Snow Falls (2023) Poster


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Where's the snow?
honest_reviews1721 January 2023
For a movie about snow, there sure isn't much of it. As many other reviews have already pointed out quite well, this movie fails on so many levels while still attempting to convince you it's succeeding. The radio announcement at the beginning preshadowed the quality of the remainder of the film. Not sure if it was just my copy, but the entire movie seemed oversaturated which pretty much killed any sort of creepy vibe they were attempting to go for. There were some good moments of atmosphere (not the weather kind) for which I gave it 2 stars rather than one. But seriously, next time someone comes up with a plot full of this many holes, maybe they should think again before trying to turn it into a movie. Snow falls, more like snow fails.
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Absolute garbage
Gworph24 January 2023
If you have ever wanted to watch moist garbage freeze in the winter snow you are certainly in luck.

The acting is some of the worst I have ever seen, along with the writing and directing. The characters spend an an inordinate amount of time in-doors, contemplating amateur survival skills from a character that has never spent a minute out in the wilderness, and whose sole knowledge-base of the wilderness is based off of first aid videos and vintage survival tips viewed on Youtube.

All of the actors are no-name, which is not necessarily a bad thing except for the fact that they all failed acting class.

Enjoy your C-class horror movie that will leave you with no satisfaction at all.
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So,so dumb..
dunjiccb1 February 2023
They are literally in the wood. Surrouned by trees. They have gas stove. Tons on jackets and blankets. Cabin is made of strong wood and even a single snowflake is not inside... and they keep panicking that they will die of coldness? No other explanation except young are today completelly useless, or the director make this cause he lost some bet.

Medical student is story for herself, if there is any justice they would at least eat her first time when she suggested that they should not fall asleep so we can call this a horror.

They were for 3 days there and acted like it is end of the world.

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Shot in 6 days. Same amount of time the writer must have attended school.
deltagilbert20 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The film is about a group of friends trapped in a cabin during a blizzard and they start to freeze to death. I think the writer's brains froze when they wrote this script.

Snow is coming down the entire film and the group gets snowed in, yet we see multiple shots throughout showing the cabin with the same dumb snowman outside surrounded by the exact same light level of snowfall.

They can't drive to safety because the road is blocked by snow. The same level of snow that continually surrounds the snowman. They might have well stuck a big ruler in the ground next to it for a laugh.

When the fire begins to go out the friends find they're quickly running out of firewood to burn. No one seems to notice they're surrounded by multiple sources of wood. They even have a big shiny axe to cut it with. The entire cabin is made of wood. The walls, doors, tables, chairs, trees outside, even the acting is wood. Everything!

Remember that road they couldn't drive to safety on? The police car at the end of the film doesn't seem to have any trouble driving along it. Maybe only one lane was clear and the gang didn't want to drive on the wrong side of the road or something. Definitely better freezing the death than getting pulled over.

This whole film is dumb, boring and I'd rather freeze to death than watch it again.
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A Bad Start To The New Year (For Horror)...Because This Movie Is Idiotic.
meddlecore18 January 2023
When a group of college friends go to one of their parent's cottages, at a ski resort called Snow Falls, for New Year's Eve...they end up getting trapped, with no power, little food, and a supply of firewood that they are burning through quick.

However, they still have a safe house...and blankets...and each other...

So when the one girl- traumatized by the dying words of her mother- takes over, with all these rules, designed to prevent hypothermia...all logic- and any semblance of common sense- is just thrown out the window.

Because...though, it would no doubt be cold. It wouldn't be to the point where they are actually hypothermic.

So the fact that she suggests they "don't fall asleep", only acts to make matters being sleep deprived would go to adversely effect their psychological state.

Which is what the entire premise of this film is based on.

As they can't even go three damn days before they all start tripping out.

Which is just as ridiculous as not falling asleep at all during that timeframe.

Because, they are quite literally surrounded by trees...yet make no attempt to collect firewood at any point.

Which would have solved all of their nonsensical problems.


