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Very Pleasant Surprise- Much Better Than Expected (And the MPAA Sucks)
D_Burke23 April 2008
Adam Carolla is one of those guys you either really like, or really hate. There doesn't quite seem to have been an in-between opinion about him since he rose to national fame as co-host of "The Man Show" in 1999. I've heard a lot of bad things about him, and I haven't been the biggest fan of his myself.

That being said, however, I never would have expected him to write and star in a very smart comedy with a surprising amount of heart to it. After all, you initially think this movie is a rags to riches story about a blue collar worker who finds he can actually make it as a professional boxer. Carolla appears to have taken that now-cliché premise and turn it right on its head in a good way.

So why is this movie great? Why does it deserve 8 out of 10 stars? My answer: it's just very enjoyable to watch, and it has some somewhat unpredictable turns amidst the very clever one-liners from Carolla. Some of Carolla's lines I'm still laughing at even after seeing the movie last night. One of Carolla's best moments is when he gets pulled over by a cop. The rant that follows is just hilarious.

With all the laughs, this story has a heart that fits in pretty well, and doesn't make the movie too schmaltzy or cheesy. Of course, a movie about boxing wouldn't be complete without a climactic fight in the end, and this movie indeed has one. Without giving too much away, the way that fight ends is quite unexpected, especially coming from Carolla, but it was so sincere an ending that it ended the movie in a very satisfactory way.

I probably used the word "surprising" a lot in this review, but that's for good reason. It's a good thing when a movie comes along that you have low expectations for, and it just blows you away with its creativity and originality, especially given its premise. After all, you can go so far with a movie about sports. Take Burt Reynolds, for example. His most recent sports romp, "Cloud 9", began with a great premise, but ended up just as cliché as most other sports movies. This coming from the actor (and producer) who brought us "The Longest Yard" too.

My biggest grievance about this movie comes not from its content, but from the Motion Picture Association of America for rating this movie R. This was the biggest misfire on the MPAA ever. This movie had one use of the F-word, no lethal violence, no explicit sexual content, and no suggestive themes. It should have been rated PG-13, period. This movie could be the prime example of the MPAA's inefficiency and inaccuracy, and it's a shame that low-budget gems like this movie have to suffer for it.

As for Adam Carolla, though, his stock went way up in my book after seeing this movie. As soon as it comes out on DVD, I'm buying it for sure.
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A Knockout Film!
ryan-123715 August 2008
For being such a low budget film I was very surprised at how good this film was. Just goes to show that money doesn't make a great film; good story, good acting, lots of funny one-liners and a heart-warming plot do.

I definitely recommend that you watch this!

