Necrosis (2009) Poster


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The most boring 90 minutes I've had to endure.
jhpstrydom21 November 2010
I've recently been going through a whole stockpile of bad films, although this film I wouldn't necessarily call it bad but it wasn't good either, it had an okay premise and was able to draw my attention but it wasn't long when this film started feeling like the plot was going nowhere, I mean the pace was as if it didn't move at all it just floated around for 90 minutes.

The acting was average, although the characters weren't really developed and came across as cardboard cutouts and sometimes the cast looked more like they were just reciting a bunch of lines instead of really acting.

The plot itself actually did have potential but the execution is the main problem here, the pace like I said is as if it just floats around and feels like its never gonna go anywhere and neither one of the characters are likable and you never start to care for them because they are so under developed they might as well be rocks.

Honestly, the only good quality about this film is that it could just be the cure for insomnia because I've never been so bored for 90 minutes.
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Slow and low budget
toddg-473-28981830 December 2017
A group of 3 men and 3 women head off to a remote cabin in the woods, with both them and the audience getting flashbacks of what the Donner party did in the mountains near Lake Tahoe back in the 1800s. What I did like is that they didn't stereotype the Asian guy, as his character slowly gets scarier throughout the movie. What I didn't like is that all three female characters really got on my nerves, like why their men would bother saving them from something dangerous with all of their nagging. Furthermore, the acting is low energy from everyone. The one highlight was that they dug up Michael Berryman of The Hills Have Eyes fame, and he can always be relied on to play some weirdo well.
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As Cold And Lifeless As Its Title
on_edgex6 March 2010
A group of friends head to the mountains for some wintry R&R but their chosen locale shares a bit of history with The Donner Party legend and from there it's pretty easy to see that there won't be a lot of rest or relaxation for anyone involved.

All the pieces are in place: A great legend to jump off from, secluded location, foreboding locals, elements of the supernatural, paranoia and a mix of characters at various stages in their lives ensuring potential conflict. While Necrosis incorporates all of those elements, unfortunately it doesn't succeed with any of them. Well, the location is nice and there are a handful of shots that reflect this.

As with most low-budget indie flicks, the technical shortcomings are plentiful; edits are either too choppy or linger unnecessarily and the sound too often feels looped. However, these faults could easily be forgiven were any other intended aspects accomplished. The films greatest failure is in its soulless facade. The dialogue is flat and stock and the actors do little to breathe any life into it. Not that they've much to work with at all but seriously, there are some professionals here turning out low-rent work. There are moments where you can almost see their thought process; ACTOR: "Recite dialogue, drink from cup, pause, frown, hit mark, speak again". There is nothing organic going on here and that is the most glaring issue of which there are many.

The female cast come out slightly ahead, not that it is saying much, but at least during the more intimate and dramatic moments Pop Star Tiffany (in her film debut), budding Scream Queen Penny Drake and to a lesser degree Danielle DeLuca come close to conveying genuine emotion. Funny (or is it sad?) when you realize their male counterparts are the more seasoned acting professionals. This includes wasted cameos from genre vets Michael Berryman and Mickey Jones.

In early interviews, director Jason Stephens tagged the formula for his film as "The Big Chill meets The Shining." This is somewhat telling of his approach because after watching Necrosis, one cannot help but wonder if Stephens has actually seen either film. Ultimately, Necrosis screams amateur from start to finish and it is unfortunate because there were mounds of potential to mine from.
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No blood ,no scares,no acting.
ciderwar18 February 2010
Just read other reviews and decided to watch the movie on reviews alone,not a good idea these reviewers must have watched a different film. The film i just watched was called NECROSIS and it was the worst film i have ever watched in my life,what a waste of an hour and thirteen minuets.The acting was terrible about as scary as an episode of the lone ranger no blood in the snow,amateurish very low budget Tripe Do yourself a favour and leave this well alone.As for the above reviewers go and watch the lone ranger it mite scare the pants off you also.The only good thing was the setting i liked the cabin and the snow it probably belongs to one of the producers i would like to spend a holiday there but after this review i do not think the producer would let me o well never mind straight to DVD,rent it and be very scared ha ha ha
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nothing can be as bad as this flick..was it a flick by the way???
iwaheed19 February 2010
i watched this lick last night and slept somewhere around 3A.M..and after watching this SO CALLED movie i cursed myself like anything. Why did I watch was one of the worst flicks I have ever seen in my life...No storyline, No acting skills, no directional,,,and the worst was the background sounded like some BABy channel program... Anyway,,I warn everyone to give this flick a big ignore and Please do not watch the trailer as It is really deceiving....It is a total waste for sure and a really bad effort (if there was any)... I would recommend viewers to watch Tom & Jerry classic cartoons instead of this flick. The Chinese guy in this flick was a little better than the rest... A BIG DISASTER...
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This was not what I thought it was going to be....
jonschrock20 February 2010
Where to start, well I guess right from the hop... Within the first 20 seconds of the film its very obvious that there is not a spot of talent among these actors... The "blood and gore scenes" make you turn your head to look at the person beside you just to see if they are laughing along with you. I truly hope to never again see any of these actors on my television screen again, not even for a GEICO commercial. Its about an hour and a half of my life that I will never get back.

