Hack! (2007) Poster


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I don't even know what to say
nop_inc27 February 2008
It seems like the writer is a big fan of horror movies with the countless references to many horror classics. I don't think that the actors are the problem of this film, but more so the dialogue. Some of the actors are actually really good, but not in this film, a lot of the dialogue just makes them sound stupid. The writing is really horrible in this. There is no investment in the characters, you don't really care about any of them.

It seems to me that this film is trying to be a homage to horror films, but instead looks like film saying "Hey, look at me, I like horror films." This isn't just a bad horror movie, it's a bad attempt at a horror movie.
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average horror let down by idiocy
c_rys16 December 2007
Some things, despite being good, should never have happened: N.W.A. caused the creative hip-hop of the 80s to be buried underneath hordes of unpleasant gangsta rappers; Disney-Pixar's magical films have replaced the charm of hand-drawn animation with sterile CGI; postmodern horror classic Scream launched a thousand dull horror films that thought they were clever. Which brings me to Hack!, a film that very much follows Scream's template, with a touch of (underdeveloped) reality TV satire. Seven students and their teacher come to an island for a biology project; soon, of course, they are being hacked apart. Hack! tries to freshen up its slasher clichés by introducing a snuff twist, but it adds nothing to the film other than some annoying shots through an old-fashioned, wind-up camera, while the way the film tempers its classical horror references (The Birds, Psycho, Texas Chainsaw Massacre) with more modern phenomena (Saw, cult TV series Desperate Housewives, reality show Survivor) feels like a desperate bid to be hip.

Technically, this film is a mess. Shots slip randomly in and out of focus: some are a few seconds long, some scenes continue far after their end; continuity seems to have been deliberately disregarded, the music seems to be totally unrelated to what is happening on the film (I believe if you listen to your favourite album while you watch, a la Dark Side of the Rainbow, it will match up better); in one scene, it is so clear stock footage is being used that you feel a bit embarrassed.

The script fares no better: moronic characters spout film references with such unsubtlety that every gentle nod is a headbutt, every playful nudge an elbow in the ribs. The acting is appallingly inane (other than the always-lovely Danica McKellar's turn as Emily) and plot holes gape at you at every moment: characters act with no motivation, every boy and girl couple up despite having nothing in common. In spite of all its flaws, however, there is something likable about Hack!. I can't for the life of me place what it is, but it's there. This is a film, bless it, that really tries hard, but it ultimately fails. It fails because it wallows in its own stupidity while trying to be all clever-clever with the audience, it fails because it believes that pointing out that it is full of clichés prevents the clichés from being boring, and it fails because its constant self-referentiality soon becomes a drag. People, it's been eleven years since Scream; surely it's time for a new horror bandwagon?

In the end, while I would sincerely like to declare this film a cult classic, I cannot possibly score it in the upper half of scores - so it gets a 4, the highest score a bad film can get.
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This is the sort of film I like to review...
MrGKB12 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
...in order to dissuade prospective viewers from wasting their time watching it. A buddy of mine found it at the library and let me borrow it if I promised to return it on time. I was tempted to turn it in late just to teach him a lesson, and you may rightfully guess that my opinion of his taste in movies dropped a notch or two. I suspect he was simply bedazzled by the occasional baring of boobies, infrequent as that flashing was. That, and like me he's got a thing for Juliet Landau.

"Hack!" is basically a poor man's version of "Scream," and nowhere near as entertaining. I'll admit its heart was in the right place (top shelf, second drawer), but the execution left much to be desired. Much. And I do mean much.

Tyro writer/director Matt Flynn and his crew give it a go, but we all know about good intentions and damned infrastructure. Flynn's script just isn't polished enough to survive the film's low budget. The incessant genre references get old fast (been there, done that), much of the dialog sounds bogus (though there are a few gems amongst the dross), and dramatic structure is almost non-existent. Suspense and tension ARE non-existent. The sound at times is poor. Much of "Hack!" seemed badly lit, and I don't mean purposefully. DP Roger "Loaded" Chingirian does what he can (and a number of shots are quite nice), but the storytelling just isn't visual enough to matter.

The acting is hardly award-winning, but when you're hamstrung with a clunker, whaddaya do? Standouts include the above-mentioned Juliet "Ed Wood" Landau as a wannabe filmmaker with a perverse kink or two, Sean "The Bold and the Beautiful" Kanan as her even more twisted hubby, Danica "Inspector Mom" McKellar assaying the "gotcha" girl (which any astute viewer will see coming from miles away), and Jay Kenneth "Days of Our Lives" Johnson manfully taking on the romantic lead. Burt "Rocky" Young and Tony "Me, too!" Burton make token appearances, along with William "Raising Arizona" Forsythe, proving once again that even respected professionals can take a paycheck and run.