***FILLER*** aka blah, blah........

I hope Adam Coralla puts together another film. Its too bad this one went straight to DVD with little to no publicity. I've seen numerous films with huge budgets and tons of publicity which were absolutely terrible...........
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Sometimes simplicity is the best policy...
mnyman196528 July 2008
I rented this last night from Blockbuster, upon reading the comments on IMDb. I had been eyeing it on my past few visits, and finally decided to give it a shot. Yep, it was good, and I was not surprised. Adam Corolla is a smart man, he came up with a decent story and had somebody write a decent script for it. While I'm not a huge fan, I like his deadpan humor quite a bit, and he uses it to full effect in his movie. He doesn't play a character he essentially is himself, and it works, he doesn't try to act himself into something he's not. What I was surprised about is his athletic agility, I didn't realize he was so athletic, or did he have stand ins? I'll give it a second watch and pay more attention to that. All in all, nice simple story, no special effects, just a good low budget movie about human beings and a somewhat surprising ending that I won't spoil. Not that it is in my top ten movies of all time, but maybe my recent top ten. Go ahead, give it a watch and enjoy it. I did. Sometimes simplicity is the best policy, I hope Adam will do another one and keep it simple again...
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Not just one liners.
EXodus25X2 August 2008
One liners galore, but what else would you expect from Adam Carolla he's like the king of one liners. So many times in this film another character says something and you can just feel a one liner coming and bam there it is, and for the most part it's hilarious. Especially a scene at the La brea Tar Pits, the hits just kept on coming line after line just kept getting funnier and funnier, I do wish that more of the film would have let Adam loose like that. Even though those moments are the highlights of the film that is not all there is to it, it has a unique story with dare I say a message and a believable bond between it's characters. Carolla could have easily have delivered his lines and just delivered a standard comedic performance and left it at that, but in some ways he really develops a great character who is unique and multifaceted. OK, maybe that's a little too generous but he does do a good job as does his supporting cast. Yes it's a simple film, yes it's a simple plot, but some times it's the characters from those simple stories that we can relate to the best.
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An uplifting story told with great humor
barrym-923 March 2008
As one would expect from an Adam Corolla movie, there are plenty of the rapier witticisms he is known for, and there is a solid laugh-out-loud every few minutes for the duration. But, more importantly, the story is a really sweet, engaging and uplifting tale of a middle aged slacker who takes one last shot at achieving his dreams, or at least realizing what they are. It was truly beautiful, in the way he comes to embrace his life and mission. Also, credit to Adam's heavily-accented Nicaraguan friend Ozzie as his sidekick, the duo has something of a Don Quixote-Sancho Panza feel to it, which works very well. I'm an AC fan, but my wife is not, and she loved it as well. This might be the best "small movie" I've ever seen.
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It only does one thing well, but does it REALLY well
MBunge28 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The Hammer succeeds at the one thing at which every comedy should want to succeed. It's really darn funny. It doesn't succeed at much else, but complaining about that is a bit like complaining about a bottle opener not being able to check the air pressure in a tire.

The movie opens with Jerry Ferro (Adam Carolla) turning 40 years old. Jerry is one of those people whose life has sort of come to a dead end and he doesn't much care. He's a carpenter by trade, but he's not much more than a day laborer on other people's construction jobs. He teaches boxing classes down at the local health club but even though he's good at it, Jerry doesn't treat that like anything but a diversion. He's got a girlfriend who doesn't like him. His best friend is a somewhat simple minded Nicaraguan named Ozzie (Oswaldo Castillo). His truck is a piece of crap. He's a funny smartass, but sarcasm starts to get a little pathetic when it's coming from a middle-aged failure.

When Jerry gets Ozzie and himself fired from their latest job, he heads down to the health club to work out his frustration in the boxing ring. While there, he gets asked to spar with a pro boxer and ends up knocking him down for the first time in the boxer's career. It turns out 21 years ago, Jerry was a pretty good amateur boxer…but he just threw away any potential he had being a stupid kid. After seeing Jerry in the ring, however, an old trainer invites to try out for the Olympic team. What happens next is pretty much exactly the clichéd sports movie you'd expect to happen, where Jerry has to struggle against internal and external obstacles to seize their second chance for glory. There's the arrogant boxer who first dislikes Jerry but then they become friends just in time to have to fight one another. There's the young boxer Jerry takes under his wing. Jerry starts romancing a pretty lawyer named Lindsay (Heather Juergensen) from one of his boxing classes, but then she seemingly abandons him just before his big fight. If you've ever seen any sports movie about an underdog, you've already seen everything in The Hammer.

That doesn't mean this is a bad movie, though. That's because as predictable and pedestrian as the story may be, this thing is still darn funny. Carolla can't act a lick, but he's hilarious. He makes fun of just about everything under the sun with the high point being an extended rant about the La Brea tar pits of all things, with a bit of home improvement trash talk not being far behind. And while the humor is often politically incorrect, it's not all that profane or even crude. This is about as wholesome and family friendly an R-rated comedy as you'll ever be able to find.

Heather Juergensen also does a nice job in the role of "underdog's girlfriend". It's not exactly a showy performance, but consider what she has to work with. Adam Carolla isn't at all attractive and, and I mentioned before, he can't act worth a lick. Yet, Juergensen makes you believe that Lindsay could fall in love with this guy just because he's so funny and sweet.

