Evil Bong (2006) Poster


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About what you'd expect...
wuher_brewer2 October 2006
I was at Charles Band's Full Moon Horror Road Show a couple weeks ago and managed to score a free copy of Evil Bong, due to be released October 24th. This was the movie they were most actively promoting. Kristyn Green, who plays Janet in the movie, was in attendance and they were auctioning off a prop of Eebee, the evil bong.

If you're not familiar with Full Moon Features, they're headed by B-movie veteran Charles Band, and are mostly responsible for direct to video features the likes of Subspecies, the Puppet Master series, and Castle Freak. Full Moon's goal was to create low budget horror, sci-fi, and fantasy films while retaining a modest budget feel. He has managed to do that by using film and incorporating decent soundtracks to his features.

One part movie, one part marketing device; Evil Bong features cameos from several Full Moon features including Jack Deth of Trancers, Phil Fondacaro of Decadent Evil, Ooga Booga from Doll Graveyard, and I believe a jack-in-the-box from Demonic Toys. Also, it serves as advertisement for Band's line of extremely tacky bras, Monster Bras, that include latex mouths, sharks heads, or other excessively silly latex creations affixed to the cups. During the Road Show, shirts, DVDs, toy replicas of the Evil Bong, and Monster Bras were on sale.

So, just how is this horror comedy? About what you'd expect, not that great but entertaining. The characters are very stereotypical stoner characters. Though the portrayal of marijuana is not entirely insulting. After all, it is the bong that is evil, not the herb. There are plenty of marijuana leaf animated fades to the next scene, not unlike what they use on That 70s Show which gives the movie a sitcom feel. The soundtrack is pretty good. The actors give their best, but their best isn't very good. Bill Moseley, of Texas Chainsaw Massacre II, House of 1000 Corpses, and The Devil's Rejects, makes an appearance. Tommy Chong does too.

College nerd, Alistair (David Weidoff), moves in with stoners; Brett, Larnell, and Bachman. Soon, Larnell's special delivery arrives, a large 1960s bong from New Orleans the original owner claims is possessed, which he bought through a classified ad.

The bong is named Eebie and begins to take on more human characteristics the more they use it. Eventually, it begins to draw from them their very souls. That is when the user finds themselves in the bong world, populated by strippers both topless and in Band's Monster Bras, as well as other characters from Full Moon Features.

The bong's previous owner, Jimbo Leary (Tommy Chong), shows up to do battle with the bong if he can just keep it together long enough.
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Evil Bong: Exactly what you'd expect it to be
Platypuschow24 May 2018
Brought to you by Full Moon legend Charles Band the company takes on another character and have gone from killer puppets, a psychotic gingerbread man and decapitated shrunken heads to *Drumroll* an evil bong.

So a nerdy guy moves into a house with 3 stoners, when one orders a new bong that turns out to be possessed. If you take a hit she drags you into her world (Which is oddly a strip joint) and you'll never wake up.

Now nobody can say I don't watch some really weird films and Evil Bong is really up there. What a concept!

Clearly Full Moon had high hopes for this franchise as they really pulled the stops out, bringing in actors and prop characters from many of their other franchises such as the Gingerdeadman, Demonic Toys & Trancers. Somehow they even got horror icon Bill Moseley to do a cameo. Clearly it worked as the Evil Bong franchise is ongoing and presently stands at a whopping seven movies!

But is it any good? Well, no not really. Evil Bong is stupid in that it knows its stupid kind of way, sadly it's simply not funny enough to pull it off. Even stoner icon (Thats a thing right?) Tommy Chong can't turn things around and though the film isn't bad it's just not even remotely good either. Ironically this is the kind of movie I'd imagine would be better appreciated under certain "Influences".

If you go into a movie about a killer bong with high expectations, you deserve to be disappointed!

The Good:

Loads of Full Moon movie characters/references

Certainly original

The Bad:

Lots of licensed music, trouble is it's terrible

The structure of the film is awful, seriously a mess
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Evil Bong
Scarecrow-8829 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Silly nonsense from Charles Band who takes a very different path directing a supernatural stoner comedy about a malevolent bong with designs on taking over the world by stealing the souls of those who take a hit from "her." Plenty of bizarre hijinks in store. A couple of Band regulars stop by in cameo roles as those "caught" in the created world of the bong(..a strip club housing girls with fake tits, whose body parts tend to "bite"), trying to find a way out, including Tim Thomerson and Bill Moseley.