I've already devoted far too many words to a movie that is best critiqued as "eh, there are plenty of better choices for your entertainment dollar." I tried it because Forsythe was in it, and more so, the delectable Ms. Landau. Sadly, even that didn't really make it a worthwhile time-killer. I suppose your mileage may vary, but I'd just as soon go back and watch "Scream" again. Or "Ed Wood". Now, there was a guy who knew how to make bad movies....
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A self-hating horror movie?
alven7511 February 2009
This movie is, above all else, confused. It tries to talk you into believing that it's a tribute to classic campy slasher films, it dazzles you with good production design, cinematography and some fairly decent actors, but ultimately it turns to tired slapstick and surrealism without purpose, all courtesy of the only horrifying aspect of this movie; the script! Maybe it isn't a tribute, maybe it's meant as satire or some kind of black comedy? I can't tell! Even if that's the case, it's not funny because the jokes are mostly based around how unfunny horror movies are, and this is clearly one of those unfunny horror movies. Violence is plentiful and graphic, like the genre prescribes, but it is only there as a reference to other films or for purely gratuitous purposes, so in effect it's either unoriginal or holding up the story. The characters are consistently written in a way that at best, makes you not care about them at all and at worst, quietly hoping that they are next in line for swift death. If a bunch of college kids had made this movie and put it on the Internet, it would have been sort of an impressive effort. As a "real" Hollywood movie, it's depressing and begs the question; Who the hell would green-light a script like this? My advice: pick any one of the 20+ classic horror movies that this movie references and watch that again, odds are good that you'll have a better time!
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Somewhat enjoyable, though standard, modern day slasher.
capkronos17 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Written and directed by Matt Flynn, this medium-budget SCREAM-inspired slasher is full of horror film references and in-jokes, many of which are far too obvious, annoying and in-your-face to be even remotely amusing, while a few are kind of clever and more obscure when they aren't blatantly pointing out the film to us. Despite the very low rating here on IMDb (2.7 as of this writing), I think enough effort was put into this to make it watchable and it was entertaining for the most part. HACK! opens with a man being decapitated with a saw before cutting to a bunch of college students who seem obsessed with, and never stop talking about, various horror films. The characters are your usual stereotypes, though this film at least tries to give us a reason for that. We have sweet, geeky, pretty teaching assistant Emily (Danica McKellar), good-looking nice guy Johnny (Jay Kenneth Johnson), hot big-breasted foreign exchange student Sylvia (Gabrielle Richens), obnoxious football jock Tim (Travis Schuldt), "flamboyant" gay Asian Ricky (Justin Chon), pot-smoking black guy Q (Won-G) and trashy alternative chick Maddy (Adrienne Frantz). They, along with their professor Mr. Argento (producer Mike Wittlin), go to a nearly-secluded island for a science-related field trip that no one actually seems to care about once they get there. A friendly and equally film-obsessed couple; Mary Shelley (Juliet Landau) and Vincent King (Sean Kanan, also a producer) put the students up for the weekend and naturally, someone in the group starts killing off the others. It seems that Mary and Vincent are actually amateur filmmakers themselves and want to shoot their own "reality horror" (i.e. snuff) movie using the students as their victims. There are also a few expected twists you may or may not see coming.

Despite the rampant clichés, countless movie references (HELLRAISER, THE RING, DEAD CALM, FATAL ATTRACTION and JAWS, just to name a few) and the often-annoying non-stop chatter about various horror films, it's upbeat, energetic, fairly well-made when it comes to editing, photography and fx and gives slasher fans the gore and nudity they expect to see. The whole cast look like they had a good time making it and sometimes a little enthusiasm goes a long way, as is the case with this one. Kane Hodder appears in a one-scene cameo at the beginning and there are also cameos by Burt Young of ROCKY fame (playing the boat captain who shuttles the students to the island) and William Forsythe (as some kind of long-haired Scottish or Irish survivalist type who also lives on the island).
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Slasher horror-movie with terrible humor and acting!
Biffe9 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is the weirdest and most pointless slasher-movie I have ever seen! The problem is that I'm not quite sure why I am so upset about it. It has some form of storyline, but it is totally predictable and there are very few surprises. I don't know if the audience is supposed to understand everything long before it is revealed or if the story is just thin or non-existing.

My opinion is that its supposed to make fun of all the horror-movie clichés and guide us step by step through every one of them. The problem is that people are fed up with clichés and therefor there is no point of packing a movie full of it and expect people to be entertained, just by pointing out at the end that "Yes, this movie is about a movie that is full of clichés"...! On top of that, it is done with so little grace and charm, that it's just bad taste (and not in a good horror-movie kinda way).

This movie is supposed to be scary, it's not at all! You know why? It's full of clichés! It is supposed to be funny, it's not at all? You know why? Because the dialog is terrible and boring, because, well... it's full of clichés! I smiled ONE time from all the "funny" lines in the movie and that was from the "we're gonna need a bigger boat"-joke. The acting is by far the worst I have seen in a long time and that is probably also because it is supposed to be that way, since it is a cliché in horror movies... The editing is done by an amateur and the score is also pretty bad.