When The Hammer veers away from humor and tries to be dramatic or heartfelt, none of that stuff works at all. Fortunately, there are not that many of those moments in between Carolla's deadpan comments.

This movie is genuinely funny and that's not a small accomplishment. There's a lot of unfunny comedies out there that can waste your time. The Hammer isn't one of them.
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A really great film
martinbblank22 August 2008
This film had a lot to live up to for me. I read a lot and had heard a lot of good things about it before finally seeing it. Inevitably, when that happens usually the film can't possibly live up to the hype. This one for me really did. I hearkened back to a time in film making when comedies didn't need gross-out scenes or elaborate sight gags to carry the comedy. The comedy just relied on good and funny writing. This film has it in spades.

First a little jag about the MPPA rating system. If someone could explain to me the, "R" rating, I would appreciate it. It seems to me the only reason - and I'm no conspiracy theorist - for it to carry such a rating is to kill small, independent film such as this one. It has no nudity, no harsh language (no f-bombs or closer), no real violence (there is a little blood in one scene but its surrounded by boxing as a plot point). Really, I want to know, why the, "R" rating. I'm pretty conservative but I would take my 7 year old niece to this film.

This is a romantic comedy. I would put it among the best in the sports-themed category right alongside, "Tin Cup" and "Bull Durahm". This film, however carries a much lighter touch after all it was made for like, 1/5th the budget and therefore carries much more charm and appeal as a result. I will say that despite the low budget it is far from looking like a low budget film. The directing is tight, the acting is very convincing and the comedy is razor sharp.

Overall I would say, if you are finished with the tired and formula driven comedies the major studios are pumping out these days and want to get back to a comedy that is very funny but doesn't have to hit you over the head with over the top stereotypes, sight gags and fart jokes, then, "The Hammer" may be the salvation you have been waiting for.
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A Remarkably Likable Film
Paul-27128 March 2010
This is a 'small' film but done very well. The low budget results in real sets and realistic looking cinematography but that doesn't mean done poorly. Just the opposite in fact. The look and sound of the film is up to any standard.

The story itself is, again, minor and just plain pleasant. Each protagonist character has a well defined arc which makes perfect sense given the movie's stream. The plot is simply a quest an almost middle aged man makes to find his place in society. He starts out a misfit but doesn't wish to end that way. Does he make it? Well, buy or rent this one and find out for yourself.

The movie is sprinkled with real seeming characters who act believably. That's its main strength. The other strength is really a negative one. The movie has no gross out 'gags', no or at least very few incidents of 'bad' language, nothing overtly sexual, nothing blows up, catches fire or gets crushed. As others have said, this movie doesn't deserve an R rating or even a PG-13 one. It was cheated for some reason by the ratings agency.

I strongly recommend this film for the entire family. It shows the building of relationships through common goals as well as resolution of conflict through means other than taking an RPG and blowing the other faction up. It's also darned funny and touching in places.
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Stopher-Johnson23 March 2008
Adam has commented on his show about the slight insult associated with people giving him good reviews and compliments with qualifying comments like "actually good" and "surprisingly funny", and followed with, "No, really, its REALLY actually good". Although I don't think Adam should take too much offense as I believe their surprise is a reflection on the low expectations of comedic films recently as much as those who may be surprised that they like Adam Carolla more than they originally thought, as Adam creates a character who is easy to relate to in a film that is easily accessible to many people. And the reason it is accessible is that it is a good movie with a good script and good acting and good jokes. It does not need to rely on what Hollywood considers a proved formula or proved actor.