For anyone who lives in an area where it'll look at the rate at which the CGI (ugh) snow is coming down...and be like...hey, how pleasant.

The filmmakers make zero effort to make it seem like they are actually stuck in a blizzard (the snow doesn't even go above the soles of their boots ffs).

So it's simply laughable.

And this is before they introduce the equally absurd theme of them thinking the snowflakes are infected by some sort of virus.

Which doesn't even make any damn sense.

Their paranoid delusions are, apparently, a result of the sleep deprivation...while their sleep deprivation is all based on one chick's idiotic direction...and them collectively being too stupid to collect firewood, despite wandering around outside amongst a plethora of very accessible trees.

Literally nothing in this film makes sense.

If the writers had half a brain, they would have just made the whole thing a cannibal flick...because the only actual problem they have is a lack of food...and even that is giving them the benefit of the doubt, because they still have food at the end!!!

The entire plot here is so's flabbergasting.

Leaving me genuinely confused about what the creators were thinking when they constructed it.

Is the whole point of this film to frustrate you, with how frustratingly dumb these characters are?

Cause if that's not it...then I just don't get it.

Hopefully this isn't foreshadowing what kind of year 2023 is going to be like for horror.

Because this move is idiotic.

Talk about a bad start to the New Year...

1 out of 10.
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We Get it, Yes you are stuck in a cabin.
destiny_west22 January 2023
Honestly, your viewers are not that thick that you have to keep reiterating that you are trapped at the cabin, and that there is no phone service. By the time I heard that line delivered for the god knows how many time, I was already to walk away from this train wreck.

We get it, you wish you made Cabin Fever, but you didn't.

This film is about a group of friends who travel to a cabin for the weekend that belongs to one of the friends parents, which we find out by a very cheesy phone call, with over the top acting. A sudden blizzard happens. Leaving them without sufficient fire wood or food and "trapped without phone service' they then get cabin fever and go crazy.

They seriously couldn't hold on knowing that the parents knew they were there and would come find them after a few days? Come on.. absolutely ridiculous.

The house was full of stuff they could have burned to survive.

They were trapped but I'm pretty positive uber eats could have delivered.

There is an old saying 'Just because you can, doesn't mean you should'
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Snow Falls flat
benchod_196822 January 2023
This movie starts off with beautiful drone visuals, but it quickly turns into something as if a group of film students rented an Airbnb and had the collective thought of making a movie about being stuck there in a snow storm. For being a movie filmed entirely in one setting, the occasional shots of the trees outside doesn't help the story when they're all bare. I especially love the one scene after someone dies and they go outside and it's calm, then quickly switches to harsh blowing snow that is very obviously a filter they applied post-processing.

Lastly and most importantly, this film projects a misinformed understanding of hypothermia. But perhaps it's true when you, and everyone around you, is a moron.
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airunworkman26 January 2023
They have heat....... the entire movie is ignorant and mindless. The medical student would never make it in real life and should have been sacrificed and eaten. Whoever wrote the film should stick to basic children's books. There are multiple bedrooms throughout this big Ole cabin with thick blankets besides the fact they have gas as heat source. One of these clowns turns on stove, burns his hand and they magically forget about the gas stove and keep rambling how they are hypothermia after one day. There is a forest full of wood, house full of wood, plenty of alcohol to start fire besides fact THEY HAVE GAS FOR HEAT!
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Where is the snow?
hopeschmitt21 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First off where is the storm? You think after a snow storm you wouldn't even be able to see the snowman or at least put 5inchs on him to represent a storm. Also why are they staying awake? They could of brought wet wood inside for the fire. We do it all the time it burns. Also you can dry it by the fire 🔥. Why don't they take the doors off the hinge and you have plenty of wood that's easy to replace. There are so many things to burn it's ridiculous they would have hypothermia. I can't even finish the movie because it's so annoyingly bad. You have college kids acting like 12 year olds who have no life skills or knowledge. No one is this stupid at 22. Who wrote this?!
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I'm a Horror Fan
emmy-6375311 February 2023
I thought this was a very well made psychological thriller-horror film and am disappointed by all the low scores and purely nasty "reviews." I've definitely watched plenty of horror that left me in a state of shock - shock that someone over the age of 6 wrote, directed and acted in the film and shock it was even made and released. This is definitely NOT one of those films!

