Flight of the Living Dead (2007) Poster

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Not a masterpiece, but fun and worth watching.
The-Kurgan2 June 2007
If you're a zombie fan, this is worth watching, but it's not one of those gems, like Undead or Dead Meat, that you could watch again and again. Ideal for a good one-night rental.

There are tons of really awful zombie flicks out there, with stupid dialogue, bad acting, and even worse makeup and F/X. Then there are the few really awesome offerings, that just hit on all cylinders, and keep you on the edge of your seat and begging for more. This movie is neither. It's truly not a bad movie, either in the general sense, or simply as a zombie flick. In fact, it's actually kinda fun. The worst thing going for it is simply that it's virtually impossible to come up with anything new, since it's all been done before, so you can't help but make comparisons. Had most of the events we see in this movie not been seen before in some guise, this would probably be considered a keeper. But, since we have seen it all before, it's important to ask yourself one, simple question: Did I enjoy myself while watching this. And the answer is yes.

It's true that there are slightly campy moments. It's true that there are back-to-back scenes where in one someone hears a distant moan, but in the next doesn't hear gunfire from the same location. It's true that some of the dialogue is cheesy, and you feel the pain of the seasoned pro doing his best to recite them without feeling silly. Nevertheless, if you just allow yourself to sit back and be drawn-in to the story, and can sustain a little suspension of disbelief without falling back on the tried-n-true (albeit fun) habit of nitpicking every little mistake and silly bit, I really think you'll enjoy yourself, and can kill and hour-and-a-half that you may never get back, but won't mind losing. :)
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The zombies are really what make this movie fun to watch.
McQualude11 August 2007
It's zombies on a plane, you get the idea. Actually well done, a bit wonky in spots as it has the feeling that additional scenes were shot to fill out the movie and the additional scenes don't quite mesh with the rest of the film. For example when the plane is going through extreme turbulence, apparently certain areas of the plane are completely immune. Also, I don't know much about piloting aircraft but I'm pretty sure the tower's call sign isn't 'base'. One of the biggest goofs that I noticed was the plane suffers explosive decompression several times.

There are some real comedic moments especially with Derek Webster who plays as a golf pro named Long Shot. Long Shot carries a gold putter that he uses quite effectively against the zombies, even to decapitate a few getting a giggle from me each time. In a later sequence, Long Shot has quite the medley of zombie destroying weapons as he valiantly fights his way to the cockpit. The zombies are of the 28 Days Later variety but they are true ghouls here, not infected humans. The zombies are really what make this movie fun to watch. They are quick and devious and they skitter about like vicious beasts. My favorite skittering scene being a stewardess scurrying through a crawlspace in a short skirt carrying an arm in her jaws, beautiful! One of the best scenes happens in the bathroom, I will never feel safe in an airplane bathroom again.

The girls are beautiful and the stewardesses are sexy but all of them keep their clothes (I know some of you want to know this). The R rating to come is earned purely through blood, gore and violence. For the most part the characters are reasonably intelligent. There are some stupid things that happen, sometimes intentionally for comedic pleasure and sometimes because the film makers were lazy but this is a B movie so I can forgive a few gaffs. FOLD manages some true moments of suspense. Were the movie more polished I could have easily given it a 7/10. A must see for zombie fans or lovers of campy action movies.
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Once it eventually gets going this is pretty good stuff.
poolandrews15 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Flight of the Living Dead: Outbreak on a Plane is set aboard Concord flight 239 from Los Angeles to Paris during a horrendous thunderstorm. Onboard the passengers feel the turbulence as the plane flies through the thunderstorm, down below in the cargo area several Medcon scientists are transporting an experiment. The body of a woman named Kelly (Laura Cayouette) who has been brought back to life using the modified poison of a Mosquito, unfortunately during the turbulence she manages to escape from her metal box & starts to eat the passengers who become infected & themselves turn into flesh eating zombies. As the few remaining passengers fight for survival aboard the plane they also have to worry about events outside as the Pentagon aware of the situation orders the plane destroyed...

