Madea's Family Reunion (2006) Poster

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Wow... disappointing...
jaddison3831 February 2007
The original show was so much better. They should have left on a good note. This movie killed the whole idea. It was boring, over-dramatic, and the funny parts were too far in between to make up the slack. This movie really seemed like it was trying way too hard to be serious, and that was definitely not what I was wanting from this sequel. Not to mention, that for a long time it was just depressing about the same thing over and over again. So, sorry, Tyler Perry, but try harder next time. This movie is just kinda dull, and not that funny either. Sorry. 4/10 stars is it.

Jay Addison
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A good movie, but can we have something a little more different?
rickrudge13 August 2006
Tyler Perry movies are always, what the kids call "Gay". It's not just the fact that he does most of his movies in drag, or that the movies spend a good 30-50 percent of the movie bashing men, it's that Tyler Perry's movies are always black Christian chick flicks.

The women are always these very thin, demure, beauties with long relaxed hair that are in unhappy marriages or relationships with these handsome, successful, super rich and super EVIL black men. They are always emotionally damaged damsels that don't want to get into another relationship.

There is always a very handsome, clean-cut Christian black man with dreamy eyes, who is always there for them (but not in a sexual way of course). The guy is always built like a brick outhouse, like he's got to spend more time working out in a gym than reading his bible. The woman eventually addresses her demons and surrenders her heart to the good Christian man.

Madea (when she's not wearing her ankle locator bracelet) is always there to talk about those good old fashioned values, when you can bitch slap a child who's misbehaving and how a woman needs to fight their oppressive male friends. Mr. Perry also plays her horn dog, pot smoking brother who Madea is living with. There is always some comical banter between those two.

I know that Tyler Perry is providing an alternative to the other blacksploitation films that are out on the market. The majority of African Americans are good, hard-working middle-class people and they've got to be tired of the images of "gangsta" urban blacks in the media. On the other hand, there are those "gangsta" elements in Tyler Perry's movies also, and the drama in dealing with those elements, so there's a little there too.

I'm not saying that Tyler Perry's movies are bad. They are very good, well done movies from their church plays. They are very viewable and enjoyable. It would be a much better TV series material, except that viewers would quickly become aware of how similar each story is to each other.

"Madea's Family Reunion" stands out, in that it features Cicely Tyson and the honorable poet, Dr. Maya Angelou. The preaching of where the family had come from slave beginnings and how the family needs to take care of each other was great. However, the woman beater, portrayed by Blair Underwood was written as such a psycho fiancé that it held such an unbelievably plot point to the drama. His character was just put in as an excuse to get back at him at the end. And, thus my main comment from above.

It's OK, Tyler Perry, but give us something new.
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The Truth... About Hollywood!
dcm30728 February 2006
After much debate, I finally agreed to see Madea's Family Reunion tonight. I'd seen most of Tyler's plays and rented "Diary", and really wasn't all that impressed with the writing. Although I'm not a huge fan of Perry's work, I don't dislike what he's trying to do or his messages.

I'm a graduate film student enrolled at New York University. I take film-making very serious and do plan on making a true difference in the industry. I agree that there are different films for different people, but as BLACK FOLK, we don't have that option. What was the last GOOD film that you've seen, with an all black cast, that wasn't about a wedding, jail, love/sex, and music? While we sit here debating whether or not Tyler Perry is selling out Black people. We need to look at the big picture. Hollywood is the most racist industry today. Excellent scripts, new black faces, are being shout out of the entertainment world. The people in power aren't BLACK, and have never been black, and if you think Spike Lee can represent for all of us, think again!

It's so funny how people are so quick to tare Tyler down, and yet no one has a problem with praising "Hustle and Flow". If you want to talk about bringing down black people as a race, explain to me why John Singleton and Stephanie Allain fought to tell the story of a pimp turned rapper. I don't give two S**ts about how good they "thought" the script was. Did we really need that mess? And did we need a white boy named Craig Brewer directing it? It's funny how some of our own people in the industry, who have some level of success and wealth, quickly turn away from a young future black filmmaker, such as myself, and run to the next white hype? It's also no coincidence that 36Mafia will be performing at the Oscar's the ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATED SONG: IT'S HARD OUT HERE FOR A PIMP! They say ALL THE WORLD IS A STAGE, well it isn't Tyler Perry who's making us out to be buffoon's. Please don't get distracted. A bigger evil, and a much deeper pile of mess is at work, and Tyler is swimming in the thick of it, trying to get out some type of positive message, because honestly, WE DON'T HAVE ANY, I SAID ANY! FILMS THAT PORTRAY "US" IN A POSITIVE LIGHT. I don't think the Man's the best writer, and I am definitely not for putting a black man in a dress.

