Are We Done Yet? (2007) Poster

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The Title Should Be Changed To Is This Done Yet
I mean when I saw Are We There Yet, I thought it was finished from there but no. They had to do Are We Done Yet. I mean, if they know the first one was bad why are they making another one, what is wrong with these directors. They are making some bad squeals or remakes that are in the bottom and they still continue. Soon another one is going to be called Are We Having Fun Yet, well guess what, no. And for sure this movie would at least be better than the first, but it is worst. I should be stupid for watching this piece of crap. Let me tell you for all that didn't see this movie yet, you made the right choice. Soon, these dopes will make the third, then the fourth, then more. Make sure you will never see this, the only funny jokes are in the trailer. That's it.
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Good for the family
namor_jedi18 August 2007
I've never seen Are We There Yet?, and I had no intention of watching this film. I thought as many that the funny parts were in the trailers and that the actors were sub-par. For the most part that is true. There were some surprises in the humor, mostly from John C. McGinley, but it was far from side splitting. Even though it was not a great movie on the whole, it was a great family film. Today, with the exception of Disney, most movies are far from family friendly. Even Dreamwork's cartoons have a great deal of crude humor in them that make most parents cringe when watching them with small children. Are We Done Yet? actually has a lot of great family values that are missing from a lot of movies that have come out recently. The film shows a man who is forced to take care of a family that is not his own and also to prepare for his future children with his new wife. This step-father acts more like a dad should to his teenage step-daughter than most real father's do. Very rarely will you see some one in a film telling a young girl to put on more clothes and yelling at her for sneaking out of the house. If you are looking for something that is more than okay to watch with the kids then this is a movie to check out. Don't expect anything close to award winning, but parents can watch this safely with their kids without wondering if their kids know what the last innuendo meant every couple of minutes.
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I hope they are done
MLDinTN16 February 2008
I hope they are done and this is the last sequel to this franchise. This time Nick is moving his family to the suburbs. They get duped into buying a house that is falling apart and then hire an extremely eccentric contractor to fix it up. And as you would expect in movies like this, mishaps follow. There is a raccoon on the roof that won't go away, bats come through the chimney, the whole floor gets torn up, etc...

But Nick comes around and takes Kevin fishing, in what is perhaps the silliest part of the film with the cgi giant catfish. But Chuck the contractor is extremely annoying and I can't believe even the wife would think he is great after he sells them a torn up house and tears it up himself fixing it. But since this is a kids film, you know Nick will learn the value of family in the end.

FINAL VERDICT: It's for kids. 10 year olds will probably like it.
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Natural Disasters Have More Laughs
editor-2996 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
"Are We Done Yet?" Let's hope so. A phenomenally bad movie and, worse yet, a completely unfunny comedy that rips off "Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House," among a dozen other, better films. Oh, did I also mention it's a sequel to one of the worst movies of 2005, "Are We There Yet?" In that picture, former gangsta rapper Ice Cube (now flattened and mellowed down to a pathetic, bumbling caricature) was Nick, the idiotic boyfriend of Suzanne, mother of the most untalented and unsympathetic kids on the planet. No wonder his character hated children, with these horrid spawn underfoot, I'd have a vasectomy immediately.

In this version, he actually marries Suzanne, but four people living in a small apartment causes him to move to the country. Very far out in the country where there's no malls or cell phone reception.

Here he meets the wacky Chuck (John McGinley, "Platoon," "Wild Hogs," TV series "Scrubs") village Realtor/contractor/building inspector/idiot, who convinces Nick to buy a huge Victorian mansion (even though he could only afford to live in a small apartment in the city).

Of course, once the papers are signed, the domicile begins to fall apart; the electricity goes out, the roof leaks, floors collapse, walls crumble, and so does the marriage.

Meanwhile, Nick has taken out a big advance to start a sports magazine and is trying to woo Ervin "Magic" Johnson for a relevant cover story (didn't Magic Johnson retire from the NBA like 400 years ago?!).

