100 Tears (Video 2007) Poster

(2007 Video)

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Proves yet again that OTT gore isn't everything.
capkronos4 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Two tabloid reporters, Jennifer Stevenson (Georgia Chris) and Mark Webb (writer/producer Joe Davison) are wanting to be taken seriously as journalists and begin investigating a serial murderer known as "The Teardrop Killer," who has been hacking up people over a 20 year period but has somehow managed to elude the police all that time by hiding out in an abandoned building's cellar. Jennifer and Mark piece the clues together, which lead them to a flea-bag circus (which seems to be right in the middle of some junkyard) and revelation that the psycho is actually an obese, jilted clown named Gurdy (Jack Amos) who murdered a few people decades earlier before disappearing. Also disappearing around the same time was Gurdy's lover Tracey (Leslie Crytzer), who has successfully managed to change her name and live in the same small town along with her and Gurdy's whorish cutter daughter Christine (Raine Brown) for two decades without being detected. Other characters include a dwarf and bartender who know the clown's whereabouts and a pair of ineffectual police detectives (Kibwe Dorsey and Rod Grant), as well as various victims (a real estate agent, partying teens, etc.) who show up just long enough to get killed.

This very low-budget film (shot on digital) excels at one thing and one thing only - gore. Heck, during the first fifteen alone the body count has already reached double digits as the clown killer goes around a halfway house hacking up anyone he can get his hands on with a huge meat cleaver. There are cut off limbs, slashings, decapitations, guts spilling out all over the floor, a head getting stomped in and blood literally gushing out all over the place. These scenes are actually pretty entertaining and well done. Unfortunately after the first fifteen minutes of almost non-stop carnage, the film then tries to add the plot and deal more with characters and this is where it starts to come apart. In fact, 100 TEARS seems to falter any time it isn't being gory. The entire mid-section of the film is slow-moving, tedious and badly written, with uneven performances and a sense of humor primarily centered around farts and bowel movements. The ending is also rather sloppy, and the overdone gore scenes themselves start growing tiresome and monotonous after awhile.

A good point of comparison might be with Peter Jackson's DEAD ALIVE (aka BRAINDEAD), which has even more gore than this one but also managed to be entertaining and fun when it wasn't being disgusting. Jackson's film is also much more clever and inventive when it comes to creating new and original gore scenes, while the kills in this one - bloody as they may be - aren't particularly clever. Though in this film's defense, it only had a 75K budget while DEAD ALIVE's was 3 million, so I guess they did a good job cramming as much blood and gore in as possible. It's just too bad the other areas of the film aren't quite as strong. From a technical standpoint (cinematography, score, sound, editing, etc.), it's pretty uneven, though again not bad for the budget.

So if you're looking simply for gore and a high body count, then this will satiate your blood lust. However, if you're looking for a scary or otherwise good horror film, you'll probably find less to like here.
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Monotonous n tedious but over the top gore.
Fella_shibby3 March 2024
I first saw this in 2008 on a dvd which I own.

I remember the dvd seller guy persuading me to buy it n describing how scary n gory the movie is.

Revisited it recently but on a fast forwarding mode.

Apart from the gore there is nothing redeeming about this low budget movie.

There is absolutely no tension n the scare is zero. Plus there is zero nudity.

I found the chase sequence involving the dwarf very funny.

At times the movie gets very very monotonous n tedious.

Some of the scenes are shot in too much darkness n the grindhouse/grainy look doesn't help at all.