JUST REMEMBER: There is an upcoming group of strong, sophisticated, black men and women, that plan on changing the entire film world and we need all of you to support us. Tyler and Spike can't save us, and can't do it all by themselves. John Singleton has sold out and gone Hollywood, making Tyrese the new Denzel (LOL!), and Fuqua is in the back pocket of Jerry Bruckheimer. We will make a change, but recognize it isn't as easy and cut and dry as you think it is. Tyler Perry, 'chitlin circuit' and all, is not to blame for the deconstruction of BLACK FOLK, and if that's the way you feel, then you are sadly mistaken, confused, and have been BAMBOOZLED!
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The one isn't standing in for a zero--it's standing in for a negative ten!!
alanrayford4 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a Black man living in a predominantly Black city. That being said, I have some major misgivings about Tyler Perry's work. I realize that some people out there feel the need to praise him, because he's Black and trying to portray a positive image about the culture. But, I honestly do believe that, were Perry White, this film would have had the NAACP, Al Sharpton, and Jessie Jackson all over his ass.

I have been forced to watch this movie one whole hell of a lot recently and each repeated viewing makes my blood boil. The characters are poorly written and acted. The jokes are so bad, I have to actually be told something is supposed to be funny. I'm just going to break this big pile of sh-t down.

Madea=suck. The character may have had some appeal, but it doesn't anymore. When the only thing she ever seems to do is smack around children and threaten adults with violence she is less than useless. She is unnecessary.

The situation with the wife beating fiancé was horsesh-t. If a woman was so scared to death of her husband, why would she try to run away when he's sleeping in bed. Wouldn't it have made more sense for her to leave when he was at work. At any rate, the characters in this arc were so annoying and overbearing that I hoped he would throw her off the balcony and was royally ticked when he didn't.

Then there are the two lovebirds. A bus driver asks a woman out by harassing her while he's making his rounds. I couldn't believe it. I really couldn't believe when she agreed to go out with him even more. But, what takes the cake is that a grown man was reduced to tossing pebbles at a window and passing notes like a ten year old by a castrating mega bitch. I don't use this term lightly, but that woman only had two modes. Morose victim and psycho momma. No matter which of these two faces she showed, however, there was one constant. The bus driver wasn't going to get any. He even married her without sampling the goods--WTF!

Then there's the family reunion scene. Here we've got the mother load which includes implied incestual taboos, grinding for the sake of grinding, shirtless, overly musclebound, b-ball, plus the great taste of Maya Angelou. When those babes dragged their butts outside and called a meeting, was I wrong to wish that the oldest of them was claimed by a heart attack. All this crap is going on at the reunion, in laughably easy to separate groups, and then they ring a bell. When they do, everyone drops what they're doing and heads on over for a stern talking too, just like a pack of Pavlov's doggies--WTF!!

Then you have the final five minutes of the film. In it we see the abusive fiancé get manhandled by his longtime victim and all around bad actress. There is an impromptu wedding where Black people are dressed like angels and are hanging from the ceiling--WTF!!! The only reason to watch it this far, besides testing your threshold for pain, is the hope that the second villain of this story gets her ass handed to her as well. Guess what, it doesn't happen. Instead, Perry takes the testicularly challenged way out and plays it safe, ending the movie on a tone of forgiveness--WTF!!

I'm pretty sure that, if given a day , I could probably write a doctoral dissertation on all the ways this movie sucks. Don't even get me started on the rest of Tyler Perry's films. I'm just going to say this. In my opinion, as a Black guy, D.W. Griffith's legacy lives on. The irony is that it is doing so through a Black man who will be praised for doing what Birth of a Nation did, selling us down the river. I only wish Perry's films were dudes so I could kick them in the nuts. Thanks a lot, dude!! What are you going to follow this up with in 2009, a comedy about the raping and savage beating of slaves in Colonial America?
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LtlHippo23 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Absolutely awful. I can't believe this said it was comedy. Rape, beating people, hitting kids, people hanging from the ceiling like angels??? Oh I need that time back. A bunch of dirty old men oogling over a young girl with short shorts. Just awful.
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Tyler Perry keep them coming!
RecoWilliams26 February 2006
"Madea's Family Reunion" is a stage play adapted to screen by the original playwright Tyler Perry. Tyler Perry has a huge following because of the success of his stage plays and the DVD sales of those stage plays as well as his movie "A Diary of a Mad Black woman" This movie starts out kinda of slow with a lot of weird shots and angles, but this one is directed by Tyler Perry. This is his first time behind the camera, so that made me a little forgiving.