So... what do we have? A movie that's supposed to entertain people with clichés! Sounds fun? It's not! The first Scream-movie did it, because it was the first one, but to do so, you have to have a good script, timing, charm, good actors (that can actually play "bad-acting"), a good director and a final twist that gives all the clichés you have been watching a purpose.

This movie has neither! It just makes you wait and wait for that "final climax", but it never appears...

It is just poorly written and pointless! People avoid movies that are full of clichés, bad acting, bad story and bad violence, so why make us sit through 90 minutes of it for no reason? All though, if you have read this BEFORE you see the movie, you may not have to!
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When in doubt, get the blood and boobies out!
BA_Harrison5 October 2010
Hack! is one of those tongue-in-cheek scary movies that thinks it's being original, witty and clever by referencing past horror classics and playing on the stereotypes and clichés of the genre, when in fact, nothing could be further from the truth: loading a film with exaggerated characters named after well-known horror icons, and having them make post-modern observations and spout self-conscious dialogue is not only a very stale routine, but in this particular case also somewhat insulting to its intended horror-savvy audience, to whom these nods to the movies they love will seem extremely obvious and rather irritating.

Fortunately, as tired and predictable as the format may be, the film does have its positives, in the very welcome form of juicy gore and tasty babes! Director Matt Flynn wisely sees fit to include plenty of splattery kills, including a bloody chainsaw attack, a gory hook through the eye, and a shotgun blast to the head, and the fine selection of hotties include one time Buffy vamp Juliet Landau, the stunning Gabrielle Richens (who happily gets her ample norks out), and Danica McKellar of The Wonder Years fame, who regrettably keeps her kit on, thus disappointing the legion of pervs who always wondered what a grown up Winnie might look like in the buff.

Throw in a creepy clown, killers dressed in Japanese costume for absolutely no reason, and a pool of piranha, and what you have is a very cheesy, non-essential popcorn flick that won't win any awards for originality, but which is just about daft enough, sexy enough and silly enough for it to still warrant a watch.
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Truly Awful.
Tippy_Cup11 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I actually really dig the premise behind the movie.

Lets say more tongue in check and exploratory of horror clichés then Scream, but not a full blown spoof like Scary Movie.

Aesthetically the casting was really good. The jock, the slutty girl, the alt chick etc etc. But the acting, even though I'm sure the directing was half to blame, just let most of the scenes down. Had there been better chemistry between the actors, it could've worked a lot better. The characterisation also seemed as though it couldn't decide on how certain aspects of the characters were being represented.

Actually the whole movie didn't know how to represent itself. I remember thinking 'is this a spoof?' a few times half way through, and honestly, I wasn't sure until the very end. Even though there were parts that were pretty obviously 'spoof like' they just came across as bad, or illogical. E.g. When you find out the nerd girl was bad, and you remember how she was acting at the start of the movie, and when she was by herself getting on the boat etc. Just illogical.

For the movie to have been truly effective as a newly invented sub genre. The 'Suprise Spoof', lol. It really had to have been a GOOD horror movie for the first two thirds. Even if it was in a clichéd horror way, it just had to have been well shot, and well acted. But alas it just plain sucked.

This movie doesn't even deserve a review this long, but there's two other things I want to mention. It canes me that Juliet Landau was cast in this cos that most probably means the guy that made it is a Buffy fan. As a Buffy fan I want to hurt him.

Also the only reason I gave this two stars instead of one, which is fairly akin to giving one star as you can't give zero (which I figure is because it would mess up the combined ratings), was for the shining scene, because it wasn't expected and was overall a neat reference.


(reviewed after first viewing)
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Cliché ridden, bad acted, terrible plot, poor story, poor me for watching.
asterix_in25 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure what the last reviewer saw in this film that I didn't because I have to say this was one of the worst movies I ever saw. I'd go as far as saying William Forsythe's Scottish "accent" was the best thing in the movie and THAT sounded Irish and bad Irish at that. True, the film is full of cliché's and references to other horror/slasher movies and where some will say it was appropriate to the storyline, I'd say there was no originality. There were no "scary" moments and no suspense whatsoever and the blood & gore effects were right out of a 50's B-movie. One scene where someone was shot while close to the camera you could see that the blood splatter was superimposed and was moving independent of the "actor". Note the quotes, no one in this movie could act. One or two scenes were inappropriate and could have been left out all together but there are weird people out there who would probably lap them up. I really can't think of anything positive about this move and found myself skipping five minutes at a time to make it end sooner only out of curiosity that I was right about a possible twist. I must have skipped at least half an hour but I promise you, I saw the whole movie.

I always considered William Forsythe as a great actor but after seeing him in this, I'm beginning to think I was wrong, you see great actors sometimes don't need much direction and it looked like he didn't get much in this movie proving that he needs it to look good on screen. Every other actor in the movie I have never seen before except for the two cops, one about 80 yrs old and the other an idiot who fitted in with the rest of the characters.