This is not a typical B rated film, its worse. The directing, producing, and writing of this film was just plain pathetic, do yourself a favor and pass on this one! You won't regret it!
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The Actors Are Very-Very Amateurist
boysailor18 February 2010
After seeing about 10 minutes of this movie I took out the DVD from my player. Yes, I literally threw it in the trash. Now, I understand why the first reviewers rated this so low. The poor thing about this is it's the just flat out very-very poor acting. Oh, the lines delivery is also very-very amateur like they're reading directly from the script. Yes, the movie is very disturbing to the fact that the makers wasted their money for hiring very-very less talented actors. It left me asking the same question on why I wasted my frigging money buying the DVD? The tag-line of the movie really got me COLD. Brrr, stupid movie and stupid me for falling into the trap.
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Melting moment
Cemetarygirl14 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Again seeing some of the previous reviews. It does make me wonder who wrote them. This movie did have potential. In fact I would have focused on the cannibal dead, rather than the assumed alive. The acting was abysmal. I have seen more animation in a zombie video game. It's like they go through the motions without having experienced anything. Next time go pick up some 'actors' from a January sales group. They at least get excited about their discoveries.. Now the plot sounded decent enough. Group of friends go to a (may I say beautiful) cabin that looks more today than 1800's (and if its been renovated since then, well they did a lovely job. So they go to this cabin and they hear the stock story and well that was pointless wasn't it. They see bodies in the snow and do not get noticeably worried, just leave it there. They say later when the body vanishes that animals took it. yet not a bear print or dragging mark to be seen. You know, I can't even make a snow angel without affecting the place that I arise from. One of the group (of course the one with mental issues) sees creepy dead people. Now here that should have been taken to a whole new level and the director and writer should have made them attack the living, not have them as harmless ghosts. Then the Snow truly would have been Bloody. And when the killing starts, well that was another pointless exercise, no real build up, just bang! Watch Dead Snow instead, that is much better.
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BakuryuuTyranno12 December 2010
Many people head off to their vacation or weekend away, something like that. But on entering a bar, one of the locals gives an ominous warning. Naturally, being a horror movie cast, these people head towards their cabin anyways and unsurprisingly, spooky stuff starts happening. As it happens this same path was where the Donner Party travelers ended up...

What makes this film effective is the writers avoid spelling out whats happening. Sometimes, knowing is effective - Jigsaw wouldn't be nearly as scary without knowing his motives - but sometimes not knowing is scarier, and towards the climax the writers got a bit heavy-handed. Thankfully they didn't explain everything.

While the characters aren't deep, they're not generic stock archetypes either and at times are entertaining to watch.
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Good movie, but not enough
actorhaven3 May 2010
Had a chance to watch this over the weekend, and found that I enjoyed it despite a few shortcomings. As a fan of Heroes, I was really happy to see James Kyson Lee not playing a token "Asian guy", but in fact takes center stage and does a good job, IMO.

The rest of the cast holds up well too. The pacing is good for the most part, but a little slow where is shouldn't have been. Which leads me to my only real complaint about this film and that it doesn't have the amount of blood/gore/cannibalism I expected to see based on the trailer and DVD art. They only touch upon the cannibalism in a few flashbacks (which looked cool) but I was really looking forward to seeing more of that stuff appear later in the film.

