Man in the Mirror: The Michael Jackson Story (TV Movie 2004) Poster

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Banal biopic with a couple of redeeming points
sngbrd3929 August 2009
The main word that comes to mind when considering this film is "dodgy". This is a low-quality film biography of one of the most iconic performers of all time. The Gloved One deserved better.

Before getting into the meat of my thoughts on this biopic, I have to say that there are two things I found effective. First was the use of actual fan footage and interviews at certain points in the film, especially in the scenes depicting the first set of child molestation allegations. I feel that this contributed a certain authenticity that was *severely* lacking throughout the rest of the film. Second was the sequence depicting the courtship of Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley. I will not comment on whether I believe the marriage was a sham, but by many accounts, it was a relationship where care and affection existed between the two parties involved. That really came across in this film; Flex Anderson and Krista Rae had decent enough chemistry to pull it off. These successful points are enough to keep Man in the Mirror away from 1-star status.

That said...there was very little else here that worked. Very few of the actors looked like the people they were supposed to portray, most egregiously those playing Elizabeth Taylor, Janet Jackson, and Diana Ross. Also, the absence of Jackson's music was a huge loss. How can you effectively tell a story about him without his music?? I understand that they were unable to secure the rights to it with this being a low-budget, unauthorized production; it seems, though, that if you can't have the man's music in a film about him, you might as well pack it up and go home, because you're missing out on an extremely important part of his life story.

This film's characterization of Jackson bothered me a little, too. I won't argue that he was troubled and may have been a few fries short of a value meal, but here, he was portrayed as something close to mentally disabled. I don't believe that Jackson, known to have been a shrewd businessman, would have been quite as naive about how the adult world works as he was made out to be in this film.

Finally, the way this film was written was nothing short of disgraceful. Many lines or exchanges of dialogue were either extremely corny, like Michael and Janet's "Tinkerbell" exchange, or nonsensical, like the "Blanket of love" comments made by Michael. Also, the screenwriters don't exactly have a knack for subtlety. There was a lot of telegraphing of upcoming events ("What could possibly go wrong??" sorts of lines) and extremely overt hammering of themes and motifs in the film (if I'd heard the word "believe" one more time...). This is what ultimately hobbled the film as something that could be considered awesomely bad.

Perhaps when we are a few years, or even a decade or three, removed from Jackson's death, someone will be able to bring his story to life in a more deserving film. By that time, we might have a better perspective on his life, and someone will be able to present a truly thoughtful examination of who Michael Jackson really was and what he's meant to the world of entertainment. This very dodgy biopic was not that film.
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As good as you'd expect a TV movie to be
D_Burke6 January 2008
This movie is like so many biopic TV movies I have seen: formulaic, exaggerating, poorly acted, and most importantly, happening too soon.

What I mean by that is the movie was filmed and, for that matter, aired before Michael Jackson's acquittal from his child molestation charges, which I think was one of the most significant periods of Jackson's life and career so far. It probably would have made a great ending to this docu-drama. However, this movie already bites off more than it can chew, cramming too many details in this overly ambitious project.

It's no doubt that Michael Jackson has led perhaps the most interesting life so far of any musician, let alone modern day pop star, to date, and his story would probably take six Behind The Music specials to tell accurately. This movie tried to tell too much in three hours, and needless to say, it failed.

Flex Alexander did what he could in playing Jackson, but he came off more like an SNL caricature by the likes of Tim Meadows and Amy Poehler. It would admittedly be pretty hard to find someone who accurately portrays Jackson without meeting with the King of Pop himself and studying his methods of madness. On a shoestring budget, though, one can only depend on what they see in the tabloids, and those do not necessarily give an accurate representation.

Furthermore, the director's efforts to make Alexander look like Jackson are completely foolish. The Caucasian makeup on Alexander's face makes him look more like a reverse minstrel show, and everyone who has been in a grocery store knows that Jackson's nose is not as big as Alexander's. It's also amazing to me that the film documents Jackson going under the knife to get cosmetic surgery, yet in the next scene, Alexander still has the same size nose. This kind of suspension of disbelief that the director expects can't hold up to TV viewers in the 21st century.

It was even more distracting when footage of the real Michael Jackson (i.e. the time he hung his infant child over a balcony in Germany) was interspersed into the movie in real time. It was a nice try, but it just didn't work.