Co-written & directed by Scott Thomas & also known under it's working title Plane Dead (the version I saw was called Plane Dead in fact) once it actually wakes up & gets going Flight of the Living Dead: Outbreak on a Plane is rather fun if your a zombie/horror fan which I consider myself both. First of all lets look at that title Flight of the Living Dead, I love it & think it's both clever & funny all on it's own. Considering the spoof sounding title you would be forgiven for thinking that Flight of the Living Dead: Outbreak on a Plane is a horror comedy with the emphasis on the comedy but in actual fact apart from some one-liners & a couple of mildly amusing scenes it takes itself pretty seriously. I would say the script by Thomas, Sidney Iwanter & Mark Onspaugh owes more to The Return of the Living Dead (1985) than Night of the Living Dead (1968), there's some Snakes on a Plane (2006) & it also has a fair amount of Turbulence (1997) & Executive Decision (1996) as well as all those other action/disaster films set on a plane thrown into the mix as well. The two angles come together surprisingly well actually, with the thunderstorm outside making things very uncomfortable outside with the flesh eating zombies inside also a problem. The main problem I had with Flight of the Living Dead: Outbreak on a Palne was how slow it is to get going, the zombie action doesn't really start until way past the three quarters of an hour mark which is just too long really to sit down & watch these passengers sitting down on a plane. Some of the character's are quite quirky & likable but most of the development that happens during the first forty five minutes is quickly forgotten about when the zombies attack, the guy cheating on his girlfriend with his best friends girlfriend for instance is built up but nothing ever becomes of it. So basically the first half is pretty dull & slow going with the second half almost too fast with too much happening, I will put it like this I liked the last forty five minutes much more than the first. Still a very enjoyable light hearted (although not as funny as it's jokey title might suggest) horror/zombie film.

Director Thomas does alright here, the second half of the film has a great pace with lots of bloody zombie action. There are however a few things that bugged me, first the amount of times people shoot guns, automatic machine guns & even set off a bomb without breaching the hull of the plane. I'm sorry but you can't set off huge explosions on a plane & not expect any damage. Then there's the fact they killed off the best looking girl & the one character I was rooting for, I don't know her name but the one who throws up in the toilet & is wearing a pleasingly short skirt & boots. While there is plenty of blood there's not much actual gore, a nun has both her legs bitten, there are a few bites, a zombie ends up in the planes engine, a zombie ha sit's head blown off & there are quite a few bloody gunshot wounds but little else. As I said there's plenty of blood but nothing really explicit. Flight of the Living Dead: Outbreak on a Plane is a fun film & not really meant to be scary which is just as well because it isn't, the setting is unusual for a zombie film too which I liked & thought was something a bit different.

Technically the film is fine, it's surprisingly well made with good production values. The special effects are also surprisingly good with some impressive CGI computer effects of the plane & fighter jets in the air. The acting is alright from a good looking cast (some of the girls are very easy on the eye) & there's a few familiar faces in the cast from Kevin J. O'Connor to Brian Thompson.

Flight of the Living Dead: Outbreak on a Plane is a fun light hearted gory horror zombie film that once it gets going is terrific stuff, unfortunately it takes a while to get going & the entire first forty five minutes doesn't do it any favours. If you stick with though & make it that far you should be rewarded with an entertaining zombie flick, overall I liked it.
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Competently executed gory fun
Runciter1475 August 2007
"Flight of the Living Dead" is a decent take on the Zombie genre that kept me on the edge of the seat for the full running time. It stands out because it presents you with some things you don't expect from the average low-budget direct-to-video Zombie flick, i.e. a script that actually works, decent acting, neat make-up effects and even a nice score.

