Wedding Season (2022) Poster

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Not half bad
Kingslaay7 August 2022
I enjoyed Wedding Season more than I thought I would. The pretend dating and falling in love formula has been used in Bridgerton and other Rom Coms, it's a common formula. But it was done this time with a rich Indian spin and storyline and it works. The two main cast members are likeable and show a nice easy to see romance on screen. They showcased the pressures of family and trying to rise above it. This modern rom com does deliver a nice feel good sort of film. My only issue was they didn't explain what happens to Asha and Ravi when Asha takes up her new role in London? This plot point was kind of left unfinished. Overall not a bad film.
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It's too cliche, predictable, but sweet.
Critic_For_Life5 August 2022
It started off good but then it just got too predictable and the script is super cheesy. Acting is ok. Parents were annoying however stereotyped all the way. Nothing else to watch? Sure, why not Wedding Season. It's an escape from reality.
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What to expect, when you are (not) expecting
kosmasp4 August 2022
No pun intended and not this is not about being pregnant but rather about parents and their kids ... about your own life, your plans ... mostly when it comes to career planning. And that goes against wishes from parents who want their kids to get married - especially daughters/girls.

Of course the movie is filled with cliches - so you can call this cringe or whatever else makes you (un)happy, but it is what it is. Either get on board with it or do not watch at all. Considering other romantic comedies, this actually works mostly. It is because the main characters/actors have some chemistry! They work well together ... it is not about surprises, you will be able to guess where the movie is going with its story .. but it is a fun ride up until that point.
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Generic, predictable, but still enjoyable
Eggoreluckadman5 August 2022
Wedding Season is exactly what you expect.

From the premise and execution everything happens exactly as every other generic rom com.

That being said the performances and the chemistry between the two leads Suraj Sharma and Pallavi Sharda carry this movie from beginning to end.
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Pleasant ron-??? Good cast
vincentlynch-moonoi5 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I notice that a couple of reviewers mentioned that this film promotes Indian stereotypes. If they mean the interference of Indian mothers in their children's love lives...probably true. Just like I have seen in quite a few Indian movies that I have watched. So that cultural stereotype is a rather traditional Indian story line.

There aren't any surprises in this story. Of course, there aren't many surprises in most movies. We usually know how they'll turn out. The delight (at least sometimes) is finding out how they get there. And in that realm, this is a pretty pleasant romantic story. What's appealing here are most of the main characters. Suraj Sharma seems like a heck of a nice guy...including in this film. I have enjoyed him in everything he's done since he burst on the scene in "The Life Of Pi". The female lead here -- Pallavi Sharda -- seems like a bright, intelligent actress. Of the mothers and fathers, Rizwan Manji stands out, but they all do their jobs.

I'm seeing that some people are calling this a rom-com. I don't agree. It's generally fun and pleasant, but while there are some humorous elements, I don't see it as a comedy. A romantic story with some ups and downs. Humor here and there. If you're looking for an actual comedy...I wouldn't go here. There's as much drama as comedy. Let's say that the story is told in a upbeat, pleasant manner.
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Predictable yet lovely to watch
fayyaz-acamar4 August 2022
It was interesting to see that the average US user rating was just 4.3. Given that Ron Howard and Brian Grazer were the executive producers, and Tom Dey directed, that's a serious diss to them!

Here's what this movie is. It has high production values, it has nuance and fine notes within a fairly predictable story. The actors were fresh, the acting was very good and it was an enjoyable 1.5 hours, rather than the typical 2.5-3 hour Indian movie. It was a modern Indian love story.

