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Exiled rocks
hkauteur4 November 2006
I had the fortunate opportunity to see this at the Toronto International Film Festival. Johnnie To and actress Josie Ho came to the first screening at TIFF to present the film. I am afraid To is more comfortably vocal in the interviews on his DVDs.

To begin, the film is not a sequel to The Mission. It is the same general cast with a new actors telling a completely different story with different characters. It is however, in very much in the spirit of The Mission. The good news however is that Exiled rocks. The film starts with a hand knocking on the door. A baby is crying in the background and a woman opens the door. Two men ask for a man named Wo. The woman claims she has never heard of him. The two men, who are assigned to protect Wo, leave. The door is knocking again and another pair of men ask for Wo. The woman claims she has never heard of him once again and shuts the door. The two men have been assigned to kill Wo. The four men meet and wait. Wo pulls in on the street in a truck. The film is done in such dramatic simplicity it does not need translation. And that's a sample of what Exiled is all about. The tension is on for shot one and things move only with a purpose.

These actors all are the character actors of Hong Kong; they usually don't' get lead roles and play supporting roles or lead villains. To uses them to their potential in this. Even though you wouldn't classify any of them as being a star or physically good-looking it is astonishing how much presence each of these actors take up on the screen. There's a part in the film where a police car pulls up to a conflict between the hit men in the film, two of these actors turn around and look at the police car and it gave me goosebumps. Beneath each of these five men who are cold-blooded killers underlies a deep sentimentality and it is felt throughout the film. Between these men, actions speak more than words. Anthony Wong, Lam Suet, Nick Cheung Ka Fai and Roy Cheung play their roles with an underplayed subtle intensity. Francis Ng is between explosive and withheld intensity. The five actors play well together, in the film's dramatic and comedic moments. It's nice to see Simon Yam play a clumsy over-the-top gangster boss after the two Electionfilms. Something to note amongst the actors is Josie Ho as Nick Cheung's wife with a baby which works as the driving force for the entire film. Ho's performance feels real. It is also a surprise because To's films usually are about men and women rarely take a stand but it's nice to see that change now finally. A question asked to the cast at the Venice Film Festival if it was possible that any of the cast members be nominated for acting awards, to which the cast reminded the press that they are an ensemble cast. Each member is just a part of the team and they are working together to reach the same goal. Each member of the team are very good actors in their own right but sadly that makes it harder for each of them to be nominated individually for an award. However in Exiled's case, they do succeed as an ensemble.

The gunfights are phenomenal. I truly believe that even though everyone else have recently caught up; Hong Kong still leads the trend in action film-making. I do not mean that in terms of scale but rather the innovation and effort that goes into these action sequences. What really comes out in the gunfights in Exiled is how closequarters the gunfights actually are. These are multiple gun men in Mexican standoffs shooting at each other closequarters in claustrophobic Macau spaces. At Venice, one of the actors conversed with an American reporter and asked him how gunfights would be set up in Hollywood. The reporter looked back and said, "They wouldn't. There wouldn't set it up like this." I have to say I believe that is true as you literally see the gunpowder flying into the actor's faces.

The film is a film designed to garner more international attention for To it seems but there is nothing wrong with that. If anything, Johnnie To has earned all this; being one of the most consistent HK directors and one of the major reminders of what Hong Kong films are all about. Exiled is not new territory for Johnnie To. It is a combination of all the good elements from Johnnie To films, which include underplayed acting, dormant action set-pieces, empty night spaces, well-fleshed characters, boyish immaturity ^^ and a dark quirky sense of humor. It'll be familiar to fans, but again, Johnnie To has given us enough good films to make this. Exiled hits all those notes but some may say that the film does stray in the second act. I say, it's all in good fun. Hell, it's better.
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A Nutshell Review: Exiled
DICK STEEL21 October 2006
Johnny To has returned with yet another HK gangland movie following his Election movies, and with the casting of the usual suspects in lead roles, it might, to some, become quite tiresome after a while. Not that the actors are bad in their roles, but perhaps with too much familiarity too soon, it may become difficult to tell one apart from the other, or at least character wise.

Nick Cheung plays Wo, a man exiled for his misdeed against Boss Fay (Simon Yam), and who has returned and settled down in Macau with is wife (Josie Ho) and infant child. Sent to finish Wo off is Anthony Wong's Blaze, and Fat (Suet Lam). However, standing in their way is Tai (Francis Ng) and Cat (Roy Cheung), who will not let their buddy go down without a fight. In truth, all of them were buddies once, and having some sent on a mission to finish off another, this broke down their relationship, becoming a decision of forsaking personal friendship for the call of duty.