The Hammer is a good movie. I know that sounds like a generic compliment but in my opinion it is really hard to find a smart comedy that is also a genuinely good movie nowadays. The story is original. The tone is easy going and is confident in it's purpose and saves you the pain of sitting through a comedy that tries too hard to be funny. This is not the best movie you have seen all year, but it will definitely entertain, make you laugh, make you think and you will leave the theater feeling like your $7-10 you spent was well worth it. The material is laugh out loud funny with some of the dry wit, creative complaints and analytical commentary on life that fans of Adam are used to. My wife, who is not a big fan of Adam, loved the movie and thought it was well written. She also enjoyed Oswaldo "Ozzie" Castillo, who is charming and funny as his Nicaraguan friend. The role came naturally for him as Ozzie is Adam's friend in real life and worked construction with him back in his pre-celebrity days.

It seems like all of the really funny and smart comedy has always come from someone who is given a blank slate and allowed to do more or less whatever they want without much interference or censorship. By this I am referring to shows such as Family Guy, South Park, Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Seinfeld and movies such as Anchorman, Ace Ventura, The Jerk, Swingers, Clerks, etc. What all of these have in common is that they start out being small enough and done cheap enough so that TV/studio executives don't care enough to get overly involved in. Or in some cases the star is proved to be funny in stand-up or TV but they are given a shot to do what they want in their first movie as long as it is done cheap to see how it goes. Either way, they are allowed to be original, daring and edgy without the people funding it insisting on the "safe" formula. The catch is that because they start out small, they need to fight to get a good footing and gain an audience. The Hammer is this movie that needs to fight for the audience it deserves for Adam Carolla.

For those familiar with Adam Carolla and his radio show, it is exactly what all the good reviews and discussion on the show lead you to believe about the movie. For those of you who don't know, Adam paid to distribute the movie himself due to the problems he ran into with distributors who passed on a movie that does not fit into a cookie-cutter formula. And we have all seen what "proven" box office comedic actors have yielded lately. There is a mile-long list of crap put out by the likes of the Adam Sandler/SNL crew, Dane Cook and the Wayans Brothers milking the Scary Movie formula as many times as the studio will let them. One of the main reasons distributors passed on the movie was that it was appealing to "too many" people and could not be easily marketed to a "target audience", which ironically is a negative for them. This is true, as many people young and old, mean and women, were in the theater and everyone was laughing. Half of the audience actually clapped at the end which is a rarity nowadays.

Therefore this movie needs the support of a good first week and word-of-mouth advertising to gain a foothold and be a stick-it-to-the-man indie movie victory. If movies like The Hammer don't get support it deserves, it is just more justification for studios and distributors not to support anything beyond the usual repetitive crap you see in theaters.

So do yourself a favor and go see it in theaters, and if you are reading this after it has already gone to DVD then pick it up and check it out. You will definitely see a good and worthwhile movie and one of two things will happen. A) You can see it early then tell others about it and be one of those people who "discover" a good thing early and can tell people "I saw it back when..." once it becomes a hit, like a band you discovered early and watched rise to stardom. Or B) You can hold it as one of those nice little "secrets" and you can be part of an exclusive club of people with good taste, much like a good Italian restaurant not many people know about and you are kind of glad people don't know so it can be "yours", and you can always get a seat without waiting.
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It didn't knock me out
tastyhotdogs2 September 2009
Finally found a copy of this in my local video store, about 2 years after it's release.

"The Hammer" stars Adam Carolla as Jerry, a boxing instructor who gets a chance at appearing in the Olympics after he is seen holding his own against a pro at the local gym. Jerry had promise as a young fighter but never gave his all. Now 40, he gets another shot at boxing glory. It's supposed to be a story of a down-and -outer who gets "one more shot at life" and therefore plays out reasonably predictably.

