"Doctor Who" Destiny of the Daleks: Episode Four (TV Episode 1979) Poster

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Suicide of the Daleks...
Xstal13 July 2022
A Dalek suicide squad embarks on its last mission, dressed in skirts of baubles and, destructive ammunition, Davros has the switch, the Doctor inflicts a slight twitch, and the bombs start to explode, with great ignition.
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Dreary Davros - Romana to the rescue
anthonyjlangford31 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Slightly better than the previous episode, (see my review) but that's not saying much.

The 'disarming' of the Movellans is rather a sad spectacle, looking more like amateur ballet than exciting sci-fi. They fall all too easily. They are no threat either. The fight scenes were laughable. Davros is still a caricature and the whole scissor, paper, rock game gets tired quickly.

One wonders how much influence Tom Baker had on the series by this point. He's a legend no doubt, but some have spoken about his interfering ego, and not being perfect, must have made mistakes. (Like George Lucas could do not wrong after the first S.W. trilogy). Could the director not reign him in?

However, there is clearly chemistry between he and Lalla Ward. Perhaps that explains it. He would go on to marry her after all. In fact, one of the highlights is Romana's fight with the Movellan. She brings it to ground by grabbing him on the crotch. Classic. Unfortunately it returns to farce again by the end as the Doctor picks up giant boulders, holding it over his head. Ridiculous.

The reality is that Destiny is one of the weaker Dalek stories in all areas. It offers nothing new or interesting in the Dalek universe. Resurrecting Davros after centuries sitting in cobwebs made no sense. They never explained how he suddenly came to life. It was a bad idea. Destiny is certainly a shadow compared to Genesis and weaker than any Dalek story from the Pertwee era. Unfortunately they wouldn't get too much better in the years ahead.
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Attack of The Holiday Daleks
Sleepin_Dragon25 September 2015
Part 3 is pretty poor, I thought this was slightly better than the last episode, but again there are way too many flaws, The Daleks had previously stated that self sacrifice was impossible, but now it's OK, so that's fine then. The Doctor says 'One race of Robots fighting another,' excuse me but the Daleks are Robots?? As for using Scissors, Paper, Rock for logic, it makes no sense, it is an illogical game, it's totally based on luck. The Movellan dance is not so good, they've now lost any glimpse of threat they had.

I've always thought that when The Daleks are strapped with explosives, they somehow look like they're wearing Hula skirts and all look set to go on holiday, two weeks on Miasimia Goria.

There are good points, Tom's scenes with Davros once again are really good. I love the camera work used on the Dalek creeping up behind the Doctor, it looks great, and the old hat over the Dalek's eye stork trick does make me laugh, even though it shouldn't have. Why did the Dalek explode, if that were the case how dangerous would a Hat shop be to an invading Dalek squad. Romana is also excellent I thought, I liked her fight scene with Commander Sharrel. The exploding Daleks look awesome.

Overall I have to say Destiny of the Daleks is a bit of a guilty pleasure, it's hugely flawed, and shabby, but it does have a charm, I see that it is poorly regarded, but it does outrank most of Series 17 in my opinion.

As for Part 4, it is a shambles, but it's fun and still very watchable. It's just undone by its own logic. 5/10
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S17: Destiny of the Daleks: Feels like wasted potential even if it is generally okay (SUGGESTIVE SPOILERS)
bob the moo1 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
By coincidence I had just watched the animated version of the lost Dalek serial that started the second Doctor's time. That had been a great story, with good use of the Daleks and interesting characters. An unfortunate timing then because, while Destiny is not terrible, it is certainly very limited in what it does.

After a comedy-regeneration section which doesn't work and seems unfair to the character of Romana, the Doctor goes to explore explosions in a quarry – finding humanoids, robots, and eventually Daleks in the mix. The plot has a lot of good ideas; it introduces the weirdly designed Movellans who are logical robots of great strength; it brings back Davros; it uses the increasingly topical subject of suicide attacks as part of war; it features the limits of logic etc. It is a shame then that it doesn't really use the ideas or explore them as much as I would have liked. Instead they are just plot devices as part of a dramatic plot. In these terms the serial still has legs, or rather it doesn't, in its main villains; especially when Davros returns – my memory of Genesis was of it being a brilliant serial and maybe they could do it again here.

Davros does add value as a character, and the idea of him being necessary to make the Daleks more than machines is interesting as part of an ongoing journey. Unfortunately though, the performance of both Davros and the Daleks is very much one-note, without the nuance or chilling edge of Genesis. This is not helped by the effects, which add to the feeling of this serial having a generally reduced ambition. The Daleks are not quite as metallic as before, but still have presence; Davros though already seemed lesser as done by Gooderson, but when you see him 'Fred Flintstoning' his way across the set it is hard not to laugh. The supporting cast are effects are equally functional.

Maybe I'm being harsher because of watching Power of the Daleks just before this. It is not an awful serial, and there is a lot to like in the base elements and ideas; I just wish it made more of the potential, and didn't feel like it was aiming for the minimum in quite as many areas as it does.
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The story that made the Daleks a joke and ultimately killed them off.
mbellfield7 August 2021
I hadnt watched this story in a very long time since I was a kid and I was hoping to find a new appreciation for it. However everything just seems to let it down.