What I liked about the plot: There's are rather long but surprisingly suspenseful introduction before it gets bloody. That part works because the writers use the time to introduce some well chosen stereotypes of characters that promise to be fun victims later on. There's the jock, his rich bitch girlfriend, the cute-but-stupid stewardess, the evil corporate guy and even a Tiger Woods look-kinda-alike, just to name a few. The movie also stays relatively plausible and plays coy before it kicks into high gear for the finale. It's a sudden and thoroughly enjoyable switch in tone.

"Flight of the Living Dead" is no disguised comment on society but as far as zombie butcherfests go, this one is pretty nice. Not revolutionary film making, but rather competently executed gory fun.

If you enjoyed the intro song and desperately tried to locate it without success: Take a look at the M*Space page of one Bill Grainer, the gentleman who wrote the song.
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About what you'd expect...
Pat_ChoKo24 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
An obvious cash-in on the *Insert Monster Here* On A Plane gimmick, Flight Of The Living Dead is about what you'd expect it to be.

The film has little or no plot, which is what you'd expect from a film of this type. Although, it is fun in parts, I must say. The Zombie-action is particularly entertaining. Once the film picks up, it never stops; the pacing is solid.

The practical special effects are pretty good, but the CGI is terrible and distracting.

The ending seems to leave the film open to a sequel. Let's hope that doesn't come to fruition.

If you're a die-hard fan of the zombie sub-genre of horror films, I'd recommend it to you; it's worth at least one watch. However, if you're just an avid fan of the genre, leave it on the shelf.

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Why so many haters
my-boomstick25 April 2007
I will never understand the haters of the zombie genre. Just like romantic comedy these gems are not made for everyone.

The few people who appreciate a good zombie movie will see the originality and joy in this movie. Granted it is not scary..AT ALL and it isn't nearly gory enough, but still this movie deserves its due. It took a concept that has been done to death, people locked in a confined area fighting back a zombie invasion...(Night of the Living Dead being the blueprint) and gave it a twist that I really appreciated.

Being trapped in a confined space with the Zombies, leaving you with zero room to hide and none of that long drawn out psychological mind-screw most films rely on to kill time.