This doesn't need a sequel or a prequel.
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Many kills, boring plot
dschmeding24 February 2008
This is a pretty average horror/slasher movie. I grant the makers they squeezed in a lot of kills and especially fans of decapitations and guts will like it. The movie is about a serial killer in a clowns outfit who slashes people by the dozen with his hack-axe. Two detectives are on the hunt for the "teardrop killer" who leaves bloody tears behind on the murder scenes and got a back story they slowly unfold. Its like two plots running along each other... Clown slashes people with some entertaining ideas (liked the wheelchair down the stairs shot) and the detectives uncover the story with real bad acting. Basically the movie should have concentrated on the gore because this is where its strong side lies... the acting is real bad, the music is annoying (always the same hardcore techno over the kills and one music sounds a lot like being taken directly out of Hellraiser). The pseudo plot will bore the gore hounds to death and especially fails of bad acting and inconsistency. "100 tears" is rather for the trash/splatter fans but I guess because the director couldn't decide which way to go this one will soon be forgotten. And BTW... the closing scene sucks and like in many movies made me think they didn't know how to get out of their scripts mess.
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Slow Gore / Slasher Flicks - Might NOT Appeal to Everybody
ichocolat4 September 2008
This film is like wine, it is an acquired taste. Whilst some people may like it, others may not.

This film is also not meant for the broad public. It is targeted. In my opinion, only those who like gore/slasher flicks would like this film. Others,, don't even bother.

I am not terribly enthusiastic about gore/slasher flicks, I didn't like this film that much. Plus the progress is rather slow and it got me restless halfway through the film.

Again, as I said, only watch this if your a die-hard, super fan of this kind of genre. Otherwise, find other films instead.
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Total Gore Fest
hannahsutcliffe27 September 2015
This movie may be a far cry from great, but it is certainly not terrible. I found the acting to be rather mediocre and the plot line to be almost non-existent, but this movie gets an A+ for blood and gore. I counted ten gruesome deaths in just fifteen minutes! This movie is really only for people who are die-hard slasher fans and are looking for a brutal gore fest from start to finish. I've hated a lot of clown horror films lately, but this is not that bad. I agree that it looks much more home made than professional, but to me that just makes the experience even more disturbing. I would recommend this to those few horror movie lovers who can appreciate excessive blood and nothing more.
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Nauseating and cheap, boring and lame, but with a scary villain
Groverdox15 July 2018
"100 Tears" is a suitably dingy and sickening slasher flick, which at an estimated budget of about $75k, is at least a wonder of frugality.

Yes, $75,000 can pay for gallons of blood, viscera, and artificial limbs.

What money cannot buy, however, is a decent story, something you either have or you don't. Or characters. Or perhaps, even cohesive direction, which may be an innate gift some have and some don't.

The story - not that anyone cares about story in a movie like this - is about a serial killer clown and two obnoxious reporters, one of whom looks like Alex Jones, who track him down where the police have failed because they know how to use a computer and the police don't.

The introduction of the clown, shockingly violent though it may be, is handled so witlessly by the filmmaker that it is hopelessly undercut. We see one of the reporters looking at a computer screen and talking about a serial killer on the loose, and then the movie cuts straight to a series of brutal killings by our Bozo. The way this is shot makes it look like the reporter is watching the killings unfold on the computer monitor. They aren't. Some fairly cursory editing could have achieved the effect of having us realise we are witnessing the murders the reporter is describing. This would have provided a sense of mounting dread as we are let into information the reporter doesn't know, and we know they probably wouldn't try to chase up the story if they know what we now know. Get it?

Instead of quick cutting from the description of the acts to the violent crimes, as the filmmakers obviously should have done, we get a lengthy scene introducing 'characters' who exist only so that they can be killed, and their introduction grinding the film to a halt - a halt it finally comes to at around one hour into the proceedings, where I was so bored I mostly stopped paying attention.

I have put more effort into writing this review than the screenwriters did in writing the movie. But, yes, they really went to town on the gore. One early scene shows a person's head split multiple times by Bozo's big meat cleaver, until the head looks like a pinecone. If you're after sickening, over-the-top gore produced on a microbudget, I guess you already know where to look. Just don't expect anything else.

