"Superman & Lois" A Brief Reminiscence In-Between Cataclysmic Events (TV Episode 2021) Poster

Tyler Hoechlin: Clark Kent, Superman



  • Martha Kent : After you left, I had a dream of you flying, only it wasn't the boy that I knew. It was you now, so I made this.

    Clark Kent : Mom... leaving you after Dad died...

    Martha Kent : Oh, honey, it's what you needed to do then, and this is what you need to do now. It's time for you to save the world, Clark.

    [he unfurls the super-suit] 

    Martha Kent : Still needs something on the chest, I think.

  • Lois Lane : I've never met a Clark before.

    Clark Kent : Oh, I've never met a Lois before. Actually, there was my first-grade teacher, Lois Hannigan, so I guess, oh, technically, you'd be the second.

  • Clark Kent : I can't believe I married Lois Lane.

    Lois Lane : I'm all yours, babe. For better or for worse.

    Clark Kent : You know, I... I kept my secret from everyone for so long, and now I know why. It's for you. So we could have this life together.

    Lois Lane : There's no one I'd rather share it with.

    Clark Kent : This might be a weird time to say it, but I can't wait to tell my dad about the wedding. He's gonna be so excited. I mean, as excited as a hologram can get, I guess.

    Lois Lane : Well, he's gonna have to wait 'til after the honeymoon.

  • Janet : I'm not talking to you as your producer. I'm talking to you as one of your best friends. And I am telling you...

    Lois Lane : Janet.

    Janet : ...there is some serious chemistry happening...

    Lois Lane : Listen to me.

    Janet : And you need to bring your "A" game if you wanna go out with the world's most eligible bachelor.

    Lois Lane : I am not interested, okay? I'm in love with someone else. Clark from the paper. We've been dating for a couple months. I know he's dorky, but I love him.

    Janet : Right, the guy with the glasses.

    Lois Lane : Yeah.

    Janet : He's so sweet.

    Lois Lane : Yeah.

    Janet : Well, that's great, Lois. I... I had no idea you were in love.

    Lois Lane : That's because I haven't told anyone yet, not even him.

    Janet : [seeing Superman watching them, then trying to act like he's not]  Hey, random Superman question. He wouldn't happen to have super-hearing?

    Lois Lane : [glancing at him, a little embarrassed]  Can we just go?

    Janet : Yeah, yeah.

    Lois Lane : [returning to their desk]  I apologize. That was unprofessional.

    Superman : That's okay. He's a... he's a lucky man.

    Lois Lane : Don't think this means I'm gonna take it easy on you.

    Superman : I'd be offended if you did.

  • Clark Kent : You seen Lois?

    Ron Troupe : Her contact at the library called back about some guy who works at a hardware store.

    Clark Kent : [using his powers to look at their corkboard]  Henry Miller?

    Ron Troupe : Hmm.

    Lois Lane : [he hears her with his super-hearing]  You can't do this, Henry. They've done nothing wrong.

    Henry Miller : They don't belong here.

    [hearing an explosion and people screaming, Clark runs out] 

    Perry White : This isn't track and field, Kent!

  • Lois Lane : [being saved from trouble]  How'd you know about this?

    Superman : I've been reading your reports in the Planet, but also my, uh, hearing.

    Lois Lane : Your hearing?

    Superman : Oh. My, um... super-hearing.

    Lois Lane : We haven't formally met. I'm Lois Lane.

    Superman : It's nice to meet you, Ms. Lane.

    Lois Lane : And you are who, exactly? Mr. Metropolis? Red and Blue Man?

    Superman : [chuckling]  Well, I'm sure you'll come up with something.

    Shopkeeper : [he takes off into the sky]  Who was that?

    Lois Lane : Superman.

  • Lois Lane : Welcome to "The Daily Planet Today." I'm Lois Lane, and with me for his first on-camera interview is Superman. I appreciate you agreeing to be here.

    Superman : Thanks for having me.