The poor lacking script doesn't work as a Dalek story and never really goes anywhere and is full of errors. Such as the Daleks looking for Davros in a very open already mined doorway. How the hell haven't they found him. To random slaves doing short monologues about there life and never hearing them speak again. It's very similar to the problem new who often has where a random character tells there life story for no reason and we never see anything of them again. It's not good Character development or even world building it's lazy.

The main Dalek plot here also really ruins and contradicts them. The Daleks are in a war with the incredible ridiculous Movellans but both of them are stuck in a logical trap. The Daleks want to fire and so do the Movellans but either can't predict what happens next. The Daleks aren't robots! And this idea just makes them so pathetic. Just look at David Whitakers Daleks to these Daleks. The Daleks would of easily gotten out of this. By either taking a chance and just exterminating them, with the ship or with a small group, or the Daleks would offer a fake peace treaty to then wipe them out. The Daleks are cunning and manipulative. Here, there are just laughing stocks. Which considering this is the highest rated Dalek story with 13 million viewers makes me think this story is one of the main reasons the Daleks started to be terribly mocked by the public. The Dalek props also sadly look so damaged/tacky, and I don't think the light grey works in this set. The story suffers alot from poor direction and bad lighting too. Most of the time the lights are left in shot. I imagine the idea was the slaves brought them down, but this is on Skaro not the BBC cupboards. The direction is fine throughout, it's ok to watch but it's got some very poorly shot scenes. Such as the way the Daleks break through the opening of part 1, which is cool, makes no sense though and we don't even get to see a good angle of them.

Its way to focused in and the second Daleks eye is being blocked. There's also alot of floor panning up shots to try and make them look towering and scary. Script doesn't help, lights really doesn't help it and we get too many of these shots. Do it a few times when it's right and it works like in Genesis. Special effects and sets/budget don't bother me that much. I care for the story but as the story is poor it just adds to it. It's too bland and like I said before the lighting doesn't work for it. Which is why scenes like when Davros is discovered it's so lackluster. No build up, no tension, so darkness just a quick cut to Davros with a few cobwebs on him. Davros here is played by David Gooderson and although I don't like this story I will defend another actor from an actor's perspective. Yes he's no Michael Whiser and that mask and hardly working chair doesn't help him, especially when he's wobbling around like crazy in some scenes which totally kill the tone, but this story can't make up it's own mind about tone anyway. But he could of been a good Davros if he was allowed to play him differently. He's quite good at more quite moments/internal hate. There's a good little moment when he talks to the Dr about how he felt alone and nearly dead but he has missions to do before he can allow himself the luxury of a death. It's played quite well and it's a good moment of Davros trying to hide his true pain.

But sadly Davros too is completely useless and nothing compared to his last appearance. All that great tension and complexity of his ego/fascism and how he really believes dominant races must cause carnage to survive is completely lost here even the brilliant way of how the Dr and Davros speak and act to one another. It's all full of pointless jokes for the sake of it. Douglas Adams can write some great humor/moments look at "City of death" here it's more like a moffatisum of dark then joke because joke.

Finally the extras, absolutely awful acting. I know your excited to be in doctor who but your being exterminated. This scene is more funnier than annoying to me though as its almost as if the extras are glad and look for the best place to lay down. Later on one woman stops and then just dies. The Movellans are also hit and miss, some are quite good like the main speaking leader, some not so. Especially when they die and seeing how easy it is to disable one makes them totally unbelievable to me. I'm still shocked they came back in new who. Of all the excellent monsters you bring those back? But I will admit it was nice to see them. They still looked awful but at least they were shot/directed better.

Romana regenerates into the image of the Princess of the last story "The Armageddon factor". Which I've always disliked that Mary Tamn wasn't given a proper Regeneration. But there's a great scene in which she has a few body swaps. Something that would cause alot of petty complaints from those fans. I also really loved the 4th Dr reading his book about the universe and saying the writer got it wrong on the first page. Tom and Lalla ward absolutely make this worth the painful watch, Tom is giving it is usual comedy goodness and it's said to know this was around the time he was becoming quite nasty to work with. Toms a great Dr and a lovely man and he's admitted his attitude wasn't the best in the past. Sometimes you can clearly tell when Tom isn't liking the story for me. Leela being my favourite companion, it's painful to watch how cold he is to her, Louise Jameson is playing the lead really. But there was also times when Tom would always give it his best and fill a poor story full of goodness. Such as here. Lalla ward always tries her absolute best to make this story work too, especially as the Daleks interrogate her. She's great fun even though having the companion be just as intelligent as the Dr doesn't always work, Romana I think offered a good take on it. She's very intelligent but naive about other races and planets. I do also really like the inside of the Movellans ship it's cool looking and simple but stylish, but it doesn't really make sense why robots need a big sofa and tables. I did also like seeing the Daleks with explosives on them, even if you can see the man inside. I do hope we get a making of documentary for the Blu-ray.

Overall this story makes the Daleks completely unthreatening and more a joke, zippy voices have never worked for me since I was a kid. If I didn't love zippy as a kid I'd of been fine but the story just doesn't work regardless. There nothing more than ridiculously looking screaming pepper pots. Thankfully Douglas Adams would write much better scripts latter on and even great stories, it's just a shame he never got the Daleks right. Abit like someone else I know in new who. *Cough *cough "The magicians apprentice/The witches familiar". Id still say Destiny is better than that awful story because i can understand that Douglas Adams dint really get them, moffat is supposed to be a big fan though.

Rating 1/5 3/10.
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