I would like to add, however, that the bad-guy, Gurdy the Clown, is actually scary. Much more so than almost any other slasher villain in any movie made for over one hundred times the budget that this one was made for.
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another one in the list
deyaa_sabry8 January 2009
this movie is just another movie in the list of The Worst films I Have Ever Seen . this movie really Sucks , when i got this movie it just took 15 minutes To Decide To delete it, I just Couldn't Continue watching This film

it tells the story of a serial killer who undercover in a clown dress ,and Two journalists are on the trail of him, all over the movie he Just killing people .

In This Movie The Killer nearly killed about 70 people like he plays,

So Much Fake Killing with more blood & puppets With No Real thing To Watch this film has no good story , no good acting , no good directing no good at all it is just the music worth listing

Seriously What Encouraged Me To Get This Movie Is That It Has NC-17 Rating For extreme horror violence I was Curious A Bout It That It May Be A good One But It Was Awful.
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Mindless-like Gorehound Entertainment That Attempts Story.
InDyingArms14 October 2017
For a personal standpoint, I've personally heard about this film multiple, multiple times - Hearing mixed reviews, mostly either saying this film is just flat out awful, or that this movie is actually decent. The film overall just follows two journalists who're after a story that'll succeed heavily for them. They end up following the story of the alleged "Teardrop killer" or in this case the antagonized clown killer we also follow. From there on out, both Mark and Jen find out more and more of this clown. Firstly, this film took the interesting approach of a story; This film however prevailed that to be a bit pointless. This story isn't the worst possible one out there, but for the most part it's showcasing cliché aspects. There's been countless films about detectives following cases leading to more than they bargained for, this time, now, we have a gore-hound film following such. The journalist characters we follow aren't the worst pair, it could be much, much worse. I found Mark to be a likable, goofy guy - though at times he turns a performance of being funny at either the most ineffective times, if not, it's just ineffective in general. Admittedly however there are times he lightens the mood, or simply prevails. Jen is a typical bad-ass, independent - like chick who's so involved in her work to where she leads some of the stupidest decisions - Once again seen plentiful times. The acting in this film, for a considerable "micro- budget" horror flick? It is what it is, there are some really low points throughout I feel, especially through the detectives; However that's what's to be expected through these fun little films, know what you're getting into. The gore in this movie is the absolute lead, however. It's a decent display of absolute carnage through random characters; Literally. This film throws the most random, unnecessary display of people who're there just for the sake of dying. There'll be parts of the film you see quite literally a minute to two of a random person getting slaughtered, said random person literally has no point of being there, was never mentioned, and shall never be seen again. For what's displayed, the kills weren't the most creative; Though that wouldn't be fair at all, judging by the fact we have a clown with a novelty-sized cleaver. As the body count rises, the deaths grow less, and less intriguing, I feel. However the film takes that and flips it completely around through the closing run-time, delivering the concluding intriguing, back to unique-like kills. The pacing of the film is another displayed topic that gets flipped - The beginning of the film paced decently, around the middle to closing thirty minutes it grows slower, and slower, focusing more upon the story, of which, as said, feels overly-done and clichéd. However around the end we get a more quicker, perhaps even rushed feel; The ending feels rushed compared to the rest of the movie. There are a few ordeals that happen that just happened for the sake of the viewer to be pulled back in for a split second, it felt.

In conclusion, the hype. Is it all there? Is this the goriest, most disgusting NC-17 film? No. I've seen another film by the title "Sweatshop" (2011) that, to me, proved more effective. This film follows like it - Clichéd, pointless plot that is there just for the excuse of killing masses. 100 Tears follows closely, however took the unique - like approach of delivering a story; As said many times said story is clichéd, and really does nothing for me personally. Fumbled dialog, acting flaws to a minor degree, all masked by a clown with a story .. and a massive cleaver. Would I recommend watching this film? Despite this review sounding as if I'm hating on it - I don't. I WOULD however watching this film. On an overall spectrum view of this film, the hype is a letdown. On a spectrum view upon a gore-hound, this film delivered. If you're looking for carnage, 100 tears delivers. If you're looking for minor - slight comedy? 100 tears delivers. However if you're looking for something totally new? You won't find it here.
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only for gorehounds, but they'll get enjoyment out of it
movieman_kev5 February 2010
Two writers for a tabloid rag decide to take it upon themselves to do an expose on a series of homicides committed by a killer clown. The first time we see this maniac he's dispatching the numerous residents/staff of some halfway house with ease. The two aforementioned writers get wind of this and decide to go see the aftermath for themselves. Needless to say Mr. Clown isn't happy about this.