    Lois Lane : Now, as you know, the world has been captivated by you ever since your first appearance in Metropolis over a year ago, and one of the big questions that always gets asked regarding Superman is how long you were on Earth before that.

    Superman : Well, essentially my whole life. After my planet was destroyed...

    Lois Lane : Krypton.

    Superman : Right. When Krypton was destroyed, the pod that allowed me to escape crashed here on Earth.

    Lois Lane : Where exactly on Earth?

    Superman : That's not something I'm ready to reveal yet.

    Lois Lane : Well, the assumption is that it was somewhere in the U.S.

    Superman : Well, don't assume that just because I'm speaking English.

    [switching to Cantonese] 

    Superman : Anywhere is possible.

    Lois Lane : You speak multiple languages. Is that also a superpower?

    Superman : No. Just, uh, curiosity about the world. I wanted to know more about different people, different regions, so I studied their languages.

    Lois Lane : How many languages?

    Superman : All of them.

    Lois Lane : What would you say to the people of the world when asked what you stand for?

    Superman : I'd like to think everything good and decent. Truth, justice.

    Lois Lane : The American way?

    Superman : [chuckling]  I think someone's just trying to get me to admit I was raised here.

  • Woman : Did you see that?

    Clark Kent : See what?

    Woman : Oh, some guy just saved a kid from getting killed by a car, and then he flew up into the sky.

    Clark Kent : He flew?

    Woman : Flew, you know? Like a bird or a plane or whatever. It was crazy.

    Clark Kent : Did you see what he looked like?

    Woman : Uh, he looked like a guy in a cape that was flying. Someone at the Planet's gotta hear about this.

  • Morgan Edge : Here he is, Father.

    Zeta-Ro : Son of Jor-El. The worst of Krypton.

    Superman : You don't have to do this.

    Zeta-Ro : See how he begs? His own weakness never stamped out.

    Morgan Edge : He has vowed his submission, Father.

    Zeta-Ro : And the Eradicator?

    Morgan Edge : Taken from his possession.

    Zeta-Ro : Then let us begin.

  • Superman : Whatever it is you want, threatening my family is not how you'll get it.

    Morgan Edge : It's not a threat, Kal. I will destroy their lives by taking that thing you hold so dear, your secret, and shouting it for all the world to hear. "Superman has a family."

    Superman : No!

    Morgan Edge : Then tell me another way. I appealed to you as a brother, and you attacked me, a Kryptonian, and you stole from me, a friend, and you destroyed everything I had built.

    Jor-El : [his hologram activates]  He is none of those things. Do not listen to him!

    Morgan Edge : It is this man who has corrupted you, just as he corrupted our mother.

    Superman : I spoke with her. Lara. She believes there is still good in you.

    Morgan Edge : Was this as she helped you plot to destroy Kryptonian lives?

    Jor-El : The same lives that occupied innocent human beings?

    Morgan Edge : Enough! I will not debate morality with this whisper. Here I stand, brother. Flesh and bone and beating heart. Your true family. Join me of your own free will.

    Superman : I can't let you do this.

    Morgan Edge : Then I will make you suffer.

    [he takes the console crystal and crushes it] 

    Jor-El : [his hologram begins to flicker and disappears]  I love you, son.

    Morgan Edge : [fighting in midair, eventually getting the upper hand]  You are my life's greatest disappointment, Kal-El.

    [throwing punches] 

    Morgan Edge : All my life, I dreamt of having a brother, a family, only to have you reject me! It didn't have to be this way.

  • Superman : My sons are not bargaining chips.

    Morgan Edge : [taking off a metallic headband]  This device was created by Ter-Loc, one of Krypton's greatest scientists. It allows the user to navigate the resting mind of another.

    Superman : You knew I'd be weak from my solar flare.

    Morgan Edge : So I followed you here, where I could sift through your most precious memories.

    Superman : To extort me?

    Morgan Edge : No, Kal, to understand you. To understand what possible reason you could have to betray your heritage. And to think it was all for a human family.