I loved this movie, and if you love zombie flicks, I'm sure you will too.
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Cuidado! Snoozer with some comedy.
kristian_61420 April 2009
I don't understand why some of you (or many) have given this film upward of 8 stars out of 10. Do you understand that there are lower ratings for a reason? Sure, this may be a zombie flick with some splatter, but thats it. I'm not a hater on zombie films, but this was awful. Really, actually, I should call it more like a zombie-soap, because thats how the acting is. Production is... well, okay. Barely an attempt at plot development, awful acting, silly effects, clichés, and an abrupt ending. Go ahead and like zombie movies, but don't ever give this above a 5.0. Honestly though, the only reason you should want to watch this movie is to laugh. Seriously.
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You'll wish it were *just* snakes on a plane!
Coventry7 April 2007
This demented and adorably over-the-top gory zombie flick was presented and introduced here at the Belgian Horror & Fantasy Festival by its writer/creator Scott Thomas. He claims that, in spite of all the obvious plot-similarities with "Snakes on a Plane", his film is definitely NOT a quick cash-in on the huge success of the 2006 summer-blockbuster and that the basic concept and the pre-production phase of "Plane Dead" actually predate "Snakes on a Plane". Well, I don't know if all that is true, but I tend to believe Thomas because he's such a nice guy and he seemed very confident. Moreover, even if "Plane Dead" simply was a rip-off of the popular Sam L. Jackson hit, I still wouldn't care that much, because it's such a tremendously entertaining and enthusiast splatter-flick! As long as you don't expect new and groundbreaking story lines and/or highly intellectual dialogs, "Plane Dead" honestly can't fail to amuse you. In most departments, it's even far better and more appealing to horror fanatics than "Snakes on a Plane", because it's a lot faster, cheesier, gorier and shamelessly features all the standard clichés us genre fans love so much. Safely protected in the cargo-hold of the red-eye flight from L.A. to Paris, a mysterious scientific experiment is transported out of the US by its malicious creators. The unscrupulous Dr. Leo Bennett and his loyal researchers developed a virus that rapidly destroys human DNA, only to revive the infected victim again as a bloodthirsty and unstoppable zombie. He plans to sell his formula to the military in order to create the ultimate soldier, of course, but some unanticipated turbulence and noisy passengers on the 747-flight cause the female "test-case" zombie to resurrect a little early, and she immediately begins to feast her way through crew and passengers. Once bitten, the victim turns into a zombie as well, and pretty soon the plane is overrun by seemingly more zombies than there were passengers in the first place. It perhaps takes slightly too long before the zombies run loose on the plane, but when they do "Plane Dead" turns into a non-stop series of laughs, creative deaths and extreme gore. Apparently, only stereotypes were allowed aboard this flight and it's always a lot of fun to watch those getting killed off one by one. Naturally it's the elderly pilot's last flight before retirement, there's the heroic copper – who eventually has to save the day - transporting a witty criminal, arguing teen couples, sexy yet empty-headed stewardesses, couples with marriage issues and Tiger Woods' biggest competitor himself! The gore is guaranteed to please people, as the script features several ingenious new methods to kill zombies, like an umbrella through the head, nine-iron golf clubs and of course airplane engines. Be honest, what would you rather get face-to-face with whilst stuck in an inescapable location: ordinary snakes, albeit a little venomous ... or filthy, virulent, ravenous and outrageous zombies? There are quite a few recognizable faces in the cast, like Kevin J. O'Connor (the creep from "Lord of Illusions" and "Deep Rising"), Erick Avari and Richard Tyson. The lines and characters are often very funny, the make-up effects are delightfully campy in an old-fashioned way and there even is an occasional moment of genuine suspense. "Plane Dead" is awesome horror-entertainment and I hope Scott Thomas will enjoy the success he deserves with it.
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Zombies on a Plane - Where's Sam Jackson when you need him?
Foulmouf3 September 2007
Zombies on a plane! Sounds like a whole bunch of fun doesn't it? This movie had everything a perfect no-brainer (no pun intended) zombie flick should have. With the classic stereotypes such as hot bimbos and their sport jock boyfriends, a hero cop escorting a prisoner, sexy stewardesses, a black pro-athlete, a bible-clutching nun and off course the evil scientists guilty of it all, I didn't see how this could go wrong. The movie started off pretty good as the first zombies started to pop up but after a while it just got repetitive and boring. The special effects were almost as bad as most of the acting and basically the movie didn't show us anything we haven't seen a hundred times already in this genre, and since when did a zombie get neutralized by a non-head shot! All in all this was a bit entertaining but I hardly doubt I'll ever watch it again. 28 Weeks Later up next!
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nfv2313 April 2007
it's not a "hard zombie" film, but yet it manages to have a few "clever" scenes while mixing along some humour (not always necessary, one must admit it), which makes this film enjoyable and pleasant to watch.

the acting is fairly decent and well accomplished and the storyline, though not brilliant and all that elaborated. it still manages to keep the film from being yet another pretentious zombie production, producing good moments of solid action with a couple of more "heavy/scary" scenes, though i wouldn't quite call it a horror film.

a good option to consider ;)
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Haven't seen a movie this bad in ages..
fatyshor20014 December 2007
This has to be the worst movie i've seen this year.. and i watch a lot of cable. The plot is just ridiculous, the scenes are just thrown at you with no action, no start or ending of any scene.. it's just random idiots with make-up that scream in some plane.. The "special effects" ( Spielberg would laugh his ass off ) are horrible, the yellow eye contact lenses are cute though.. I have to admin that i couldn't bear to watch it to the end. The scene where the great scientist Bennett was holding for dear life by the engine body was too much for me.. I'm sorry for my bad English.. i am from Romania ( and this is my first post ). I had to sign up just to make a comment on this movie because i just can't believe that this is a movie released in 2007.
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VERY fine Zombie movie!!
Svante-312 April 2007
I didn't know ANYTHING about this movie until last night. Expected a crappy low budget ripoff of "Snakes on a Plane". But since this was made BEFORE "Snake" I guess it's the other way around ;) Well as I said I expected a crappy movie in the Sci-Fi Channel mold. But what I got was an EXTREMELY entertaining action/horror that puts this Zombie flick on the same top 10 list as Rodrigues "Planet Terror".

