldn't take it anymore and walked out with still 15 minutes left)because a couple of friends wanted to watch, and because there were a couple of "Kids in the Hall" alumni listed as main actors. By the way, my cohorts didn't find it funny, thought provoking or even mildly entertaining, either. I consider myself a huge fan of B movies (even some "C" movies), but I have never before watched a movie that I walked away from resenting the time wasted that could have been spent....I don't know....ripping my toenails out by the roots and enjoying it more.
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Funny as hell
Rasslinfan6 February 2004
I saw this movie at a Canadian Film Fest in Feb. and I loved it.

There was so much funny in each scene that I would laugh at one part in the theater and another part the next day. Great script, great acting, terrific little Can film. It is so refreshing to find a comedy film that is not shoving the laughs down your throat. I.E. Everything coming out of tinsletown. Fans of The Office and The Daily Show will dig this flick.
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Far better character comedy than its rating
Finbar-112 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I will admit this is a different comedy and not for everyone, but it deserves far higher a rating than it got. I can only guess it is because it is a Canadian movie with Canadian humour and we are after all far outnumbered by Americans.

I love character comedies, especially when done as a mocumentary. "Best in Show", "Mighty Wind", "Borat" and a host of others are among my favourites and I believe Ham and Cheese is a great character movie.

These two dolts have not a thimble of talent between them, yet they have dedicated their lives to succeeding as actors. We follow them from leaving home to various auditions, always getting insight into their passion and commitment. Highlights are Beaver paying for his lessons with Foley in saved change and Jones telling us his theories on comedy timing as he waits for a price from a hooker.

If you like well developed, funny characters living their unbelievable lives for the camera then give this a try.
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hamfan1 February 2004
I just saw this small independant film at the Victoria Film Festival, and like my one line summary would suggest, it's hilarious. Absolutely hysterical. Seriously, I was never a fan of indies, untill my mother of all people turned me on to them, and I'm so glad too, or else I could never have discovered a gem like this.

It's the story of two guys who are trying to make it in the acting business, but there's only one problem, they suck. But the great thing is, they believe in themselves so wholeheartedly that they're blind to any harsh critism they take and keep plugging along. Great acting by the two lead guys, I don't know their names, but their characters names are Richard and Barry. It follows a format a lot like that basketball movie Hoop Dreams, where you have two sepearte stories that inter-weave. There are some wicked cameo performances by 2 of the "Kids and the Hall" guys. So funny. If you get a chance, see this movie, it won't disappoint.
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Check it out for yourself
monsterskillz12 January 2007
The last guy who reviewed this movie hated it so much that I feel that I must speak in defense of the film.

Granted, I may be a little predisposed to liking this movie since I live in Canada and work in the acting profession. I not only seem to be in the prime target demographic of the film, but being an actor in Canada, I also recognized just about every performer in it. (noteables include, as mentioned cameos by Scott Thompson and Dave Foley, as well as Daly Show Correspondents Samantha Bee and Jason Jones)

THE POINT of this movie is that the ACTING SUCKS. That's the point. Some people will get it, and some people just plain wont. There are many deliberately awkward moments in the film (in the tradition of British comedy giant Ricky Gervais) which many people will not like... ...but many people will find hilarious.

Bottom line. You'll be more likely to enjoy the movie if you're Canadian, specifically from Southern Ontario. If you know what "Marineland" is, you'll love it. If you liked "The Office" (British) you'll probably like the movie. If you're intoxicated in any way, you'll probably like the movie.

Or you'll hate it as much as the last guy.
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Not the worst but pretty terrible.
lynyrdskynyrd25 April 2005
This movie was terrible. I don't understand how so many people are leaving such good messages on this unless it is because they are family of the cast and crew. It was obviously wrote in about ten minutes and thrown together with cheap camcorders and actors who couldn't do anything worth being paid. The story is predictable and stupid with characters that aren't even likable. I have seen many worst movies so I give this a 2 out of 10 because its still terrible. Not a good way to waste an afternoon you are better off watching something else even if this is on TV for free sometime. Defanitely not worth paying to see at the movies- trust me on that one! The weighted IMDb rating is right on for this film at between 2 to 4 out of ten.
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A Most Excellent Ab Workout!
bernzabub22 July 2004
One of the funniest movies I have ever seen! You're going to cringe, giggle, pity people, and laugh hysterically all at the same time. Warren Sonoda's got it going on for keeping the pacing quick and Jason Jones and Mike Beaver deserve huge kudos for the writing. Too much fun. One of the greatest things about this movie is that the cameos aren't just "look-who-I-got-to-show-up-on-set" cameos, their all real part. Dave Foley and Scott Thompson are freakishly funny in their parts as a dink acting teacher and bastard director. Scene to not drink milk during: Barry Goodson (Jason Jones) dawning a really terrible Aussie accent during a commercial audition that he won't leave.
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DEFINATELY has its moments...
shawnkanderson3 February 2004
Well, walking into this film at the Victoria Film Festival (one of four films that I got to see) I was expecting something along the lines of a "serious" comedy, versus a slapstick - - - > which is what it inevitably turned out to be.