If this movie as it is was released into theaters, it would gain a profit only because of its tackiness. It even pales in comparison to "Mommie Dearest", and that's saying a lot. Above all, this was a movie that was probably rushed into making, like many TV movies that aren't on HBO. It could have been done a lot better if it had just told of one aspect of Jackson's life. Even if it just covered the child molestation allegations, it probably would have been done a lot better and would have even been more intriguing.
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Unintentionally funny, sucky movie!
gazebo31 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Where the hell did VH1 find the scriptwriter for this movie??? Out of high school? This movie tries so hard to be sympathetic to Michael Jackson, but instead, turns him into a horrible, tacky caricature. All the lines are filled with clichés but surprisingly the acting wasn't bad. As usual, this is a bad movie with pretty good actors. The actor that plays Michael Jackson, jeez, I feel sorry for him! I think he did the best he could with the weak script. I didn't mind that Flex did not look like Michael Jackson, I thought he did the best he could, but later on when he had all that white make-up on, oh man, did he look yucky! The other actors that played Debbie Rowe, Priscilla Presley and Elizabeth Taylor were pretty good. Except that the actress that plays Liz Taylor looked too young and healthy to be playing Liz. The actress that plays Diana Ross didn't look at all like her and I couldn't figure out who this woman was until much later on in the movie.

This movie does a disservice to everyone who is on the side of Michael Jackson, or against Michael Jackson. It doesn't do anything to change anyone's opinion. As a matter of fact, the only opinion anyone will have after watching this movie is, oh God, this movie really, really sucks! And where the hell is Michael Jackson's wonderful music and songs? There are none to be found in this movie. I love the soundtrack to this movie anyway and I'll probably purchase it if I could.

On the lighter side though, this is a very funny, campy movie! It's a great time waster if you want to watch something light that won't trouble your brain too much. I'll probably watch it again, because it just is so entertainingly bad!
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Unintentionally Hilarious...
sfnprincess8129 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I was looking forward to seeing this movie, although the makeup was terrifying to look at, even in the commercials.

But in the end, there's nothing to watch. Hopefully, someone else will make a film about Michael Jackson that's actually good, because this is NOT that film. The direction of the movie is awful, and the dialogue is ridiculous. Because of the bizarre makeup, Michael Jackson appears to be a caricature of himself, rather than as an artist.

But even that pales (no pun intended) in comparison of the dialogue. It's so campy and dramatic that it's impossible to take the film seriously. Someone who had no idea of who MJ is would assume that he's a simple, naive, slow man with no concept of reality after watching this film. The sad thing is that you end up LAUGHING during most of the film because it's that silly. Watch "The Jacksons: An American Dream" for a more accurate portrayal of MJ. Don't bother with this mess, unless you want a good laugh.
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Michael Jackson's face is white, not blue....
hilljayne7 August 2004
Usually when a television biopic is released on a celebrity, its, at the very least, campy (i.e. Cybill Shepherd as Martha Stewart, Lauren BaCall as Doris Duke), this is the most horrendous, cheap, and BORING television movie ever made. If VH-1 is going to make a television film, they have GOT to spend a little more money on them. Flex Alexander--though gifted with the Michael voice--is not a great dancer, does not resemble Michael one bit, and does not even have his mannerisms down. VH-1 would have done better by hiring an actual impersonator, that way when see Michael go into get plastic surgery, he doesn't actually come out looking EXACTLY the same. Why should we be taken aback at the shrinking of Michael's nose when its exactly the same size as in the beginning of the film? The woman playing Elizabeth Taylor cannot act and looks nothing like her, and don't even get me started on the woman as Janet Jackson. Terrible script and a severe case of miscasting needs to keep VH-1 from producing any more movies. Flex Alexander would have made a much better JERMAINE JACKSON rather than Michael. Costumes? Trashy ripoffs. Neverland? Spliced together footage from news docs. Don't bother with this one....its not even remotely worth it. The one good piece of casting--the actor portraying Joseph Jackson and MAYBE the actress as Lisa Marie Presley, though she should have been more tomboy than girlie girl.
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My two year old could've wrote a better movie than this
Unbreakable2714 January 2005
Although I'm a Michael Jackson fan, I look at things very objectively.