Three serial pot-smokers take on a new roommate, an amiable chemistry nerd who must save the day when they become victims of the evil bong ordered from the disgruntled wife(never seen) of an ancient stoner(Tommy Chong, working his usual shtick).

Very cheap production values as Band shoots only in two locations, the frumpy, untidy flat of the film's male stars(..including David Weidoff, as Alistair, the mild-mannered chemistry major who decides to smoke from the bong to save his love-interest, Janet(Kristyn Green)from within the supernatural confines of the bong's strip joint)and the bong's strip club. Some laughable effects include breasts that feature either a skull or shark heads with teeth that chew into the limbs of victims who think they are about to score with a chick. The show-stopping "highlight" would have to be this Zuni-doll, with a joint, that wacks off as a victim's neck is being torn into.

Tommy Chong becomes an avenger(..ha ha)with plans to destroy the bong. There's this really strange scene where the very sexy Robin Sydney(..her smoldering sensuality better visualized by Sivertson's team)goes into a "horny frenzy" attempting woefully to excite her drugged out boyfriend.
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Really bad.
13Funbags19 October 2018
This movie isn't funny or good. I can't believe there are six more of them.
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Drugs, drugs, and one bad ass bong
thejoo0511 January 2007
This movie is pretty much self explanatory, just like "Snakes On A Plane" This movie is these people who get a bong, that is nothing but pure evil, and it sucks in the people, into a "trip" where they are at a strip club, and things go their way, until they get like "killed" The movie idea, is pretty dumb, and the story is pretty lame, but the actors and the actions make it better... I'm not saying the acting is all that good, but its a movie that entertains any person who is a teenager and/or druggie. I never watched this while I was on anything, nor do I plan too, but I bet it is way more entertaining if you are. Definitely a recommendation movie for those who love to smoke pot.
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Evil Hooka: Simply the Worst Stoner Movie Ever Made
filmdestruction4 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is so beyond bad that it exceeds any "bad movie" worth. There are so many glaringly horrible aspects of this movie. The protagonist talks in excessively wordy "intellectual"-speak throughout the entire movie, each line dragging through your ears like teeth on pavement. The only "exterior" shot in the movie( the first shot too) is in the hallway outside of the apartment. Other than that, there is one other location: a strip club inside the evil bong. There appear to be more rooms in the apartment, but they constantly stay in the living room. The movie opens with the protagonist, who is never really written like one, looking for a room to rent. The three bros inform him that his room is really just the living room, where they all sleep. So at this point in any real life situation, the nerdy protagonist would leave since there is no real room for him to rent AND considering that he has nothing in common with any of them, namely a stereotypical stoner, a characterless loser, and a jock. But, then again, this is Evil Bong so he willingly moves in with them. Whoever wrote this movie is not a stoner. The writer very well may never have smoked weed in his life. The characters are not written like real stoners at all. They use phrases like "bro" and " let's do another hit." If they were, they might have noticed that the evil "bong" that they buy is not even a bong. It's a hooka, and a really crappy one at that, with a horrible ceramic face on the front that they all claim keeps changing throughout the movie, when it never really does. The stereotypical stoner is the first one to go. By the way, his catchphrase is "monkey" for no reason at all. He smokes the evil hooka and is transported to a strip club. No amount of boobs can save this movie. Though the girls are hot, the length of their shots provides ample time for people to walk in and wonder what the hell you are watching. When they find out that it isn't even porn, but a really horrible movie they are usually even more disappointed. In fact, the concept that this movie takes a turn for arousal is uncomfortable. Then again, there is not one moment in this entire movie that is comfortable. The only sex scene involves a girl humping the jock's leg and then jumping on a pogo stick, and is really quite sad.