Without giving away any of the plot, at the end of the movie there was a scene where it flashed through the victims and to be honest, I'd actually forgotten about them being in the movie at all. What I'm trying to say is, there is nothing memorable about the characters, the plot and the acting other than it was ALL bad. Why is it in slasher movies that cell phones never get a signal, when someone goes missing they go looking for them at night and not during the day. Why do they all split up and make a lot of noise shouting when they know there may be a killer out there. This is what I mean about no originality, every slasher movie is exactly the same with one exception, some can pull it off, this movie doesn't. If you want to see a better movie, go and rent Plan 9 from outer space.
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Scarecrow-886 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
A class trip to an island turns into a nightmare as the college students hoping for a high grade to boost their GPA fall prey to their hosts, a married couple, obsessed film buffs, who record those they murder in ways associated with horror movies.

This, at first, appears to be just another formula slasher. You have a check list of stereotypes that normally appear in slashers and can pretty much mark an X by the characters who will die as the film continues. But, what sets it apart from the fray of the usual is the wicked sense of humor, expert casting of genre veterans, and some perverse acts by a bizarre couple of psychos. But, also important is that HACK! actually plays against norm in that a guy actually is the one at the end fleeing from killers. And, a specific twist regarding a third(..and possibly fourth)party perhaps involved with the psychotic duo certainly adds to the terror for our hero, Jay Kenneth Johnson(..as the hunk Johnny)as he must find a way out a very sticky situation as his friends are dead and his options of escape are limited. Danica McKellar(..the cutie from Wonder Years)is "nerded" up as the unflappable, scholarly Emily, but we all know that a pair of glasses and braided hair can not mask the babe underneath the disguise. Emily is google-eyed for Johnny, who, in a change of pace for a slasher film, actually takes up for her when fellow classmates poke fun at her supposed dorky nature..yet, Johnny is still able to gain rapport with his fellow students because he's just a cool dude. The rest of cast are merely supplying cultural stereotypes bound for violent death..a dumb, impolite jock quarterback needing a high grade to make his football team, a sexpot, a foul-mouthed, weed-smoking skank, an Asian homosexual whose sexual orientation is the butt of many jokes and gags, and the token black character who supplies the pot, talks ghetto and is always trying to dial up someone on his cellphone that doesn't work(..imagine that). Most of these characters service the film as victims running through the island woods as the predators give chase. There's a dungeon the loonies have, a chamber of horrors where destroyed victims, grisly corpses, are used as set-pieces for memorable images in movies like Hellraiser & Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and one captured character is held in a large bird cage over a piranha-infested water hole!

Surprising number of recognizable faces pop up in minor parts such as Kane Hodder(..as the opening victim trying to escape from his pursuers), Burt Young(..as a crusty boat captain who takes the crew to the island), Tony Burton(..as nervous Sheriff Stoker, who worries that something dire has happened to the kids when they don't return;he has a scene with ROCKY co-star Burt Young which might bring a grin to fans' faces), William Forsythe(..as a gruff Irish island fisherman who attempts to save the day, and has some memorable exchanges with the psychos), and Lochlyn Munro(..as Burton's moronic deputy). Lots of in-jokes such as the names of the crazies, Vincent King(Sean Kanan, whose chiseled features and clean-cut looks adds a unique dimension to his nutcase)and Mary Shelley(Juliet Landau;who's always obviously a bit weird, her camera by her side at all times ready to record even the most mundane occurrences for a "new movie"). Even the professor, who is to chaperon the students, is named Mr. Argento(..nice!). There also an abundance of references to horror classics and iconic characters popping up in the dialogue. This is made by filmmakers who love the genre and try to express that in as many ways as possible. The violence derives from an ax, hand gun(..rarely a weapon used in horror) shot gun(..makes a real bloody mess of a victim's skull), thrown loose brick, a well(..the homage to The Grudge is quite an eye-opener), clown's hammer(!), chainsaw, and a spinning saw blade(..decapitating a bound person's leg as he screams in horror). A thrown saw blade decapitates a victim whose leaning up against a tree. Lots of gore and viscera. Gabrielle Richens as Sylvia, a foreign exchange student lusting for the quarterback, is quite a looker. Once McKellar is able to shed her geeky disguise..yummy. Slasher fans might embrace this one..it's dark heart is in the right place.
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Not as difficult to watch as the reviews would lead you to believe...
innocuous22 March 2010
No, it's definitely a B-movie, but it has a few things going for it. First, it has decent production values and an acceptable look. This is not some film school project or extra-low budget screamer. Second, the plot, while rickety, is serviceable. Third, the acting (with the exception of two of the main characters) is really not bad. It's not great, but it's not the amateurish stuff that shows up in so many direct-to-video features nowadays. Fourth, the gore level (and nudity) is acceptably high.