As a fan, I hope he did not do what he is accused of, and I am happy that he was proved innocent on all charges.

First let me start off by saying trying to make a movie about Michael Jackson without 'Beat It' or 'Billie Jean' is like trying to make a hamburger without ground beef.

Not even one little "I'm Bad, you know it."

But since this movie was not made with MJ's blessing they could not use any of his music.

I really came into this movie expecting to see a sequel to "An American Dream".

Boy was I sorely disappointed.

If you're going to make a movie at least have your actors resemble the people they are portraying a LITTTLE!

Jeez! And Elizabeth Taylor around the time MJ was accused the first time in 93 hasn't looked that young in well....forever.

Flex as Michael Jackson? Lord where did the person who casted this movie get his start? I hope he doesn't cast his other projects this poorly.

My choice for Michael Jackson would have been one of his widely known impersonators like Edward Moss (the guy from Scary Movie 3. Even out of make-up, Moss resembles a Thriller-era Mike.

And although the movie tries to portray MJ positively and show us things from his side, it's so full of pity for MJ you almost forget that he had nothing to do with this movie.

The movie can't even get it's relationships right.

Janet and Michael are and always have been close, but he was never buddy-buddy with her first husband James DeBarge.

In fact, Michael doesn't even acknowledge the guy as a former brother-in-law.

No closeness between Michael and Jermaine. Jermaine is the brother that Michael is closest to.

And this movie is so chronologically displaced, it's not even funny. Furthermore, this movie portrayed Joe Jackson to be an asshole. He was in fact strict and very disciplined oriented but he still loves his boys. Lawrence Hilton-Jacobs plays Joe a lot better. He was hard on them but there was a few good father/son moments between him and various sons. In 'Jacksons: An American Dream" where Michael is upset about Jermaine leaving the group and his about to perform for the first time without him, Joe pats Mike on the shoulder and says, "Mike, he'll be back someday."

And when he and Kate rush to the hospital after Michael is burned and the reporter asks him how does he feel about it,




This movie just made Joe to be a completely heartless prick. It practically jumps straight from the 93 allegation to the Bashir interview in 2003. Then to the baby incident, which was in 2002.

What the hell?

How are you going to jump back a year?

I could talk about how bad this movie was all night, but who the hell's got the time?
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Words can't describe how horrible this film is...
andreas_meg6 September 2009
The writers and creators of this film should actually be sued... For polluting the world with this crap! "Man In The Mirror" is in fact beyond horrible! Way, way, way beyond!

...and people, I'm not just saying that because I'm a Michael Jackson-fan! Or due to the fact that this is truly one of the most retarded depictions of his life I've ever encountered!

I'm saying it because this is a waste of time, money and celluloid! I feel ashamed of myself just having seen all of it! That's 1 hour and 26 min of my life I'll never get back! I'm telling you; watching grass grow is literally more entertaining than this film!

Consider yourselves warned!
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Truly dreadful
paynterr025 August 2013
Just accidentally caught this on some cheap, free 'cable channel'. Hilarious. If anyone has ever seen Star Stories, the British satire on celebrity, then they will enjoy this appalling attempt at entertainment. For starters, Michael Jackson was about 5'9", not 6'3" as portrayed by the far- too-butch actor Flex Alexander. He was also a creme colour, not green! The producers ought to have solicited the talent of some impersonator. This film made even Jurassic Shark look good, which is saying something. In other words, I highly recommend watching this if you roll in drunk one evening and want a giggle for a bit... BELIEVE!!!!! Shamone!
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bang_bang9 August 2004
Okay, first of all, I missed like the first 15 minutes of the movie, so I missed credits and stuff. SO when I finally got to it, I was like "Who the hell is this dude?". I found out it was Flex like hours after watching the movie.

Flex didn't look like Michael Jackson. Not one bit. He couldn't dance like him, or move like him, the only thing he almost had was the voice. People commented on Elizabeth Taylor, but I can't really comment on that because I don't know much about her.

The whole movie was like just plain wack. The dialogue sucked. The cinematography-if it can be called that-sucked. The soundtrack sucked. The acting sucked. Yes even Flex...I'm so upset about it though. I didn't want it to suck. I'm so sad that Flex got told he can get away with it. But the whole thing looked like dress-up. You know? It's like, nobody looked like they were supposed to except for Joseph Jackson.