There are some decent blood scenes (removing some buckshot comes to mind) that might make one a bit squeamish, but as a whole the movie fell a little short to be considered a true "horror" for my tastes.
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Spoiler Alert! Could have been..., Why why..., Watch it if to kill time.
davidjp-231 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
As a horror movie fan, I think the boredom is the sin. Six city people (squared, spoiled, drunk, a little rude, divorced, whiny, beauty and brainy), a small town, some interesting local people, a remote lodge (also a huge one), one of worst and wacky snow season (weather forecast predicted good, but it was bad). Oh, oh, oh, did I forget to mention Donner Party happened right at where the lodge is? And, a stream of tragic events, every twenty to twenty-five years. How can it be boring? But it was boring, and boring.

The script should bear the most of blame. Actors and actresses were not big name, so I did not expect much. When dialogues and settings were right, their acting shone from moments to moments. Unfortunately those moments were uneven, one second was good, the next second was flat or bad.

Although it was low budget, whole movie actually looked very good, you'd think it was a movie budgeted with millions of dollars. Snow might be the reason that made this movie looked good - snow reflects light, extra light can really help.

I can see why people wanted 90 minutes of their back. If you really have nothing else to watch, purely to kill time, this movie is not too bad a choice.
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Poor characters sink this
loomis78-815-9890345 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Three young couples go to a snowy cabin to enjoy a long weekend. What none of them realize is that the cabin sits on the spot where the Donner party massacre happened in 1846. Apparently the spirits of the Donner party are around and begin appearing to the group and different members of the group begin to suffer mental breakdowns. What could've been a fun low budget blood bath in the snow turns out to be an ineffective and poorly written horror film. The characters and their actions are very inconsistent from scene to scene and this, along with some poor dialogue takes a toll on the acting as well. A couple chills are provided and some blood eventually is spilled but the characters never really connect on any level with the audience making this film pretty pointless in the end.
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Low budget psychological horror thriller that goes nowhere.
poolandrews14 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Necrosis starts as six friends make their way up to an isolated log cabin on a mountain, the locals warn of evil but the friends don't listen & carry on. Rented by Mike (Robert Micheal Ryan) he talks of spooky legends that surround the mountain & that bad things happen there like sporadic outburst's of cannibalism & killing sprees. As a fierce snowstorm hits the mountain the six friends are trapped & the generator goes down, while trying to fix it a dead body is noticed laying in the snow which mysterious disappears a short time later. Worried the friends don't know what to do & are unsure of whats going on, could history be repeating itself as the ghosts of the murdered return for revenge or is it their over active imagination?

Apparently had the working title Dead of Winter & called Ice of the Dead in Japan I think Necrosis is more commonly known under the title Blood Snow, co-written & directed by Jason Robert Stephens I get the impression that Necrosis was meant to be a psychological horror thriller in the vein of The Shining (1980) as some slowly goes insane though sheer isolation & the appearance of various ghosts which may or may not be in his imagination. Unfortunately Necrosis is far too slow, virtually nothing happens & the character's are just not fleshed out well enough. Sure the schizophrenic guy Jerry is given some background as he's the one who goes mad but the rest of the cast are cardboard cutout teens with zero personality. The script also has problems with huge gaping questions left unanswered, OK while I get the idea of leaving the whole supernatural element ambiguous as to whether it was ghosts or just Jerry going mad but what about Mike & Karen on the snowmobile? What happened to them? The mystery surrounding the dead body is never elaborated on & in fact once it disappears it's never even so much as mentioned again. Some scenes may or may not be a dream & the film doesn't make it clear enough either way. What was Seymour doing trying to deliver supplies in the middle of the night? How did he get there if the roads were blocked? He walked? Yeah right, also why didn't that guy pick up the supplies at least? The whole back story about the Donner party is underused & Necrosis felt like it didn't really know what it wanted to be, a straight ghost story or a psychological thriller & ends up being neither really. At about 90 odd minutes long Necrosis is slow with few character's, few incidents & little story.

The film looks alright, there are few scenes with ghosts but little to no gore, there's a couple of brief moments of cannibalism & a couple of people get shot but nothing else. The setting is quite nice although the log cabin in a wood is a staple of the horror genre, the CGI snow fall is rather poor & there's never enough snow around to truly convince me that the friends were totally stranded. An appearance by 80's pop singer Tiffany is the only real thing of note about the entire film really, I can't say I recognised her but then I only ever saw her in that I Think We're Alone pop video from 1989.

