Devon's Ghost: Legend of the Bloody Boy (Video 2005) Poster

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A good example of a bad movie.
seventribe1 February 2006
First of all, I recommend this movie to no one. Except for people who enjoy this type of bad horror/slasher movies.

Bad acting, weak story and tons and tons of unrealistic events! There's not much more to say, I don't have high standards so take my word for it, this movie will make you regret spending 80 minutes of your life on it. I don't get why just about 12 people has voted "10" on this. That doesn't make any sense at all. I would really like to see a top 20 of their favorite movies.

The only positive thing I can say about this movie (also the reason that it gets a 2 and not a 1). It did win some of my sympathy for the killer in the movie. They use quite an affective way of making the viewer feel a bit sorry for Devon. Other than that.. a very very bad movie.
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So kewl!
waustinm19 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
All I can say is WOW! This movie has it all! I like that the filmmakers didn't feel the need to dress up the villain in "scary" makeup or give him any personality; too many horror movies these days fall back on making their villain all scary looking and sardonically witty, or at least give him a back story that drives his desire to kill, as if that makes him more "legitimate" or something. Not this movie. This movie's villain wears only a baseball uniform with his name on it and says next to nothing--now *that's* scary. That's my kind of killer. Plus it has a kickin' pop-punk soundtrack! I wonder if it's available on CD....that way I could drive around listening to the pop-punk music I like and at the same time remember all the cool scenes from this movie. Like the scene where the one girl's boyfriend gets all mad because he doesn't know what's going on, or the other scene where the boy's girlfriend gets all mad because only she knows what's going on but no one believes her, or the scene where the totally bogus authority figures don't believe what's going on...until it's too late that is! Yes, believe it or not, those scenes and more are in this very movie! Plus it has girls in cheerleader uniforms! Oh, and a kick-ass scene where the Chinese-looking guy from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers busts out some Chinese Fu or whatever it is, and gets all martial arts on some people. Seriously! You're sitting there thinking, "Man, how can this movie get any cooler? Oh wait, that Power Ranger guy's Chinese. I bet he knows karate." Then all of a sudden, BAM! He whips out the karate! It's un-freakin-believable! See this movie today!
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a bunch of teens get there asses kicked by a guy with a baseball bat with a saw blade stuck in it
leo_bartels29 July 2005
So, I got a screening copy of this film a few days ago. The story wasn't bad. The script was a little silly. the acting was a mix of really good and somewhat poor. my big complaint with this movie is that a lot of people die but most of them are killed in the classic horror fashion-lots of screaming and some blood spray but really you don't get to watch them die, and lets face it that is what we watch movies like this for-now getting on towards the end there are some really good death scenes as well as some very well choreographed fights which is what made the movie.

If only the whole movie had the quality of the end it would have been an easy 7 or 8 out of ten. What I fail to understand about a lot of horror movies is the way they so often don't actually show the people dieing...I just don't get it..
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worst movie of all time
mysnisbttrthnfreybecks26 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The 1 out of 10 I gave this movie, is being incredibly generous and I only give it this rating based on the fact there is no number lower than 1. On my scale, it has a negative infinity out of 10. This movie is terrible, everything about is awful. All of the actors were awful, the camera guys should be fired, and the director was just as useless.

Now my reasons. The sound quality is terrible. Everything about is low budget and it is obvious the sound guys refused to spend more than 15 dollars on microphones. On severals occasions, screams turn into blurred inaudible garbage that ruins it.

The acting is really what drove it so far down. No one is good, at all. All of the actors lack any abilities and my five year old cousin could have acted better than anyone in the movie.

The special effects leave a lot to be desired. One of the first horror movies of all time (Nosferatu) had more sensibly driven and better quality special effects than did this movie. The blood often looks like the blackberry jelly I put on my peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Although very tasty, it is not a substitute for blood. In the end scene, the big guy that I don't care to learn his name, has a hole in his tummy. He can magically jump kick the killer and send him down to his seeming demise. Amazingly, after smashing his entire body into a boulder, he gets up and kills an armed cop bare handed. Pardon my acronyms, but WTF? The camera needs better everything. The visuals look like my household camera that I film my cousins with. It is bad. From the very beginning you will hate this. It gets worse as the action picks up. Last time i checked, white guys cant do karate.