A bit of a strange choice for Carolla, who obviously didn't have to act his brains out in the movie but the mildness of the content and attempt at pulling the heartstrings seemed weird for a guy who's built his career out of being a loudmouth, sexist, racist funny guy. Some good one liners and a pleasant enough story but just seemed like a strange script for what you would have expected.
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What a Marvelous Surprise!
jhawk38-23 July 2008
When I heard Richard Roeper mention a movie starring Adam Carolla which had gone directly to video, I figured that made a lot of sense. But then he said he liked it and I was really intrigued. I decided to take a chance by renting it and was very happy I did. Now I'm sure many who review this film will use the word "formulaic" and they're probably right, but to some extent isn't The Godfather also formulaic?It's all in how it's handled. Carolla does a surprisingly good job in the title role and I absolutely fell in love with Heather Juergensen, who plays the role of Carolla's girlfriend/foil with just the right combination of sweetness, strength and humor. The other cast members acted their parts with above average skills and I honestly have to say I enjoyed The Hammer far more than the majority of movies I have seen thus far this year. Give it a chance and you might be pleasantly surprised as I was.
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Don't Trust The Inflated Ratings
mrtnn16 August 2008
This is really not a very good comedy. Although I have enjoyed watching Corolla as a comedian and on such Comedy Central shows as "The Man Show", this is a poorly assembled, no-surprise comedy.

I guess the real benchmark in a comedy is whether it makes you laugh or not. This one doesn't have much that even made the group I was watching it with laugh...or even grin.

There's no chemistry at all between Corolla and the female lead. A long, long, long scene at the La Brea Tar Pits just feels like the Woody Allen scene with Diane Keaton in the planetarium from "Manhattan". Redone.

I did enjoy the actor playing the Nicaraguan sidekick, but its not enough to recommend you wasting 91 minutes of time on this.

Sad to say I bought it from a clearance table at a video store. Something should have told me it was a turkey seeing the large stack of them for sale at $6.

You're funnier than this, Adam...I expected more.

One star.
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Comfortable Hammer
jon.h.ochiai1 April 2008
"The Hammer" starring Adam Carolla is a sentimental and sweet story of reclaiming one's greatness. Directed by Charles Herman-Wurmfeld, "The Hammer" plays like an independent film, mostly because it is. Kevin Hench wrote the screenplay for "The Hammer" from a story by Adam Carolla. Consequently, the movie has an autobiographical feel. Before Carolla became a morning talk-radio star or host of "Loveline" with Dr. Drew, he was a carpenter and boxing instructor. In fact he was Jimmy Kimmel's boxing coach. In "The Hammer" Adam Carolla plays 40 year-old Jerry Ferro, a journeyman carpenter, who works odd construction jobs around Los Angeles County. His good buddy is barely understandable Nicaraguan immigrant Oswaldo (Oswaldo Castillo), and his partner in construction. Jerry also teaches boxing at a local sports club.

One day after being fired from his job, Jerry spars an up and coming professional boxer as a favor. Jerry takes a beating, but drops the fighter with a solid left. This catches the attention of Coach Eddie Bell (Tom Quin). Bell enrolls Jerry into trying out for the Olympic Boxing Team, through regional competition. 20 years ago, Jerry walked away from a shot at the Olympic Team as a promising young amateur. So now at 40 years-old and fired from his job this may be Jerry's last shot. However, it marks the end of his relationship with suffering girlfriend Nicole (Constance Zimmer). Jerry finds out that he is contending for the light-heavyweight spot against young talented Robert Brown (brash Harold House Moore). Robert has a bright career in front of himself, while Jerry struggles to recapture the greatness of his youth. But Jerry is smart and has great heart. Also Bell's intentions are not entirely transparent.

Things begin to look up. Jerry musters up the courage to ask cute and smart Lindsay (sweet and charming Heather Juergensen) from his boxing class to go out on a date. Swamped public defender Lindsay agrees to a "day" date. Jerry and Lindsay spend a hilarious day at the La Brea Tar Pits. Carolla and Juergensen have a hysterical and natural chemistry. A perfect foil to Jerry's smart ass, Lindsay is solid and unflinching. There is a touching and funny scene when Lindsay kisses Jerry good night. She would have sex with Jerry, but Jerry has a big fight coming up and she doesn't want to "deplete" his chi. Their relationship is a touching surprise in "The Hammer".

