Alien Planet (2023) Poster


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paul_haakonsen22 September 2023
Of course I had never even heard about this 2023 sci-fi movie titled "Alien Planet" prior to stumbling upon it by random chance. Normally, then sci-fi is not my go-to genre of movies, but I do sit down every now and then and watch something sci-fi. And thus, I opted to sit down and watch "Alien Planet".

I can't claim to be harboring much of any great expectations to writer and director Alan Maxson's 2023 movie "Alien Planet" given the fairly low-budget-looking cover/poster for the movie.

The movie actually was watchable. Not a great movie though, but it was adequately watchable, if you don't mind watching low budget sci-fi. The storyline in the movie, as written by Alan Maxson, was pretty straightforward. And the movie looked and felt like it was made with a lot of heart and spirit put into the project.

Needless to say that I was not familiar with the cast ensemble in the movie. But then again, the performers were so heavily disguised under prosthetics and make-up that they would be unrecognizable.

The special effects in the movie were fair enough. Some of the effects were good, such as the lasers and the make-up and prosthetics. However, the space-cat, Giree, looked horribly fake.

If you are a hardcore sci-fi fan, then you might get much more enjoyment out of "Alien Planet" than I did.

My rating of writer and director Alan Maxson's 2023 movie "Alien Planet" lands on a four out of ten stars.
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Bloody aliens! (minor spoilers)
AlienRobotZombieOverlord30 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This film was crowd-funded, and it seems like every one of the people that funded it wrote a review in which they mentioned the director by name: "Alan Maxson! We have Alan Maxson here!" I wouldn't put too much faith in those reviews.

However, for a no-budget sci-fi film, this actually isn't bad. There isn't much of a plot, but the acting is decent and the effects are done practically and mostly very well. The makeup is especially strong. There's also a good deal of puppetry - some of which is subtle and adds nicely to the alien atmosphere of the planet, and some of which looks obviously fake -- though not any worse than Return of the Jedi TBH -- but nonetheless is engaging in its own way. (A weird vomiting alien cat puppet steals the movie, if you ask me.)

The movie features no humans -- just two alien species battling over water resources -- yes, that old trope! And if you ask me, the planet is water poor because the aliens are filled to the gills with the stuff. If you slap an alien, they will explode in a bloody burst of juicy viscera. This won't necessarily kill them, but they will leave puddles of blood behind -- I'm talking pools of the stuff.

That's actually my number one reason for recommending this film -- the way this film constantly tries to make every scene an over-the-top gore fest, all the way to the end of the film. Trust me, if you don't take it seriously, and just go in to enjoy the horror show, you WILL have a good time.
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A bit of a bummer about there being any positive reviews on this one.
connorundrumme28 September 2023
It wasn't worth it. Was reminded of Saturday morning kid's scripted fantasy tv programs from the 70s. So cheesy.

Replete with smarmy sarcasm and hostile speechifying by the seemingly emotionally immature, laced with lame smack-talk, and even saying it to the unconscious.

It has dialogue with full sentences that consist of, "Ugh, this arm is never gonna heal." and "This damn plant." Also, "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right now."

The writing, acting, directing, are all about as bad as in the Extinct (2017) series, which was written and directed by BYU (Mormon) grads. The sophistication level is middle-school, like not totally stupid, but almost hopelessly underdeveloped.

The editing was also biffed up, to where an injury changed sides of the body, and changed back because they flipped footage a few times.

Some of the costuming decisions included Tabi Japanese Split Toe Shoes, or Ninja Jika Tabi Split Toe Boots, because those are totally 'alien.' My, my, my what this says! (Although, they're supposedly good for bunions, so maybe those aliens got Foot probs, not just food and water probs.)

I did sort of love it when the puppet/animatronic-looking Healing-Pet growled out it's master's name, fully articulately. L'il Spewy also snarls "NO" and "O. K.," in a grossly charming way.

Anyway, it had a zero payoff ending after being terribly predictable, too.
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Looks like we have a contender for the wort movie of the year
kirachloe11 August 2023
OK, always try to say something nice first ... so the makeup was actually pretty good, almost impressive. And that is the only thing positive I can say about this movie. The rest of the special effects (besides makeup) were just a notch above high-schoolish and the script was horrible. As to the acting, well I comment on it when I see anything worth mentioning.