The concert sequences just sucked. I'm sorry, but Flex just can't dance like Michael. I mean, like what the hell was VH1 thinking? The makeup didn't even match like the time of whatever Michael was going through. For example, in the movie he was still dark when Neverland got raided the first time around. In real life, MJ was white as hell. There was some sort of stupid delay in his skin discoloring.

The movie wasn't boring, well for me it wasn't. It wasn't really anything. I was just so upset about everything that was wrong with it. I wanted to see how it turned out and if Flex could redeem himself. He didn't, really. The only part I found like a bit interesting was the whole Lisa Marie thing. When they fell in love. That was nice. But I had to turn my face away when they kissed. Heh. And only two parts made me collapse with laughter. The first time was when they cut from Michael with short hair, you know the Thriller era, to Michael with long flowing hair from the Dangerous era AND HE WAS STILL BLACK! That was funny. The second time I laughed was when they showed all of the posters and memorabilia of Michael but they had Flex's face instead! It was so funny.

Overall, this movie was cheap trash. It was simply two hours of dress-up and could have been so much better. But no, VH1 is cheap. Watch if you want. But this movie is not funny, considering the ridiculousness of it. I came out of it feeling angry. And when I found out it was Flex, I just started to feel so bad. if you want.
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HORRIBLE does not even begin to describe this
Sherazade5 September 2009
I am speechless, honestly I cannot understand how anyone could have conceded to a script like this, cast anyone in the film let alone direct it. The fact that I am writing this review feels like an insult to my fingers, this film should be thrown in to the dustbin rather than be reviewed. I am disappointed in Flex Alexander for even thinking about accepting such a POOR EXCUSE FOR A SCRIPT let alone essay the role. OMG! I think I just insulted the word "essay"...uh yeah I did. Y'know what, the less said about this mindless drivel, the better. You have been warned, nobody warned me I had to experience the horror myself. WATCH AT YOUR OWN RISK.
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Not a good movie
geekgirl10120 August 2012
I don't know Michael's personal life, I don't know how he lived or behaved in public. So I'm just going to state what's in this movie.

The actor does not look like Michael, his skin is way too dark and the attempts of trying to make his skin lighter for Michael's later years results in him having grey skin. He does however make a good impersonation of Michael vocally.

There is no official music by Michael Jackson in any part of this film, so instead of him dancing on stage he is just prancing around on stage pulling faces and flicking his arms out which looks really ridiculous.

In this movie Michael is portrayed as a dumb, careless, eccentric, paranoid, naive, troubled guy with a mental disability living in a fantasy world. There's a number of flashback and dream sequences that really don't need to be there.

There's a lot of inconsistencies and missing crucial parts of Michaels' life which explain the buildup to certain events, and some events are in the wrong order. There's no showing of his charity works or receiving music awards, the whole movie is just bits and pieces of his assumed personal life which is all over the place.

In the end my conclusion is that this is far from being an accurate biography of the King of Pop with most of the story based on assumptions and makes Michael look ridiculous and freakish.
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Not too bad
Smells_Like_Cheese8 August 2004
For a life story on Michael Jackson past the Jackson 5, it wasn't too bad. But if anything, I think the movie did scare me a little. Because I know that most of it is probably true. I do not think that Michael can hurt a child in any way. Sexual or mentally. But, I do think he needs help. He was knocked around when he was a kid and needs help for it.

As for the movie, Flex does a great job as Michael. Does he look like him? Heck no. Not even with he make up he could pull it off. They didn't keep up with all of Michael's styles at the right time. And they skipped a few events in his life. But I think Mike would be proud. And some people are getting a better idea of what the true Michael is like. He's a wonderful man who has a heart of gold. He just needs to get help.

