The Girl Who Got Away (2021) Poster

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It's a slow burn psychological thriller, not really horror.
midnitepantera20 August 2021
This was an interesting one and done for me. You have to be patient as it is quite slow moving, but it does move and slowly reveal some twists and turns in the plot. If you want full on terror and horror, then you may not be so thrilled here. :( The acting was pretty good and the storyline was creepy, but they really didn't let us see what happen all those years to those girls, so that was left to your imagination. Which I found irritating.

Overall, a decent slow burn mystery that people with patience and not here for a gore-fest will probably enjoy watching, at least once.
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Wait a minute....
veritybingo26 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Hang on..... Didn't they say they found Elizebeth Caulfield's body and that she'd been dead for two days?

.. But she still turns out to be alive and is actually the real culprit behind all the killings???

I'm very confused!! Up until this 'twist' I was very invested and engaged. Maybe I'm missing a piece of the puzzle...
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A solid thriller that suffers due to its runtime
myignisrules22 August 2021
The slow burn pace might not be for some folks and I'll admit I don't think this movie needed to be two hours long, but that said, I quite enjoyed this thriller and I would go as far as to say it's the best I've seen in some time. Set against the backdrop of a Mid-Western town, the kind of place that seems perpetually cold and isolated, it's the perfect setting for what unfolds. Actress Lexi Johnson T(The Nice Guys, This is Us) and Chukwudi Iwuji (John Wick Pt.2, When They See Us) are the main focus and do a wonderful job of carrying this movie on their shoulders. The cast isn't a huge one but everyone else is fine in their roles. The story itself is very well written and even when you think you know what's going on here, Morrisey manages to flip the script in a way that feels original and smart. Like most fans of this genre, I love a good mystery and I really thought I had it all figured out. Turns out I wasn't even close, anytime a movie can catch me off guard, I'm a happy camper.

The kills are very effective as well. Gruesome but not over the top and with a solid sound design that sells the brutality and them some. Another aspect of this story that helped it stand out from most similar thriller was the antagonist. Female killers are rare in these types of movies and female serial killers even more so. Actress Kate Tuckerman (The Matrix Reloaded) who plays the lethal Elizabeth feels like a true force to recon with here with her earliest scenes taking their inspiration from none other than Michael Myers of Halloween fame. My only disappointment is we didn't have enough of her on screen but when she's there, you WILL believe this sixty something year old woman could whoop an ass and then some!

Like I mentioned before, the runtime here is a bit problematic and with some editing here and there to keep the tension tighter, The Girl Who Got Away would've been pitch perfect. That said, if you're a fan of thrillers that don't pull punches when it comes to its kills and doesn't make it too easy for you to figure out its mysteries, you should definitely give this a look.
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A real disappointment
chriscoates20 August 2021
It's a mess. And it's a real shame.

The opening 20 minutes or so are very strong and you think you're in good hands. While the film is (reasonably) low-budget the visuals are good throughout (as is the sound design) and the premise is pretty intriguing - you don't know where the story is going and you want to know more (those first 5 minutes or so are particularly effective). Clearly, much time and effort has gone into the presentation of the whole thing.

But as things progress real weaknesses begin to show. The main bulk of the story happens over a few days and during this time several events occur that would shake a city, let alone a small town. Yet we're not even given the sense that the community is even aware that these things have happened; there's absolutely no gravity to them.

And as the film goes on more and more is obviously demanded of the actors, the director and the script in order to sell the escalating events to the audience - but all these things are seriously lacking (with the exception of Chukwudi Iwuji who plays the cop; he's genuinely impressive and the real standout here).

Immediately after being subjected to something shocking and brutal, characters will behave and talk in ways that seem muted and unbelievable (it's partly the writing, partly the direction). Occasionally some scenes, tonally, skew off in directions that seem weird and out of place (there's a couple of scenes that feel like they're been yoinked out of the Friday the 13th franchise and just dropped in here and they don't work).

Some of the supporting characters are clearly played by non-actors. This is only a little distracting in the first half, but later the film really leans on some of them - and they're not able to do what they need to do. Ultimately none of this matters as the endgame is completely broken. If the script had delivered all of this would be forgiven.

The writing is decent until it really needs to get hold of the audience and communicate just how frantic, oppressive and urgent things are supposed to be getting - and it's then that we find the film doesn't know how to convincingly do these things. More than that - it just starts getting silly.