About 10 minutes into the movie you as the plot point was established so did those weird shots. This movie is very inspiring like all of Tyler Perry works. It is by no means a Christian movie, but is an healthy alternative for the movies put out by mainstream Hollywood.

There was a very complex story line that was dealt with in this movie. Many movie goers can really empathize with all of the main characters. Blair Underwood and Lynn Whitfield were absolutely marvelous in this movie.

In my review of "Diary of a Mad Black Woman" I suggested that Tyler Perry cast a real actor in the role of Madea to give the movie more believability. Him playing Madea on stage works great, but it doesn't work as well in a play if he insists on playing himself and the uncle, you shouldn't have other characters that look just like you. He should really take a not from Eddie Murphy, although he played several different characters in the Klumps they each all looked different to an extent. Madea her son and her nephew and her brother all look exactly alike. He should either give up doing Madea or give up the other two roles.

This movie in-spite my objections to his casting himself, was quite good. It dealt with a love story of a woman who could not overlook her dark childhood. A woman who seemed trapped in an abusive relationship. And the family reunion was a glimpse into how modern blacks have strayed away from the struggles of the past generations.

It was such an awkward scene to have those old men lusting after their own cousin.

This movie was not written to be an Academy Award Caliber movie so I can't judge it as such. I really think it played to it's idea target audience perfectly.

My family who live in South Mississippi all went to see this movie together. That's over 20 people who normally don't go to the movies went out as a family to see this one. This movie has a huge drawing power amongst blacks of all ages. My elderly grandmother went to see this movie the last movie that she saw was guess? "Diary of a Mad Black Woman".

Tyler Perry keep on making your plays into movies, because you have some good messages and you are able to draw people that Hollywood could only dream of!
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Tyler Perry is highly overrated
drt051913 August 2006
This is one of the most unoriginal hack jobs I've ever tried to watch. It was less a feel-good family comedy and more an over-hyped minstrel show. The humor was painfully predictable and devoid of wit. Tyler gave three uninspiring performances that were only outdone by a plot and script that were deep as dinner plates. I empathized immensely with Blair Underwood for not having enough Hollywood juice to pass up this project. There are way too many poorly developed characters to comment on them all but I will say that type casting must save Perry a lot of time and money most writers waste producing memorable characters. I don't generally waste time with this type of movie but my family insisted that I give it a shot. All of my preconceived notion were validated. A bad script, poor plot line, horrible acting, and a mediocre writer/director/actor will always yield a film that should be buried under a pile of other bad treatments in a studio executives trash can. Save yourself!
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Inspiration to keep on keeping on.
OldSchool221 September 2006
I rented the DVD and watched this movie three times before returning it. I bought the DVD to watch parts of it often enough to keep me keeping on just like Medea does. The show inspired me. I laughed tears. Funny thing was my daughter called and told me to watch it because it reminded her of me, her grandmother, and great-grandmother. It made me so brave that when my 29 year old son (semi-brain damaged drug addict) came through the house popping his mouth off at me I went into "Medea Mode". I jumped back with, "This is my house and I will whoop your butt no matter how old or big you are! I rattled on with I'll catch you asleep and beat the s--- right out of you. And on Medea Mode I rode! Sons and grandkids broke out laughing and going crazy cause NAN was back. Get on out of here boy, I don't want to see your ugly face for awhile." It sure felt good. Medea is my hero. No Tyler Perry is. Thank you. You are writing my life. Whew! Do I have stuff you should hear!
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Drama once again
IrockGswift4 March 2006
In Tyler Perry's second movie installment he has issues of domestic abuse,a controlling parent,and taking in a foster child. The problem some people have with this movie is that the subject matters of this movie has nothing to do with comedy. But Tyler Perry can put in a way to make people laugh. Now beating a fiancé or spouse is a serious matter,forcing an offspring to marry for selfish gain isn't funny,and another offspring trying to find love again sounds more like drama. But this movie is drama with a comic twist and Tyler Perry is brilliant enough to make the viewers laugh instead of continuing to be overwhelmed with such intensed scenes. I haven't seen a black family movie like this since Soul Food(1997). Tyler Perry is the new well-known sassy and outspoken character Madea who is the biggest comic relief in the movie. Blair Underwood is the snobbish Carlos who continually tries to impress his upscale colleagues and beat his fiancé behind closed doors. Recently Underwood been playing this same character but without the abuse in the movies like "Something New" and "G". I think Blair Underwood is starting to be type-casted. Though anyway Madea family reunion is a good movie but some scenes could have been left out (Madea's husband checking out the young relative and Madea beating the child with a belt). Still the movie is worth seeing.
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Great Movie
eseone1 March 2006
Good to see movies with a great story line being made, without a lot of special effects and stuff, it was well directed and with fantastic comic relief. Had a positive message and the acting was superb. Tyler just gets better and better with each outing. What a major talent, writer, director, actor... I only saw Diary last year and was really impressed. So I couldn't wait to check this out when it hit the streets. Some scenes are pretty intense and as mentioned, very well acted. Then boom, Madea's back in your face with her antics. A good mixture of drama and comedy, everything jelled. I highly recommend this movie, hopefully he'll have another one next Feb.
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The worst movie I have seen in recent memory...
ceccon-126 February 2006
I expected a comedy like the "Big Mama" movies. Instead, the movie was a bizarre mix of comedy, drama and a love story.