And please, for the rest of you viewers, don't be fooled by the friends and family that wrote those positive reviews that do not even closely resemble the movie. A quick clue to see if a review is real or not, just look to see how many other movie reviews the person has contributed. If this is the only movie they ever reviewed, its a good clue it is garbage.
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Worst film I've seen this year
bartrampaul18 October 2023
Don't waste you time watching this, most syfi films from the 80's are better than this drivel the acting is sub standard, the costumes are straight out of the 70's, the acting is very bad from all actors and the set design well don't get me started, so much plywood and old technology with more plywood applied over the top. Lighting is also totally wrong and the story and script writing are laughable but not in a good way. The video editing of this film is badly done, the the cuts and color correction are so bad.

My recommendation is that this film is only worth watching, if you want to see every thing you shouldn't do when making a film.
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campy nostalgic fun
jaydenradioactive11 August 2023
I loved the practical effects! So many movies nowadays lean too heavily on cgi, so this was a refreshing change. It was great how this movie really leaned into the campiness with the excessive fake blood and alien curse words. I mean, alien cat vomit has miraculous healing powers! Alien Planet really has the feel of a Star Trek episode, particularly Voyager or Enterprise. I think my favorite character was either Giree or Lock. I do have a few criticisms, though - some shots lasted twice as long as they really needed to, which is part of why the plot felt like it was dragging its metaphorical feet for a bit there. But the main reason this only has 6 stars is the ending. If the point was to piss the audience off, it was a complete success. The movie ended with a cheap "shocking twist" that left my dad and I deeply dissatisfied. We're still arguing over whether it was a budgeting issue forcing them to change the script at the last minute (which is what I think) or a deliberate attempt to make a statement (what my dad thinks).

Tl;dr super fun and campy; I would've loved to be in the cast or crew of this! The ending sucks tho :/

EDIT: For the record, my dad and I have no connection to the cast/crew. This just came on a queue of the B movies my dad watches while working at home.
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You had me at magical, alien, healing-vomit cat!
amytenis4 June 2023
Eleven tentacles up! Alien Planet is simply outta this world! Aliens have feelings too, and this movie takes the audience behind the scales and into the heart of these creatures as they face life and death...repeatedly. If you think your cat is special, wait till you meet superhero feline Giree, whose barf is so much more than hairballs and un-chewed kibble. And this film proves that true love can flourish even when creatures are far from traditional perfect 10s; hey, give those beastly types a chance the next time you're swiping on the latest dating app - you might just find The One who'd go to the ends of the earth (and beyond) for you. Maybe you'll also think twice about messing with Mother Nature when you see what Maxson's characters have to endure after eons of war and environmental pillaging. In short, you'll gush...and I don't mean pints of gelatinous blood like the characters onscreen (don't wear white!).
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A fun Saturday Sci-Fi event
odaycloser4 June 2023
I just saw this at the premiere and I was really impressed with how good this looked in spite of the budget. The movie was well shot, the make up is top tier and the effects are great for a film of this budget. Has an old school vibe like Star Trek TOS or Doctor WHO. A real passion project and it shows. The blood and gore were all wonderfully over the top, like a Kung Fu film or old Sam Raimi. At the Q and A after the movie the director revealed they went through 11 gallons of blood! The pacing slows down for a bit in the beginning but once it picked back up this really took off. A perfect Saturday Afternoon flick. 7/10.
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Better than you think!
redwolf28386-893-9026223 September 2023
This movie has a very 1980's feel to it, and is a fun movie to watch. While they were not able to spend millions of dollars on it, they did great with what they had. The story is very engaging and the actors also do a really good job. I would compare it to the movies that came out when I was a teen in the 1980's and this would have been great to see at the movies on a Saturday night with the gang! You can find movies that have spent tons of money on special effects, sets and a high dollar actor or two that aren't as good as this is. Yes this isn't a Hollywood masterpiece, it is still a good effort and is still better than 'La La Land' - now that's a turd of a film! LOL.
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crucifido5 June 2023
Don't it ever let i be said that budget can impede creativity. This is a shining example of what you can do when you a vision and the right people motivated behind you. The makeup work in this movie alone merits a high rating, but the story is fun and solid and it moves along at a great pace. A;; of the acting is spot on and above all there is a character in the movie that steals not only any scene he/she/it's in, but it winds up taking the whole movie (mostly) too. I always enjoy seeing what filmmakers can do when budgets are limited, it always makes for things you don't typically get to see in most movies. And lastly, hooray for mostly practical effects!
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A solid indie sci-fi flick
G-fan-uk4 November 2023
So what we have here is yet another solid entry from Alan Maxson, from the so bad it's good (or perhaps just plain bad) Christmas with Cookie series we moved to the incredibly impressive dark comedy Patina. Alan has managed to take the quality of Patina and put that in to a full length feature. The effects on display here are impressive, and gory! The pacing is great, the cast are great, the directing is great. Whilst the story isn't necessarily breaking new ground, it is solid enough. Some moments seem a bit under developed, whilst others exceed expectations. If you are a fan of indie movies and a fan of sci-fi you should check this out.
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A return to practical effects.
Josh-40-4504909 June 2023
Being overwhelmed by CGI in so many films (often not even great CGI) it was so fun to experience a film that returned to old school practical effects, and more importantly, did it in such a great way! They make up, effects, and designs were fantastic and truly made the film enjoyable to watch. It honors the way filmmaking used to be and frankly I think we could use some more of the classic style.