    Superman : You know nothing about them.

    Morgan Edge : I know enough. A human wife and twin boys. How woefully pedestrian. And you, stumbling through your daily life like some village idiot instead of a true son of Krypton.

    Superman : I'm not the only one who kept my Kryptonian side hidden.

    Morgan Edge : I did so out of strategy, not shame. To be a man of greatness and choose to be less...


    Morgan Edge : It speaks to the mediocrity of this world.

  • Lois Lane : Metropolis has so many problems that aren't just rescue operations; they're systemic. Here, look. Look at this.

    Clark Kent : These lightning bolts.

    Lois Lane : Nazi symbols. They've been popping up all over lower Metropolis. Along with a rash of arson attacks against minority-owned businesses.

    Clark Kent : Do you have any idea who's responsible?

    Lois Lane : By all accounts, some psycho in a metal mask and a trenchcoat.

    Clark Kent : I didn't know about this.

    Lois Lane : That's my point exactly. I have been covering this for months, only my reporting keeps getting drowned out by everyone's favorite miracle man.

    Clark Kent : How can I help?

  • Lois Lane : I'm nervous.

    Clark Kent : I didn't think you got nervous.

    Lois Lane : Well, it's your mom, Clark. What if she doesn't like me?

    Clark Kent : [laughing]  That's not possible.

    Lois Lane : Maybe you haven't seen the reader mail section of the newspaper, but trust me, it's very possible.

  • Martha Kent : [meeting Lois for the first time]  She's wonderful.

    Clark Kent : Yeah, I know.

    Martha Kent : So, what took you so long to bring her here?

    Clark Kent : Well, because I needed to be ready.

    Martha Kent : To meet me?

    Clark Kent : That's not what I meant. I brought her here to tell her who I really am.

    Martha Kent : Oh. Are you sure? Once you tell her, there's no going back.

    Clark Kent : Yeah, well... there was no going back after the first time I saw her.

    Martha Kent : I'm so happy for you, honey.

    Lois Lane : [entering as they hug]  Everything okay?

    Martha Kent : Everything's perfect, dear. Just perfect.

    Clark Kent : [leading her out]  You, follow me. I wanna show you something.

  • Martha Kent : Did you find what you were looking for?

    Clark Kent : Yeah. Yeah, I think so. I found out who I really am. I met my Kryptonian father.

    Martha Kent : Kryptonian?

    Clark Kent : Krypton is my home planet, where I'm really from. I know why I can do the things I can do, Mom. I know why I was sent to Earth. To be its champion.

    Martha Kent : Is that why you came back home? To be a hero?

    Clark Kent : Yeah, but not yet. There's someone I need to see first.

  • Clark Kent : I'm ready, Father. I can feel it.

    Jor-El : In body and spirit, yes, but there is something else you need to learn, something which I cannot teach you here.

    Clark Kent : What is it?

    Jor-El : Why you wish to help them. Go. Reconnect with the world. Open your heart to them. Find out why you wish to be their champion.

  • Lois Lane : [pursuing the story of an arsonist]  One of these dirtbags is our guy. I can feel it.

    Clark Kent : You're really good at this.

    Lois Lane : Thanks.

    Clark Kent : I, um... I should get going.

    Lois Lane : What's the hurry? You got a big date?

    Clark Kent : No, no, nothing like that. Just, um, you know, some "Seinfeld" reruns. Heat up some frozen chicken nuggets. Yeah.

    Lois Lane : You've been a really big help, Clark. If you want, I can probably talk to Perry about you getting a beat of your own, local politics or something.

    Clark Kent : Oh. Um... no. That's... it's okay. I'd rather be here.

    Lois Lane : For the story or the company?

    Clark Kent : Uh...


    Clark Kent : I feel like that's a trick question.

  • Martha Kent : [after Clark learns Lana is married]  I'm sorry, Clark. But you were gone a long time. People move on with their lives.