Most movies are predictable, but they can be fun to watch anyway. Worth a go!
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Good chemistry but not much start
leahcubed15 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It was predictable. Very predictable. And that isn't always a bad thing but in this case it was. It had all the typical tropes around fake relationships as well as a newer "I don't need a man I am a strong independent woman" thing going on. That is okay in a minimal sense. Amd I get the whole resisting the older generation/traditional values thing. But all of that can be in your face overdone and I felt like it was. I also did not feel like we got to know the fun side of her or what was lovable about her. And part of it was making her this fiercely independent person. They had good chemistry when you got to see that but there were very few "falling in love" type scenes. Not horrible just not great.
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RomCom to warm the heart
skpn1234 August 2022
This film is just pure fun: Silliness, tropes to warm the soul, lots of stereotypes (who doesn't love them), great music with just a touch of serious - an uplift on a dull day!
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What this movie gets right
sid-sharma07 August 2022
I whole heartedly enjoyed the movie, Pallavi's character around whom the story revolves, does a great job of portraying a smart independent girl born in an immigrant family. The movie paints in broad strokes, but the characters are real, the culture is real, the struggle with parents is real. There are a lot of things that the script gets right, the emotional moments with parents, the pressure the expectations and the spite - these are quite naunced and hard to get right without completely belittling one side, so I was quite happy with the balance they struck! Although I was underwhelmed by the male lead's character and his whole arc, they could've done that better. All in all quite an enjoyable watch.
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Omgosh so dumb
rwscrnn29 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I love this type of movie usually! Adding Indian ppl and NJ! I should love this, buuuut omg so dumb. I wanted To love Asha But her acting just felt false. And REALLY the big betrayal is my bf is a secret millionaire!!! That uses his money to generously give to charitable organizations!!!?? These romcoms are infamous for their stupid plots but this is next level. Who in their right mind would be UPSET at that reveal???? I'd be like HYPE, yes babe you're rich and famous and generous. Thankfully the friend breaks it down and yells at her-the one time romcom friend is sensible!

Also the family drama pressure was like really Asha you're whining bc your family loves you so much that they want you in a happy relationship. I mean yeah marriage pressure is a pain-but she just came across as a whiny baby. And she got mad at him lying!? When she lied to her whole family? It's just all dumb. And the whole B storyline with sisters wedding to white guy?? Like what were they trying to do?
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Hallmark...but better
allisonjoys6 August 2022
I was in the mood for a cheesy romantic movie and this did not disappoint. It was better than I expected. I know others are unhappy about the Indian cliches but I found them endearing.
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I mean, pretty good for a Netflix Movie
justkaceyfisher25 December 2022
I was so happy to see a majority brown cast in a Netflix original, so I got over my more or less hatred of romcoms. I think the lead actors had good chemistry. The wardrobe and music departments did a fabulous job. You've definitely seen the NRI marriage-set up before (ahem, Indian Matchmaking) and there are plenty of stereotypes.

If you were looking for an ambitious film that tries to be original, I don't believe this movie would be the one to choose.

Overall, this is a relatively pleasant way to pass the time. If you want a lighthearted movie to pass the time, this could certainly be a contender.

If anything, you could give this movie a watch over Teleparty with friends just to gawk and gape at the fabulous outfits.
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khyatichopraa9 August 2022
Saw the first few minutes and was disappointed that how predictable the story line was ...eventually lost interest.

I'm done with these predictable plots and makers trying to capitalize on the NRI dream by displaying the glamorous side. Stereotyping Indian mom and family have seen this over and over again way too many times.
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The writing is the problem!
deesirius17 August 2022
The actors are great, super good looking! The outfits were absolutely amazing! My favourite will always he seeing people on the screen who look exactly like me.

However the script is...REALLY NOT GREAT. The actors did what they could with it. Its not so much the cheese factor its more the storyline and the fact that these two dont have a-lot of interaction on screen with good, smart and funny back and forth dialogue. Its all very surface. They of course tried to make it deep with Ashas presentation...but it felt like a try hard. Im okay with cliche! Im used to cliche...but just wish our two leads had more snappy dialogue.
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ad889925 August 2022
This is a cute romantic comedy. The actors were very good and they overall elevated the more formulaic writing. I enjoyed seeing another culture represented in an English speaking romantic comedy.
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14 Weddings & a DJ
aylwardpaul10 August 2022
This is predictable and cliche like most romance films, but it has Likable characters, good chemistry between the leads, and a decent script and production.

Its probably better than Crazy Rich Asians, which is a recent comparison.