Also, the film included interesting commentary on environmental issues as well as socio-political conflicts and how often times not finding common ground or working together can be lead to the ultimate conflict for all.
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Good Story!
renekbarnett17 July 2023
I must confess I am pretty critical when it comes to movies and television shows. Having been a part of the industry myself, I generally find myself critiquing and "producing in my head." But not long after I sat down to watch Alien Planet, a viable story line quickly emerged, was well developed and followed throughout the film. The acting was very good, and I found myself relating to the characters on a personal level despite their 'alien' appearance. By the way, the costumes and makeup were really great and totally belied the very small budget I understand the filmmakers had to work with. Sequel???? Kudos to the filmmakers!
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Creative, Timeless, and Delightfully Campy
francesca-calvo9169 June 2023
Alien Planet is a work of joy from everyone involved. I, personally, am not a big sci-fi or blood and guts person, but it is done in such a way that is integrated, purposeful, and hysterical. Beside the incredible practical effects, costume, and world building, the movie invites you in and keeps you engaged the entire time.

The cat and his role in the movie is priceless. Hilarious, adorable, and simultaneously somewhat vomit inducing - the cat alone is reason to see this movie.

I would also like to say that the relationship between the characters as well as the acting gets you from the very beginning. Believable, despite the alien world, human, and humorous.

Highly recommend this movie to anyone who likes sci-fi, gore, and all the others who do not!
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Cool Effects and Puppetry
brandonenglish12310 June 2023
A very fun sci-fi film with TONS of blood and fighting scenes (If you're into that). The exaggeration of blood had a cool campy effect that reminded me of a comic book. Loved that this film used traditional effects and actually built their sets. For an independent film, I was very impressed by the world they were able to build. Actors gave good performances even with all those prosthetics on. The cat alien puppet really stole the show for me!! Although the cat alien had a few grunts here and there, I really felt the emotions and struggles of this creature. It was oddly endearing and funny at the same time.
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Alien Planet Delivers a Potent Space Adventure
indiewrap5 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Alien Planet finds two warring species stuck in a generational battle for supremacy. With one faction losing and banished to another world after a massacre, a conflict over water soon arises. With low amounts of water available on the planet, exact drops from a rejuvenation vial are necessary to keep sustaining life. The winning faction, having abused their world and used up all the water, comes to take the rejuvenation vial of the other faction and a battle for control of water soon ensues. It is here that the story of Lock begins, sending her on an epic adventure into the cosmos as she comes across unexpected allies and dangerous monsters in her quest to retrieve the vial and save the one she loves.

Alien Planet was crowdfunded and has a low budget but the makers behind the project have used the budget so creatively that the film looks and feels more massive than it has right to be. Part of this is made possible via practical effects and part through creative physical sets but what the film manages to accomplish is impressive. This is a thoroughly entertaining science fiction story with believable protagonists, high stakes and significant violence.

Maxson has written a story that makes the audience sympathise with the protagonists and absolutely hate the villains. There are clear motives for both parties to do what they do and the way they collide is what makes the film so interesting. With once brutal foes forced to team up against a bigger threat, Maxson infuses the narrative with conflict, camaraderie and heroism. Taking inspiration from several famous stories out there that see competing factions battling in the name of freedom, minerals and other

Although it might have been hard to convey facial emotions under all that practical makeup, the cast does a stellar job of bringing the story to life. The star of the show is Alexandra Bokova as Lock. After her husband is fatally wounded, Lock is tasked with tracking down the vial. Forced to team up with an untrustworthy individual against a horrific monster, Lock will use her wit and grit to come out on top. Even though buried under heavy makeup, Bokova does her character justice by conveying the conflict within her through both her mannerisms and her voice. Understanding the nuances of her character perfectly, Bokova slowly and surely transforms Lock into a badass, one that will save her species at all costs. Equally impressive are Hunter C. Smith, Eric Prochnau and Naiia Lajoie. The cast gives a terrific performance and it is their acting chops that sell the film.