The actors were terrifically casted and I enjoyed all of their performances. I recognized Em from Down a Dark Hall and some of the others as well. The story was well thought out and kept my interest all the way through. I especially enjoyed the 'little things' in this film: creepy Russian experiment story; medical aspect of film (paradoxical hypothermia - that's something new - I love feeling smarter after watching a film); the snowman; the fact that I felt cold watching it! The special effects were great- I Loved the snowman scene! It reminded me a bit of a Christmasland snowman from Joe Hill's NOS4A2, which I also loved.

I highly recommend this film, especially to fans of the horror & dark thriller genre. I can't wait to see what this filmmaker creates next!
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Interesting dialogue, but plot holes
DiesIraeComing19 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoy psychological horror more than rubber monster movies or slasher films. But psychological horror can be heavy on dialogue and light on action, and this is indeed the case here. But what made me want to leave a review, is the following...

THE GOOD. This movie took risks with its dialogue. For example, there's an exchange about mass psychosis--a topic that upsets some people and can often be 'fact-checked' into oblivion in the digital world. But others would argue it is demonstrably real and appropriate after the last few years of world events. Additionally, the story has characters believing they are sick and try various, unhealthy methods of 'curing' themselves, including quarantining themselves to death. In general, this movie successful demonstrates the horrific, self-damaging consequences of people giving in to fear, specifically fear regarding illness. I found it encouraging that a film would talk about these subjects knowing they are often mocked and ridiculed on popular forums. It takes guts to go against popular opinion.

THE BAD. How to trap your characters in a single location is a common problem for smaller budget films. Here we have a snow storm. Fuel runs out and firewood runs out and they start to freeze and this is what starts the second act. EXCEPT, they are surrounded by trees. Here begins the 'horror film decision making' that hurts these kinds of films. The leader-girl tells everyone they can't fall asleep because they'll die from hypothermia. But they know it's going to be days before they can leave, so that's horrible advice. And you're SURROUNDED by trees! Go break off some limbs, start a fire and warm up. The sleeplessness causes hallucinations and amplifies their fear-induced decision making, and we downward spiral to the climax.

CONCLUSION. This is probably a 5 or 6 star movie for me. But I'm giving it a 7 because of the risks they took with the dialogue and the inevitable low star rating they'll get for that.

Whoever made this, I hope you keep making movies.
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hugomlmota21 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is an insult to millions and millions of people nowadays, and through history, that live in miserable and extreme conditions.

We have a fairly confortable house, lots of blankets, clothes, a fireplace, timber, flamable itens, even gas and water running, and go beserk about freezing?

All events and decisions defy simple logic.

Plus, for all we know about the storyline, the events run for a period of some days. Maybe a week, maximum? It's stupid!

Having someone in the group with some degree in healthcare, turns things even more non-sense.

Stanley Kubrik, in his "Shining" must be laughing in his grave about this. John Carpenter surely is having some seizure, to make a movie about true horror in the extreme conditions of the Antartic, and no one was bothered about the cold.

But this group of youngters, managed to go harakiri in a cosy house...

No words for such garbage.

The 3 rating was for the ambiance and soundtrack. Not bad. The rest... you're on your own to see it.
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Avoid at all costs!
deloudelouvain7 February 2023
I watched a really bad Argentinian horror movie yesterday which I also scored with a two (a low rating that doesn't happen often with me) so I thought this week couldn't get any worse. What was I wrong! Snow Falls was slightly better as for the quality of the images but the story, if you can call it that, was beyond dumb. It's been a while since I was so flabbergasted by a bad story. I won't spoil anything, if there's even anything to spoil here. The story is so dumb, some kids go on a trip in a luxuary chalet, with all the comfort, open fire, blankets, plenty of wood everywhere, and they still manage to talk about hypothermia whilst walking around in their tank top. You couldn't think of a dumber horror (that's what it's categorized as, you wonder why) movie. They supposedly run out of food after half a day but still have food at the end. Not to mention the blizzard, what a joke, there's more snow in frigging Spain. It looked like a nice cozy winter instead of a devastating cyclone bomb. Avoid this movie at all costs, except if you're a bit masochistic and like to be annoyed for one hour and thirteen minutes.
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Huge lack of logic and medical knowledge.
anirain19 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First 20 minutes was okay.