And it is precisely the themes of brotherhood, loyalty and honour that make this film a worthwhile watch, despite its clichés in characters and familiar actors taking on the roles. You can probably think of no better other. Would you defy orders and give up your mission, thus transforming from hunter to prey, or would you seek a compromise in order to save your own skin? Triad life is always black and white - if you're not with somebody, then you're against him. Told in two distinct acts, it's almost like watching a Japanese "ronin" movie, given how the storyline developed, and the issues and dilemma faced by our merry men.

The film is quite 80-ish in presentation and storyline, and filled with plenty of beautifully choreographed poetic violence and gunplay, reminiscent of how John Woo would do his, but minus the doves and nursery rhymes and music. There are enough tension filled moments with its numerous Mexican standoffs, which to me are the highlights of the movie. The excellent stringed soundtrack playing in the background building tension during the calm moments, before erupting into a free-for-all, all-man-for-himself, who-shot-first pumping of lead into the air, keeping you guessing who will emerge unscathed. The pace is deliberately slow most times, in order to build up to the chaotic crescendos of blazing guns. And to some it might be a tad frustrating with many "poser" moments where the ensemble cast stand around, shades on, with a gun in one hand and a cigarette in the other, for good measure. They make good posters, but to the impatient, they'll scream to have things move on.

There are plenty of supporting characters like Cheung Siu-Fai as a middleman broker, Gordon Lam as an upcoming gangland boss, and Ritchie Ren's take as a sharpshooting cop. Again their familiar faces lend some weight to their roles, it doesn't add more depth as compared to the leads. Simon Yam is again the crazed and charismatic leader of the mob, with Francis Ng taking on a more subdued role together with Anthony Wong, who actually had the best role amongst the offering as the man faced with the colossal task of deciding where his loyalties lie.

Unlike Election with its political undertones, Exiled in my opinion steered quite clear and is what it is, a good old fashioned HK triad picture with heavy focus on friendship and brotherhood. Perhaps the only observatory comment made is the ineffectiveness of the police, more due to cowardice rather than corruption.
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As finely tuned as a Swiss watch
mcnally26 December 2006
I saw this film at the Toronto International Film Festival. Among lovers of Hong Kong cinema, Johnnie To is legendary. He had three films showing in this year's festival (Election (2005) and Election 2 (2006) screened together, as well as this film) and this was my first experience seeing one of his films. I'll be seeking out some others. Exiled is an incredibly well- constructed film. It's like a Swiss watch, with every scene precisely set up and choreographed and nothing wasted. To has created a self-contained world and set his characters loose in it. Set just around the time of Macau's reversion to the Chinese government, it concerns a group of hit men who come together when their boss orders a hit on one of them. Two pairs of men arrive at the target's new home. The first to warn him, the second to kill him. After a kinetic set piece involving three shooters, precisely 18 bullets, and the target's wife and infant son, the group ends up helping still-alive Wo move furniture into his new place, before settling down to eat.

The mixture of action, comedy, and sentiment is probably a staple of Hong Kong gangster films, but I found it fresh. The plot continues when the assassins agree to give Wo some time to carry out one last job to make some cash for his soon to be widowed wife and orphaned child. Things don't go as planned, however, and the film bumps along from set piece to set piece until an inevitable but satisfying end. Each choreographed set piece is set up in such a way as to heighten the anticipation, and you almost don't mind that none of these trained killers seems to be a very good shot. It's enough that they're all ludicrously macho, swilling scotch from the bottle and smoking as they fire bullets at each other.

Seeing this one on the big screen is a must, just for the sound. The musical score, by Canadian Guy Zerafa, veered between James Bond and spaghetti westerns, with a bit of mournful harmonica thrown in. It worked perfectly, as did the fact that the viewer can hear every single shell casing hit the ground throughout the film. Even the gunshots themselves seemed different from those in American films, with less blast and more metallic sounds. It certainly helped create atmosphere. While this and the choreographed gunplay never let you forget you're watching a created thing rather than any semblance of reality, that actually made me more appreciative of the creator. He's certainly created another Johnnie To fan.
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Lo Mein Western
frankenbenz13 September 2008
Mainstream Asian cinema owes as much to Hollywood as mainstream cinema anywhere in the world. Hollywood perfected cinematic storytelling in the 30's and 40's and its influence is still present in practically everything we watch. The transition from Hong Kong to Hollywood has elevated (or destroyed, depending who you ask) the careers of many directors and actors: Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, John Woo and Tsui Hark to name a few. To his credit, one director has avoided the calling of the West and remained in Hong Kong not only to buoy HK cinema, but also to redefine himself as perhaps the most interesting of all mainstream Asian filmmakers.