This movie has three plots: The first involves Madea and her taking in a foster child. The second involves a woman who is engaged to a rich man who is abusing her. The third involves a relationship between a single mother with 2 children and a single father.

There is actually very little comedy in the movie. There are also a number of very twisted messages in the movie. For example, Madea beats the foster child with a belt (in a comedic manner), to convince the child to straighten out. The child does, in fact, turn herself around. Apparently, it pays to beat children.

There are plots dealing with child rape (with the consent of the mother). There are scenes with old men ogling young girls who are related to them. (The ogling takes place at a family reunion.) The movie jumps from plot to plot such that you are always off-balance. Is this a comedy, a love story, or a drama? It is, in fact, nothing ... except a waste of time and money.
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Excellent Family Movie
mariea321 July 2006
I think it was an excellent movie. It's one of those movies that you have every emotion with. You laugh, you cry, your shocked and angry. I would definitely watch it more than once! Good family movie also. It teaches kids about respect, family about caring, and shows kids right from wrong. It also teaches you about black history and where they came from. There are amazing actors and actresses in the movie!!! To see Maya Angelou and Cicely Tyson was awesome. Tyler Perry is amazing as Aunt Madea and once again keeps you laughing! The music selection was great and the wedding was absolutely beautiful. I think it was one of those movies that teach you that anything is possible and that you can be whoever you want to be no matter who tells you different. Seeing a child from the foster care system be turned around from a rough child into a beautiful, caring, loving child shows you as Aunt Madea said all a child needs is love, caring and compassion and to be taught to believe in yourself. The world today is quickly falling apart. Family values are being forgotten and everyone seems to be going their separate ways. The movie teaches you that family is everything; never forget where you come from.
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Funny with some VERY good messages!!!
debums2 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Great points: Acting - Humor - Address sensitive issues well - Celibacy presented in a positive light - Encouraged positive male role models in society - Condemned abuse - Condemned child abuse - Supported that loving discipline and encouragement works for children - Condemned gambling, skimpy clothes, crude dancing - Encouraged loving and supporting each other - Pointed to God as loving and in control - GREAT wedding VOWS!!!!

Not so good points: The ogling of the young girl, who was a relative - Didn't really discourage living together before marriage - Also, some of the language

Overall, a movie with very good points!!! I enjoyed the humor and acting and would recommend it!