The biggest problem with this film is a combination of the script and the direction. You just never feel like any of the characters could be real people. This is especially true of the college students. (As an aside, I might mention that I'm a cranky old guy who thinks that young whippersnappers have things too good and are being coddled to the point of absurdity. But it seems like whoever makes movies like this one thinks that all college students are complete and total sociopaths. In just about every movie I've seen recently that deals with college students, they are all just complete and total jerks. I'm beginning to feel sorry for them.) Anyway, it's hard to identify with the students/victims and that makes it difficult to get emotionally involved with their fear. Everybody in the film is just plastic.

Overall, though, watching this film is not a COMPLETELY terrible way to spend your time.
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Nifty tongue-in-cheek slasher flick
Woodyanders30 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
A motley group of college students embark on a field trip to the remote island estate of charming filmmaker Vincent King (solid Sean Kanan) and his flaky wife Mary Shelley (a delightfully dotty portrayal by Juliet Landau). Of course, a vicious killer starts picking the kids off left and right in assorted gruesome ways inspired by both classic and contemporary horror movies alike. Writer/director Matt Flynn delivers an entertainingly campy body count romp that displays a positively infectious love and affection for horror cinema; he sprinkles the picture with numerous witty and knowing references to such bona-fide classics as "The Birds," "Jaws," "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre," and "The Shining," cheerfully parodies all the tried'n'true clichés ("They always make us separate in these movies"), and pulls out all the stops for a hilariously ridiculous over-the-top conclusion while also pouring on the nice'n'nasty graphic gore with rip-roaring aplomb and even tossing in a decent smattering of tasty gratuitous female nudity for good measure. The enthusiastic cast have a ball with their colorful roles: the adorable Danica McKellar contributes an endearingly spunky performance as the sweetly geeky Emily, Jay Kenneth Johnson is likewise engaging as affable hunk Johnny, William Forsythe gleefully hams it up and sports a broad Scottish brogue as scraggly fisherman Willy, plus there are lively turns by Adrienne Frantz as the snarky, foul-mouthed Maddy, the ravishing Gabrielle Richens as sultry vamp Sylvia, and Justin Chon as sarcastic and effeminate smartaleck Ricky. Popping up in cool small roles are Tony Burton as the amiable Sheriff Stoker, Burt Young as crusty old sea salt skipper J.T. Bates, and Kane Hodder as the first victim who gets decapitated at the start of the film. Roger Chingirian's slick cinematography, Scott Glasgow's spirited shuddery score, and the bouncy rock soundtrack all further add to the considerable nutty fun. An extremely enjoyable slice'n'dice outing.
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"Everything you do is a cliché." A not to bad teen slasher.
poolandrews21 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Hack! starts as seven college students & their teacher Mr Argento (executive producer & producer Mike Wittlin) that signed up for a biology project board a boat & sail to a small isolated island owned by husband & wife Vincent (Sean Kanan) & Mary Shelley King (Juliet Landau) to study the indigenous wildlife, what could possibly go wrong? Well the fact that Vincent & Mary Shelley are both homicidal snuff film makers who are working on their masterpiece & want our bunch of teens to star in it could cut their careers in biology rather short...

Written & directed by Matt Flyn this a is a fairly good teen slasher that could have been better but could just have easily been worse. The script which never takes itself too seriously is a fan-boy geeks wet dream come true, it's absolutely stuffed with film references, homages, rip-offs & clichés. In fact I don't think I've ever seen another film as blatant as Hack! when it comes to stealing dialogue, situations, name-checking actors & referring to loads of other films. From lines like 'was Psycho shot here?' to discussions on their favourite horror films to an Indiana Jones rip-off as someone does some fancy karate moves before someone just shoots him to bits of scenery like the boat which is called the Orca definitely as in the killer whale flick Orca (1977) then the snuff film makers base their film on other films like The Birds (1963), The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) & Hellraiser (1987) among others to the way someone talks about the people on the island in terms of film clichés & several character's are named after horror film icons, Mr Argento anyone? This constant self referential fan-boy dialogue is fun at times but does get a bit old as literally every opportunity is used to slip a film title, cliché or homage into the story. Then there's the fact that the snuff film doesn't really feature that much or is particularly relevant, basically this is a Friday the 13th (1980) teen slasher with a thin snuff film sub plot that doesn't amount to much except for a few throw away lines at the end. Then there's the character's who are alright but not brilliant, the teens aren't too annoying but why did Vincent suddenly turn on his wife Mary Shelley & kill her? There's no reason, motivation or explanation for it at all. Then there's that Scottish guy Willy, where the hell did he come from & who was he? He is never given any back-story & just suddenly turns up without any satisfactory explanation.