Okay, so one by one they are led into the strip club (equipped with "bong vision" computer graphics constantly radiating on the edges of the screen) and they are killed by ceramic breast cups on the strippers bras that resemble sharks, skulls, whatever. Yeah, its that bad. So when they realize in the morning that their stoner roommate is dead, instead of calling an ambulance, they hide him under clothes on the opposite side of the room and contemplate dumping his body somewhere. Great friends. Well, I won't bore you with more plot details from the movie since they are altogether stupid. Tommy Chong makes his entrance a good two thirds through the movie, as if anyone would still be watching, and even he can't save it from poor writing. The way the movie ends ( tommy chong rolling hotweels cars over stripper's boobs) makes him look like a creep. This movie is not cheech and chong by a long shot. The makers of this film were oblivious enough to probably think that everything would come together in editing. They could not have been more wrong. The editing is one of the worst parts about this movie. A halfway decent editor would have made this movie at least 40 minutes shorter, but then again, a halfway decent editor would never have worked on this movie. The music selection is atrocious. All of the songs have lyrics, which makes it near impossible to hear the dialogue, not like anyone cares about that anyways. I am a person who loves bad movies ( Troll 2, Jack the Giant Killer, even Bog Creatures.....well, maybe not Bog Creatures) but this movie has no redeeming value. The fact that this movie is rated 4 out of ten is hiddeous. If you could give a movie a zero, this movie would give that zero a rim job. The opening review of this movie is titled "Not Bad" and is written by a person who has admittedly never smoked weed. I have a sneaking suspicion that the writer of this movie wrote that review. This movie is bad. It is so so bad. Not even bad enough to watch unless you are really really really drunk......but even then......nah...
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The bottom of the bong
BandSAboutMovies24 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Man, I can make it through some rough films but I really feel like this is the bottom of the barrel and then several levels below that. Like, this is somehow a sub-Troma movie that I'm mad at myself for watching, upset that I'm writing about it and even more disturbed that there are so many sequels.

The Evil Bong is a sentient malevolent hookah that takes its smokers to The Bong World, which has strippers and Full Moon characters like Ooga Booga, The Gingerdead Man, Ivan Burroughs from Decadent Evil, Jack Attack from Demonic Toys and Jack Deth, as well as Bill Mosely and Tommy Chong.

One of the bouncers within Bong World is Sylvester "The Predator" Terkay, a former pro wrestler and MMA competitor who finished second in the 1992 NCAA Division I Heavyweight tournament, losing to future Olympic gold medalist Kurt Angle by points.

I know that sometime, somewhere, I will force myself to watch Evil Bong 2: King Bong, Evil Bong 3D: The Wrath of Bong, Gingerdead Man vs. Evil Bong, Evil Bong 420, Evil Bong High-5!, Evil Bong 666, Evil Bong 777 and Weedjies!: Halloweed Night.

I'm already upset.
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At Least It's Honest...
baileycrawly8 June 2022
Much like Gingerdead man, which I reviewed previously, one thing you CAN'T say about Evil Bong is that it uses false advertising. You get exactly what's offered to you in the title and advertising material.

That, however, doesn't necessarily make it good.

Granted, nobody watching a movie called Evil Bong goes into it expecting to see a cinematic masterpiece by any means. To be completely honest, I wasn't sure what to expect going into this movie.

It wasn't good by any stretch of the imagination, but it wasn't terrible. It tried to be funny in a lot of places where it just isn't, and it tried to have some slightly serious moments that came off as comedic because of the absurdity of it all. It was good enough to keep me watching until the end but, if I wasn't a completist, I'd have no desire to watch behind this first entry.

Give it a watch to satisfy your strange curiosities but don't expect much.
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don't let the title put you off
mrsaffleck-227 April 2007
I read a review of beerfest where evil bong was mentioned and thought that sounds like the sort of movie I like to torture my hon with and looked it up, yes it sounded perfect. A couple of days later we sat down to watch it and it was just like it sounded, but in saying that I have to also say I was more amused and entertained by it than the last half dozen movies I've seen. The basic premise is into a flat\dorm full of adolescent male stoner\muscle man\surfer types a nerd is introduced, hijinks ensue, the difference is an evil bong that tries to kill the foursome by sucking their souls after a session. The acting was so so and the special effects what ones there were weren't that impressive but it was really funny in places and tommy chongs cameo at the end was worth the wait. So if you have a couple hours to kill and have had a big toke and want to lay back and veg watch this.
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Terrible, even for stoners.
josh-dangermouse1 January 2007
I watched this and was absolutely terrified at the level of acting and scriptwriting that 'Evil Bong' has presented.