Sure it's a low budget movie but I doesn't feel like it. I would gladly have paid for a ticket to seen it on the big screen.

Now THIS is how you make use of a limited budget.

We got HUGE amounts of Zombies and gore (okey not like Planet Terror but plenty enough) and lot's of action and explosions, especially in the last half hour.

What I also liked was the characters. Usually in low budget movies we get the most crappiest and annoying actors on the planet, but in this one they can ACTUALLY act, and most of them are likable as well.

Not unlike Snakes on a Plane where you HATED them all ;)

The Zombie make-up FX were brilliant and they were the crazy brutal type of zombies as in the remake of Dawn of the Dead. They actually made me jump a few times as well. Now THAT doesn't happen to often ;)

Except for a few CGI shots this have the look and feel of a real theater movie. Shame it went the Direct to Video route with a crappy cover.

This is a movie that deserves an following.

So look it up folks. It's a classic :)
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Entertaining Hooey
gpeltz3 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Plain Dead (2007), aka "Flight of the Living Dead", Directed by Scot Thomas and written by Sidney Iwanter and Mark Onspaugh, is a goofy and entertaining little horror/adventure film, Spoiler Alert ahead, I will be talking detail, so watch the film and see if we agree.

Planes make dandy hotbeds for all manner of creatures, The popular and successful Snakes on a Plane was released a year earlier,(2006) Here the creatures are Zombies. In all fairness, the Zombie on a Plane was more recently dealt with in the 2013 World War Z.

The earnest cast includes David Chisum as agent Truman, escorting an international con man, Frank played merrily by Kevin O Connor. 'Stereotypes abound on this flight, Heros and villains. Richard Tyson plays a celebrity Golf player, and Eric Avari plays the despicable Dr Bennett, who developed the Zombie Virus, The 747 is carrying the "special cargo" But we need not be concerned, because the cargo was secured, and nothing could go wrong.

Aside from defying all laws of Logic, and keeping it's feet firmly planted in the Genera Cliché tradition, This picture manages to entertain, Yeah shoot off yer automatic weapons in the enclosed airspace. Two men are mysteriously killed in the Cargo area? Right, send down two more.

By the third reel, options for plot development become slim, as the plane becomes zombified. Admit it, you knew the Nun was going to be zombied out, as well as the young lovers, and the odd Asian fellow, who does not get the concept of, "Unbuckle your seat belt". Not a fun flight for the stewardess either, who are reduced to calming down the passengers by asking if they want coffee. And this was to be the Captains last flight before retirement too.

The production values were good, they had a dandy 747 interior set to play with, Music by Nathan Wang was properly suspense inducing, The gore effects were tolerable, and the closing act was oddly effective in keeping with the loony premise. "And what rough beasts slouch toward Bethlem...." Seven out of Ten, "Amuse me," Stars
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Shite of the Living Dead...
poe42611 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
It's one of the imponderables of low-budget independent film-making that so many with so little in the way of real talent fancy themselves frightmeisters. The paucity of talent evinced by these wonky wannabees is there for all the world to see. Case in point: FLIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD (or, as I quickly came to know it, SHITE OF THE LIVING DEAD). There's nothing wrong with paying homage to one's heroes. I've done it many times over the years, myself, in many different ways. In fact, in the xlibris book THE NIGHT RIDERS, co-written with M. Kelley, I dedicate it, in part, to "the six writers whose work inspires me still: Richard Matheson, Harlan Ellison, Shirley Jackson, Edgar Allen Poe, H.P. Lovecraft, and Robert E. Howard." Had it been a motion picture, I would've dedicated it to the directors whose films have inspired me over the years. Very high up on that list would've been George Romero. It's nothing less than a crying shame that the makers of this film weren't truly as inspired by Romero as their title suggests.
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Flight of the Living Dead:Outbreak on a Plane
Scarecrow-887 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
An airplane flight is bombarded by a zombie plague when a woman scientist, asleep inside a cryogenic container in the cargo-hold, is awaken at the movement of harsh turbulence as weather becomes a bit of a problem. Four rogue scientists found a way to possibly bring a dead human being back to life, but there are side-effects..