Director Flyn does a pretty good job here, it's well made & it actually looks like a proper film which many low budget horrors can't boast. It's not overly stylish or imaginative but it looks nice enough. I wouldn't say it's scary as it's too silly. The gore is decent but it definitely feels like an 'R' rated film, the blood & violence just seems restrained & quite brief. There are decapitations, severed limbs, someone gets a hook through the back of their head, someone is killed with a chainsaw & their severed upper torso is seen, someones head is bashed with a mallet, someone gets an axe in the stomach, someone gets a chunk of flesh bitten from their neck, someone falls down a well & is impaled on branches/spikes at the bottom, someone gets a axe in the shoulder, people are shot with arrows & there are several shotgun kills including a shot of the back of someones head exploding open.

With a supposed healthy sounding budget of about $2,000,000 technically the film is good, everything considered even impressive. Most low budget horror flicks don't look anywhere near as good as this. The special effects are good with the absolute minimum usage of horrible CGI & the satisfying use of proper on set special make-up prosthetic effects. The acting is alright I suppose, the teen cast is suitably good looking both boys & girls even though personally I'm only interested in the girls.

Hack! is an OK teen slasher, forget about the snuff film angle because it doesn't feature that prominently & therefore it's a silly Friday the 13th clone which has some decent gore & some amusing fan-boy dialogue although it does get old before it's end. If your a horror fan then Hack! is well worth a watch especially when you consider the crap that gets released these days, definitely one of the better low budget horror film from this year.
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nickilancaster8 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Me and my partner rented Hack thinking that it would be quite a good/gory horror film but i was very disappointed. I should know better by now not to rent low budget straight to DVD horror films as they are never great. First of all the acting was terrible, i could have done a better job myself and i mean it was really bad, i don't know where these "actors" came from. The dialogue was very poor too and you could just tell it was very low budget and not a lot of thought had really gone into it, well thats what it seemed like to me. The only one good thing about this movie was that there was a twist towards the end and i didn't see it coming so thats why i gave it 4 out of 10, i thought that it was clever but thats it. The characters were not well developed at all and you couldn't care less really if they did end up being chopped up with a chainsaw or whatever cause they were just so bad. I have to say though, it was a very good idea for a horror film but it just didn't seem to work, between the bad acting and the script it failed which is a shame because it could have been so much better. I would say watch it if you have nothing better to do if its on Sky or something but don't buy it, it would be a waste of money.
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Winnie Cooper, what the hell is wrong with you?
Horrorible_Horror_Films17 January 2010
Did Winnie Cooper owe someone a favor or something? This sucked, big time. All these people need to be torn apart by a chainsaw. This movie FAILS in everything it tries to do and needs to die. The only redeeming quality is the gore and the killings - but those are few and far between, which is really stupid. I'm watching this crappy movie on Hulu right now, I REALLY want the stupid Gaysian and blonde to be hacked to bits. Like NOW, he's freakin singing Fame while the blonde pisses in the woods, classy. Ow, this is bad i have to turn this off. If you are thinking about watching Hack! I recommend you don't. Really, just go watch some old episodes of The Wonder Years instead.
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Reasonably original premise, ruined by horrible execution (See This Slasher #10)
Shattered_Wake23 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
When a group of students head to a remote island for an extra-credit field trip, a crazed murderer meets them there to kill them in various horror-movie styles. It's up to the select few survivors to solve the mystery of the identity of the killer, or never leave the island again.

Winnie Cooper, I mean Danica McKellar, stars in this modern slasher alongside Jay Kenneth Johnson (Days of Our Lives) and Juliet Landau (daughter of Hollywood legend Martin Landau). The film, as expected, is just about as lame and predictable as the majority of other recent slashers. Its acting, writing, and direction are all typical of a low-budget horror, and is made special only because of its luck of grabbing a few 'name' castmembers. Sadly, those actors who may be familiar are completely wasted due to the horrendous dialogue and lack of motivation. The story is trite and extends itself further than it should, but it does have a few interesting moments. Also, the writer/director seems to have a lot of love for the horror genre with his constant in-script references to horror films and character names (Professor Argento, Mary Shelley King, Sheriff Stoker, etc.). . . but, you'd think that a real horror fan would know that Boris Karloff did not play Frankenstein. Visually, the film isn't completely awful. The cast isn't bad to look at and there are a few good kills. Unfortunately, when it all comes together into a perfect storm of below-mediocrity, nothing comes out but a very lame film that will be forgotten nearly as soon as it's watched.

Obligatory Slasher Elements:

  • Violence/Gore: I liked a few of the deaths, especially the seemingly useless opening scene, and the gore wasn't too bad. I think the filmmakers should've gone for the 'more is more' tactic of gore, however, because a few extra buckets of blood can sometimes make up for the endless mediocrity and dullness.

  • Sex/Nudity: There's a good amount of sexuality & nudity from the secondary castmembers. It's not excessive, and it doesn't hurt to make the film more enjoyable. Those who grew up in the late 80s/early 90s, however, will be disappointed in the lack of skin shown by the still-hot Danica McKellar. She didn't show it to Kevin on The Wonder Years and she doesn't give us much here.