Johnny To may be the only HK filmmaker who possibly owes as much to Jean-Luc Godard as he does to Hollywood. As such, the similarities between To's films and Tarantino's are impossible to disregard and, like Tarantino, To elevates the tired clichés and conventions of genre pics (the same traits John Woo is (sac)religiously married to) into revisionist works of art. But To's influences don't begin and end with Godard and Exiled hammers this home since it is crammed full of references to Leone's famous Spaghetti Westerns and also to the classic John Ford Westerns that made John Wayne a household name. Make no mistake about it, Exiled is a Western and even though it masquerades as a HK triad shoot em' up, every single detail on the screen is cherry picked from Westerns.Exiled is a good example of how a film can, at first, smack of familiarity before taking off on a fresh, uncharted flight of fiction. Despite a few clunky sequences and some thin writing, Exiled will not only be hailed by To fans as one of his best films, it will also find converts thanks to its Triad trimmings (and those in search of a post-modern Western).

In Exiled, the premise of a typical gangland hit evolves into a blossoming character study of five friends whose pasts unfold in increments alongside the growing chaos of present circumstances. While gun play cracks throughout, To's style is nothing like Woo's, where, instead of making the action the proud centerpiece, To uses it sparingly as an infrequent catalyst to propel our protagonists story arc from one escalating situation to the next. That's not to say the action isn't palpable, but the action is merely a flash of style that's deliberately trumped by the predominant substance throughout. Exiled makes a strong case that if John Woo were to permanently abandon the West for his homeland, he'd have some catching up to do with the current king of Kong.

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A real cinematic treat
fertilecelluloid28 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Hyper-stylized, sombre gangster drama is, for mine, Johnnie To's best since "A Hero Never Dies" -- not that I'm discounting "The Mission", "Running Out Of Time" or "Election"; I simply enjoyed this pic so much and am still basking in its post-screening radiation.

Stunningly photographed (by Siu-keung Cheng)and directed with deft visual brush strokes, it is the simple story of men cornered by progress and rampant corruption in Macau, a truly stunning setting expertly exploited by To.

Both the quieter character moments and the operatic firestorms are visually and aurally breathtaking. A hospital shoot-out is brilliantly staged and manages to feel fresh in To's capable hands. The musical score, courtesy of Dave Klotz and Guy Zerafa, is a revelation, and coats the film in a thick, exotic resin that enhances every emotion.

The performances are exemplary, and it was so great to see Simon Yam, Anthony Wong and Roy Cheung at the height of their powers. Kudos must also be bestowed on the talented and gorgeous Josie Ho, who makes the most of a subsidiary role.

Other notable sequences include a shoot-out with police in a sunny field, an assault on an apartment complex, and the bloody, audacious climax that caps a real cinematic treat.
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Stylished Violence
evileyereviews5 August 2010
So stylish was Exiled that the Italians must be jealous, with Sergio Leone buzzing in his grave. A simple story set in Macau, the restrained dialog and general lack of facial expressions cannot diminish the loyalty that these men have towards each other, even when they have been ordered to act otherwise. Between wonderfully orchestrated concerts of claustrophobic bullet symphonies are beautifully drawn out scenes utilizing the mundane aspects of life to help further the bonds of ancient friendships. And all of this, action and drama alike, drawn forth by the devils of fate, where one can either choose his fate or be torn apart through lack of choice. The acting was great for what this was, with the wickedly beautiful Josie Ho acting as the mostly silent, secret force that foments the deadly events to come. Johnny To's direction was phenomenal in his ability to allow things to come together almost by fate. Everything about this film oozes a style reminiscent of John Woo though a step ahead of even this master of action.
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not a prequel nor a sequel
dumsumdumfai16 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Stylistically this movie is perfect. But what a strange style ?! a kind of Hong Kong action Western?? Again, Johnnie To shows his craft in building up and letting go of tension like the back of his hand. Supported by almost the same cast as "The Mission", with a story line that is secondary to the display of choreography. Yet there are successful use of little devices (like photography, coin, a baby charm ..et)to seeds sentiment and replace dialogue. There is obvious and not so obvious comic relief from various characters and maybe some foreshadowing/symbolism(?) from 2 minor women characters.

The are a few action set pieces, the distinct ones being near the beginning in an atrium, another soon to follow in the back stairwells of a apartment complex. The sound is amazing. The score is kind of American Western like, and so is the tough gangster kind of sentiments that can usually be found in of Hong Kong action films.
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Reminds us of all those French gangster/Italian Spaghetti Western flicks of the 60's/70's
fongyellowsandyfield22 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Exiled (a.k.a. Fong Juk) makes me feel as if the memorable French gangster/Italian Spaghetti Western genre is being revisited.

Director Johnny To has the wisdom to reunite the same 4 out of the 5 main actors in The Mission, his 1999 gangster classic. For some unknown reason one actor was left out and substituted by Nick Cheung (playing Wo in this movie). It seems a pity to me because, not saying Nick Cheung is no good, the original cast of five could have made it possible for making Exiled a genuine sequel to The Mission.