Okay, "The Hammer" has formulaic "Rocky" charm and predictability. You have the requisite cathartic fight scene. However, it is its quirkiness and engaging natural banter that makes "The Hammer" so bitter sweet and heart felt. Adam Carolla has an easy and natural charm. He is great at embodying the smart ass and gentle soul of Jerry. As Lindsay, Heather Juergensen is the amazing combination of goofy and sexy. As Lindsay she plays it very smart, just flying under the radar. Like Carolla, she has an easy and comfortable presence. Harold House Moore is funny and charismatic as Robert. Moore also brings a refreshing humanity to the role.

"The Hammer" is sentimental, strangely comfortable, and refreshing. We all pull for Adam Carolla's Jerry as he hysterically and courageously reclaims his vestige of greatness. See "The Hammer". You'll be surprised and charmed.
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An excellent movie, Adam Carolla is a genius!
joeavino7 August 2008
I enjoyed The Hammer more than I ever expected to. Although at first I was quite excited at the aspect of an Adam Carolla movie, I was a little worried that it wouldn't be funny and would tarnish his name. However, this film more than lived up to my expectations. I found myself genuinely laughing out loud as I watched this movie. Old "Loveline" fans will especially enjoy this movie, due to his unique humor that we all loved so much on that particular show. I especially enjoyed this movie because Carolla never tries too hard to make a joke funny, as is the problem in many of today's comedies. Even if you are not a Carolla fan, please buy, or at least rent this film; you will not regret it.
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Great Movie
xxtreme-322 March 2008
This movie was thoroughly enjoyable. Adam Carrola is the Everyman of the movies. He is not Brad Pitt, Harrison Ford, or Mel Gibson. He is the kinda guy that represents the average Joe's of the world. The down on his luck character probably reminds you of any one of your friends you have. His life problems are also real. Hitting the mid life with some regret, we have all been there. And then making the decision to just go for it. I like these movies that have a real life grounded feel to it. Its billed as a comedy, but I would call it a como-drama. Its not completely silly, its like the humor in everyday life. He chose a good ending to the movie even though I would have also enjoyed an alternate ending to it. But still, this movie was well put together. Good Job Adam
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Brilliant Footwork!
ecarlson-1122 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
My wife and I just went to see this at the Burbank AMC. Now, she has been an Ace listener for a while, and she didn't tell me anything about the movie, so I was a bit skeptical.

But here's my take on "The Hammer": This movie rocks. Comedy, Drama, a little bit of romance... this is a couples movie, a guy's movie and a family movie all-in-one! The comedic timing and excellent give and take made this movie the one to see. The scene in the hardware store, switching from construction to sports stats was managed so effortlessly I almost missed the reference. Brilliant! The robe Ozzy made with Duct Tape was a perfect touch. The door on the truck flying open. ROFL, I loved it! The script kept us glued to the movie the entire way through.

We enjoyed "The Hammer" so much, we are taking a couple of friends to see it tomorrow. Definitely worth paying full price!
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It's Rocky if he never trained and went into construction
Zygo79-111 August 2009
I simply loved this film. I'm a big fan of Adam Carolla on his podcast you can download at if you're a fan of Adam Carolla this movie you will want to watch over and over. I only with there was a commentary track to go along with the DVD. I don't think many people know the comedic range Adam Carolla really has and there were parts in this film that were very heart felt and romantic. I cannot believe that this movie got an "R" rating, someone got screwed here. I would feel comfortable having my whole family watch this movie. I can't stop watching this movie when it's on TV and I only home a special edition of a DVD or Bluray would come out because I know there have got to be some awesome stories by Ace about making this movie.
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Better than I expected
Bzazi12 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
After watching quite a few newer comedy movies from the older 1990s crowd (Grandma's Boy, Balls of Fury, most anything recent by Sandler) and all of those really crappy movies made on the coattails of the 40 Year Old Virgin, I was glad to find a comedy movie that was actually funny and not just stupid.