Then bam power shortage and no gas in the generator.

Long story short, it's been a whole (gasp!) 2 (two) days since the electricity was gone and those college kids started thinking about imminent (sic!) death from hypothermia and maybe starving, aha. There is plenty of snow around, you can boil it and survive a month at least without food at all, just on water. Also, you can watch a bunch of YouTube videos, like "She has been Living in a Cabin in the Forests of Sweden for 8 years Home Tour" - there is a room tour in a cabin without electricity.

Of course, you can get hypothermia indoors, in a bad shack with huge holes, without availability to cover those holes, without clothes, blankets and with no heat at all. But, in a well-builded house, with a fireplace, tons of insulatable materials, the whole forest and trees and bushes around and wooden furniture in the house, unlimited water source from crappy CGI-snow, a med college student came up with a brilliant idea about sleep deprivation to avoid this (imminent, duh) hypothermia. I don't know, maybe they are on some sort of heavy drugs? Looks like the scenarist (director himself) was cutting logical corners in the script too much, going to the point of "oh I will show a cool movie about sleep deprivation".

If you try to believe in this film and watch it till the end, there is bad news for you - the CGI-snow will become more crappier at the end.
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Simply ridicoulos
giovyjlg20 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I would retitle the movie with: Natural selection.

The trailer should mention: A group of friends dies of freezing in a completely Woden house, inside a Forrest full of trees.

None of them had the idea to cut even a single branch of a tree located few meters away from the house.

They had a car full of gas but scared to go on the road with 1 inch of snow? Seriously?

The amount of stupidity overpassed my imagination.

The lady, apparently medical educated, mentioned after 24hours stuck in that house no sense and completely wrong things regarding hypothermia and not falling asleep with a fire still on, full of blankets and clothes everywhere, candles turned on, and six person's that could stay close together to warm up.

One guy even thought it is a good idea to warm the hands by touching the stove when there were dozen of candles around him.

It is simply ridiculous.

At some point, I asked my self if it's done on purpose, as it can be that dumb...
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Snow Falls for Goofballs
kbrob755 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's unfortunate the director couldn't direct this movie.

1. Never saw them bring groceries. 2. Bizzard but snow does not pile up. 3. Each time they open the door, the blizzard stops then starts again to be viewed through the windows. 4. An entire Forrest, but no one decides to chop more wood to keep warm. 5. Gas stove with a box of matches, no one decided to light all burners or boil pots of water or the oven for heat .