But not to be taken the wrong way; I actually PREFER slapsticks. BUT, i ALSO figured that this film would be something along the lines of a drama that would be done like any other film, versus a mocumentary.

Immediately when the film began and I discovered it to be a mocumentary, I began comparing it to FUBAR - - - > which stands to be not only the best mocumentary ever made, but the funniest movie I've ever seen. Unfortunately, Ham and Cheese didn't quite reach the great status of FUBAR.....at FIRST anyways.

The bad thing about this mocumentary was the fact that you KNEW it wasn't real at all because the camera work consisted of constantly changing angles and shots that would be impossible to do with any documentary, and the characters only talked to the camera when they were seated and prepared.

Another bad thing about this film was the fact that none of it was improvised (i know this because the director told me so), and its the improvisation that gives mocumentaries their comic-real-life ZING. Films like "A mighty wind" and FUBAR were insanely hilarious because of the realism that was brought into the slapstick, making you nearly wet yourself at the comic genious of it all.

But don't get me wrong, their were DEFINATELY scenes that nearly made me wet myself - - - > scenes that I laughed even harder at by the time i left the theatre.

The actors carried their roles seemlessly from the opening bad-singing sequence to the naked runaway scene. And some of the completely ridiculous stupid lines that were blurted out like, "I dug up the ground, and i F***ED IT!!!" made me fall out of my seat in incredibly loud laughter (you have to watch the entire film to understand that part). But the fact that they TRIED to make it look proffessional was what took away the REALISM that makes mocumentaries so funny.

When the movie finished, I listened to the director and main actor talk about the movie, and I realised the time and budget that they had to deal with the making of the film, which made me realise that all that stuff I was thinking was a little harsh. What they also said was that later on you will probably laugh more when you look back at the scenes of the movie - - - > which is what happened with me. Throughout the entire next day I couldnt help but laugh at all the stupid scenes, and even the ones that I didnt laugh at before made me laugh later on just because it was so STUPID!

At the ending i COULD have bought the DVD and got it signed and then talked to the director and actor, but my grudge that I had about it not being as funny as FUBAR at the time prevented me from doing any of that. Now I look back and highly regret not doing so, because I realise now that it was funny, and probably JUST as funny as FUBAR was.

Oh well, I guess now that if others see the film and enjoy it, i can at LEAST say, "Well guess what, i saw the PREMIERE!". ....to bad no signed DVD for me.....

i give it a 7.8/10
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New Generation of Comedy
funnyfreak10 February 2004
I saw a screeners copy of Ham & Cheese. This is a true comedy...not TV sitcom comedy...not like every other crap American comedy that comes out in theaters across the states. This is a comedy that has not left my brain since seeing it. I think back at the film and laugh...still. It follows the stories of two actors who can't act...at all. But the two actors who star in this film are excellent actors. The characters they play are absolutely priceless. The more they screw up the funnier it gets. The laughs are constant. Like I said, I can't stop thinking about it. So many comedies are let downs these days. Tired old jokes, redone gags, unfunny stars 'trying' their hand at comedy. This is pure. This is funny. This is the next generation of comedy. See this film if you can. It's low budget and Canadian so...I hope you can find it.
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White-bread or wry?
riderpridethemovie26 August 2005
To put this film in perspective you must understand this about Canadian film: stories like this don't get made here. Stories about sex with the dead or badly maimed? Sure. Stories about allegedly charming Maritimers? Definitely. Stories about sex with allegedly charming dead Maritimers? Well, not yet, but just wait. Which is to say that although this country churns out more than its fair share of world-class comedians such as Mike Myers, Jim Carrey, Martin Short and the late John Candy, we don't make movies that showcase this talent. So Ham & Cheese gets full marks for attempting something so bold as a mockumentary in a land where government-funded agencies favour creepy. That said, thinking back on some of the scenes in H & C, there's plenty of creepy here. Such as the scenes in which Mike Beaver's character joins a fringe festival acting troupe, which includes a cancer patient, a silent fat guy and the omnisexual leader. Seriously whacked out stuff — having sex with the earth? I would argue Beaver's story and performance, though the guy has that lovable lug thing going, is the weaker of the two, falling back on Waiting for Guffman-like parody. Beaver's choice to play the guy as a Lennyesque retard backfires, the character is more pathetic than funny. On the other hand, Jason Jones should be coming to a American theatre soon. He's that good. His performance seems to fit between old Harry Shearer SNL skits and Steve Carell in Anchorman. There are a few scenes — the one in which he auditions for a mattress ad using an Aussie accent and the one in which he plays an extra on a cop drama — are particularly memorable. They also seem to bring out the best film-making — the director edits them to maximum effect, and finds a happy medium between funny and sad. Kudos also to the filmmakers for paying attention to detail. At the beginning of Mike Beaver's story there is a shot of a poorly punctuated wooden lawn sign that is indicative of the culture of small-city Ontario — The Wolanski's. Perfect. The picture also transcends its genre and has something to say about the acting craft and show business, and what it has to say is ppppmph!
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Ham & Give Me My Money Back
canadiancinderella19 March 2006
I bought this movie for 2.99 at Blockbuster thinking there is no way I will regret it because it costs less than renting a movie and it has Dave Foley and Scott Thompson of The Kids In The Hall in it.