Filmed in the San Bernardino National Forest in California the production values are alright but nothing amazing, a large portion of the film seemed dubbed to me which is a bit distracting at times. The acting is OK, Tiffany is alright from what I remember while genre regular Michael Berryman has a small role.

Necrosis is a pretty poor low budget psychological horror thriller that has various plot holes & a sense that more could have been done with the premise, watch The Shining again instead as it's loads better.
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Awful story and special effects. This one was slapped together!
Robert_duder4 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start by saying recently my fiancée and I watched all eleven seasons of 7th Heaven on DVD and I became a huge fan. Because of this I noticed George Stultz who played Keven on the aforementioned show headlined in this cast. Add to this that I love horror movies of all kinds, the B-Movier the better (yes I'm aware its strange to love 7th Heaven and horror films) so I was actually looking forward to seeing Necrosis. It should also be mentioned that Necrosis received a lot of positive feedback and award nominations from the Los Angeles Reel Film Festival and all I can say that it must have been a bad year for indie horror flicks. Necrosis has a decent enough plot, fairly stereotypical which you'd think would make it hard to screw up. But the film makers and cast turn in a silly, mish mashed film about ghosts and isolation in a snow covered cabin that barely makes sense, the special effects are awful...even below B-Movie, and the cast is more or less awful although sadly they aren't the worst part of the movie. There is little to no chemistry between them and their character depth is non-existent.

As mentioned George Stults plays Matt in the film. Now I known Stults is not a great actor, even in 7th Heaven he was a little bit cardboard and it shows through in this film even more. The only difference between his character in the film and his character on 7th Heaven is that this time he swears more and gets covered in blood more. He doesn't carry a cast well. One of the more redeemable roles in the film is that of James Kyson-Lee (probably best known from TV Show Heroes) as Jerry, the boyfriend of one of the girls who is first to slowly begin to lose his mind and see things. He does decently well especially given how bad the rest of the cast is. Tiffany, yep the singer, plays Karen and she should stick to singing even though that career is over too. Penny Drake, Danielle De Luca, and Robert Michael Ryan round out the cast of stranded friends in the cabin and they are all equally bad in their roles and perform laughably but not in a good way. Honorable mention to veteran horror actor Michael Berryman for his small cameo role that stands out.

As I expected director Jason Robert Stephens has little experience and what he does have is classically titled films like Vampire Night and Merchants of Death (I have not seen these they could be A+ films) but he seems like a B-Movie kind of guy without a lot of experience that thinks he knows what an audience might want to see. But without experience what runs through a film makers mind might not translate well onto screen. The cabin fever "Shining" type story doesn't work, its silly, and the death scenes are an attempt at cool or over the top but there is really only one solid death scene that I can think of. Part Ghost Story, part isolation horror story but all silly. You have to be a pretty big fan of horror to sit through this one. 5/10
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NECROSIS is a snoozer!
michaelRokeefe19 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The writers Jason Robert Stephens and Robert Michael Ryan may have had a good idea; director Stephens may have tried hard...but this project barely breathes life. Nice scenery of Big Bear and Lake Tahoe, California and a bit of eye candy in the cast; but the acting does nothing to save the movie either. Six friends plan on a romantic weekend trip to a nice mountain cabin; but no sooner than they settle in, a monstrous snowstorm traps them. Its not cabin fever they need to fear; it is the visions of frontier settlers of the storied Donner Party that will test their nerves and wits. Soon the friends start turning on each other. Are the ghosts to be blamed for the miserable weekend of bloodshed? The cast features: James Kyson, George Stults, Danielle De Luca, as well as horror veterans Mickey Jones and Michael writer Ryan and former teen songstress Tiffany. Oh, well. There is some brief nudity and a great snowstorm to enjoy.
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Good idea... bad realization.
fmamic25 February 2010
The first few scenes of the movie made me expect something really gross, like cannibalism and lots of gore. In fact, this movie has no gore at all - except for a few gunshot wounds which are so inconsistent that they made me laugh instead of making me say; "Ouch, that's got to hurt!" All right, if it has no gore, at least i expect some good plot and at least a 3/5 score acting. A real shame, because none of these objectives were met; the plot is shallow with some flashes of brilliancy now and then (psychological terror) but truth be told - i wasn't impressed. Not even scared. The other weak points are the actors - really, that kind of bad acting was not seen since... well... i have never seen it - or maybe i have (one movie comes to my mind but i won't tell the name, let's just say THAT movie takes place in 2012).