The story itself is serviceable enough, nothing spectacular in the least, but it's not the main reason to watch this flick anyway as it takes a backseat to the gore. And i mean gore with a capital G. This movie is brimming with the stuff and all of it looks pretty damn good given the budget the film had. The characters weren't too fleshed out, but whatever, it's good enough for a gorehound to pass the time away when one has nothing better to do.

My Grade: C+

DVD Extras: Audio commentary with Director Marcus Koch & Writer Joe Davison; 20 minute Behind-the-scenes featurette; 23 minute Making-of; 15 deleted scenes; an alternative ending; 5 minutes of Outtakes; and trailers for "The Gamers: Dorkness Rising", "The Suicide Notes" & "Dead Moon Rising"
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Stupid and monotonous, but great gore
Sickcess18 April 2014
Like another reviewer pointed out, this style of splatter probably has its roots in Germany, with directors like Andreas Schnaas, Olaf Ittenbach and Timo Rose. Both when it comes to the style of the gore and the way of making a script I would say. The gore is great and they have really tried making a serious plot, but ended up with a plot that is very unrealistic, and to say it plainly, stupid.

Let me explain by giving you the basics of the story. It is about two tabloid journalists writing an article about serial killers and trying to track down a serial killer wearing clown make up. So far it sounds OK, right? But the thing is the clown has killed over 160 people over a period of over 20 years, he has done nothing to cover his tracks and it takes the journalists a couple of days to figure out that the killings has always occurred in the vicinity of a circus. By some really lousy detective work they manage to track down the killer in a week or so, which the FBI has tried for 20 years!

I would compare this movie to Brian Paulins films, which also are German-style American splatter. They suffer from the same faults of bad story and bad acting, but makes up for it when it comes to the gore. And really, that is what is important here, right? I mean, sure I can enjoy deep relational dramas or clever social commentary, but when I watch a movie like 100 tears, I expect decapitation, torture, blood and guts. Watching a movie like this one for the story would make as much sense as watching a porno for the story. And the gore is great. Loads of blood and intestines throughout the whole movie. And the fx are good too for a low budget movie. But it becomes a little monotonous as the killer almost always uses the huge meat cleaver or whatever the weapon is supposed to be.

Also, the soundtrack is most of the times pretty good. The soundtrack includes weird but good music by The voodoo organist and Voltaire, which I would not be able to define the genre of and a dark hardcore song, which also is good. One complaint here is that the movie could have used some more songs, instead of re-using the same over and over again. So, monotony is sadly something that spoils the good parts of this movie a little on several levels. But not that much. When it comes to the soundtrack it's really a very minor complaint.

Well, that's my take on it. Turn off your brain for a while and enjoy the gore. And if that isn't your cup of blood, stay away from this one.
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Better than I expected.
poolandrews5 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
100 Tears is set in Florida where a serial killer known as the 'Teardrop Killer' has been murdering people for the past twenty years, his latest victims were all staying at a halfway house for teens as he slaughters the entire place. Two local journalist's Christine Greaston (Raine Brown) & Mark Webb (writer & producer Joe Davison) are writing a front page article on serial killers & decide to investigate the Teardrop Killer since the halfway house massacre took place nearby, speaking to an eyewitness Christine & Mark learn that the killer was dressed as a clown & as such check out any local circus. Christine & mark hit the jackpot & several leads prove useful in discovering the Teardrop Killer is in fact Gurdy the Clown (Jack Amos), to close to quit & desperate for a big story the pair go after Gurdy themselves & try to save some lives in the process...

