White Coats (2004) Poster


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Second City takes on National Lampoon
thesociety26 January 2005
This movie was a lot better than I thought it would be. This film was killed by critics who were obviously expecting a lot more. Expecting not much at all because of those reviews, it became apparent this movie deserved far better. Every joke was great, the setup and executions were flawless. Dave Thomas' character was very strong, not the idiocy I expected. The main cast of new interns all did a quality job, and I'm looking forward to seeing them all in the future in other endeavors. There was some very intelligent sketching going on. It peaks near a moment when an intern must inform a family of failed operation resulting in death. This joke was long, drawn out and agonizingly funny in a Fawlty Towers sort of way. Then it instantly shifts back to low-brow slapstick. This can be disconcerting for some, but they throw so many jokes at you so fast, you quickly get right into their groove. This is polished comedy brought to you by the masters of the craft.

What wasn't so great was the movie part. They spent the whole budget on the cast, because the set and the costumes all looked "C" grade, maybe even porn movie bad. Dan Akroyd as the partying hospital administrator had me thinking he was skimming hospital funds, right from the beginning, but that is not the case. His character needed just a few lines of justification for his lifestyle and it would be easier to identify with. Matt Frewer's character was interesting, but bordering on unbelievable. They probably cut his believability in favor of outrageousness.

If you are a fan of modern National Lampoon movies, then you should see this one, it's much better. This isn't a "Classic", but it's a great movie to put on when you've brought friends home after a night at the pub.
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A mouthful of what?
ctomvelu-113 October 2008
We might well ask why anyone bothered to make INTERN ACADEMY when we have SCRUBS, but so be it. Dave Thomas, formerly of SCTV, directed and costars. Dan Ackroyd is also aboard in a small role, along with Dave Foley, late of KIDS IN THE HALL. A bunch of generic young interns get a taste of hospital life at a crumbling facility. Typical hijinks ensue, including a bawdy Christmas party and an incredibly gross organ fight that ends with something very wet and very squishy splattering all over Thomas' face. The climax is a direct steal from POLICE ACADEMY, but that's OK, too. The actors playing the interns are likable enough, and the females in the cast are all drop-dead gorgeous and quick to get drunk and down and dirty and sometimes even naked (which is the way I remember my student years working as an orderly at a mid-size hospital). INTERN ACADEMY, called WHITE COATS on TV, definitely is no SCRUBS. But it will do in a pinch. It's like watching one of those mindless winter ski movies, especially the one with Lee Majors.
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Whiteout (This Movie)
MikeC1924 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was interested in watching this film because of Dave Thomas. He directed "Strange Brew", which I enjoyed, and even though my expectations were low, I gave this movie a shot.

It's very disjointed as a whole, and I can see why it isn't something many people know about, or have seen. It's got some familiar faces, but they're not the main characters. The main characters are actors I've never seen, with the exception of Carly Pope. (Who's actually quite good in this.) Now, everyone in front of the camera and behind it are likely Canadian, so that might explain why I don't recognize too many people in this. Thomas bookends the film and pops up here and there, but mainly stays behind the camera. Dan Aykroyd pops up here and there, and is relatively amusing. Dave Foley is in a handful of scenes, but he plays an awful, unlikable character. Matt Frewer was funny to see in this. His character is a teacher that's just bizarre. So, the (somewhat) notable names are there, and I think I helps the movie. Some of the characters aren't believable, though, or just act strange. Thomas is going for character comedy, but the casting of the main characters, I think, hinders the project.

What does not help the movie is the scenes showing fake, but realistic surgery scenes. There isn't a lot, but we also see dead bodies and a scene with lots of organs being thrown around. Even a scene where an intern accidentally throws up into a body. Yuck.

Did I laugh out loud at all? Sure. A few times, but even bad movies can give you a laugh or two. I wanted to like this movie, but by the end, it just felt like a lot to take. Character comedy, cringe comedy, shock value, romantic subplots, and a third act that tries to get slightly more dramatic, after we've seen these characters goof off most of the film.

I can't recommend it, honestly. I really wish I could, but it's just a huge mishmash of mush.