So, in conclusion, this movie has no redeemable factors at all. Anyone who thinks this movie is even slightly funny (I am a fan of bad horror pictures but this one actually left me incredibly angry after having sat through the entire thing) is misguided. Everything about the film is bad, there is not one thing in the movie that I can say "Well... at least this film had___" because there is not one thing in the entire movie worth mentioning. Besides alluding to how god awful this piece of garbage is, it should be burned. all copies should be destroyed, all memory burned somehow in some memory burning machine. the end
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This was a VERY bad movie
shivvan1 May 2005
This was one of the worst movies I have seen in quite some time. The acting was terrible, the plot line (if you call it that) was predictable and had me on the edge of walking out. It seemed as though the makers of this, I guess you would call it a movie, read the book "horror movies for dummies" and took all the bad horror movie stereotypes it could find and used them. Including the old "haven't you seen a horror movie" line. Obviously, the makers of this movie had not. This was more of a slasher movie than a horror movie, and I found the plot holes in it wide enough to drive an eighteen wheeler through. I would suggest you avoid this movie.
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Awfully Ridiculous – The "Perfect" Bad Movie
claudio_carvalho30 October 2007
When the Canyon High School reopens under the administration of Mr. and Mrs. Walker, the students recall Devon Anderson (Reza Bahador), a boy that killed his parents and vanished. On the first day of class, there is double homicide and Symphony (Karan Ashley), her boyfriend Craig (Jonathan Cruz) and her friends Josh (Johnny Yong Bosch) and Genesis (Kristy Vaughn) believe that Bloody Devon is back, but the police believe in a copycat. The sensationalist reporter Miller also attributes the murder to Devon. But Devon is really back with his baseball golf and he wants to play killing people.

"Devon's Ghost: Legend of the Bloody Boy" is awfully ridiculous, actually the "perfect" bad movie since everything is terrible. I usually like low-budget and independent movies, but this flick is among the worse ones I have ever seen. The title refers to a ghost, but there is no ghost in the story. The silly and uninteresting screenplay is flawed, with the most unreasonable situations, terrible lines, using clichés and characters that stumble and cry instead of running away or defend themselves. The direction is poor and the acting is weak, but most of the actors and actresses are young and will certainly have chance to improve their performances in another film. The cinematography and lighting are cheesy. My vote is one (awful).

Title (Brazil): "Caçada Sangrenta" ("Bloody Hunting")
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Could Have Been Better... MUCH Better!
BigHardcoreRed31 May 2005
Devon's Ghost: Legend Of The Bloody Boy had potential to be a pretty good "B" horror movie. Instead, what we got was a movie full of atrocious acting and a director who seemed too afraid to get down and dirty with the slashing. Devon (Reza Bahador) could have used a little bit of work as well. He came off as a ticked off Yankees fan rather than the star of a horror movie. The box-cover looked good with the baseball theme and the bat with a saw-blade attached to it. That is really what attracted me to this movie in the first place, but truly failed to deliver when it counted.

The plot was somewhat muddy and clouded, but in general, it seemed that Devon was murdered by his parents. They were eventually acquitted, thanks to a Johnny Cochran type lawyer, who just happens to be the father of Symphony (Karan Ashley). Later, both the parents and the lawyer disappeared without a trace and it is chalked up to the ghost of Devon. Soon after, couples start turning up murdered in a brutal fashion and police wonder whether it is actually the ghost of Devon or some kind of copycat killer.

The worst part of this movie is most definitely the acting. Usually, I can find at least one decent performance but I am sad to say, there was not one here. The worst of which was Kristy Vaughan, who played Genesis. She has absolutely no skill or delivery. I would say she ruined the movie but she was just a drop in the bucket. Johnny Cruz, who played Craig, reminded me of Joseph from King of The Hill, but was not as good an actor.

If I had to find something good about the film, it's best quality is the fight scenes. Skipping over the fact that the "helpless" girl seemed to be somewhat an expert in Kung Fu or something, the fight scenes looked as decent as any other kung fu movie. The sound effects for the fights were bad as well but I do not have the time to nitpick the whole movie. I can not recommend this movie, not even to the hardcore horror "B" Movie fans. 2/10
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Strike Three... You're OUT!
ghoulieguru13 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I'm completely confused by the title of this movie. For one thing, there is no ghost. For another thing, I don't know who the Bloody Boy is. This is one of those horror movies that you watch and wonder seriously if there was ever a script for it, or if they just kinda made it up as they went along. The story concerns a High School where there's a legend about some kind of murderer who dresses up in a baseball uniform.