As it stands, Exiled tells a self-contained story (not exactly well-written but reasonable enough as a vehicle for the excellent gunfights it stages): When a Hong Kong mob boss Fay sends two killers, Blaze and Fat, after a renegade ex-gangster Wo found hiding out in Macau, another two hard men, Tai and Cat, turn up to intervene. The five actually know each other. In the face of Wo's wife Jin and baby son, Blaze and his sidekick Fat unwittingly agree to change plan, inadvertently setting things into a violent downward spiral. The final confrontation inside a hotel captured in slow motion is expertly crafted. After the dust is settled the viewers are abruptly reminded that what has just happened only takes as much time for a can of Red Bull drink being tossed up in the air and drops back down on the floor.

There are evidences to prove that Director Johnny To did not dwell in past success of The Mission, because Exile has adopted new techniques not seen before. Being made on location in Macau, Exiled smartly uses a lot of Look-down shots in overcoming the lack of open space provided by this former Portugese enclave some 40 miles west of Hong Kong. The exotic background scenery chosen gives people a surreal sensation, especially for those who know Macau, much more akin to what I'd get from those French and Italian movies of years gone by. The gun play action in Exile is yet another level above that seen in The Mission.

Although overall speaking Exiled did not surpass The Mission, mainly due to its storyline is even weaker than that of the already flimsy Mission, fans of Johnny To would still find it very enjoyable for the directing, acting, editing, music and of course, explosive action.
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Very slick high tense action drama
chrichtonsworld28 March 2007
With this tile Johnny To has succeeded in having an original perspective on the action / crime genre. He seems to be playing around with his gangsters in his movies. Have them act slightly different from what you expect. Perhaps making a little fun of them with their code and ethics. Or he genuinely thinks the world of them.

Anyway the gangsters in this movie are on a mission to kill an ex member who was exiled. After a intense shootout they clean up the place, cook and eat dinner. As they were all friends once they offer "Wo" the exiled one a favour. He wants do a last job in order to provide enough income for his wife and baby. The way things play out is a bit abstract and not much is said. Through the dynamics of the main characters it is obvious though that they share a bond. And that is all you need to know. Of course matters don't go like they planned which makes events rather compelling. All of the main characters are marvelous but in particular Anthony Wong. (Come to think of it, I don't think I ever seen him do poorly.) They show emotion without having much of a expression. As always Simon Yam is wonderful as the bad guy. Something about his look and charm that makes his characters even more evil than they already are. It is like second nature to him. Let's face it if it weren't for these actors this movie wouldn't work. It would have been average, dull even. The pace of the movie on the whole is moderate but when the action begins the pace is real fast. The action scenes are beautiful as they are stylish and intense. The finale is short but a real treat. Heroic bloodshed with a lot of blood.(Only this blood isn't fluid but some sort of red powder. Very nice effect nonetheless. Clearly CGI, but not bothersome.) Overall Exiled is an excellent crime drama with high tense action that I can truly recommend.
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great visuals overcome confusing narrative
Buddy-5119 September 2009
Good luck trying to make any kind of sense out of "Exiled," a largely incoherent Chinese mob drama that at least boasts exquisite photography by Cheng Siu-Keung and uber-stylish direction by Johnnie To to hook and enthrall us. In fact, so riveting are the movie's visuals that you won't even mind that you can't tell who's who without a program or figure out how any of the characters are related to one another in the context of the narrative. It all has something to do with a gang of assassins trying to protect one of their own from the very mob boss who has sent them on a mission to take the man out - but I'll be damned if I can explain anything more that happens in the movie.

Suffice it to say that with its meticulously composed, wide screen framing, its stylized action scenes - kind of a cross between Quentin Tarentino and Robert Rodriguez - its visual correlatives, and its dark, velvety colors, the movie makes it hard for us to tear our eyes off the screen for a single second.

Almost a textbook case of style triumphing over substance, "Exiled" is a true cineaste's delight. And hang the story.
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A highly polished film with an all round performance from its brilliant cast.
connor-cox2 December 2012
Exiled is what i call a stylish film, it doesn't strive to be realistic it simply wants to entertain the audience. So if you're expecting a constant barrage of action, you'll probably be a little disappointed, however the high drama and acting make this film very enjoyable.

The film has some well known faces like internal affairs Anthony Wong and Ip mans Simon Yam, both of these actors are great but i'd have to say Anthony Wong put on the most memorable performance in Exiled. Some of the action sequences are incredible, with dozens of extras in nearly every scene.

A précis of this film is, Very Dramatic and a nostalgic eastern action movie, I really enjoyed it and i think you will to.
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Exiled is a unique and worthwhile addition to the action genre
kevin_robbins29 September 2023
I recently revisited Exiled (2006) on Tubi. The storyline revolves around a hitman who decides to retire, get married and raise his child. However, his former employer sends two hitmen to eliminate him, but they cross paths with some former associates who attempt to convince them otherwise. As these associates, hitmen, and the retired hitman form an unlikely bond and reach an agreement on how to proceed, their decision could potentially ignite a war.