I think it was better than the first one!
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abysmal doesn't come close
jesuswalksagain12 March 2007
The only bits i found funny were the ones with Madea, and they were few and far between. weird mix of brutality and comedy. shallow characters that felt not 3D, barely even 2D; weak plot lines, the conclusions of which i tried in vain to care about, and terrible soundtrack that may appeal to some... but who? sentimental scenes were not touching, but nauseating. the whole thing felt very dated, maybe ten years too late. the only positive was the speech at the end by the old bid about black people remembering their roots and striving to be better. but even that was overly cheesy, especially when they all hugged. a terrible, truly terrible film. i think straight to DVD is almost too good for it. i want my 2 hours back.
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mitzitaylor-325-99638023 March 2012
People that watch these movies and find them funny and/or amusing are seriously lacking either a: intelligence, b: something else worthwhile to do with their time, c: a smart sense of humor, or d: all of the above. "D" is the most obvious answer to that rhetorical question. These movies are at their very best dumb and idiotic. A friend of mine (whom I had previously thought had good sense), extolled the virtues of all of the Madea movies tried to get me to watch a part of one of them and I made up a lie so that I could leave and spare myself more torture. These movies are horrible and an insult to all movie-watchers. Don't waste your time. It's hard to believe that there is a ridiculous number of these movies that continue to flood the theatres and that people actually spend money on these stupid films. The cinematic content of the Madea movies is only contributing to the dumbing-down of the American public. If I could give these films a negative ten stars, I would.
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whitakeroh27 February 2006
When will the African-American Hollywood Association make some type of movie other than the stereotypical chitlins, and collar greans family movie with the thug nephew and dirty old grandpa. These movies are so played out. It is shameful that this movie was even considered for production by a drunk monkey. Yet, it has the highest weekend gross. How can this be? It is pure trash and stereotypes. I'll let you ponder how this is so. I really do not understand how this movie was produced. There was no plot, the characters were contrived and stereotypical. These kinds of movies are not representatitive of the black community. The mind behind these movies is a wash out comedian who never made a dime with this garbage, until one night when a drunken church group came and saw his skit. Now, unfortunately he believes that God has placed him on this path. This movie is terrible, it is really quite that simple.
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kenyaekofi31 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was trash. Everything that Tyler Perry does is trash. I deeply and passionately hate his movies. I hate the fact that he is thriving off of black ignorance and he does it by wearing a giant gown. I would not watch this movie again and recommend no intelligent person does.
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A good movie to curl up to and watch on a Sunday...(Possible spoilers)
shawnw00720 August 2016
I initially saw this film in my 20's, and I remember liking the slapstick scenes with Madea and absorbing the "abusive female" storyline with interest. However, now, ten years later, I realize that there are many episodes of inconsistency in the plot direction, and most of the characters are pretty static. That being said, the film is still wholly entertaining, though I understand the main criticism that it "doesn't know what it wants to be". Is it a drama? Drama-comedy? Indie? Or is it simply existing on it's own, as a Christian-themed, laughable variation of an African-American "Peyton Place"? I guess it's up to the viewer to decide. But let's take a look at some of the characters...

First there's Madea...the matriarch and pistol-packing grandma, spewing laughable one-liners, slaps, kicks, and endless words of wisdom. Truth be told, despite her comedy, I'm not sure how essential Madea really is to the multitude of story lines in this film, other than to appear in random intervals, inserting comical dialogue here and there in an effort to prevent the film from crashing in on it's own seriousness.

Then there's Madea's brother Joe, who serves no utter purpose here except as a horny, ornery comical sidekick who simply presents himself as someone who works on Madea's nerves. The "sleazy old man" thing was funny at times, but in other instances, Joe's routine got old (no pun intended).

Next you have Lisa...a whimpering, spoiled protagonist destined to marry the rich man next door. There was nothing about the character that was appealing...nor did Rochelle Aytes' acting skills impress me. Other than her perpetual watery eyes and shaky gasps for air whenever her abusive fiancé rough-handled her, they didn't do enough for this character to help win over my sympathy. In fact, her posture as a victim became downright irritating.

Then there's Vanessa, the older, stronger and emotionally-damaged sister, who comes across initially as a hard bitch...but we, as viewers, are inevitably forced to forgive her as her unfortunate past is reveal through the plot line. Though I initially disliked Vanessa (I perpetually get tired of our black women routinely being portrayed as "hard" or having an attitude, simply because of life's struggles), she was the only person who seemed multi-faceted, as if the writers seemed more vested in making her story a priority in the many subplots that take place here.

Victoria, portrayed by the lovely Lynn Whitfield, was a ridiculous cliché in every sense of the word. I didn't find her cruelty and conspicuous favoritism among her daughters credible (at one point, she even openly admits to "loving one daughter more than the other") and it seemed as if she was written verbatim with Disney's wicked Stepmother in mind. In a deleted scene that I was privy to, Victoria even confides in her spouse-slapping son-in-law to possibly beat on her daughter "just a little bit" in order to keep her in line, but not necessarily turn her off. Yeah, right. As for Moms of the Year, this one takes the pits. I can see why this over-the-top scene was subsequently removed.

Finally, there's Frankie, Vanessa's picture-perfect boyfriend. It's hard not to denounce him as a cliché, either. I mean, the man has it all: Looks, body, nice apartment, nice car (in one split second scene, we also see he drives a BMW), Christianity, and he's the existential father. Oh yes, and early on, he reminds us that he's not interested in sex at all...just the ability to help "restore". I find it wonderful that Tyler Perry has made an effort to portray some of our black men in an extraordinarily positive light...but in my book, Frankie was just too perfect. I mean, not only can he shoot hoops, but the man never curses, looks good in blue jeans, buys ice cream for children, and is ready to provide hugs on-demand. Really? Yet, Vanessa wouldn't give this man the time of day except for cold eyes and angry sighs? For the sake of the plot, I get it. But there comes a time when writers appear downright foolish.