Unfortunately, i don't have anything positive to say about this movie, except the ending which is not expected, and that makes it somewhat brilliant.

Do not waste your precious time with this title, those few strong points (i am being generous) are not worth wasting 1 hour and 13 minutes, that's how long this charade lasts.
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One word... competent
bowmanblue11 January 2024
The whole 'cabin in the woods' trope has been a sub-genre of horror for quite some time. Granted, here in 'Necrosis' it's a cabin in the snowy mountains, but the principal is just the same. A group of friends go to stay in a remote location and fall foul to some sort of supernatural force.

This time we have three couples who stay in the mountains, who obviously ignore the cliched old man who warns them not to stay there. Two of which are single, so guess who will be coupling up? One of the actresses can't really act in the beginning, but she does get a bit better as the movie goes on. The dialogue between the cast isn't badly written, but it doesn't really save it as it never really gets going and many scenes could be easily cut.

There's brief nudity if that's any incentive, but there's no real gore or creature effects to talk about. I paused it what I thought was roughly half way through. Turned out I was forty-five minutes into its hour and fifteen minutes runtime. Basically, not much had happened yet - bar a couple of jump scares. That should tell you everything you need to know about the film. It's not the worst I've ever sat through, but it will hardly be remembered among the heaps of other similar offerings.
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Cool movie!
rachelcoxs762 May 2010
Finally got my DVD shipped to me after a bit of a delay, and I can say this was a surprisingly good film! After reading some of the other reviews posted here, I wasn't expecting much. Tiffany's role was really the only reason I purchased this film.

However, after watching it, I came away very impressed with what the filmmakers did with the subject matter. I was worried it would be too gory, but it definitely leans more towards the psychological - suspense type genre (which I rather enjoy!).

The movie is about six friends who travel to a cabin hideaway in the Tahoe mountains to spend a weekend in the snow. Unfortunately for them, a powerful storms drops down and traps them. Soon, they discover that the location is the same spot where the Donner Party perished over a hundred years before (and resorted to cannibalism to survive).As their situation grows more dire, one of them begins to have hallucinations of the Donner Party ghosts, which leads him to isolate himself more and more from the group, until he finally snaps.

I felt the characters meshed together very well, and the story and pacing moved along nicely. My only real disappointment with this film was that Tiffany's role was not as large as I had hoped. She looks great, btw! After watching it, I came back on here and really cannot understand the 1 and 2 star reviews. If you were expecting blood constantly splattering everywhere, you will be disappointed. But, if you want to watch a cool low-budget indie flick, just ignore the haters and check this one out! RC
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Underrated Horror Movie
claudio_carvalho27 May 2011
Michael "Mike" Scottfield (Robert Michael Ryan) invites his girlfriend Karen (Tiffany) and his friends Matt (George Stults), Jerry (James Kyson-Lee), Samantha (Danielle De Luca) and Megan (Penny Drake) to travel to Sierra, Nevada, to spend the weekend in his cottage in the top of the mountain. When they stop in a bar, the strange Seymour (Michael Berryman) advises that the top of the mountain is not a safe place, and Mike explains to his friends that in 1846, a group of travelers was trapped for months in the mountain while traveling to California. They go insane with the starvation, and without any food, they start killing each other to eat. The episode was known as the Donner massacre.

While driving a snowmobile, Jerry sees a ghost girl that advises him that the place is not safe. The six friends are surprised by the severe snow and are trapped in the cabin. When they go to the shed to start the generator, they find the body of the caretaker Lyle (John Dobroth) lying on the snow. Sooner Jerry sees other eerie creatures wandering around the cabin. When Matt learns that Jerry is under the medication of the antipsychotic Seraquin, they fear that Jerry may be driving crazy.