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Not Strange Brew 2 but has some good laughs
Jawsphobia12 September 2004
This movie will be dismissed for political reasons. There are a few laughs at the expense of characters that certain reviewers want to see only in an elevated light. But Intern Academy as a film improves as it goes along. The look is at first kind of washed out, but eventually there are some more pleasing sets. I had heard this was shot on video, but I could not tell as I watched it opening day. Purely, I supported it because Dave Thomas deserves a hit, and he has the same birthday as me. Also, I appreciate his critical views of the media in his interviews for this film. I do think that he miscast himself a little bit in this film. Although Danny is shown in his requisite sunglasses and banging a drum in one scene, he and Thomas should have switched characters. He might be more believable as a cold authority figure teaching students and rattling off lists of maladies, whereas Dave Thomas is best as kind of a weasel or prankster or buffoon - which is especially evident when he runs. Dave Foley is right on the money as a smug, egotistical heart specialist, though it is jarring to see him in gray hair - especially because it is believable.

The movie likes to wallow, and the organ storage fight is a bit unbelievable, as is the mouth examination scene which contains Maurey Chaykin's excellent cameo performance. That character could have been more central, accidentally embarrassing people. Even though the girl who is embarrassed would have known better. Good enough, and especially welcome as a Canadian film that is just funny and not pretentious.
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Abysmally Awful
macgyver-2216 September 2004
First let me say, I'm a big fan of SCTV, Kids in the Hall, Newsradio etc. I think Dave Foley, Dave Thomas and Dan Akroyd are very talented comedians, and I have enjoyed most, if not all, of their work up until now (see "The Wrong Guy"). I'm a proud Canadian because, in part, of the contribution these people have made to the entertainment industry in general.

However, this film is a black spot on their collective record. People will no doubt think that "I didn't get it", or "I'm not taking it in the spirit it was intended". This couldn't be farther from the truth.

Sadly, this was quite possibly one of the worst films I have ever seen, and one of the very few I have ever walked out of. I went to it on a free pass, so I'm not even angry that it cost me money. I didn't walk out of it on the grounds that I was offended or upset but because I couldn't convince myself that there was any reason to stay. Normally, if a movie is poor, I would sit through it just to "see how it ends". In this case, because of a complete lack of plot, there simply was no reason for this film to exist. Juvenile humour and gags so predictable it felt like you'd watched this as a 12 year old, and were viewing it for a second time as an adult. Cardboard performances of 'cue card' dialogue reminiscent of a failing SNL skit. Interspersed with suddenly serious and gory bits of "ER" action. I could go on, but I've already put more thought and writing effort into this comment than went into the film. Stay away from this rotting pile of exploded colostomy bags, for the sake of the children.....
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Not what I expected, but entertaining.
kersus14 June 2005
I was expecting a lot more comedy with Dave Thomas, Dave Foley and Dan Ackroyd, but instead watched a simple entertaining movie done with a light atmosphere. It certainly makes fun of being an intern and will make you laugh out a few times. What it isn't is a laugh a minute.

Certainly the actors who play the set of interns the movie is mostly about all have bright futures ahead of them. Most notably Christine Chatelain, Jane McLean, and Peter Oldring. I'd be remiss if I didn't add the head nurse - Linda Boyd. Of course the three stars I named at the start of this review all did fantastic jobs. The others certainly had their moments of comedy.