Don't be fooled because Foley and Thompson are both in it for about a minute each. I bet they wish they didn't even do that much in it because the movie is terrible.

The worst part is the guy who plays the chubby mentally challenged guy who wants to be an actor..... the other guy in the movie also plays a stupid guy who wants to be an actor but the chubby one wins the award for worst acting ever. Sitting for an hour and a half while a guy pretends to be brain damaged so badly that he must be brain damaged in real life is not my idea of a good time. I still don't know how I managed to watch the movie all the way to the end.

Here is a typical scene the chubby stupid guy would do. "Hey chubby stupid guy I am directing this play." "Duh ...... okay." "Do you know how to act?" "Duh ..... yeah sure. I can act." "Okay then read this page." "Duh .... what's acting? Duh I'm stupid. Remember how I was stupid and didn't understand things an hour ago? Well it is still exactly the same now. You're not getting bored of this yet are you?" The other guy at least gets a smile if not a laugh for the Scott Thompson scene. Thompson's reactions to his awful acting where he does everything wrong he possibly could are very funny and he ends up attacking the guy, but like I said this is just like one minute in a whole hour and a half film.

The other characters are blah blah blah. Samantha Bee from the Daily show is in it and not bad but only in a few scenes, it would help if there were more with her or especially with Foley and Thompson. Foley was okay but his scenes were with the Chubby guy so they were ruined by his brain damaged act. An actual scene with Foley goes, the chubby guy reads a bad scene and Foley is an acting teacher, "How was that read?" "It was terrible, you should quit etc etc", "Duh...... so should I read it again?" IF that sounds annoying you are right. This movie is annoying and pretty much nothing happens in it. Two bad actors want to make it big and neither of them make it. That's the whole story so why an hour and a half? Good question I don't know either.
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Canadian Comedy = Funny?
Dannyboy31526 March 2004
Going into a Canadian comedy called Ham & Cheese at the Cinequest San Jose Festival, I was expecting little more than a barely amusing slapstick comedy, rife with clichés and derivative jokes. What I got was a heart-warming and touching story of two sad men with delusions of grandeur. Ham & Cheese as the tag line says, follows two actors, with one dream, and zero talent and this film was marvelous.

First time director, Warren P. Sonoda, (on a budget of about 2 dollars and a case of beer, I think he said) has put together, a great comedy. And there aren't a lot of great comedies. There are those comedies, that you go to and you have a good laugh at, such is the case with Old School. Will Farrell, dart in his neck=very funny. But when you leave the theatre you're not really left with much. But, then, every once and a while a special gem of comedy comes along like Planes, Trains and Automobiles, where you are effected so deeply, the characters and situations stay with you for days. Ham & Cheese is still with me, and I saw it over a week ago.

Sure the film has it's weaknesses. It's shot in that tired mockumentary format, the picture quality is often poor, and at times the sound is down right garbage, but you excuse all the technical difficulties, simply because of these two terrific characters. You love them, you hate them, you're with them every step of the way.

Despite all the weaknesses Sonoda keeps the film rolling. A quick pace, tight shots and excellent editing result in a beautifully executed movie that I hope will delight people as much as it did me.
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Can't be too hard on this movie!
mkilgour-216 December 2005
For someone to bully-pick on this film, calling it terribly acted or weak, is someone who can't possibly know the first thing about film making and/or is totally missing the point. Of course it's bad, it's SUPPOSED to be bad! But the idea is that it's so bad it's lovable. The Variety reviewer said it best (and I quote verbatim): "A mockumentary that rarely lets up in the laugh department, "Ham & Cheese" is a must-see for anyone with the smallest thesping aspirations. High degree of face recognition with veterans of "Kids in the Hall" and other northland tube shows on board, probably means that a vid-shot effort would be worth a film transfer for distribs looking to take a change on a potential cult classic." This was NOT shot on camcorders and written in 10 minutes, as it would not have even qualified for a Variety review, let alone be able to amuse countless festival audiences that it did...