This movie has aptly been described as being a "tweener" (ie. not a comedy or drama), and that categorisation really does fit. It's got plenty of comedic moments, and it's fairly light-hearted, but it's not a barrel of laughs and no one dies in it, so it's sort of in the middle. Still, it's a good movie.

Sure, there are probably better movies out there than this, but when compared to all of the crap that's been produced by Hollywood since the 1990s (both comedy and otherwise), it's nice to see that at least some good movies can get made without having to go to England to film them and wait a few years for it to be released in America.
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Great and Funny Film
copperncherrio13 March 2011
Follows a character based on Adam Carolla (my favorite comedian) played by Adam Carolla, and the movie takes a lot of references from his life as a carpenter and a boxing instructor. After he was recently fired and kicked out of his girlfriend's apartment, Adam decides try out for the Olympics Boxing, and as old as he is, he was quite an anomaly , but surprisingly talented ( a long left). He meets new friends and a girl, and life goes pretty well as he trains for the Olympic tryouts. The thing I love about this movie is that it's actually funny and sincere, with actual good insightful jokes and not just hijinks.

As much as I love Adam Carolla, he's not exactly the most talented of actors, he's stoic and sincere, but if you consider that to be part of his character, you'll get use to it. He has great comedic timing and execution. His type of comedy might not be for everyone, but do not be mistaken to think that this is The Man Show kind of humor, it isn't that Adam Carolla. This comedy borders into a romantic comedy genre without going overboard. Adam's rants and jokes are smart and refreshing.

I am fairly biased since I've been listening to Adam's podcast since it started, but I have no doubt that this is a great and funny film.
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Good movie!
ab18-133-23222823 March 2019
Give it a shot! It's a really good movie. Nice story line and good pacing. Sports fans will like it as well.
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Very smart, funny comedy that will brighten up your week
jboord30 December 2015
Adam Carolla delivers an awesome movie here, and there really is no denying that. If you're wondering whether you should watch or buy this, just do it. You absolutely will not be disappointed. This is a smart, witty comedy that doesn't rely on antics or head- trauma type humor. Instead, all of the punch (no pun intended) is in the jokes themselves, not comedic stunts, and that is why this movie feels soo refreshing to watch. The overall plot itself was totally fun from beginning to end. The writing is smooth, and there are some really great joke call-backs throughout the movie that land effortlessly. There are a lot of funny ideas delivered from Carolla that are both funny and eye-opening, as is typical from Adam's genius mind. This is a total victory of a project in every sense, and it's definitely worth a look.
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Carolla Carries It
fatcat-7345026 November 2021
This is an implausible story about a 40-year-old who punches hard. He's a stereotypical loser a few good decisions shy of finally getting on track. Professionally, he's just about to get his contractor's license after a lifetime of not following through on much of anything.

At that age it's very hard to match the athletic abilities of younger boxers, but with a propitious knockout he impresses a trainer just enough for the man to convince Jerry (Carolla's character) that he has a shot at achieving some amateur boxing glory, thus giving his directionless life some meaning.

It's best characterized as a sports comedy and it really works. Carolla has genuinely professional comedic timing and the creativity to devise funny dialogue. The physical gags and contractor humour also get some laughs.

The drama also works. This isn't just some stereotypical downtrodden melodrama boxer who gets a lucky shot at evasive glory. All jokes aside, this is a serious matter - a man reaches 40 and hasn't done anything he's really proud of. Should he keep on struggling? Should he give up and take what he can? Carolla explores these questions all while enjoying some authentically developed romance and friendship.

Along the same lines, it's worth noting that Carolla seems to have a far stronger and more nuanced understanding of the Hispanic community than Hollywood has ever had. It's set in LA, which is majority Hispanic, and Hispanics, along with their culture and sense of humour, were woven in expertly, respectfully, and realistically. Carolla's friendship with Ozzy, in particular, is both believable and touching.

I don't like the ending, but I guess Carolla thought it was the only decent thing to do. So what can you do, eh?