Directed by Marcus Koch who is also credited with the special effects make-up this low budget slasher film wasn't as amateurish or as downright bad as I was expecting, 100 Tears is no masterpiece but it has lots of gore & is generally quite watchable. The script is as basic as they come, I would imagine if the makers had any sort of budget they would have had many more set-pieces & sets rather than staging scenes in car parks & made the whole plot far more elaborate. Only two (plain clothes) cops are ever despite several murder scenes being featured & while the murder mystery aspect of the script is serviceable it's quite dull so don't expect anything like The Silence of the Lambs (1991) or Se7en (1995) or even Halloween (1978) or Friday the 13th (1980) for that matter. 100 Tears lumbers from one dry exposition scene to another as the two reporters get lucky, where are the police the whole time? Why didn't they figure it out as well? Who called Christine to inform her about the missing men? Why weren't the police told? Why did Gurdy the Clown turn up at Drago's caravan? Why did it take him twenty years? The twist at the end is difficult to take seriously, if I found out my father was a psychopathic serial killer I wouldn't just join in & start murdering people as well. Why did she turn? Why did she not kill anyone before? At an hour & a half 100 Tears is maybe ten minutes too long, scenes do drag & although a fairly serious film there's a bizarre moment in which Christine & Mark chase a dwarf in comical fashion that looks like it belongs in a Benny Hill show (anyone in the UK will know who Benny Hill is).

The one area where 100 Tears does get things right is with the blood, gore & violence. 100 Tears is very gory & the special make-up effects are surprisingly good with nice thick red blood rather than blood that looks like coloured water. People's heads are chopped off, people's feet, legs & arms are chopped off, people are sliced in half, intestines flop out, huge amounts of blood splatters everywhere, an eyeball is removed, heads are bashed in, throats are slit, heads are sliced vertically in half, faces are cut to pieces someone is run over & splatters everywhere as they are crushed. There is lots of good looking gore here but budget problems rear their head again as there's no build-up to them, a person enters the screen & then about two seconds later they are killed with no tension or suspense or build-up. The killer Gurdy the Clown never says anything during the film but is a decent enough villain, all I want to know is where do you buy one of those huge over-sized meat clever's? I want one.

With a supposed budget of about $75,000 which is about as low as they come 100 Tears was filmed in Florida & is technically a bit rough around the edges. People talk in hallways so there's this annoying echo, background sounds like traffic or trains distort dialogue & there are virtually no close-ups. Almost everything seems to have been shot on one camera in one take with a wide angle, it makes for a dull & uneven looking film. The gore scenes fare much better & you can tell that's where the money & effort went. The acting is OK, it's not as bad as I was expecting anyway.

100 Tears is a really low budget slasher film with lots of gore, to my eyes all the money & effort went on the gore (not a bad thing in itself) with the plot & everything else taking a back seat. Although shot on video & rough around the edges 100 tears isn't too bad & if your looking for gore then this is worth a rental at least& if nothing else 100 Tears teaches us that looking both ways before crossing the street is important...
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Slow paced? What?!? No way - fantastic slasher film on a shoestring budget!
andyrose_tx27 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Marcus Koch directed and did the special fx for this Joe Davison written clown slasher film starring Raine Brown and others. When you watch this film, you'll understand why I say "Raine Brown and others" -- Raine's performance of Christine Gleason is so incredibly over-the-top that it pretty well overshadows all actor performance except for that of Jack Amos as Gurdy the Clown.

This film features 9 kills in the first 12 minutes of the movie as Gurdy the Clown wreaks havoc and commits mass murder in a random half-way house. And from that point on there are more than enough bloody, gory, violent kills to keep even the most demanding of slasher horror fans from becoming bored.