And just so that I am keeping it completely honest, I do think that the production of Richard's play overstays its welcome in the storyline, but that's about the only aspect that falls flat in the entire movie. Otherwise, how could one not help but cheer for these funny underdogs with a dream? I don't suppose that the one person I've seen giving harsh comment on Ham & Cheese liked The 40 Year Old Virgin, either? Lighten up!
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Wicked Awesome
markopa16 March 2004
Saw this movie at the Cinequest fest in San Jose. This movie rocked. Really, really, really good. So, funny. I was thinking about this movie since I seen it, and I kept laughing. I thought all the acting in the movie was so good, and the writing was awesome. Much funnier than most crappy Hollywood movies you see all the time. I can't remember the last time I laughed this much at a Hollywood movie. Seriously, you always go to these big budget movies like Along came Polly or Starsky and Hutch and you laugh a couple of times, 6 or 7 times and you're happy I guess, but this movie, I laughed liked 27 times, seriously, out loud, knee-slapping, belly laughs. 27 times. That's pretty rare. This movie should be a hit. 10 out of 10 for sure. Go see it.
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"Ham and Cheese"? More like "Waste of Time".
scoobiedood15 January 2005
I recommend that you skip this movie if you want to see a good comedy or a good drama or a good anything really. I completely disagree with all of the other comments that are posted here in the review section. When I saw this film in Toronto at the rep theater I know that we were not alone in not liking this film one bit. A couple people even walked out about three quarters threw. I recognized a lot of talented people in this movie but the material they have to work with was obviously not thought out very well and there are plot holes you can drive a truck through like the big one being why are these two hacks acting like they are and how on earth do they think they will succeed? What are they even trying to do? Samantha Bee is in this film and fans of the Daily Show will recognize her but her part is very small. Lots of recognizable people in it but they are unfortunately all in small roles. Or maybe it is fortunate because if they are in big roles with such bad material it would make their image less to me. The two actors playing the leads in the film (2 guys who are trying to make it big and become stars) aren't big names or anything and I was not impressed but we should give them credit or O should say not blame them too much because they did not have good material to work with, like I said before. The big problems I think were the direction and most of all the script which seems like it was written in a few hours by drunken high school drama class who thought it would be fun to make a movie. I was literally squirming in my seat by the end of this one to get out of there but did not walk out I have never walked out of a movie but this one was close. Don't waste your time on this movie you will regret it. Trust me. Or if you do watch it in the first five or ten minutes and see how bad it is go ahead and turn it off because trust me it does not get better that's what I was hoping for.
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Funniest Independent Film Ever
Greekgirl4713 February 2004
I loved this movie. Charming, thoughtful, moving and seriously, the funniest independent film, I have ever seen. From the first horrible note sang to the last naked butt seen, I was giggling, trying to catch my breath, and at other times fighting to hold back tears. I loved it, and so did my 84 year-old grandma who won't stop quoting the line, `Get your Cock off my knee.' This is a movie that honestly surprises you. With a super low budget, actors you've never heard of and being Canadian, I really wasn't expecting too much. To my delight, I got a lot. No contrivances, no predictability, just genuine, real humor as two guys struggle to make it in the acting world. I can't wait to see what these guys do next.
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So bad it becomes good
chaosje10 September 2005
This movie is really special. I wonder how they are able to play so bad that it actually becomes good. One of the most controversial movies I've ever seen, but I liked it a lot. The settings and atmosphere are good. The script is worthless, but that just fits the movie. Funny how a movie trying to get bad, becomes rather amusingly interesting. I watched it as being a parody, sublimely exposing the greed for famousness, the nonsense of meaningless artistic views just to deliver a movie. In doing so, they succeeded in exposing this. The players all have a dream they cling to, but nothing to fill it up with, this results in self-pity.. I've seen that before :) Quote: "It's hard work,a little bit of talent.. and hard work".
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Funniest movie I've seen in years - hilarious!
lprocktor17 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
You must see this movie - I loved it! The characters are so funny, and I laughed out loud numerous times, tears were streaming down my face at some points! Dave Foley and Scott Thompson are terrific in their roles, and Jason Jones is to die for as an actor whose confidence outlies his abilities. He is so embarrassingly funny! A great mockumentary about the tough actor life --- and great to see the setting in the Toronto area. I loved the glamour shots, the Aussie accent skit, Richard tap dancing for his mom's local community theatre production and still not getting it --- seriously funny scenes in this little Canadian flick. I loved it - highly recommended, especially if you like satirical things like The Office.
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