  • Cool Killer(s): Well, they had an interesting idea, I suppose, but overall. . . nothing special.

  • Scares/Suspense: As it's played out as a comedy-slasher, there is little-to-no suspense. There are a few good jump scares, but they can all be seen coming from a mile away.

  • Mystery: Barely any. You see the killer's face (whether on purpose or by accident, I'm not sure) about fifteen minutes into the film, and let's just say that the twist will never really be 'Keyser Söze'-memorable.

  • Awkward Dance Scene: Nope.

Final verdict: 3.5/10. Do not see this slasher!

Note: Keep an eye out for Burt Young (Paulie from Rocky), William Forsythe, and Kane Hodder in small roles.

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eward876928 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Horrible. Don't waist your time. I wanted to see my childhood hero Winnie but, I would rather watch an automatic kitty litter box for two hours than have to ever watch this tragedy again. The plot was an after thought of someone who just wanted to throw ever horror movie they had seen into one film. If I wanted to see chain saws, clowns, and every other stock scare I would just go to my neighbor's free haunted house every Halloween. It would kill less time, and I would probably not cringe at the amount of money that went into this disaster, I'm happy I only spent a dollar to watch it but, I will never get those 87 min back in my life. Oh Winnie, didn't you go to an ivy league school? You should no better. What would Fred Savage say if he could see you in this. I wish you the best luck in a come back but jeez!! Use some common sense.
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Hack! is whack (and not the good kind of whack, either)
Bill35713 July 2009
Just when I thought they they hammered the final nail in the awful spate of Scream inspired nonsense, another movie comes along to bore me to tears all over again.

The screenwriter of Hack! apparently suffers from "Scream Sickness", a mental illness related to "Tarantino Disorder", a malady effecting too many young filmmakers these days where they think that by making annoying references to things deemed "cool" in their movie that the coolness rubs off onto their film, only the difference being that people suffering from Scream Sickness make endless references to the horror genre in particular.

A personable young cast and a bunch of cameos by great character actors can't redeem such a rotten script as this. They all really deserve something better.

I'm not even going to get into the plot or anything. I'm just here to warn everyone that this is really dull and uninspired film-making
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Who dies when & how in HACK!
charlytully7 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
There's a maze of mayhem, the editing leaves a lot to be desired, and this flick is NOT worth watching MORE than once. Hopefully this will help those not afraid of spoilers to decide if they want to see it even one time, as well as to erase the need of those who fell asleep halfway through to spend more than another minute to find out what happened.


Horror flick veteran Kane Hodder is the first shown island victim, beheaded in a throwaway scene. I'm not sure the movie is edited well enough to make it clear which is which among victims two and three; let's say Emily's biology prof, Dr. Argento (Mike Wittlin), is the second dismembered-on-a-table victim, and some random poacher (Teague Cowley) is the vivisected third party. ORCA fishing boat skipper J.T. Bates (the ROCKY movie franchise's Burt Young) is the fourth to croak, via a hook through his eye socket. Football quarterback Tim (Travis Schuldt) can't get out of the pocket as he's chainsawed to death (#5), with token black student Q (Wondgy Bruny) self-consciously defying convention, as he's KO'ed in the 6th rather than the opening round (by croquet mallet, no less!). Sheriff Stoker (Tony Burton) succumbs during the 7th inning stretch (pick-axed), with gay student Ricky (Justin Chon) becoming the third student--and 8th vic overall--to pass away, gunned down while singing "I'm Going to Live Forever" from FAME. (By the way, if you don't have a life, the "Movie Connections" section here mentions only one-third of the direct references to other flicks and TV shows made by characters in HACK!; you can perform a public service by jotting down some more while watching the movie, and add them to the list. Thanks.) Lesbian student Maddy meets her maker at the bottom of the island's well for the ninth notch in the killers' belts, with bearded nutso island homeless guy "free" Willy (William Forsythe) becoming the 10th and final "victim" thanks to a fairly mundane shotgun blast. Meanwhile, film-maker killer Mary Shelley (Juliet Landau) has been bitten to death by her niece, killer clown student Emily (Danica McKellar), who shoots Willie after Willie has offed her film-buff Uncle Vincent King (Sean Kanan). Emily's two surviving classmates, topless Brazilian exchange student Sylvia (Garielle Richens) and Emily's crush, Johnny (Jay Kenneth Johnson) manage to blast her corpse into the ocean before boating back to shore with Deputy Radley (Lochlyn Munro). Hope this play-by-play helps!
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nogodnomasters4 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is a horror film that pays homage to horror slashers. Note: Kane Hodder is the first victim. A group of college kids working on a film project go to the island of Vincent (Sean Kanan) and Mary Shelly (Juliet Landau) who are horror film buffs. The group consists of the stereotypes: brainless bulling jock, gay Asian guy, black pot dealer, geeky girl, etc.