Nick also seems to have an unlimited income for these repairs, and Chuck keeps bringing in more and more bizarre and not-at-all-humorous workers (a pair of huge Samoan dry rot specialists, a blind plumber, etc.) to fix the money pit.

Also, Suzanne is pregnant, and in a scene that has graced thousands of comedies in the past, she goes into labor at a most inconvenient time. And while this film is clearly for youngsters (as well as the severely brain-damaged), and should therefore not be judged like a Shakespeare sonnet, I nevertheless cannot abide comedies which do not make me laugh – at all.

We know what jokes and pratfalls will take place minutes before they occur (Nick falls through floors, roofs and walls, is struck by lightening and is attacked by bats, raccoons, deer and a crazed sturgeon.

Not one of these situations is even remotely interesting, let alone smile-inducing. Friends, I've seen funnier memorial services.

Ice Cube's talent peaked in "Boyz in the Hood," (and he had funnier lines when he was singing with N.W.A.), while the other leads are absolutely abysmal, especially the two kids, who've lost any cuteness and most of their acting abilities since the first picture.

In fact, the only saving grace (and I mean that term in the loosest way possible), is McGinley. Sure, he was funnier as the syncophatic sergeant in "Platoon," but his presence here is really the only thing that saves "Are We Done Yet?" from total burial in the dung heap.

His inclusion makes this one slightly better than the first, which is like saying that Lee Harvey Oswald was a better shot than John Wilkes Booth.
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Are we "done" yet?
Dragoneyed3636 June 2008
Holy crap, I hope so, because I can't stand to watch another one of these horrible films. Let me start off with my grisly story of how I watched this film. I got it as a Christmas present from a family member. She said I knew I liked the first one, which she was wrong, so she went ahead and got me the sequel. I made a fake smile, and before I put it away for life, she suggested we watched it. My heart was pounding out of my chest, for I knew I could not escape! I hated the first one and even though I am willing to give any film a chance, I was not anywhere near excited.

Well, we started it up, and pretty soon we were all sitting down watching it. Here's a clue as to what my families thoughts on it were: The family member apologized for buying it for me, my brother fell asleep, and my mom sat there with a disgusted look on her face. Even my eight year old cousin and five year old nephew did not laugh! I still can not believe that this is the filth that caused the wonderful movie Grindhouse to bomb, and I will hate this film until the very day I die for that, and I feel tremendously sorry for anyone who decides to watch it. It's just as poor as everything is in the first. Lame jokes, lame acting and lame plot.

If another film is made I assume it will be titled, "We're Not Done Yet, Sorry".
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Worse than the original
mrashtastic8930 April 2021
It's not funny at all, it's got a story stringed together, and the acting isn't even all that good.

It's just bad, watch something else.
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lelle7616 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I went to see this with a good friend over the weekend b/c I had nothing to do and she really liked Are We There Yet? and convinced me that this would be funny. Please, I urge you not to see this movie if you are over the age of 8. This was an hour and a half of my life that I will NEVER get back.

**SPOILERS (I guess)**

I'm thinking the makers of this "movie" just ripped off and pieced together parts of other bad movies like The Money Pit, The Great Outdoors, Troop Beverly Hills.... or any of those family films where the new stepparent or annoying relative is trying to win over the kids/other relatives and a bunch of wacky adventures (in the wilderness, on the road, with a crappy house, with a rebellious teen, etc) ensue.

Nothing in this movie is wacky or funny. Seriously, there are jokes like "I don't know karate, but I know Ka-razy" and a wife giving birth going "You did this to me! I hate you!" Nope, never heard those before.

Then, there is everyone blaming our hero, Ice Cube, for all of the terrible things going wrong, when either:

a) they are the fault of the bafflingly annoying con-artist/psychopath that serves as their realtor, contractor, house inspector, electrician, connection to Magic Johnson, midwife (yes, midwife) and "baby whisperer" (don't ask).

b) no one really seems to care that the 13 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER is either prancing around in next to nothing or going to a huge party with (I assume) a lot of alcohol and a guy who looks like he's probably 18 or older (Hello, statutory rape, anyone?). The mother is completely unconcerned and/or chooses not to get involved. Instead, she lets a man who her kids barely know do the parenting.