"Necrosis" is a low-budget psychological horror movie that uses the idea of "The Shinning" combined with "Evil Dead", with a man that goes insane in an isolated cabin threatening the lives of his girlfriend and friends. The plot is slowly constructed and the greatest flaw is the lack of explanation why Mike brings his friends to a cabin that belongs to his family for many years in a season of severe snow and without supplies. He certainly should have an idea of the difficulties that they might have in that season. When I saw the IMDb rating, I was afraid that "Necrosis" would be a deceptive film; however, I realize that actually this film is underrated in IMDb. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): "Sangue na Neve" ("Blood on the Snow")
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Tiffany in Donner Horror
TiffanyFan7 May 2010
This movie it about some friends who get trapped up in some snowy mountains during a really bad storm. Cut off from the rest of the world, as hours turn to days, a few of them start to hallucinate about ghosts from the Donner party creeping around the cabin. Tiffany plays the role of Karen, and does a great job with the material. Her role is not very large in comparison to the others, but her time on the screen is put to good use. I am not sure what exactly happened to her character, but I am hoping her vague unanswered demise (?) might lead to a reappearance of Karen if there ever was to be a sequel.

Things I really liked about this film are: very nice scenic shots of snow and mountains throughout which really helped add to the growing feeling of isolation. A few good scares and unexpected twists, and of course, Tiffany in her first feature film!
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Rogue Cinema Review
UnknwnProd3 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Necrosis is a nifty little ghost thriller in the vein of The Shining. The plot concerns a group of six young people who travel to a beautiful cabin in the woods in the dead of winter for a little getaway. Unfortunately for the group, the cabin sits directly on the land where the ill-fated Donner Party was stranded in a huge snowstorm over 150 years ago. As we all know, the actual Donner Party resorted to cannibalism in order to survive their winter ordeal in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, eventually making it into California in the spring of 1847. Although the locals try to warn the group of young people, their warnings go unheeded. As the snow begins to pile up, so do the mysterious occurrences as well as the number of corpses. Are these events truly caused by ghosts, or is cabin fever causing certain members of the group to lose their grip on reality? Director Jason Robert Stephens has assembled a terrific cast, including Heroes star James Kyson-Lee, indie scream queen Danielle De Luca, 7th Heaven star George Stults, Penny Drake (of Zombie Strippers fame), and 80's mall-pop icon Tiffany in her first starring role. The women are beautiful and the acting is generally strong, a real plus for a low-budget horror film. As a bonus we get cult horror film actor Michael Berryman who plays the misunderstood local who tries to warn the group of their impending doom.

Although only his third feature, Stephens shows he is a good director that can turn out a quality product. I especially enjoyed his scene transitions using shots of nature such as clouds forming and reforming as well as wintry scenes. Stephens also knows how to set up a shot, so there are plenty of unique angles and tracking shots that keep the movie interesting.

While the plot isn't terribly original—it's the same basic idea as The Shining, including the open-ended idea that the hotel (or cabin in Necrosis) could be haunted or it could be the imagination of a mentally unbalanced person suffering from cabin fever—Stephens is able to keep the story fresh enough that it doesn't seem like a complete ripoff and manages to be fun.

Kyson-Lee plays Jerry, a man with a history of mental illness who manages to keep his illness in check with the use of medication. As the snow sets in, the men find the body of the cabin's caretaker who apparently froze to death. Deciding to keep it to themselves so as not to upset the girls, Jerry later realizes that the body has disappeared. While the others rationalize that an animal must have taken the body, Jerry remains unconvinced. Shortly thereafter, Jerry begins to see the ghosts of the Donner party. Before long they begin to talk to him. Some of the group members die in mysterious accidents while others are murdered by Jerry.

There are some flaws in the film. While the acting is generally strong, I found Danielle De Luca's character to be a bit too whiny and annoying for my tastes. She is constantly whining and harping on her boyfriend, Jerry (Kyson-Lee). I found all this incessant henpecking to be quite irritating, creating an unsympathetic feeling towards De Luca's character. There is also a terribly unrealistic scene where Samantha (De Luca) slips on some ice and "falls" down a steep hill, having to be rescued by her friends. The entire scene was not only horribly fake, but didn't need to be included because it doesn't move the story along. That being said, I don't blame these faults on De Luca herself; rather the director is to blame for creating such an irritating and helpless character and for including this brief but laughable scene. But the strengths in both characterization as well as story far outweigh these relatively minor quibbles.