Directed by Johnnie To (Drug War), the film boasts a stellar cast, including Anthony Wong Chau-Sang (Infernal Affairs), Nick Cheung (Ghost Rituals), Simon Yam (Lara Croft: Cradle to the Grave), Wah-Wo Wong (Mad Detective) and Francis Ng (Infernal Affairs II).

Exiled is an incredibly enjoyable and distinctive gangster movie that offers brilliant depth, compelling characters, and fantastic performances. The casting is spot-on, with the actors perfectly embodying their roles. While the storyline is excellently crafted, complete with solid subplots, there are moments when the dialogue feels inconsistent and somewhat inauthentic. The action sequences are top-notch, featuring spectacular shootouts that keep you on the edge of your seat. The performance by the mother character in the film is outstanding and sets up a perfect conclusion. The unexpected twist at the end left me unsure of the outcome until the final scene.

In conclusion, Exiled is a unique and worthwhile addition to the action genre. I would give it a 7.5-8/10 and strongly recommend it.
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Like eating a very stale bag of your favorite snack.
dilbertsuperman24 June 2007
Unrealistic, plodding, stupid and unsatisfying is what springs to mind to describe this gangster flick. I found the editing to be very clunky with way too much dead time that continually wiped out any momentum this movie could get going.

The scene near the end with the river and the field on the opposite shore was comical it was so bad and so pathetically unrealistic.

An important thing in an action film is suspension of disbelief- this never occurs in this dumb movie- it's always you sitting there going jeez- like that could ever happen that's lame.

This movie is not slick, it is not high action, it is high body count but the violence is stupid, cartoonish and very boring.

I could not make it through this stupid wretch and wound up fast forwarding in the hopes it might have a good scene- but none were to be found.

Blow the dust off of HARD BOILED and watch that instead.
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Baby is hungry.
lastliberal31 August 2009
Johnnie To has 50 films under his belt and is becoming a peer of John Woo with his stylized flicks that contain smoking action and great choreography with magnificent sound.

On has to wonder how these people ever got jobs as hit men. They couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. It's just as well, because with all the shooting, it would be over far too quickly.

It is amazing how they manage to have a gun fight and then sit down to dinner like nothing happened, and then say that they have to kill Wo (Nick Cheung), but agree to do it at his convenience. Well, they are childhood friends, but orders have to be obeyed, they just don't have to be obeyed right at the moment.

What a finale!
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moimoichan623 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
If "Exiled" could at first appears as a cold style exercise that focuses itself on the mathematical numbers of five and two, the movie is at the end one (if not the) best Johnny To's movie, and carries within a incredible felling of freedom and melancholia. I think that with this movie, Johnny To archive to reach the level of the best of his older masters, like John Woo or Tsui Hark.

FIVE : That's around this number that the all movie seems to be build. "Exiled" tells the story of five men against the world, in five parts (that means five gigantic gunfights). But the logical of the number five is broken by one of the member of this gang of five : Wo, who left them years ago. The movie stars when he comes back to Macao, where his four old friends, his wife and his baby, are waiting for him. But the unity is already lost : when they met again, two wants to kill him, and two wants to protect him. There's no wonder why this breaker of symmetry rapidly died, when he refuses to bend over the mathematical beauty of the movie. The former gang will indeed try to find a fifth member (it will be a moral mercenary), but they'll be only four to finish their road. Anyway, the movie isn't rationally build on the number five, but rapidly chooses errancy and coincidences to makes its way. That's the way the gang also fallows when he lets a coin game chooses its path. It's then in in number two, like the two faces of a coin, that the movie will find its unity.

TWO : With the use of that coin, the exiled of the movie takes the face of the duality. The gunfights, if you watch them carefully, are also duels (even with multiple characters and combinations). The number two is indeed at the beginning of Johnny To's project, witch is to combine the codes of a classical Hongkongue polar (with it's killers with sunglasses and ethical from another time, its alway on the move camera, that shoots the killings like musical ballets, etc.) with the ones of 60's European westerns (...Per Qualche Dollari in piu is directly quoted, the atmosphere of the movie reminds the Peckinpah's ones, the OST is a pastiche of Moricone, etc.). It's like the movie itself is a cultural translation of Macao, the Chinese island where the movie occurs, and that has been a Portuguese colony for years. In that original mixture, the movie reminds me of "Cowboy Bebop" (an anime that also mixes Asian culture and occidental western in order to creates feeling of nostalgia and freedom) or of a reverse "Kill Bill".