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Off the Wall... camptastic movie, but does make the audience feel for MJ
clivy19 January 2013
I stumbled across "Michael Jackson" it on the True Movie Channel- it started after "the Sonny and Cher Story" ended. From the first minute I was hooked. The faces staring into the camera, the beautiful woman playing Diana Ross whispering, "You're going to be a star, Michael! Follow your heart!" Surreal! The guy who plays Michael is gorgeous and he has great hair. The make up department goes a good job with his nose and its slimming but handles his later skin tone by slapping some white pancake makeup on him. The actress who plays Lisa Marie is cute as a button and makes their relationship convincing. "Liz Taylor" has a British accent, a fantastic beauty mark, and low rent costumes. The budget for the location shooting evident ally was tight, and included to taking the cast to a butterfly farm: the same butterfly poses on character visiting Neverland in three different sequences that are meant to take place in years apart. One of the best scenes is Michael in the rehab clinic listening to the stories of the people around him, and exclaiming, "How real!" This movie is BRILLIANT for a wet cold weekend afternoon. Realistic it isn't, but it works wonders with what it has. It brought back ton of memories for me. It still makes the audience think about Michael Jackson with sympathy. It could be he innocently just wanted to share love, and wanted his fans and friends to believe in Neverland.
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This movie was so bad that it scared me.
kwizzykwik11 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I lived in a house where we glorified Michael Jackson's talents. He had all the moves and he could sing- and Jesus I thought he was so cute when he was young. As for his personal life, I didn't understand him, and a lot of others didn't. I figured he had pain that we were unable to see where it originated, and with that, I was content. I started looking at all his music videos and movies and I just thought he was so great. I still do. I remember watching this at age 14 or 15 and being terrified because.. he seemed psychotic. Mentally off the hinges. Like he was living in a fantasy world. The character was... crazy. There was a looming darkness about him for a part of the movie that made me afraid and scared of him. Not the molestation thing, but his character and mindset. That was not the person I saw when I looked at anything he ever did. And I refuse to believe that this character was who he was. Honestly, five years later, I remember crying and being afraid to watch the rest of it in fear, that it was true.
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It's BAD, Ya Know It! Ya Know It!
katiewon2 June 2016
OMG - this is UNWATCHABLE. Words cannot describe it (except Michael's that I quoted above). I love his music, and I can respect what he went through being famous at such a young age, so yeah he has issues - but the way this movie is written and acted it seems the whole purpose was to focus on his dysfunctions in brief snippets that tell us nothing, which is a shame because no one is so one-dimensional. And who is this "Bobby" guy? Useless, that's what he was.

I am also a Lisa Marie Presley fan, and the young woman who played her was not even close! Lisa Marie is so much prettier, spunky, and smart - whereas the woman playing her was blah. The first time I saw her I laughed outloud. And yes, the mother has a limp and yet, the woman playing her walks perfectly! Even the most casual MJ/Jackson 5 fan knows that! If the writer, director and actors were simply trying to scam VH1 for a few bucks, in that way they succeeded. Someone should revoke all their writing/directing/acting credentials for this abomination! The Jacksons: An American Dream is far superior.
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Not that good
siedahcre28 December 2006
Even though i sat and watched the whole thing,i must say it was not was all over the place,with big chunks of information missing about how things developed and even inaccurate at some bits too.If you know nothing about Michael , you wont understand a thing.You have to rely on your current knowledge of the man in order for some bits to make sense..Acting was a bit dramatic, Flex Alexander looked nothing like Michael which was a put off for me and towards the end he literally looked grey.saying that portraying Michael as somewhat naive but highly positive, gentle and loving individual was okay even though they still made a fool out of him time to time.If you want to watch MJ's life story check out "An American dream". It is much better but the only thing is it will cover up to "Bad" era. I have no doubt that they will eventually make a big budget movie of MJ's life story, cos Michael You rock ;-) !!!!
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worse than "you got served"
hill-7268 August 2004
This is absolutely the worst movie I have ever seen. I hope the REAL family and other portrayed characters have lawyers suing the hell out of VH1 for there portrayal. The acting is horrible, the writing is worse and the portrayal of characters is scary. Its supposed to be a drama, but it was a comedy to me, you have no choice but to laugh at the bad acting. I usually like Flex Alexanders acting but this time he has completely missed the mark.