I could go on. There are so many things in this movie that don't make sense or are just plain dumb that I guess the producers thought would be funny. They were very, very wrong. This movie bites.
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Can i go Home yet ?
stephengraley8 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
What a Shocker, the film should have been renamed Can i go home yet because i wanted to from 10 minutes in.

I have never been so bored watching a film, it was almost painful to watch, lets see where it all went wrong.

Are we there yet, This was hilarious and this was due to a couple of key areas. 1) The story revolved around the kids and they made all the moments of laughter. 2) The Beloved Car 3) Satchel Paige sitting on the car dashboard.

Now lets see where "Are we Done yet" went wrong.

The kids were hardly in the movie compared to the original, The car was hardly seen and Satch was not even in the movie. Add to that the most annoying character in the history of cinema played by John C. McGinley and we have a turkey of a movie roasting to perfection. It breaks my heart to say this as i have seen, Are we there yet like 20 times and it still has me in fits of laughter, my 2 year old nephew wants to always watch it and i am more than happy to. They should have called this Home Improvement as the whole story revolved around McGinley's character. it was also embarrassing the way the movie tried to cling to successful scenes from the original movie, Aleisha Allen singing and the scene with the rabid Deer.

In conclusion i am sorry to say that this film is another poor excuse this summer on a bandwagon of shocking Sequels.
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What is up with some many people trashing this movie?!?
samo1913 May 2007
I can't understand why this movie would make the bottom 100 movies on IMDb at #11. There have been far worse movies than this. I question a lot of time on how people rate movies on this website. This the kind of movie that isn't expected to have a great plot! It's family movie that should be a fun outing and it sure looks like it would be to me and I'm 19 yrs. old! I enjoyed the first movie and I wanted to see the second one but never got the chance to. i'll definitely be seeing it when it comes out on DVD. It's mindless fun that you can turn your brain off and enjoy. Night at the Museum didn't have a fabulous plot line but if you turned off your brain, it was an enjoyable movie. People, just give movies like this a chance and have fun! I think a lot of people don't understand whatt family fun means anymore...

I'm looking forward to enjoying it :)
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This movie wasn't that awful
kilane3819 April 2008
I admit, I didn't see this film in the theater. I caught the first one (Are We There Yet) on cable and disliked it enough that I refused to see the sequel. However, flipping through the channels one day, I caught a couple of scenes of "Are We Done Yet" and frankly, I found myself laughing more than once. It was surprisingly enjoyable. John McGinley was brilliant, Ice Cube made me chuckle every time something went wrong. He was so likable even when he was the most frustrated. It was a lighthearted family film, that given the chance, rendered some bonafide giggles. This movie didn't deserve a 2.8. I'd easily give it a 6.
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When it's the only "G" movie available
etiennestcyr25 May 2007
We had free passes that were coming up for their date of use so we took a stroll to the theater to watch a family "G" rated movie. Unfortunately, it was the only one available (sadly, Shrek III was opening the next day...) so we went for it.

You know what, i was expecting a awful movie but i ended up finding it to be fair. But in a family perspective. The acting for the young and adult actors is way under the average and the characters are so naive, sometimes it hurts !

5/10 for its family values, the scene with the owl (which i found the funniest) but the lack of continuous laughter.

Again, to be enjoyed with the company of for 6 to 10 year old kids.
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Funny family movie
froglady9927 October 2007
I don't know why so many other people hate this movie so much. Some of them said outright that they didn't like the first one, so why would they watch the sequel? I enjoyed the first one, so naturally I wanted to see the sequel. Sure, it was a bit hokey, but a lot of family movies are. This movie was funny, and it had some serious moments too.