Everyone is excellent in their parts and while it's not an overly dynamic movie, it's worth seeing with some popcorn when you're in a mood for light comedy.
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Crappy movie
lesleybl922 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
It is a big insult to Scrubs to even say that there are similarities. Scrubs has quality writing and quality acting, which are both SO lacking in this movie. It's as if Dave Thomas opened a medical book and tried to piece together a comedy from it. Does that even sound funny? NO! As a doctor, the medical inaccuracies were mind numbing to me. Do you want your surgeon to NOT wear a mask while operating? Yeah, let's get a little spit on that heart to shine it up. Heck, do you think it even feasible for a NON-surgical intern to magically do brain surgery? Something that takes at least 7 years for a neurosurgeon to master? And no, it is NOT an EKG in the operating room, it's a freakin' HEART MONITOR! Do a little homework and be creative with how you present those urban legends! Really, I can forgive medical errors from non-medical writers, but aside from that, this was just a stupid movie. I'd rather watch Dude Where's My Car again!
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an entertaining comedy about a dysfunctional hospital and the dysfunctional interns(among others)that populate it
disdressed122 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
this is actually a pretty good movie.it does not rely on slapstick bit more on situational comedy.there are quite a few chuckles throughout,peppers with some hysterical moments.the movie flowed along nicely.the story is concerned with a group of interns and their exploits at the worst hospital in the country.the interns themselves are mostly dysfunctional as are the doctors, nurses and other staff.the hospital administrator is a bit odd,to say the least.it is very easy to like these characters,because they each have personalities(with their own quirks) that stand out.the acting is also good.you could do much worse with 2 hours of your life than this.i'd recommend it for a entertaining 2 hour diversion at the very least. 6.5/10
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Scrubs meets ER and turns American Pie #47 - BAD!!!
jan-krist4 November 2007
This movie was just plain awful. Watched it with my girlfriend, and we both agreed that this movie had no real storyline, it was pointless and quite dull.

In few words, this is the Series Scrubs, put together with drama scenes loaned from ER, mixed together with horrible outcome.

Don't pay money to see this movie. Don't waste bandwidth downloading it.

If a friend asks you to watch it with him or her, point out the fact, that you'd have to be numb from your neck up, to get anything out of this "movie".
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Good all the way around
noizyme31 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
OK, so "Intern Academy" is a lame title, but here in the US, "White Coats" was a great comedic venture into Canadian independent film-making. There are a lot of actors here (mostly young) whom you've never seen, and they make up most of the screen time. You also haven't really seen Dave Thomas (the actor/director in this film who makes for a stern doctor/teacher-type character) for awhile since back on TV's "Grace Under Fire." Dave Foley has wonderful acting in this film, but you'll notice how dark and unfunny his character is throughout the film.

The jokes in the film work about 70% of the time (some are just corny or gross-out humor that doesn't really work). Halfway through the film, the direction turns this film into one of the newer National Lampoon's adventures, complete with a stripper scene, a horny staff of interns, and a crazy office party for Christmas or something. There was a particularly ridiculous scene which was a 3 Stooges classic food-fight except replace food with human organs. There were also horrible props like the giant penis (basically a dildo) which was supposed to be one of the interns' actual penis...a little too lowbrow, fake, and gross for me. I thought Dr. Keller was awesome (played by the Jim Carey-ish Matt Frewer, who I've seen before).

I thought the coolest thing about the film was the way it switched from a comedy to a drama in parts. It kept the action original and didn't stretch out the comedic bits. I thought it was funny that the DVD subtitles switch from English to Spanish about 54 minutes into the film as well (although I'm sure that wasn't intentional). I also thought that it received a weak R-rating, although there was significant talk of sex and all that between interns.

I gave it a 7/10 stars. Go check it out if you don't mind new actors and different comedic direction.
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I didn't think a movie about interns could be so boring.
breenj219 January 2006
Alas, how mistaken I was to think this movie would be funny, or even remotely interesting.

The only strong feeling was towards the main douchebag, Bonnert. He filled me with a rage I haven't felt since Cabin Boy. The only relief was banging my head against the walls.

Perhaps is this movie could decide if it wanted to be a comedy or drama, rather than garbage, it could have worked. Their were too few laughs for a comedy, and not enough caring about the characters for a drama.