Out of all the stoner movies I have watched, Evil Bong comes last, and it will probably always come last, whatever I watch, because this is one of the worst films of all time.

The characters are so poor it makes me cringe even when I think back to it, god knows why I even watched the whole thing.

I can even go as far as to say how offensively stupid this movie is, and portrays the whole marijuana culture as one big rubbish tip.

Even the star appearance of Tommy Chong could save this one i'm afraid.
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e-4042323 February 2020
I left my wife because she didn't want to watch this movie. Truly a blessing.
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Major funky
Tenchi6458921 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this in my local Blockbuster, and seeing that it had stoner movie legend Tommy Chong in it, I had to check it out.

As stupid as the jokes were, they were jokes that you didn't have to think about... those are the kind that are truly enjoyable.

I could probably recommend a better movie than this (Idle Hands), but let's not forget that this is a stoner movie.

I also just read another comment that said that it might have been pro-terrorism, what with Tommy Chong's character blowing up the bong... it's not. It's a lost concept called self-sacrifice.

Now for my verdict: this is at least a 6 out of 10.
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Huge Disappointment
skidizzle8222 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILER ALERT. If you don't want to know what happens in this movie, read no farther.

Let start off by saying if I could give this movie a negative score I would but for purposes of a one to ten scale it gets a one. First off there is nothing cult about this movie at all. There are no for last of a better term "real" stoners in this movie minus Tommy Chong who doesn't even have a real big role. Its just a bunch of stupid frat boys and a token nerd. Plus its no wonder the bong sends frat boys souls to the strip join for there punishment. Where one minute they get tortured, then the next they are having a good old time. No creativity was put into this movie. I spent a lot of time fast forwarding looking for something good to happen. Kills were lame and unimpressive. I found myself not liking a single character. The only semi enjoyable part of the movie(and its a stretch) was Tommy Chong's cameo. Personally don't waste your time. Its rather sad because there was no reason for this movie to be as awful as it was. Plus I've been a fan of Blue Moon Films. Oh well. Can't win them all.
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Pure crap
Macbrax8 December 2006
Do you have to smoke weed while looking at this crap to enjoy it? It can only be appreciated by weed smoking teens in the US. Pot and boobs does not make a movie. I have to give the writer credit though, he managed to put in most of the cliché's, like the nerd, the hot babes, the strippers, the jock, the surfer, a "cool" old man and an angry old man. Instead of the usual deranged axe murderer there is a deranged bong, innovative. However, the acting was not as bad as I expected it to be. In fact they all did good despite the script. Shame to see Tommy Chong selling out yet again. Also the very ugly American double standard shows, when Chong hands the nerd some "vitamins" to come down from the high. Weed is OK "vitamins" are not.

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Bong Eh Ma Jong
barnthebarn18 September 2008
Unique venture from Charles Band's Wizard Entertainment and directed by Band himself. The tale of a bunch of drug taking dudes getting hold of a bong that takes them to a weird 'Bong World' is imaginative but poorly plotted and quite tiresome. Cast is good, especially Robin Sydney and Kristyn Green as the female leads. Cameos link to other Full Moon films, Jack Deth finds himself lost in Bong World but fails to achieve any Trancing. Ugly doll from 'Doll Graveyard' pops up (kinda literally) and Gingerdead Man (here voiced by John Carl Buechler). Little Phil (as in Fondacaro) seems to be looking for vampires again and Bill Moseley poddles around looking lost. I suspect Tommy Chong was cast because of the obvious rhyming promotional abilities with him on board. Given little to do, he is (cue joke drugs reference) wasted. Not really a horror or Sci Fi, this is just another Pauly Shore film without Shore and with a vague aspect of what usually makes Full Moon films work. Witless, Charmless and Irritating in equal measures - almost sad to watch because of it.
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The antics and writing is awful and this movie isn't worth your time
kevin_robbins15 May 2021
Evil Bong (2006) is currently available for free on Tubi and is directed by legendary horror film director Charles Band (Puppet Master series). The story evolves around a group of roommates that like to buy random stuff off the internet and infomercials. One day they buy a bong for sale and are taken on a ride like no other. The film stars David Weidoff (Altergeist), John Patrick Jordan (Mad Men), Mitch Eakins (Glory Road), Robin Sydney (Gingerbread Man) and Tommie Chong. The storyline and special effects are an absurd mess. I think Full Moon Features was hoping to have clever lines and humor like Killjoy and The Gingerbread Man but it's didn't work here. The antics and writing is awful and this movie isn't worth your time. I'd give it a 1/10.
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Not Even Good By Stoner Comedy Standards
gavin694228 September 2007
After recently accepting a new room mate, three potheads order a bong from New Orleans. It comes with a warning about dangerous effects. And this warning is real: toking up will take the marijuana enthusiast to Bong World, where they encounter strippers who want nothing more than to take your soul.