If you haven't seen this movie yet, here's my recommendation: a. If you didn't like the first movie, you probably won't like this one either, so don't waste your time watching it and then complain about it on this website.

b. If you liked the first movie, you'll probably enjoy this one as well, so go ahead and enjoy it, no matter what the complainers say.

c. If you haven't seen the first movie, watch it first, because it's a good movie and gives you the background on the story. Then watch this movie.
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Why is everyone picking on this movie?
theskylabadventure16 June 2007
I'll be the first to admit that 'Are We There Yet?' is pretty atrocious. In fact, thinking about it, I have to wonder why I even wanted to see 'Are We Done Yet?' when its predecessor was so awful.

To my surprise, this turned out to be one of the most entertaining family movies I have seen in a long time. Admitedly, I don't go and see too many, but I was pleasantly surprised at how much fun this movie was. I find it incredible that this film is, as of this writing, number 29 in the list of worst films ever on IMDb. That said, 'V for Vendetta' (one of the worst films ever made, in my opinion) is in the top 250, so what does it really mean? What astounds me is that 'Are We There Yet?' is better rated than its sequel, which outdoes it in almost every way. Don't get me wrong, this is not Tarkovsky. It's stupid and childish and essentially pointless, but guess what - that's the point, it's a family film. Taken in this context, it is a more than passable way to spend 100 minutes of your time.

Ice Cube, who looked and felt a little out of place in the first film, has eased into this character nicely and has really developed some fine comic timing. To be able to go from "the nigga you love to hate" to a genuinely amusing turn in a family comedy is not something many people could do with any degree of success, but Cube pulls it off.

The kids are less annoying than they were in the first film, but the writers have again failed to give the audience any reason to like them, even a little. Consequently, the most unfeasible thing about Cube's character is that he hasn't murdered them yet. What the writers have managed to do here is give Nia Long a bit more to work with. In 'Are We There Yet?' it was hard to imagine what Cube's character saw in her (aside from the obvious) but she's actually a lot more endearing here, and she looks divine.

The real surprise was John C McGinley, whom I expected to suck royally. While he's not known for comedy and has made some ropey choices over the years (notable exceptions being 'Platoon', 'Point Break' and 'Seven'), he almost makes this film. His character is ridiculous, and the biggest mistake he and the director could have made would have been to try and ground the character in any sort of reality. Thankfully they didn't, and McGinley consequently provides some of the best moments in the movie. The twist in the character's back story actually manages to be quite moving too.

All things considered, its hard to fault a film that is under no pretence about its intentions. This is nothing more or less than good family fun. The fact that it is also well paced, well designed and has fantastic music supervision only adds to my admiration.

If you go to see this film for the right reason, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised (I urge you not to be put off by its predecessor). If you go into it looking for a reason to bad-mouth it, I have one thing to say to you; Get a life, it's a frigging family film!
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Awful, Ice Cube, just awful.
freakfire-126 March 2008
Of all the Ice Cube movies I have seen, this has got to be the worst. Not only were many of results cliché, especially the ending, but many of the characters were just unfunny. And that is being nice.

John McGinley, who initially seems welcoming, becomes a nuisance. He sells Ice a lemon of a home and has a monopoly on every main job for the community. But instead of getting rid of him, he becomes liked. Even Ice Cube likes him at the end.

Many of the jokes were bad or badly set up. I admit blind plumbers could have been funny. But instead, they just walked about with stereotypical blind sticks. But nothing funny happened. Nothing. How could anybody blow a bit like that? Apparently this crew could.

Ice Cube could have done worse. But I am not happy with his work. Nia Long is very nice looking, but the plot, direction, and screenplay is all wrong. Better luck making "Next Next Friday" or "Barbershop 3". They probably would be better. "D"
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not bad but cannot beat the original
zakali4u21 July 2007
This film focuses this time on Ice Cube and John C. McGinley as the main leads of the film.

Yes, the other cast do star, however these are the central characters.

John C. McGinley is the annoying character in the film seen as evil by Ice Cube and lovely and adorable by the other cast.

NOW you can see thats going to cause problems when your stepfather and your wife's going to have twins. Not only that you have bought the ultimate house of horrors, which reminds me of Tom Hanks's movie MONEY PIT.