By far the most impressive thing about this film is its use of practical visual effects. In a time where audiences are bombarded with an overload of computer generated effects, it is refreshing to find a film that does not choose to go this route. Although practical effects are more cumbersome to accomplish, they are more believable as well and age better than CGI over time. There is a sense of realism to practical effects that CGI rarely manages to accomplish. With high quality alien facial masks and other similar makeup extensions, the film infuses such a sense of realism in this science fiction story that it elevates the entire narrative. Alexandra Bokova's Lock and other alien characters look absolutely fantastic. Not only do they speak in a unique way, the movement of their lips and mannerisms are in such a way that they feel completely alien.

Equally impressive is the cinematography. With a bluish hue that permeates through each shot, the colours feel deeper. This is aided by the fact that all sets used are real locations. The alien makeup and the locations thus blend together seamlessly, creating an atmosphere that looks both familiar and otherworldly. Also, there is a whole neon lit sequence that looks absolutely fantastic. Maxson captures the action in a way that does not feel distracting, coming across as organic and gritty. The absolutely gory laser blaster wounds coupled with bloody deaths aid in this, resulting in a film that leans heavily on shocking R-rated action. I think someone in the production team noted that they used 11 gallons of fake blood making this and after seeing the film, I know this to be true.

In regards to the narrative pacing, the film whizzes by despite having a runtime of more than eighty minutes. Maxson keeps things interesting, stopping only for moments of characterization whilst utilising action set pieces and twists in the narrative to hurl the story forward. Maxson balances the drama with other aspects of the production seamlessly and thus, the film manages to resonate both emotionally and impress action wise as well. The deft narrative pacing means that there is not a single boring moment in the entire film as the hefty dose of melodrama, violence and sci-fi action keeps audiences glued to the screen.

To summarise, Alien Planet is a worthwhile space adventure that will take you to unexpected places and force you to ask some uncomfortable questions. Alan Maxson has made a potent film, one that manages to avoid genre pitfalls and delivers a story that is engrossing, violent and epic. The effects are great, the action fantastic and the characters equally great. Alexandra Bokova as Lock is a particular highlight, and it is her nuanced performances that manages to elevate the entire film. We had a fantastic time watching this film and I couldn't recommend this film enough.
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Very Engaging Independent SciFi As It Is Meant To Be
danielrhaynes5 August 2023
Few low budget films of this genre deliver as satisfyingly as Alien Planet, from the always enjoyable twisted imagination of veteran horror actor, writer, producer and director Alan Maxson! From the outset the cast were easily seen as being totally committed to this project and the special effects were maximized to optimum effectiveness. This will certainly be added to my list of SciFi film collection. As a longtime fan of Maxson's, it's easy to see his unmistakable mark on this gem, even from behind the camera. The Alan Maxson signature "gore" is delightfully all over this one. Well done to ALL involved!!!
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A Sci-Fi Spectacle with Remarkable Practical Effects and Engaging Storyline
contactdanielrussell17 July 2023
Alien Planet is a sci-fi adventure, reminiscent of 80s grind-house films. The story follows 2 aliens from different warring races who have to learn to get along to get out of a nasty situation. The story has elements of a classic thriller, and it keeps you engaged throughout.

One of the standout features of Alien Planet is its exceptional practical effects and fight scene choreography. From the awe-inspiring alien creatures to the breathtaking landscapes, every aspect of the extraterrestrial world feels remarkably authentic. The meticulous attention to detail in the practical effects brings a sense of tangibility to the screen, immersing viewers in the rich and imaginative universe. It's refreshing to witness the filmmakers' dedication to creating a visually stunning experience that goes beyond the limitations of computer-generated imagery. Oh yes, and the gore throughout is delightful and campy, which adds to the grindhouse feel.
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A Symphony of Practical Effects!!
BillyHanson7 July 2023
I smiled from ear to ear, beginning to end.