And as we approach the end of the film it just unravels into a daft mess and the sense of mystery and intrigue gives way to a series of tiresome twists that aren't surprising or involving. Instead be prepared to be bemused and a little bored.

There was real promise here, but a very good start makes the inept final act feel even worse than it usually would.

Technically it's generally very good with an assured sense of style and it will be interesting to see what the director does next. Hopefully someone will cast Chukwudi Iwuji in something befitting his talents - he deserves to be in something better than this.

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spedadvisor21 May 2022
I was really into this movie and it seemed to be a good thriller but with all the twists and turns unexplained instead of satisfaction I was left confused ultimately.
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Fairly confusing story line.
ChipBach1 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this movie had a chance, however you are asked to suspend reason a bit too much...

Mom is let loose by virtue of an accident and has the serial killer prowess of an olympian. At no time does the Marshall service dedicate any resources to the issue even after several horrific murders occur. Instead one lone cop seems to be the only one assigned to this issue.

The twist makes little sense especially when the central character basically admits to aiding the serial killer mom (even though she has PTSD as a result of her mothers actions.

Why does she kill the family services guy? The little girl is already dead (and how does he not know this??)..

Seems like the pregnant girl didn't work very hard to avoid the serial killer.

Lastly, kind of surprised the police would allow her to possess the baby that was carved out of her mothers belly. And how does the EMT not know the circumstances of the bloody baby?? "You guys appear to be fine, see ya, have fun with your bloody baby!"

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Not a typical horror but still terrific sub genre film
kysta26 September 2021
Without giving much away - this is a brilliant movie for what it is. Was pleasantly surprised that what i thought was happening was close but the twists left me guessing until the very end. A few jump scares but builds a good storyline and the thriller/psychological terror is more the backburn to that. Strong cast performances.
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The script really needed to be better! [+40%]
arungeorge1327 August 2021
The Girl Who Got Away is one of those long-winded thrillers that has an interesting plot at its core. While the making is pretty solid (in terms of creating an atmosphere), the writing seriously lacks conviction. We get a whole bunch of characters, none of which, are well-written. As viewers, we cannot trust any of these characters who act in a certain way, because the screenplay is only focused around throwing ineffective twists at us that undo entire scenes (and plot-points even). At nearly 2 hours long, the plot wears thin, the twists don't matter, and the performances lack the initial sincerity. What writer-director Michael Morrissey does succeed in is to intrigue us with an impressive visual style (for an indie horror) backed by decent sound design.
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[6.9] The other girl, the "favorite" blonde...
cjonesas4 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A nice psychological horror thriller with (very) good acting by the main young teacher protagonist, very talented, somehow deranged with effective play and acting; you believe in her as a damaged person portraying a strong, yet emotionally vulnerable character.

The pacing is good enough (some users seem to disagree, either psychological horror movies are not for them or they can watch in 1.6x mode, then the pacing would be terrific). That said, the movie is a bit disjointed, a little slow in development and crystal-clear thriller themes, keeping things muddy, with a little too much social developing fillers, the movie could have been more brutal, sharper in the psychological and material aspects.

No cops besides that cop, no dog, no manhunt, no nothing; just a terrified disturbed teacher, not knowing what she does at night and wakes up all in dirt.

The visual effects were above-average and what wanted to be an impactful gunshot wound in the end, was not; even that wasn't done right, when you headshot from that small distance, nearly half of the point, side and front of impact literally explodes, sending flesh, bones and cervical matters spraying out. (Maybe they were a little tight on the special effects budget).

In the end, it sets up the mood for a (very) promising dark secret sequel, potentially more terrifying than this movie. Deserves that, deserves more girls' terrified faces and showing of overwhelming fear eating your insides up.

Do it!

  • Screenplay/story: 6.5
  • Development: 7
  • Realism: 6.5
  • Entertainment: 7
  • Acting: 7.5
  • Filming/photography/cinematography: 7
  • Visual/special effects: 8
  • Music/score: 7.5
  • Depth: 6.5
  • Logic: 5.5
  • Flow: 7
  • Horror/thriller: 7
  • Ending: 6.5.
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Did anyone read the script?
NullUnit22 August 2021
This film doesn't merely have plot holes.. it's got gaping chasms of missing storylines. Grand Canyons of "what the F"? In fact, the end is simply NOT plausible given previous plot points.