I really like John C. McGinley as an actor but he annoyed me. Ice cube has made a movie for moral value and good attempt at a family comedy. It does not live up to the original as the movie is now shared by two stars and the movie does begin to slow down. For attempt and some good sequences 5.

Notice Taj Mowhry in this film, yeah he looks different but not that much that I could not recognise him.
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ARE WE DONE (with the movie) YET?
SWalkins-120 May 2007
It was amazing, that such crap could be made and anyone could give it higher than a 1!The entire movie, it seems like ice cubes only line is I can fix that! The entire movie i felt like saying are we done yet? I was NEVER entertained and didn't laugh ONCE! When i went there with some friends, private movie, second day. WHAT DOES THAT TELL YOU? Absolute crap.

A torn down house and a man is trying to sell it. nothing interesting. So boring in fact, halfway through the movie i went to a corner and played with Ribiks cube. We left 30 minates before it was over, and went bowling instead. Do not buy this on DVD! (unless your suisideal.)

Deserves the bottom spot in the bottom 100.
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We Finally Got There, But We Could Have Done A Little Better.
DarkVulcan2919 April 2007
The film takes place about a year after the events from Are We There Yet(2005), and Nick(Ice Cube) and Suzanne(Nia Long) get married and live in his apartment with the kids, and sells his store in hopes to becomes a magazine writer. But Suzanne announces that she is pregnant, and Nick soon realizes that his apartment is no place for a family, so they move, much of the dismay of the kids, out to the beautiful side of the country. They end up buying a house, but the house is very old, and it begins to fall apart(anybody remember The Money Pit?). So they call on Chuck Mitchell Jr(John C. McGinley), a contractor who in hopes to help fix up the place, and that Murphy's Law does not take part. I enjoyed Are We There Yet, but the second time around just didn't quite do it. Although moments with Ice Cube and John C. McGinley playing off each other were pretty funny, but the rest of the film to me, appeared to be that was trying to hard to be funnier then the first, but it just didn't do it. It ends up looking like one Bad SNL joke after another.
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moviefanism12 August 2007
terrible movie! Weird camera work, script parts stolen from other movies, very bad acting, predictable slapstick jokes, etc etc etc O.k. it's a family movie, but thats no reason it shouldn't be good? This movie uses every cliché there is but really fails in doing it good.

I kinda liked the first one, it wasn't very good but I laughed sometimes, but this one is really awful, it only brought a smile to my face once (powerwalking part).

The maniac contractor is wrecking the entire house but everybody is loving this annoying guy!?!?! Very very very bad movie, skip this one pls! .
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not enough jokes and too many stupid characters
dbborroughs23 December 2007
Ice Cubes career maybe done with another movie like this, poor sequel to ARe We There Yet? Done is a remake of Mr Blandings Builds His Dream House. The earlier film had Cary Grant and some very good jokes coming from the pain of renovating an old home. Done is full of stupid jokes (some of which are funny-but not enough) stupid characters and poor direction and writing.Who did they make this movie for? As much as I disliked the kids in the first film (the reason I disliked that movie) there was something that made it work if you could get past the brats.This is just poor wishful thinking The best thing to do when asked "Are We Done Yet? is simply not to start
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Very Funny
abbierb7 August 2007
I thought it was really funny. Me, my brother and my sister-in-law watched this, i personally thought it was very good. Not as good as the first one though.

I thought one of the funny parts (that stuck with me) was when there was a possum on his roof and he was trying to get it off, and it so funny because the possum just stairs at him after he falls through his house's roof ... his face is price-less :)

I have given it a 7/10 basing on its humour and very funny story lines.