While the use of CGI was minimal, it was also unrealistic enough to be picked out fairly easily. There are a couple of snow scenes that are obviously digitally enhanced which distracted me enough that it took me out of the picture.

I also felt like the climax of the film occurred too quickly. While the remaining two survivors (Drake and Stults) are able to subdue Jerry (Kyson-Lee), the film ends with them still trapped in the cabin, still in the middle of a snowstorm, and with the generator running out of gas. Worse still, one of the survivors is beginning to see strange things. So the viewer is left not knowing whether the two survived or whether they didn't. And if they didn't, were the ghosts real or was cabin fever beginning to set in again? Normally I prefer open endings like this, but in this case I didn't feel like there was any resolution at all and that too much was left for the viewer to decide.

There is a decent amount of gore—a few gunshots, several relatively quick scenes of cannibalism, and a fairly protracted scene showing one character picking the buckshot from another character's gunshot wound. The violence is realistic and effective but is over fairly quickly, so even the squeamish shouldn't be too put off. In fact, the film is billed as "unrated" but it looks more like an R-rated film to me. I suspect it is unrated because it wasn't submitted to the MPAA.

Overall I really liked this film. It's not without its flaws, but it is a solid effort and looks really good, even for a low-budget movie. It doesn't take itself too seriously and is a fun film to watch. The packaging is also really nice and DVD extras include the trailer, Making of Necrosis, and director's commentary. If you would like to purchase this DVD, you can get it from BrinkDVD.

Review by Cary Conley from Rogue Cinema (5/1/2010).
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I Think We're Alone Now....
mchien8211 May 2010
Tiffany has recently decided to embark on an independent film career. Her first film is Necrosis, which also stars Hero's star James Kyson Lee, along with 7th Heaven's George Stults. I had high hopes for Tiffany in this movie based on early trailers and news. Unfortunately, of the six main cast members, hers is probably the smallest role.

The story is about a group of friends who go off to spend a weekend in the snow at a remote cabin which just happens to be near where the Donner Party massacre happened. When a bad snowstorm comes through, they are trapped at the cabin, and must fend off the Donner ghosts, as well as one of their own who seems to be slipping fast into a delusional state.

Half-way through the film Tiffany aka Karen decides to go for help with her boyfriend. I won't spoil the results, but it did leave me with a few unanswered questions about her fate. I feel the movie was a little slow overall and the ending a bit too fast. A better balance of action and suspense would have made it all felt a bit more even throughout.

All that said, my favorite part of the DVD was the behind the scenes feature, which gets my 10 rating. There are quite a few candid moments with Tiffany, and you can really get a better understanding of just how hard this movie was to make being that they actually did shoot this during a snow storm.
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Good Film
aidanlandry10 May 2010
Friends spending a weekend trapped in a remote cabin is not a new movie concept. But, adding in a snowstorm and Tiffany, you will catch my interest! I watched this film expecting the worst, but actually enjoyed it for the most part.

I know a little of the Donner party story, and I thought the connection was a good one, if under-utilized. A few flashback scenes and vague mentions of them didn't really paint the picture of just who these people were and why they were coming back to haunt this cabin. But, I suppose that is part of the intent. We are never sure whether there really are ghosts, or if they are just in the mind.

The two main leads did very well together. There "romantic" scene in the power shed near the end of the film was my favourite. I thought they clicked well and having the film finally end on them, with the big question still looming about whether or not they will make it, left me thinking.

I was also impressed that the movie used Tiffany's song "Winters Over" for their closing credits. Little touches like that found in this movie make it stand out a bit from the usual fair found in this low-budget genre.
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Up to date remake of the Shining involving a group of friends isolated during a winter storm.
insane_tiger7 June 2010
Psychological/suspenseful movie despite its shortcomings, namely dialogue. There were a couple scenes when I wondered how the actors delivered their lines with a straight face. My favourite line went something like, "Bears hibernate for the winter. The only animal you have to worry about this weekend is me." The music could be hit or miss but I felt it added to the creepy atmosphere. Unfortunately the movie finishes right after the climax and is very open ended. I would have liked a little more resolution because I enjoyed the characters. If you enjoyed this movie but wanted to see more blood and gore I would recommend "Dead Snow".
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