Charles Band is a strange man. He apparently sits around, looks at random objects in a room, and decades they could be a monster. R. L. Stine had a similar method, I think. In this case, after puffing and passing, Band saw his bong and knew he had struck Acapulco Gold. Except that this film turns out to be completely schwag.

The writing is pretty good, as far as the one-liners and conversations go. But there is no plot (unless women grinding on poles is a plot) and the execution is just awful by the main characters. The only actor who was at all convincing was Tommy Chong, who was more or less playing himself (an aged stoner who has become immune to the powers of the weed). The directing? Nothing special.

We are given a glimpse of upcoming starlet Kristyn Green, who did alright as the main character's love interest. Michelle Mais does the voice of the Evil Bong, which looks mysteriously like the mushroom from "Troll" (another Band-Buechler film). There's Phil Fondacaro, who you probably just know as "the bearded midget" (another "Troll" actor). He convinced me that he was a bearded midget. The most unusual cameo is from none other than that jerk Bill Moseley as a strip club patron. He appears for about thirty seconds, makes a crack about being in the wrong place (I assume he means this movie) and leaves.

One appearance I can't even begin to understand is that of the Gingerdead Man (voiced by John Carl Buechler). Why do we need to have him in this film pleasuring himself in a world full of strippers? An evil bong and satanic strippers weren't enough, so we had to cross the line with a demonic cookie. Thanks, Charles Band. You're either a genius or nearly retarded.

I guess I found the film somewhat enjoyable as far as it being one of those "so bad it's almost good" movies. With no plot, poor acting and nothing but naked women, it's not going to be one of those horror films that end up on t-shirts at the next Fangoria convention with quotes we all love. Unless they use a line like "He destroyed the bong, but perished in the attempt." For some reason, that struck me as funny. But please don't watch this film unless you're familiar with Band and need his kind of pathetic film-making to make you happy.
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StanMakitadonuts12 February 2007
wow, this was super bad, and not in the good way, where the heck do I begin... first of all the acting was just terrible, especially the very obvious and cheesy "steve stifler" rip off from the American pie movies. This was supposed to be a comedy and horror, but both elements were missing, leaving the movie in a zone that has no entertainment value, at all. The "horror" scenes could be seen coming a mile a way, and when they came, they were severely cheesy, and unfortunately highly laughable for all the wrong reasons, I couldn't believe what I was watching for the most part, it was so bad, I beg you, don't spend any money on going to see this, if you have a friend who already made the mistake of renting or buying it, tag along just to laugh at how cheesy it is. It's almost offensive it's that bad, like did you think i'm dumb enough to enjoy this crap.......