When the woman scientist goes zombie, an outbreak of terror to the passengers and crew ensues with only a hand-full of people trying to survive the best they can. We also see talking heads in some board room discussing the idea of putting a missile into the plane for fear that it will land in a big city causing a zombie plague of catastrophic proportions.

Aimed directly at the zombie crowd, the flesh-eating ghouls in this film resemble the virus freaks from Boyle's "28 Days Later.." rather than Romero's rotted slow corpses. Lots of gore on display as necks are ripped into, limbs are removed, and bullets riddle zombies with plenty if CGI blood splatter. Lots of fun and some inventive kill-gags such as what a star golfer on board does with his prize club or what one does with an umbrella. One gruesome sequence has a nun, trying to save a person being dragged into a hole in the floor, getting her legs ripped away. One clever gag has a zombie locked into his chair trying to snatch running passengers. A colorful cast of characters, some developed a bit better than others, also lend to the zombie carnage.
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utterly stupid waste of time and money
ultimatefoolkiller27 August 2007
bury my brain in an airplane toilet! this is definitely one of the most excrescent "motion pictures" ever. i love movies of any kind, the good, the bad and the ugly... !but! for this one you must be be really stoned beyond belief (i can't even imagine the necessary drug for that - Special K perhaps?) to suffer this completely boring and uninspired botch. none-dimensional characters, ridiculous nativity play-like actors tumble through a goofy mess of a script, that must be written by jagged hillbilly-teens. there are only 43 seconds of any entertainment value, randomly distributed over the whole movie, so spare your time and watch another one, such as "shaun of the dead" and have real fun.
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Pretty good zombie flick
cesar20031 November 2008
I was very skeptical whether I should spend my time on watching this movie. First of all it has a very cheesy name, sounds like another cheap remake and DVD cover looks also not that good. But being a fan of zombie movies I decided to give it a try. I started watching it and first 35 minutes were just as I expected the whole movie to be, but surprisingly after first 35-40 minutes it gets much better, special effects, plot and even acting gets better, well acting gets better because all amateur actors are killed by zombies. I would say you can fast forward first 25 minutes, since nothing much happens in the beginning.

I liked this movie and would recommend it to all zombie fans :)
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Vaguely watchable cash-in trash...
MrGKB25 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
..."Flight of the Living Dead" sports production values that belie the substandard script from director Scott "I'm a producer, can'tcha tell?" Thomas and two hacks who shall remain nameless because I feel sorry for them having to attach those no-names to this turkey. Apparently actually shot on film, this direct-to-DVD release has almost nothing going for it that you haven't seen or heard a hundred times already.

Despite the presence of a number of recognizable character actors like Richard "Three O'Clock High" Tyson, Erick "Stargate" Avari, and Raymond J. "Little Children" Barry, and a slew of others not so recognizable, "FoLD" is predominantly populated with cardboard, most of which ends up soaked in unconvincing fake blood. There are a few (precious few) gags that work (the umbrella and the zombie trapped in his seat both come to mind), but most of the scripting is pedestrian and comic-book stupid, and I am here to assure you that we're talking pedestrian and stupid. You'll never for a second believe that "FoLD" is anything but a cheap cash-in movie with pretensions of cool. God forbid it ever spawn the sequel its idiotic ending promises.