This guy makes a weapon out of a bat with a saw blade and goes around killing a bunch of hapless teenagers. It's your basic wanna-be Kevin Williamson slasher with a Baseball Fury from the Warriors. Clichés and boredom follow. All of the high school students are in their thirties, the guys have receding hairlines, and the Asian kid knows karate. Since there is no ghost, it's clearly trying to be a Kevin Williamson movie, and I have no idea what the Bloody Boy is, I've thought up a more appropriate title: I Know What You Did Last Baseball Season.

No script for the movie... Strike one!

Clichéd teen characters who are actually in their 30's... Strike two!

Karate fight between the Asian kid and the Baseball Fury... Strike three! You're outta there!
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Poor mistreated boy wants revenge and kills everyone at random
oberst-trier1 March 2006
This movie is possibly the worst movie I have ever seen. It is hard to say anything good about it. I don't know what vent through the minds of the people who made it. The actors, lets face it, just don't do the job and I guess their predictable lines don't help them and furthermore – they just want to get killed, it seems.

The fight scenes look like a comic version of Power Rangers and they just don't cut it.

To top it of the bloody boy in this movie is in no way terrifying and is actually more humorous than anything else. And why does it say Devon on his t-shirt – Com on……

The director has for some reason made this film look like something out of a porn movie and it adds to the borrowing and predictable plot which comes together and makes for a terrible experience.

See this movie if: I can't think of any reason to see it! So if you haven't seen it yet – DON'T!! - Wait ... some of the music is acceptable.
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The only scary thing about this film is the talent (or lack of) that went into making it !!
imdb-63623 May 2005
Sorry but whomever said 'this is a great film', should be dragged out into the road and shot. In my time I have been subjected to some pretty awful cinematic offerings, but this rates down there with 'cools as ice'.

What was wrong with the film.

No acting talent.The actors seem to have to remind the audience of the plot every 5 minutes. Which come to think of it, is a good thing as you will have a tendency to dose off every now and then. The plot, well the director obviously thought it was not really necessary for the film.

I would not recommend this film for any of the age group 2-127
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Awful movie
sheena_diva26 November 2006
What a terrible movie. I very rarely run into a horror movie I don't enjoy (classic or new, big budget or independent), but this one was just plain bad (not in a funny bad way either). Terrible acting, super weak writing, and it wasn't scary or suspenseful in the slightest. The plot was very basic and uninteresting, and even then it had some gaping holes. Way too many cheesy flashbacks of the exact same thing over and over again too.

If you're in the video store I recommend you pick up basically anything else, I pretty much guarantee you'll be less disappointed than if you watched this movie. Seriously don't rent it!
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So good at being bad
Addricted10 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I feel the clash between the good parts (the fight scenes, and hey, the power rangers aren't that bad) and the bad parts made the movie hilarious. Listening to one actor give a line normally and then hearing another one give it terribly is very entertaining, at least for me. Besides, the two worst actor's characters die before they get too annoying anyway. The plot was pretty bad, and the writing wasn't much better, but you're too busy laughing at the ridiculous circumstances and scene layout to notice. I think the scene where they are in the bathroom and the guy is just chilling on the toilet talking takes the cake in the absurd irrelevant situations category.

I would say if you like laughing at ridiculous films (that aren't meant to be that way) check this movie out. If you don't take it seriously, it's a lot of fun.
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Pretty Wretched
daveh300616 August 2005
First review on IMDb. This one pretty much barks at the moon. Some of the most wretched acting I have seen even in a B flick. I think it's pretty obvious this must have been some film and media course's class project, and like almost all such, they elected to make a horror movie because it doesn't require a lot of sets and props, costume, etc.

Now, to be fair, I've seen some of these class-project horror flicks that were passable first attempts. This wasn't one of them. There was one refreshing new face, Kristy Vaughan, who actually LOOKS and SPEAKS like a high school girl instead of a twenty-something starlet in a cheerleader costume, but frankly that was this flick's only redeeming feature. To add insult to injury, towards the end they apparently decided (correctly) that making a horror movie was a lost cause, and so they switched to making a martial arts film.