I liked how they played different aspects into the film and used a chainsaw killer as well as a clown. One of the problems I have with the film was that the hosts were lovers of classic horror films, while paying homage to modern slashers. The second problem was during the boat murder, everyone was accounted for. If you are going to create a mystery, do it right...but then again that could just be part of the horror genre.

Guide: F-bomb, sex, nudity (Gabrielle Richens)
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An abissmal abortion of a film
torstensonjohn4 June 2018
The title says it all "hack" this film is an abortion of acting and it's editing. In a ripoff of other genre horror films this drives itself right off the cliff. Terrible acting, horrid editing, the music score does NOTHING for the transition of scenes. To have some well known talent such as Danika McKeller, Burt Young, Sean Kanan and Lochlyn Munro attached to this is embarrassing. I yawned and feel like 1hr 24 minutes of my life was wasted. 1/10
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Everyone Hates This Film... Except Me!
gavin694230 December 2007
A group of students go to an island to study biology, although they all seem to like discussing horror films and almost no one wants to actually do their work. Drugs and sex are rampant, and the island's residents are a bit odd. Not "odd" in a weird way so much as eccentric, so the students go along with it. Then someone decides to kill the kids... and suspicions fall on one after another suspect.

Danica McKellar stars in this film as teacher's assistant Emily Longley. When the movie began and Danica entered the screen, I was smitten: I knew I had found possibly the most beautiful woman in movies (aside from my all-time favorites of Mandy Moore and Christina Ricci). So I looked her up and was shocked -- this was Winnie Cooper from "The Wonder Years" (who was never "hot" by any means, even though I think many kids had a crush on her for some reason). So, my point is: McKellar as the shy, bespectacled teacher's aide... priceless.

From there on out, I can understand why this film is generally considered pretty lackluster. It has a cheese factor somewhere between Gouda and Camembert. The movie rips off other horror films -- many character names are horror-based (Argento, Carpenter, etc.) and there's countless references (the boat being named Orca after the "we're going to need a bigger boat" line was awesome). If you don't love horror, these jokes are not funny... and even if you do, it might take a special kind of humor (the film is called "Hack" -- lighten up!).

Treat the movie like a game, and see how many references and rip-offs you can catch. Some are obvious (they directly mention a variety of films, including the Billy Zane classic "Dead Calm") and others not so much. I guarantee you I missed some of the references -- now I have to watch it again, and I gladly would.

Horror fans will also like the nudity (it's limited but it's here) and the blood. We got chainsaws, piranhas, sharp blades and even a scene with samurai or something (a reference I definitely missed). I can't wait to see it again so I can write a better review... oh yeah, Kane Hodder shows up briefly, too, and William Forsythe is a weird Scottish groundskeeper. Just watch this!!!
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Not great by any means but at least it entertains
Seth_Rogue_One30 January 2017
No it's not groundbreaking in any ways shape or form and yes the characters are all stereotypes and yes the acting is a bit dodgy and yes it's riddled with clichés.

But, that's sort of the point, it's meant to be a spoof on the genre.

Now I'm not saying it's a great film (or maybe even a good one) by any means but personally I think it's more entertaining than for instance the 'Scary Movie' films. At least this has a fairly coherent plot and does not rely solely on stealing scenes from other movies and putting a funny twist to them but deals more in terms with homages.

It's a comedy first and horror second, and although some of the jokes are a bit on the cheap side (well most tbh) and don't always work overall it does fairly well at entertaining the 80 minutes it's on.

With some decent kills as well as some overthetop twists, twists that had this been a serious movie one would have rolled their eyes over but as this is not it works at poking fun on the genre.

Best bits are the scenes with William Forsythe as a good ol Scottish laddie, they are just a couple but they are pretty hilarious.
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Who dies first!
crystalart30 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is a lot like Blood Monkey. You can't wait for the various "teens" to get offed.

I like William Forsythe, and this is why I'm watching this film in the first place.

I have a lot of movies in my collection in which he stars, but I confess I've not seen them all.

I'm still waiting for him to appear in this one, and I'm over an hour into the movie. (He may have appeared momentarily in a window).

Anyway, I'm waiting to decide if I'll ever watch thls one again.

It depends on where it goes from here.
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For a Low Budget/Independent Horror Movie...its KINDA good!
Horror_Fan_JB6 July 2010
This movie its not good nor bad! Its stuck in between! The only good things in here I think it was the killings...it had some good quality scenes for a Low Budget film! But that is...there's nothing more! The dialogs are cheesy...some are boring...some are not...some are average! Watch it if u have nothing to do and ure bored...or just if u wanna spent some time in front of ure TV! Oh...and I forgot...the twist was kinda good! :) I don't know if I was very bored or it was very underground...but when the twist came up I was kinda shocked! I always use kinda cause its I didn't feel disappointed by this but I didn't feel satisfied neither! Like I said...its stuck in between!
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