You could argue he took this role for a couple of laughs himself, because it was so horrible. If you really want a dramatic movie for the night, DO NOT CHOOSE THIS ONE. But if you are in for some laughs over bad acting and stupid writing, Tune in. Other than that, don't waste your time.
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A good attempt
caspian197813 August 2004
Flex Alexander did a good job playing Michael Jackson. Although the elements were against him, being very tall and very black, he gave 100% to capture the movement and the voice of Jackson. For a VH1 production, this movie was as good as it gets. The message the movie tried to give its audience is that we are all human, keeping the publics opinion of Jackson that he is a human being. The final sequence of shots shows dramatic close ups of peoples faces. Each is different in there own way, like Jackson, he too is very unique......and very different. Although the movie lacked certain elements of story and answers to why Jackson did many of the strange things he did, the story tried to answer the question of his lifestyle. A good movie if you are a Michael Jackson fan. If not, its a typical VH1 movie that doesn't entertain most of its audience.
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A "biopic" that showed all the things Michael Jackson wasn't
hot_in_pink_hate_red4 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I remember seeing this film back in 2004 and it was HORRIBLE! Never had I seen such a terrible film in my life. The way Michael was portrayed in this film was stupid, insolent, and disgusting. The actor who portrayed Michael in this film isn't even talented and DOESN'T look a thing like him (before and after the skin colour varying). They paint Michael as being like that B-word Kevin Federline was once married to! (We ALL know who that is.) They make Michael look like he's born with special needs, that he was a himbo (the opposite of a bimbo), self-centred, and basically was a schlub. The way they portrayed the other people in Michael's life was much worst. (Let alone Joe and Kathrine.) Overall, I find this film to be the most insulting and nastiest film ever made! Flex Alexander should be ashame of himself for portraying Michael in such a rude way and as the the director of the film, Allan Moyle. Well he should be ashame of himself too.

Hopefully the REAL biopic about MJ will be better and less nasty than this horrible one.
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This film is a disgrace to MJ and his memory.
richieandsam10 April 2014

OK... I know this is a made for TV movie, but it is still a movie that deserves a review.

The title of the movie pretty much lets you know it is about... but I would have named it something along the lines of Man in the Mirror: The Michael Jackson farce.

I am struggling to find something good about this movie... there really was not a lot positive I can think of.

So... where do I start? First of all, this film cuts out so many important moments in Michaels life. This film concentrates on the crap that was in the news at the time. There is not a lot of childhood moments and the adult moments just skip from big news to big news. This film did try and make Michael look like the victim, but instead it made him look weak. It was a complete sham. The film is not even in chronological order.

There is also a lot of text on the screen... it felt like the film makers couldn't be bothered to actually film parts of the story, so instead just put text on the screen in between scenes to explain what happened.

The film was not made with Michaels permission, so the film makers could not use any of his music which really ruins the whole film. If you are watching anything to do with MJ, you need to hear some of his classic songs, but because there was none in there at all it just felt cheap. Even when "Michael" was on stage in the film, he was dancing to nothing. It was laughable.

The annoying thing is that they used actual news footage for parts of the movie. So for instance, in one scene you saw the actor running around a hotel room, then he walks out onto a balcony with Blanket, then all of a sudden you are seeing the real MJ dangling the baby over the balcony. Yes, OK... we know Michael made a lot of mistakes throughout his life... some were very stupid including this, but sis we actually need to see the real footage? They are filming so much of his life, they couldn't film this? This is just a sham... and using the real footage of Latoya bad mouthing him on the news was also out of order and not really called for.

The casting was so bad that it was laughable. Flex Armstrong played Michael Jackson... and I really hope that he realises what a mistake taking this film on was. Not only did he not look like MJ, but the man can't act! The make up was terrible. When his skin got whitened in the movie, it just looked like he dunked his face in a bowl of talcum powder. It was soooo bad. Honestly, everyone involved with this film should be ashamed of themselves.

The movie finishes before he goes to court the second time for the child abuse charges that he was found not guilty for. Why didn't they delay the film so that they could finish that chapter of his life? It felt all rushed.

Yes, I am a Michael Jackson fan... and I am glad that he was found not guilty, but I have always kept an open mind about it all.

Michael Jackson was and always will be a musical legend!

I will give this film 3 out of 10.

"How can anyone be so mean?"