But this cultural duality is like an echo of the personal style of Johnny To, that always breaks his beautiful gunfights with lighter and melancholic scenes. This fusion and complementarity of the style with its subject creates a great movie, full of freedom, that becomes magnificent in its last killing, beautifully seen through the eyes of a can of Red Bull.
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Passes the time well enough, but not a film I'd describe as a classic
Leofwine_draca9 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I was previously unfamiliar with the work of Chinese director Johnnie To, but it seems he's a man at home in the gangster genre, churning out quirky production after quirky production during a lengthy career. From what I understand, EXILED is a typical example of the director's style. It's a film with a so-so story happy to repeat the gangster clichés without adding anything new by way of plot or interest, one that benefits from the director's assured hand, which adds style to the infrequent action sequences. These are of the 'violent shootout' perfected by John Woo and, even if they do pay homage to gangster flicks of old, they're still fun, with only the minimum of unbelievable moments (what WAS it with that spinning flying door, anyway?).

EXILED is a subtle, slow paced drama for the most part, with interchangeable characters questioning their roles in life. In this respect, I found it similar to a Beat Takeshi film like SONATINE. Most of the actors are good, but they don't get a chance to register, with the exception of the two centrally opposed gangster: we have Anthony Wong as a sunglasses-wearing hit-man and Simon Yam as his vindictive mob boss. Wong, who previously I've known for playing bad guys in the likes of HARD-BOILED, shines as he gets the chance to play a good guy for once, while Yam has fun hamming it up in an outrageous villainous turn.

For the most part, this is watchable rather than entertaining; I spend some parts waiting for something to happen, and other segments finding myself pretty impressed (the late-on raid on a gold shipment is a very well handled moment as is the TRUE ROMANCE-inspired climax). It's not a film I'd watch again, and it doesn't inspire me to seek out more of the director's work, but it isn't bad for what it is.
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Bad Company
valis19496 April 2009
If you favor your gun play elegantly crafted and choreographed-EXILED is the film for you. This Asian action pix could have worked just as easily as a western for Sergio Leone had it been set in the American old West. And, Hong Kong cult director, John Woo has covered this same ground in many of his films. EXILED is set on the territory of Macao just before the Communist takeover in late 1999. Two groups of hit-men meet up again for a few bloodthirsty and challenging capers, yet we more than suspect that no one will get out alive. Johnny To, the director, has consciously placed the action in the forefront at the expense of the storyline. However, in these types of action/adventure yarns it is not the tale, but the execution which is of prime concern. The narrative is glacially paced, rather than suspenseful, yet the 'pink mist' of the stylishly orchestrated gunfights more than make up for it. In the case of EXILED, 'Style' trumps 'Substance', and it works!
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Has moments and fans give this a rating far too high
imdb-2382126 July 2020
Two men lie in wait for another to return home to kill him under orders of a gang boss. Two more wish to protect him. It becomes clear soon that all were friends in the past. And almost immediately the film loses its solid start when the quintet start to drop bullets to the floor before beginning their match, as if this is some type of ridiculous honor code. And from there, you have really good moments that get stuck in these plot devices or styles that take you out of the movie and question what just happened.

That's not to say I didn't enjoy the film to a reasonable degree. If you've seen HK action films it follows the earlier trend just like Hollywood sometimes makes them with far too much attention to style, which often feels wrong. People just don't act the way they do in parts of this film. The acting is good and, for the most part, what saves this film. While this film is rated less than Vengeance, I find the latter much better than this one and even that was more realistic.

I didn't think that Wo's wife was an effective actress and as the film moves on, a plot twist develops which took a pretty good film into a wrong turn and ended up in typical HK style and a poor, lazy resolution. The high ratings are clearly fans who just love this overstyled genre but, if you're not one of them, don't expect the masterpiece they are selling. A fairly enjoyable thriller that you'll soon forget after viewing.
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HK Neo Reviews: Exiled
webmaster-301716 March 2011
A fitting homage to himself – Johnnie To…

Johnnie To is a heck of an amazing director and without a single question of doubt, Exiled is very much a movie that is all about himself – Johnnie To. It doesn't really make a difference as to whether or not this movie is a sequel to The Mission, as it stands on its own feet more than adequate enough. Exiled is a perfect example of a Johnnie To movie and perhaps a movie that is paying homage to his vast library of work. The action is stylish, the actors are well drawn and indeed the direction is almost perfect. It certainly isn't To's most important movie, but Exiled shares a lot of his themes. With an outstanding cast, ranging from leading roles to cameo performances, To have created a movie dream for his fans. Those that never liked To's crime thriller, will not have their opinion turned around, but for people like Neo, it is a beautiful experience.

The movie goes like this: Wo (Nick Cheung), a gangster who went into exile for a few years after attempting to kill Boss Fay (Simon Yam), returns to Macau with his wife (Josie Ho) and their newborn baby, hoping to settle down. There he meets his four friends, two commissioned by Boss Fay to kill him and the other two coming to aid him. The five hit men open the film with a carefully designed gunfight that brings out both enormous tension and peculiar elegance.