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Good for some laughs.
Hey_Sweden9 May 2012
Stoners certainly have been fodder for many jokes when it comes to comedy. And this movie keeps up the tradition, with an appropriately laid back feel to it. It takes a while to get where it's going, and, truth be told, it gets tiresome at points, but does redeem itself by generating some genuine chuckles. Straight laced college student Alistair (David Weidoff) moves in with a trio of stoners, one of whom purchases a bong from a seller in High Times, a bong that turns out to be an ancient, evil entity (voiced with relish by Michelle Mais) determined to put the whole human race in a permanent stupor. It's up to Alistair to make the world safe for people who want the freedom to get stoned if and when they want. Sometimes this movie falls flat, but it definitely has its moments, too. A distinct goof ball vibe and an overall likability make it passable enough. It ain't no "Up in Smoke", but it ain't so bad, either. It's got frequent scene transitions that give it the feel of a TV show, which is silly but hard to dislike. It really hits its stride with the arrival of the perfectly cast Tommy Chong, as Jimbo, the previous owner of the bong (the thing was sold without his knowledge) who knows the dangers of the object. The young cast is amiable enough; female co-stars Robin Sydney as Luann and Kristyn Green as Janet make for fine eye candy, and in fact there's a fair amount of bare female flesh for fans, with some notable designer bras. There are special guest appearances from the likes of Phil Fondacaro (a Full Moon veteran), Tim Thomerson, once again essaying the role of Jack Deth (uttering the immortal line "Dry hair is for squids."), and Bill Moseley, but these guys are seen so briefly one will likely wish the filmmakers gave them more to do. (The Gingerdead Man makes a cameo as well!) Still, this is an engaging enough comedy - modest, to be sure - but easy to take and pretty innocuous in the end. Six out of 10.
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Had potential...but it blew it.
minfish8831 May 2009
I got this movie expecting it to be funny and trippy perfect for the stoned. with a title like evil bong...you'd think it would be good. unfortunately it certainly didn't deliver. It's slow, tacky jokes, the characters don't represent a real stoner. they're wrecked off one bong hit. you can tell the writers didn't know how real Pot heads act. =/ The plot is really dry, it's slow and worst of all.... it's not at all funny. Black people suit stoner comedies much better. The only good bits it when it cuts to montages of cannabis leaves with funky music. but yeah... don't waste your time on this film. if you want a good stoner film, go for Friday or don't be a menace.
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A flawless masterpiece
classyschallenges5 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A movie which certainly does not need a review for sure. Commanding performance of entire cast, all dialogues are already written in silver line, epic scenes and marvellous acting.

I would love to quote a scene where, the bong shoots smoke out of it and gets jimbo high then he proceeds to be a suicide bomber to kill the evil bong. It gives goosebumps, chilling and thrilling and what an actor this man is. Greatest.

Plus the director, man man!!! what a direction, everything is awesome, the class about this movie, you can't complain, watch it and learn leadership, importance of family, relationship, decision making and so on.
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Not Bad
filmbuff197427 December 2006
Once I put aside my resentment of upper middle class white youth who chose to have nothing better to do with their time than waste their parent's resources by getting high and probably failing college I actually got into this.

The story in a nutshell is three college dorm students who seek ultimate highs by purchasing and using a bong that is possessed by an evil spirit.That's the set up and I'll leave it there for those that haven't seen it yet.I'll say that the movie reminded me of Roger Corman's Little Shop of Horrors.

The performances were decent enough.I enjoyed the guest spots especially Tim Thomerson with his Jack Deth persona.But he was wasted in this because Tim Thomerson is an amazingly amusing comic actor when he chooses those roles such as that of the shock comic in Eddie Presley.I think the highlight of the film is the actress Michele Mais as the voice of the Evil Bong and Tommy Chong as Jimbo Leary.The rapport between those two were an absolute riot! You don't have to be a hop head to enjoy this.I don't use marijuana nor have any inclination to but still enjoyed this. Put your intellect aside and enjoy!
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As stupid as it sounds
Leofwine_draca22 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
EVIL BONG is a Full Moon Pictures movie every bit as dumb as it sounds. An evil bong is delivered to a house full of stoners (and one ultra-geeky hero) and proceeds to bump them off in ridiculously poor ways. The budget is non-existent, the effects laughable, and the film resorts to random padded strip club scenes in order to make an impact. It has to be one of the studio's very worst pictures.
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Hmm Evil Bong
Sittin_at_a_bar16 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
When I seen and read the cover to the movie I thought it would be funny considering Tommy Chong was in it. Well it failed this movie was nothing but a waste of time to me. The story of the movie just was to chessy for me. To me it just wasn't something I would recommend to people. The plot wasn't very good. It was like it took them a few minutes to come up with the script and film it. It wasn't something I would ever watch again. And Tommy Chong isn't even in the movie that long. But it makes it look like he is in the movie the whole time. The acting was kinda dreadful to watch. Now I am a fan of cheech and chong movies and all that but this wasn't anything like I thought. I will give this movie 2 stars. The movies wasn't like completely dumb it was just almost completely dumb. But if you feel like you would see it go ahead and give it a shot.
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Dude what
henryriley-137113 July 2021
Lolwut. Dude what is this movie Charles? Is this a cry for help man? Do you need to talk Charles? We're here for you buddy. In conclusion what the hyuck.
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