To be frank, I think this entire crew other than the Vaughan girl needs to think about real estate or fast food management as a career.
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This is a strange film
axel33521 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I think this is a strange film. The part of the movie that is not the "horror-part" with Devon is poorly made with bad acting, music, dialog etc while the part with Devon is in it is so much better. It's actually like its two different movies in one and the only part that they really has put any effort in is in the "horror-part". Anyway this is a crappy movie with all the clichés that follow a bad movie... Its like the directors have read manual 1a and followed it and thought they get a great movie. Well, they don't.

I don't know if I can recommend this film to anyone. Its mostly crappy, and the parts thats is good its too few to make it worth while.
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Interesting concept, yet vastly underachieved
ninjacheese25 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Devon's Ghost: Legend of the Bloody Boy had some very good ideas at hand, mostly the addition of martial arts to a horror movie. While the movie had some very cheesy acting, i.e. the character of Devon, what makes this movie so unique is the idea of having the main characters fighting back. Nearly all horror movies have the ensemble characters running and screaming from the killer. Only a few characters are seen doing that in this movie. Johnny Yong Bosch and Karan Ashley, known for kicking butt as Power Rangers, may not have given Oscar-worthy performances, but they are probably the first to give a martial arts spin to the horror movie genre. There were few minor things that weren't really explained in this movie, like why Devon doesn't get hurt when attacked and why the title is "Devon's Ghost" when there is no ghost at all. All in all, Devon's Ghost: Legend of the Bloody Boy proves to be a unique horror movie, but the things in-between are well below par with other horror movies.
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Is this legend only imagined?
michaelRokeefe15 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Straight to video. Wonder why? Canyon City is plagued by a ten year old tale of the mysterious murder of young Devon Anderson. Fear, curiosity and terror multiply when it seems a serial killer is murdering young couples in the same manner Devon met his death, believed by the hands of his parents. Some of the students at Canyon City High believe that Devon never actually died and is still alive and murdering victims with a saw blade fused into a baseball bat. How long will #8 keep swinging. Eight is the number on his baseball jersey given as a birthday present.

The acting is pretty bad. The violence is not shy and may just be the better part of the movie. But ridiculous is teenagers trying to use karate against the bat swinging maniac. Credited as actors(I use the word loosely):Johnny Yong Bosch, Donny Boaz, Joel Greco, Karan Ashley, Brian Bentley and Reza Bahador as Devon.
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Total crap. Stay clear.
Finfrosk8613 June 2015
This is crap, alright? Total crap.

Badly shot, bad effects, bad story, bad acting, bad everything. There are a couple of scenes that are not totally horrible, but all in all this is boring.

I bought this just out of curiosity, and hoped for the best. Did not deliver the best.

People saying this movie is good are just people in the crew, or people who have not seen any other movies, ever.

It's a good while since I saw this, and I don't remember much. I remember it was a total drag to watch. Not a good sign.