    Clark Kent : Yeah. Yeah, I guess so.

    Martha Kent : Come with me. There's something I want to show you.

  • Ron Troupe : Mystery man strikes again. Third time this month.

    Lois Lane : Where was he?

    Ron Troupe : Saved a boat sinking off Hob's River. Jimmy even got a photo. This is my Pulitzer, Lane. I can feel it.

    Clark Kent : Seems like a pretty big story.

    Lois Lane : Yeah, which every reporter here is tripping over themselves to cover. Boys and their heroes.

    Clark Kent : Aren't, uh, heroes a good thing?

    Lois Lane : Yeah, of course, and I know that we need this guy. It's just that ever since he showed up, he's been dominating the conversation.

  • Perry White : This isn't a résumé. It's a cry for help.

    Clark Kent : Oh, well...

    [clumsily knocking items on the desk over] 

    Clark Kent : Oh, oh. Sorry. Uh, see, actually, I-I did some pretty top-notch reporting for my school paper.

    Perry White : Look, this is Metropolis. I need cub reporters, not, uh, lost puppies. You come find me when you got some real-world experience.

    Clark Kent : Oh, no, no, Mr. White. Mr. White, please, look. I-I'm a really quick learner. and I'll do whatever you ask. I just... I just need a chance.

    Perry White : Okay, there's no health insurance or overtime.

    Clark Kent : Not a problem.

    Perry White : And you have to pick up my dry cleaning every Thursday.

    Clark Kent : Yeah, absolutely. Yes, sir.

    Perry White : Okay, kid, you're hired. Now, try to keep up.

    Clark Kent : [as Perry leaves, indicating the items he knocked over]  Oh, okay. Do you want... should I... j-j...

    [following him out] 

    Clark Kent : Oh, yeah, it's...

  • Jor-El : How was your marriage ceremony, son?

    Clark Kent : It was the perfect day. Lois looked beautiful. I wish you could have been there.

    Jor-El : [inexplicably alarmed]  I need you to get out here now, son.

    Clark Kent : Father, what's happening?

    Jor-El : Go! Get out of here now!

  • Morgan Edge : In a lifetime full of memories, there is none more special than becoming a father.

    Clark Kent : What have you done?

    Morgan Edge : Easy, Kal-El. I'd hate for you to miss the big moment.

    Dr. Patel : [flash to Lois in the delivery room]  You're doing great. We're almost there.

    Lois Lane : Yeah, 27 hours later.

    Clark Kent : Edge is here somehow.

    Lois Lane : I love you, too.

    Dr. Patel : Just one more push, Lois, and baby Jonathan can meet Jordan.

    Clark Kent : He knows everything.

    Dr. Patel : [Lois screams and pushes]  You did it!

    Lois Lane : We have a family, Clark.

    Morgan Edge : Yes, you do. Jordan and Jonathan Kent, the twin sons of Lois and Superman.

    Clark Kent : No. No, please. Please. They're just babies.

    Morgan Edge : How little you know me, brother. I would never harm a newborn. Teenage boys, on the other hand...

    [Clark wakes up in the Fortress of Solitude] 

    Morgan Edge : ...that's a different matter entirely. It's good you're awake, Kal-El. Now you and I can discuss the terms of your surrender.

  • Jordan Kent : Leave, now.

    Lois Lane : Jordan, stop.

    Morgan Edge : Oh, I see your son's inherited your false bravado.

    [he fires his heat vision to counter Jordan's, knocking him backward] 

    Jonathan Kent : Jordan!

    Lois Lane : Stay away from my sons!

    Morgan Edge : This is all your doing. It was your influence that made him turn his back on his own people.

    Lois Lane : Let them go. This is between you and me.

    Morgan Edge : I'm afraid we've passed that point, Ms. Lane, but I will let them live long enough to watch you die.

    [as he prepares to fire his heat vision again, Superman lands in front of Lois and the boys] 

    Morgan Edge : Impressive, Kal-El. But this changes nothing.