Joe Davison wrote a fantastic story with a really cool twist, that I will not get into here because the film releases on DVD on the 8th of December here in the United States so I really do not want to ruin this film for you.

Marcus, as the director and creator of special f/x, is genius. The technical aspects of this film, from lighting to camera-work, to the directing of characters and development, to every single kill stand heads and tails above most slasher films to include those put out by mainstream big budget studios.

Buy this film. You'll not be disappointed in Raine or Jack's performance. Another fanstastic performance is found in Jeff Dylan Graham's short appearance as one of Gurd'ys victims. If ultra-violent, gore and blood, and incredibly terrifying clowns are your thing - then you'll absolutely be into 100 TEARS.
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Gruesome and Goofy... Gotta Love It!
terrible220 November 2008
An over-sized meat cleaver being swung by an over-sized clown...

An overly low ended "Thud" is followed by an over-sized spray of blood..

All set to an overly goofy carnival organ soundtrack...

If this is interesting to you, then you might want to check out "100 Tears" for an evening of over the (big) top indie horror fun. Marcus Roch directs this strait to video opus to great effect, and never under-estimates the power of splatter. Sure, it's silly and even down right corny, but in this context it seems to work quite well. I think all would-be low budget horror producers should take a gander at "100 Tears", and take a few notes along the way. The film never tries to take itself too seriously, and that's what makes it stand out in a sea of indie crap being peddled on the unknowing public. It is hard to produce a "Realistic" story when you are working with next to no money, so why not make a film that uses that fact to it's advantage? The acting is stiff but watchable (minus the wonderful comic timing of Joe Davison) and the cinematography / lighting scheme are weak but tolerable. These down sides are over looked because the film simply entertains, and you become a part of this twisted world thanks (in part) to a wacky soundtrack by "The Voodoo Organist". Probably not for everyone, but none the less a gruesomely goofy viewing experience.
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If you bought TERRIFIER at GOODWILL...you get THIS.
camarossdriver27 December 2022
This slasher clown flick isn't TOO bad. The acting is hit or miss...mostly miss. The film delivers a LOT of gore,and pulls it off pretty well. This movie is NOWHERE NEAR as good as TERRIFIER,but it's still kinda enjoyable for what it is. Some of the practical effects are GOOD...some are pretty BAD...but for the I'm assuming low budget,they did a good job. If you are looking for a no brainer slasher flick,this should do just fine. There are way BETTER slasher flicks out there...and there are way WORSE. There are a couple of moments that drag,and I think they could have shaved off a few minutes,but the run time is OK I guess. So...long story short...I'll recommend this movie...but just barely. Oh HECK...just go watch it.

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Big Clown, Big Meat-Ax, Big Problems...
azathothpwiggins24 June 2020
Attention all splatter enthusiasts, thy day of deliverance is at hand! Gurdy the clown (Jack Amos) has arisen to cause enough bloody mayhem to drown you! 100 TEARS is the tale of Gurdy and his gore-drenched trail of vengeance against... well, everyone! The opening scene alone is worth its weight in entrails!

TEARS also stars Raine Brown, who redeems herself for having been in the impossibly inept floater known as WOODS OF EVIL. Here, she shines with maniacal glee, giving an utterly insane performance!

So, if your tastes run toward the ultra-gory / funny, and eeevil, homicidal clowns are your delight, then look no further than this micro-budgeted bloodbath!...
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Not really worth the effort...
paul_haakonsen22 February 2024
Of course I had never heard about the 2007 horror movie titled "100 Tears" from writer Joe Davison and director Marcus Koch. But as I happened to stumble upon it by random luck here in 2024, of course I opted to check it out, as it was a horror movie that I hadn't already seen.