It kept me entertained to the end.
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Entertaining rom-com
magnoliacream20 August 2022
Funny and endearing story of a single career girl being pressured by her family to get married. With a glossed-over biodata on a dating site submitted by her mom, she goes on a date with a guy with an impressive biodata.
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Successfully made me chuckle
nathan-p-hart7 August 2022
I give rom coms that can hold it together a 6 or 7. But this movie got some genuine chuckles out of me. The actors had good comic timing, even though the story was predictable. However, I really enjoyed that the movie includes how love can be between people of different religions and backgrounds and the acceptance of it without being heavy handed.
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A Meet/Cute movie
thejdrage10 August 2022
This is a fun meet/cute movie with a good story line and fun characters played well by all the actors.

The main problem I had with it is that there wasn't nearly enough Indian dancing and music. Some, but not enough to get my foot tappin'.

It's worth the watch!
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Cliched and slight, this romcom is paint-by-numbers.
mulholland-lily7 August 2022
The premise is fantastic but for me it just didn't deliver. I wasn't invested in either of our romantic leads-there were no real stakes and the external/internal conflict felt manufactured. Possibly another movie playing for laughs at the expense of saying something meaningful-for example, this movie could have found something new to say about second/third generation migrants being caught in inter-generational crosshairs. Instead, it's really the fake relationship trope with nothing new to make it compelling or even interesting. I only made it to the mid-point before turning it off. I hope it's more appealing for other viewers, as it's great to see movies being made with and for people of colour.
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Well made, great dancing and songs
aj11115 August 2022
Is it predictable? Of course, it's a rom com. The acting was solid, the songs and the dancing were great. The chemistry of the leads was convincing, and the pressure that parents put on their high achieving kids was all too real. I would probably say 81/2 rather than 9, but it's well worth the time. Which by the way it's half as long as typical Bollywood movies.
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Likable characters and actirs
mccabe-shannon23 August 2022
The characters are extremes, as one would expect in this type of movie. It's more along the lines of Hallmark, not blockbuster release, but for that it's really good.

I really like the main actor and I'm so happy to see him star in this. The lead actress is beautiful and did a fantastic job as well.

Corny? Cheesy? Predictable? All Yes. But worth a couple hours of your time!
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A miss...
biaboo75 August 2022
I understand what they were trying to do, and at times the chemistry between the actors was pretty good, but the 'conflict' ended up being pretty boring and frankly didn't make too much sense. It started off on a good premise but fell through. Also, if I'm being honest the female lead was not too likeable.
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Visually filled with color, weddings and meddling family members
cgvsluis21 February 2023
This was a sweet romantic comedy that left me with one great line... "Let your love be bigger than your fear"-Ravi

Asha and Ravi are set up by their respective parents on a blind date. Asha is all about her work and doesn't have time for this love nonsense and Ravi is "taking a break from work". The two agree to fake date in order to attend this wedding season's 13-14 weddings together and keep their families off their backs. The problem is they come to genuinely like each other...until the point where they are faking their fake dating.

I thought it was a sweet film and I enjoyed it as a rom-com. I loved all the colorful dresses and decorations. I thought Suraj Sharma was amazingly handsome and sincere in his portrayal of the character Ravi. The only part of the film I didn't enjoy was the portrayal of Priya's fiancé as this bungling white guy who is trying too hard to fit in with her East Indian family and making far too many mistakes for someone who is a trained surgeon. That really bothered me (I guess I didn't find it particularly funny, just awkward).

This is a recommendation to all the light hearted romantics out there.
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It was ok
ranikaith17 October 2022
I enjoyed the movie, although on the most parts it was quite predictable and the storyline wasnt new or innovative. The main characters had a really good chemistry between them, so it was quite pleasant to watch them interact. Besides that i was a little bit annoyed by the white dude ( the husband to be from the protagonists sister) cause its one thing to make efforts to learn about a new culture to fit more in or please your in laws (and its a really nice gesture too) but another to reproduce cliches and be cultural insensible ( iam not sure if it was intentional to bring in some light hearted humour, but in my eyes it backfired and most of his sayings or doings were quite rude) Otherwise an okish movie, you dont miss anything if you dont watch it, but if you do its also not a huge time waste.
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