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Smartest thing you can say is you don't know
ballouvince17 January 2022
About MJ enough to see on the side of negative judgment and attempt to write a biopic about him. You reveal yourself depending on what you say. You couldn't have been more humanitarian than MJ and that is all there is to say about him. The writers should have quit before beginning. Cheap thrills and the need to feel better at his expense whether writing or reviewing are no excuse. They say no good deed goes unpunished.
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Fast and busy but good
rps-228 September 2005
Despite my distaste for "Wacko Jacko" whom I consider a symbol of American decadence, this nevertheless was a very well done film. It seemed factually correct. The guy who played Jackson had him down just about perfectly, in sound, in body language and even appearance. Most of the others were good too, especially the portrayal of Johnny Cochrane. However Elizabeth Taylor was bad burlesque. The film moves a little too quickly and at times the camera work is frenetic and distracting. But I found it to be both factual and entertaining. However the verdict and the disposition of the Jackson trial should at least be shown in the closing credits of more recent prints of the picture.

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A rushed, shoe-string budgeted blurb of a film, with some small saving graces
gothamite273 July 2009
I only discovered this film after searching through Wikipedia for information on Michael Jackson (which is most certainly what millions of others are doing, in the wake of his highly publicized death).

The film is an exploration, not of Michael Joseph Jackson's life, but of his fame; particularly following the Earth-shattering success of 'Thriller'. It mostly skims over these years (but then, just about everything in the film feels 'skimmed over'), but there are some interesting developments, such as the beginning of Michael's supposed troubles with the vitiligo disease as well as the infamous Pepsi Cola accident, where he was badly burned (this serves as a segue into Jackson's near-obsession with cosmetic surgery).

The majority of this biopic is based in the 1990s and portrays in brief, the countless occasions where the media clashed with Michael Jackson, particularly the child-abuse allegations of 1993. His friendship with Liz Taylor is decently established (although the actress is sub-par) and throughout the film, Michael's kinship with someone by the name of 'Bobby' (who I can only assume is his bodyguard or housekeeper or something) is probably the highlight of the film (along with something that I shall mention later on in the review). Michael's relationships with Lisa Marie Presley and Deborah Rowe, the two wives he had in the 90s are explored with the former being an impressive recount (if slightly historically inaccurate, if accounts from Presley herself are to be believed) and the latter being a pathetic footnote. The film concludes with Michael being accused once more of child abuse, and choosing to fight the charges (rather than trying to avoid them, as he did in 1993).

This is not a very well-made biopic. It is not 'Walk the Line' or 'Ray' and I would hesitate to say that it is even as good as TV movie-biopics such as 'The David Cassidy Story'. It employs very 'hip' directorial methods, that one would expect from CSI and other such programming. The acting ranges from above-average (Flex Alexander is quite good) to absolutely dire (the actress who played Janet). The most noteworthy criticism is the make-up, which was uncomfortably off throughout the film. The film makes some efforts to show Jackson's transition from the fresh-faced, very black young man of 'Thriller' to the tanned (but still obviously African American) 27-year-old of the 'Bad' era to the ghost-faced Jackson of the 1990s. For some reason, the film awkwardly chooses to keep Flex Alexander in the 'Bad'-era makeup throughout most of the second act of the film, throughout years where Jackson was very obviously not black (such as his marriage to Presley, for example). This takes viewers who are even only slightly somewhat familiar with the man's history out of the experience. It makes little sense when Flex Alexander goes from being a black man with some chalk lightly pasted on his face to being a very, very white man with features that have been utterly, surgically overhauled.

In all honesty however, the film has some very interesting ideas about Jackson and its ending is almost a saving grace in how it ties together two of the most recurring themes of the film: Michael's fear of failure (in the eyes of his father and the media) and his undying love and respect for his fans, the people who would never leave him. It is clear that the ending was probably the one very clear idea the writers and director had while making this very obviously rushed, low-budget film and it stands out as a noteworthy highlight for a fairly mediocre film.

In conclusion, fans of Jackson could do worse than to watch this biopic, particularly those who mourn his passing. Taken with a pinch of salt, this is a fairly decent film with interesting ideas.
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Aleta_Nook15 January 2016
Come on, can't you guys come up with better ideas than this? This contradicts who Michael Jackson is and uses a man who seems like he can portray another real person or be in a different project than this. He cannot convey the passion and energy Michael Jackson had and he looks nothing like him nor sounds like him. His make-up makes him look like a clown.

Even on the surface, this is just a cloying, schmaltzy biopic of MJ. The camera movements is like that of a reality T.V., there's miscast actors and dreamy sequences. Flex has none of the cheerfulness Michael Jackson had and instead, makes him appear as ignorant.

The famous people aren't even solidly scripted.
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