Ratings here on IMDb, are usually pretty safe to go by, but sometimes the rating is totally wrong. In the case of this movie though, you can go by it. Safely.
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Stevieboy6667 February 2018
UK title - "Sawed". Found a second hand copy dirt cheap in a charity shop, liked the cover but also (correctly) guessed that this was going to be cheap and most probably bad. I did check out some of the reviews on here prior to watching this film & at first I thought that they were a little harsh. However, as the movie progressed it just got worse & worse. Acting certainly is not great, though I have seen worse. Devon does wield a pretty cool looking baseball bat & there is a reasonable number of kills. Most, however, are off screen. The continuity is, at times, an utter mess. Perhaps Devon can teleport!? And near the end the makers decided to turn this into martial artist versus the slasher. Oh, and the soundtrack is just awful & so inappropriate at times. Overall, a pretty bad slasher movie, though there are even worse out there!
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Teen Horror Film
angel-haxr14 April 2006
While the plot itself was a good one to choose, (although done many times before) the film itself was obviously second-class. A high school is reopened after 10 years since the "Bloody Boy" murders that were left unsolved, and unfolds to become a new set of murders. Acting wasn't great, and the script could have been a lot better. The filming was also second-class, yet some twists in the story unveiled which kept me interested. Personally, I'd recommend it for a slightly younger age group - about 13-15 as it would probably be enjoyed more. I gave it a five because besides the bad acting, the storyline was a good one to follow and kept suspense throughout the film.
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This is a great movie
a_disturbed_man7 April 2005
I had the opportunity to see the premiere of this movie and I really enjoyed it. The main story was good and kept me guessing throughout the movie. The movie is not only scary, but it is full of action and drama. I like it because it is different from most horror movies, but in a good way. This movie kept me on the edge of my seat and had all of the elements to keep my attention throughout the entire movie. It is a fast moving movie, which makes it more exciting to watch. The acting is also really good. The two ex-Power Rangers really made the movie very interesting. It kept me going and guessing from beginning to end. Overall it was a very enjoyable movie. It is like the Fridy the 13th and Holloween movies, but with a different flare and twist to it. It has some really cool kill scenes in it and also some great fight scenes that the two stars have with the killer. If you are a hard core horror movie fan, then I would definitely recommend this movie to you. I recently went to their website and I see it will be out in May, so if you have a chance to see it, do it! I will definitely see it again.
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go go power of Devon's ghost!
moviefan101-112 May 2005
I just watched this movie last night and i have to say good job. I am 15 and I love power rangers and horror films. I would still die to meet one of the original power rangers!!!!!!! I bough this movie and I have to say good job rangers you were really good! Karin and johnny kick some serious butt.They did a great job and I really enjoyed it. It had a good story with a little tiny twist. But I really have to give them props they did a great job. The reason I didn't give it a full ten was because when the serious serious parts of the movie were going on the had the music way to high. But the story was great. Iam now getting my 3 year old nephew into the original power rangers. He really likes them. so once again good job Karan and johnny you did a great job. so go go Devon's ghost!
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Outstanding must see movie!
kmaloney765918 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
All I can say is that this is the best movie I've ever seen in my life. I initially just rented it but after watching it I rushed right out and bought it! I watch it at least once a week, sometimes more.

The story of Devon's ghost is just so almost makes this more of a tragic tale than a frightening one. The boy who played the ghost has a bright future in acting ahead of him! I was blown away at his awe-inspiring skills. Do I smell an Oscar nod? Maybe not but he would surely deserve it!! VERY good job and I wish him the best of luck with his career, not that he needs it.

Also, the chase scenes were very energetic and kept me on the edge of my seat. Each of these young performers deserves great recognition for this film.

I encourage anyone and everyone to skip renting and go straight to buying this spectacular movie.
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Power Ranger stars, blood, karate and saw blade bats
ewamccurdy16 September 2018
I saw this movie when I was in 4th or 5th grade and loved it. What caught my attention most aside from the saw blade in the bat, was the karate scenes between the two main characters and the killer, then years went by and I forgot about it and I found it again and bought it on DVD.

I can see the reason for the hate. The acting wasn't on point. More back story was needed. And the storyline could've been executed better but besides that, it was a great movie!! Great special effects, great action fight scenes. Which is shocking for a horror movie. And of course we can't forget about the baseball bat with the saw blade in it. Definitely a very creative weapon in the horror world. Better than Negans bat in The Walking Dead.

If the story had some better placement and more back story and was executed better it would have been a box office hit in my opinion.

If you are a horror fan or even a power rangers fan this movie is for you.
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Good Movie
chrsaldrid25 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I think it was a good movie. It wasn't predictable for me. It was scary, interesting, and humorous. I read where some people complained that there were too big a holes in the plot. I didn't really see that many and I think the ones that are there exist to allow your imagination to take flight. Can you imagine reading a book, for example, where the author told your mind everything it must envision? All these people who complained against it, I haven't seen any movies they've made. Of course, Karan is as beautiful as ever, and the end of the movie leaves you uncertain, which is good, I think. The end of any movie or book should leave your imagination wide open to think of all the possibilities, and this one does. I thought it was good.
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Young stars to be
ev67257 July 2005
This movie can be the beginning of some great careers. I believe some have the potential to make it very big. I particularly liked the Genesis character (Kristy Vaughan). She had a unique quality about her that came through on the screen. She has a lot of potential. Obviously, Symphony (Karen Ashley) and Josh (Johnny Yong Bosh) were very skilled as well. Their background in the Power Ranger action show was evident in the movie. I even enjoyed Devon (Reza Bahador). His portrayal of the "villian" was subdued yet scary. This movie avoided some typical over-the-top special effects and instead concentrated on developing the characters. It was not the typical slice and dice movie. I really enjoyed it.
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