There wasn't much of any grand storyline here. Writer Joe Davidson had put together a very, very simplistic and straightforward slasher flick script for director Marcus Koch to bring to the screen. Essentially, all you do here is sit back and watch the slaying of amateurish acting performances.

Needless to say that I wasn't familiar with a single actor or actress on the cast list. But I can, in all honesty, say that I wasn't particularly impressed with the acting performances I saw on the screen. Granted, I've seen worse acting performances in other movies, but you're not in for a grand spectacle of acting performances should you opt to sit down and watch "100 Tears".

Something that helped to keep the movie somewhat afloat and somewhat bearable to watch, was the violence and bloodshed throughout the course of the movie.

"100 Tears" is an amateurish movie, no doubt about that. And that sort of makes it a bit difficult to sit through it.

This is definitely not a movie that I would recommend horror fans to rush out and get to watch. It was, in fact, a rather forgettable and bland viewing experience. And I bet that come tomorrow I will have forgotten about this movie.

My rating of "100 Tears" lands on a very generous three out of ten stars. And that is based mostly on the fact that the people behind this movie had the heart and spirit in the right place, but not the budget. And also because of the blood and mayhem in the movie.
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A Film That Does Not Achieve Anything
As a big horror fan, I am rather fascinated with gore and guts, etc, but for starters, this film is over the line in the aspect of blood and exposure of the human parts, in which A LOT of people find unsettling, and if worse, nauseating.

The sad part about this film really, is that, it doesn't really achieve anything; absolutely nothing. The only thing it achieves, if I can even give it this, is the amount of gore produced. The story is lame, hence dumb and stupid, because the motive behind the killers' action is not clarified well and properly.

I feel like this film is just a knock-off film for anyone to view when they're bored since an actual good horror film would build up the suspense block by block, and actually explain the motives and entire backstory more coherently, in which the audience are pulled in by, whereas 100 Tears fails this awfully. To be honest, the guts and gore do not surprise me; it's America, right?

Hope you enjoyed my review, and I'm sorry for being rather harsh on the film, but its simply the factor that this film really doesn't achieve anything and its made for fun.
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Only splatter
tvforteferrodamiano15 July 2022
This movie Is in some words,a only scene of splatter. A bad villain,bad cinematigrafy,and no good characters. For the budget,the special effects are nice,but not at all. Watch it on chili for free,and i think why Is free.
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The story of a daft killer clown.
RatedVforVinny26 September 2019
Ultra gory but daft killer clown movie. Very messy and not just the blood and guts but also the story, script and the dialog. I can't really find much merit contained in this circus slasher, though can understand some appreciation if just looking at the special effects, in the many kill scenes. I just found it a tad tiresome.
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Could have cut all dialogue and been fine
pcristianjohnson14 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I've been wanting to watch this movie for years and finally got the chance to. I saw a clown horror movie that was rated NC-17 for extreme horror violence and that's it. I told myself "sold." This is by no means a good movie, the parts where it attempts to take itself serious or develop a plot are just so cheap and remind me of video projects we did in middle school. The only two worth any of the screen time are the two antagonists. Other than that, there's nothing else that matters. Come and stay for over the top blood and gore and nothing else. Makes me wish as a society production companies weren't so chicken and would fund movies like this to get a better movie with the over the top and brutal gore. And also just had to get this off my chest, there's about a 5 minute sequence where they are chasing a little person around while comical old western style music is played in the background and it's just in poor taste, and stupid, not even in a funny way.
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Slow-moving DTV slasher with plenty of blood and guts.
HumanoidOfFlesh17 June 2009
A huge creepy looking clown Gurdy walks through a halfway house and systematically slaughters at least a dozen people with meatcleaver.The gore flows freely in the first 15 minutes.Two reporters Mark and Jennifer are investigating the legendary 'Teardrop Killer',who's been butchering unsuspecting groups of victims for 20 plus years."100 Tears" is among the goriest indie slasher movies I have ever seen.I must say that the bodycount is truly high and the killings are over-the-top including several juicy decapitations and dismemberments.The techno score is annoying,the acting is mediocre and the climax is abrupt,but if you enjoy drowning in the sea of blood and guts "100 Tears" can't be missed.7 out of 10.
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Harley Quinn and The Joker Slasher Could Of Been Awesome.
DarkSpotOn7 August 2023
Well, even though this movie wasn't good. Then again i wasn't expecting much since it was from the director of American Guinea Pig 2. This did have a few positives:

  • The music, the bass-rave song was awesome, since i like that kind of Thunderdrome music.

