Love Exposure (2008) Poster


Parents Guide

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Sex & Nudity

  • No explicit sex scenes or nudity (other than the blurred view of an erect penis), however there is an abundance of over the top sexual dialogue that may make some uncomfortable.
  • Lots of shots of huge erections bulging in pants, this happens every time the main character sees the main girl character. One shot shows the erection looming over the camera, and we see an obvious erect penis silhouette. All the erections are meant to be humorous.
  • Two girls make out and tongue frequently, sliding their hands between each other's legs and feeling each other's breasts. These scenes are often prolonged and are plot-centric.
  • A woman pounces on another man amorously at several times.
  • Numerous shots of skirts being blown up by the wind to reveal panties, many of which are intended to look comical.
  • It's implied that a particular woman is promiscuous.
  • A man is described to bring women to his home every month, despite having a daughter.
  • A man who's had a stroke lies unconscious on a bed with an erection visible as a mound in his pants.
  • A woman is seen touching herself, but stopping short of masturbating.
  • A woman has lesbian fantasies (only kissing shown) and asks her mother if lesbians are perverts.
  • A woman is seen in a bathtub, we see her hands and feet, but no nudity.
  • A man tries to finger his girlfriend's crotch, who shows no interest.
  • A man steals a woman's panties.
  • We see an audition for a porn company named "Bukkake"-sha (nothing shown).
  • A group of people start working for the "Tosatsu" genre of voyeuristic photography. No explicit nudity or sexuality seen.
  • A man offers an employee a chance to be an active participant in a pornographic film, as the "poker" and "pecker". The employee refuses, and the man is outraged that a man can refuse to act in a porn film.
  • Several shots where women are sitting in suggestive ways.
  • A woman chops off a man's erection very graphically.
  • A lot of discussion about sex, especially its immorality with regards to religion.
  • A woman watches a "Tosatsu" porn video (no nudity) on her TV and quickly turns it off and hides the disk cover when someone else enters the room.

Violence & Gore

  • A man gets his erect penis broken, then lopped off by scissors. Heavy amounts of blood squirts all over the room.
  • Infrequent very strong, bloody gore.
  • A man slaps and hits his son a few times in the movie.
  • A love-obsessed woman amorously attacks a man at two points in the movie as the man resists.
  • A man practices boxing with a street gang and later starts fighting in street matches. Mild violence. He is often seen bruised and slightly bloodied thereafter.
  • Two men are seen practicing martial arts with staffs.
  • Several instances of non-combative violence, such as slaps, hits, hair-grabbing etc.
  • A fight scene between a large gang of thugs versus a woman and a man in drags is seen thrice in the film. A mostly ordinary fight scene that is meant to be slightly comical and parodying B-movies.
  • A man hits his daughter with a belt.
  • A woman deeply cuts her right wrist with a cutting blade. Blood gushes out in large volumes.
  • A woman hugs a man and draws a cutting blade behind his back. She is later seen wandering a school corridor covered in blood, waving the blade at men.
  • We see a news report footage depicting a girl covered in blood.
  • A scene of a classroom filled with bloody dead bodies, pools of blood and a crazed woman with a shotgun reveling in the bloodshed. She fires the shotgun at a woman.
  • A man throws a glass at a little girl. She isn't hit by it, but we can see a smear of blood across her cheek.
  • A woman beats up a gang of men and kicks them after they're down.
  • A woman with a broken, bloodied alarm clock is pinned down by a man with an injured, bloodied temple. He is later pushed off and attacked by the woman with a pillow.
  • A woman rams her car into another car repeatedly until the attacked car launches off a ramp, spins violently and crashes into water. The driver survives without injury.
  • A gang of thugs break into a class, breaking through the wooden walls. A fight scene follows, in which a female student in the class easily beats up the gang (it is implied that the fight was pre-orchestrated). No blood.
  • A man intensely strangles a woman before punching her hard and knocking her out. We later see her come to, with her nose bleeding.
  • A man grabs another by the collar and throws him away. We hear violence for a few seconds, offscreen, while onlookers grimace.
  • A gang kidnaps a woman, forcefully taking her into their van and tying her up.
  • A man catches hold of a woman running away from him. The two violently struggle against each other before the man finally gains control of her.
  • A man is beaten up and brutally kicked by a gang of henchmen. We see three bruised men who look like they have also been beaten up before.
  • A man attacks another with a knife in the neck. Blood spurts out and the man is drenched in it. Blood splatters all over the walls and floor till we see the man dying in a pool of blood.
  • We see a man attack several men with a katana. The violence is made to resemble a B-movie and is hence not very explicit. One of the attacked men starts splattering blood all over a wall from his wound. In the aftermath of this fight, we see blood all over the floor and a body lying in blood. The katana-weilder's hands remain bloody for the duration of the long scene.
  • A man causes an explosion by remotely detonating a dynamite. We see the explosion from afar, and the building shaking violently. The immediate damage caused by the blast is not seen.
  • A woman tries to strangle a man to death. We see his face become red as he struggles to breathe and a vein bulges from his forehead. He starts to bleed from his right eye.
  • A woman stabs herself with a katana, committing suicide. We see the katana exit her back and her dying bloodily.
  • A woman attacks a group of medical professionals with a knife, but doesn't hurt anyone.
  • A mentally deranged man starts to attack another mental patient before he is restrained by medical professionals.
  • A man breaks a police car's window with his elbow.


  • Moderate strong language and an abundance of sexual dialogue.
  • 13 uses of "fuck", 5 uses of "shit", 2 uses of "bitch", 4 uses of "ass", 8 uses of "asshole", 1 use of "dyke".

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • One character narrates that she is a cocaine dealer, and we see a shot of her overseeing a deal in which two people exchange briefcases, one filled with cocaine, the other with money.
  • Some casual drinking, some slightly drunk behaviour

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • Should be moderate. On the same level as Kill Bill
  • Scenes toward the end involving a woman trying to shake her ex-lover into recovering his memory may be emotionally intense.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • There is threat of dismemberment of the male genitalia. Very tense.

See also

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