6. Could've use additional blankets and coats to layer up. 7. How is an emotional wreck in charge. 8. People in Russia use vodak to keep warm, why not here. No common sense.
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This is probably the dumbest movie I've made it through.
bobbiedylan24 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There is so much wrong with this movie. I don't know how I got though it, except for shear boredom. First off, the director cuts everybody's body off. He shows the upper quarter of their body in almost every shot, and it's just wrong. I just kept wishing he could just bring the camera down half a foot. Also, I'm Canadian, there isn't a whole lot of snow, and they're in a mansion with a ton of blankets, extra clothes a gas stove, running water somehow, and an axe. I'm sure they could cut down dead tree, and find some wood ffs. At one point they called it 'camping', but this is not camping; it's not even glamping. They are surrounded by wood, and there is no way the fire they are sitting in front of before they run out of wood wouldn't be keeping them warm. None of this makes any sense and it gives very little hope for this generation if they all average this kind of stupidity. These people need their mommy's and daddy's and should never be left alone anywhere. Buddy's dad knows they are there, so they certainly shouldn't be this hopeless. Not to mention, not one of them are looking for a solution in the giant mansion. I'll give the writer credit in that I had to watch to see how much more ridiculous it could get. The ending was awful too. I was hoping someone was gonna wake up in a mental hospital and this was some kind of their own made up nightmare. I'm embarrassed for having even watched it. Don't.
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Snow fell that's it.
Rosyglow28 February 2023
Snow falls. And it doesn't even snow that much. Five boring people go to a cabin and do nonsensical things. Whoever wrote this is seriously not a good writer. Why was this even made? Was this a money laundering scheme, who knows. Dumb characters. Why does idbm want me to type six hundred words? I don't have much to say . Seriously need to reduce the minimum word count for this. Bla Bla Bla is the story , I can't take it anymore. Snow is falling. Snow cones. Icecream. Ringa ringa roses pocket full of posies haisha huisha we all fall down ringa ringa roses poscket full of posies ashes ashes we al.
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Movie was good, idk whats wrong with the other guy
brysond-450915 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I thought the movie was alright, the hallucination scenes were done well, although a bit predictable at times. I can't really think too much of what to say, so I'll just spend the word count by debunking Negative Nancy over there.

1. You want a bunch of young adults who are suffering from hypothermia to FELL THEIR OWN TREE, chop it up, and burn it for heat? How would they burn it? Lighting the fire inside the house and risk burning it down? Or would they go outside and burn it? How would they light a fire on top of a foot of snow?

2. Yea, it showed them using the gas stove to cook something later on in the film. But you sure aren't going to be able to use a singular gas stove to heat up like 5 individuals in a big house.

3. "No other explanation other than young are today completely useless". What? Why is it impossible to decipher what this is supposed to mean? No explanation other than you were incredibly drunk while writing this review. I know what you were attempting to say, just another "Kids these days don't know anything" by some boomer.

4. There's a tiny thing stopping them from eating her, called "morals".

5. Yea, it doesn't take 2 years to die of hypothermia. People can die from hypothermia in hours.
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Might as well wait for the snow the thaw...
paul_haakonsen1 March 2023
Well, this movie from writers Luke Genton, Colton Tran and Laura M. Young is as bad as the IMDb rating actually indicates. Yeah, sometimes you just got to stop and take heed of the warning signs before you opt to sit down and watch something.

I hadn't heard about "Snow Falls" prior to sitting down to watch it. It was a horror movie that I hadn't already seen, so of course I opted to watch it. And yeah, I had taken notice of the 2.9 rating (in this very moment I am writing this review) on IMDb, and I was a little bit hesitant about the movie. But I opted to give director Colton Tran the benefit of the doubt.

The storyline in "Snow Falls" fell short of entertaining me, much less capturing my interest. So it was a difficult movie to sit through, as the 79 minutes felt extraordinary long given the slow paced narrative and the lack of anything overly interesting happening.

Now, I wasn't familiar with the cast ensemble in the movie, and that is usually something I enjoy when I watch a movie. And I will say that they had some good enough talents on the cast list here, just a real shame that they didn't have anything worthwhile working with in terms of script, characters and dialogue.

Visually then you're not in for anything spectacular, should you opt to sit down and watch "Snow Falls". There weren't any real use of special effects throughout the course of the movie, nor did it really seem like the movie would have benefitted from it.

If you enjoy horror movies, then take heed and perhaps give "Snow Falls" a wide berth. It simply isn't worth the time, money or effort. Some of us suffered through the 79 minutes of movie so you don't have to.

My rating of "Snow Falls" lands on a three out of ten stars.
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Snow Way Out
nogodnomasters28 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A group of college age kids head out to River's (Johnny Berchtold) parent's winter cabin in Snow Falls. The camera lands on Eden (Anna Grace Barlow) who is studious and top billed so we suspect she is the final girl. On the radio we hear about the SARS virus spreading in Asia and a plane crash on the east side most likely no survivors. They drink and celebrate New Year's with alcoholic snow cones from the cyclone blizzard.