My favourite part of the movie was the end.
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Funny movie deserved a better shot
dave-12324 October 2004
First of all, let me say that I was one of the few people in the theater the weekend this came out and that surprised me because, although this is not the best movie ever made, it was far from the worst. Without a Paddle is a good example of what I'm talking about. Intern Academy was WAY funnier that that movie and WAY more people went to see that piece of crap. So how come so few people came out to see Intern Academy? I guess it's the usual Canadian thing where a Canadian Distributor thinks if they put fifty bucks into promoting something, they've given it their best shot. Well too bad for Intern Academy because it deserved better. Starting with the title which put it in a league with Police Academy which has now produced 6 or 7 movies and, as always is the case, the farther down the sequel line they go, the worse the movies become. So giving it that title was definitely a bad idea. I read an interview where Dave Thomas said he didn't like that title and it was forced on him by the distributor. Figures. Also where were the TV commercials? I didn't see a single one. And the ad in the paper was pathetic. I almost didn't go when I saw that tiny little ad because it made me think that they were ashamed of it. All in all, the cast was good and although there were some gratuitous sex jokes and gory parts, the movie had a nice likable tone to it. The girls were cute and the guys were okay (I'm not gay). And the older doctors played by Thomas, Dan Aykroyd, Dave Foley and Maury Chakin were pretty good. I had a lot of laughs which is more than I can say for a lot of American movies that I have seen in the past few years. I would say go check it out, but the movie is gone from the theaters already. Too bad. It deserved a better shot.
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A decent comedy, but with simple gags
k_x_u_e17 December 2006
I picked up this movie solely because it was a comedy about doctors and the process interns go through.

Honestly, I laughed a lot, but it's not brilliant comedy or anything. It's simple laughs that have a ring of truth. There are a lot of clichés in the movie that have been exaggerated.

It's not brilliant, but there are some good laughs throughout the movie. There is a definite amount of predictability about the movie, but the situation, and the way it is portrayed somewhat makes up for that fact.

I'm probably going to wind up buying this movie to bring to medical school with me. It'll be something to laugh at when I'm dying with exams. :) In summary: It's a decent movie. Nothing brilliant, but great for laughs, and it rings true for those who are interested in the medical field.
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Worse than Bad
eryanb27 October 2005
I rented this out of curiosity because I went to school with Carly Pope at Lord Byng Secondary in Vancouver (1996) and wanted to see her acting.

I'm not sure how this movie has managed to average a 6.0/10!!! The plot was borderline non-existent/trivial and the acting was all around horrible. It was almost like all the actors realized the movie was crap and just couldn't pull themselves together enough to actually try and act (everyone in the movie had this perpetual smirk).

So no intellectual entertainment, but also no realism. Everything from how the hospital was run to how doctors interacted with each other and patients could be nothing more than some kind of extended joke. But it wasn't funny. So for those ER fan types this movie won't satisfy your doctor fantasies while hopefully getting a chuckle or two out of you.

So all that is left is possibly comedic value. Surprise surprise...there was none. The jokes were so immature and superficial as to be simply irritating rather than funny. However, I will concede that possibly this movie could be entertaining for children between the ages of 5-9.
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Dave Thomas is capable of much better than this.
vonnoosh25 February 2021
Usually, what I expect from former Second City, SNL or any comedy stage performers like the Kids in the Hal is an array of offbeat characters. If you are like me and expected them in this movie, then you will be disappointed. The humor would have come out of how characters said and did things instead of what they said and did. Usually the comedy would be great when it had a healthy combination of both fueling the humor. This doesn't have fun characters and the humor is missing that extra bite.
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Poorly done, but fun for local theatre buffs
Merlin-6220 June 2005
This was a very poorly done movie; the comedy was forced, the script was cliché and the characters were wooden. Surprisingly, some of the worst performances were done by the best known actors (Dan Aykroyd, Dave Thomas, Dave Foley). It was almost literally painful to sit through the whole movie while my intelligence was consistently flogged and insulted.

The only redeeming factor of this movie is that anyone who is a fan of local Edmonton live theatre will have fun picking out some very familiar faces. Neil Grahn, Ron Pederson, David Belke (without his trademark beard), Julien Arnold, Coralie Cairns, Davina Stewart and many other well known Edmonton actors & actresses have bit parts or cameo appearances in this movie.
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Scrubs meets American Pie. Funny sitcom style
AngelHonesty20 September 2023
Reminded me of a sitcom style. A mix between American Pie and Scrubs. A parody that makes fun of doctors.