I'll be honest.. I quit watching with about 5 minutes left in the film. That's just how engaged I was. Once they totally broke previous plot points for some random ending I had had enough and gave up. Nothing was going to be gained by the last 3-5 minutes. It was already proven the story was simply poorly written and the actual ending meant nothing.

The script is predictable and uninspired and seeming jumps to random story arcs to match some desired ending. But there's no continuity to the story.

The audio is atrocious - indiscernible dialog followed by WAY TOO LOUD ambient "music". Whoever is responsible for the audio levels should go back to film school. It's an assault on viewers when audio level are this poor.

Acting, for the most part, was okay. Not stellar but not really bad either.

I'd never watch this again and anyone skipping it will not be worse for wear.
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Great psychological thriller
K_Rad8822 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I liked it, I was never bored.

It was a slow burn and if you look away for a second you miss important things. But, I didn't think the budget was low, just because people aren't being decapitated on screen doesn't mean it's low budget it just adds to the mystery.

To the person who said Jamie saw her with a dead body in front of him and didn't say anything - I don't think it was the guy from child services she bopped over the head. She was digging up the 6th kid that they were talking about, because it was a tiny little body and that's when he asked why she didn't tell him there was a 6th.

Give it a watch, it's worth it.
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Some did not watch or pay attn
Farfallina7827 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
**NB for the person who said Jamie stood there while she dug up the Asian guy....uh, no. She dug up her childhood best friend. The sequence with flashbacks is literally on screen spelling it out.

Also, stormrider's "review" clearly shows the level of input here. They only watched 5 minutes and couldn't even get that right. Put down your phones and concentrate.

This movie is def a slow burn that sizzles. Not sure where people found it dull, since murders and twists keep happening throughout. ~pay attention~

One thingbm I disliked was the poor audio. But overall it is a decently acted movie that will keep you guessing, with an opening scene that will hook you right in.
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bigurn0120 August 2021
Ok so this film starts out with a great premise but fails to fully deliver. Its an ok film you know watch and forget in a day. Basically a time filler. Would not recommend nor would i put you off.
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gbaym21 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's not horrible, but definitely not good. Maybe OK to kill time.

No recognizable faces for me, yet the acting is very much on point.

I really don't understand one thing though. Half an hour before the end we found out that the main character is actually not who viewer thinks she is, but instead she's the daughter of the serial killer and somewhat psycho herself. It's suggested even earlier, but she literally says her name's not Christina. In other words, even if you don't pay attention very closely, you should know at some point in the movie she's not who she says she is.

Why is she still presented as the movie's protagonist until the very end then? As if nothing happened and I should still think she's Christina. And then at the very last second she says her name's actually Katie, is that supposed to be a twist? Is there any single person who have not figured that out by that point of the movie?

I didn't hate the movie, but the way that plotline unfolded really seemed stupid to me.
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This movie was good dont get bad reviews
trenthhall26 August 2021
Me and my wifey really liked this movie and were never bored I recommend it and don't understand the neg reviews.
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Weird movie
cranbery385 October 2021
So a bad ass serial killer escapes and there is only one rookie cop assigned to capture her? Next!!!!'
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Will keep you guessing
replyswaraj2 September 2021
The story starts off with just the right amount of chase to let you know your choice was right. In the first few minutes the story picks up and sets on a eerie thriller feeling to it. Now the story goes about a girl, who got away from a serial killer. And after a few years she escapes from a vehicle while being transferred, and is in the hunt for the girl who got away. But wait there's more to it , to keep you on your toes .

The director and the scriptwriter did an amazing job. The actress also did her part .
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Boring and sleep-inducing
lsworks29 August 2021
The plot and concept were good, but seems like the execution of it fell short. The main character is difficult to identify with because her personality comes off as superficially amiable but otherwise emotionally immature and intellectually dull. It moves so slowly that it's easy to forget the overall story and just get literally lost in each scene. Aside from the overarching theme being portrayed very two-dimensionally, there's really nothing to hold your interest except for the persistent wishful thinking that if you just keep watching there's a chance it might get better (it doesn't). The characters just lack depth, and it's not really a "slow burn" because there's really no tension building's just "slow," period.
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I'm all she thinks about
nogodnomasters7 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
In 1998 Christy Bowden (Lexi Johnson) manages to escape from Elizabeth Caufield (Kaye Tuckerman) who killed four other girls who she abducted. She was known as the girl who got away. She was raised locally in foster care and became a grade school teacher 20 years later. We pick up the day Elizabeth Caufield escapes prison and they think she is coming for Christy.