i recommend it to anyone who found the first one funny - or wants a laugh!
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A continuation of Are We There Yet, but stealing the concept from the classic movie, Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House.
ltlacey1 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
When will the entertainment industry learn to stop remaking successful (or even unsuccessful) classics? Can't anyone come up with something new or original, or even a decent twist to an already existing storyline? I think the whole Fish Out of Water concept did not work at all with this movie, what with the City Folks moving to the country and all the horrible things, like bats, there for some slapstick comedy to add some action to the movie. Note to whoever paid to have this movie made: It did not work. And the entire premise that a "smart" business person who obviously is spending a lot of money to buy a house on a large parcel of land would choose to not pay to have the house inspected, well, what can one say about this concept, other that it tells the audience that the rest of the movie is going to just get worse? Not that this movie was all that close to the original it was trying to copy, since the house was already built. The house just needed a lot of work to make it habitable, and thus our plot of the hapless and idiotic father who slams his thumb with a hammer, falls through roofs, has a run-in with electricity, and of course, the weird, but has a heart of gold, contractor. And then there is the scene where our main character is out showing his step-kids nature and they come across a deer. Everyone, including the deer, are scared and go running off, screaming the entire time. Same as the audience would be my guess.
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my first review : why this movie is underrated ?
moonyx200225 July 2008
so finally I'm writing my first review because i think something is wrong here i have just watched this movie with my 7 years old boy and guess what? we both enjoyed it, in fact ,i watched it twice ! its fun, fresh, and no sex scenes or swearing ! so its definitely a family movie so why those HATERS underrated this movie and overrated movies like "You Don't Mess with the Zohan" o and some of my favourite films are : 12 angry men,the rear window , all spaghetti movies collection,the machinist, godfather 2, and many more , and now "ARE WE DONE YET " is one of them , remember cinema is also about entertainment , a good picture, and a laugh, so i will give this movie 8
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Movie doesnt suck.....
ManGrissle27 February 2019
Everyone is picking on this wonderful family friendly movie....well worth the watch especially if you has young kids in the house.The story is fun and the charators are many...its all in good enough...its not the best movie but it deserves at least a rating of 5...Ratings of 1s or 2s are dumb...To everyone else writing bad mean are not a real movie critic..GET OVER YOURSELVES!
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Is this movie done yet?
cmaier966 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
All through the movie, I was asking "is this movie done yet?" It was a rather entertaining movie for awhile, but then the plot wilts and events occur "just 'cause." The Chuck Mitchell character (played by John McGinley from Scrubs) is entertaining until he leaves Nick's (Ice Cube) "project." The false drama created when Nick finds out Chuck's wife is dead (not on tour in China?) was terrible and highly unrealistic. The special effects are another thing. They look like something out of a Bugs Bunny movie. The kids' acting surprised me a bit, but they weren't better than in the first film. I don't think this movie is worth your time.
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Tear down this house!
stormhawk20218 May 2017
I wasn't amused by the first film "Are We There Yet", I thought that it wasn't funny and I find Ice Cube to be pretty awful in comedic roles. I decided nonetheless to at least say I finished the franchise by reviewing the sequel "Are We Done Yet", one of the most repetitive slapstick bull movies I've ever seen that is filled with borrowing jokes and overusing them. Our disgruntled sports fan and stepfather Nick Parsons returns to buy a house that needs some fixing, resulting in simply hilarious slapstick scenarios where tough guy Ice Cube falls down or does something stupid or childish. To make matters worse both for Nick and for the audience, John C. McGinley steps in as Chuck, the small quaint town's real estate agent, inspector, construction worker, etc., also this wacky guru like comedic element that really overuses his bland and frankly embarrassingly dumb personality. The plot is poor, boring for a kids film and unfunny - it also "borrows" heavily from the 1986 Tom Hanks' film "The Money Pit". The humor is predictable and unfunny, Ice Cube can't do much as a comedic actor, he's just grumpy most of the time. Our previous main characters from the first film, Nick's stepchildren, have little to no importance and are rarely seen to make more time for wacky Chuck. AWDY's main problem is that it's not appealing to kids or adults, it's troubled in every aspect. What a disaster.

P.S. Answering to "bobyvsamos" comment that says this atrocious film was great, your name is a portmanteau of Bob Saget and John Stamos, go watch "Full House" instead of this abomination. Or you're limited to only watch black sitcoms?
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