Either way, despite it's flaws, the film is entertaining enough to enjoy. As for ratings, I'd say it ranks Number 2 in the "I'll-go-ahead-and-watch- this-since-nothing-else-is-on-and-I'm-too-lazy-to-get-up-and-change- the- channel" awards.
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This screenplay is like a salad.
vitracm4 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this movie was awful. The one character I enjoy in the movie that is original and multi-dimensional, should be the one carrying the movie. That character is Madea herself. Madea's part in the movie has been reduced, in my opinion, from the stage plays and that character is really the attraction. This screenplay is like a salad. It's full of a lot of things but there's no substance. The plot however, is always the same. A bad man, abusing a woman with extremely low self-esteem, who rises out of the ashes of her abuse and meets the good man who sweeps her off her feet, or in this case her abused and unloved sister's feet.

Perry really needs help with his screen writing. Is it a comedy or is it a drama? It's all intermingled and isn't easily transitioned. The best scene in the film was between Lynn Whitfield and Blair Underwood. The acting was good, there was pretty good dialog and the chemistry was excellent. However, the monologue by Cicely Tyson at the family reunion made absolutely no sense in relation to the context of film.

Perry tries to include too many sub-plots and in doing this just skims the surface. This keeps you from caring about the characters because they are not fully developed. There's the sub-plot of the abused woman, the sub-plot of her abused and unloved sister, the sub-plot of her abusive mother, the sub-plot of the foster child, the sub-plot of the guy who falls in love with the abused sister, the sub-plot of the abuser (which never develops, i.e. we never find out anything about him or why he's abusive, but just that he's abusive), and we've got the family reunion to deal with. However we don't know who's who in the family. Suddenly these unknown characters have these massive monologues we have to deal with in addition to trying to figure out why these characters are important to the film. It's a mess.
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And What a Family Reunion!
cdelacroix14 March 2006
This is to me just an amazing, funny, delightful movie.

But first ... to be honest, I wasn't planning on seeing this movie at all. I had (woe be to me) never even heard of Tyler Perry. And the film's title alone sounded ... well ... unappealing at best. The synopsis I'd read suggested yet another movie with a man playing an overweight black woman. That might have been funny once or twice ... in Big Momma's House, and The Nutty Professor ... but surely can't keep carrying so much water as to make yet another movie about this same motif, right?

Well, be that as it may, I noticed that this film had hit the top of the box office when it opened a week ago. And then I read a review this morning by a typically politically correct reviewer who was "dissing" the movie. Now this is a reviewer I've come to rely upon as always panning movies I like and waxing enthusiastic about movies I dislike. So reading this reviewer's badmouthing prompted me to try out this movie ... and I am so glad I did.

I think I can see why high-minded PC reviewers wouldn't like it. It's a "popular" comedy, full of rough, earthy humor, celebrates Black cultural child-rearing values, and unapologetically celebrates God and family. No wonder it's been a hit with the general Black American culture, especially Black Churchgoing culture.

What is it that makes this movie so funny and so deeply heart-warming at the same time?

Well, in some ways, this is something of an old-fashioned morality play. Such has a wonderful tradition in Western Culture ... and in African culture. A resurrection of the Morality Play is fine by me: just a shocker, that's all. I kept thinking, "how are these characters getting away with saying things like that?" As when the leading lady says she's given her life to God and has been celibate and will stay celibate till she's married. How is it possible for something like that to show up in a general release movie in this day and age? Not as a statement to be mocked, but as an expression of genuine faith in God and Chastity? I just shook my head and smiled and enjoyed the sheer frank morality of the movie every time it surfaced ... which was pretty often indeed.

The music was resplendent throughout the movie, but the sound seemed a little problematic at times. The audio was almost echoing, flat, tinny ... sort of like a somewhat bad mono recorder.

The cinematography was fine, but in a way, very old-fashioned ... stylistically similar to the movies from the early days when films were often framed as theater transferred to the screen. Maybe that reflects Tyler Perry's background, I understand as a playwright. But for example, the camera follows the action in a very straightforward, even simple way: head on, straight up, no angle shots, no through shots, no complex dissolves or modern "realistic" camera "jiggling". Maybe this is intentional: the movie is telling a plain, straight story with feeling and humor and no hint of subtlety. If this is what's going on, it's fine by me: because this makes for a very candid, very honest, but never discomforting style. Perry's narrating a Story, Telling us What's Happening. Nuance is not what we're after here. Very basic human themes are painted with strong strokes. So we have a basic cinematography to fit this purpose. Fair enough.