As in many storms, they lose power. The backup generator has no gas. They are low on food and firewood. It is cold. Eden suggests they stop drinking and stay awake for body heat. Soon they start to hallucinate. Dangerous hallucinations. Eden claims it is sleep deprivation. The others believe there was a virus in the snow they ate.

The film was slow moving. The hallucinations weren't great and could have been done better if not for the low budget.

Guide: F-word. Male butt nudity. No swearing.
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Oh. My. Gosh. Where Do I Satrt?
rebeltaz-1870514 May 2023
Nothing about this movie was entertaining, realistic or even held any artistic value. From the very first scene, I was hoping for the quick end to every single character.

It starts off complaining that the girl in the front had her feet on the dash. "Oh. My. Gosh. That is SO dangerous." We quickly move to criticize the guy who isn't wearing his seatbelt. :GASP!: :eyeroll: Right away, we can see where this movie his heading.

From there it just goes down hill fast. When we get to the cabin in the middle of nowhere, the reaction from one of the guys when he learns that there is :GASP!: no cell signal is almost laughable. Right then and there you know that, from this moment forward, what you are going to be experiencing is life from the point of view from those born in the last twenty years.

You've got five "kids" (in mentality only - they are all adults by physical age) trying to survive in the middle of the woods during a snow storm with a power outage. Nothing out of the ordinary for most of those from my generation. We would fair just fine. You have a fireplace. You are in the woods. You have a gas stove. You're pretty much set. These "kids", though.. nah. They never once think to go out and get any wood that hasn't already been cut for them (three pieces). They can't even be bothered to burn the furniture because "mommy might be big mad." It's not even until mid movie that they think to light the gas stoves' burners... and even that thought apparently doesn't last too long.

For no reason at all, every single one of them starts to hallucinate. In the middle of a cabin. Bundled up. After only a day or two. But... yeah.. ok... I guess that generation might react this way to actual life.

The blonde girl is annoying as all get out from the very get go. This girl is portrayed as being this brilliant know it all, yet with all the book smarts that she spouts, not a single intelligent thought rooted in reality can save any of them. When the typical beta male is scared silly by a hallucinated skeletal hand, he goes and gets blonde girl to save him. From a closet. Typical modern story telling element where man needs woman to save him.

Last but not least... when the power finally does come back on... IMMEDIATELY the cops show up at that very instant.... for some inexplicable reason.

There is NOTHING... let me repeat... NOTHING about this movie that is worth watching. Right before writing this, after watching the movie, I saw in the Trivia section that it was filmed in "only six days." Yeah... like they say... you get what you pay for. The fact that this was filmed in "only six days" really and truly shows. DO NOT.. hear me well... DO NOT waste your time with this piece of ... yeah.
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If only there was a virus....
rahat-9353724 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie makes no sense and full of plot holes. Are young people today that stupid? They have trees around their house. Lots of heavy gear to fight the cold not to mention the snow seems suitable for car ride. So why they did not fight the cold or even go for safety? My only explanation for their behaviour is may be there was some sort of virus in the snow that they ate which was mentioned many times in the movie characters but never confirmed. Also the infamous "Russian Sleep Experiment" is a total Hoax from creepypasta.

I just realized this movie was shot on just 6 days, well that is not a surprise to me :D.
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Massive plot holes, good other stuff
thegrimmshaw20 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The people giving this a 1 need to spend more time watching more independent movies. I guess it's all relative.

As stated by others the plot holes are glaring. Just so bad. The one not mentioned yet that stood out to me the most is that they still have gas going to the cabin... they light the stove with a match. Likely the water heater works the same way, but if not. They have unlimited warmth from the gas stove... rough writing.


The psychological tension was good. (but hard to get into cause of those plot holes)

The acting was fine.

The directing, the editing seemed fine. I'm no expert.

The music was GREAT! I noticed it right away and kept noticing it throughout the whole film.
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