Strictly freebie viewing, depending on how impecunious your local library is, and otherwise suitable for insomniacs and the indiscriminate only.
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Enjoyable unpretentious simply B-horror fun at 30,000 Feet.
Boba_Fett113816 November 2007
This is a rather enjoyable simple horror movie, that was obviously not made to win any awards but to bring some good entertainment instead.

The movie is filled with all stereotypical shallow characters you would expect. I mean, OF COURSE there also just happens to be a convict aboard with a cop attached to him, pretty stewardesses, a couple of scientist, quarrelsome young couples, oh and even a nun and a couple of other weird bunch of characters of which you never get to know their names. simply because you just don't care.

No the movie doesn't feature much surprises. It's a pretty formulaic movie with all of the elements you would expect. Nothing happens as a real surprise and it's one of those movies in which you pretty much know already who is going to die and live. You know exactly in advance what you're going to get when you watch a movie like this, with a title such as this one has.

It takes a bit too long for the movie for the horror to kick really in but this has obviously to do with the movie its restrained budget and also story. I mean, if things started off right along in this movie, it would had probably only had been about an hour long. I mean, how much good and interesting can you come up with a movie that's completely set aboard a plane.

About halve way through the action really kicks in and the gloves are off! The fun really starts then when the zombie like creatures are unleashed among the passengers and get on a killing spree and more and more zombies are reborn. It then most becomes obvious what an unpretentious simply B-horror this actually really is. The movie turns into a pure gore-fest, with the one graphic killing after the other.

It's a good visual looking movie. At least it's not clumsy or anything and everything looks actually quite convincing and professional. Also the make-up and gore is pretty good looking and shall definitely please the genre fans. It definitely knows how to make use of its limited budget!

As you would expect the acting isn't much special but this also has everything to do with the simple script and formulaic dialog. Still there are some decent well known actors in the movie, like Erick Avari and Raymond J. Barry.

The story is kept at all times simple and is of course far fetched, silly and far from believable. But like I said before, how much interesting can you come up with for a movie that is completely set aboard a flying plane? And uh, firing guns and blowing up gas tanks in a plane without crashing down or even create a hole in the plane? I think that pretty much sums up how serious you have to take this movie.

This movie is simply good and enjoyable for what it is, a deliberate simple gory B-horror flick, featuring a whole bunch of zombies. It serves its purpose really well and effectively! A great movie in its genre, that is very well worth watching, at least if you're in these type of movies of course.


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Bad, very bad, even for a B-movie.
paulclaassen5 July 2018
Bad, very bad...from the dialogue to the acting to the effects - as expected. The film offers nothing new to the genre, just a screaming, squealing gore fest.
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Surprisingly Not As Un-Dead As it First Seems
mrbishi10 August 2007
Most people look over straight to DVD titles unless you frequent regularly to the local DVD hire shop.

I came upon the title by random looking about for new horror flicks, been a fan of zombie horrors such as day of the dead, dawn of the dead, night of the living dead and so on I thought from the title it sounded like a new twist on a theme which has been done so many times before, of course as Id never heard of the movie I was bound to be sceptical on how it would look and more so how crap the acting and plot line would be.

Surprisingly I can say Im quite pleased with the movie and would go as far to say considering low budgets it works really well, the acting is strong and the plot works well "much better than the apposed 'snakes on a plane' pish" The effects are as good as any other zombie flick I've ever seen. Overall I would say to any fan of this genre get it watched and to those just interested in the slightest to stop been so dubious and give it a go also, you too could be nicely surprised :D
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Was it made for t.v.?
mylucylumpkins26 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
If Wes Craven was to try his hand at a zombie film, this would be the end result, and I sincerely mean it was that bad. One part in particular brings this to mind, the people getting pulled through the bathroom mirror, just like the mother getting pulled through the window at the end of the original Nightmare on Elm Street. The cheesy teen drama and the 80's guitar ballads were so appropriate. Why not just call in Nightmare on the Plane. At the end of the film, somewhere between zombies flying through the air and the captain's head bursting like a water balloon, I began to believe this is probably the worst zombie film I can recall, apart from Night of The Living Dead 3D. With the Halloween shop gory effects and the acting, which was a step bellow a preschool presentation, it leaves me wondering why I rented this film, even if it was free. I'm sure I could have seen it on SyFy or Chiller.
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"Bloody" Marvellous!
Amel1a15 April 2007
Can't believe a previous poster is nit-picking over firing machine guns on planes/decompression etc - It's a ZOMBIE flick, not a documentary FFS! in other words, the filmmakers have decided to diverge somewhat from reality.