The movie was silly, but fun silly. Its main origin of humor was sexual jokes. They weren't overally raunchy or cringe. It was fun and light. What I really liked about the movie is it got better as it went on. You got to see the heart and hero moments. You got to see when the interns finally grew up and became doctors. I really liked the cast, they were flawless in their acting. The main guy I didn't like at first. He felt too average and they didn't shed much light on him. But the movie did improve over time and he got more spotlight time. His role slowly got better and he grows on you.

Goofy, not realistic. It's a parody. But its actually funny. Take it for what it is, a comedy that makes fun of doctors.
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savagechickenfan15 July 2009
I watched with a friend who commented that this move "blows chunks". It was a waste of time and talent of all those involved. I'm not sure if Dave Thomas was simply mislead or nobody had the guts to tell him this was a bad idea. While I have enjoyed Dan Aykroyd in other movies and would be inclined to suggest he stick to wine, in my opinion, those are terrible too - both the red and the white. This should never have made it past the "pitch" stage, let alone the cutting room floor ... the joke was really on me for wasting my money on this movie. Shame on you Dave Thomas for "phoning in" this script and for Dan Aykroyd and the other actors for not having the cajones to stop it before it became an embarrassment.
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If you liked Scrubs...you at least appreciate this
shacmasta30 December 2018
Found this while searching for a quick flick on Amazon Prime Video

Reminded me of Scrubs from the jump, even the set looked identical. If you were a fan of Scrubs you will no doubt appreciate the tone of the movie. The acting is ok with some big names like Dan Aykroyd, Dave Thomas and Dave Foley.

It is a little corny at times and some scenes look like the punch lines were funnier on paper and failed to hit on screen but again nothing too bad. Worth the time if you have it to spare
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So awful seeing it for free was too much...
sydneylowe29 January 2010
I had the "privilege" of screening this movie. The reaction from the audience should have told the producers everything they needed to know. The gags in the movie didn't even warrant a good-natured groan. We weren't allowed to leave before the end of the movie and had to fill out a mandatory questionnaire at the end. I recommended that the movie never be released it was so horribly unfunny and plot less. Oh well...

The jokes were so obvious, the audience could see the set up coming from a mile away, and there wasn't even a giggle when the gag was delivered. The entire movie was a series of non- plot, non-essential scenes that didn't even string together to create any kind of statement or point. I love senseless comedy, but I couldn't managed to even like this movie.
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Just interesting, anyhow supply some laughs!!!
elo-equipamentos6 May 2019
In the same line of the American pie's standard, but inside at hospital where the interns are evaluated to get to right to be a doctor aftermaths, driven to juvenile audience and sex oriented this comedy has funny scenes really, some are ridiculously weak, when Aykroyd's character appears none funny lines were noticed, aimlessly character, due it was made in Canada may explain his attendance, if he is not there possible nobody cannot realize the absence, some couple works a lot, others not quite, smart jokes spreading around, another dirtiest should be erased on film's editing, spice scenes are plentiful, even outside of the hospital, we shall say, just interesting, but there an original scene for a change when the doctor find a sperm on the microscope from intern's mouth, it be worthwhile a penny spent on DVD!!!


First watch: 2009 / How many: 3 / Source: DVD / Rating: 6.5
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Funny enough, but not outstanding...
paul_haakonsen8 April 2016
While this 2004 movie "White Coats" (aka "Intern Academy") is a funny enough comedy, then it just wasn't particularly memorable or outstanding in the vast ocean of comedies available.

Sure, it was an entertaining enough movie for what it turned out to be, just a shame that it didn't manage to stand out in the crowd. And if you have seen "Scrubs", then you have essentially already seen "White Coats" as well. Yes, it was the exact same formula used for both projects.

The acting in the movie was good, and that did help the movie along quite nicely. And it was a good change of pace to see a cast of mostly new faces. And it should be said that the various actors and actresses did good jobs with their given roles and characters. And there was no doubt about it being Dan Aykroyd, Dave Foley and Matt Frewer who were the pulling names to make you sit down and watch the movie, despite them not having overly big roles in the movie.

It should also be said that there were some good laughs throughout the course of the movie.