There's an interesting interplay of serious and humorous material at two levels. First, there's some very tight sequencing in which strongly emotional material is followed by strong humor. Some will like this, some not, but it's very much at the core of Madea's character, and the overall character of the movie. Second, "serious" scenes are sometimes interspersed with humorous scenes inserted clearly for no other reason than plain comic relief. I think some might find that a little jarring. Still, it works for me very well. And this kind of thing goes back to Shakespeare at least, so I know it works for others as well.

The acting and characterizations were wonderful. Now again, don't look for subtlety, that's not the nature of the movie. But if it's good, solid performances matching characterizations to characters, this movie has it all. Tyler Perry as Madea and Joe was simply perfect. But the entire cast provided strong, reliable performances. Including a delightful cameo by Maya Angelou.

A few "plot holes" have been alleged. I see what's meant, but frankly, don't agree at all. This is a movie that for the most part is stylized, full of art and artifice, not a "realist" movie in which careful plotting is critical for believability. A movie like this is more like a painting, or a song ... a ballad. A popular folk ballad, full of humor and fun and tears and hugs ... and lightly textured but unapologetic moralizing. This movie is a classic combo of Entertainment and Edification. The final scenes at the farm, and at the wedding, really sum up the movie in both respects, and keeping a scorecard on consistency of details is very out of place, it's directly contradictory to the genre.

Last but not least, I have to say that the figure of Madea ... tying everything together with humor and wisdom ... is a sheer delight. I'm told she'll be back on the silver screen. Good ... I can't wait to make her acquaintance once again some day.

And needless to say I'm going to try to find and watch Diary of a Mad Black Woman as soon as I can find it ... !
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Overall Predictable, Cheesy, and Preachy
Simmonz30 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I think that Madea's Family Reunion could of been better, not a lot better, but somewhat better. I was not a fan of the first film Diary of a Mad Black Women, so I was slightly biased towards this movie, but I really did try to give it a shot, but it failed as a whole. I found some parts of Family Reunion funny, but they were few and far between while the rest was either rehashed, predictable, and uninteresting for me. Here is one thing I found funny, out of about 110 minutes, only roughly 30 of them took place at the actual family reunion. Not only that, but those were the ONLY moments that had anything to do with the family reunion. Is this a big deal ? No, but it does make the title a little pointless. I would of liked this movie a little more if it had of only included scenes with Madea and her brother. Those were the ones that had me laughing. I hate all of the romantic parts about finding love because I couldn't care less about it, especially when I can predict how the scenes going to play out. I also can't stand how much the characters talking about God so much. I don't mean to sound anti-religious, because i'm not, but if I want to hear a sermon i'll go to church. I didn't pay to see this movie, my dad loves this one and Mad Diary... so I watched with him to be nice. I got basically what I expected, something I could of gone without seeing. If you liked Diary of a Mad Black Women then you will most likely enjoy Madea's Family Reunion. If you don't like predictable cheesy romance, and a lot of preaching then you will most likely not enjoy this movie. I give it 6/10.
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who do I speak to get my two hours back?
ell_wu10 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
My girlfriend got this movie from net flicks on recommendation from her friends and I loathed every moment of it.

The plot was predictable, tone was preachy and condescending, the acting was flat, the script was uncomfortable, clumsily written, and some of the characters seem more like borderline fantasy cut outs than say, real people.

I can understand that this movie wants to send a strong Christian morality message out to it's audience, and that's fine. Heck, I even think the black empowerment message is a pretty nice one. But they deliver it in such a way that it feels like Tyler Perry is constantly underestimating and being condescending to his audience.

In this particular case, I feel that the moral message has taken precedence in this movie over the substance and quality of the writing.

The inclusion of some of the other characters felt also very unnecessary like Cecily Tyson, China Anderson, and Maya Angelou. (Maya Angelou's poetry was a nice touch, but having her in the movie just so she can deliver that bit was unnecessary) These characters could have been condensed into Madea alone and that would have helped develop rapport with the audience. Madea's character is probably one of the more identifiable and ultimately more real characters in the movie. As such, I felt that any messages delivered through her would have been a bit more convincing.