Go watch this - it's a fantastic mixture of zombie and air-plane disaster film. It'll give you a few frights, loads of laughs and that's more than a lot of other films. If you're looking for the perfect film to see with your friends & choke on your popcorn - this is the baby!

Just don't expect it to turn up anytime soon as an in-flight movie, OK...
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Not a bad film (for a movie based around a pun)
bowmanblue10 November 2014
Okay, so pretty much any zombie-fan will know about George A Romero's classic 'Night of the Living Dead.' There have been many imitations. Here we have one that goes as far as to try and rhyme its title for added effect. The result – so-so.

I'll start by saying that 'FLIGHT of the Living Dead' is no classic. Any zombie movie today always has to fight to get noticed among the dozens of undead offerings we find released straight to DVD. So... what has this one got that makes it worth the watch? The answer... no much really. But that doesn't mean it's all together bad. The title alone basically tells you everything you need to know about the plot. A plane. A toxic outbreak on board. Zombies. Before I watched it I did kind of wonder how they could drag out a film set in such a confined space to an hour and a half – even the biggest jumbo jets would soon find every last inch crammed by flesh-eating ghouls pretty quickly. However, the film-makers have done a reasonable job of making things believable.

The first half of the film introduces us to the characters (and reinforces what little plot there is). Basically, the plane is populated by stereotypes. You will probably guess the fate of most of them, but there are a couple which actually stand out as people you'd root for (ironically, one of the best characters is a prisoner who's on his way to jail!). And that's enough for this sort of film. It basically scrapes through on character traits. The plot is wafer-thin and the gore is nothing that you haven't seen before.

Like I said, it's no classic, but if you're in the mood for (yet another) zombie film and you're in a forgiving mood, then this one might fill an hour and a half of your life.

For me, the only part I really rolled my eyes at were when the undead – somehow – managed to 'punch through' the floor of the plane in order to climb out of the 'hold' and get into the cabin to feast on the passengers. Next time I'm on a plane I'll be a little worried when I'm taking my seat if I think the floor beneath my feet could give way so easily!
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The dead find a new way to corner the living.
Someguysomwhere14 April 2007
Now that the producers of zombie movies have done it in the air, is there any place left where they haven't done it? What about underwater? They could use the same script but on a submarine. I dunno, though. I think hysterical civilian passengers trump hysterical sailors. Still, it's a thought.

This movie seemed a little too long for me. I guess there wasn't enough humor and real scares. The producers needed to either cut 15 minutes where nothing was funny or scary or re-do some of these scenes. About 3 quarters into this thing (maybe earlier), I got weary. After all, one can take just so much "Grrr! Grrr! Grrr!" -or whatever the hell these undead were saying- until they become tedious.

I'm giving this movie 4 stars out of 10 (one of the stars is for Kristen Kerr who should immediately be signed up for toothpaste commercials) which means that if you don't catch it, it's no great loss. I suspect that early teens will find this more interesting than the rest of us seasoned horror fans. I don't want to mislead you, however, it DID have some winning moments (Alas! Too few!) so it's not a complete dud. Check it out if someone offers to pay your way. You'll get a chuckle or two, and about three-quarters in, a little nap time. Love, Boloxxxi.
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