If you enjoy comedy movies, then by all means do sit down to watch "White Coats", if you have the chance. Just bear in mind that it is not a movie that will leave a lasting impression.
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I Loved This Movie
claudio_carvalho22 August 2007
The St. Albert's Teaching Hospital, considered the worst in the public health system and administrated by the corrupt Dr. Cyrill Kipp (Dan Aykroyd), receives a new group of interns: the clumsy Mike Bonnert (Peter Oldring), whose parents are prominent doctors and forced him to study in medical school; the wolf Dale Dodd (Pat Kelly), who has come to the hospital to meet women and falls in love for the nurse Cynthia Skyes (Lynda Boyd); Marlon Thomas (Viv Leacock), who like to play pranks with his mates; Mira Towers (Ingrid Kavelaars), who aims to be a great surgeon; Christine Lee (Jane McLean), a very efficient student and promising doctor; and Mitzi Cole (Christine Chatelain), who works as stripper to pay for her medical school and becomes Mike's girlfriend. Leaded by Sarah Calder (Carly Pope), the group spends the year learning how to become medical doctors in an environment of lots of confusion.

I loved the unknown and underrated "Intern Academy". The silly story s hilarious, with many politically incorrect gags and jokes about urban legends in a public hospitals, like for example, the corrupt administrator that sells the equipment to raise money; or the student with sperm in her mouth; or the colostomy bag exploding in the face of an intern; or the arrogant doctor; or the lack of respect with the corpse of a John Doe; or the man that arrives with a doll in his rectum; or the promiscuous woman with herpes and other sexual diseases kissing the guy she has just met in the waiting room. There are many other jokes, but one of my favorites is the stupid Ukrainian charwoman that unplugs the life support system of patients to plug the floor polisher. Another one that I laughed a lot is when the clumsy Mike Bonnert goes to the waiting room where three families are waiting news about their beloved relative and Mike commits a series of mistakes. The team of actresses is extremely beautiful and sexy and the actors are very funny. I did not feel the 98 minutes running time; actually I expected to have more. I really recommend this movie for days where the viewer is down or upset to relax. My vote is eight.

Title (Brazil): "Os Estagiários" ("The Interns")
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No Police Academy.
anaconda-406586 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Intern Academy (2004): Dir: Dave Thomas / Cast: Dave Thomas, Dan Aykroyd, David Foley, Maury Chaykin, Carly Pope: Gross out comedy about interns completing training under horrid conditions. Humor ranges from a fight using human organs, to a doll in someone's anal track. It dwells on difficulties based on experience. The humour is vulgar and seems pitched at the lowest common denominator. Screenplay had potential but the third act goes sour with sentimentalism, which is almost always a deal killer in comedies. Dave Thomas directs and stars as the head doctor bent on failing the interns. As director he does have a sense of timing and originality but the characters are all one note types that never elevate beyond their initial flaws. Dan Aykroyd runs the hospital by selling equipment to pay salaries. Dave Foley plays an uptight surgeon. Maury Chaykin plays an instructor with a speech impairment. There are several veteran comedians who are somewhat underused that might have livened things up had the material been stronger. Given more focus they could have been interesting but they are just talented comedians thrown into material that is in worse shape then the patients that enter their hospital. It works only on its satire of medicine but as a story it fails miserably in terms of creating personalities as well as a plot that needs more than surgery to bring life to its pathetic existence. Score: 6 / 10
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The Best Medicine Is To Give This Movie & Miss
cynet-523322 April 2024
So this movie flopped at the cinema and the guy that made this awful unfunny comedy blamed the distributor on only spending $250,000 on promoting the film.

I have another theory it was because the movie just wasn't funny and even when it tried to be funny it just wasn't.

Dan Ackroyd was wasted completely in this movie and I am surprised he agreed to star in it after reading the script because it lacked any funny lines.

The biggest fail was having no real famous other actors to take on the roles of the medical staff. The so called actors were rather wooden and lacked any comedic skill.

The best bit for me was the end credits as I knew my pain of watching this crass movie was over for good.

Avoid like the plague or of your life counted on it.
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