  • The gore effects are for the most part really well made.

  • And the idea of a clown chick and a clown (Harley and Joker) together in horror is really awesome.

Now the negatives: The acting is for the most part not the best, and the plot barely exists. None of these people have any depth and I think this movie would of been much better if the main story did not exist; the two reporters trying to capture the clown, yeah that was terrible, also the ending sucked. Why did she killed the clown?, and how did the reporter ran over her, is just lazy writing.

Well this is for the people that liked stupid slasher films like Terrifier (which i actually sort of enjoyed), Friday the 13th, The Collector, Camp Blood, and Wrong Turn. If you are one of those people, rock on you'll probably like this. As for me, i liked the idea, but the movie it's self no.

The man that made this, and Guinea Pig American 2: You know how to make GORE, that's top notch. Can you PLEASE find somebody to write you a good plot, script, and indepth characters? That's what this movie is missing!
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Surprisingly Great Horror Film!
MaskedSuperstarMrX23 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This horror film surprised me, because I'm not big on clowns so I wasn't sure how enjoyable it would be for me. But, after just watching the beginning with all the killings Gurdy the Clown (Jack Amos) did I knew it was going to be a great film. Which it was! Jack Amos portrayed the character of Gurdy the Clown very well. Raine Brown plays Christine Greaston. Raine did a great job in playing her character who at times gets a little crazy. Both of them are a lot of fun to watch and follow as they create tons of carnage throughout the movie! I think the beautiful Georgia Chris was cast well for her role too.

I would not say this film is slow paced like some have mentioned. In fact, I would say it is perfectly paced and with a lot of action. They really pack a lot of killings through out the film. That's where FX expert and director Marcus Koch comes into play. Marcus is an FX specialist and does a great job with the killings, they look very realistic. I think this is what helps separate this film from other Independent horror films. I enjoyed the story which was written by Joe Davison. Overall a very well put together film.
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Very enjoyable if you're into gore
Humdinger6922 June 2013
I've been wanting to see this movie for a while but after reading the negative user reviews on IMDb I was a little worried, but then I saw the trailer on YouTube and I thought it looked pretty awesome, so I checked out the movie, and i really liked it. It met my expectations and then some. I was expecting to see a psycho killer clown running around killing people with lots of gore and that's exactly what I got. Though it was a little slow-paced, but that didn't really take away from the enjoyment for me.

Almost everything in this movie, acting, camera-work, gore FX (especially the gore FX), was actually done very well considering this is a low-budget movie. My one complaint though would have to be the lighting during the parts inside the darker areas of the killer clown's warehouse, but again, all more than acceptable considering the budget.

So if you're a gorehound like me, you should at least give this one a chance, and you might not regret it, I know I didn't.
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Slow and Monotone, but Entertaining none the less.
brunke00919 August 2008
I loved the concept of this movie, but the low budget and half-assed acting was harsh on this title.

I had a feeling going into this film that I wasn't going to enjoy it at all, but I was actually quite entertained. I would really enjoy seeing this movie remade with a bigger budget and some actors that can actually show emotion.

The only showing of acting passion was from the character that played the killers daughter, she really portrayed the part well. Other than one actor, the rest of the cast was pretty slow and ineffective.

All in all, I think this movie is worth the watch if you enjoy gore, but if you're looking for acting, I wouldn't waste your time.
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