    Superman : [breathing heavily]  I'll do whatever you ask. Just leave my family alone.

    Morgan Edge : Pledge to me that you will submit, and I promise to let them live unharmed.

    Lois Lane : Clark, please don't do this.

    Superman : I submit.

    Morgan Edge : Take a good look at the man you knew, 'cause it will be your last.

    Superman : [to Lois]  I'm sorry. We needed more time. He was right.

  • Lois Lane : [learning she's expecting twins]  Do you think this is because of Superman?

    Clark Kent : My father assured me everything's gonna be fine.

    Lois Lane : He also didn't know we were having twins, and that is a pretty big curveball.

    Clark Kent : Hey, it's gonna be okay. I promise.

    Lois Lane : Yeah, says the guy who doesn't have to give birth to two babies at the same time.

    [seeing something outside, he moves to go investigate] 

    Lois Lane : [as if he hasn't moved]  Clark, I'm not delivering the babies at the Fortress.

    Clark Kent : [realizing]  This isn't real.

  • Perry White : Everyone in here, we're the most dependable friends the people of Metropolis have. You remember that.

    Clark Kent : Uh, yes, sir.

    Perry White : Stick with Lane. She'll show you the ropes.

    Clark Kent : Uh, Lane, sir?

    Lois Lane : Who told you to wear a tie?

    [he's dumbstruck upon seeing her] 

    Lois Lane : Let me guess, Lombard? Ignore him. Though, he can get box seats to the Meteors. You like baseball?

    Clark Kent : Uh, of course. I mean, who doesn't like America's pastime, Ms. Lane?

    Lois Lane : It's Lois. What'd you say your name was again?

  • Martha Kent : Oh, I'm so glad you could make it. Oh, look at you. Ever since Clark told me about the two of you, I couldn't wait to have you out to the farm.

    Clark Kent : Told you.

    Lois Lane : Well, I'm happy to finally make it.

    Martha Kent : [taking a bouquet of flowers]  Oh, thank you. Lots of folks in Smallville are dying to meet you, too.

    Clark Kent : Mom, Mom, Mom, you promised.

    Martha Kent : Oh, Clark. It's just the neighbors and Edelsteins and, you know, girls from bridge club, so...

    Lois Lane : Well, I'm very excited to meet everyone.

    Martha Kent : Well, come on inside. I've got lunch waiting.

  • Lois Lane : Hey, babe, there's something I need to tell you.

    Clark Kent : Lois, what day is it?

    Lois Lane : I'm pregnant.

    Clark Kent : You're pregnant?

    Lois Lane : Yes. I know, we weren't even trying. We didn't even know this was possible, but there are three pregnancy tests in the bathroom, and they all say the same thing. We're gonna be parents.

    Clark Kent : [remembering his dream in the Fortress]  Okay, Lois, something really strange happened right before you came out.

    Lois Lane : I can't believe it, either. It's like you said on our honeymoon; this is why you kept your secret.

    Clark Kent : So we can share our life together.

    Lois Lane : And now we can have a family. I didn't even realize I wanted one this badly until now.

    Clark Kent : Yeah. Yeah, me, too.

    Lois Lane : Okay, be honest, you want a boy or a girl?

    Clark Kent : I... I just want the baby to be healthy.

    Lois Lane : Oh, come on, Clark. That's so predictable.

    Clark Kent : What? It's true.

    Lois Lane : All right, well, I'm just gonna say it. I want a girl.

  • Dr. Patel : Oh, my.

    Lois Lane : Is everything okay?

    Dr. Patel : Yes, it's just more okay. Looks like you two are going to have twins.

    Lois Lane : What? Are you sure?

    Clark Kent : Ooh, is that a... you know?

    Dr. Patel : Very, and I can't say for certain, but, yes, they do appear to be boys.

    Lois Lane : This is what I get for wanting a girl.

    Clark Kent : I can't believe I'm gonna be a dad twice all at once.

See also

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