The film takes place in Massena, New York and has an air of realism to it. People in Christy's life suddenly are being murdered. But how would Elizabeth know who they are? Good twist. A little bit slow at times to establish plot.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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Decent plot , ruined
tchitouniaram30 April 2022
By a very poor acting and about 30 extra minutes added for no apparent reason ... Would have been much better in the hands of more capable team of writers , directors and , definitely , actors ... Can't recommend at all ...
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Kept me watching
sun-creek6 September 2021
While there are some things lacking in this film. It did what so many others films today don't do, it kept me watching. Captivating story that keeps you watching and wanting to know what happened while constantly wondering who did what. Great scary sound at the right times. Some acting/actors that need a little more practice, but the main actors held their own. Some great filming at points. Not an academy award wining film by any means but a solid effort of directing and well worth the watch.
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From a simmer to a boil
okpilak11 September 2022
We are introduced to Christina, the only survivor of a house of horrors. Although there is gore, this is really not a horror movie. Elizabeth Caulfield kidnapped children, each one a year after the previous one, and killed all but Christina. Christina is making a new life for herself as a teacher, when Elizabeth Caulfield escapes during a traffic accident while being transferred. Police are certain she will track down Christina, but Christina won't run, saying "she took everything from me once. I can't let that happen again." It is a small town, and one officer, Jamie, winds up trying to protect her. Jamie perhaps plays the best role of any of them, and he starts to realize that not everything adds up, and goes over the case. He finds there are lots of secrets. As the search for Elizabeth continues, the body count in that small town starts to climb, almost anyone who is connected with Christina. While there is a simmering pot at the start, it slowly starts to raise to a boil. And those are some of the problems with the film. Whether it is the script, the editing or characters, it gets confusing near the end. It is however, worth staying to the end.
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It's all in the pacing
refeahcs2 August 2022
This is an odd film with long scenes of dialogue that go on too long and other scenes with sudden fits of explosive violence. It reminded me a lot of 1982's ALONE IN THE DARK in that manner. TGWGA is not terrible, definitely not incompetent. The script and the editing needed to be more focused and tightened. As an editor of 15+ years, I saw many pauses that could have been pulled up and bits of repetitive dialogue that could have been trimmed to cut a good 10 minutes out of this film without losing a single scene, although I would have jettisoned the one truly bad scene with the social worker at Christina's home late in the movie. It's not well acted and is unintentionally funny. At 116 minutes, many will find this movie to be plodding, not thrilling.

I wish this thriller had a little less talk and a little more thrill to it. I wish the backstory of the serial killer was fleshed out a bit more and that the movie had less characters/subplots. I hope the makers of this film get a chance to make another movie and hone their skills because there's definitely talent behind the camera.
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Lost interest
emctoo13 April 2022
This movie was good enough until it took a turn for the stupid... Christina fears for her safety from an escaped violent psychopath who is looking for HER...She's smart enough to send her teenaged foster child packing to protect her from danger, but then it gets stupid...Her friend brings over her 12 year old daughter for a pre-arranged babysitting commitment...lnstead of telling her friend that she wouldn't be able to babysit ( because it's super dangerous around her right now ) , she takes the kid in to babysit...I have no patience for stupid writing and I had to stop watching....
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A solid enough psychological thriller
Tweekums21 October 2023
One day in 1998 in the town of Mesena, New York the serial killer Elizabeth Caulfield is arrested. This brings to an end ten years where five young girls were kidnapped. Only one survived; Christina Bowden. Twenty years later and Christina is still living in Mesena where she works as a teacher and is contemplating adopting a troubled teenage girl. Then one day Elizabeth Caulfield escapes from custody. Christina is warned by police officer Jamie Nwosu but refuses to leave town; soon people close to her start turning up dead... it looks as if Caulfield is after the girl who got away. Or is there more to it than that?

This film got off to a solid start and progresses well enough. In many ways it goes as expected; that is to say there are plenty of twists, some better than others. Most of the murders appear off screen but those that are shown are reasonably but not excessively gory. The Upstate New York setting was good although much of the action takes place indoors. The acting is solid enough, nothing to trouble the awards panels but certainly not poor, at least not in the main roles. At a little under two hours it is a bit too long; it could have done with trilling it down by ten to twenty minutes. Overall I'd not say this was a must watch but it is okay if you enjoy the genre.
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