And then there's the whole polar extremes of good and evil. The characters in this movie are either extremely good, or extremely evil. They have either no redeemable qualities or no clear flaws in their character that required development. Or rather, their short comings are a result of circumstance and not one of character. Why? Because it's painfully clear that the characters are each meant to be a symbol. Unfortunately, such a symbol took precedence over the development of the character. And as a result, these characters are single dimensional and just not believable.

The movie continuously hammers away at the Christian values morality to the point of absurdity and sometimes I feel like the movie tries to white-wash the moral landscape that is reality. I guess if you're just want to sit down and enjoy a movie with very clear messages and little after thought, this movie is good for just that. (in a way, it functions very much like an action flick. you enjoy it, you put it away, you move onto other things.) It spells out everything for you so clearly that you should have no delusion as to what the movie is trying to say. However, if you like movies that can sustain a bit more discussion and god forbid, a second viewing, this movie is not for you.
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Madea's Family Reunion More than Drag!
threedropsofcaramel28 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I noticed on the message boards a lot of criticism about men in drag being done before and that is true, but none of those have been done like this.

Madea's Family Reunion is about family, love, hurt, painful secrets and laughter. It features the infamous, gun-toting tell-it-like-it-is Madea, but this movie introduces a lot of well-rounded characters that are played by some incredible actors. We meet Vanessa the older of the two nieces in the movie. She has two out-of-wedlock children and has moved in with Madea. We also meet her sister Lisa, the younger and meek one who is engaged to a wealthy and violent investment banker named Carlos. To round out this group is Victoria, Lisa and Vanessa's mother, a strong-willed, domineering mother who has a favoritism for Lisa and a troubled past with Vanessa.

Although the movie is titled Madea's Family Reunion, the viewer gets caught up in this dual story of the sisters. One finding what love is, and one finding out what love isn't. The movie boasts powerful issues that are acted out to perfection. Tackling such controversial issues is rarely seen in films today where the movie industry has caught remake and horror fever. What is most compelling is the way Perry tells this story of love and pain, it is without color. Anyone, no matter what race or status can relate to this movie.

I also liked how the movie tackled foster parenting. Madea takes in Nikki, a rough quick little girl who has been passed around in the foster care system. With a little patience, a lot of love and encouragement, we see her metamorphosis into a sweet young lady.

The film also features strong matriarchs, garnering appearances from both Cicely Tyson and Maya Angelou. The family reunion scene in the movie is exhilarating and honest. It also gives a very moving speech by Cicely Tyson that defies time.

This is a must-see. A movie that tackles the good and the bad. There is good acting, great story lines, great character development, great music and it will leave you feeling stronger, encouraged and educated on the lessons that life deals us. Don't assume this movie is like the play or is simply about a man in drag. Trust me, it is not. Go and see it, you will be pleasantly surprised and definitely entertained.
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Decent but over the top
Hallelujah28912 May 2021
This movie has a good cast who act very well and even guest stars the poet Maya Angelou who recites a poem and has a great presence. It also has other talent like other spoken word poets and very good singers. The actress who plays Lisa is also stunning and very well chosen as a lady who is only loved for her beauty.

I appreciate much of the elements of this film and the message that comes through about God's love and there's someone for everybody and how no one deserves to get beaten (but also that sometimes kids do deserve to get beaten if it keeps them in line). Tyler Perry's films continue to walk the line between acceptable and unacceptable violence when it's for the right or wrong motivation, and I continue to like Madea's solutions (even as far as the hot grits). I think violence in the Madea movies is like emotions, in that some combustion serves a purpose to startle and awaken, but overdoing it is akin to tantrums and whining etc.

Anyway, I like the Madea films, but this one was nice in some parts but too over dramatic in others and maybe even cheesy in others. An extremely selfish wicked mother, a very quick and smooth courtship and surprise marriage, a big speech on slavery. Certainly watchable but less believable than "Tyler Perry's Diary of a Mad Black Woman."
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I'm black and African; and i don't likeTyler Perry movies
madhouse_kc15 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
i would like to start by saying; going to movies was originally made so you could escape reality, that's why star wars and lord of the rings where such hits; if i need to identify with reality, there's reality TV i am hoping that one day a black man would make a movie so intriguing, mind boggling and mentally challenging that it would sell across all races. All i see in black movies is a myopic view of life, for godsake we have Korean's making a visually artistic movie called "D-War" i believe that our talents don't end with sports, singing, Sit-coms (no offense to friends) stand up comedy; we need to be more creative, explore the outer limits of life. i feel a guy like John Singleton could put together a water tight script that would hit the nail in the head.
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