It must be worth noting that full credit must be given to the actors of this flick. Anthony Wong showed exactly why he is one of the best actors in HK. The ease of his performance lies in his simple acting method and yet it is still so damn effective. There some highlighting scenes that involves the ever dependable Francis Ng, who is probably one of the few actors in the world that can overact and still is just as menacing to watch. A regular in almost all Johnnie To's flicks, Lam Suet is once again the laughing stock and his comic timing is all the more welcomed. Who can forget Simon Yam's expression, when he realizes that he got shot in the penis? A funny moment of cinema and when that can happen, you just know that Johnnie To is in top form tonight. Recent additions to To's cast of actors, include the ever improving Nick Cheung and the underrated Richie Ren. Cheung has definitely matured under the direction of this master of crime dramas. The movie moves along at a brisk pace and within every shot, you can almost sense, the art of Johnnie To.

Perhaps, I have been referring to the director more than about the movie itself, but don't get me wrong, this is very much a movie filled with To's usual trademarks and ultra simple yet effective soundtrack. What's so great about Exiled, is that you won't give a thing about whether the movie is believable or not, as the ride alone is so smooth and entertaining to endure. May be, you really have to love To's art of directing, before you can fully embrace the beauty of his work. Each gun shots remind the audience of an aspect of his past efforts and the shot of the red bull can seamlessly flying through the air in slow motion sets the tone of the gunplay. It is fascinating to realize that it is only in recent years that To's talent is finally recognized internationally.

All in all, Exiled isn't really a film that requires any sort of reviews, as it is very much a film for the fans of the filmmaker. In some movies, you can always identify the flaws, but somehow, for this particular movie, it is seemingly impossible to do so. Everything seemed so perfect and even the impossible seems so possible. To have created something special and perhaps it is feeling that might not occur again. It is a movie that allows the audience to relax and sit through in an enjoyable afternoon and lifting up their feet onto the table. It is that relaxing and at the same time, allowing the audience to constantly reflect. Johnnie To loves the toss of a coin and seems to suggest that fate exists in life. It is ironic out about some extremely random or minor characters always succeeds in the world of To – the chick ends up with a bucket load of gold, when everyone else is down on the floor. It is an aspect of filmmaking that will only work in a Johnnie To's film, showing that luck and being at the right place of the time, plays an important role in the determination of your life. Exiled is a heck of beautiful film and by the end of the film, as ironic as it seems to be – somehow a smile will appear at the edge of your face… (Neo 2006)

I rate it 9/10

  • www.thehkneo.com
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Over the top and melodramatic
Cinematheque_Asia11 January 2010
I'm one of those people who will never get Johnny To movies. He specializes in "re-imagining" the modern HK gangster and urban crime drama by sloppily superimposing it with classic western mythos. The problem is Exile suffers just as the rest of his movies often do from over exuberance and a significant director's attention deficit disorder when it comes to keeping the audience enthralled like Leone or Peckinpah did rather than snickering from the implausible scenarios presented on screen. The character interaction in Exile is often cheesy, melodramatic, and while there is loads of charisma from the 5 HK co-stars there is not a single line worthy repeating in this review.

Exile obviously doesn't exist in any kind of real world but a parallel universe in which doors can fly off hinges and twirl around in mid air from the impact of gun shots. You also get plenty of mugging for the camera and slo-mo pose offs with constipated grimaces by the actors. There is also some obvious product placement (Red Bull) which gives the entire movie a ridiculous campy atmosphere. The entire experience borders on self parody and if it weren't for some interesting action scenes and good music his movies would be about the equivalent of made for cable trash that you would find on U.S. cable channels.