So many fun gore effects, awesome creatures, and crazy amounts of blood. You know what you're in for right away and it never lets up. You can tell that the cast and crew had a great time making Alien Planet. I remember seeing movies like this when I was younger and feeling like I was breaking the rules somehow.

The whole film is well-crafted, from the expertly-realized make-ups and camerawork, to the seamless editing and delightful score. This is a crew that knows what they're doing and knows what its audience is looking for.

I'm so glad to know that people still make movies like this. I enjoyed every second of it.
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Best indie sci-fi movie I've seen
rudy-ledbetter2 July 2023
Alan Maxson's Alien Planet has to be the best independent science fiction movie I have ever seen. Everything about the film is insane. The aliens look like actual alien species. The attention to detail is crazy good. I mean the costumed creatures have blinking eyes. The sound and story line are great. I didn't see any editing issues. Alan and Todd are the kings of creature SFX. Alien Planet's use of miniatures, puppets, special effects, and practical effects is real movie magic. Amazon Prime Video, Sci-Fi, or Netflix need to pick this up ASAP. In the meantime, get your copy now at alienplanetfilm com.
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A Classic Sci-Fi Throwback
nolanpugh-4713930 June 2023
If you're a fan of classic science fiction, then this is the movie for you. Talented actors on screen with giant monsters and puppeteered tentacles; and endless gallons of fake blood to wash it all down. What more could you ask for in an action packed space adventure?

It just looks better when it's real. Ever since I saw Star Wars for the first time I've been in love with practical effects, and Alien Planet knows just how to scratch that itch.

Passion and creativity ooze out of this film like a few gallons of fake blood pumped through a slashed alien throat, and I can't wait to see what this team comes up with next.
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A Quest To Imbark On
themovieraidshow30 June 2023
The story involves two species of Alien that have been at war for decades, one of their planets is in need of water and in order to get it one must retrieve a vial that will rejuvenate an entire planet with water.

A woman gets involved in pursuit of the vial after a small skirmish with their enemy, her husband is handed a map of where to find the vial but is struck by their enemy, the woman sets out to find the vial in hopes to ressurect her husband.

Things get more intense when an agent is sent to the dying planet where the vial is, however he and the woman get captured by a monster that intends to have then for dinner.

The characters show the hatred for one another but also subtle trust as well. The practical effects does it justice with impressive detail on the ships, the agents pet that really draws your attention. The agents pet brings a light warmth between the intensity of the main characters and life like features.

The makeup effects is another highlight on the aliens facial features, toned colors of their skin and design of it, signifying between the species. The environment adds the foreground hopelessness as the main characters trace through for the vial.

It is a film to see for that it brings an influence of Enemy Mine feel, it brings hope, sorrow, sympathy it is a battle for life. Fans of Sci Fi will get a new taste of this adventure.
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Dedication to a craft
sloth-515295 July 2023
Alien Planet might be made on a budget most movies use for advertising but do not let that stop you from enjoying one of the best stories in this century. Two races must work together in spite of the hatred they have for the other, to see this lesson be learned by 2 alien species hits home. Giree is probably the best character in the movie, his companionship and love is unmatched. It is great to see how the director brought the best out of his cast and crew to tell this story. It definitely has tones of kiju influence in my opinion, this is one of the new must see movies that has come out. Solid acting, directing and editing make Alien Planet a must see!
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A Thoughtful, Calculated, Love Letter to Science Fiction
kcherry-2141731 December 2023
Alien Planet is a thoughtful love letter to science fiction. It's no doubt a special fx exercise. The attention to detail is impressive, something that's hard to achieve at this budget level. But it is more than that. It is really an examination of human behavior. The best sci fi projects are those that serve as vehicles for such issues. The "Alien Planet" is "Planet Earth", allegorically. This is the type of movie sci fi fans want, but usually don't get from the studio system. Every actor is in make-up. There is puppetry, gore, cool costumes. Alan Maxson is a kid in the sandbox here! Love it!
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Alien Planet's Own User Review
fzyon-fernandez9 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
To sir Alan, you did pretty much done on your independent mature sci-fi film! From the odd relationship of two former enemies now partners and friends. All the way to the ending scene where everyone sacrificed their own lives. You are now making a legendary status in the motion capture entertainment industry especially in special Science fiction live action genre that you were worked hard through the years. Congratulations on your remarkable work sir along with the rest of your staff!! And I hope you'll able to have a new original ideas for the next project in the future years to come! Thanks!
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