This movie stands toe-to-toe with sports greats, such as Rocky (1976) and I, Tonya (2017). It's funny, it's relevant, it's touching, and never with any of that Hollywood desperation to haul a tear out of someone's eye or extract some chepa laughs.

Honourable Mentions: Crying Fist (2005). Another Old vs. Young boxing movie with a similar ending. It's not as good as Hammer and it's a serious straight drama, but the production values are high and it has a strong story, so definitely worth taking a look at.
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This is a great date movie get the DVD.
aceman-736-83489212 July 2013
Adam is surprisingly enjoyable, but not ever offensive. This movie is sentimental and refreshing. The hammer is not full of unnecessary swearing, drugs, nudity, cigarettes, no berets or baguettes of bread or other cheap/lazy movie props.

Everything is relevant to the story. We all pull for Adam Carolla's Jerry as he hysterically and courageously reclaims his greatness. I say YES see "The Hammer". You'll be surprised.

Adam and the rest of the crew pull off some funny stuff but even more importantly the character development exists. You know who these people are without silly character lines like "You have been my brother for all of my 40 years".
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A great, well-written comedy
gregsal-5040923 August 2020
Based on the premise alone, you probably won't be shocked by how things end up or the story beats hit along the way, but it's still an original story that's very well paced and smartly written.

The characters are great. Adam Carolla basically plays himself. Carpentry, boxing, and comedy are all right in his wheelhouse, so it works quite well. Oswaldo, with his thick accent and charming good nature, is the perfect sidekick. The rest of the supporting cast is likewise entertaining, and their relationships with Carolla are all interesting, natural, and damn funny. I laughed out loud several times throughout, and was genuinely touched by the ending. I'd say they absolutely nailed the feel good original comedy genre with this one. Well done.

Also, I agree with the other posters that this really should have been PG-13, not R, and it's a shame that that probably hurt this great, independent, low-budget film.
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Right Cross
Intermissionman_12 January 2020
As a Fan of "The Man Show", I was happy to find out that ADAM CAROLLA was starring in a feature film. He makes me laugh, a lot, so off I went on Easter afternoon to see "The Hammer".

Adam plays Jerry Ferro, a Carpenter, who hates his job and boss, and lets him know on his 40th Birthday. His girlfriend moves out after finding out about him being fired. So he is down on his luck and feeling pretty lousy about life and forced to move in with his friend Oswaldo for a while. Oswaldo and his large Hispanic family try and make Jerry feel at home.

The one thing that Jerry has done well in his life is BOX, as he also teaches an evening Boxing class at a Gym near his LA apartment. Here he meets Lindsay, an attorney and city prosecutor, who falls for Jerry's charm at his boxing class. The Gym is a hotbed for some of the best amateur boxing prospects in the country. Jerry had some success in the Golden Gloves back in his 20's and still spars with anybody. The coach for the US Olympic Boxing Team sees Jerry easily knock out one of his top prospects and offers Jerry, still an amateur, a chance to make the team.

This is the story, as the movie deals with 40ish Jerry's efforts to make the team and change his ways a bit. He is encouraged by Lindsay, played by Heather Jurgensen. They do some dating while Jerry trains for the Olympic chance. The Oswaldo character played by Oswaldo plays a key role in the movie, as well and is Hilarious. The Coach, Ernie Bell, played by veteran actor Tom Quinn, also has a young prospect at 178, Jerry's boxing weight. His rival Robert Brown, played by Harold House Moore is a tough young fighter, who trains with and eventually looks up to Jerry. There are some funny scenes throughout the movie and the 5 main characters interact well and seem to form a team. Offbeat Humor makes up for a sometimes slow pace and a supposed small budget.

Many of the actors were involved in behind the scenes production and writing of the film, and I think they intended this movie to appeal to the BLUE COLLAR type of guy. They were successful, as it is a root for the regular guy type of movie. Adam Carolla fans will not be disappointed in the movie or his Boxing skills.
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