With that being said, even at To's worst his movies are made on a relatively tiny budget and look like they cost much more. So on a dollar per quality ratio I suppose he's pretty profitable and I can understand why HK studios shower him with projects.
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That can of red bull...
Quentintarantado4 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen this three times and I love it more each time. I see the nods to spaghetti westerns, to Scorsese (who last year just gave a nod back to Hong Kong for adopting the tone and look of the gangster films he made in the seventies, eighties and nineties), to samurai flicks. It's full of testosterone, the macho code of honor, boyish hi-jinks and barely simmering, under the surface homo-erotic subtext (yeah, you can call it male bonding, I'm calling it the most uncomfortable tag there is). There's so much sexual tension in this movie. Guns as phallic substitutes, a doctor getting it off with a whore (there are two whores? or was she the same one in the hotel?), but the men, they smile in admiration of women, they protect them, they never hurt them, they are gallant to a fault. Yet they can't seem to waste their seed making love to a woman. Their true love is gun-play and their compadres at war. If John Woo has his pigeons, Johnny To has his meals between unlikely comrades. I saw Breaking News, he had a meal there and he has one here too. And the ending. A can of Red Bull goes up, the blazing climax (even in slow motion, surely that's three, four minutes?), the can goes down. Standing ovation!
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Not as pure a piece of abstract art as "The mission"
harry_tk_yung29 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
While deployed with almost the same cast as "The mission", as well being similar to it in some ways, "Exiled" is a markedly different picture. The unique thing about "The mission" is that you can sit back and enjoy it with complete detachment, almost like a piece of abstract art work. "Exiled" is emotionally intense although the intensity is balanced by some near-absurd black humour. The background music, rich with Spanish guitar which blends well with Portuguese Macau, is as good as that in "Isabella" (also filmed in Macau) which won the best music award in Cannes earlier this year. Photography is beautiful, heartbreakingly so at times. Also, just watching the geometric wonder of how Director To positions 4 or 5 gunmen differently in each different frame is sheer joy, and reminds me of Kurosawa's "Heaven and earth".

For a brief outline of the plot, I'll just use the names of the actors for convenience. Quite confident that no elaborated background details are necessary, Director To didn't explain what's behind Nick Cheung Kar-fai's failed attempt to kill kingpin Simon Yam, which led to the former's exile. The story opens directly with four adolescent buddies if Cheung showing up in two pair at his doorstep upon his return, Anthony Wong Chau-sang and Lam Suet ordered by Yam to kill him, while Francis Ng Chun-yu and Roy Cheung Yiu-yeung try to protect him. I wouldn't go any further other than to say that the story line isn't really essential. There are two other key characters. Josie Ho, proved to be a serious actress rather than a pretty set piece for quite some time, plays Nick Cheung's gutsy wife with a small baby. An delightful surprise is Richie Ren who abandons his happy-go-lucky guitar strumming persona to play a sharp shooting police sergeant with dubious character.

As I said, story and plot is non-essential, nor even the characters. This is another successful exercise in style. However, trying a little too much to give the movie something extra (such as the lament of the dying warrior class, or a sense of absurd back humour) actually distracts from the pure stylish pleasure of "The mission", which seem just to flow out from To's creativity without any elaborate planning.
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Second movie in "Brotherhood of Assassin's" Trilogy
jimniexperience28 December 2017
Second movie in Brotherhood of Assassin's Trilogy

Tale of Brotherhood following two duos of henchmen - two sent to kill and two sent to protect - helping their old hitman friend complete one last job so he leaves money behind for his family ..

First Part follows henchmen protecting Wo Second Part follows henchmen exile and search for gold
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But it wasn't all that impressive really...
paul_haakonsen25 July 2022
Now, normally director Johnnie To does make pretty interesting movies, so as I had the opportunity here in 2022 to sit down and watch the 2006 crime thriller "Fong Juk" (aka "Exiled") for the first time, of course I did so without blinking an eye. Sure, I had heard about this movie before, but I just never had a chance to watch it.

And I must admit that with a cast ensemble that included the likes of Anthony Chau-Sang Wong, Francis Ng, Josie Ho, Simon Yam, Nick Cheung, Suet Lam, Richie Jen, Shiu Hung Hui and Ka-Tung Lam, then I had no doubt in my mind that "Fong Juk" was going to be a blast of a movie.

However, I must say that this movie was sort of a swing and a miss from director Johnnie To in terms of entertaining me. The storyline was just too thin and didn't really have much appeal. And it was shocking, given the impressive cast ensemble that was in the movie. Yeah, the storyline just fell short of providing me with much of any great entertainment. Sure, the movie could be watched, but it just wasn't all that impressive. So writers Kam-Yuen Szeto and Tin-Shing Yip didn't really managed to churn out an impressive script here.

Sure, there was a good amount of action in the movie, but it just wasn't sufficient to make up for the shortcomings in the script and the narrative drive of the movie.

Sadly, then this movie was a disappointment for me, and it is not one that I will be returning to watch a second time. Turns out that I hadn't been missing out on a particular grand masterpiece here.

My rating of "Fong Juk" lands on a generous four out of ten stars.
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I don't feel the story is coherent
tiantianmk27 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The beginning is epic - 3 close friends point guns at each other for different purposes and then get tired from fighting so they sit down and enjoy a dinner like in old days. The shooting and editing are at the top standard. But I didn't really understand why they have to do contract killing at that moment, since it is obvious that Blaze should finish killing Wo quickly or at least appear to do so or he would be seriously punished by Fay (or in a worse case, where Fay dispatch someone else to finish the job, and Wo would be in an even more dangerous situation). And that contract assassination part is also confusing since there are suddenly so many parties involved at the scene but their conflicts were not provided at all. I enjoyed the acting, editing as well as sound effects, but the story could have been better told.
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